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Ask to Join Warrior Cats

Brindlestar looked at Nightspeck with a grin. "Y'know, I can get my own food from the prey pile." She said. "I don't always need a servant to do my bidding." She chuckled. She smiled brightly like she just heard a funny joke. She crouched down to pick up the squirrel.
RiverClan, day
Stonepelt dipped his head to the side with a puzzled expression on his face. "All RiverClan cats learn to swim as kits. We have a really small and shallow pool by the nursery that kits splash in." He wded in a bit farther, so the water brushed his belly. "Do you want to go in a little deeper?"
Riverclan, Day.
"Oh, I thought the kits were in water this deep." She said and blushed with embarrassment. "Sure." She answered and flowed deeper through the water. 'This isn't so bad.' She thought while raising her chin up duo to high water. "Can we now learn how to paddle?" She asked with a smile of encouragement.
Stonepelt waded over to where Losteye was with water up to her chin. Stonepelt started treading water. "Sure. But first, try treading water to stay afloat."
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"I'll try." She said and hold her breath while treading her legs. At first she was lest then four centimeters away from the water, But raised a bit after practicing. "H-Hey! I think I'm doing it!" She said swimming in a circle. 'I can finally swim." She thought 'I can finally swim.' She repeated. 'Finally swim.' she thought and became tired. She started slowing down and went under the water.
Stonepelt happily watched Losteye swim in circles. "Hey, you picked that up-" then Losteye sank under. "LOSTEYE!" Stonepelt screeched in wide-eyed panic. He took a big breath and dived under to find Losteye sinking down to the bottom. He picked Losteye up in his mouth by her scruff and pumped with his legs to propel upwards. It was very challenging, but Stonepelt swam up to break the surface of the water. He made sure both his and Losteye's heads were above water and swam back to shore. He dragged Losteye up to the sandy shore. He leaned over her. "Losteye, are you okay?" He asked. He listened for a heartbeat.
Darkpaw shushed him once again but more sternly. "Be quiet Angel! You're going to make it! You can do this! I won't let you die!" She cried as tears streamed down her face, making her fur wet. "Y-you can d-do this," she reassured herself and tried to reassure Angel with a deep breath and added a tad more pressure.
Darkpaw's mine was racing and trying to sort itself out. "A Medicine cat but I can't just go to a Clan and say 'can you help me please?' It doesn't work like that," she said and pushed down harder. "I'll just have to improvise for now," she told herself.
Darkpaw shook her head as yet another tear slid down her face. "No, it's still too risky," she said as she looked around. "Maybe if I call out, no, I can't, not if I want to have us safe," she muttered to herself.
"But.... I know someone from ThunderClan...." Angel said, "I know a Medicine cat apprentice.... I just thought if we can get to her....she'll be able to help heal me...."
Darkpaw shook her head again 'no'. "You can't stand and I'm not leaving you here alone," she said as she continued to push down on Angel's wound. "I-I like you Angel, I like you a lot but I can't risk taking you to a Clan unprotected," she said as she felt her cheeks growing hot.
Angel then started to blush after Darkpaw said that. 'She...likes me!' he thought to himself. "I....I like you a lot too Darkpaw..." he said, "But.... what do we do now....?"
Darkpaw shook her head as she thought about it. "I don't know what to do. We can't do much though," she said then she had an idea. She began to meow the loudest she could in hope some cat would come to help her and Angel.
Shadowclan, Day.
"Do you have to be rude about everything?" He said with a ticked off attitude. "How did you become our leader in the first place, Your just.. So rude!" He said and raised his tail. "Maybe I won't be nice to you and you'll see how it feels." He said and stormed off. When he was far enough he took a deep breath and blew out all his stress. "Why did we have to have such a leader like this?" He said to himself and frowned.
Losteye coughed up water and laid on her side. "Guess it was too soon." She said in a sick voice. "Thank you for saving me." She purred and put her forehead on his. She laid down once more trying to recover from the water inside her. She coughed again then got up with her tired legs. "Lesson one is over I assume." She said and walked away from Stonepelt.
Stonepelt was releived when Losteye woke up. "Losteye! You're awake." He cried out. He purred and blushed deeply when Losteye put her forehead on his. Then Losteye left. "Wait, Losteye, you don't have to leave."

Then a light drizzle started. Stonepelt made no effort to get out of the rain. His marigolds lay forgotten by the river, and Stonepelt lay there thinking. Does Losteye love me? She can't. I'm a medicine cat. It's against the will of StarClan. Stonepelt sighed. What am I saying? I can't say that if I love Losteye.
Losteye walked out of riverclan territory with her fur soaked in the rain. 'He saved my life, And I rewarded him by walking away.' She thought and frowned like she was about to cry. "Why does rain happen at the saddest times?" She said to herself. She smelled for some kind of shelter. She had no luck and laid in the tall grass. "I'm weak, I just know it." She whimpered and began to cry.
The rain started coming down harder. A single tear dripped down Stonepelt's face. Why did Losteye walk away like that, right after purring at me? Did I do something wrong? What made her do that!? More tears found their way down his cheeks.
Stonepelt would have swam home, but the rain made the water too choppy. Stonepelt wanted to stay out in the rain. He didn't mind rain. Especially if he's sad. But Stonepelt realized he it would be too dangerous if it's coming down this hard. I'll need shelter. He sighed and stood up. He walked away with his head hung and tail drooping.
He soon found Losteye crying in a patch of tall grass. "Losteye?" Stonepelt whispered as more tears slid down his face.
"S-Stonepelt?" She said and got up. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude or anything." She said with her head down. "I.., I was just scared." She whimpered and sat. "When you almost die like that you get filled with fear." She said. "I tried to be the calmest about my reaction." She said with rain pouring heavily on the two cats. "I let it out by walking away." She said.
"It's okay." Stonepelt mewed. He sat down beside Losteye. More tears slid diwn his face, but this time, they were because he was happy Losteye wasn't mad. He leaned over and licked Losteye's ear. "I'm just glad we're both safe and you weren't mad at me."
ThunderClan camp, evening
Mouseflower looked at the moon befire going to bed. Tomorrow night will be the Gathering. I hope I get to go. She yawned and entered the Warrior's den. She curled up next to Cloudstorm and fell fast asleep.
Outside Riverclan, Dawn, Raining.
"I should have thanked you more for saving me, Some cats die drowning." She said with fear. "Your were so calm after that." She said with a smile. "What's your secret?" she asked and giggled a bit, Wiping her tears away. "Your a good friend, Stonepelt." She purred and nuzzled him. "I feel the safest around you." She purred and faintly blushed.
Stonepelt purred deeply and nuzzled Losteye back. "Aw, thanks." He licked Losteye's ear. He yawned. "I'm tired. I was up all day and night!" He lay down and adjusted his position so he was comfortable. "I'm just going to sleep for a few hours..." he said drowsily. He soon drifted off to sleep.
Darkpaw stopped meowing, thinking that it was hopeless now. "I-I'll just take you back home, somehow," she said and picked her now bloody paws up from Angel's wound. She attempted picking him up by his scruff, hoping it wouldn't hurt him and hoping it would work.
WindClan Camp, Day
Stormwing nodded with a smile. "Yes, of course Graystar," he said with the same smile. He looked at Leafpaw with a nod and licked her head also. "Lets head out Leafpaw," he said and began to walk out of the Camp.

Fourtrees, Day
"Leafpaw, what do you smell?" Stormwing asked her as he sniffed the air before hand. Squirrel, mouse, and a couple birds, he mentally noted to see if Leafpaw could smell them all.

Sunning Rocks, Day
Darkpaw suddenly felt uneasy and looked behind her. She sniffed the air, luckily the wind was breezing towards her, she caught a faint scent of Angel, with a fox. "Angel!" She exclaimed as she raced into the forest. "Angel!" She yelled with worry for him.
Leafpaw sniffed the air."Squirrel,mouse,and a couple of birds...and a stale scent of fox."She told her mentor,a squirrel was eating a nut,Leafpaw got in a hunting crouch and slowly creeped up onto the squirrel.Then pounced.
"Sweet dreams, Stonepelt." She purred and ran away. She smelled for shelter and finally got a scent, She hid under a spruce tree. "Why did I feel so strange while talking to him." She said to herself. "Is it.. Love?" She questioned herself with her cheecks pure red. "Is it love by first sight?" She questioned herself again. Losteye sighed, 'I'm filling myself up with stress just thinking about it.' She thought. 'But, He is rather charming and smart.' She thought.
Stonepelt slept soundly and woke up a few hours later. Losteye was gone, and he was drenched because of the rain. Stonepelt stood up and shivered. He shook himself off. He stretched. I guess I should go back to camp. He slowly dragged himself over to the river. He was about to swim when he saw his marigolds on the ground in a puddle. "Mouse dung!" He started walking back to the Twoleg bridge. The marigolds wilk be of no use now. I'd better get more. He approached the bridge and found himself thinking about Losteye. This was where he first met her. He purred at the thought of her. He leaned down to get the marigolds.
Angel stopped meowing a bit before Darkpaw and nodded at what she said. When she took her paws off of him, his wound slowly began to bleed a bit. He tried to stand up a bit, hoping it would be easier for Darkpaw to pick him up.
Darkpaw thought that it was okay and it didn't hurt so she lifted him up a little higher and began to walk, unsung the scent of the Thunder Path that was near the Twoleg bridge. They arrived at the Twoleg bridge without a problem so far, then she saw Stonepelr. Fox dung! What do we do now? She thought, panic beginning to overwhelm her.
Darkpaw gently placed Angel down, in front of her front paws that were still bloody. "A-a fox," she stuttered then hope began to rise in her. "Are you a Medicine cat?" She asked hopefully, thinking that if he was, he would be able to help Angel.
"Yes, I am." Stonepelt picked up the marigolds he had so far and hurried across the Twoleg bridge. He set down his marigolds and sniffed Angel.