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Your favourite Pokemon

I'll list 10 just because I feel the list is too extensive. Plus, I'm pretty indecisive.

10. Lillipup
I was... Ugh... I was OBSESSED with this little puppy when Gen 5 was introduced. I seriously created a weird... Pokefusion based on this. Two other Pokemon were also Pokefused with another and I just cringe seeing my old artwork now. I don't know what I was thinking... Though, I still love this thing just because of its cry.

9. Purrloin/Liepard
I don't understand why some people resent it. I mean, I understand it's not all that reliable in Competitive, but I just LOVE its design. It's sort of like me kind of. Bit naive looking, but a complete and total bad*** (future me: Just realized. Calling myself a bad*** is an overstatement. I just burned myself big time). I remember seeing it in PokePark2, I hated it my first time trying to befriend it. Over time, I developed a love for this feline... And I'm a dog person XD

8. Zorua
Okay, before I continue. I happen to actually dislike Zoroark's evolution, it just seems more awkward than a KK Slider (Animal Crossing) video game model standing up. What I love about Zorua was just the way it was introduced both in the movie and in the games. Its cute look is what had me in awe, along with its ability (which was later useless after previews were introduced in Competitive *cough cough*). I like the designs for both the normal and shiny. I do believe red/black is... ERm... Outdated... (DON'T KILL ME. Please...) Though, I give props to the concept that Nintendo based it off of.

7. EEVEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! And others...
Hahah... I kid about the "and others" part. Sort of. I had some doubts when I first heard of this Pokemon, I understood why it was so sought after in many games with its capability of being 7 (now 8 ) other Pokemon via evolution. I love a majority of its evolutions, I like the concept art for all of them (except shiny Espeon, sorry if you do happen to like it. Just my opinion). My favorites of this family would be Leafeon, Vaporeon, Sylveon, Espeon, and Umbreon.

6. Misdreavus/Mismagius
These are the cutest ghosts I've ever seen. I love the idea behind their creations (despite how dark it is), they're cute and cause misfortune (I think you see the pattern behind my favorites now). I even have an OC of a Mismagius -- not on this site. I even made this a decoration on my school laptop once with it holding a gauntlet.

5. Litwick/Lampent/Chandelure
I originally found these annoying on their game debut. They're basically like the Zubats of the Graveyard to me. I found the idea behind them pretty creepy for my comfort... I grew to love it when PokePark2 came out and it became a boss, and when it became a character in Pokken Tournament. I find it annoying in Pokken too though (someone kept spamming ranged attacks, which I know that's how it plays but... They were stationary throughout the entire match). Though its Burst Attack is just... WOW!!!!!!!! It's so amazing. Here's a video of it if you don't know what I mean. It's just so beautiful and cute -- Ah, oh. I'm referring to its little smug laughter at the end.

4. Sneasel/Weavile
Another favorite, including in Pokken, which I loved when I originally played Pokemon Diamond. This was one of my favorite Ice-types too. I wish I had a plushie of it... AHem, resuming. Its artwork is just cool (ah? ah? ....I'll leave now), the feather-like design and its icy claws were just the best part of it. When it was introduced in Pokken, I immediately loved it once again and chose to main it just because of my love to the character. Its cuteness is even more amplified during its introduction (where it's sitting training/stretching), it's victory pose (sits and yawns, bored), and even when it messes up on ice shard (it yelps a bit before falling). It's just the cutest little assassin.

3. Popplio/Brionne/Primarina
ERm... I won't go far about it due to (one) the current rules about US and UM, and (two) the fact I haven't finished Sun and Moon itself. I like its concept design and its signature move. The idea of a Pop Star Seal is pretty unique and adorable. I wish this thing had a lil plushie with big eyes *squee*.

2. Absol/Mega Absol
OOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooohhhhhhh!!!! Okay, this is definitely one of the top 5! Ahem, ahem. Calm down. AHEM!! Okay, just 5 words can describe it: This. Thing. Is. A. BEAST. It's overall my favorite dark type next to Sneasel (in all fairness, they're tied as favorite dark-types). Fun Fact: When Mega Absol was introduced, I assumed its typing was Dark-Fairy. How I wish Nintendo did that, it would've complimented how Absol warns people of a disaster really well. Anywho, I loved this before it got a Mega Evolution -- HECK! Before Mega Pokemon became a thing! Absol is a cute lil' doggo with a SCYTHE on its head, this is basically what Ruby Rose would have as a partner (RWBY reference). Its shiny form is just gorgeous, I'd hunt on PokeMMO all day just to get a shiny Absol.

...Now for my favorite Pokemon of all time (as of writing this). Drum roll please! ...Oh, right. Computer. Welp!
My favorite Pokemon is...

1. Marshadow *blows party horn*
I don't know why I love this thing... Though just its concept art is cool looking and the idea that its based off of. If you don't know what it's based on, you really should check it out. Nintendo was pretty good making this mythological beast (it is a beast if you've seen its attack stat and Spectral Thief in action, even more of one if its speed is buffed). I think it has a pretty adorable cry and its lil' eyes before going battle forme are so cute. I love its attack animations, going from a cute docile lil' thing to a martial art master.

Welp. That's it...
After writing this, I realize that I have a weird mindset if a majority of my top 10s are dark-type (even weirder if you incorporate Japan's name typings: dark=evil) o_O

Please keep in mind. All of this is just my opinion. If you happen to love one of these Pokemon, yet hate how I spoke of them I do apologize. I even apologize if you happen to hate the Pokemon I favor.
Just please remember, we're sharing opinions there isn't a single good or bad Pokemon in the games. It just depends on your preference. I... Just happen to love dark-types alot.
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Previously pokeyman
Here we go!

Favorite Starter: Froakie

Favorite Pikachu Clone: Pachirusu

Favorite Regional Bird: Fletchling

Favorite Regional Rodent: Bunnelby

and that is just a few of my favorites.... might edit more in later...
*clears throat*

Okay, so I've got more to share, so I suppose I'll be a bit brief with each one.

Favorite Pokémon Overall: Cyndaquil (Stated before in a post long before.)
Favorite Grass Starter: Turtwig
Favorite Fire Starter: Cyndaquil
Favorite Water Starter: All are tied actually since this is too hard to decide.
Favorite Gen I Starter: Tied between Charmander and Squirtle.
Favorite Gen II Starter: Cyndaquil
Favorite Gen III Starter: Mudkip
Favorite Gen IV Starter: Piplup
Favorite Gen V Starter: Oshawott
Favorite Gen VI Starter: Froakie
Favorite Gen VII Starter: Popplio
Favorite Pikachu Clone: Minun
Favorite Legendary: Latias
Favorite Aloha Variant: Vulpix
Favorite Fakemon (Fan Made by Me): TBD (There's too many to choose from and it might be a bit bias since I'm having to select from my Fakemon.)
Favorite Regional Variant (Fan Made by Me): Camtonian Cranidos (See me in PM if you want an explanation.)
This guy combined with BOOMBURST makes it OP and my absolute favorite Pokemon!
That plus I'm a naturally loud person and this guy kinda represents me in a way lol XD


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My favourite? Definitely either Rockruff or Poipole.

Rockruff: I became attached to it after seeing it in "Rocking Clawmark Hill!", I cried for it. Ever since then, I've loved it. And, it hasn't changed. I've been through tons of favourites, but until Generation 8 comes out, I think it's going to stay. Plus, it's a dog, and I'm a big animal lover, so what else can't I love about it? i'm allergic but oh well.

Poipole: I've only recently started liking this Ultra Beast, as I didn't like fighting it in Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon. Actually, I don't know what made me like it apart from it being cute. Well, I do like space, magic, and mysterious things, which means I love Ultra Beasts, so Poipole was at a good position of my favourites. Another thing is the Japanese anime opening, with Poipole's adorable story.

my top 10 favorite pokemon
and the 1st place goes to...BULBASAUR!!!
I have to go with top 3, but they're not in any specific order.
Wigglytuff (my first holo card)
Nido female line and ultimately Nidoqueen (first pokemon that I caught that I genuinely liked)
Miltank, cuz I love her design
Odd, it said in my profile i posted in this thread? Can't find my post....(was it another favorite pokemon thread i posted in? o.O)

Anyways, my favorites changed a little since the post I saw that I made. I now like Lucario probably the overall most, followed by Pikachu and CLEFAIRY. Around september this year i've grown to seriously like clefairy more overall, due to its status as 'almost the mascot of pokemon', as well as it being just so cute and girly and pink xD

Hawlucha seems to often be another pokemon that tends to stay a huge favorite of mine nowadays. Also, i seem to like kanto pokemon in general at the moment (clefairy and also jiggs being my top favs). Some kanto pokemon i like a lot besides the clefairy and jigglypuff lines include growlithe/arcanine, the starter lines, mewtwo, the vulpix line, the machop line, mew, ponyta's line, hitmonlee, hitmonchan, butterfree, probably others too. Oh and of course Pikachu and Raichu xD

Also, I still like sylveon but i can't say its such a huge favorite anymore. I love how cute and girly it is and all as well but it's owned by serena in the anime, and I really don't like her (due to how awful the amour shipping fandom seems to be). I still haven't really disided on a new favorite eeveelution over it, though :/ And, like i said, its a pink, girly fairy.....and i really like that, since girly things mean a lot to me (even if i also like some cooler pokemon now too especially fighting types lol). And pink is still my favorite color too. So, yeah, I wouldn't wanna hate sylveon. Even if i've grown to really dislike serena. Also, i'm aware not ALL amour shippers are bad. But, the ones that ARE bad...ugh......i leave whole forums over them. I don't like dealing with people like them at all :(
My favorite Pokemon, since atleast 12 years has been Umbreon!

And not because of his stats (Even if they're amazing) or even his status. But because of the design this pokemon has, I think it truly is the most magnificiant Eeveelution ever designed with Glaceon (Don't quote me).
Favorite Grass Starter: Turtwig
Favorite Fire Starter: Quilava
Favorite Water Starter: Mudkip
Favorite Regional Rodent: Plusle
Favorite Regional Bird: Fletchinder
Favorite Regional Bug: Vikavolt
Favorite Eeveelution: Umbreon
Favorite Legendary: Raikou
Favorite Alolan Form: Alolan Sandslash
Favorite Tiny Legendary: Victini
Favorite Overall: Umbreon
my favorite Pokemon has always been scizor. when gen 2 first came out i just knew this was going to be my favorite Pokemon. it still is. before that it was slowpoke/slowbro. both Pokemon known for being oblivious. i'm also an oblivious nitwit so i could just see myself just sitting at the beach with one just chilling not a care in the world.

i think that says something about me personally...
This has always been a tough question. There are currently 800+ choices, not including Megas and Regional variants. I think my favorite type is Ground. And my top choice now is... (drumroll, please...)


(There are a ton of other awesome Pokémon out there, this is just my current top choice.)


Previously pæstella
Favorite Grass Starter: Rowlet
Favorite Fire Starter: Fennekin
Favorite Water Starter: Mudkip/Popplio
Favorite Regional Rodent: Pichu
Favorite Eeveelution: Glaceon
Favorite Legendary: Cosmog
Favorite Alolan Form: Alolan Vulpix

Favorite Mythical: Mew/Jirachi
Favorite Overall: Alolan Vulpix
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Favourite Kanto Starter(excluding Eevee & Pikachu): Bulbasaur!

Favourite Johto Starter (I haven’t played this region yet): Chikorita

Favourite Hoenn Starter: Mudkip

Favourite Sinnoh Starter: Turtwig

Favourite Unova Starter: Snivy

Favourite Kalos Starter: Fennekin

Favourite Alola Starter: Rowlet

Okay, time for a long list of my favorite Pokémon... This will be fun.
1. Favorite Overall Pokemon: Liepard/Purrloin
2. Favorite Regional Bird: Unfeazent
3. Favorite Pokemon From My Favorite Type (Electric): Blitzle
4. Favorite Pokemon From My Least Favorite Type (Rock): Archeops/Aurorus
5. Favorite Mono-Stage Pokemon: Maractus
6. Favorite Object Pokemon: Chandelure
7. Favorite Legendary: Silvally, Azelf, or Lunala
8. Favorite Mythical: Phione/ Zeraora
9. Favorite Alolan Form: Alolan Persian
10. Favorite Starter Line (On Average): Snivy, Servine, Serperior.
11. Favorite Regional Rodent: Sentret
12. Favorite Regional Bug: Leavanny
13. Favorite Pikachu Clone: Emolga
14. Favorite Pokemon To Use In PokenTournament: Weavile/ Chandelure
I think that about covers it. ( I only put #14 there because I wanted it to end on my lucky number. lol )
I've always loved Dewott. Oshawott was my first Pokemon, and strangely my favorite of the three is actually the mid evolution. I like the in between of the first and last evolutions since Oshawott was close but to cute and Samurotthad to go on four legs so...
I'm also so lost on Pokecharms since I last went on here at 2016.
Favorite Overall: Absol - I'm a sucker for the emo/tragic backstory character in any video game, and Absol fits the bill closely enough. ("Long ago, superstitions were spread about it, saying it brought disaster. This fed a hatred of it, and it was driven deep into the mountains." - Sun)

Favorite Starter: Snivy - No real reason why for this one. I just like the smug little snake.

Favorite Legendary: Kyurem - Am I just going through a list of Pokemon I used in my White 2 game? Either way, the DNA Splicer fusion mechanic was something that I really liked.

Favorite Mythical: Jirachi - How can I not love this Pokemon? It sleeps for a thousand years straight! In space!

Favorite Pseudo-Legendary: Gible/Gabite/Garchomp - My first Pokemon game was Pearl, so I developed a healthy respect for this beast during my 20+ attempts at beating Cynthia (I wasn't very good at the game, okay?).

Favorite Eeveelution: Leafeon - Leaf Blade is a fun move.

Favorite Shiny: Umbreon - I'm a fan of blue/black color schemes, so I think shiny Umbreon looks awesome.

This Vulpix Drinks Coffee

Previously ShinyVulpix93
Favorite starter Pokemon: Charmander, Bulbasaur, Cyndaquil, Rowlet (I love Owls)
Favorite Legendary: Articuno, Ho-Oh
Favorite Shiny: Vulpix/Ninetales, Umbreon, Sylveon, Starmie, Charizard
Favorite Psuedo Legend: Dragonite line (used one on a playthrough and it was awesome)
Pokemon I've come to appreciate: Geodude, Steelix, Nidoking
Favorite Eeveelutions: Sylveon, Umbreon, Vaporeon, Espeon, Flareon (honestly they're all awesome but those are my top 5 favorite Eeveelutions. :) }

Favorite All time Pokemon: Ninetales, Vulpix, Charizard
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Previously AceTrainerGold
Favourite Starter: Treecko.
Favourite Legendary: Lugia.
Favourite Mythical: Zeraora.
Favourite Regional Bird: Staraptor.
Favourite Regional Rodent: Furret.
Favourite Eeveelution: Umbreon.
Favourite Pseudo Legendary: Garchomp.

Favourite Overall: Out of Sceptile, Breloom or Krookodile.

Cáscara Olas

Previously IExistToo
My favourite is Banette. I'm a very evil person so I love ghost and dark types. Banette is one of the evilest of them all, searching for a child to torture it for throwing it away. I also love its mega as I got into Pokémon when mega was being introduced and as soon as I saw it I was in love with it.
My favourite is Black Kyurem. My favourite used to be Sceptile but Sceptile isn't the best at battling and he gets a not so useful mega and his special movepool is terrible unfortunately. Black Kyurem get Bolt-Beam coverage as well and with the new generation it has DD and a physical Ice type move in Icicle spear.
Honestly it changes quite a lot. Back during my edgy 2013-2014 phase, I probably would've said Giratina and Weavile, but right now my favourites are split between a whole lot. I do have to say I like Floatzel slightly more than my other favourites though. No competitive reason, I just think he's pretty cool B).
I decided to do something advanced
I ranked each and every Pokemon out of 10 from each region and decided to add it all up and divide by the amount there is. I then rounded it 2 decimal places to find an approximate percentage of overall score each generation gets, based on its designs.

Kanto 62.78%
Johto 63.10%
Hoenn 62.80%
Sinnoh 66.07%
Unova 63.95%
Kalos 64.31%
Alola 62.25%
Galar 64.35%

Was the Results
So based on Pokemon Designs overall
1st Sinnoh
2nd Galar
3rd Kalos
4th Unova
5th Johto
6th Hoenn
7th Kanto
8th Alola

And my fav Pokemon From each Generation (Designs & Battle wise)

Kanto: Charizard, Blastoise, Pikachu, Raichu, Nidoking, Ninetales, Arcanine, Alakazam, Machamp, Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon, Snorlax, Mew, Mewtwo

Johto: Typhlosion, Feraligatr, Ampharos, Espeon, Umbreon, Scizor, Tyranitar, Lugia

Hoenn: Sceptile, Aggron, Manectric, Flygon, Zangoose, Milotic, Claydol, Absol, Salamence, Metagross, Rayquaza, Jirachi

Sinnoh: Infernape, Luxray, Rampardos, Garchomp, Lucario, Buizel, Lopunny, Rhyperior, Electivire, Leafeon, Glaceon, PorygonZ, Dialga, Palkia, Darkrai, Arceus

Unova: Victini, Serperior, Samurott, Scolipede, Whimsicott, Krookodile, Scrafty, Carracosta, Archeops, Zoruark, Reuniclus, Emolga, Escavalier, Galvantula, Chandelure, Haxorus, Accelgor, Mienshao, Bisharp, Hydreigon, Zekrom, Reshiram, Keldeo, Genesect, Volcarona

Kalos: Braixen, Greninja, Pangoro, Meowstic, Aegislash, Dragalge, Clawitzer, Tyrantrum, Helioptile, Sylveon, Goodra, Noivern, Yveltal, Zygarde

Alola: Decidueye, Vikavolt, Lycanroc, Toxapek, Lurantis, Salazzle, Golisopod, Mimikyu, Tapu Koko, Buzzwole, Zeroara, Marshadow, Poipole

Galar: Cinderace, Corviknight, Nickit, Obstagoon, Boltund, Centiskorch, Grapploct, Appletun, Sirfetch'd, Runerigus, Dragapult, Zacian, Urshifu, Zarude

Quick Opinions of overall Pokemon from in Each Region:

Kanto: Kanto pokemon has a very classic feel with the designs having a much simpler outlook compared to future generations to come. Due to some designs looking pretty bland and simple, it kind of lowered its final score as I tend to prefer more creative designs.

Johto: Has best starter evos. I tend to get mixed up with some pokemon here with gen 1 but overall has decent designs. Wish they were able to include some of the scrapped gen 2 designs as there were great ones in there. Only if the GBA had more bytes Capacity.

Hoenn: Hmmm... Hoenn was a mixup. It had designs I really liked and designs I really dont like. Its kind of even out but this gen had great pokemon too.

Sinnoh: This was the first gen I played so alot of nostalgia. Lucario is one of the top 5 fav pokemon of all time for me and i love this gen as a whole. second fav gen, unova being 1st. Had alot of great designs and not many horrible designs as the first 3 gens, good job Gamefreak.

Unova: My favourite Gen in terms of games! Also has my icon (Scrafty) And besides that, this gen has my favourite dragon and bug type pokemon which I heavily admire and love. This gen couldve had the best overall gen but the lows in designs here were LOWWWWW, which unfortunately ruined it.

Kalos: Game was too easy but for the short amount of pokemon introduced, it has alot of amazing pokemon. Alot of cute and fun designs that I adore and the lows arent even that bad, thats how it had a good overall percentage in my list.

Alola: Ehh... The designs in this region were okay. There wasnt too many which stand out to my taste but there were a few bangers. I know the pokemon were mainly based on hawaii retrospectives but a good chunk didnt amaze me as much.

Galar: Worst games but in terms of pokemon designs, its pretty decent. The in game models kinda look Mediocre at best, but by official art standards there are alot of good designs in this region. BIG UP UK!!

Hope you enjoy my insight and review
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