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Private/Closed Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy RP

"Hmm, from what you've told I think it might be possible that your life points were somehow linked with your life itself, possibly because of that mage person. It's pretty much unheard of in the medical records, you're lucky that you only fainted. I can't think of any medical conditions that might be the case, so it might truly be something otherworldly. I'll have to do more research on the matter before I can give a definitive answer, make sure to get some rest though. Do not strain your body too much and if you feel anything else, do not be shy and come to me. I might not know exactly what you're suffering from, but I'm going to try my best to fix it. I won't forbid you from dueling, but I won't let you do everything from the get-go. Try some duels without the duel disk and if those go well, then you can slowly start dueling with the duel disk again. Short matches of five minutes at most, shorter if you feel pain or are going to faint. I want to check on your heart and lungs as well if I may, though you have the final say in it. I can imagine you're less willing to let me check due to the visitors here." The nurse grabbed a stethoscope and smiled at Raven. "Don't worry, it is not cold."

Bob raised both of his hands in the air as a sign of willingness. "I'm willing to leave my dorm until the check-up's done, I'll go disinfect my room afterwards. Seriously dude, what is that stuff? Dandruff or do you just really like sugar? Washing your clothes won't hurt you, there's a laundromat in this building that's free to use." He asked Goule, clearly not a fan of the trail he left behind.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Goule’s eyes slightly widened as Raven spoke these words, nodding his head.

“Ah, so then I was correct in my thoughts. I’m afraid then I must inform you of the bad news...”

He looked down for a second, hiding his facial expression. That’s when he yoinked his face back up, his fingers wriggling in a zombie like fashion.

“You’ve been cuuursed!”

That’s when Bob brought up the question of the strange white powder that was on his clothes. He turned his head to him for a second.

“Oh, this? This is A powder of my own blend. It has spiritual properties to bind the soul to the land of the living. If I wasn’t always touching it in some way, I’d already be swimming in the fiery lakes of hell. Ha Ha Haaa.”
Bob was never one for expressive facial expressions other than displeasement, yet the deadpan glare that he threw at Goule said more than a thousand words. "Cursed. Then why even bother dueling? Just curse someone straight on the spot, much more efficient. First of all, that is nasty. Second, how on earth does that work when showering? Third, you seem very sure that you'll be going to hell and I am not nearly close enough to you to even think about opening that can of worms. Just make sure you clean it all up when you're leaving, I haven't nearly sinned enough to require that stuff." Meanwhile the nurse bit their tongue, there was no use in arguing with that boy and at least he left them alone for now.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“So many questions...but I admire your curiosity. If you like, you can check out the occult club after this if you are interested. Kekeke.” The pale boy replied. “But curses don’t work like that. They need a catalyst, and in this case the catalyst was winning a duel. So it seems the poor girl was cursed by their foe. But do not shed tears, I know a cure...”
"Thanks...I guess? I've got to find my dumb friends though, they kinda vanished into thin air. And about that cure, let's wait until the patient gives consent before injecting her with god knows what. How would you even lift the curse? Sacrifice a goat, draw a pentagram on the floor with its blood and break the curse with some demon? Because if you do, you're cleaning that mess up. You made it, you get rid of it. Simple etiquette really, it's just like breaking a vase. The one who breaks it gets rid of it and probably should get a new one as an apology." Bob crossed his arms and leaned against the wall of his room, the coins in his wallet jingling.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Oh no nothing like that... this time. What we need to do to break the curse lain on Raven is do what is called ‘The Reverse Entanglement’ ritual. The first step is to go to where the scene of the curse was. Will you bring us there, ms. Raven?”

He coughed before offering her a hand to help her up. One couldn’t tell if he were more interested in helping her or rather getting involved with a curse. Whatever his goal was, he seemed to be excited for it.


Previously Kid_Nukas
Raven wanted Goule to realize he should leave just Bob had, but he seemed intent on staying and continuing his occult nonsense. Then he gave her the perfect excuse to be granted relief from his antics for a while. "I really think I should stay and finish getting checked up, just to be absolutely sure there's nothing that modern medicine can do before looking into the more... questionable methods. However, I'm sure Bob would love to direct you to where he found me, right Bob?" She looked to him with eyes that were basically begging for relief from the crazy. She just wanted a few minutes of normalcy after what she'd endured, and she hoped Bob would understand.
"It's not like I've got anything better to do, and I need to leave no matter what as you're getting checked on. Come on Ghoul boy, let's go to the scene of the curse. You can't miss it, it is the entrance of the Ra Yellow dorm. If you can contain your distrust of modern medicine and science for a bit, you're allowed to do whatever you need to do to break this so called curse. Of course, as long as it is legal. No human sacrifices for you as long as you're stuck in this academy, get used to it bucko. Let's move those bony legs of yours." Bob shrugged before beckoning Goule over and opening the door, leaving Raven alone with the nurse who seemed inwardly relieved at the departure of Goule.

"Okay, open your shirt far enough for me to hear your heart and lungs clearly. Then take a deep breath for me and exhale deeply when I say so, okay?" They asked as they waited for Raven to comply, even a nurse has to ask for consent after all.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Hm...alright then Raven. I will meet you there after you are done with your ‘checkup’.”

Goule made it toward the door, following Bob to the scene of the crime. Goule ignored Bob’s demeaning words towards his craft and spiritual expertise, rather focusing on trying to break the curse.
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"You better not die before we're back, the occult club is not going to like a new dead member." With those words, Bob closed the door of his dorm and lead the way for Goule to follow. "So, Goule huh? Sounds like Ghoul, you're into spirituality and are a member of the occult club. Would you say that you were predestined for those hobbies of yours or were they your own choices. I can't help but notice that it all lines up a bit too well. It's just like Weasel, truly living up to his name and being a slippery little weasel. Does the occult club have some books or something about names and the power they hold? It seems like the kind of place that would have that stuff. Personally I'm more a fan of the materialistic world and cold hard facts, but I've thought once or twice about higher powers influencing outcomes of stuff like decisions or coin flips." Attempting to spark conversation with Goule, the Ra Yellow stretched his arms. The sun was making him a bit drowsy, maybe he'd take a nap after making sure Braxer and Bix weren't stuck on the roof or something.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“One could say there’s a meaning to everything. From the smallest grain of sand to the largest mountain. One could easily assume I had a predetermined destiny to have a connection to the...immaterial.”

Goule laughed about the book comment of Bob’s shaking his head. He flicked a bit of hair out of the way of his eyes, his bones creaking as he did so.

Ha Ha. We aren’t sorcerers, friend. We simply draw connections to the soul in all aspects. Take...chance by instance. Have you ever had a time where you had luck too good to be true? Happening at the most convenient of moments? Could it not be off the table that fate was smiling on you in those moments...?”
Bob scratched his neck as he treated on unknown territory for him. "I've had a couple of lucky breaks with both Blowback Dragon and Time Wizard, but they've also failed me just as often. As for luck outside of duels, I guess I got Blowback Dragon in a pack. I could only buy one and I really wanted one, and it just so happened to be the first card in the pack. It really was luck that I found that card in the one pack that I was allowed to buy, but I always think of luck as a percentage thing. I haven't done the match, but I just happened to get the right pack and the percentage of that happening is very small. As for fate, I've gotten some very lucky draws in the tournament that was going on before the whole invasion thing. If what you are saying is true, then fate is responsible for that? Wasn't it just a very lucky shuffle?"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Ah, you see that’s where the great hypocrisy is. People like to talk about the fruits of luck, but not the tree that bears it. Luck isn’t spawned from nothingness after all, nothing does. Everything has a cause and effect, and luck is no exception.”

He gave a cough, dust escaping from his hoarse throat.

“So when you say things like ‘wasn’t it luck instead of fate?’ That is like the egg is what gave you the food, not the chicken that laid it. Why so hesitant to believe in that of which you cannot see? Especially if luck is a concept you don’t deem a crackpot idea...”
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In the area around the Ra Yellow dorm, a body began to stir. Clutching his head in his hands, Kenny raised himself on one knee unsteadily. The boy tried to remember how he ended up on the grass with a migraine that made him feel like he'd been clubbed over the head. His pounding headache didn't simplify matters- every time he did so much as attempt to think about what had happened earlier that day, the pain intensified significantly.

Peering through his eyelids, Kenny noticed something lying in the grass right in front of him, and despite the killer headache, he had no issues recognizing the card. Sky Galloping Gaia the Dragon Champion, the last monster he'd summoned against his mysterious opponent.

The memories quickly -and quite painfully- came back to him. Two of his Ra Yellow dormmates were being threatened by one of the guys from this invading group, and Kenny had butted in to duel in their place. The last thing he'd remembered was declaring an attack with Sky Galloping Gaia the Dragon Champion, and his fusion monster being blown up into tiny particles.

Just how long had he been out? Looking around, Kenny failed to see the two boys he'd protected earlier. Remembering their terrified expressions when that man attacked them made his blood boil. Failing to beat the man made it boil even more. Kenny let out a loud cry in frustration, before doubling over in pain courtesy of his headache.
"Technically speaking the egg came before the chicken, but I'll let that slide for now. A discussion about evolution vs creationism is not something I am willing to have alongside a discussion about the subject of fate. As for why I believe in luck rather than any other spiritual thing, it is more socially accepted. There're whole businesses that thrive on people hoping that they get lucky, yet I've yet to find any that work with fate other than those seers at carnivals and we all know that they are frauds. I've heard one predict that my uncle would have great fortune in the near future, yet they couldn't predict that my uncle had no money on him. Plus, I have first hand experiences with luck and luck as a concept is not nearly as creepy or otherworldly than curses and the like. You see it every day, the worst thing it can do on an average day is making you miss a train which can be rationalized as leaving too early. You can't really do that with curses." Bob explained, hoping that Goule would understand what he meant. He was having a discussion about a subject that he didn't know a lot about, he was already losing just by talking about the subject.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“...Ha...Do you abandon science because scientists are wrong on occasion? Or do you press on? Why wouldn’t the same be for the Occult and spiritualism? Truly...if your argument is based on the fact it is creepy or unwordly to you, it’s actually you that are acting without fact on your side, isn’t it...?”

Upon reaching the site of the attack, Goule gave a raspy chuckle-cough, grabbing vials that were previously hidden in his vest.

“Excellent...I shall make preparations for our Raven to arrive.”

Opening the caps to these vials and pouches, he began to pour a white powder solution along the ground. As he poured, the black substance in the vials were slowly trickled on. As the last drop of the vial was placed, the entirety of the white power changed color to a deep black.



Previously Kid_Nukas
Raven was thankful that she had a moment of reprieve from the crazy. She wasn't entirely comfortable with the checkup, but it went along mostly alright. She did as the nurse instructed and was just thinking about the weird crap she'd been through so far. She couldn't actually have been cursed, right? There has never been any evidence that backed the existence of curses in recorded history, and yet here she was as possible living evidence. She was just going through all this in her brain throughout the checkup until it was basically done. "So since we're pretty much done here, do you think it's ok for me to try and go walk around for a bit? The bed rest is nice, but I can't lay in bed all day, especially in someone else's dorm."
"You're looking fine to me, no problems with your heart or lungs. You can walk around, but be aware of your limits. If you have any other questions, don't be shy and come visit me. Take it easy now, okay?" The nurse got up and left the room, leaving Raven to her own devices.

To Bob's surprise and chagrin, Goule's words actually were not totally crazy. "You might have a point there, I have no experience with occult stuff which might be why I am skeptical of it. The only truly occult thing I know of is Exodia, who apparently got split in five pieces because it was too powerful and even that sounds like a fairy tail." Grabbing his deck and sifting through it, he pulled out Blowback Dragon and frowned. "And yet, these cards sometimes feel like more than just cards." The Ra Yellow muttered before looking at the drawing that Goule made, "Umm, dude? You're sure you don't need a goat or something? This looks like something you'd use to cast a curse, not reverse it." Bob hated scary cult-like stuff, and it was clearly visible in the way he distanced himself from the circle.


Previously Kid_Nukas
Once the nurse left, Raven put her top and Jacket back on and started to get up. She was still in pain, but she could move. She thought it best that she didn't occupy Bob's room forever. Once up, she made sure she had her stuff and left the room. She started out to meet up with Goule and Bob, but then she remembered Bix and Braxer who had gone to check on her pets. She never did get to give them proper instructions to deal with them, she thought it would be best to go check on them. She walked over to her room and opened her door slowly, mentally preparing herself for any chaos about to ensue.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Heh...don’t tempt me.” Goule responded jokingly. “This is a Arcane circle. It will be used to break the curse on our dear Raven. We just need her here in order to begin the process...lest she remain cursed for all eternity.”

He chuckled to himself, slouching oddly to the left side of his body, looking as if his bones had malfunctioned. Perhaps this was just another one of his quirks?

“But there are powers in this world that we don’t know of, even ones that even occult teachings can’t detect. What’s unknown is unknown. And that’s so thrilling isn’t it? The impossible...the spiritual chasm of the soul?”



Bix sprinted out the door as soon as it creaked open, a Tarantula clinging to his back. Braxer was right behind him, trying to help but unsure how.


“I’m trying!”

Braxer sweated, he didn’t didn’t know how to grab the spider without having it leap onto him. Normally he wasn’t afraid of spiders...but something this size terrified him...
"Should I get her? That way you can make sure that that circle won't go haywire. And this might just be my inexperience talking, but it sound scary instead of thrilling to me." Shuddering, Bob looked down to the card he was holding and heard the signature laugh again. "Hey, Goule? Can I ask a question? Would some of those powers happen to be in these cards? I've heard about tarot cards, maybe this is something similar? I can swear that I can hear this monster laugh, just like it does when it destroys a card via its effect. I'm not just imagining stuff right? There's got to be a reason behind this." The Ra Yellow revealed the card to Goule, wanting to know what the hell was going on. He still wasn't totally buying the whole occult stuff, but Goule was his best bet at figuring the stuff out and he has yet to curse him. What did he have to lose really? Save for his life, his organs, his decks, his dignity- wait. He already lost that when he lost to Weasel, a bitter consolation.


Previously Kid_Nukas
"Stop, you're scaring him! The more you panic, the more you aggravate him which is not good for anyone." Raven had to admit she wasn't too surprised that this was what she walked into, but it was a little surprising that Bix was able to somehow manage to get Meda on his back. Luckily the rest seemed to still be in their terrariums and cages, but this was definitely not what she hoped for from these two. Vixen rushed out to meet Raven, but she had to deal with Bix and his situation before giving her all of the attention she deserved. "Ok I'm just going to approach slowly, I need you to calm down so I can do this." Raven slowly approached the tarantula on Bix's back. If everything went according to plan, the tarantula would move from his back to her hand, letting her put him back in his terrarium.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Goule looked to to Bob soundlessly. That’s when he stretched a large smile on his face, holding a hand up to cover his eye as he gave a series of cackles.

Ha Ha haaaa! What do you think I got enrolled here for??” The pale boy laughed uproariously. “I’m looking into using duel monsters to tell the fate of man. I’ve heard many tales about unusual effects of cards and their users, so I am here to crack the code behind it!”

He cocked his head to the side, seeming to find an interest in Bob’s line of questioning.

“It seems I’m not the only one to have come to this conclusion...! Perhaps you would like to be a test run for a series of experiments in this field? Perhaps we may find a true beating heart of the cards...!!”


Bix whimpered as Raven drew closer. As soon as she came to contact with the tarantula, it crawled back up on it’s master’s arm as if it was a dog being picked up by it’s owner. Bix slowly opened his eyes, looking up to Raven. He felt a flush of embarrassment rushing to his face. That’s when he cleared his throat and struck a pose.

“W-Well you see! Tarantulas are big and scary, so to help with their self confidence I had to act all scared and stuff! Y-You know...cause self confidence? Yeah...”

Braxer gave Bix a look as if he were the most desperate man in the world, on that Bix was quick to scowl back at.


Previously Kid_Nukas
Trying not to be too harsh to Bix, Raven tried to choose her next words carefully. After all, he did try to help her out. "I... appreciate the thought behind it, but the way you went about it did more harm than good. You ended up just scaring Meda which could've ended badly. Luckily he's a gentle little guy. She put Meda back in his cage before being tackled by Vixen who she started petting furiously. "I hate to ask, but were you able to feed any of the rest, or were you dealing with Meda this entire time?"
Jira walked into the principal's office, flanking Tobias as the Ra Yellow charged in. But even the Slifer Red flinched when Tobias shot his sword into the principal's desk. Still trying to keep up a tough exterior, he looked over at Tobias incredulously. Internally, the Slifer Red let out a sigh. Of course. What was he thinking? At least Tobias hadn't stabbed the principal... They were going to get in so much trouble for this...


Dahlia made her way out of the school building, scanning the school grounds frantically as she made her way towards the Ra Yellow dorm. Perhaps Tracy was there? Halfway to the Ra Yellow dorm, the Obelisk Blue girl heard a cry.
"Tracy?!" Dahlia called back. She ran down the trail, only to stop when she saw it wasn't her friend. It was another Ra Yellow, just not Tracy. Instead, it was a boy. A shorter one with brown hair. Moreover, it looked like he was in pain.
"H-hey. Hey!" Dahlia said, making her way over to Kenny. She knelt down next to the Ra Yellow, trying to help him. "Are... are you okay?"
Bob looked to his sides, feeling a bit nervous as Goule began laughing. "...to learn how to play Duel Monsters? Isn't that why everyone is here? What kind of experiments do you mean though? Just duels or are we going to summon some ancient deity and let them use our body as a vessel? Because I am not sure if I'm willing to go through with the latter part, I'd like to get used to the simpler stuff first like tarot readings if that is possible. I'm not saying that I am not intruiged, but I'll leave the more occult stuff to you. The unknown forces probably know you better than me." He felt blood rushing to his ears as he spoke, feeling them heat up as he danced around the fact that he was absolutely terrified of ghosts and the like. Having an unknown spirit possess him had a cozy spot at the top of his shit list, and that was not going to change any time soon.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Oh there will be many things...no stone unturned as they say. But we can start with the more...tame...experiments if your heart cannot bear the opposite. But I’ve been making strides in the tarot department...at least I believe so. Haven’t had a living member to test it on yet.”

He examined Bob up and down, finding the last words coming from him rather humorous, creaking a smile.

“Oh the spirits know me well, but the spirits will greet every soul one day...so what’s the point in avoiding them? I’m sure they would be delighted to meet you. By the sound of it...one may already be reaching out as we speak.”


Previously Kid_Nukas
Raven was easily able to tell that Bix was lying. It was fine, but she knew not to trust him to do odd jobs in the future without some supervision. "Alright, that's fine, this just means I get to spend a little time with my friends before having to deal with the crazy kid again. Let's get to work" She proceeded to feed the rest of her pets, giving Bix and Braxer careful instructions as to make sure they both did ok. She let Bix take care of Vixen and Terra (the hamster), being arguably the easiest of the 5 pets remaining. She gave the gentle giant instructions to feed Star (the dove). This left her to feed Ryu and Gigo. It was easy going on her end, and so long as no more complications came up with the other two, they would be done in no time.
Bob chuckled awkwardly at the mention of a spirit reaching out to them. "Eheheh, you mean Blowback Dragon right? Please tell me you mean Blowback Dragon, it's gotta be. Right?" He looked around whilst trying to hide his nerves, knowing full well that spirits are probably invisible to mortals. "By the way, those tests are not going to hurt anything other than my pride, right? It's gonna be real awkward to tell the nurse that my gut goes for walks sometimes. Maybe I'll go meet those spirits, maybe make some tea, get some snacks, you want snacks? I'll get you some, be right back!" Practically fleeing the scene, Bob ran back into the Ra Yellow dorm and caught his breath in the hallway. Goddamn that kid is creepy, why am I stuck with him?! And where are those two oafs anyway? They've been gone for far too long to be out of trouble. Walking over to the broken vending machine, he got two packs of chocolate balls. He wasn't going to risk Goule being right behind him and catch him hiding away, he seemed like the type of guy to do so. "Braxer? Bix? Where are you two?"


As the nurse left the Ra Yellow dorm, they heard screams of pain coming from somewhere nearby. "Huh, busy day." Deciding to do their job, they made their way to the hurt person. They just hoped that they didn't faint after a duel as well, they were a nurse, not a witch doctor.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Goule found himself amused by Bob’s antics, his eyes focusing more and more in an elated manner. As he ran off, Goule’s creepily straight teeth came together for a too-perfectly-aligned smile.

“It was nice to meet you two.”


As the pair were taught how to feed the remains creatures, Bix tense left stroked the cheek of the hamster, the cooing creature rubbing back on his palm.

“Ya know, they aren’t so bad when they aren’t jumping on you.” Bix spoke.

“I thought that was you helping it’s self confidence?” Braxer teased.

“S-Shut up!”

After the feeding came to a close, Bix wiped his brow, looking to Raven with expecting eyes.

“Wellll now that’s done, do you want to do something else? There’s a really cool picnic site near the water I was looking at. Maybe we can go on a da-erm. A trip?”
Someone started talking to him, that much was obvious to Kenny. What they were saying was lost to him as long as he was doubled over, though. He couldn't even make out whether the voice was male or female. His migraines seemed to stop his most basic thought processes. In fact, hearing the person's voice seemed to only worsen things for his situation.

Kenny forced himself to look up, peering through his eyelids at the person that had knelt next to him. Despite the black spots that danced skillfully in front of his eyes, he could swear that the person was a brown-haired girl, probably another student from the Academy. "Can you...maybe be a bit more quiet?" he whispered, "My head's killing me..."


Previously Kid_Nukas
Raven didn't have the heart to tell Bix she wasn't interested, at least at the moment. Luckily she heard Bob calling for the two, so she wouldn't have to. "I believe that's Bob's voice. I don't really understand your little trio you have, but I feel like you shouldn't keep him waiting. Meanwhile, I still have to go deal with Goule. I'm not to thrilled about it, but I told him I would and I don't like going back on my word." With that said, she petted Vixen one last time before leaving her dorm and heading outside to where she collapsed. That's when she saw the pentagram on the floor. She tried not to jump to too many conclusions, she knew the pentagram has shifted meaning many times throughout history and was not always a demonic symbol. That said, she couldn't help thinking that she should've never agreed to this...

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
She didn’t say no.

She didn’t say no!

That means a yes!

Bix was getting giddy at the thought of her accepting the offer, something that Braxer had just about enough of. He grabbed him by the shoulder and begrudgingly dragged him off to meet Bob’s calling voice.

“Yo, Bob.” The large student spoke. “Just got dealing with...that. Whatch’u want?”


“Kekeke, so you finally arrived.”

Goule stood up from the ground, holding out his arms as to greet Raven. His left hand gestured to one of the points on the pentagram.

“I’d like you to stand over there on that point. That’s where you were standing before, no? And I shall step on the opposite end.”

Approaching his position on the symbol, he reached into his pockets, reaching for something unknown.


Previously Kid_Nukas
"Goule, I'm not the most well versed on things of occult nature, so how can I be sure you aren't trying to curse me yourself? I've read a lot of history, enough to know that this symbol: the pentacle/pentagram, whatever you want to call it, is disputed. It could be interpreted as satanic in some cultures while being revered as a symbol of the Earth in others. I just want to know a little bit of what I'm getting into before doing this." Raven was mostly just trying to stall the process for as long as possible. She knew Goule was probably not trying to curse her, but it was a little nerve-racking to do this right after her run-in with the psychopathic mage.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Heh...if I wanted to curse you, I wouldn’t have made this voluntary. I’d just have hexed you whilst you were asleep.” He wheezed out. “Now, do you want to be free of the curse or not? It would be such a hassle to clean all this up.”

He looked to Raven, detecting the unease in her voice and demeanor. The curse was worse than he had previously feared.
Making her way towards the sounds, the nurse turned the corner to find Kenny and Dahlia. Kenny, being on the ground and groaning. The nurse let out a sigh, and made her way over to the pair.
"Sorry!" Dahlia said quietly.
"Is there something wrong?" The nurse asked, kneeling down to Dahlia and Kenny. Dahlia nodded.
"I think so. He doesn't look to hot, I think he's hurt." Dahlia said. The nurse nodded, and took a closer look at the Ra Yellow.
"Young man, are you okay?" The nurse asked.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Tobias looked at the Principle with pure unadulterated disgust. One could see the tips of his lips snarl over his scarf. He slammed his desk loudly, knocking his computer monitor and other supplies on his desk to the ground, breaking many as he loomed over him.

“You put the lives of this school in your hands, and here you are! Hiding under your desk like a coward! You are a disgrace to all mankind. You will not be forgiven for this, men and women may have died today under your watch! Tell me one reason why I shouldn’t run you off this island!”

"Young man, are you okay?"

Kenny had to bite his tongue in order to not blurt out something he might regret. Yeah, of course he was okay, isn't it normal for a guy to be clutching his head while sitting on his knees in the grass?

"My head's kinda hurting..." Kenny muttered, blocking out his passive aggressive thoughts. Luckily the sharpest pains of his migraine were subsiding. His head still hurt pretty bad, but at least the world didn't try to make a spin of 180 degrees when he did so much as sit up straight.