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Private/Closed Warriors: From Dusk Til' Dawn(Ended)

Smallkit had an odd dream. His littermates, though he had never seen them yet, he knew their scent and the feeling of their warmth. They were play fighting, and when he rushed over to join, Crowkit smacked him away. No, not Crowkit, a larger kit, older than him and his littermates. The kit had seemed to come out of no where. It was brown with darker brown stripes and Amber eyes, and was laughing at him. Mudkit and Crowkit exchanged a glance, then laughed nervously, looking down.
"There he is." A large, gray cat said aggressively. He and a group of cats took him. "Why do you run from your brother ?" The cat asked asked while Dropleaf was being carried.
"I hate him." Dropleaf replied.
"Okay, I am-"
"I know who you are Smokeclaw. New 'general'."
"Thing is, we have the same idea. Taking down Leaf."
Dropleafs eyes shot open.
Nightraven caught the scent of other cats and charged in their direction. "Who in the name of Silverpelt are you?! And great StarClan, what are you doing with Dropleaf?!" She hissed angrily. "If you're taking him to Klineleaf, expect a few wounds that'll never heal!"
"Raven! Its Fine. This is Smokeclaw, he is kind of a 'general' but juat to combat Klineleaf."
Smokeclaw just stared.
"He is just out of being an aprentice." Dropleaf said.
Nightraven soon calmed down. "Great StarClan! I was thinking you were with Klineleaf." Sne mewed nervously. "Anyways, if you are against him, I'm with you. That mound of fox-dung should've never come here!" She growled.
"Smokeclaw?" Dropleaf looked at the frozen cat.
Dropleaf sighed.
"We have to get to KlineClan before curfew."
"Yeah." Dropleaf agreed.
"Youll get put in prisos!" Smokeclaw said worriedly. "And....er......"
"Yeah, Klineleaf has patrol tommorow, I will get you and bring you to bell"
"I am truly sorry, Raven, was it?"
"We have to go." Dropleaf said. "Today, Kline has his Meeting."
"Dropleaf, it might be best if you stay with Raven. Tommorow morning, go to the prison and say you are criminals."
"Because, you will have a chance to escape, and We could capture Kline, but it can be tommorow during announcements. Raven, if it isnt too much to ask, could you do the same as Dropleaf?"
"Dont bring her into this."
"Er.....Fine."Dropleaf said. "So We need to wait until tomorrow?"
"Okay. Thanks Smokeclaw." Dropleaf said, right before running into a patch of grass and trying to sleep.
Nightraven sat under a tree, eyes slightly dark. Her ears were pinned back as she thought about what to do when she met Klineleaf again. Once I see that horrid mouse-brain, she thought, I'll turn him to crow-food and leave him for the twolegs and their dogs and maybe I'll rip off his pelt and give it to the twolegs!
Nightraven's ears twitched. "I think he's on the right path. I would think the complete opposite if he decided to follow Klineleaf's dark path." She mewed.
"I think he kinda has a thing for you. We talked for a while, he likes the way you fight. He hasn't seen it for himself. That's just me talking, he could probably hate you?" He shook his head. "What's happening?"
Dropleaf Sighed. "I keep seeing, me. I say what obe says, then the other talks. It makes my head hurts." He closed his eyes. "I just want sleep."
"Okay." He closed his eyes tight and before falling asleep, he muttered. "Thank you a lot." He didn't move, just slept.

He woke up, Standing up to stretch. He felt taller, probably because he was.
"Well, the voices are gone, but the headache is splitting." He mumbled.
Smokeclaw ran in, looking for them. "Hey Dropleaf, you get taller? But anyways, I need you to get close together. I have to take you in as prisoners."
Rugo looked at his family with a smile. They were asleep. He stood, realizing he should help against Klineleaf. He licked Twilightheart's head, gave each kit a lick as well, then ran out of Shadowclan territory. He reached the Thunderpath, forgetting to look before crossing. He saw a bright light to his left as he ran across, and he was about in the middle. He turned his head, feeling like the world was in slow motion. His pupils became slits as the Monster came closer..... Closer.... A great pressure and pain, then nothing.
Rugo was limp on the Thunderpath, a pool of blood gathering around him. He had a horrified expression on his face. The Twolegs that hit him came out of their monster and yowled frantically, scooping Rugo up.
Noghtraven's eyes grew wide in horror and she pinned her ears back. She ignored that the twolegs were there and looked at his body. "n-no!" She yowled.
"I'm sorry Raven he said into the sky. "But I have to go." He went with Smokeclaw, not knowing she was in Thunderpath.

"We must get to Klineleaf."
[who said he's dead for sure? ;) ]

Twilightheart wanted to go see if they were ok, but she knew she couldn't leave the kits. She then realized she needed to get them to Thunderclan.... She grabbed Mudkit and Smallkit by their scruffs, and put Crowkit on her back, and began leaving Shadowclan camp.
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"Yeah." Smokeclaw aggreed. "Ambershine, you know the plan." A tall cat with Amber fur and Golden eyes came.
"Yes." She stated. "Okay, story is, you're captured. Young in the front."
Dropleaf proudly stepped up.
Twilightheart came to the Thunderpath, and her fur bristled. She smelled blood. Rugo's blood..... She ran across the Thunderpath, and Mudkit began mewling in complaint.
DuskFeather had been laying close to Twilight heart, occasionally opening one eye sleepily to check on her kits, and was startled awake when he found the queen missing. He tracked her until he found her near the thunder path. "Want me to take RavenKit for you?" He offered, as he saw her.