Pfff... hard one, always have problem answering this question. For some reason, I'm always drawn into Pokémon, even when I try to make a great team, I mostly end up with building around a Pokémon that jsut has to be in it. I've never had a solid member in my team, but I've to say, in my Platinum Team, doesn't matter how much I restart it, I always must have Lucario. I also have a huge weakness on Flygon, Crobat and Sciszor. I just don't knwo why, it was really really hard for me to decide to not take Crobat in my Heart Gold Team, and instead to choose Honchcrow. I think if I look on all the teams I want to build or have build... I think Crobat stands out. I mean, it was just so hard to change that little Zubat into that strong fast Crobat. Great now I want to train one XD Planning a single team anyway