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Private/Closed Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy RP

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Seeing the competitors step onto the field, Weasel crossed his arms. The sweetest, sickest, and fakest smile spread across his face.

“I am so happy to duel you two! Are you ready? One of you can go first if you wannaaaaa~!”

He was no doubt acting like this for his nice reputation’s sake...unless he was just simply messing around as he always did.
Bob returned the grin with one of his own. "Great, this school probably doesn't have the highest software protection. Ten minutes should be enough to add a couple of sounds to the match, but it is up to you to find out what sounds. Let's just say that plenty of people will not approve, and I am not one of them." Stretching his arms, he looked at the arena and saw their opponents already standing there. "Come on, let's go." As Weasel welcomed their opponents, the Ra Yellow grimaced and surpressed the urge to mimic throwing up. He couldn't ruin his image, it was integral to his plan.


"No promises." Willow flashed a grin at Noah before facing Weasel. She couldn't say she knew him, but his manners were appreciated. "Thank you, let's have a fun match." Drawing her first five cards, she made the first move. "My turn, I draw. I set two cards in the spell and trap zone and I set one monster face down. Sorry for the lame turn, but there isn't much I could've done anyway on turn one."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Naw it wasn’t lame. But the food back in the cabins? Now THAT is lame. Wonder what the food in the other houses are like?”

Giving a subtle hint to what he was looking for from Crowler as he drew his card. Giving a disappointed expression, Weasel sighed.

“Oh well...looks like I got a bad hand this time...” he said downtrodden. “I play one card in defense and three cards face down...go easy on me next go...”

Seemingly depressed, Weasel had the biggest frown on his face. Even the Weasel icon on his bandanna seemed to frown with a tear in it’s eye. It was their turn now

LP: 8000
Face down monster
3 face down spell/traps
2 Cards in hand
Last edited:


Previously Breon
(Noah POV)

Noah smiled at willows determination before drawing his sixth card. Noah knew that this weasel guy had a bunch load of battle traps since him and Willow saw his match with those Ra students earlier, he had a plan to bypass them, but he hasn't drawn the right cards yet so he might as well waste some of them for a willow next turn.

"I now normal summon my Gem Knight Alexandrite." A white knight appeared onto the field with multiple color changing gems on its joints and a larger gem on its chest.

(Gem Knight Alexandrite 1800atk/1200def)

"I'll now attack with Alexandrite." Alexandrite right then dashed towards the opponents side of the field to attack weasels face-down.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
As the gem knight attacked, the card flipped face up, revealing Apprentice piper. Weasel began to get a growing smile on his face as the boyish piper was destroyed.

“Heh...my little friend here has a pretty snazzy effect. If it is flipped face up I can special summon one monster from my hand. And if it’s destroyed...I can special summon another! The time to pay the piper!”

The field was welcomed to the sight of two new monsters. Ultimate Baseball Kid and hero kid.

Ultimate Baseball Kid: 500 ATK 1000 DEF
Hero Kid: 300 ATK 600 DEF

“And Hero Kid’s ability activates! He gets to activate the Kid Kall and summon up all the Hero kids to the scene! Welcome Hero Kids Fan, Lamp, and Drop!”

all Hero kids were suddenly brought forth to the field, each one having a blue, red, and green mask respectively. Having blue, red, and green highlights along with them. They made a triangular shape around them and struck a pose.

Ultimate Baseball Kid: 500 ATK 1000 DEF
Hero Kid (Fan): 300 ATK 600 DEF
Hero Kid (Lamp): 300 ATK 600 DEF
Hero Kid (Drop): 300 ATK 600 DEF

“Now I activate my trap card, Three of a kind! Now that all of my kids have assembled, nothing can stop them! They will strike one target each and will destroy them instantly! Go Kid Squad!”

Each one made a distinct cry as they soared into action Drop and Lamp aiming to destroy two of the spell and trap cards face down while Fan gave a wink and aimed at Gem Knight. Each one blasting a ray of light from their chest unique to the different Hero Kids.


Previously Breon
(Noah POV)

Noah lifted his arm to his face as his Gem Knight and willows face-downs were destroyed. "Tsk, bad hand my ass, but at least that's one trap down and his hand is empty." Noah whispered for only Willow to hear. "I set two cards face-down, and activate burden of the mighty, what this card does is for how many levels your monster has it loses a hundred attack points for each one."

As Noah said that multiple baby birds were landing on weasels monsters shoulders and started to fall asleep. "And I'm pretty sure your monsters won't be able to fight as effectively. Trying to fight is extremely difficult while making sure those babies are asleep, and with that I end my turn."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The tiny Birds landed on the Baseball Kid’s Bat as well as on the shoulders and wrists of the Hero Kids. Drip lifted the one on his wrist with wide teary eyes whilst Lamp tried to swipe them off to no avail.

Ultimate Baseball Kid: 300 ATK 1000 DEF
Hero Kid (Fan): 100 ATK 600 DEF
Hero Kid (Lamp): 100 ATK 600 DEF
Hero Kid (Drop): 100 ATK 600 DEF

“Giving me some birdies to go with my kiddos? As you shouldn’t have. Your so sweeeet.” Weasel squealed with tiny pink hearts coming from him. “Looks like I have to leave my hopes all in Mary Bobbins. Just remember what I said about swapping DNA~”

He winked to Bob not only to gross him out, but also to give him a hint of what he had facedown.
Willow gritted her teeth, those were strong traps that just got destroyed. This was bad. Listening to Noah, she returned her gaze to the field and hoped that her gladiator could hold the fort.


Bob grinned as Weasel cleared the field almost entirely in one fell swoop. Creating a beat to work off with his foot, he drew five cards."That's a good move right there, let's make this situation the worse for wear!" Drawing a card at the beginning of his turn, the Ra wasted no time in activating a spell card called Mystical Space Typhoon. "Your face down card is destroyed now, take a deep bow! Drillroid, surface! Don't think about your burden! I set one card too, and that one will keep our decks together like glue!" A machine with a large drill on its face, drills for hands and tank threads pierced through the ground and revved its engine.

Drillroid: 1600 atk, 1600 def. 1200 atk due to Burden.

"Weasel, shut up for once. Don't paint yourself as a dunce!" The wink was not appreciated by Bob, but the hint was. "The trap of my partner gets turned on, ushering in a new dawn! DNA Transplant, making all monsters Fire! Let me warn you, don't incur our ire! Drillroid, attack that face down monster and leave it destroyed!" Drillroid revved its engine once again and plunged its drill into the face down monster, destroying it instantly due to its effect. "Now, Ultimate Baseball Kid gets 1000 atk from every face up Fire monster, so now he is way stronger! Bash some skulls in, and put their decks into the trash bin! Kids, join the fight and show your might!" Ultimate Baseball Kid's eyes gleamed as it conjured up a baseball and launched it at the two Slifers as the Hero Kids fired their lasers again.

Ultimate Baseball Kid: 4300 atk, 100 def.
Hero Kids: 100 atk, 600 def
Drillroid: 1200 atk, 1600 def.

One face down card
DNA Transplant

Bob: 4 cards in hand
Weasel: No cards

8000 LP


Previously Breon
(Noah POV)

Noah walked in front of Willow as he pulled his arm up towards the fireball. "I activate a trap card, Draining Shield, with his card I can negate your attack and me and my partner here gains life points equal to your monsters attack points." A shield materialize on Noah's arm as the fireball connected with it and as it did it began to grow smaller as Noah and Willow were surrounded by a green aura.

Noah and Willow LP: 12300

Noah lie down his arm as the shield burst into pixels. "Strike one, you must be off your game kid."
Bob scowled at Noah's trap card, if only he destroyed that card instead. "You might be standing on the right side of the razor, but you didn't stop the laser." It was not a lot of damage, but 300 damage was more than no damage. "My turn has ended, though you stopped it from being splendid."


Willow rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Alright White Knight, calm down. No need to protect me, I've taken baseballs to the face before. My turn, I draw." Swords of Revealing Light, just what they needed to shut that Baseball Kid down. "I activate Swords of Revealing Light from my hand, preventing your monsters from attacking until three turns of my opponent have passed. I summon Gladiator Beast Andal in attack position as well." A large bipedal bear that was partially blind was summoned to the field and roared. "Time to weaken that kid. Andal, attack Drillroid!" Andal roared before crushing the machine underneath its paws, inflicting 700 damage to Bob and Weasel. It was a war of attrition, but they could win if the Hero Kids were going to be destroyed soon. Without any other Fire monsters on the field, it was not nearly as scary.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The Baseball Kid growled as the swords of revealing light went up, wanting to punt the bear into next week. But alas that wasn’t an option. As in became Weasel’s turn, he put his Index finger into his cheek childishly.

“My, that’s a impressive light show you got there. Guess your that desperate to win? Doesn’t matter to me, since whatever you okay will just make my boy Baseball kid stronger. Guess I will just have to switch my hero kids to defense and put a face down annnnnd that’ll end my turn.”

the card materialized in his spell and trap zone, assisting the defenses they had going on. his Hero kids switched to a defensive posture, awaiting the next move of the opponent.

Lifepoints: 7300

Ultimate Baseball Kid: 4300 ATK 1000 DEF
Hero Kid (Fan): 100 ATK 600 DEF
Hero Kid (Lamp): 100 ATK 600 DEF
Hero Kid (Drop): 100 ATK 600 DEF

2 facedown cards
DNA transplant


Previously Breon
(Noah POV)

"Thanks Willow, this was certainly buy us sometime." Noah said as he drew a card. "Hmm, but I guess it won't be for that long, I activate the spell card pot of greed, which allows me to draw two cards." As Noah drew those two cards, he smiled. "I now activate the spell card twin twisters, to destroy your two face-downs, but for the price of that I have to discard one card." Noah said as two powerful tornadoes appeared and went towards weasels and bobs face-downs

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“...Oh...but your forgetting something...” Weasel mused. “My Baseball kid has a pretty big temper...so much so when he get frustrated he’s been known to-“

Before he could finish, baseball kid jumped in the air and gave a shout. The shout resonated across the entire field, a huge air storm being whipped up and passing through the enemy side of the field. The threatening roar trap card being revealed on Weasel’s side of the field before being destroyed.

“Monsters will be sooo afraid of his little tantrum...that they refuse to attack!”


Previously Breon
(Noah POV)

"Well it doesn't really affect the move I'm going to make right now, and with your backrow empty I have nothing to worry about, because the card that I discarded for twin twisters will now activate, Gem Knight fusion, I banish Alexandrite to add it back to my hand, and everyone can guess what's going to happen next, I activate Gem Knight Fusion from my hand, the requirements is one Gem Knight monster and Gem Knight lapis, with these two I Fusion summon, come to the field, Gem Knight lady lapis lazuli in attack mode, and with her summoned I now activate a monster effect for my graveyard, my Gem Knight obsidian will now activate, special summoning lapis to the field in defense mode."

Two feminine figures appeared onto the field with one being twice the size of the smaller one and also looking more elegant while the smaller one seems more young and childish. "Lady lapis lazuli effect activates, I can send one Gem Knight monster for my deck or extra deck to the graveyard to do this, for each monster that was special summon that's on the field you're dealt 500 points of damage, there are six monsters that are special summon on the field so that means you take 3000 points of damage." Lady lapis lazuli then created a ball of energy in her hands and launched it at Bob and weasel. "And with that I end my turn."

Noah and Willow LP: 12000
Weasel and Bob LP: 4300

Noah's hand: 0
(Gem Knight lady lapis lazuli 2400atk/1000def)
Gem Knight lapis 1200atk/100def)

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
As their lifepoints depleted to 4300, Weasel gave a big yawn, seeming disinterested in what was currently going on.

“Gem this, Gem that, Gem blah de blah de blah. Lots of chains for these things. Would be a shame if my team muscle were to come in and...ruin your day.”

Weasel gave a nudge nudge and a wink to Bob, punting the pressure on him. His foes had basically no hands and no facedowns. Only a swords of revealing light and three monsters. With Baseball Kid’s whopping 6200 Attack it should make it easy enough. They just needed to destroy that pair of swords
Unlike his partner, Bob had a bit more of a noticable reaction to the damage. They were not exactly succeeding in winning, but surely he could do something, right? After all, Weasel put his faith in him. Staring at his hand, he subconsciously drew a card to try and think of a strategy. The cards in his hand were not bad, but were they enough? They already destroyed a Metalmorph, not that he could do much with it at the moment. A green background caught the Ra's eye though, only two monsters in his deck had that background. Time Wizard and Reflect Bounder, and it happened to be the former. There was a plan in the making here. Like a robot having a frame, this plan had gotten a base to build from. A sigh was exhaled through Bob's nose, was he really going to do this? It wasn't as if he had any other chance lying around, the match would be decided right here and now. Faking confidence, his foor began tapping faster as the rhythm picked up. "Weasel, give me a beat. This can be a glorious win or a horrible defeat. Listen up you two, it's time to use what I have and make do! Time's running out and so is your luck, hiding behind swords? Might as well be a sitting duck! Time Wizard, join the fray and make them pray!"

A sentient clock with arms and legs attached to its body with gears was summoned to the field, with cape and wand included. "Feeling lucky, punk? Come on, show me some spunk! By flipping a coin and calling it correctly, I get to destroy all the monsters on your field. If I call it wrong, negative effects it will yield! I call heads, let's see who will be hanging by threads!" Reaching into his pocket, he felt three coins. One of them was a spare rigged one for either Braxer or Bix, and he knew exactly which one that was. It was damaged on the side, having a small chip in it. He completely forgot he had it with him, yet he could not have been luckier. Grabbing it out of his pocket, he flipped it into the air as Time Wizard raised its wand into the sky, images of times long gone appearing as the coin hit the ground with an audible *clink*. A hologram appeared, showing a message that simply said 'Heads'. The field was clear from opposing monsters, but there was still those swords to deal with and there was not any space for new monsters. Unless...

"The spell card Double Summon I shall use, this will be the gateway to a new bruise! Blowback Dragon, appear and make this match shift gear!" A portal opened behind Time Wizard that sucked it in before Bob's trusty Blowback Dragon appeared, clattering can laugh and spinning head accounted for. DNA Transplant seemed to have an impact on it though. The silver parts had turned to be bright yellow and the red paint was much more vibrant, causing it to truly resemble a fire attribute monster. Bob had to admit, it was not that bad of a look on it. "Blowback, make that spell card crack!" Grabbing the other two coins, the gambling student flipped all three of them into the air. One was heads, as it should be. Tails, not good. The last one was heads again, and Bob allowed a smug grin to decorate his face. This match was won. Blowback Dragon stomped the ground and spun its head around three times before it reared its head to a 45 degree angle and fired three salvos of three fire balls at the Swords of Revealing Light, destroying it as Blowback Dragon laughed at the destruction. The swords disappeared around the five monsters and the field was wide open. "I set one card unable to be seen, now don't cause a scene."

"All-out attack! Show them what they lack!" Blowback Dragon fired three shots straight at Willow and Noah before looking over the three Hero Kids and straight at Ultimate Baseball Kid. Gears were audiably spinning and cans seemed to fall as Blowback Dragon seemed to communicate with Weasel's monster before firing a single fire ball at it. Ultimate Baseball Kid slammed its bat against the projectile and sent it flying at its target at breakneck speeds whilst the three Hero Kids did their, admittedly small, part to lower the LP of the Slifers.

Blowback Dragon: 1700 atk, 1200 def
Ultimate Baseball Kid: 4300 atk, 1000 def
Hero Kids: 100 atk, 600 def

DNA Transplant
One face-down card

Bob: 1 card in hand

4300 LP

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Weasel started to giggle, his teeth showing as he began to laugh uncontrollably. Wiping a tear from his eyes as time wizard laid waste to the enemy with it’s time magic.

“Ahahaha! Leaving it down to chance? What a ballsy-ily entertaining move!” Weasel brushed his skunk like hair, pointing a finger gun diagonally in the air. “You know I do adore living dangerously. I knew there was a reason I keep you around.”

Snapping back to the battle at hand as the enemy lifepoints took a tank, he put his hands on his hips.

“But that’s enough praise for now. Do you think they’ll cry? I’ll wager a Kid Cache on it.”
Dahlia's face turned red with rage as Weasel walked off.
"Sweet... cheeks..?" She said. For a moment, it looked like Dahlia was about to chase after Weasel and give him a crack across the head. But then the girl let out a breath, and returned to normal. Crossing her arms, Dahlia looked back to Bix and Braxer with an irritated look.
"Don't get me wrong, I'm still annoyed that you guys got away with what you did." Dahlia said. The Obelisk Blue girl sat down next to the two Slifer Reds. "He means well? The guy seems like a jerk to me. What, with that over the top act he's put on that's managed to fool half the school. The only thing that's 'well' about him is how good he duels."
Dahlia went quiet again, watching as the duel continued.


Tracy nodded, waving farewell as Bob went off to duel. He seemed nice enough... The Ra Yellow girl looked around, finding that Dahlia and Elizabeth hadn't made their way back over to her after their duel. So Tracy made her way back into the stands and watched the duel. This was rather intense, with both sides pulling off pretty incredible combos and team attacks.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Bix was about to give Dahlia an hand on the shoulder before she said she was still annoyed they got away with their Sauna caper. She quickly withdrew the hand and looked the other direction with a half shamed expression whilst Braxer scratched the back of his head.

“Not gonna defend what we did, not really.” The Big lug stayed. “But lemme ask you a question If you don’t mind. Haven’t you felt like you were the underdog? Out of place maybe?”

He asked this with a sympathetic look in his eyes, one that drew Bix’s attention. It looked like he was going to start another one of his world famous ‘Braxer talks’.

@Captain Cardboard
Willow flinched as their life points went from 12000 to 5600 in one fell swoop, these guys were not to be underestimated at all. "My turn, I draw. I activate Gladiator Beast's Comeback, allowing me to special summon Gladiator Beast Attorix in attack position. I tribute summon Gladiator Beast Spartacus by using Attorix as the required tribute." A tyrannosaur with actual usable arms wearing a chestplate and brandishing a halberd was summoned to the field. At 2200 atk, it could either destroy Blowback Dragon or one of the kids. Judging the options, she decided that Blowback Dragon was the biggest threat and wanted it gone. "Attack Blowback Dragon, Cretaceous Carnage!" Gladiator Beast Spartacus roared before charging at the machine, ready to cut into pieces.

"My trap has sprung, now you're done!" Bob intervened as he activated a card called Elemental Absorber. "I banish my Card Trooper from my hand, now no Earth monster of yours can attack in this land!" Four triangles blocked Spartacus' halberd, keeping Blowback Dragon safe as it let out its signature laugh. Turning to Weasel, the Ra Yellow shrugged. "Depends on how badly we kick their butts, betting a Kid Cache? That takes guts. Here's my coins if you want to use Blowback's effect, that should make sure they get wrecked."

Willow gritted her teeth, that Ra Yellow didn't even feel the need to look at her during her turn. Her hand was empty and the field only had Spartacus which could not activate its effect due to that trap. "I end my turn."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Heh, like I said before. I love dangerously Bobsicle.”

Weasel gladly snatched the coins up from his rapping companion, his smirk showing his snaggletooth. As his turn came, he drew a card. Grinning like a kid as he read the card, he looked to his foe, putting on his different persona.

“Golly, it’s been an totally awesome Duel. But all good things come to an end. I’ll equip Axe of Despair to my Baseball Kid, which raises his attack up by a grand!”

The ace of despair materialized in place of the kid’s baseball bat, lighting ablaze with the flames around him.

Ultimate Baseball Kid: 5,200 ATK, 1000 DEF.

“And I think I’m gonna activate my handy dandy friend’s effect. Time to toss them coins!”

flipping all at once into the air, they each landed on his head. Looking at the screen up above, the camera showed one tails and two heads. Giving an amused cat face, he plucked them out of his bushy hair.

“Looks like the big guy will respond to little ol’ me after all~ alrighty big guy, Destroy that monster and then all of us will give them a biiiiiiig warm welcome!”

The machine roared a gravelly techno roar as it geared up its weapons, firing at the gladiator beast, exploding around it. After this The baseball kid jumped up into the air, loading himself into Blowback Dragon’s Barrel. The Hero kids nodded, giving themselves mischievous smiles similar to another kind of monster...

They flew up in a triangular formation in front of blowback, a radiating golden Triangular sight being formed around him. The crosshairs lined up perfectly to Willow as energy built up.

“Panzer Blaster: Home Run!”


Blowback launches the fusion of all their attacks, the baseball kid rushing at Willow cloaked I’m crimson flames. It aimed to smash him directly in the head with a combined comet slash!
Willow crossed her arms to shield herself from the vicious attack as their life points dropped to zero. There was nothing she could do to protect herself, though she tried to put up a good fight nontheless. The Slifer could deal with a loss, but the fact that gamble cards were used to secure the victory rubbed her the wrong way. She didn't want to be a sore loser though, so she gave a thumbs up to both Bob and Weasel as she gathered her cards. Better luck next time, sometimes duels really did come down to a coin flip. Although not thrilled by the method how she learned it, lessons taught by doing always stuck better than purely theoretical lessons.


"Doesn't look like tears to me, so there's that. Nice job on that final move, I'll keep that attack in mind for personal use." Bob said as he gathered his cards and put the coins into a small wallet with a single coin in it, just in case someone decided to check and he needed a third regular coin. "Speaking of dangerous, Time Wizard could've cost us the match if it hit tails. Thankfully, I never leave the dorm without a safety net." He cocked an eyebrow, trying to see if Weasel would pick up on the subtle hint. "By the way, remember your promise? Keep Crowler busy and I'll add some nifty sound effects. The time to strike is now, not to mention I have a legit cover story."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“No tears? Shame. But hey, the most internally damaged ones are the ones that don’t say it. Annnnyway, I lost a bet, looks like I’ll have to crack open a cache early today of your choice.”

Sticking his tongue out whimsically, the prankster was always true to his word...well...at least to other hooligans. Looking over to Crowler in the crowd who seemed delighted, he gave him a pure smile Before turning back to Bob.

“I got nothin else to do but hang with with the rest of us losers anyway, so you’ll get your opening. I do love that initiative you got, make it count~”

Weasel put his hands behind his head and walked up the stands, the crowd was all a chatter about what the outcome may be with the upcoming finals. It was abuzz with perfect distractions.


“See?! See! He made it to the finals!” Crowler laughed in a know it all fashion. “I told you he would, I must say my eye of talent hasn’t changed a bit through my years at this school-“

“Heya, Doctor!”

Crowler was caught off guard as the small sized ‘Detective’ had showed himself from his flank. The surprised quickly turned into a warm welcome as the effeminate teacher placed his hand on Weasel’s shoulder.

“Ah, Weasel! An excellent match you just did. Must say you are much more than just talk!”

“Aw shucks teach, it’s not all that much.”

Doctor Crowler turned to Lance, who was still standing there with him. He gestured to the Obelisk blue, slightly pushing Weasel toward him.

“Weasel, this is Lance Lanthorn. One of the finest duelists we have on campus!”

“Oh gee, it’s nice to meet you!”

Weasel held out his hand seemingly innocently to shake his hand, beaming a warm smile.

@Captain Cardboard


Previously Breon
(Noah POV)

Noah glared from across the field, not saying anything before glancing at Willow and walking out the stage as their life points hit zero.

As Noah reached the hallway lazuli made her presence known. ("Noah you do know that they were ch-.") "Yep, but who's going to believe some random slifer that his opponent was cheating, they probably think I'm just making an excuse for the loss, but."
Noah pause as he clenched his fist in his pocket ("Noah?") "It's the fact that Willow did almost absolutely nothing to contribute to the duel that's got me angry, and we both know our family doesn't take it well when someone holds us back, I thought she would be fine during that duel, but now I don't know. ("You're right, but what now, are you going to watch the finals.") "No, I'm going back to my dorm and taking a nap." Noah whispered all of this very quietly just to make sure that Willow wouldn't hear from behind him as he talked to lazuli.
Dahlia gave Braxer a curious look, not quite sure where he was going with this. The Obelisk Blue student thought for a moment, giving consideration to the question before nodding. Dahlia did pride herself on being a rather good duelist, having made it to Obelisk Blue as a first year. But she had dueled enough people to know that there was always someone stronger, and she had been put in the underdog position quite a few times before. Sometimes she managed a victory, sometimes she didn't.
"... Yes..." Dahlia said hesitantly, her irritation fading and turning more into curiosity.


Lance merely smiled at the Professor as he celebrated Weasel's and Bob's victory. Perhaps what Lance had heard about Noah wasn't all too much up to snuff, but both sides had pulled some pretty impressive moves for first-years. It was... interesting, seeing Weasel duel this way.

A new voice spoke up, and Lance looked over to see that Weasel had approached. Crowler pushed Weasel slightly towards Lance, introducing the Slifer Red. Lance looked down at Weasel, giving the Slifer Red a small smile. The Obelisk Blue shook Weasel's hand.
"It is a pleasure to meet you. It's not often a student manages to catch Professor Crowler's eye." Lance said. "You and your friend did quite well in the tournament so far. I look forward to seeing how well you do in the finals. You'll be going up against my little sister and one of her friends, so it should be an interesting duel to watch."
Lance kept a small, interested smile on his face as he spoke, but on the inside he was a bit more intrigued. Nothing big had happened yet, no pranks or anything. However, this acting like a goodie two-shoes was rather interesting. Lance couldn't help but to wonder what, if anything was going to happen. He decided to ask.

"Any big ideas for the finals?" Lance asked, his expression turning to a bit more of a knowing look. "Strategy-wise, I mean."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Braxer gave a nod, giving a brief chuckle. “Yeah, me too. Underdogs don’t really...go far. Sad truth is those that are low get lower and those that are high get higher. That’s just the way things are...usually.”

Bix suddenly popped between the two. “T-T-Then Weasel came!”

“Heh, yeah. He found us and got us out of the dumps, gave us a fighting chance. So he may seem cruel, but he helps those that need it, those that have been refused it. You know? So try not to be so hard on ‘em.”

“Or be! He d-don’t care none!”

They both gave a hearty laugh at the thought. Braxer just wanted to show they weren’t just heartless human beings. He hoped to at least get his reasons across.


Weasel put a hand to his cheek in a convincing surprise. “Really? I had no idea you had a sister in this tournament! They must be a reaaally good duelist then.”

Buttering the opponent as well as to a degree Lance, Weasel drew some valid points for a certain professor’s ears.

A groomed duelist related to one of my best and high esteemed Obelisks? Dueling Weasel? Weasel may be a tad over his head with this one. But if he does manage to win, that’ll show for sure he’s ready for Ra! And then In short time he’ll be one of my carefully picked blues! Then he can take out any troublemaker I see fit! It’s marvelous!

Weasel meanwhile continued talking with lance, the latter asking him if he had any plans for the finals. His expression was different than Crowler’s, he wasn’t gushing or impressed. But rather he was curious, dare he say entertained? Weasel held his hands out in a shrug, giving a toothy grin.

“Naw, shouldn’t be too bad. I may just be a lone detective, but all detectives have ideas.”

He returned to his boyish smile, giving a wink to him. Heh, now isn’t THIS an interesting character. Beating these fools are child’s play. This guy though sounds like he would put up a lot more of a fight than the gem fanatic and beast dunce. And with authority. Hmmmm...I wonder..

@Captain Cardboard


Previously Kid_Nukas
Raven had been in her room for most of the day reading up on various topics. She had seen the sign-ups for the tournament earlier in the week, but she hadn't made many friends in the school yet and didn't know anyone who would want to team up with the weird girl with six pets. Perhaps her choice in company was a bit strange, but with her dog, Vixen, nestled in her lap and the sounds of the creatures all around her room surrounding her, she couldn't care less. That said, she was still interested in watching good duels and learning new strategies. She decided she would head over to the tournament to see how the matches were going... right after finishing up feeding her pets of course.

Raven made it to the spectator stands and found a seat that was mostly isolated, but still in clear view of the ongoing duel. She made it just in time to see one team's life points drop to zero thanks to the work of what looked to be the baseball kid card. A rather troubling card in the hands of those who know how to use it. She had brought a few books in her bag to pass the time in case some of the... less skilled duelists were still on the field, but that didn't seem to be the case. She checked and it seemed that the tournament was advancing into the finals, she must have missed more than she originally thought; however, this was more of a blessing than a curse. This way she could get to observe the very best teams of this tournament, and not spend too much time away from her animals. It seemed like a win-win situation in all senses of the term. Since it didn't seem like it would be too long until the next round, she decided to wait.
Bob tracked Weasel with his eyes before smirking, time to get to work. Leaving the arena, he made his way back to the Ra Yellow dorms and entered his own room. Whilst a simple enough room, there were little handmade robots in the windowsill looking out of the window. Lying on the bedside table, there was a necklace that by all means looked like a gear with a string pulled through it. He smirked as he grabbed the necklace and booted up his laptop. "Alright, let's do this." Pulling off the cover of one of the teeth, the necklace was revealed to be an USB-drive and it was inserted into the computer. The USB-drive had a hacking program on it and Bob intended to use it to its fullest capability. "Open program." The firewall to protect student information was incredibly strong, but the arena data was not protected nearly as well. "Time to enter." As Bob tried to open the data, the program crashed. "Hmm, again." Attempt number two did not go any better. "You're kidding me. I'm in too far right now and I am not going to blow it! Actually, yes I am." Rapid tapping of keys caused three sticks of dynamite to appear on the screen that blew up. The firewall was extinguished and Bob could get to work.

"That should be it. Now erase the tracks and done." The Ra Yellow grinned as he unplugged the USB-drive and hung it around his neck before returning to the arena. Weasel seemed to be talking with Crowler and another Obelisk, so they should be occupied for a while. Giving Weasel a thumbs-up, he decide to lean against the arena and look through his deck. The cards were not half bad, but there could be a bit more variety in his gadgets. Red, green and yellow were not always cutting it.


Willow sat down on the bleachers and thought about the last match. She got absolutely demolished and as she expected, Noah carried her weight the entire tournament. Her deck was not bad, but perhaps she needed some more versatile or defensive cards. Swords of Revealing Lights and Waboku were the only ones that did not require Gladiator Beasts to be on the field, not to mention her only ways of dealing with spells and traps were to special summon Bestiari, Gyzarus or to attack with a monster equipped with Battle Halberd. There was no denying it, her deck needed to be able to attack if she wanted to do anything. That trap card her opponent used made that all too clear.
"Let me get one thing straight, if we get frisked by the cops, I'm blaming you," Pineko said over the walkie talkie as they approached the island. Shantenzu responded with a friendly "Fuck you. We're not gonna get frisked by the cops. Stop being a child and go put on your big trousers. We've done this enough times to where you can stop being a wimp about it." Pineko sighed as they began phase 1 of the plan. Diversion. The helicopters containing hundreds of thugs opened their doors and out started pouring the men, loaded with new, more powerful decks. Good. Now for phase 2. Pineko and Tekikika's helicopters landed and they jumped out, beginning to think that they could find worthy opponents with good cards to steal.
The headmaster saw this invasion and thought to himself, Well, now if anything, this is gonna be lawsuit worthy.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Tobias was trying to draw parallels in this new Kaiju movie and it’s implications on real life. It appeared as if it spun the narrative of human interference on native environments and cultures.
Right as the helicopters came on screen, he noted how realistic the sound effects were. As soon as it switched another scene though...the sounds persisted.


His eyes narrowed as his amber eyes drifted to the window. In a quick movement, he flashed open the curtains. Helicopters soared in the open air, the same emblems on their sides as the jackets of the bikers. Tobias gave an intense glare.

“Jira. They come forth once more.”

He quickly opens the window, jumping a top the window edge. Readying his gauntlet, he glanced back to his newfound friend.

“Do you wish to stay here in relative safety, or will you come with me to quell this threat?”
Jira was relaxing, watching the movie, when he noticed the arrival of the helicopters in much the same way Tobias had. However, unlike Tobias, Jira had been more inclined to simply brush off the sound as just... normal helicopters. After all, they were on an island. Using a helicopter to get around didn't seem too outlandish. But when Tobias looked back at him, Jira felt a shiver of fear go down his spine. Tobias wasn't exactly the kidding type, and Jira knew he was serious. For a moment, the Slifer Red hesitated.

"I... I can't let you go out alone, man." Jira said. Reaching under his bed, the Slifer took out the makeshift club Tobias had given him last time before giving the Ra Yellow a nervous nod. "Do you, uh... have a plan?"


Lance returned Weasel's grin with a lighthearted smile, adjusting his glasses before sticking his hands back in his pockets.
"Well. We shall watch your career with great interest." Lance said. The Obelisk Blue suddenly frowned, glancing towards the outside of the building. The insulation, as well as the general noise, made it impossible to hear the approaching helicopters.


Dahlia listened to what Braxer and Bix were saying, nodding slowly as they spoke. It sounded like this Weasel was a bit more nuanced than she had previously thought.
"I can believe that your friend may have a good side to him. But that doesn't mean I have to like him. I can respect him as a duelist, but I can't stand the guy." Dahlia said. With a sigh, Dahlia stood up. "Alright. It was good meeting you two, but I have to go. Good luck."

As Dahlia got walked into the dueling arena, a voice came over the P.A. system.
"U-uh... Please initiate lockdown procedures! Initiate lockdown procedures immediately! This is not a drill!" A voice said over the P.A. Dahlia glanced up at the announcement system before scanning back into the audience. What was happening?! Was this another raid? Duel Disk in hand, Dahlia ran back into the school

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Tobias nodded his head as Jira grabbed the makeshift handlebar club he so graciously ‘liberated’ from the thugs. Looking out to the helicopters, Tobias spoke once more.

“In fact I do. I’ve planned for this contingency. Our principle should have as well if he’s half the man he claims to be. They are heading straight for the main building, just as they were last time. Let’s head them off. To stop for landing of their men is more lengthy than one normally thinks it would be. That shall be our window to swoop in.”

Leaping off of the windowsill and into the grassy hill below, Tobias looked back to Jira, extending his hand out whilst his orange scarf blew in the wind.

“Shall we? We mustn’t delay.”

@Captain Cardboard

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Tobias’s head snapped to the left. Just on the hill towards the Ra Dorm a helicopter began to descend. Like a mongoose on a dirt road, Tobias darted toward it, hopefully with Jira in tow.

He arrived just in time for a man to leap off the helicopter. Analyzing the situation under the cover of the hill’s obstruction, he knew the man hadn’t noticed him. He had the stealth advantage.

I mustn’t kill this one, we need someone to interrogate. Seeing as he is alone he would make the perfect candidate. Very well. I will remove his ability to walk.

He called forth his wrist mounted blade, approaching the man from behind. He would then dart to stab with his sword, aiming to shatter his lower spine and paralyze him permanently from the hip down.



Previously Kid_Nukas
Raven had chosen a seat in the duel arena that was still quite close to the doors, so the insulation was not quite enough to keep her from hearing the loud helicopters approaching from outside. She started to get up and walk to the door to investigate. Sure they lived on an island where helicopters would likely be a reliable source of transportation, but what if something was going on outside, what if something happened to her pets she left alone? If any of those things happened, she couldn't live with herself. As soon as she got the door, the lockdown was announced, and this caused her to bolt out of the door.

She got out time just to see a bunch of thugs, with one, in particular, rushing to the Ra Yellow dorm. Whatever the reason they were there, Raven could not fathom, she just had to make sure her pets stayed safe. She saw they were all equipped with duel disks, so she opened her backpack and donned her own. If they wanted a duel, she was ready to flip their entire world in her favor.
Jira nodded, following after Tobias. The Slifer Red jumped out the window, albeit being a little more clumsy and not as graceful as his friend, and followed quietly after. The two made it behind a small hill, and Jira watched as Shantezu began to approach the Ra Yellow dorm. Tobias drew his sword, and Jira felt a surge of panic as he saw there was no cover on it. Was Tobias just going to kill this guy? Jira touched Tobias' wrist, and mimicked bonking someone on the head with his handlebar instead.


Meanwhile, in the main building Lance looked back over to Professor Crowler. Students were beginning to panic, but the Obelisk Blue kept the cool he was renown for.
"Professor, the students are looking to you." Lance said to Professor Crowler.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Tobias was ready to strike when a sudden pressure was applied to his wrist. Swerving quickly to his compatriot, his curiosity was satiated when he saw Jira making a bonking motion with the handlebar club. The archaeologist looked to the side in contemplation briefly before looking back to him.

“Too Risky.” He muttered quietly. “I will not kill him, but he has no need to walk. If that’s what you were concerned about I could strike his neck in a vital spot that will make him appear as of dead for a short time.”

Seeing that tactics as more ‘humane’ for Jira, he decided to change targets. Close to his enemy, he decided to leap up for a swift jab toward the vitals in the neck.


“Huh? What? What’s this??”

Crowler didn’t know what was going on. He heard a bustle going on outside and inside had many students running amok. Scared, unsure. He was a teacher! Wasn’t this his job to make sure they were in line?? Clearing his throat, he addressed them.

“Attention. Atteeention!!!” The flamboyant professor spoke up. “Now isn’t the time to be panicking like a lot of simpletons! Right now would be a perfect time however to-“

“Run for your lives!!”

The random voice in the crowd seemed to carry the wordless vote as the students broke into a frenzy. They ran everywhere, yells and screams filed the halls as Crowler was practically plowed over by a horde of scared students.

“Wha- wait- what are you dooooiiiiiiiing!!!”

With that, the pink tuft toting professor had disappeared in the hustle and bustle. Weasel whistled and put his hand above his eyes to see how far they’d take him.

“Golly! Guess they don’t have the most confidence in their safety.”
Bob raised his head as the P.A. system called for lockdown procedures, somewhat confused. Again? The last lockdown was not even half a year ago. "Really starting to question the security of this place, two lockdown procedures and mediocre firewalls at best for places that are not directly linked with data on the students? Not exactly the best showing of security." The Ra Yellow quipped as he put his deck back into the duel disk. If it was anything like the first lockdown, there were probably dunderheads running amok that needed to be put in their place. However, why would he help? Sure, he helped during the first lockdown, but there was no reason to do it now. If anything, he would break rules if he was to duel. Throwing a glance at Tracy, he walked over to Braxer and Bix before putting a hand on his hip and using his other hand to cover a yawn. "So, we gonna set up camp here or what? This lockdown is probably gonna cancel the finals, so it's not like Weasel and I have anything to do. How did your duel go by the way? I didn't get to see it sadly, I got caught up in something."


Willow snapped out of her musings when the P.A. system spoke about a lockdown, again? She didn't know exactly what the lockdown procedures were or why they were in order now, but it could not be a good thing. If she had to duel, she could very well lose and who knew what would happen after that? Her deck was not nearly as consistent as she wanted it to be, and her last duel wasn't exactly a bump of confidence. Getting up from her chair, she sighed and made her way to the Slifer Red dorms. She tried to refrain herself from panicking, panic would only get her in trouble. Stick to the plan. Go to the dorm, stay safe and wait it out.


Previously Breon
(Shantezu POV)

As Shantezu was approaching the front of the Ra dorm, she had a strange feeling that someone was trying to sneak up on her, I don't know what would have caused this, maybe heightened senses, a hunch, or the fact that there is the shadow right behind her, who could tell, therefore she quickly turned around and grabbed the hand that dares try to touch her and toss the person over her shoulder and on to the ground

She looked to see two academy students, one on the ground and while the other one was a few feet away and proceeded to type something on her wrist. "Well well well look what we have here, a couple of brats." Shantezu glanced at the weapons that two students have and smiled. "You know kids like you shouldn't have such dangerous toys, you might hurt yourselfs."
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Before he could splice Into the neck of the suspicious character, they managed to grip his wrist. Had they heard him whisper to Jira? Cursing to himself, he managed to twist his body and kick off from them, landing on his feet a couple meters from her.

“Silence wench. I do not draw the sword of battle for idle chatter. Jira, be on guard!”

Not wanting to simply end it because he was caught, he charged head on and gave a horizontal slash of his wrist mounted sword in the hopes of cutting into their muscle tissue.