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Ask to Join Warrior Cats

Losteye finished eating the fish and stood up. "You really do know your directions in your clan territory, I appreciate skills like that." She meowed. 'I'm glad the first cat I talked to here was Stonepelt, He's a friendly cat.' She thought to herself.
Stonepelt waited for Losteye to finish eating and led the way to the river by camp, almost forgetting to pick up his marigold pile. "Thanks." Stonepelt said. It's not that impressive for a cat to know his territory... He thought to himself. He dismissed that thought as they arrived at the river. Stonepelt dropped his marigolds on the ground and turned to Losteye. He waded into the water where it was only deep enough to brush his belly and called to Losteye. "Alright Losteye, we're going to start in the shallow part of the water. You need to get used to being wet before learning to swim."
"Right." Losteye said and slowly dipped her paw in the water. She shivered roughly but kept her paw in. She put both her paws in the water and placed her back paws in too. The water pulled her in and she was successfully in the water, "C-Cold.." She whimpered quietly. "W-Why is t-the water s-s-so c-cold?" She asked shivering.
Darkpaw sighed while shaking he head. "Just mice, nothing else," she said as she brought her head up. She suddenly got an idea that made her eyes light up. "Angel, why don't you teach Flame to hunt?" She asked with a smile. "You were pretty good this morning," she added with a tilt of her head.
RiverClan territory, morning
Stonepelt smiled. "You'll get used to it. When I first learned as a kit, I thought the water was cold too. But you'll get used to it once you learn how to swim." Stonepelt waded over to where Losteye was standing a few feet away.
"Okay," Angel said with a smile. He looked for a the perfect mouse and found one. "First, you crouch like so and wait until it's not paying attention to you," he said as he crouched, "Then...." He proceeded to pounce on the mouse, have both his front paws on it, bit its neck and quickly pulled its. "You pounce on it, have both paws on it and kill it as fast as possible," he continued.
Darkpaw smiled at the sight of them when a scent hit her nose. It was farther than what she thought it was but she still had to be worried. I'm glad that I have a good nose, she thought with a sigh of relief. "Let's move further this way, I know a good hunting place there," she said and stood up. She had to be cautious with these two because if it was just her she wouldn't mind but they weren't trained for living in the wild so she was quite cautious with them. Maybe I shouldn't have brought them, they're Kittypet's after all, she thought as she suddenly started to doubt coming here with them.
Darkpaw stiffened as she uneasily sniffed the air again. It was coming straight toward them, a cat that it. "Because there are more mice and squirrels there," she said as she unstiffened and smiled.
Angel sniffed the air and was able to smell the scent of a cat coming at them. "She's right Flame," he said, "We should hunt somewhere else." He then proceeded to pick up Flame by his scruff.
Darkpaw sighed as she walked next to Angel. "There are more mice and squirrels where we're going," she said with a smile as Flame tried to release himself from Angel's hold.
Windclan, afternoon

Graystar made his way into his clan territory, carrying two mice in his mouth. He laid one by the warriors den for anyone to take, and took one for himself, making his way under the large oak by his den. He sighed as he eased himself down and began to eat.

As he ate, his blue eyes wandered around the area, looking for anything that might need to be done. He mentally made himself a small list of chores to keep himself occupied and to help the clan. After finishing his mouse, he licked his paws clean and slipped into the wooded area, collecting sticks and twigs. Upon returning, he began working on the mothers den, adding leaves and sticks to upgrade it to a more comfortable and livable area. With the remaining sticks, he added them to the elders den, making it more livable as well.

He flicked his tail, satisfied with his work.
Shadowclan Camp, Day.
Brindlestar laid on her soggy nest watching the wide open space completely quiet. "Where are all the warriors?" She grunted to herself. "Probably fiddling about and napping." She added with annoyance and got up. She pressed on her nest to see that water came out of it, 'Change nest, Noted.' She thought and walked out of her den.
ThunderClan territory, day
Mouseflower walked back to camp with Shinepaw, being done with training. She scented a rabbit and stalked it through the undergrowth. She caught it with a swift pounce and bite to the neck.

Mouseflower carried her catch back to camp and dropped it on the small pile. Mouseflower looked around, wondering what to do next. She decided to take a nap in the sun. She stretched out in front of the Warriors' den and slept with the sun heating her soft brown fur.

A bright orange leaf spiraled down from a tree to land on Mouseflower's side as she slept.
Shadowclan Camp, Day.
Nightspeck took a nap in his nest in the deputy's den. He woke up due to nightmares, He got up and went out of his den. 'I wonder how
Brindlestar is doing.' He asked himself and went to the fresh kill pile. He grabbed a small vole and began to eat. 'Prey has been so scarce these couple of moons.' He thought and looked down at his vole. 'And smaller.' He added to his thoughts. He finished his vole and picked up a squirrel. He walked to the leaders den and dropped the squirrel in front of Brindlestar. "I brought you something." He said.
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WindClan Camp, Day
Stormwing opened his eyes and, with a stretch, stood up in the Warriors den. He smelt a mouse and decided to head out on a hunt. So, he left the Warriors den and, to his surprise, saw mouse. "Wonder who left it here," he muttered with a smile as he picked it up and put it in the fresh-kill pile. He began walking to the leader's den to ask permission to hunt, as he always does. However, on his way he noticed Graystar finishing up the Elder's den. With a smile he shook his head and headed over to Graystar. "Graystar, may I go for a hunt?" He asked politely with a smile. His tail flicked and his blue eyes held kindness in them.
Leafpaw woke with a start and heard Stormwing,she dashed over to her mentor and smiled at her for greeting."Can I go with you?"She asked,excitement zapped her eyes like a bolt of lightning.She had a strange love for fighting and hunting..and practicing skills too.
WindClan Camp, Day
Stormwing chuckled at Leafpaw with a smile. "If Graystar aloaws is to go then you may," he said with a kind smile. He turned back to Graystar with a smile.

Forest near ThunderClan, Day
Darkpaw sighed but didn't answer Flame. She had to keep them safe somehow so she decided to keep quiet about this since Angel already knew.
Darkpaw's heart broke and tears started to form in the corners of her eyes but she didn't say anything once again. "I just want to keep you two safe," she squeaked as tears threatened to fall from her eyes.
"I just don't want to be lied to," Flame said. "I'm a kit, but that doesn't mean I need to be hidden from the horrors of the world. I want to be told the truth," Flame looked at Darkpaw. His eyes were wet with tears.
Darkpaw's heart broke again as she looked back at Flame. "Sorry Flame but there was a Warrior cat coming our way so I thought to get you both out of there," she apologized and shook her tears away.
Forest near ThunderClan, Day
Darkpaw nodded with a frown an looked at Angel. "Do you agree?" She asked him with sadness. Maybe I should just stay in the forest while they go home, she thought with sadness.
Darkpaw followed both of them until they got to the exit with sadness. "I'll go now," she said and headed back into the forest.

Forest near ThunderClan by a River, Day
Darkpaw sighed softly as she stared at the water in the river that was in the forest. She stared at her reflection with sadness and anger in her eyes. "I messed up this time. Why couldn't he have just left it alone?" She asked no one in particular. "Maybe I shouldn't go back to them, just make sure that their safe in the forest," she thought out loud, and with a nod she agreed to herself that that was the best decision right now.
Twoleg place, day
Angel got out of the forest and hopped over the fence while still holding Flame. He then sets him down. "Stay here, I'm going to see if Darkpaw is alright," he said. He jumped over the fence and went back into the forest.

Forest, day
Angel walked around the forest looking for Darkpaw. "I hope she's alright," he said worriedly. What he didn't know was that there was a fox in the bushes, waiting for the right time to attack.
Graystar looked over at his fellow clansman, "Yes of course. We could use the extra food. That would be greatly appreciated." He replied with a purr and a flick of his tail. "You may take your apprentice with you as well." He examined the young one up and down,"She will be strong one day. She could use the experience as much as she can get."

He stood up, and walked towards the apprentice giving her a small lick across her head, a respectful one; acknowledging her importance to the clan. He turned back towards Stormwing. "While out do a perimeter will you? We haven't had one in a while. Also to train the young one."
WindClan Camp, Day
Stormwing nodded with a smile. "Yes, of course Graystar," he said with the same smile. He looked at Leafpaw with a nod and licked her head also. "Lets head out Leafpaw," he said and began to walk out of the Camp.

Fourtrees, Day
"Leafpaw, what do you smell?" Stormwing asked her as he sniffed the air before hand. Squirrel, mouse, and a couple birds, he mentally noted to see if Leafpaw could smell them all.

Sunning Rocks, Day
Darkpaw suddenly felt uneasy and looked behind her. She sniffed the air, luckily the wind was breezing towards her, she caught a faint scent of Angel, with a fox. "Angel!" She exclaimed as she raced into the forest. "Angel!" She yelled with worry for him.
Angel's ears twitched as he heard Darkpaw yelling. He was about to run in its direction, but the fox pounced behind Angel. The fox had Angel pinned down and was biting violently on Angel between his scruff and right shoulder. Angel growls loudly in pain as he struggled to break free. The fox picked up Angel and starts flailing him around. Angel slowly starts bleeding.
Darkpaw smelt blood, bad news. "Angel!" She yelled again, then she saw them. "Get away from him!" She yelled as she jumped on him with her fangs bared and her claws unsheathed. She bit behind the fox's neck and her claws dug into its front back.
The fox yelped as he was attacked and throws Angel on the ground. He shakes Darkpaw off and runs away. Angel lays on the ground as blood oozes out between his scruff and right shoulder.
Darkpaw quickly got up and ran to Angel's side. "Shh, it's going to be alright," she said then she began to lick the source of Angel's bleeding. Moss, she thought then she looked around. That's right, not in the right place, she thought after the quick look. Leafs then? She questioned herself but knew she couldn't just get them. She put her paw between Angel's shoulder and neck and pushed down. "I hope this works," she muttered with worry.
Losteye smiled at him, "They taught you how to swim when you were a kit?" She asked with a bit of surprise but settled when she thought about her question. 'I guess you should teach them while they're young, Right?' She thought. The water started to get less cold but still had a shiver to it.