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Ask to Join Warrior cats general RP

Pebblepaw stretched and crowded closer to the group of cats. Bearclaw was a short distance away, staring at Bluestar and waiting for the command to leave.
Bluestar led the group to the Fourtrees. Doublekit waved goodbye to her friends.

The clans arroved st the Fourtrees. Speedbreeze sat next to Pebblepaw.
Cinnamonfur sat next to Shypaw."Wow this looks so awesome!"Shypaw said amazed,"Yep."Cinnamonfur agreed,"Who he?"Shypaw asked Cinnamonfur,"That's Brokenstar.Leader of Shadowcaln I think."She replied to Shypaw.
"We have two new apprentices! Pebblepaw and Shypaw! Multiple Warriors: Speedbreeze, Bearclaw, and Deltafang!" Bluestar announced. Cheers rang out. The Gathering continued.
Shypaw straightened herself,she smiled.Cinnamonfur smiled back.Shypaw looked around,"Where's Pebblepaw?"Shypaw asked Cinnamonfur,"Right behind you."Cinnamonfur replied.
Deltafang followed the group to Fourtrees and took a seat next to Bearclaw. "Is this you're first Gathering?" He murmured as he looked around. He saw Tallstar, Brokenstar, Crookedstar, and Bluestar all perched on their side of the meeting.
"Who are da other three?"Shypaw asked Cinnamonfur curiously,"You should already know Bluestar,that one is Tallstar and the other one is Crookedstar."Cinnamonfur replied.
"Yeah." Bearclaw answered quietly. "I already know the leader's name, so I don't need an introduction." She shifted in her spot and pricked her ears to hear better.
Cinnamonfur ignored Bearclaw and moved on."So we just do this for the whole time?"Shypaw asked Cinnamonfur,"I actually don't know what's holding everything up."She said to Shypaw.
Deltafang answered Cinnamonfur. "We're waiting for one of the leaders to officially start the meeting." He gestured to the 4 leaders. "Once a leader does, each leader gives a report of their current status."
Deltafang purred. "Since the truce is on, we're allowed to converse with other Clans, like WindClan and RiverClan." He padded over to Barkface, the WindClan medicine cat, and greeted him with a nod.
Ironkit woke up, and wondered out the nursery "I wonder where everyone is" Ironkit thought, Ironkit decided to play by himself he went up to a tree, and clawed it "Take that, and that!" Ironkit yelled.

Bluestar started to lead ThunderClan back to camp. Speedbreeze walked next to Pebblepaw.

Once they arrived at camp, Doublekit woke up to hear the ruckus. She peeked outside. She saw everyone had returned. Doublekit ran up to Pebblepaw. "Remember your promise?" Doublekit asked.
"Yeah! Bluestar told the other clans about the new warriors and apprentices, and I got to see cats from the different clans!" Pebblepaw blurted. Bearpaw glanced indifferently at the other cats and padded into the warrior's den.
"You two better go to sleep. Pebblepaw, me and you are going to train tomorrow. And we're gonna train hard. You better rest," Speedbreeze said passing by. He went into the warriors' den. He fell asleep.

Doublekit nodded to her big brother. She trotted into the nursery and fell asleep.
"No... Let me sleep..." Doublekit mumbled. She turned away from Ironkit. Doublekit drifted to sleep.

**The next morning**

Doublekit woke up. She went outside the nursery. Doublekit yawned.
Doublekit pushed Ironkit off her. "Ironkit. Leave me alone," Doublekit said. She made her way up to the appentices' den. She waited by the side for Pebblepaw.
Pebblepaw walked out of the den and saw Doublekit. He saw Ironkit behind her and chuckled. "Rough night?" He assumed that Ironkit was the one keeping cats up.
Doublekit nodded. She blinked a few times. She stood next to Pebblepaw.

Speedbreeze and a few other Warriors exited the den. Bluestar called from the Highrock.
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"Gotta go!" Pebblepaw ran towards the high rock. His stomach felt empty, and he wished he had time to eat. Bearclaw was already sitting there, and Pebblepaw passed her on his way to sit by Speedbreeze.
Doublekit ran after Pebblepaw. "We have a new apprentice! Doublekit, from this day on, you will known as Doublepaw! Your mentor will be Deltafang!" Bluestar shouted. Doublepaw's eyes lit up.
Pebblepaw purred. "Awesome! Now you can be in the 'paw's den with us!" He pranced around for a second, then remembered how hungry he was and went to get some food.
Deltafang returned from the Gathering and purred at the two kits' amusement. He padded into the warriors' den. He glanced at Bearclaw. She was a pretty good cat, but Deltafang had never considered a serious relationship with her. Deltafang slowly drifted off to sleep, dreaming about a plump squirrel.
"What are we doing today Cinnamonfur?"Shypaw asked Cinnamonfur happily."Well I have duty so..."Cinnamonfur hesitated,"Its okay!I can show Doublepaw what an apprentice is like!"Shypaw said."It'll be fine!"She added.
Doublepaw exited the den. She peered into the warrior den. She saw Deltafang. "Hey Deltafang! Are we going to train or..?" Doublepaw asked.

Speedbreeze stretched. He exited the den. He walked up to Pebblepaw. "Ready for some training?" Speedbreeze asked.
"Yes." Pebblepaw said stiffly and moved to the edge of camp, waiting for his mentor to show him where the training ground was. He saw Doublepaw talking to Deltafang and hoped they would be training with them.
Ironkit sighed "I wonder if someone else will play with me in the mean time i could play with the tree again," Ironkit said, before he walked out the nursery, and started clawing the tree again
"Well, last one up the tree is a rotten egg!" Ironkit said, trying to climb the tree, but failing. Everytime Ironkit got a grip on the tree he immediently lost it, and fail on his back.
Deltafang sat up, smoothing his ruffled pelt with one paw. He purred, "Yeah. Sorry to keep you waiting. Let's go." He led his apprentice out into the forest. "Apprentices sometimes help the warriors scent mark the borders so I'm gonna take you on a small tour around the place." Deltafang walked around the territory, showing Doublepaw the RiverClan, ShadowClan, and WindClan borders. "These are the borders no cat from either Clan is allowed to cross Unless there's a Gathering going on, we always stay on our side."