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Private/Closed Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy RP


Previously Kid_Nukas
Raven looked at the new monster, and while she was still worried about all the craziness surrounding the duel, she was starting to regain confidence. So what if that mage guy was creepy as heck, she was nothing like him. She didn't use spellcasters due to their ties to the unknown, she used them because she loved her charmers and their familiars. And hopefully, with this next turn, she would prove that.

"I draw! From my hand, I activate the field Spell Secret Village of the Spellcasters! You see, my charmers love their home because it amplifies their magic tenfold, allowing them to nullify any magic spells you try to play as long as they're on the field." The graveyard around them seemed to disappear and shrink back into the ground while a bunch of trees with houses hidden inside them took its place. The two charmers on the field also started to look better. The color rushed back into their skin and they no longer looked like they were going to fall apart, of course Dharc was still missing an arm, but that was normal.

"Not only that but by tributing my charmers and their charmed companions, which just so happen to be your monsters in this case, I can bring out stronger versions of them, let's do this Dharc and Aussa!" The two zombies seemed to fall apart and crumble into dust, unable to withstand it before they pixelated and went to the GY. Meanwhile, the two charmers both seemed to grow older, their familiars evolving into something stronger. Their expressions steeled and they were ready to fight. Due to the effects of solidarity Petit Dragon and Gigobyte also rose out of the graveyard in order to help them, Gigobyte joining Aussa's Reaper, and Petit Dragon Joining Dharc's Meda Bat. "Also, when Dharc is summoned this way, I get to add one Spellcaster with 1500 defense to my hand, so I'll add Lyna the Light Charmer!"

"Finally, I'll tell you the best part of the Unpossessed Trap Card. Whenever a Familiar-Possessed Monster attacks, it gains 800 ATK points, giving is more than your Kyonshee, now go Aussa, destroy Kyonshee!" Aussa sent out her Archfiend Reaper along with gigobyte who seemed to ride on its back and the two flew straight towards Goul's monster.

Familiar-Possessed Aussa: 1850 Original ATK/2650 Current ATK/3450 ATK when attacking Monsters/1500 DEF
Familiar-Possessed Dharc: 1850 Original ATK/2650 Current ATK/3450 ATK when attacking Monsters/1500 DEF
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The charmers seemed to have evolved after casting out the zombie world, becoming stronger and more defined. As they focused fire attacking Master Kyonshee, the barriers of the seal master clashed with their destructive streams. However, as much as he tried to prevent destruction, the zombie succumbed, shattering into a million pieces

Goule’s life points: 3,150

“Aha...! You overcome the obstacles...take back your corporeal forms. The curse has almost broken!”

That’s when the second blast hit him, 2650 damage rocked through him from Aussa, and the pale boy couldn’t be happier!

Life points: 500
Kenny somewhat awkwardly joined Dahlia in standing with the others in the group. He didn't know the three spectators, though he could have sworn that he'd seen the brown-skinned boy around the Ra Yellow dorm before. Probably one of his dormmates. He curtly nodded at the three boys, though he doubted the shorter Slifer would notice the gesture, given how focused the boy was on the duel that was unfolding before them.

The duel itself was...interesting, to say in the least. One of the duelists, a girl that was likely also a Ra judging by the color of her jacket, seemed to be losing at first. That was before her Charmers enchanted her opponents' Zombies, and she subsequently destroyed the Zombie World that previously infected her monsters. Her opponent was...

Oh. That guy.

Kenny didn't know him by name, but he'd seen the boy around the Ra dorm, and... Well, to be frank, he kind of stood out to him. Not necessarily in a positive way. Somehow Kenny wasn't surprised to see him use a Zombie deck, nor was he surprised that he was probably the one to orchestrate this strange duel.

Finally relaxing the arm equipped with his duel disk, Kenny found himself intrigued with the duel. It was clear that the girl had a huge advantage, but he was interested to see whether her opponent would be able to make any sort of comeback. Then again, he also had an obligation towards Dahlia- if she wanted to continue looking for her friend before the end of the duel, then he'd be happy to oblige.


Previously Kid_Nukas
"Alright then, to end my turn I'm going to set one monster in Face Down defense position." Raven was confident in her turn, she was able to turn the tides of the duel and almost obliterate Goule's field. If all went according to plan, she would be able to finish this up next turn.

1 Card in Hand
1 set monster
Secret Village of the Spellcasters
Familiar-Possessed Dharc
Familiar-Possessed Aussa

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The black swords of revealing light shattered, leaving even less for him to use. But he didn’t seem to worry.

“Ha...ha...Oh how this has gotten interesting. The spirits are greatly satisfied with your performance thus far...but one is not pleased. No. One wants to make sure you are worthy! He beacons! I will use call of the mummy to special summon Ryu Kokki. But he won’t be here for long. I tribute summon him to bring forth a unspeakable evil! Come forth! Dark Dust Spirit!”

A dark howl was heard echoing through the hillside. Suddenly, the pentagram began to glow a deep crimson red. Dark dust spirit rose from the ground, flames and dust kicked up on it’s summon.

Dark Dust Spirit: 2200 ATK / 1800 DEF

“He hungers...we must feed him! All face up monsters all over the field are eradicated!”

the Dark Dust spirit opened it’s mouth wide, unhinging like a snake. It began to suck up everything in his path! The vacuum would attempt to scoop up and devour all the charmers!
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Previously Kid_Nukas
Dharc grabbed onto Meda Bat and Aussa grabbed onto the Reaper of Nefariousness. The two familiars tried to fly against the vacuum, hoping to escape with their charmers, but they were all swallowed up by the dust demon. however, Raven was not discouraged by this. "I hope you haven't already forgotten the effect of Unpossessed. Not only can I set a card face down with its effect, I can also summon a monster in attack mode, so make some noise Hiita!" A bombastic girl came straight out of Raven's deck riding a fox engulfed in flames. She was hopped off her mighty steed ready to stand tall against the threat.

Familiar-Possessed Hiita: 1850 Original ATK/2650 Current ATK/3450 ATK when attacking Monsters/1500 DEF

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The dust demon didn’t seem to be worried about the outcome of this duel, even with the added monster. It gave a low laugh that resembled booming thunder. It moved across the field without command, looming down on Raven with it’s passive body.

“Ad inferos erit vobis!”

It pointed a finger at her heart, the Pentagram below him beginning to pulsate with odd red markings. This is where Goule physically frowned, calling to him.

“Non aliam requirere infernus scintilla.”

The creature grit it’s teeth, the smell of it’s breath and the sounds grinding of bone against bone...these sensations seemed real. Too real. Out of nowhere, The Dust Demon screamed out to the heavens. Too loud and too inhuman to be ignored. It was consumed by hellfire, disappearing without a trace. The pentagram below started to crack, turning white by the second.

Ha...Hahaha...! Keep going! Finish the fight!”


Previously Kid_Nukas
Raven was somewhat unnerved by the sudden hell unleashed by dust demon, but she wasn't going to let that stop her. She drew what would be her final card. "I activate Awakening of the Possessed from my hand giving Hiita here an extra point power boost." A red circle of magic started to circle around Hiita, a symbol of the power she received. "And now, go Hiita attack with everyone's power guiding you! Full Familial Barrage!" Thanks to Solidarity, all 5 of the other familiars rushed out of the GY to stand beside Hiita and Inari Fire. It showed the bond between all 6 charmers and the strength they had when united. They all charged together attacking what little was left of Goule's life points.

Familiar-Possessed Hiita: 1850 Original ATK/2950 Current ATK/3450 ATK when attacking Monsters/1500 DEF

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Ha! Haha! Hahahaha!!!

The blast scorched through him, the symbol on the ground beginning to burn away. The it burnt like a trail of gasoline, lighting the pentagram ablaze!

Life Points: 0

The combination of all the charmer’s attacks brought a swift end to the duel, the flames of the pentagram dwindling, all the powder had been burnt away, leaving charred grass in it’s place. Goule seemed elated, clapping his hands.

“Your curse is cured! Winning a deal with the devil, aren’t you a lucky feather?”

He approached as the dueling simulation began to fade before them, closing the distance between him and Raven.

“How do you feel? Is your soul purified?”

“That was sooo hot...”

Bix blushed deeply, reminiscing the sight of the vastly female charmers surrounded Raven in the final attack, her hair blowing in the wind. That is, until Braxer gave him a judging look, Bix shaking his head back into reality.

“I-I mean...the fight was on fire! Yes-Yes. Sooo fire.”
Calmed slightly by Bob's reasoning and advice, as well as his offer to help, Dahlia took a moment to try to calm herself down as she watched the duel. The Obelisk Blue girl nervously bit her thumb, and couldn't stop herself from thinking about Tracy. Then something strange happened. The creepy Ra Yellow guy began pointing and chanting in... what, was that latin? The pentagram underneath the duelists, which Dahlia had originally thought was from some spell or card effect, faded away. The monster, Dark Dust Spirit, let out a screech and did an unusual... 'animation'. This was no ordinary duel. Dahlia glanced over to Kenny to make sure he was seeing what she was seeing before looking back to Bob.

"Zombie World isn't in play anymore, Bob. Why was there a pentagram on the field? I didn't see a card that made that illusion appear. What was that duel?" Dahlia asked, momentarily distracted.
Bob let out a sigh of relief as Raven managed to beat Goule in the duel. "That was scary. To make a long story short, we found her unconscious in front of the dorm, got the nurse to check up on her, this kid called Goule shows up and says she might be cursed when the nurse couldn't find anything. This duel was meant to break that so-called curse, but to my knowledge all it did was scare the crap out of me. If what Zomboy said is true, she should be curse free now. For the finer details about the pentagram itself, you're gonna have to ask the man himself. I honestly have no clue why he drew it or with what material and frankly, I don't think I want to know." The Ra scratched the back of his head before moving onto a more pressing issue. "So, Tracy. She said you two were close friends, right? If she's not at her dorm, are there any other places that she likes to visit? A lakeside or something?"
The headmaster sighed. "It appears so..." he whispered to himself. "Very well. I will hereby resign as principal of this school, so long as..." he bit his tongue, "so long as these children are put into better care and safety that what I could assure."
"Forget Wolverine." Yohei put down the comic he was reading and stood up to face the thug that had barged into his dorm. The thug frowned at the young Slifer Red. "Gimme your best cards and I won't kill you." Yohei blinked a couple of times before answering. "Oh, me? Whose kitty litter did I just shit in? This isn't my business, and joke's on you, I don't have any good cards. Why do ya think I'd be put into Slifer Red?" The thug took a step forward.
"Why the hell are you quoting Deadpool?"

Yohei remembered that well. He was fond of any memory that allowed him to reference Deadpool in any and every way possible.
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Dahlia scanned the dueling field for a moment, trying to process what happened. She blinked and looked back to Bob, snapping out of her confusion. She could ask about that later, Tracy needed to be found now!
"Well, I haven't had the chance to check her dorm yet." Dahlia said. "I checked in the school, and in my friend's greenhouse. But she wasn't in either of those places. As for other places she likes to visit, well..."
A shameful look came across Dahlia's face as she scratched the back of her head.
"I, uh... don't actually know. I haven't really had the chance to hang out with Tracy outside of class. It's only really been when we were studying. Or at school events. We'd always meet up in the library, but I checked there. She had been talking about how she wanted to go to the hot springs, but I don't think she'd go there during an attack!" Dahlia said. It was clear she was starting to panic again.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Suddenly the door burst open not even a second after the principal spoke the words of resignation. It was Doctor Crowler! He must have been listening in to the conversation for that impeccable timing.

“I am up for the job professor! I, Doctor Vellian Crowler, promise to be my very best as principle! There is going to be a lot of changes here! And for the better! Don’t you worry!”


Tobias didn’t know what to think of this development. Doctor Crowler was...flamboyant. He wasn’t sure if he would be a good fit for the role. But as long as he would up security...then he could be satisfied.

So the girl that just dueled Goule had also been found unconscious? Kenny shuddered at Bob's words. He certainly hoped his duel hadn't left him cursed, if that meant he could avoid whatever in the world this duel was supposed to be. He wouldn't want to admit it, but the way Goule summoned that Dark Dust Spirit...left him unsettled. Maybe even slightly afraid. A duel monster starting to chant in a foreign language by itself just wasn't normal. And that pentagram...

"...but I don't think she'd go there during an attack!"

Kenny's attention was quickly torn away from the duel that had just concluded in front of them when he heard panic seep through Dahlia's voice once again. While he'd been relieved to see that her friend hadn't been involved in Goule's borderline satanic ritual -seriously, what was that?- it also meant that she was still unaccounted for. Hopefully safe, but they couldn't be sure.

Shaking his head, Kenny decided that that was no way of thinking. As far as he was aware, the worst that befell students during the invasion was being knocked unconscious. "Well, we haven't checked the dorm just yet, have we?" he mused in an attempt to ease Dahlia's fears, "There's a good chance she'll be there, I think."
"Dahlia, stay calm. There is no evidence that points to Tracy being in danger and I heavily doubt that she would put herself in danger during an invasion." Bob tried to get Dahlia to calm down, something made much easier without his nerves going haywire due to zombie monsters. The scream of Dark Dust Spirit would haunt him for a while, but that was not the issue now. "Do you know her dorm number? She never told me that and I really don't feel like entering the database whilst she's missing. That would take way too long and be hard to explain to security." Turning his attention to Kenny, he raised an eyebrow. "By the way, who are you? I don't think we've met, the name's Bob Lerdwich. The big guy over there is Braxer, the small guy is Bix, the dusty Ra Yellow is named Goule and the girl is called Raven. What's your name?"
"Oh, right." Kenny awkwardly scratched his cheek. He wasn't very used to being in crowds as large as these. Usually his conversations were one-on-one. Not that he'd made a lot of close friends during his time at the academy yet, anyway. Having watched Goule's creepy duel didn't help to mend his nervousness.

"Kenny Conroy. We're dormmates, I believe." He glanced sideways at Dahlia. "Dahlia found me in the area after..." He rubbed his temples, remembering his migraines that now had mostly subsided. Anger flared up when he was reminded of how he'd been defeated and tossed aside. "Let's just say that raid didn't go too well for me." Kenny sighed. "Anyway, I offered to help her look for her friend. It's the least I can do."
Bob placed a hand on his hip, chuckling. "The raid didn't go well for anyone other than the raiders I'd say, glad to see you're not hurt though. Nice to meet ya Kenny, got any ideas on where Tracy can be if the dorm turns up empty? The only place I can think of is the hot springs, and I'm not going in the girl department." The Ra Yellow looked down to the ground before snapping his fingers. "Do you think we can look at the security footage to find her? She must have passed a camera some time, if we're lucky we can figure out where she is." Throwing the idea in the group, he waited for a reaction. It was a far-fetched idea, but it was a decent back-up plan in his opinion.
Jira jumped a little bit when Dr. Crowler suddenly burst into the room. The Slifer Red had been expecting a security force to rush in and grab them for threatening the principal, not one of the leaders of the Obelisk Blue dorm and a professor of their classes. But Tobias didn't seem too concerned by this sudden interruption, so Jira wasn't either. Jira just stayed quiet, watching the situation unfold and keeping Tobias' back.


Dahlia nodded, trying to calm herself down once again.
"That might be a good idea, checking the security cameras. But I don't know how we'd be allowed to do that." Dahlia said. "Tracy told me she's staying in room 217. So I'm going to go check that. You, uh, you could be right. Maybe she's just sleeping in her room..."
With that, Dahlia made her way into the Ra Yellow dorm. The Obelisk Blue girl made her way down the halls, counting the room numbers until finally making it to Tracy's room. Nervously, the girl knocked on Tracy's door.
"Tracy? Tracy? You in there?" Dahlia asked. No response. Dahlia stood there for a moment before knocking again. Still no response, or even sounds of movement form inside the room. Trying the doorknob, Dahlia found that the room was locked.
Kenny saw Dahlia take off into the Ra Yellow dorm, looking for Tracy's room. He awkwardly pondered over what his next course of action would be. Wouldn't he be intruding in private space if he followed her? "Right." Kenny scratched the back of his head. "I'll go look in the dining hall. Or something. Maybe she'll be there." The sentences came out half-heartedly. Kenny didn't really believe what he just said himself, if he was honest.

He turned towards Bob. "That idea about the security cameras is pretty good, though. You really think you can get access to them? I'd think the staff wouldn't just show it to any student that asked."
"Ah, that might be the case in situations that didn't involve a missing student. What are they going to do, turn students away and ignore the fact a student is missing? Should all else fail, I'm sure that I can find a back door or something. That is of later concern though, I'll go check the hallways and roof for Tracy. That should cover the entire Ra Yellow dorm" Bob was about to leave before stopping in his tracks and tapping Bix on his shoulder. "Hold these for me, will you? I think your girlfriend over there would like them." He smirked as he gave the Slifer Red the Silent Magician cards he found next to Raven when she was unconscious. "I'm gonna go look for a missing student, you four have fun. Braxer, you're in charge. Here's my dorm key, don't turn it into a bloody mess with sacrifices." Tossing the key at the other Slifer, he went inside and began searching. The chance that Tracy would be in the hallways or on the roof was incredibly small, but it was better than just standing around. If Tracy was in her dorm, she would probably want to talk to Dahlia out of all people and not some random guys.
"Fair enough," Kenny mumbled, watching Bob enter the dorm. He glanced at the others in the group. "I'll, uh, I'll be looking in the dining hall, yeah? Should you see Tracy around somewhere, just..." He cut his sentence short when he realized he wouldn't have any way of contacting Dahlia on the off chance that he actually managed to find her friend.

I'll take care of that when I'll need to take care of that. "Never mind. Anyway, later." Entering after Dahlia and Bob, Kenny made his way to the dining hall. Somehow he'd doubted that after all this fuss she'd just be there, but it was worth a try. And what Bob said was correct- if he searched the hallways and the roof, Kenny took the dining hall and Dahlia went to the dorms, they'd at least be able to cover the entire building.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Ohh?! You mean it!!?”

Bix was confused but excited by Bob’s generosity. Finally, he had a talking piece and a way of sealing the deal with Raven. Gifting her cards, after all, were the key to every dueling lady’s heart after all!

Braxer meanwhile cringed as Bob did this, not liking the way he was encouraging Bix. Grabbing the key with an arched brow and an open palm, he shook his head as Bix ran over to Raven


The silent gratitude was saying more than words were. Goule chuckled to himself, taking his deck out from his duel disk, handed it in front of himself and Raven.

“Humor me for a second. I’d like to read your newfound fate.”

He placed Raven’s hand on the deck, allowing her to draw a card from it. Goule gave a laugh upon the result that Raven showed him.

“Ha Ha Ha...oh how interesting. This is the card: ‘Ribbon of rebirth.’ It’s a sign that your fate has drastically altered, for the better. That you’ve become a new person, or ‘reborn’ if you would. Keep it. Something tells me the spirits will smile down on you if you do. Heh. We should speak again. I’m off.”

Goule turned around after gifting her that card, giving a lazy backhand wave before departing back into the dorm. Meanwhile, Bix sprinted up to her, jumping up and down.

“G-G-Great fight ms.! Like, really REALLY cool...and uh- THESE ARE FOR YOU!”

He jutted out the silent magician cards quickly, looking away with a deep blush. Solid. She’d surely fall for this charming move.
Knocking on the door one more time and still hearing no response, Dahlia continued to make her way through the dorm. Perhaps she was just in her room, but sleeping? It could be, but unless Dahlia could get a key she wouldn't be able to know for sure. Or maybe try to peek through one of the windows like a stalker. The Obelisk Blue girl shook her head, disregarding the idea as she walked through some of the hallways and common areas. Still no signs of Tracy. Dahlia made her way into the Dining Hall, noticing that Kenny was searching in there as well. Dahlia walked up to the Ra Yellow boy.
"Her room was locked, and there wasn't any response when I tried knocking." Dahlisa said. "I mean... she could be sleeping, but I don't know."


Tracy was sitting on the roof of the Ra Yellow dorm. She found that it was a rather quiet place she could go, that not many other students went to. On the ground in front of her, Tracy appeared to be going through Duel Monster Cards. It looked like she was building another deck. Ocassionally, Tracy would stop what she was doing to take a deep, shuddering breath. It was clear from her bleary red eyes and wet cheeks that the Ra Yellow girl had been crying.
Bob looked around the hallways of the Ra Yellow dorm and although he saw plenty of people, none of them were Tracy. Huffing, the boy put his hands on his hips. Surely it should not be this hard to find the girl, yet here he was. She probably was in her dorm anyway, so it was no wonder that he couldn't find her. Still, he was never one to not cover all the bases so he couldn't skip the roof. Opening the door to the stairwell, the Ra Yellow climbed up to the roof. "Ten against one that she's not here either, that's one bet I'm bound to win." Bob quipped when he opened the door and let the sunlight shine in his eyes. The roof was a quiet place and a good way to retreat from the hustle and bustle of daily life, but it would appear that he wasn't alone today.

"Well speak of the devil and tread on his tail, there she is." The Ra Yellow muttered, looking at Tracy who appeared to be making a new deck. If her wet cheeks were anything to go by though, deck building was not the only thing that she had been doing. "Tracy? You okay?" It was a stupid question because she clearly wasn't, but it would be insensitive to ask her why she was crying if she didn't want to say it. He could only do so much if Tracy did not want to talk to him, and even if she did want to talk to him he wasn't exactly the best at dealing with stuff like this. Then again, could he truly leave her and get Dahlia to talk for him? That would be rude, no?
Tracy looked up, flinching at the sound of the Bob approaching. However, upon seeing that it was Bob, Tracy just glumly went back to building her deck. If someone watching were to look closely at the cards Tracy had in front of her, they would notice that none of them were Different Dimension cards, or even had any banishing effects. When Bob asked if she was okay, the Ra Yellow girl just shook her head no. After a few more moments of sorting through cards, Tracy stopped and looked over to Bob.
"They, uh... the raiders. They... they took my deck..." Tracy said, barely above a whisper.
Bob took a step back, that was not what he expected to hear. "Those bastards." He cursed out loud, not caring about what Tracy would think about his foul tongue. A duelist's deck was their way of presenting themselves and the one thing they needed to call themselves a duelist. A duelist with no deck was like a machine without gears or a child without toys, a sorry sight. Staying quiet for a while, he grabbed his main deck and sifted through it until he found a spell card. He ran two of them, surely one less wouldn't hurt him? Even if it did, could he truly justify not helping Tracy in her hour of need? Stepping forward, the machine user crouched down to the other Ra's level and offered them the card. Different Dimension Capsule, a spell card that banished a card from the deck face-down for two turns before adding it to the hand. "Take it. I know it is not like your old deck and I will never be able to understand what you are going through, but hopefully this softens the blow a bit." There was no smile or frown on Bob's face which might seemed a bit unnerving, but he did not want to risk scaring Tracy into crying. "It might sound a bit like charity which might turn you away, but I have some of my brother's old cards. One of them is Soul Release, do you know that card? You might be able to rebuild your deck a bit that way. If I am brutally honest with you though, I don't really see you using a deck that doesn't revolve around banishing and I doubt that you would enjoy using such a deck. You're used to banishing and a new train of thought might very well derail. The amount of times I had to remind myself to not add Mass Hypnosis to a deck without Aliens are plentiful."
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Kenny let out a deep sigh as the bazillionth student he asked failed to give him an answer. He'd been questioning students in the dining hall for some time now, but none of them had seen Tracy. Few even knew her, though that wasn't too unexpected, as Kenny didn't actually know her either.

Then Kenny noticed Dahlia entering. "So she probably wasn't in her dorm either, then." Kenny frowned, pondering over Dahlia's words. "Okay, no need to panic. Bob's still checking the hallways and roof. There's a chance she'll be there." A low chance if she wasn't in her room or the dining hall, but still.

Pensively, Kenny crossed his arms. "Do you have Bob's number, by any chance? Or any other way to contact him should he find Tracy?"
Tracy looked at the Spell card, then back to Bob. Tears began to well up in her eyes as she accepted the Duel Monsters Card, and she quickly wiped them away. Sniffling loudly, she to nodded to Bob and gave the other Ra Yellow a small smile. She hadn't expected the kind gesture.
"Th-thanks." Tracy said, looking down at Different Dimension Capsule. It was a card that she had never really been able to get her hands on, always preferring to use Gold Sarcophagus instead. She wouldn't be able to activate Necroface's ability with this card... Not that it mattered, since she didn't have Necroface anymore. In fact, the only two cards she had found were Nobleman of Crossout and Nobleman of Extermination. Even then, it looked like those two had been dropped by accident by the raider.

"Thank you..." Tracy said. "Thank you for your help. I don't want to just take your cards, so I'll try to pay you back... I know I want to build my deck back up. But I have a feeling that it is going to take me a long time to rebuild my deck back to they way it was before."

Tracy looked down at her cards again, actually looking at the two Nobleman spell cards. It was a rather large coincidence that her first two cards ever were the ones that had been left by the raider. Then again, it was almost as if those two had a knack at finding their way into whatever deck Tracy was using at the moment...

Tracy suddenly looked up at Bob in a slight panic.
"Please, don't tell Dahlia!" Tracy said.
"I won't tell anyone if you don't want to, that's not any of my business. Dahlia is worried about you disappearing, but I can come up with a story about how you went to the dorm to wait out the raid on the roof. I'll figure something out, I always have." Bob returned the smile with one of his own, though it was a bit more forced than Tracy's. Sitting down on the floor, the Ra Yellow looked into the sky. "You can pay me back whenever and however you want, just make sure you do it before we graduate and leave the academy. I don't expect you to be up and running any time soon, especially not after losing your deck, not quite sure how I'm gonna cover that one up." He let a moment of silence come between the two of them, enjoying the heat of the sun. "Disregarding the circumstances, you picked a good spot to be. Nice temperature, soft winds to cool you down without blowing your cards away, no one around to bother you, it's nice."

"What's your plan for a replacement deck? It can't be anything too special, can it? You don't strike me as someone who uses an archetype like Ancient Gear or a type like Machine." The Ra Yellow asked his dorm mate, attempting to make conversation and soothe her nerves a bit. There was arguably less tension in the air since the last time they spoke, mostly because Tracy wasn't in the middle of crying and Bob could actually do something to help her. If Bix or Weasel finds out about this, I'll never hear the end of it. He grimaced, hoping that the banishing duelist didn't pick up on it.
The Ra Yellow girl nodded with what Bob was saying.
"Yeah. I like it up here. It's quiet..." Tracy said. "I'll figure out something to say to Dahlia about my deck. That I'm experimenting, or something..."

Tracy looked back down at the cards in front of her.
"I don't know. I don't have enough cards to make another banish deck, and the most the ones I do have that would fit into that type of deck aren't that good." Tracy picked up one card, Appointer of the Red Lotus. She frowned at the card before putting it back down. "I might just have to jump to using an archtype or monster type. At least for now, until I'm able to rebuild."
Tracy sighed, hugging her knees.
"In the card packs I would get to try to get more Different Dimension cards, they also came with a lot of, um... 'Penguin' cards. I thought they were pretty silly, more of joke cards. They don't seem strong at all, but I think I might be able to rig up a deck that involves them banishing monsters. The problem is, they don't really have a strong boss monster to bring them together. So I'm trying to, uh, figure that out." Tracy said, going through her cards again. She glanced back up at Bob just in time to see the other Ra Yellow student grimace.
"Are you okay?" Tracy asked, not sure what to make of it.


Dahlia blinked before mentally facepalming at what Kenny said. She had been so pressed to find Tracy that they had rushed into this without a plan. No way of contacting each other, or even a place to meet up should they fail.
"No, I uh... don't. I only met him today, at the dueling arena for the tournament. Me and my friend Elizabeth were going to duel him and his friend Weasel for the finals." Dahlia said. The Obelisk Blue girl leaned against one of the tables, running a hand through her hair as she tried to think of a solution.
"Maybe we should just try to meet up with him. I already checked some of the hallways and the commons area, she wasn't there." Dahlia said. "How do you get to the roof?"
"So apart from the roof and some of the hallways, we've checked the entire building, haven't we?" Kenny crossed his arms. He couldn't see a reason for anyone to just head out for a stroll on the rooftop, unless they wanted to be alone for a bit, or something.

Huh. That wouldn't actually be too unreasonable an assumption.

He gestured at one of the hallways leading away from the dining hall. "There's a set of stairs over there. The highest level leads to the rooftop." Despite the situation, he couldn't help but crack a small grin. He'd offered to help earlier, but he hadn't actually done anything to do so until now. "Just follow me, and we'll be there in no time," he said, moving a bit faster than he'd normally would towards the staircase.
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"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about...stuff, nothing to worry about though." Quickly dismissing the topic, partially because he didn't want to make the conversation about him and partially because he was sure that the truth would scare Tracy. "Penguins huh? Personally I never saw the appeal of them, but my tastes are different than most. A boss monster is a nice thing to have and can turn things around, but it is not a requirement. I'm doing fine with just Powerhold and Blowback Dragon, and neither of them are boss monsters. Heck, Blowback Dragon is the second weakest of its archetype of Gun Dragon."

"You should pick the monsters you like best, some friends of mine managed to get a decent deck running around Goblins and another one has a deck filled with child-like monsters. Those penguins will do just fine, maybe you can use something like Degenerate Circuit to banish cards with Penguin Soldier? It's the only penguin card I know of, but it sounds like a decent enough combo. If you ever want to give that deck a spin to see how it work, I'm willing to help you figure it out. I've got my own deck I wanna try out one day, and it is far from a serious deck. You're probably going to win too, gambling decks aren't exactly the most skill-based decks around." The Ra yellow turned to Tracy and smiled at her, hoping to cheer the girl up a bit. "If I may ask, was your banishing deck your first deck or did your interest in them spark later in life?"
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Tracy nodded along with what Bob was saying about Degenerate Circut and Penguin Soldier.
"Yeah, that's what I was thinking. There's also a card, Nopenguin, that banishes cards that a returned to the hand by the effect of a Penguin monster." Tracy said. When Bob asked if her banishing deck was her first one, Tracy paused a moment before nodding.
"Yes, it was. Actually, it started with these two." Tracy said. The Ra Yellow picked up two cards, the Nobleman of Crossout and the Nobleman of Extermination. The two cards seemed slightly worn, but otherwise well-maintained. "These two were my first cards, and were what really got me interested in banishing. Or should I say, uh... the 'Different Dimension'."

Tracy smiled as she thought back to when she first started dueling and getting cards. But her smile soon faded as she remembered the current situation she was in. Well, perhaps this was a new start... It was unlikely, but perhaps this was for the best. Maybe with this new deck, she'd be able to actually win a duel at Duel Academy.

Tracy shook her head. No, she couldn't think like that. This wasn't a replacement. This was just a temporary fix, until she was able to rebuild her deck. She looked back over to Bob.
"What about you? Have you always been flipping coins? Or is it more the machine side that you like?" Tracy asked Bob.


Dahlia followed Kenny to the staircase, moving quickly to keep up with the Ra Yellow student. The two made their way up the staircase, and Dahlia glanced over to Kenny.
"Thanks for helping me with this..." Dahlia said. The Obelisk Blue girl looked up the staircase, calling up to the roof. "Bob! Are you up there?"
Bob cupped his chin as Tracy talked about the penguin cards. "Huh, sounds interesting. Not sure why penguins and banishment are together though, maybe because of the fact most penguins live in Antarctica and no one goes there unless they're a researcher or banished? Could be fun looking into." Leaning towards Tracy, the boy looked at the Nobleman cards. "They look to be in good condition, so you must have taken good care of them. Nicely done." As he complimented the girl, he kept his eyes on the cards. The man on the card looked determined and powerful, yet he didn't seem like a spellcaster or whatever a monster needed to be to banish cards. If anything, he looked like a decently strong warrior monster. "Must have some secret power or magical sword to banish cards, guess there's more to a person than meets the eye." He mumbled before reclining backwards and lying on the roof.

"It's probably a bit of both if I'm totally honest. I love machines because of their power and predictability, but I kinda grew bored with them after a while. I've been using machines for what, 2 years now? My previous deck was an Alien deck and I liked the flexibility that the A-counters brought with them, allowing for mind control, a powerful summon or revival to your side of the field. I guess I kind of missed that in my machines due to how rigid they tend to be. Blowback Dragon and Twin-Barrel Dragon are the exceptions, even with their good attack they can do more than just fight. They can target all cards on the field, allowing for much more fun in duels and creative strategies. I decided to look through all my spare cards and wanted to see if I could make a decent deck out of pure gamble cards. Whilst the monsters are a bit lackluster offensively, the spells and traps make up for it. I've played against my main deck a couple of times and even if I put the gamble cards from that deck to the other one, it still is a close match with machines usually coming out on top. Gamble cards are just that, fun and unpredictable. They've hurt me plenty of times before, but it's not meant as a serious deck. It's meant for fun, the machines just made it more accessable for me. It's kinda like playing on the playground when you're too old to truly be there, if you know what I mean. You're not supposed to do it, but it is a good time and no one can really stop you. If you fall off the swings, that's your own fault. If you lose the match due to relying on luck, that's your own fault as well." Bob reminisced the good old days of his youth as he was talking, playing with his older brother before his sister was born. If only I could relive those days.

Dahlia's voice snapped the boy out of his musings and made him lean on his elbows to raise his upper body. "Right, they were probably waiting for me. Are you ready to talk to Dahlia?? If not, I'll tell her and Kenny that you want some time alone. It's your call, not really my choice to make." He offered Tracy a choice, though he wasn't entirely sure why. Was he doing the right thing by letting her delay the inevitable interaction with Dahlia or not? Then again, he could very well imagine that she didn't want to see anyone any time soon. Those raiders didn't give her a choice to keep her old deck, but he'd give her one to show her new deck. After all, today's been rough on the girl. A crushing defeat in the tournament and losing her first deck? Bob couldn't imagine how she must have felt, even if he wasn't emotionally constipated.


Previously Kid_Nukas
Raven was stunned that she won, it's like a wave of relief had come over her. She wasn't sure if it was actually a curse being lifted from her, but she felt elated and speechless, so much so that she just went through the motions when Goule wanted to try his experiment. "The Ribbon of Rebirth? I can keep it? Thank you Goule, I guess I could trust you after all." Raven looked at the card more closely as Goule left. She had seen the ribbon before, but wasn't quite sure where. She'd have to go back to her room and ponder it.

As she was about to head to her room, she was stopped by Bix who seemed to want to hand her something. "Cards for me? Oh thanks Bix, but you really shouldn't ha-" She froze immediately when she looked at the cards that were given. She felt immense fear well up inside her once again. She had seen these cards before, and the same chill went through her as when they were used against her. "I need to go..." She held her face down, unable to look at the boy who had given her the cards. Surely he hadn't known... but how else could he have gotten the cards. She had to go and contemplate a few things. She was used to being the introvert who no one knew, and she was used to retreating to her room for long periods at a time. Yet, something felt different about this time. She couldn't put her finger on it, she just couldn't bring herself to face anyone, so she ran to her room without another word.
Tracy watched Bob as he spoke, smiling softly as the Ra Yellow went into his dueling philosophy for his luck deck. Like Bob, Tracy was snapped out of the conversation by the voice of her Obelisk Blue friend. Upon hearing Dahlia's voice, Tracy began to quickly put away her cards. She paused when Bob asked if she was ready to talk to Dahlia, but quickly went back to putting away her cards.
"I think... I think that its better if I do it now, rather than wait." Tracy said, putting away the last of her cards and standing up.


Dahlia finished climbing the stairs, opening up the doorway to roof.
"Bob, are you- Tracy!" Upon seeing her Ra Yellow friend, Dahlia's face lit up. The Obelisk Blue girl nearly tackled Tracy, embracing her friend. "You're okay!
Tracy squirmed for a moment before Dahlia broke off the huh.
"Yeah, uh... sorry. I just needed some, uh... alone time." Tracy said.
"I was just... I was just concerned, with you having been grabbed in the first raid." Dahlia said. Tracy shifted uncomfortably, looking away.
"Yeah, I, uh... Thought up here was a good place to hide." Tracy said. Dahlia released Tracy, turning back towards Bob and Kenny.
"Thank you so much! I don't know how I can repay you..." Dahlia said.
Kenny smiled slightly uncomfortably as he stood next to the two girls embracing each other. In a way the gesture was slightly...unnerving to Kenny, for lack of a better word. More physical contact than a handshake or a shoulder tap with someone was something he was entirely unfamiliar with. And he also couldn't shake the feeling that he was intruding in their private space.

Still, Kenny could hardly suppress his awkward grin. It was good to see Tracy was okay. Even though he didn't know the girl, he'd have hated for anyone else to end up in the same situation as he had earlier today, or worse. And he'd be lying if he said that he wasn't glad Dahlia got out of her slump as well. The way her face lit up when she saw as much of a glimpse of Tracy was heartwarming.

Noticing Bob next to Tracy, Kenny nodded in his direction and gave him a thumbs-up. "Looks like the roof was the place to search after all, huh? Well done, man."

"Thank you so much! I don't know how I can repay you..."

Kenny's attention snapped back to Dahlia, who had apparently released Tracy out of her suffocating bear hug. "Don't worry about it." He waved his hand dismissively at the Obelisk Blue girl, acting more confident than he actually felt like given the situation. "You helped me out earlier too. As far as I'm concerned, we're even now."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Bix’s optimistic frame wilted into a disappointed hunch, his heart breaking in two. He was...rejected? But...she took cards from that creep. Did that just mean she hated him? Was it something he did? Braxer walked towards him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

“...C’mon buddy, cheer up.”

“But...what did I do wrong...? I was a perfect gentleman...”

Braxer picked him up, hoisting him over his shoulders. “Alright...let’s get back.”

Bix sniffled and nodded his head, walking back towards the Slifer red dorms on the other end of campus. Something told him there was gonna be a long night of consoling in his future.
"What can I say? Process of elimination and lucky guesses, never failed me before." Bob shrugged as he looked at Kenny, giving the girls some time alone. As happy as he was for them, he really did not need to see Tracy getting squished into pulp before his eyes. "Glad to see everyone's okay though, no injuries to my knowledge." The Ra Yellow got up and dusted off his pants. "If you don't know how to repay us, then just don't. I don't need anything that I can't get myself, just make sure Tracy's okay. The raid's been tough on everyone, couple that with her defeat in the arena and her day could not get much worse. Give her some hot chocolate or something and make her feel at ease, that's how you can repay us. If I were in her situation, I'd want someone supporting me." Throwing his hands in the air to stretch them, he winked at Tracy before smoothly transitioning into a yawn. It was as if he wanted to say 'Your secret's safe with me', but he didn't continue on that train of thought and changed the subject to take the attention off of the former missing student.

"Disappointment at not being able to use the school camera's aside, I'd say this couldn't have gone much better. Who's up for some food from the cafeteria? It might not be Obelisk quality Dahlia, but it's kept me alive up to this point." The machine user offered, though something red moving down by the entrance caught his attention. "Hey, guys! Where're you two going?" He yelled at Braxer and Bix, leaning forward near the edge.