Linkachu said:
Fumanshu said:
I missed out on getting the GBA port, plus I never play my DS Lite anymore. For that reason alone it was worth opting for the PSN version, even if it does lag slightly. The load times are actually fairly decent considering how bad I'd expected them to be.
The load times are quicker because it runs off an iso and not a regular CD on the PSX. Main reason why the GBA version is better though is that it offers both a better translation and additional content.
But its really not so bad with the PSX one.
Also, I got Dragons Dogma yesterday. I think its hilarious that the japanese show their dominance in what was supposed to be one of the main western video game genres.
It puts mediocre titles like Skyrim, Dragonage or any Mass Effect to shame and actually feels like a real adventure and in fact like a game.
It got me hooked from the first hour.
After the success Demons and Dark Souls it seems that we will see some more medieval fantasy themed japanese games in the future.
Thats not bad as they seem to be the best at working with this material.
I am really sick of Tolkien ripoff #1414235 with horrible gameplay.