"Nice to meet you, Amelia! You too, Linus." She giggled, stroking the dog wildly. Sapphire was less happy as the dog launched for her, giving out an angry hiss and running behind Crystal. She stared at Linus as he paraded between her and Athena, then ran to Athena's side and went behind one of her big legs. Crystal stroked her hand across the centicore as it rubbed past her, loving all the new arrivals. "Don't worry about Linus, Sapphire should get used to him soon, she's just not used to this much of a bouncy animal yet."
Miss. Jones stepped outside, pulling a Pegasus behind her. She invited everybody in the stables, then tied the creature to a fence post so that she could teach her lesson. "Mark, this is what I mean by bigger creatures, things like Wyverns, Pegasuses, and quite a lot more." She lifted up a bucket of brushes for everyone to pick out of. "First, I'll be teaching you how to brush one of these lovely creatures. Do it wrong, and you could hurt them, or they could hurt you." Crystal picked a green brush with soft prickles on the top, then stood back again, only to see Syn in a dark corner of the stables, and she waved over to him, pointing to Amelia and Bryce, the new students.