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Open Welcome To The Vitala Region!

Val walked out of her hotel room once she was done relaxing. The blonde haired girl wanting to do nothing but find the next gym and pokecentre. She had doublade on her back and her bag slung over one her shoulders in a that wouldn't bother the ghost type. She moved out of the way so that she wouldn't run into anyone and kept any eye peeled for people she though might be interesting. She found the pokecentre and decided to look around a bit once she was done.
Stella City was magnificent. As expected of a city which hosted a Pokemon Contest, the City was filled with a lively atmosphere with all the coordinators flocking in to participate in the contest. Not that Decibel minded. Her mission was to complete her National Pokedex, seeing that there weren't many Pokemon back in Adventurine. Standing beside the white haired woman was her trusted companion—Arcanine. The duo walked together along the streets of Stella City. Decibel made sure to stick close to her Arcanine as the weather was rather cold, even with her trenchcoat and sweater. Her blue orbs were trained on the electronic device in her hands, trying to study the map of the city. Thankfully, she had managed to download a version of the map into her Pokedex, otherwise, she'd be lost.

Suddenly, her Arcanine let out a bark from her side. Decibel jumped and the Pokedex slipped from her fingers. "No!" She cried as she dived forward to catch the fragile piece of equipment. The snow-haired woman would land in the most ungraceful manner on the ground, but with her Pokedex in hand. "Yang, please don't shock me like that." She'd huff at her companion, only to receive a gleeful look. Decibel would click her teeth in mild annoyance before picking herself back up.

She'd look back at her Pokedex once again, "Where the hell is this hotel at?" She grumbled before looking up from her Pokedex to take a look at her surroundings. Thankfully, she noticed a Pokecenter in the distance and motioned for her Arcanine to follow her.
Daniel sat on the bank of Lake Sauro, one of Stella City's beauty spots, his jeans rolled up and his feet in the water. His shoes and socks lay strewn by his wheelchair, as his pokemon sat with him, enjoying the view.

Several small water type pokemon played in the water, chattering and splashing around. Marill, finneons, several magikarps, and even wild vaporeon could be seen moving through the crystal clear waters.

"Never thought I'd see wild vaporeon," Daniel remarked, giving his Mightyena a scratch on the head.

He looked down at his guidebook, noting the primary feature of Lake Sauro.

"It says here that if we're lucky, we might see Larirey, one of the legendary beasts," he pointed out, "That would be amazing."
Val and doublade did an entire walk around the pokecentre. The girl hissed in pain when she she tripped over something and stumbled into a tree. The blonde girl grumble and sat at its base, opening a book she held in her bag. Reading it carefully she kept watch for people that might cause trouble or be interesting in a fight.
Volpe's eyes widened as the wooper crashed into her vulpix, knocking him over like a bowling ball does a pin. The referee's verdict was given almost instantly.

"Vulpix is unable to battle!"

Volpe selected her final pokeball, kissing it before she tgrew it onto the field.

"Flareon, use ember!"


"Any signs of her yet?"

"None so far, boss," the other end of the line reported, "Dahugina is refusing to come out."

"And what about the other one?"

"Larirey has yet to surface as well. We'll contact tge team at Lake Sauro for a more detailed report."
Yokudo lost his smile when he saw Wooper get hit by ember. "That was pretty powerful, but I'm not done yet! Wooper use Rollout again!"
"Serperior! Use bind!" An all too familiar voice called out. Decibel spun her heel, an order at the tip of her tongue to counter the incoming Pokémon with hers own. However, Serperior was too fast, already nearing the dumbfounded trainer. She suddenly felt constricted. The Regal Pokémon had successfully wrapped itself around Decibel and trapped her. She let out a grunt in pain as the Serperior tightened its hold.

"Ahahaha! What a loser! You couldn't save yourself!" Decibel watched as Fern showed himself, separating from the crowd. From beside her, Arcanine lunged at Fern's Serperior, intending to free its trainer.

"Oh, no no. Krookodile!" The green haired teen threw his Pokeball, releasing his Krookodile from it. Arcanine stopped in her tracks as Krookodile intercepted her, standing between her trainer and herself.

Decibel opened her mouth to speak, but before she could say anything, Serperior tightened the bind. All she managed was a cry.

"What? Cat got your tongue? Hahaha!" Fern mocked as he stepped closer to Decibel.

"You're so shit, all those times you won our battles were just a fluke. Clearly, I'm superior."
Val heard the yelling and jumped to her feet, the blonde trainer rushing toward the sounds. Doublade moved around infront of her and the duo moved forward to stand half way between the two other trainers, the ghost type sticking close to his trainer as they glared at the two. Val slowly grabbed another one of her pokeballs and threw it up, Braviary appearing, "use peck on serperior. And you! It's not nice to trap somebody out of the blue, a good trainer proves their worth in battle not by pulling cheep shots".
The longer Decibel remained in Serperior's bind, the more her breathing became erratic. Her lungs were constricted and she could feel her bones starting to hurt from the sheer force of the Regal Pokémon. She tried to command her Arcanine to do something against the Krookodile, but she couldn't even formulate a sentence. All that came out were just grunts and strangled cries.

Fern wanted to take this opportunity to mock his rival even further, but was interrupted by another trainer. Fern clicked his teeth in annoyance at the bravery of the trainer. It wasn't common for someone to stand up to him, and all he could think about was to crush the trainer who so dumbly crossed him.

"Dispose of the loser and dodge it," He'd order his Serperior, "Then use leaf storm!"

The Regal Pokémon immediately released his hold on the white haired woman. If almost crushing her to death wasn't enough, he added a little more pain by purposefully hitting Decibel in the back with its tail while dodging the peck.

Once again, Decibel felt the wind knock out of her as she finally was given a chance to breathe. She stumbled forwards, nearly losing balance and almost falling flat on her face for the 2nd time that day.

Decibel grunted as she reached for her belt and knocked one of her Pokeballs off it.

"Yang...! Flamethrower....Leaf Storm..." Decibel's face contorted, still feeling the pain from being crushed.

Her Pokeball rolled on the ground and released her Greninja. He didn't need to look around to notice that his trainer was in danger, he watched the events from his Pokeball after all.

"Genji...Hydro Pump...Help Yang.."

With those words alone, both her Greninja and Arcanine sprung into action. The quickly switched places and executed their moves. It was obvious that the two had been working together for a long time.

Just as Krookodile wanted to chase after Arcanine, Greninja had blasted the Intimidation Pokémon with Hydro Pump, sending the Krookodile sprawling away.

Arcanine jumped in front of its trainer and released a spiral of flames from its mouth the moment Serperior executed Leaf Storm. The fire burnt away the razor sharp leaves and paved an open path for a clean attack at Serperior.
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"Braviary use peck again," Val ordered as her eyes turned sharp and a growl rose in her throat, the blonde now fully turned to look at the boy. Doublade danced around his trainer after he had taken stance to defend her, the ghost type Pokemon ready to attack on his trainers order. Braviary spun around in the air and when she saw the opening dived forward to hit the grass type.

"Did you really just try to attack me? I'm sorry to say this, your highness, but you can't just attack someone when they call you out for being a jerk. Not how the world works," Val yelled at the other trainer, hood and bandana now having fell away from her head because of the battle going on around her.
Serperior was too focussed on the Arcanine to notice the Braviary speeding towards him. Because of this fatal mistake, Serperior was blown back and left with severe injuries due to it being a super effective move. "Serperior! Krookodile!" Panic could be seen on Fern's face as his two Pokemon were blown back and now left with severe injuries. "Tch, that ought to teach you to be that weak! We're going to have to double our training." He pulled out his empty Pokeballs and returned his Pokemon back to their Pokeballs.

He then jabbed an accusing finger at Val, promptly declaring 'war' on her, "Don't let this get into your head, kiddo. You've made a mistake crossing me and I promise you, I'll make you regret it!"

Fern then glared at Decibel and waved a ruby ring at her direction, "I figured you wouldn't want to battle me even if I forced you to. So I grabbed a little incentive,"

Decibel weakly glanced at the ring, her blue eyes blazed with anger and narrowed into slits, "You stole...from Heather?!"

"Darn right I did! The kid was crying all over the place for this useless thing. Spouting something about how it was the last thing that remained of her parents and all, I don't really care." Fern slipped the ring into his pocket, "Participate in the league and battle me, then maybe I'll give this ring back. Oh, wait! I have to take into account that you'll probably struggle. Don't worry, I'll wait for you, as champion that is."

The green haired teen would then walk off, laughing to himself about his 'victory'.

"Fern!" Decibel growled as she tried to stand up to chase after the retreating trainer, only to fall back to her knees. Her Pokemon would hurry to her side, seeing that the opponent had forfeited.
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"You want me to get that back for you or is this going to be revenge journey," Val asked looking back at the girl who had been squashed. Doublade chased after Fern for a bit before stopping to see if his trainer wanted to follow. Val nodded to return to her and she made her way to help the Decibel up, the blonde girl waving away people who were just staring, "I don't mind chasing him down if you want. Wouldn't mind giving him a few bruises to match your own".
"Thanks for the offer...and help," Decibel coughed "but I'm going to have to take his challenge personally...That douche has been harassing me ever since I started out as a trainer." She'd take a moment to breathe, only to feel a sharp pain in her chest. The Serperior really did a number to her. She couldn't even breathe without her chest hurting. "Beating his ass down multiple time didn't stop him from thinking that he's 'Top Dog'." Decibel rolled her eyes and winced, "He's already made an enemy out of you, so, you're welcomed to beat him up as much as you like." The white-haired woman would force a grin through her pained expression. "Uh, any places I can rest up nearby? Because I'm starting to feel dizzy." The effects of not taking in enough oxygen were slowly starting to show. Her vision was getting blurry and she felt her legs failing to support her own weight. Her Greninja would be ready to offer any assistance. Being a humanoid Pokemon, he could easily support his trainer. However, he knew how much Decibel disliked relying on others too much, therefore he remained silent.
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"There's a pokecentre a little down the street, would probably be your best bet to head there," Val answered crossing her arms as she did a quick inspection of the injured girl. With a heavy sight she grabbed deciable's arm and pulled the girl closer, "your not going to be able to walk that distance. With how hard that snake squeezed in going to say you might have some damaged ribs. I can give you a piggyback ride or you can let you arcanine carry you".

Doublade still floated by his trainer then around the group as a whole, Braviary rubbing her head against Val's thigh with a happy chirp. Val used her other hand to pet her and call her back into her pokeball, frowning as she remember what Fern had said to his Pokemon, "did that idiot think he can train type disadvantages out of a Pokemon? Or is he reall just that mean"?
As much as Decibel wanted to chuckle at her current situation, she had to force it down as to avoid irritating her bruised ribs. "Yeah, I think I'll have my Arcanine carry me. I'm too heavy to be carried." She grinned sheepishly, remembering when someone had tried to carry her after her leg got caught in a rock slide. The memories of how embarrassed Amaria had looked when she couldn't carry Decibel brought a rather nostalgic look on her face.

Hearing her trainer call for help, Arcanine walked forwards and lowered herself, waiting for Decibel to have slumped over her back. "Fern's generally mean. You should've seen his earlier days as a trainer. He had a full team of grass type Pokemon... That was until Cain trashed him with his Nidoking. He started switching up his team."
"Wow, you that sounds bad. Glad I didn't know him then," Val sweat dropped, arms folding behind her head and Doublade sitting on his trainers back again. The blonde trainer pulled her hood up again and fixed her bandana that sat around her neck. Val followed alongside Decibal and looked her over once again to make sure she hadn't missed any other injuries.
"You're lucky, I had to deal with his annoying face for years." She groaned as she slowly climbed on her Arcanine, "What's with the bandana, by the way? I mean, it looks cool, but I'm rather curious to why you'd hide your face." Thankfully, Decibel had enough tact to bite her tongue to prevent additional comments from escaping her lips. Her Arcanine would slowly begin to walk towards the Pokecentre with her Greninja following close, in case Decibel fell off Arcanine's back for some goddamned reason.
"It's kinda personal so I'd rather not talk about it. My names Valkery by the way most just call me Val," the blonde trainer introduced herself as she tucked hair into her hood and finish adjusting her mask. She looked at Decibel with a raised eyebrow and a playful look in her eyes, "we all have to have our own mysteries or we arnt hard to track. You need to be able have a down thing to hide behind so your opponents can tell what your going to do next".
"I see, I won't pry then." Decibel would nod in understanding, introducing herself thereafter, "I'm Decibel, nice to meet you, Val." The white-haired girl would turn her attention to the road ahead of them, checking to see how far they were from the Pokecentre, "Aren't you the cunning fella," She teased the blonde, "I take it that you're challenging the Gyms, then?" Decibel would guess from Val's knowledge and battling skills she witnessed from the previous fight.
"Yep. My brother and parents challenged gyms before me so I kinda got a family tradition to keep up," Val hummed smirking under her mask, Doublade made a sound of acknowledgment and snuggled closer to his trainer. The ghost type slowly drifted to sleep on his trainer's back and she gently patted his handle, "what about you though? Gyms, contests or both"?
"I'm...Kind of lost. Contesting really isn't for me because I have no idea what I'm doing most of the time. I've actually taken on all the 18 gyms back in my home region, but I kind of dropped out after I beat the Elite 4." Decibel's facial expression softened as if recalling the days where she was so passionate about battling made her sad. "A lot of stuff happened...Mostly because of me and my ambitions to beat all the gyms and save my friends." The soft side of her vanished in an instant and was replaced with a more battle-hardened warrior. Her blue eyes flared with anger at the thought of that irritating 'rival' of hers. "But it seems I'm going to have to start challenging gyms again."
"Well your welcome to battle me at anytime. You seem like a worthy opponent," Val laughed spooking her ghost type from his nap. The blonde haired trainer walked forward before stopping infront of the pokecentre. She did an extravagant bow to Decibal, eyes giving the hint she was smirking, "heard this gym is a ghost type user and you'll have to back track to fuoco town, Volpe is a fire type user. You should do okey though if you've beat 18 gyms already".
As nice as the view of Lake Sauro was, Daniel soon found himself bored, and thus he decided to head back to Stella City's pokemon centre, to prepare for his next contest. Or maybe he could check out that fortune telling place. It would be fun to have his palm read or whatever, even if he didn't really believe in all that stuff...

As he gathered his things and got back into his chair, a huge fin emerged from the water, shimmering pink. Was that it? The legendary larirey? He gasped as he reached for his phone, to capture thd creature when it popped out of the water...

But the rest of the pokemon surfaced, revealing that it was just an ordinary alomomola, to which the boy hid his phone again, slumping slightly in his chair.

"And I finally thought that I'd see it," a man mused from behind Daniel. The voice was fairly deep, with a heavy Brooklyn accent.

Daniel turned to face the voice, finding the man whom he had seen in Luna's gym before. "You!"
"Oooh, I'll take you up on that." Decibel would wink at Val. Her eyes would twinkle in amusement at the thought of testing her skills against this new-found acquaintance. "Ugh, back tracking?" She moaned in despair. Clearly, she was lazy to make an effort to back to Fuocu Town, however, she seemed like she had no other choice. "Hmm, Ghost Type? This should be fun. Perhaps if I'm lucky enough, I'll be able to catch your battle." Her Arcanine would yap at her trainer, drawing her attention back to the road. "Oh. We're here." She mumbled as her Arcanine pushed through the doors to enter the Pokecentre
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"It would be a honor for you to attend, " Val smiled as she followed the other girl into the pokecentre, waving nurse joy over. She found an empty booth and waved to Decibel as she sat down. She kicked her feet up onto the table and pulled her hood over her eyes, "I'm over here once your done"!
Decibel nodded and waved at Nurse Joy who was approaching her. The mature trainer would then explain her situation to the nurse. Nurse Joy quickly motioned for Decibel to follow her into a separate room to treat the injuries. She'd turn to flash Val an 'OK' symbol before her Arcanine brought her to the room.

It took awhile to get the icing done and after resting on the bed for some time longer, Decibel felt much better and went out to the lobby to find Val after she had returned Yang and Genji back into their Pokeballs.

"Yo." She'd greet confidently as she strides over to her friend. Her coat would be unbuttoned so as to not hurt her recovering ribs further, exposing her classy red-checkered shirt, greatly contrasting her generally dark attire.
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"So what did the doc say about your ribs? Not gonna die before we can battle are you," Val joked moving over to allow for the other girl to sit down. She pulled her bandana down so that it no longer covered her face and just sat around her neck. Her legs were now on the ground and she scanned the room for anyone that might be sticking out, "because you do realize I won't let that happen. I haven't had a good trainer on trainer battle in a while".
"Oh please, you say that like I die easily," Decibel would laugh and roll her eyes in amusement before continuing, "Nah, it's just a bruised rib. Nothing that bad...I think?" She'd then take a seat next to Val and joined her in observing the people lingering around in the lobby. "Haven't had a good battle in awhile, eh? We need to fix that ASAP." Decibel would flash Val a grin before hopping off the seat. "I think there's a battle arena around the back of the Pokecenter, wanna head there? Or do you want to challenge the gym first?"
"Hmm, you know what let's go. Might do us some good with relaxing after see that guy. What is is name anyway or should I just call him that guy," Val followed Decibal up into a standing position. The blonde girl pulled her mask up again and started towards the door, walking backwards toward the door and tucking her arms behind her head, "any special rules you like to follow"?
"His name is 'Fern'. I know, ironic right? Since he specializes in grass types." Decibel would follow after Val to the door that led to the back of the Pokecentre. "Hm, that depends...Do you want to do a full battle? Like a 6v6?" She'd push the door open and walked to one side of the battle arena.
"Sounds good, are you okey with it," Val agreed stepping into the feild and grabbing her pokeballs. She waited for a reply and looked around, a few people standing off to the side talking while others just walked by. She pulled her hood and bandana off and smile genuinely at ther new friend, "I got to admit, my hood and mask can be a real pain sometimes".
"Hah, trying to be mysterious isn't working out huh?" Decibel would chuckle as she reached for her belt for one of her Pokeballs and held it in front of her. "Right, so 6v6 battle, you can switch out whenever you want. Let's get this show on the road, Genji!" She'd throw her Pokeball onto the field and released her Greninja.
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"Goltic! Let's show them why we got," Val smiled using one hand to move and little bit of red/blue highlights out of her face. She tossed one of her pokeballs into the air and a small electric type appeared. The electric type chattering her manibles happily, stretching and dancing about, "you can have first move".
"I'll take it gratefully," Decibel would flash a smirk before bowing dramatically. "Genji, Ice Beam!" She'd command her Pokemon, jabbing a finger at Joltik's direction as she straightened herself. Greninja nodded and jumped upwards, shooting a beam of ice from his mouth towards the Attaching Pokemon. Being airborne, Greninja had a great view of the field, attributing towards his accuracy. Years of battling along his trainer had made him more intuitive to Decibel's plans. Once it had finished executing the commanded move, Greninja would find himself descending back to the ground.

Decibel didn't need to pay much attention to her Greninja. She knew fully well that her Greninja wouldn't make any mistakes to her already calculated plan. Instead, she watched Joltik's movement. The smirk on her face was completely wiped off and she opted for a more serious expression. Clearly, the electric sub-typing proved to be a tough obstacle to overcome, but if she had played her cards right, there was a chance for her Greninja. At least, that's what she believed in.
"Joltic dodge it and use screech," Val ordered and the small electric type leapt out of the way of the attack before letting out a loud cry. Val folded her arms and smiled cheekily, she tugged at her bandana so that it came loose and sat in her hand, "it works but can get a little hit".

Her Joltic bounced around the feild after it had used its move, not staying in one place for long. His bright yellow body accented by its unnerving black eyes that seemed like they were watching both genji and Deciable.
The moment Joltik dodged the attack, a grin broke out on Decibel's face as the ice beam hit the ground. It was just like she expected, the ground turned to ice. Now, half of the field was coated with a layer of ice, making it difficult to maintain balance. Her joy was short-lived, however, Genji's defense was lowered after Joltik had used Screech. She had to act quick, "Hydro Pump."

Once Greninja landed on the ground, he shot out a jet of water from his mouth at the moving Joltik. Being such a small creature, Greninja had trouble with trying to hit the Joltik with a ranged move. Genji shot out multiple jets of water as a result, wetting the ground. After finishing his turn, Genji would jump back to his side of the field, awaiting further orders.
"Joltic use thunder wave on the ice," Val ordered and the small Pokemon leapt on to it before a blast of eletrical energy originated from its body. The ice started to crack at the force and Val smirked when she heard the breaking, giving the command to do it again. Joltic did as he was to another blast of energy surging from him, the ice breaking and moving into jagged peaks.
"Looks like that's enough water, Ice Beam!" She'd command her Greninja to shoot at the ground once again. The Ninja Pokemon jumped up to avoid getting his feet iced by the spreading ice as he shot out another Ice Beam on the floor. With the added water, the entire field was engulfed in ice, the cracks from before were now replenished by the newly added layer of ice. "You're not getting off that easy," Decibel declared as her Greninja landed back on the ice floor. They had successfully replicated the field that the Ice-type gym leader had used back in her home region. "Just like Serra's field, you know the drill, Genji!"
"Joltic, let's show them what you can do. Feint attack," Val ordered and her small electric type pokemon ran forward, slide across the isle instead of fighting it. Then suddenly he disappeared and reappeared closer, using his legs to leap of the slick floor, "electro web after this".

Having used his feint attack to get closer to his intended target, Joltic sent an electrified web at the water type. Some people had now stopped to watch and Val was starting to get anxious because of it.