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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros: Brawl


Previously mallard
At the sight of another Junk Monokuma in the doorway, Tabby fired out a rocket at where gruesome cyborg retreated, followed by the robot emptying five magazines of his SMGs. He wasn't fond of those things, obviously. He stared at the smoke for a moment, making sure that thing wasn't dropping down into the ring, and then turned his attention to Jataro. He scurried over to the kid, his screen turning red and a black censor bar covering his mouth with white symbols strewn across it. He jumped in the air, beeping aggressively. After a couple moments, he stopped jumping and silenced his beeps, the censor bar disappearing. He reached for his katana- and then hesitated. Tails and Sonic didn't seem like they wanted to kill him yet, and his blade hasn't tasted human flesh yet. Junk Monokumas don't count as human. Instead, he turned away and looked at the doorway in case the Monokuma would try to return. His screen remained red and bared an angry expression.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic @Captain Pokémon


Kilton was startled by Papyrus's sudden aura of authority and displeasure. "EEP!" He held a pose with his arms and a single leg recoiled into his torso for a moment, before relaxing. "On the event he's not dead, which he most likely is, I shall return it. I'm a businessman, not a thief. If it isn't a Lizal boomerang, I am not interested. Buuuuuut... if he is dead or missing, and if it is of Lizal design, I'd prefer to take it into my inventory..." His face was showed a slightly nervous expression, as he waited in anticipation for the monster's reaction. The Royalblin seemed confused about what he meant about Lizal. Without taking his eyes off Papyrus, he answered, "Lizal is the term to describe everything and anything Lizalfos related. They're large lizard monsters with a large curved horn each, elbow blades, and lots of diversity based on their habitat..."
@comic @ThAtGuY101

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Jataro Kemuri & Tails
Urban District

"What...ohhhhhhhh my head hurts..."

Jataro was trying to process this information it by bit, holding his head as he tried to drown out the sound of the saw blades above sawing the bases off of trophies.

"I was told you guys did 'em in...Monaca says you were awful and mean and uh...and things. And what Monaca says is the truth, right? Caaaaause if Monaca Says so....black is white, dogs are cats, and bad is good! Hauhahuah-"

Interrupting his snotty laughter, Tabby made loud vulgar beeps, sending Jataro to flinch and cower. What however got him out of this cowering state was the talk about demons and their meaning.

"Wait a second...I'm not a demon...right? Demons are a adults that are icky bad guys that hate bright and sparkly Hope. But...huh...I guess I never thought about it like that. Eeeeven so, no one cares if I die anyway, or if I'm labeled a demon either. A trash can is more valuable than me...at least a Trash can has a purpose....uuuuuuuuu..."

Jataro seemed to sob, which made Tails wince a bit. Inching an awkward step forward, tails was to par Jataro on the head, that is, before his head sprang up again.

"...Buuuut I kinda like that. If eeeeveryone hates you...you know exactly what they expect. And you'll neeeever let 'em down either... So if I'm gonna be thrown away like the garbage I am...wouldn't that be fitting? Mommy and Daddy demon never wanted me Big Sis Junko never wanted me...why would the Warriors of Hope want me either?"

@comic @Psymallard @Captain Pokémon

Red & E-102 Gamma
Lich Yard

"The answer is deemed inadequate."

The robot stepped around the corpse of the creature, Gengar seeming almost nonchalant about losing the kid he needed becoming more of an issue. Razing his hand cannon to Gengar's back, Gamma continue.

"Likelihood of survival from resistance is minimal. Spectral Entities are not unknown."

Was that a...threat?


"Get...off of me! Please!"

Red struggled in the man's grasp, but his physical strength was...severely lacking. Feeling around for something to use against this creep, Red couldn't find anything from stones, twigs and-

his fire rod. But...even if this guy seemed a bit off he shouldn't burn him alive or anything...that would be rude. Instead, he took the fire rod shakily with a hand and pressed it up against the man's belly. It would act as a hit poker, and if he kept hanging in it would be like branding him.
Sonic the Hedgehog
The blue blur raised an eyebrow as the kid began to speak, obviously confused. So, he was lied to. Honestly, I’m not surprised. Sonic thought to himself, closing his eyes for a moment as he continued to listen. He halfway opened one of his eyes as the kid began to speak once more, confirming that he was indeed lied to by someone named Monaca. Monaca huh? That’s probably the real leader behind this stuff. The hedgehog thought to himself. However, Jatara then began to verbally berate himself, calling himself less valuable than trash. Okay, that was a little harsh. Sonic opened both his eyes and began to take a step forward, almost in sync with his friend, although he seemed more confident. Before he could do anything however, Jataro sprang up once more, saying it was....good to be trash? Huh? That...didn’t seem right. This kid had obviously been through some stuff, that much was clear. However, his statements even confused the confident Sonic, causing him to falter. Sonic sighed, guess there was only one thing to say. He looked down at the kid and said something unexpected. “Well...we’d want you if you decided to join us.” The blue blur said while rubbing the bottom of his nose with one finger. “We’d treat you considerably better. The Warriors of Hope obviously aren’t the nicest people, I’m surprised you haven’t seen that by now. So, why not join the real good guys?” The hedgehog gave the boy an assuring grin as he said this.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic @Psymallard

Gengar didn’t respond as the robot deemed his answer ‘inadequate’. He honestly couldn’t care less about what the robot had to say regardless, let alone if what he thought said was bad. However, that changed relatively quickly as he heard the movement of a mechanical body part, and it wasn’t difficult to guess which one thanks to the robot’s next statement.
“Likelihood of survival from resistance is minimal. Spectral Entities are not unknown."
Blah, blah, blah! Why wouldn’t this thing just LEAVE HIM ALONE?! Out of pure anger, Gengar instantly threw a Shadow Ball at Gamma, rage on his face. He had about had it with this robot.
@Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Jataro Kemuri & Tails
Urban District

"But I liiiiiike being mistreated." Jataro said with a forced smile. "Caaaaause getting attention is still attention, not matter whaaaaat kind!"

Tails shook his head. It didn't seem this kid even knew what good things were like. It was pretty sad, especially that even the warriors didn't seem to treat him the best. Building on what sonic said, Tails elaborated.

"Yeah, surely there's something you like that's not uh...how did you put it? 'Trash'?"

"Weeeell....Ice cream was always nice...peanut butter fudge was my favorite..."

"Well, we can see what we can find when we get back to the surface, right sonic?" Tails smiled.

"Really? ...you'd do that? Oh...I...I..."

Containing his excitement after remembering the entire fact they were allied with the demons, he tried to not look them in the eyes as he held his mouth in his long sleeves.

"...I'll tag along at a safe but uncomfortable distance..."

@Psymallard @comic @Captain Pokémon

Warriors of Hope Airship- The Excalibur

"Hmmmm. Oh dear..."

She shut off a Tablet that had a image of Jataro conversing with the enemy on it. Her smile never faltered, humming a melody as she opened the door from her room. Monaca's wheelchair whirred as she entered the main hall, where Nagisa looked out into the bleak city before him. They had no word from Jataro after the alarms sounded that the demons breached the parameter.

"What is it Monaca?"

"It seems as though those horrible demons killed Jataro! Now there's only two warriors left!"

"...That's odd. There's no signs of destruction to the property, and the factory is still working fine. The Monokuma Kids haven't reported any bodies either-"

"It's okay to mourn for him Nagisa, Denial is the first stage of grief. You can let it all out, Monaca doesn't judge!"

"No no, it's not that Monaca..." Nagisa sweated. "It's just they seem to be falling fast, one after another. We are in a new dimension after all with endless possible interferences. It could just be that there's some kind of sensor hammer in the vicinity, or-"

"JATARO. IS. DEAD!" Monaca flailed about in her wheelchair. "THEY. KILLED. HIM. IN. COLD. BLOOD!"

"Ah- Monaca, please settle down-"


"I-It's not that I don't care Monaca! It's-"


"O-Okay...well...if Jataro is really dead... then we must have three funerals today. It's been a colossal disaster. As the new leader I have to find somewhat to recoup from these losses. It's no longer a game."

"Great~ that'll sure honor their memory! Jataro, Kotaka, and uhm...who was the other one?"


"Yeah, that's the one! You sure have a great memory Nagisa. Your gonna be a great leader already, that much I know for sure!"

"And as a leader, I've got business to attend to. Please wait here Monaca, I will be back before you know it. That mustached demon is causing trouble on the western front again."

"Well then, you better get to it! Monaca believes in you!~"

As Nagisa left the hall, Monaca's smile grew bigger as she pulled out a singular red button from behind her wheelchair. Taking a glancing look at the tablet to which she saw Jataro's betrayal on, she gave a small giggle.

"We'll have to throw three funerals for sure...Tee Hee~ "



E-102 Gamma
Lich Yard

"Resistance expected."

Gamma had prepared for such a rash action, firing a right in the center of the shadow ball, dissipating it enough so that the two halves that were severed flew to either side of him.

"This was the wrong choice."

Suddenly, Gamma would fly up, latching onto an alley wall and firing a series of blaster shots down toward Gengar, careful to be away from any shadows while he bombarded his position and possible route.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The skeleton pondered on Kilton's words for a moment, before offering a shrug and continuing his search. "WELL, I KNOW HE'S AROUND HERE SOMEWHERE. HE CAN'T HAVE GONE FAR! HE-"
Before much else could be spoken among the group, a roar drew their attention. A howl, more like. Bestial in quality, and challenging. The hulking form of a Banished Brute stood nearby, aiming a strange weapon at them, his body covered in crimson armor. Papyrus was the first to respond, naturally, springing up and grinning obliviously at the beast that dwarfed the skeleton, who was the largest of the group.
"No skin." The Brute barked back, interrupting Papyrus. His gaze then shifted onto Kilton and Slowking. "Meaty. Fleshy. Fatty!" He cackled. "I will dine on fresh meat today!"
As he said this, the thundering of heavy footsteps sounded from most directions around them. The Brute's howl had called upon the others in the area, and they were converging on their position as the Brute took aim at Kilton, opening fire with a spiker. A single spike could pierce armor through at point-blank, and was like a thick needle to punch through metal, meat, and bone. The spiker could fire rapid bursts of scarlet spikes to overwhelm opponents, and bring them down, and was the most common weapon used among the Banished.

@Psymallard @ThAtGuY101

"It is settled." Sub-Zero stated, turning his heel to look back up toward the exit. Jataro had mentioned a 'Monaca'. The cryomancer couldn't help but noticed it sounded a little like 'Monokuma'. She was the one behind this. As their leader? Or as the operator working her puppets? Masaru was supposed to be their 'leader', and with his defeat, who took the mantle? Kotoko and Jataro were disqualified now, so naturally it should land to Monaca, unless there were others. This Monaca seemed like the Quan Chi type, Sub-Zero decided. The type to manipulate everything they could from the shadows until forcibly drawn out. Just a theory, though it would be wise to retrieve more information from Jataro.

"We need to leave immediately. There are still others in this city to find and recruit to our cause, and your vessel still needs to complete construction." He nodded toward Tails. "I suspect this 'Monaca' may be watching us already, considering how each Warrior of Hope that fails is almost immediately targeted. It made more sense for Masaru and Kotoko, in the open, but you..." He glanced toward Jataro, falling silent for a moment.
"This operation here needs to be stopped before anything else. Is there a control room to destroy this place?"

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon @Psymallard

Silent Hill
"Ah! Fucker!" The man let up on Red, backing away from the hot tip of the rod, cursing profanities at the boy. Red was quick to scramble up and continue his run, but the man was in pursuit once more, and to top it off, the sound of a revving engine could be heard. Running along the street wasn't a viable option. He had to escape before they could get another chance to get their grubby hands on him.
However, before Red could do anything else, a figure emerged from the darkness before him. A woman, wearing a blouse. Her graying hair was pulled back into a tight bun that stretched her features of sad, sallow skin.
He didn't recognize her, but some outside force compelled him to stop in his tracks. He was suddenly paralyzed, unable to move as this woman stared back at him... and the men arrived. The skinny guy came to a stop nearby, slightly behind Red, now panting as Frank had. A moment later, the ambulance pulled up, slowing to a park, the large man himself clambering out to waddle into the scene.

"Miss Dahlia!" Frank gasped as he saw the woman. "We were just getting the little brat." The skinny guy assured. "Escaped again."
Dahlia held up a skeletal hand, skin drawn freakishly tight over her bones, her fingers covered in rings, her eyes on Red, before traveling to the rod still clutched in his hand. Calmly, she approached, and Red found he still couldn't move. He was frozen to the spot, even as Dahlia's hand snapped out, grabbing his wrist and pulling him toward her so that she could inspect his weapon. Her grip was fiercely tight for what seemed to be a frail woman. Her skin was ice cold. She studied the rod for a moment, before her other hand yanked it out of his grasp. "You continue to use witchcraft." She hissed at Red. "Vile wench." And Red's own rod was slapped harshly across his face, forcing him to stumble back and fall. Dahlia slid the rod up the sleeve of her arm, yet even as it was heated, she didn't seem to notice, or mind. Instead, she waved her hand at Frank and the skinny man. "Take this witch out of my sight. It has still not learned its lesson."
"Yes ma'am." The skinny man said fervently as Frank's flabby yet rough arms grappled with Red, attempting to pull the boy to his feet, and drag him to the ambulance.

@Shen: King of the Mist


Bennett was knocked aside by the Split Head, though less thoroughly than Scorpion had, leaving Geo and Chief as the remaining two untouched- before the jaws tried to clamp on the Spartan. It failed, but was enough to bowl the Petty Officer over. Even as his 'spartan time' activated, and the world seemed to move even slower than usual, the Split Head remained speedy as its claws began to swipe at his prone form. Enough to knock out his shields, but his armor withstood the blows as slobber covered the Spartan's body. His rifle had been knocked aside somewhere.
Calmly, he yanked out his combat knife from his hip, a wicked foot-long blade, which he rammed through one of the jaws. The Split Head screeched, before using its head like a brook and slamming Chief through the fog, where he tumbled across the street into a field covered in dew.

He was quick to his feet, visor automatically wiping the bits of spittle, dirt, and grime from it. His knife remained lodged in the beasts jaws, his rifle somewhere around, leaving only his magnum, which he used to open fire on the Split Head as it turned its attention on Geo, hissing in anger.

@Shen: King of the Mist @DarkHydraT
Gengar growled as the robot shot his Shadow Ball, dissipating it. His eyes tracked the robot as it latched onto a nearby wall, raining down shots. There were no shadows, but that didn’t stop Gengar. He sank into the ground, although he couldn’t completely due to the lack of shadows, it still allowed him to avoid most of the blasts, and he avoided the rest by moving around. Gengar growled, thinking nasty thoughts as he glared at the robot in front of him (Nasty Plot). Gengar began to glow slightly, seemingly teeming with power. The pokémon threw a Shadow Ball at the wall Gamma was on, causing it to collapse. The pokémon began to aim for Gamma, throwing Shadow Balls in his direction. (Intercepting them will no longer work due to their increased power.)
@Shen: King of the Mist

Sonic the Hedgehog
The blue blur smiled at Tails as he began to converse with the masked child. He nodded at the fox as he began to convince Jataro to tag along with the undeniable power of peanut butter fudge. “Right, if there’s any of that in the city, we’ll get it.” He said reassuringly. That seemed to do it, the boy agreeing to follow them at a ‘safe but uncomfortable distance’. Sonic gave the child a thumbs up and a grin. “That works for us.” The hedgehog said, before directing his attention to Sub-Zero, who was beginning to ask Jataro if there was a control room to destroy. That was a good idea, it would help a lot. He looked back at Jataro expectantly.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic @Psymallard

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Jataro Kemuri & Tails
Urban District

"D...Destroy it all? I may not want to hunt you guys for now...But doesn't mean I wanna stop
Sweet Monaca's commission. Afterwards though? I dun really mind... ...Actually, what's the time left on that?"

He looked down at it cracked controller, seeing a small glass strip on it that the timer had hit zero, at least for a while. Jataro nodded and looked back up to the crew.

"AAAAAActually, it's been done for some time now...so...you can go ahead." Jataro explained. "It's not like those cheesy spy movies where there's this red button that destroys everything...you would just have to rough it up a lil bit...ya know? The thing you do best..."

"After we are done with uh...'roughing it up', I can fix my plane and we can head right up to the headquarters. This is all about to end soon."

"Uh...hopefully that doesn't include killing the others...I'd be really sad if that happened..."

@comic @Psymallard @Captain Pokémon


Silent Hill

He felt goosebumps and the frozen touch fo the woman traced his form. There wa a something...Ominous about her. Could she be a witch herself? As red was slapped, his eyes welled up with tears and his cheeks puffed up before he gave out a fit of crying.

"You...Y-You.....Y-You are a very mean lady!" Red responded back.

But it seemed fruitless. Without enough strength to resist, he was thrown j to the ambulance with a *THUD*. Rubbing his sore cheeks with a few tears still in the corners.

"O four sword, please give me strength..."


E-102 Gamma

Gamma activated his circular thruster hovering just up over his back. Giving controlled bursts to it, he was able to control is falling speed. Weather it be fast to fall faster than the shadow ball, or slower as to stop an anticipated attack, watching the Shadow Ball soar harmlessly behind him. As he seemed to be able to identify their predictable trajectory, he looked to the wall to the back of Gengar, firing a controlled pair of shots at them.

Where they landed, it seemed to buckle the foundations for a particularly weaker segment, cracks forming before the a large portion of the wall came apart, aiming to make a landslide of brick and stone down on Gengar while he was facing the opposite of it.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Commission? This child didn't seem to quite grasp that he had just accepted a betrayal, and that the Warriors of Hope undoubtedly were aware of it now. Or at least that this Monaca person was. Kuai Liang glared at Jataro for a moment before he turned, lifting his arms and firing condensed beams of ice to weaken anything within the room the was still being utilized, making them capable of being shattered to round out this detour.
After a minute or so of destabilizing the components of the room, the cryomancer returned his attention to Jataro. "We don't want to kill your friends." He stated. "But no promises can be guaranteed. If this Monaca refuses to back down, they may be destroyed." With that out of the way...
"Now enough games, child. What was Monaca's commission? To assemble their own mech using the gold from trophies? Or just for the sick pleasure of offing individuals permanently."

@Shen: King of the Mist @Psymallard @Captain Pokémon

Silent Hill
Red was forced to return to that hospital, where Frank and the skinny man dragged him through. Earlier when Red had glimpsed inside of the hospital, it was old, run down, and disgusting. Now, it seemed almost brand new. A young nurse stood behind the counter with long blonde hair, no older than 19. The look she gave Red as he was dragged by was one of pity, and she tried to give him a reassuring smile.
That was the extent of their interaction, however, before Frank tugged Red along down several white halls until they arrived at a door, which the skinny guy promptly knocked on.
"Come in." Responded a voice from behind the door. A voice old with age, deep and masculine. The skinny guy opened the door, and Red was dragged inside. This room was mostly bare save for a chair in the middle of the room, which as facing an uncomfortable-looking couch, and the walls were lined with all sorts of plaques, graduation certificates, rewards, clearly the owner of the room was decorated, and he was seated on that single chair.

The man has graying black hair, like Dahlia, but he was clearly much older, with skin beginning to sag, and old wizened eyes behind a pair of smart glasses. He wore a two piece suit, khaki in color. His hair was slicked back along his skull, and he held a clipboard in his left hand, a pen in his right. "Good evening." He nodded toward Red, before looking toward the men in scrubs. "I can handle this from here. Thank you."
Finally, Frank's grip was gone from Red's arm, and he was allowed a moment of peace. The men left the room, leaving Red alone with this man, who looked down at his clipboard, peering at it as he wrote down some notes. It was a tense moment of silence before the man cleared his throat and looked up at Red. "Please, take a seat." He gestured toward the couch.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Jataro Kemuri & Tails
Urban District

As Subzero began to sabotage the mechanical arms of moving parts of the city better belt, they had slowly began to halts, the gears busting under the extreme temperature snap and preventing easy locomotion. It seemed as though the factory had slowed to a snails crawl...for now.

"Hey...wasn't the entire case you made about not killing kids? Then you say you will if you have to...makes it reeeeeaally hard to like you, ice demon." Jataro spoke. "Buuuut killing 'em is out of the question. Who knows? You might leeeeearn something if you listen to ms.Monaca..."

*clink* *clink* *clink*

"Ah...I hear it now. Welp. Was nice known you halfway decent demons. Buuuut when the reaper knocks on the door you answer. We're all gonna die, but that okay! After alllll...my life belongs to Monaca anyway. She's juuuust taking what rightfully belongs to her..."

Jataro appeared to both answer and not answer the question at the same time about Monaca's commission. As the sharp clinking was heard coming from below...the unthinkable happened.


A massive golden spear like object jutted out from the ground right in front of Jataro! The sharp golden object alone easily towered over Von Gerolt's size. The giant talon or spear appeared to glisten a gold...one that someone couldn't help but feel a pit in their stomach when they laid eyes on it. Almost as if they witnessed a crime against life itself.

"!!!! what?!" Tails exclaimed, backing up with Undyne in tow. "This is bad..."

As the massive talon receded into the ground, it was revealed that Jataro and the entire eight foot floor he sat on was now...gone. What could be seen was a pitch black hole, one that seemed bottomless. Then-


Another popped out, to destroy the entire footing around Sonic as well to stab Sonic himself. Then another popped out for Subzero. And another for Tabby, and another, and another. Soon enough, the room had several of these powerful shape protrusions to the point the room it's began to shake, appearing to fall apart.

???? (Monaca's Comission) --Threat Class: RUN

"Let's get out of here!!!"

Miles Prower's tails had begun to spin as he dragged Undyne's sleigh back the way they came, which the heavy door seemed broken in two from a passing talon.

@Psymallard @comic @Captain Pokémon

Silent Hill

He didn't like the looks of this. Everything felt fake...not right. At this point Red was confused on what was actually here and what wasn't. It was all topsey Turvey here...even the whiskful smile of the nurse didn't quite feel...right.

He then entered a room, one that seemed give off an air of educations. Diplomas? Furnishings? Was this a...teacher of some kind? As Frank finally let go of him, he rubbed his shoulder and glared from the corner of his eye, before letting sights go into the new man.

"Uhm...okay. But you gotta promise not to hurt or have anything touch me....Kay?"

Red bargained, hesitantly sitting down on the furnishings. The squeak of the leathery couch not something Red found particularly comforting or pleasant

As the bear faded away into a mist, the ice wall behind them turned to mist, revealing a strange pair of eyes, "What the hell?!" Guile said in shock. Guile also saw a hooded figure carrying a sword and appeared to be looking for a fight. He didn't initiate combat with them, maybe he was on their side? "Uuugh... Oh shoot!" Guile said rolling out of the way to avoid getting hit by the projectiles. "Who... are you?" Guile said to the knight.


"I see... Slowking said trying to process what Kilton was talking about in regards to lizards and boomerangs. The topic was confusing to him since he wasn't knowledgeable on the subjects. They were complete alienage to him, and Slowking knew asking further about it would only lead to more unanswered questions.

"You think?" Slowking asked papyrus in regards to the missing boy. "Pardon?" Slowking said in confusion to the large ape's talk of meat. Seeing what was going on made Slowking even more confused, "What in the world is going on here? First puzzles, then we look for a missing human, and now these large fiends attack? Oooh... Today is not my day..." Slowking thought to himself.

"A pin missle? How unexpected!" Slowking said nervously, "Watchout Kilton!" Slowking said using his psychic powers to move one of the large pieces of debris to make a barrier to take shelter behind.
Irritated as Gamma avoided his Shadow Balls, Gengar flew up. As the shots passed him, Gengar laughed tauntingly, but then a rock hit his head. “GEN! GRR, GENGAR GENGAR?!” Gengar yelled angrily, looking back, only to be met with the collapsing wall. Gengar’s eyes widened and he quickly dive bombed back into the ground, being able to go fully into it thanks to the shadows cast by the collapsing wall. The ghost was seemingly gone, before he jumped up through the now still rocks, landing on top of one of the larger ones. He then played down and suspended himself in the air a bit, before beginning to spin around (This process happened in about a half second). He then began to spit sludge-like acid from his mouth, causing it to go flying all around the entire alleyway. If Gamma was hit, it’d stick to him and bring him down while also slowing him. It would also have acid-like properties and begin to burn through him.
@Shen: King of the Mist

Sonic the Hedgehog
The blue blur nodded as Jataro explained. Looks like it was time for the old fashioned way, although he didn’t really need to do anything since Sub-Zero had it covered. However, he then heard a strange noise.
Clink, clink, clink
Oh no.
As soon as he noticed what was going on, a massive spear-like talon jutted out in front of Jataro. “Woah!” He said, before he heard a similar noise, this time closer to him. Noticing what was about to happen, he quickly dashed to the left as a large spear jutted out in front of him as well. Although, he couldn’t completely avoid the falling floor, that wasn’t a problem. He was able to parkour his way out with ease, jumping from falling part of floor, to side of the hole, to another falling part of floor, to the other side of hole, then back to the stable floor in about 2 seconds. “Don’t stay in one place!” He told the group before beginning to follow Tails as he flew away.
@Shen: King of the Mist @Psymallard @comic


Previously mallard
Tabby was alert. He felt the rumbling, and immediately grabbed his katana when the first spear burst out. When it retracted, Jataro was gone, which kind of relieved the robot. There it was again, this time elsewhere in the room. When it came his turn, the robot leapt out of the way. This wasn't as scary as magma geysers, but still dangerous. He weighed his options. One, he could retreat with his allies, or two- he would chase down that Junk Monokuma and meet up with them later. He decided on the latter, having struck out on his own several times before. With a small nods to his comrades, he shot another rocket into the ice wall that Sub-Zero had formed, then embedding his kunai into that same ice and zipping up. Tabby exchanged the rocket launcher for a SMG and drilled a small hole through the ice with the bullets. Once that gun was empty, a softball-sized hole remained. He turned for one last look at his friends, and then performed a dash through the wall. The dash allowing him to go through barriers that have some sort of opening.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic @Captain Pokémon

"EEEEK!!!" The armor-clad monster before him was huge, and didn't seem too friendly. Kilton dove behind Slowking's cover to hide from the fire. He started to rummage through his bag as red bolts of energy pierced the stone around him. Kilton was convinced the reason the creature was targeting him because the other two were monsters and he was not. He was scrawny under his clothing, and the Royalblin was much more plump. He didn't dare voice this out of fear of making an enemy of the pink creature as well. In his bag, he finally found what he was looking for, a yellow Chuchu jelly and his spring hammer. Slinging his bag back over his shoulder, he tossed the yellow Chuchu jelly out into the open. He scrambled after it, and as it came down he smacked it at the Banished soldier. If it hit, it would burst and release a charge enough to stun a creature that size for all of 3 seconds. Kilton scurried behind more rubble. Upon the event he was stunned, the shopowner would make a mad dash in the direction behind the Banished soldier.
@comic @ThAtGuY101


The Gatekeeper's shields fell, and The Knight was the first attack. The Gatekeeper was struck by the blade, knocking the eye back.
Kragg went on the offensive as well, he rolled into a ball and summoned a rock ramp to get to their level. Once near enough, the Earth's Bastion let loose a nasty-looking haymaker which knocked the eyeball to the ground.
As the eye rose back up into position, a energy field surrounded it once again, likewise for the other eye. They summoned 4 more creatures, a dark humanoid ferret (Abyss Maypul), a dark humanoid bird (Abyss Wrastor), a dark humanoid goat (Abyss Absa), and a dark humanoid hyena (Abyss Forsburn).
@ThAtGuY101 @Gamingfan @ArmedBlue
Krona kept its eyes on Copen as the boy dashed about. He wasn't caught by Whirlpool, which sucked, but atleast the attack was headed towards the other fighters. Surely someone would be hit by it? Seeing as Copen was right in front of it, the pliosaur and Hunter could not resist the opportunity to take down the biggest threat on the field. "Krona Bite!" It was the weakest move in Krona's arsenal, but Hunter did not have more FP to spare and it still did a lot of damage if it hit. The head of the Kronosaurus grew as it opened its jaws and attempted to bite down on Copen, who dashed away before the jaws could close on him. "Don't let him get away!" Hearing the order of its master, Krona locked onto Copen again and lunged.

@ArmedBlue @Gamingfan @Shen: King of the Mist


The Split Head had done some quick work to leave Geo standing all alone, knees shaking and arms heavy as he looked at the monstrosity headed his way. Omega-Xis yelled at the boy before things could get worse. "Geo! We need to stun that thing! Use your brain whilst you can!" The harsh words hit their target as Megaman nodded and threw two cards in the air, a yellow card with a flaming unicycle that had a big grin and a white card that showed a humanoid getting shocked in a cartoony fashion. "Battle card, predation! Battle card combo! Fire Ring and Paralyze Plus!" Mega swallowed the cards before exhaling a large fire ring towards the Split Head, the flames had yellow accents to signal that it had paralytic powers. No matter if the Fire Ring hit or missed, it would come back around to Geo. The boy was immune to the attack, but the same could not be said about the Split Head with the same confidence. If the beast got hit, it should get paralyzed for 5 seconds, allowing for Geo's allies to rejoin the fight. Viruses were paralyzed for that long anyway, so hopefully this monstrosity was too.



Previously turnt3chGodh34d
So much for the child. He was gone. So much for destroying the room. Monaca's 'commission' was doing that just fine. Spear-like golden rods were strikign through the floor, revealing an empty chasm beneath as the entire room began to fall apart. One attempted to destroy Sonic as it had destroyed Jataro.
The cryomancer narrowed his eyes, before he suddenly slid backward, a path of ice in his wake as another spear slammed through the ground, eradicating where he'd just been moments before.

Tabby made a mad dash for the room the Junk Monokuma had come from, while Tails flew Undyne and led Sonic back through the door they'd come from. It left the Grandmaster with a split-second decision to make. He could tail Tabby, make sure he wasn't destroyed by whatever was in there. Or he could follow the others out. They had Undyne with them, but... there were more of them, and Sonic was fast. They could hold their own.
He'd just need to regroup with them later.
Sliding to the side, Sub-Zero managed to avoid another spear as the room was collapsing. He was already the last one in it now, and the entire place was crumbling from Monaca's Commission. He felt his assumption of a trophy mech had been correct, or at least something like it. Jataro mentioning it as being unbreakable outside of being damaged by its own element was proof enough of that. There would be no attempts to sever these spears with ice. Temperature too, probably did nothing. Then there was the fact that they could destroy a being after they were trophied.
Monaca was indeed cruel... but not dumb, like the others had been.

Propelling himself through the air, Sub-Zero leaped from spear to spear, using blasts of ice to maneuver around ones trying to take him out. Tabby had shattered the wall of ice blocking the doorway, going inside. Foolish tabletoid, believing he could charge alone into a room... or perhaps he'd expected the team to follow.
Regardless, they were split in two now, and that wouldn't change for a time. Coming to a sliding stop, Sub-Zero glanced back as one more spear shot up, blocking the exit out. He was in this room now with Tabby, who was getting his bearings just as the Grandmaster was. Ice encased Sub-Zero's arms like spikes, fog drifting down from the intense cold as he searched for any immediate threats.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Psymallard

"Hold STILL!"
Her spear slammed into the ground, missing her massive opponent for.. what was this? The tenth time in a row? The King stared back at her, giving her a somewhat confused smile as the fish girl whirled on him, attempting to strike him. He dodged again.
"FIGHT ME!" Undyne bellowed, unleashing a flurry of blows that simply failed to land. The King was much faster than her, easily able to avoid her attacks. He wasn't even trying as he continued to give her a look of concern. This was awful. No, it was worse than that. This was completely humiliating. Here she was, giving it her all, and she didn't even match the King- and he wasn't even trying.

After a few more fruitless strikes, Undyne collapsed to her knees, panting as her spear disappeared, and the King cocked his head to the side. "Curious." He said, his voice a low rumble. "What did you hope to accomplish?"
"I was trying to..." Undyne huffed. "To beat you! To prove to you and EVERYONE that I have what it takes to be the STRONGEST monster!"
At this, the King gave her a gentle smile beneath his blonde beard and mustache. "Oh, is that it?" He asked pleasantly. "Would you like me to train you?"
"...Huh?" Undyne was now the confused one as she slowly climbed to her feet, furrowing her brow at the King, who chuckled at her response. "You have a fire about you." He informed. "You've already proven to me that you are a determined person. I would be happy to show you how to knock me down in a fight."
"...You... would?" Undyne questioned, frowning. The King nodded- and the interaction was over. The world rumbled around them, making them both wobble on the spot for a moment. Immediately, Undyne's confusion and frustration was replaced by momentary fear. "What was that?" She asked, edging closer to the King, who looked up to the cavernous ceiling for a moment, and sighed. "It may be best if you woke now." He said.
The fish girl looked toward him, furrowing her brow. "Wake up? What do you-"

A ringing noise was all she could hear for a few moments, alongside blurry shapes and lights through her one good eye. Her body was rocking from side to side. She was being dragged on... something. Undyne's response to this was shutting her eye and turning over on her metal sled, annoyed. "Go home... Papyrus..." She yawned. "Not ready..."
But the rocking didn't stop, and it was impossible to go back to sleep like that. Annoyance increasing, Undyne sat quickly up- and nearly hit her head against a metal bar. She was quick enough to duck back down and avoid it, but the shock was enough to snap her awake. She was riding some sled along through some tunnel. A rumbled sounded behind, and the puller of the sled was Tails. Sonic was nearby.
Undyne blinked.
"...did I miss something?"

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon

Dr. Kaufmann
The men left the room as Red took a seat. The doctor said nothing in response to Red, simply looking back down to his clipboard and taking a few more notes. Again, he cleared his throat and looked back up at Red. "This is the fifth time you've tried escaping." He stated. "I had hoped the electroshock therapy would have made you more... susceptible to the truth, but it seems you're still resisting. We'll go over this again."
Anything Red would say in retaliation seemed to be ignored as the man pulled a few cards out from under the paper of his clipboard, stacking them in his lap, before holding the first up to Red. "What do you see?"

The image was a rorschach, appearing to resemble two figures slamming their fists together, or perhaps it was a jaguar stalking prey, reflecting through some water. The interpretation was up to Red. Upon his answer, the man would lower the rorschach, and pull up the second card, which showed a woman lying in a pool of blood.
"What do you see?" He asked again. At Red's answer, the man would pull out the third card.
This third one showed a face, crudely drawn and stretched wide in an unnatural way, shadowed and staring. The most disturbing thing about it was the way its skin seemed to be ripping apart, stretched so tightly over its skull.
"What do you see?" The man asked a third time.
Just like for the others, he would lower the card at Red's answer, before pulling out the fourth and final card, which had three questions on it that the doctor read aloud.
"I am going to ask you three questions. I need you to answer honestly, alright? Question one: What is your name?"
He didn't reply to Red's answer.
"Question two: How long have you been practicing witchcraft?"
As usual, the man had no response to Red.
"Final question: Have you been bleeding in any unusual places?"
As Red would give his answer, the doctor would slide the cards back under his page, and begin writing.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Geo's moves took time to execute. The Split Head was back on him in seconds before the attack could even occur, but it wasn't interrupted, fortunately. As Chief's bullets slugged into the beasts tough hide, Scorpion emerged from the fog again, his katana blazing just as Bennett's had, though the pyromancer's sword was far hotter, scorching through the air as it slashed through the air- and half of the Split Head's right jaw came off, severed from it.
Before it could even howl in pain, Geo's attack was executed successfully, and the ring of fire scorched along the Split Head, paralyzing it as well as lighting the beast on fire. It screeched a loud, long note as Scorpion took a step back. The monster was jerking in place, paralyzed- and Bennett rushed forward with a yell, plunging his sword into the side of the Split Head.

When he pulled his sword out, the beast finally stopped moving, collapsing onto the ground and becoming entirely still.
It was dead. They had won their encounter.
With that, the fire of Scorpion's sword died out, and he sheathed his blade, milky white eyes searching his allies for a moment. Chief returned to them, holstering his Magnum before picking his rifle from the ground and attaching it on his back. "There'll be more. We need to find the others." He stated.
Scorpion had no argument with this. Larger numbers would be welcome. He eyed the Split Head for a moment longer, wrinkling his nose at the stench of its burnt flesh. He hadn't encountered one of these before... but it could be killed. He'd take a thousand of these over the man with the pyramid head.

@Shen: King of the Mist @DarkHydraT

The hairy creature was nearly the size of Asgore, but lacked any of the King's fluffy qualities. This loud and violent being didn't even have a cool beard. Just wiry black hair. Slowking formed a barrier with a piece of rubble, allowing himself and Kilton cover as the Brute opened fire. Papyrus could only watch for a moment, confused. Uncertain of how he should react. Until finally, he did.
"YOU NEED A TIME OUT!" The skeleton stated, snapping his fingers. A box of blue bones erupted from the ground, another wall appearing to cover the top, trapping the Brute inside from all angles.
The Brute growled something in his native tongue before her slammed a fist against the barrier- and cried out in pain almost as though he'd been shocked, drawing his fist back from the blue bones.

"Human?" The Brute laughed. "My cousin craves bones to chew on. Perhaps you will make a good toy." He aimed his weapon through the gaps in the bone wall, and opened fire on Papyrus.
The blue bones disappeared as the skeleton collapsed, crying out in both shock and pain, three shards of crimson needles having pierced through his right shin, and punched through, lodging in his leg, glowing clearly where they were.
The Banished soldier laughed, taking a step forward- before yellow jelly suddenly splashed over his face. He was frozen to the spot for a moment, confusion evident in his eyes as Kilton, opportunistic as ever, dashed away.
By the time the paralysis ended, the Brute let out a loud roar, and his roar was met by a chorus of others from all directions. Kilton found he was running straight into a pack of about nine or so more Brutes, and plenty more were in every other direction.

They were surrounded, with possibly nowhere to go.

@ThAtGuY101 @Psymallard


Previously Gamingfan2
Kirby-Jungle Ruins
Kirby stared at the large creature, curious. Why was DK so interested in it? Did it have something to do with his family. Kirby's pondering was cancelled upon hearing another cry from not too far away. Kirby blinked, surprised. He remembered that cry! Kirby almost poyo'd back, but stopped himself. Hopefully Psyduck wouldn't get close. They seemed confident, but this was a big thing.
@comic @Shen: King of the Mist

Amaterasu-Garreg Mach
Amaterasu howled proudly as Ranno splattered out of existence before her. It worked! The gatekeepers lost their forcefield, but they were far from defenseless. Amaterasu nimbly jumped backwards, swapping her weapons as she continuously backflipped away. Her main weapon switched with her Tundra beads, with her sub becoming her shield, Solar Flare, which promptly floated in front of Amaterasu, blocking the onslaught as Amaterasu waited for the gatekeepers to tire or show a weak point.
@Psymallard @ThAtGuY101 @ArmedBlue

Ori-Field of Hopes and Dreams
Ori had missed his target. Jevil attacked again, with Ori evading the attack by dahsing in midair. Ori plopped on the floor, looking up to see Jevil laughing maniacally. Ori sighed. Why did he always meet the crazy ones?
Ori glanced around at the falling bombs. There was no escape!
The guardian spirit had little option to do anything except let the projectiles land, paralyzing the spirit in
@Captain Pokémon

Dark Matter-Field of Hopes and Dream
Dark Matter glanced back at Shadow Link, eye squinting in suspicion. He's pulled enough tricks to know that betrayal sounded very likely. Still, Shadow link was his last legs, and if he was so confident.
"Fine, but don't disappoint me."
Dark Matter glided towards Shadow Link, ejecting the key unceremoniously. The power he had absorbed allowed him to keep his form, but Dark Matter knew it would run out eventually.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Urban District

Tails hurried, pulling Undyne on the scrap sleigh whilst Sonic caught up to him. *BANG!* *CRASH!* the spear like objects crashed through floorboard after floorboard, a purple light being broadcasted from deep below the floor. The hall began to be a minefield, as very little of the floor remained when they got the segments. Having a close call as a spear got within a foot of him, Tails cried out as the floor beneath him caved in.

Grabbing the sleigh, and flapping his tails, he lifted her into the air. Upon reaching solid ground, he panted as he dropped her, seeming to wake her up in the process.

"Oh...! Your awake! Uhm, hard to explain but-"


"-You can see we are on the run. Speaking of...Ngh! Can you?"

The commission seemed to be gaining ground on them, the ground streaming to cave in easier and easier, faster and faster. He wasn't as reliable as sonic was regarding speed, but hopefully it would be enough...!

Meanwhile, Tabby and Subzero had entered the mysterious door the Junk Monokuma had slinked into. It was pitch black. That is, until a single red light blinked. Then another...and another...

Suddenly, it became obvious that there were dozens-no, hundreds of red lights. Each in a line right before another. They had all begun to March down the cross section of thr dimly lit corridor, their feet hitting the metal panels like a steady drumbeat. It appeared that the massive border of marching bears hadn't notice them squeak in yet...and if they did, they would have to fight an onslaught of hundreds in such a tight corridor, certain death to be sure.

Seemed although the golden segment of the factory was out of commission, the Monokuma production was still unhindered. In the dark corridor however, the ceiling was filled with cables dangling down at seemingly random, A dark, ominous sound coming from them. A forest of machinery, and one false move could have a swarm coming their way. This was bad.

@Psymallard @comic @Captain Pokémon

Lich Yard

"Phew, so that's done!" Bennett flicked a thumb aside his nose before giving a grin. "That wasn't so bad, though that fella was kinda hard to wrangle. You think he has any loot on 'em?"

Bennett was used to Hilichurls and creatures of Teyvat, creatures that carried item, tools, or hard carapaces to take advantage of. Who knows? There was something about this thing that could take all this damage. Wonder what it was...



"Shock uh...what now? I don't think I recall any of that..."

Scratching his head as the man kept talking about his cards, Red never responded to any of them, instead he massaged his stomach, pressing his back against ah the sofa.

"All I know is I'm getting pretty hungry...do you have any snacks in here? Preferably no monsters though..."

He wasn't about to answer the questions of someone who had him kidnapped, but was careful not to insult him, less it get more dire. Maybe he could stall for time somehow?

E-102 Gamma

logging the affirmative hit on Gengar, he watched as the ghost made a quick retreat, dropping off of his dampened sensors. This quickly changed as Gengar came from above, unleashing some kind of new attack: Poisons. As some poison hit his hull as he tried to evade, he noticed slight burning of the hull, but otherwise intact. Upon analysis, it seemed it would be far more effective on organic targets. Was this a diversion?

He wasn't planning on letting Gengar take that kind of advantage. Aiming his weapon above, he shot at the rotating ghost, two energy warheads firing from his shoulder mounted silo.

Shadow Link
Field of Hopes and Dreams

Catching the key in his icy grip, Shadow Link gave a devious chuckle. The key seeming to give off a wave of dark energy as the imp became invigorated. Due to Dark Matter's conservative use of the Key, there appeared to be plenty of power to use. Whirling it about in his hand, he gave a slow clap.

"Bravo heroes, you must be proud of yourself. To have stricken down a villain today, how noble. ...But you are only getting one!"

Using they Key's power to give him further stamina, he gave a swipe of his sword, a violet energy wave attacking Dark Matter at extreme close range, Shadow Link roaring in laughter as he rocketed away, using Dark matter and the attack against him as a diversion to fight another day.

@ArmedBlue @Gamingfan


Previously mallard
Sub-Zero followed him deeper into the enemy facility. Perfect. Tabby looked ahead at the parade of marching Monokumas. They looked like little soldier teddy bears. Oh well. Tabby smirked and looked up at Sub-Zero. Stealth might be a better option in this scenario, but that's not Tabby's style. Still with a sly grin on his screen, the robot plucked a shuriken from his inventory and began charging it. As he did, he texted Tails.

"r u ok?"
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic

As Kilton fled, there where more of the creatures behind the one. Seeing this, he changed direction scurried another way. There where more. He was surrounded. Seeing no way out, he dove into a pit of rubble. In his cover, Kilton panted, eyes wide. His hands held his head as he moaned in fear, "Eeeeheeee!" Suddenly, an idea came to him. With panic-stricken speed, he rummaged through his bag as the Brutes closed in on his hideout.
@comic @ThAtGuY101
Neo Metal Sonic (he’s back baby)
As the metallic doppelgänger neared his destination, he noticed that there was currently a fight ensuing on the ground. The signature was coming from a shadow-like elf creature that was currently fighting another shadow-like creature. Strange, one would assume they’d be on the same team, but he supposed that was a stereotype. Upon closer inspection, someone was already trophied, they weren’t hiding the key, and there was a group fighting the one with the key. Perfect, a distraction. Metal flew to the side, circling around the area while remaining out of sight, before suddenly increasing his speed majorly when he had a direct line-up with Shadow Link. As soon as he got close, he activated V. Maximum Overdrive. This was an attack and an attempt to grab the key quickly, as he was also reaching for it as he did this.
@Shen: King of the Mist @ArmedBlue @Gamingfan @DarkHydraT

The ghost-poison type laughed deviously as the robot was hit by some of the attack. So the bot wasn’t good against widespread attacks, noted. Right as he stopped spinning, he noticed two missiles coming his way. Thinking fast, he spun around without laying down this time, but his spin was seemingly cut short as he disappeared, causing the missiles to pass by harmlessly and explode far enough behind him so that he remained unharmed. He then reappeared not a half second later, still in the same rotation. Right as he came out of the rotation, he yeet a Shadow Ball instantly, having charged it during his little spin-dodge. The attack was much faster and stronger than usual due to his power boost and charge, being as fast as a bullet and as strong as a bomb.
@Shen: King of the Mist

Sonic the Hedgehog
The blue blur looked at Undyne as she finally woke up. He gave a grin before speaking. “Hey! DId you have a nice nap?” He joked rather casually, sliding under a falling piece of rubble. He quickstepped to avoid another jut of the spear, and he noticed he was starting to go too far ahead, leaving the two behind. Surprisingly, he skid to a stop, letting them catch up. “Tails, give me the thing.” He said, pointing to the metal sled-thing that Undyne was on. Hopefully Tails would be faster without having to pull Undyne’s weight.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic

The darkner jester’s grin widened as Ori was utterly destroyed by the bombs, the combined explosions causing a massive white explosion in the middle of the field, leaving all the grass in the area scorched, the closer parts completely gone. The trees were also damaged, some falling over dead, others scorched and lost of life. The darkner nodded himself, proud of the damage. He floated down to the ground next to his ally’s trophy. He tapped the base with his scythe, expecting the same result. Once the Knight came out, he’d begin to speak. “Ah, what a shame! It looks like you lost, but don’t fret! Your team still won, so technically you did too!” Jevil chuckled, gesturing to the trophies of Ori and Blanka.
Last edited:

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Urban District

The fox was relieved when sonic decided to take the pressure off of his shoulders. Now being able to go faster, Tails now more agile, evaded another spear, and another, and right as the entrance came into view, he got a message from his pad. This isn't the time...!!

His curiosity besting him as it always did, he quickly grabbed the pad, realizing who texted him. Username 'recent download?' Thats Tabby! Giving a brief response he went back to it, quickly darting outside of the doorframe whilst the ceiling began to cave in entirely.

'Tryng nt 2 die brb.'

@Psymallard @Captain Pokémon @comic

E-102 Gamma
Lich Yard

Gamma had realized his standard offense wasn't going to cut it if it remained predictable. It's fun turned red, switching modes. The side of the weapon read 'high intensity laser blaster'. Charging up for a second, he fired a laser in Gengar's direction, right as the shadow ball was tossed, causing a great explosion between the two.

Bracing for impact, Gamma folded it's legs into it's body, it's wheels that revealed themselves rode the explosion several feet away.


Shadow Link
Field of Hopes and Dreams

While Shadow Link's devious betrayal was in motion, the spectral entity swerved away from the group, attracting unwanted attention from a certain metal creature. The Key he had began to radiate a faint glow, feeling the presence of another key.

Could that thing also have one? If that's the case, victory over this is minimal...

The odds weren't great, especially as Metal Sonic cloaked itself in energy, attempting to acquire his key with force.

"What master do you serve, robot?"

Shadow Link knew a thing or two about being a construct, made for the sole purpose of serving someone. Tossing his sword up, he held out his hand, sending a dark aura blast from the palm the exploded upon contact with the blade. Using the explosion that followed, he threw himself several feet out of the way of the intended target metal Sonic was hoping for. Instead, the metal being would throw itself right into the epicenter of an explosion.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Tails certainly wasn't lying. They were on the run, from what seemed to be a cave-in. The tunnel behind them was collapsing, growing nearer and fast. Undyne shot to her feet in a flash, immediately regretting this as she winced, feeling pain shoot up from her wounds. Her gashes remained open and vulnerable.
That could be worried about later. Filled with plenty of rest, the fish woman said nothing in reply as she took off at a sprint, grabbing Tails in the process, expecting Sonic to follow as she sprinted off, carrying Tails against his will in one arm, his butt in the air as he faced the collapsing tunnel behind them. Evidently, she'd made Sonic's help with the sled irrelevant.

Finding out where to go wasn't hard. This tunnel was clean and smooth. Well, clean as in no rocks or bumps or stalactites. It was hollowed out, and designed with concrete. She didn't recognize it, however. Must be human design. In seconds, she was sprinting up a flight of stairs, emerging into the open city that was basically vacant at this point, shrouded in darkness. The sun had set, and for a moment... she stopped.
Undyne dropped Tails and stared up at the sky, completely forgetting why she was running. She was enraptured by the sight of stars. Real stars. It was only through books and anime that she knew what they were supposed to look like, but here... they were more beautiful than she'd ever imagined.
"Wow..." The Captain breathed, grinning up at the sky, oblivious to the recent perils the group had faced, having not even met Sub-Zero yet.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon

Barely any light filled the room, mostly that from the cracks behind them seeping between the golden rod that blocked their exit. Enough for Tabby to see Sub-Zero turn and face him to raise a finger silently to his lips, before the ninja soundlessly approached Tabby. "Try not to alert them of us." He whispered, eyeing the nearest of the Monokuma. "I will search for a way to destroy this operation."
Like so much before, he was familiar with this as well. He had fought the Cyber Lin Kuei before. This was no different. Every operation had a way to be destroyed, and if Monaca's commission decided to follow he and Tabby here, then his job would become much easier. Allow the Warriors of Hope to ruin their own operation in an attempt to secure a victory against two measly opponents.
Sub-Zero turned from Tabby, and seemingly faded into the shadows as he slinked silently away. He was clearly living up to his 'ninja' title.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Psymallard

Master Chief
Bennett, as per usual, didn't seem interested in the idea of 'progress', instead staring at the bloodied monster as though it were a chest containing loot. Scorpion was already moving, leaving the group to continue his walk. John doubted the ninja knew where to go without Cortana's map, though he had apparently sensed the Split Head coming before Chief had. Perhaps being undead made him capable of things John would typically consider impossible, or at the very least unlikely.

Chief was about to tell Bennett they didn't have time to search the corpse, before he eyed the thick hide on the middle of its back. It was the only part of its body not riddled with bullet holes. Tough enough to block them, apparently. With speed and finesse, the Spartan yanked his combat knife out of the creature, but his boot against its back, and began cutting. Within seconds, he'd sawn off the middle of the back, a piece of hide thick enough to cover Bennett's entire body.
John had experience with skinning animals. It had been a long time since he'd done it, but during his missions in the forests of Reach, he and his Spartans had taught themselves how to hunt, kill, and use every part of the body of their victims. Bones as tools, hides as clothing for Reach's harsh winters, and anything else could fuel the fire.
In one solid swipe, John ripped the meat from the hide, leaving only the shell left. No blood or bodily fluids. In less than ten seconds, he'd made it a usable cloak for Bennett to wear. Sling over his shoulders, over his backside protection from plenty of things. Bullets couldn't pierce it, so there were plenty of other things that wouldn't be able to as well.

Calmly, Chief handed Bennett the hide, offering him a nod. "Let's move on before Scorpion leaves us behind." He said.

@Shen: King of the Mist @DarkHydraT

Dr. Kaufmann
The doctor calmly jotted down a few words, paused, then wrote a few more sentences before looking back up at Red. "I'm afraid I will not fall for your ruse." He stated. "It's been three months since we started these sessions. You were showing gradual improvement, but tonight... you've shown me you're not ready." Setting his pen and clipboard aside, the doctor clasped his hands over his lap. "I'm sorry, Alessa. But you know this is what must be done."
His emphasis on 'must' was so forceful, some spittle flew from his mouth. With that, the door opened, and the two men entered once again.
Before Red could even try to escape this time, he felt a sharp pain in his neck. A needle. Then the push of some liquid into his body. A sedative. It was almost immediately, the world beginning to turn blurry around Red, voices becoming distorted. There were a series of lights, his body turning to and fro. He couldn't figure out anything, but the sedative hadn't put him completely out. It merely made him docile and drugged.

When he was finally able to regain his bearings, Red found himself strapped to a metal bench, the straps made of leather and squeezed tightly against him. Enough that it was slowly cutting off his circulation. A strange metal contraption was strapped around his head, and it didn't take long for Red to realize his clothing had been removed. He was wearing a hospital gown.
The doctor stood nearby at what appeared to be a console, his gaze impassive as he stared down at the controls, before he looked up at Red. "Ah, Alessa. You're conscious. We can begin."

@Shen: King of the Mist
The ghost-poison type flew backwards in a rather animated manner, doing a few spins in the air, clearly not concerned, as the projectiles collided in an explosion. However, right as the smoke cleared, another Shadow Ball came flying, just as powerful as the last one. Then another, and another, and so on, each one just as powerful as the last. This robot was annoying, but it definitely wasn’t stronger than Gengar. But it was crafty, so Gengar stayed on his toes, constantly observing the area for the robot or any tricks it had up its nonexistent sleeves.
@Shen: King of the Mist

Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic sighed as Undyne yet again made his help irrelevant, but he didn’t mind too much, less work for him. As Undyne began to run ahead, Sonic did as well, pulling ahead of her hilariously fast, reaching the exit about 30 seconds before her. As he waited, he tapped his foot and observed his surroundings. They weren’t nice. The city had been turned into a ghost town, not even a nice one. Buildings were collapsed, fires were still burning, and there was nobody in sight. “Man, they really made a mess of this place.” He said to himself, before Undyne finally caught up. “What took you so long?” He joked, before he noticed the fish lady acting strange, looking up at the sky. “What?” He asked, directing his gaze towards the sky as well. Nothing unusual, so what was Undyne so awestruck about? Sonic looked down at Tails, who Undyne had dropped to the floor. Offering a hand, he gave his friend a confused look and nodded his head towards Undyne.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic

Neo Metal Sonic
The metallic hedgehog said nothing in response to Shadow Link’s question, keeping his attention on his goal. He wasn’t here to chat, especially not with the enemy. As Shadow Link caused a small explosion, Metal couldn’t do anything to avoid it, so he continued to fly forward, before emerging on the other side unharmed. He had actually activated his Black Shield for a split second, allowing him to take the blast with no damage. He then shot a beam at Shadow Link from his hand, while also swerving around towards him. The blue robot was relentless with limitless stamina, and he had one goal in mind: get the key, and he wasn’t planning on stopping anytime soon.
@Shen: King of the Mist


Previously mallard
Tabby may not like stealth, but as the Monokumas didn't stop coming, the robot's confidence faded. He pocketed the throwing star. Tabby looked at the wires, and nudged one with his katana, which would absorb any electricity produced if it was a live wire. Nothing happened though. The tablet-headed robot smiled, and sheathed his weapon. He leapt up, kicking off the wall and grabbing the wires on the ceiling. He dimmed his light, and began to crawl. He was headed in the direction the Monokumas were coming from.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic

The Knight

Jevil revived his soldier, who took a moment to regain his balance. He walked up to Ori's statue, and held his hand out. But nothing happened. He retracted his hand in surprise. It seemed like he couldn't absorb this creature's pain. So it was a fruitless effort, after all. The Knight turned away. The green ape was also a statue, so it was assumed he couldn't absorb that one's pain either. The Knight started north, in the direction of his flower.
@Captain Pokémon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Lich Yard

"So cool..."

Bennett was mesmerized by Chief's technique. He was skilled at this. Too skilled. It seemed as far as street smarts and how to survive, Chief had more experience in that zone. It was glaring if one were to pay attention to the small details.

"Huh? Your giving this to me??" Bennett seemed confused, pointing at himself. "I'm sure others are more deserving..."

Chief only offered a single nod, which made Bennett warm inside. A smile crept across his face as his hands practically flew across the fabric. He slung it over his back, tying it up front like a sturdy cape. His first dungeon treasure...! He'd never forget it.

"This is the best adventure team ever!" Is exclaimed, running back to keep up with the group, his cape flaunted as he ran.

@DarkHydraT @comic


E-102 Gamma

Multiple Objects detected. Likelyhood of intercepting all projectiles while gaining ground: 12%. Suboptimal. Alternative route located.

Instead of attacking Gengar and the projectiles, Gamma fired at the wall to his right, running inside as the Shadow Balls passed harmlessly by. Switching to X-Rays, he focused in on Gengar's position from inside the wall. He fired a sniper shot from in cover, one where Gengar couldn't predict the trajectory of as Gamma wasn't visible

@Captain Pokémon


As Red awoke in this new setting, he found himself struggling against newfound restraints. He struggled but to no avail.

"H-Hey...! Let me go!

Urban District

Tails and Undyne had successfully made it out, no doubt Sonic made it out first however. Tails took a deep breath as the subway tunnel collapsed behind them, letting himself out of Undyne's grasp, falling to the ground.

"Phew...an opportune time to get upright and vertical." Tails wiped his brow. "Hey...are you okay?"

Noticing her word choice, he felt a sudden deep vibe come from her. This was somehow very important, almost like she never saw the stars before. Remembering they all came from different worlds and backgrounds, Tails nodded, silently letting her take it in without him bothering her.

While she was taking in the sights, he took the hand sonic had offered him, closing his eyes and giving him a grin. It was nice to have familiar face to look back to. He wouldn't know what to do if Sonic hadn't made it somehow. But now that sonic has done his part...he had to do his! Taking the part out From a pouch, he walked over to the typhoon and went right to work. Opening up a panel, he was prepared to put the safety pin exactly where it needed to go.


Tabby had swung through the vine like wires, careful to avoid the ire of the army ahead. As they dimmed their own light and ventured in, they were created by the the face of none other by a Junk monokuma, a few feet from their face!

It was cloaked in the wires...but appeared inactive. It's red light wasn't on, and it's single eye stared blankly at nothing in particular. It soon became obvious that there were other arms and legs in the wires above. More than one Junk Monokuma laying dormant...but at least four different disfigured and disheveled abominations...and Tabby nearly woke the whole lot


*Stomp* *Stomp* *Stomp*

The surface was greeted by a fresh batch of Monokuma soldiers. In rows of five they marched out, prepared to face the full brunt of war. Annulled here and a egg blaster there, some fell, but an entire row would take the place of the fallen comrade. The numbers quickly began to get out of control as they flooded the streets. The mindless March of the Monokuma appeared to turn the tide of battle. Dozens and dozens reaching and clawing at the taller Eggman mechas, their claws ripping at the hides, all the while music began to broadcast from every TV in town. Was this....some kind of victorious anthem?

Shadow Link
Field of Hopes and Dreams

Shadow Link hissed as Metal appeared to ignore his chatter. They definitely had a task, and certainly not their own, but the will of another. Machines? Could it perhaps have something to do with those round robots he's been seeing crop up around? Either way, this robot was no simple goon. A secret weapon? Everything ran on protocol, it's just how elaborate or simple that protocol was. As they charged a laser, Shadow link quickly struck the ground with his hand, dark lighting emoting from it as he physically snapped a large piece of rocky debris up in the way of the beam.

As the rock broke apart on contact with the beam, he cringed as some of the beam continued on, striking his cheek. He growled as sole of his essence burned away before his eyes. Light too? It was as if this machine was tailored specifically to fight him.

"Say, ro-boy." Shadow Link spoke, wiping some black fluid that dropped from his cheek away. "I'm offering no resistance, just hear me out."

Shadow link put his hands up, albeit somewhat sassily. Robots understood logic. All living things did one way or another, all he need to is trigger the certain subroutines to activate.

"You see, I'm sure the guy who made you was brilliant and all that. That's not a complement. After all, creating a massive army and the collection of resources? That's ambition. Your a part of this ambition for the moment, that is, until he inevitably replaces you with a superior model. While I know you probably don't appreciate emotional arguments, but I have a hard time believing something in doesn't have self preservation in it."

Putting his hands back down and giving a curved finger toward his company, he offered a sly smirk.

"If you think so hostile about me, tell me I'm wrong. Can you say with upmost certainty he won't throw you away? Look in your database for his past actions, and tell me they wouldn't predict an outcome such as that."
Last edited:

It was funny seeing Kilton pull stuff out of his bags. For all tenses and purposes it made him think of a delibird. Having someone who could pull out useful tools or things could be super useful. Though hopefully it wasn't gonna be just random explosives and healing presents. The last thing Slowking wanted to do was heal his opponent. Oh wait... Kilton left... Guess it was just Slowking and Papyrus now. Papyrus took a few hits. Slowking Made sure to run and watch out for needle rounds. Slowking used heal pulse on the skeleton's leg. Afterwards Slowking used power gem at the brute who shot at Papyrus. Slowking also used this attack as an opportunity for him to run over to cover. Slowking ran behind a large pillar.

@Psymallard @comic
The ghost-poison type continued to throw Shadow Balls, before a snipe shot came at him from behind cover. Unable to do anything about it, Gengar took the shot, instinctively growling in response. However, this also happened to work in his favor. If Gamma were to attempt to use that gun again (only the gun, he can still attack in other ways) it would not respond, as if it were just a prop or a rock on his arm. This was Gengar’s cursed body. Gengar frowned and began to close in and Gamma, hoping to turn this confrontation into a close range one. While he did this, he began to throw Shadow Balls rapidly, some aimed for Gamma, others aimed for the environment around him, like the ceiling and walls.
@Shen: King of the Mist

Sonic the Hedgehog
The blue blur smiled back at his friend, before he began to mess with the Tornado. By now, Sonic knew to just let him do his thing, and the hedgehog could do his. Sonic tapped his foot and whistled to himself, before starting to wander off a bit, observing alleyways for Monokuma. There weren’t any here, but he could hear some in the distance, along with other things....

Some Urban District badniks
As the monokuma began to march forward, the badniks began to retaliate, taking out some of their forces, although they kept coming, they were beginning to become outnumbered, before some Egg Pawns in the front looked up and made beeping sounds similar to a laugh. They redirected their attention to the Monokumas and pointed upwards, right as a Death Egg Robot Sentinel landed on top of a good chunk of the monokuma’s front lines. It let out a robotic roar before beginning to take out the monokumas like bugs. It stomped on some, crushed others with its extending arms, and burnt others to an unrecognizable metal crisp with its laser, taking out rows and rows at a time. It would be somewhat satisfying to watch from afar, terrifying up close. Some tried to climb up its legs, but were kicked off and destroyed before they could. Others tried to retreat, but were ultimately destroyed. Some even tried to go around it, but it was too massive, and soon enough they were also destroyed.
@Shen: King of the Mist

Neo Metal Sonic
The metallic blue blur began to charge up another beam as Shadow Link was hit with the previous one, but halted, the light remaining in his hand, but not firing. The reason for this was because the shadow creature began to speak, holding up his hands. Last words? No...negotiation it seemed. Metal frowned. “You are in no position to negotiate.” The robot spoke, but the creature continued anyway.
"You see, I'm sure the guy who made you was brilliant and all that. That's not a complement. After all, creating a massive army and the collection of resources? That's ambition. Your a part of this ambition for the moment, that is, until he inevitably replaces you with a superior model. While I know you probably don't appreciate emotional arguments, but I have a hard time believing something in doesn't have self preservation in it."
The creature said rather confidently, as if death wasn’t floating right in front of his face. Metal’s arm fell for a second, then quickly stiffened again. The robot seemed conflicted, so he did what the creature had suggested, surprisingly, he checked his database. It was true that the doctor tended to abandon things once he had no more use for them...no. Metal Sonic was different, he knew it. And he didn’t need that man anyways, he could do things on his own! Their goals just happened to align for now, so why not team up? Metal nodded to himself, as if approving of that thought process.
“I am different. I have failed before, but he fixed me again. If anything, I will abandon him.” Metal said to the creature. “You seem relatively smart, however, and could possibly be of use in the future. Give me the key, that is the only thing I require. I have no qualms with allowing you to live if you comply.” The metallic doppelgänger said, still aiming at the creature in case he tried something.
@Shen: King of the Mist


Previously Manu456Alola
Copen & Lola - Field of Hopes and Dreams

"Boss, key signature's moving away! A similar one's passing through here too!" Lola warned, looking upwards to see a familiar blue streak circling around the area before following after Shadow Link. "I think it's Metal Sonic!"

"Dammit...!" The group was running out of time. Shadow Link was running away with the key, and Metal Sonic's recent arrival clearly meant he was planning on taking it. Considering Eggman already had multiple keys of his own, allowing the robot to get away with another one would be... extremely dangerous. He needed to wrap things up real soon. Speaking of which...

Krona lunged at the teen again, who was in a tough spot due to his lack of Bullits at that moment. Copen cancelled his hover before suddenly falling at incredible speeds, Orbital Edge activating as he did so, the bladed discs rotating around him at max speed. It was a risky move considering the pliosaur's incoming attack from below, but it was probably his best option if he wanted to take Krona out as quickly as possible. The EX Weapon had already sliced through the dinosaur once before, so it could definitely do it again.

@DarkHydraT @Captain Pokémon @Gamingfan

The Knight - Garreg Mach Monastery

The bug didn't answer Guile's question, mainly due to its inability to talk. Having delivered a good blow to one of the dark eyes, the Vessel fell back down, gaining a decent amount of SOUL, looking up to see the Gatekeepers' next move.

Four creatures were summoned by them, all dark and humanoid in nature. Glancing at each one for a moment, the Knight decided to head for the humanoid goat, who would probably be less mobile than the rest. Running up to Abyss Absa, the Knight would gather energy around itself before delivering a Cyclone Slash when it got close.

@Psymallard @ThAtGuY101 @Gamingfan

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Urban District

Many Monokuma fell to the powerful Death Egg sentinel, not having the tools for such a massive job. But more and more came up, replacing the previous lines that had fallen. It would seem that the factory here was much more of an asset than anticipated. Both sides had expendable pawns, Eggman having some of the strongest. But replicability is something that none had in this new world...until now.

As an egg gunner killed a Monokuma by shooting right through it's skull, the projectiles stopped on the other side. A shield. Suddenly, a rather beefy Monokuma slammed the broken body to the side. It had bulletproof armor on, going all the way down to it's Torso and had a sturdy helmet. What it's most notable feature however was it's sturdy steel shield. As another blast hit it from the egg gunner, it bashed it's shield out, deflecting it back at it's shooter, taking the Egg Gunner down.

Shield Monokuma

The rumbling continued as it became obvious that behind the wave of standard Monokuma were the shield Monokuma. Many broke off to handle the sentinel, slamming their shields on the ground whilst grenadiers tossed their payloads of grenades strapped together toward the robot, their cluster strategy bend on detonating it and blowing the machine sky high.

@Captain Pokémon

Shadow Link

"Now hold on, let's not leave one thing unfinished before we move on to that." Shadow link bartered. "Now you said this thing about betraying your superiors. You see, if they are as ambitious as you claim...they'd fight tooth and nail to keep whatever ounce of power they have. Such predicaments make it nearly impossible for a servant to usurp them..."

That's when he flashed him a toothy snicker, his unusually large canines showing.

"All except me that is. You see I know a thing or two about overthrowing powerful masters. I practically invented the concept. Personally? The role of the evil inventor is overplayed...but the creation using their free will to take charge and rule over their own masses? Oooh...talk about flavor to a pot. Yes, yes that would liven up this game so much. You see, I'm not in it for victory..."

He then twirled the Key in his hands, handing it hilt first toward Metal.

"...I just want the most entertaining game possible. And you my friend? You just might be a fan favorite. The Ruthlessness you'll inflict? Simply delicious..."

Dark link's demonic forked tongue slithered from one side of his mouth to the other. He then held up his finger, making 'uh uh' motions back and forth.

"BUT! All I ask in return for this little donation, is to see my thirst for entertainment fulfilled. And a front row seat to watch it to the very end. Heh...who knows? You may find a advising peanut gallery to have a few ideas to make new rules to the game. So, what do you say?"

He took a hand behind his back, his open hand reached out toward metal glowing in black clouds of energy. It seemed he was prepared to shake on this, whatever it may entail. It appeared the Shadow Link was honest. He must for entertainment outweighed is lust for power.

E-102 Gamma
Lich Yard

Gamma registered a positive hit marker on the targeted, but as soon as he did, a red ring of symbols chained around his hand cannon. It was forcefully brought offline. What had caused this was uncertain, though it tacked it down for an unusual ability the ghost had. What was obvious however was the Gengar didn't know his true position, as Gamma darted, strafing across the the hall he found himself in, dodging a stray Shadow Ball that shot nearby. Waiting until Gengar looked the other way, he fired two warheads together. One a split second ahead of the other so that it would hit the wall, leaving a breach for the second one to impact Gengar, aiming to severely injure him.
It was difficult to see the robot as he darted from hallway to hallway, however, the ghost-poison type was certain he was close by. His thoughts were confirmed as a missile suddenly came flying through a hole that he was certain was still a wall a second ago. Reacting on instinct, he glared at the missile, stopping it midair. This was an ability Gengar naturally had, but it wasn’t very strong since it wasn’t an actual move. He could only move small-medium sized objects, not people. He tossed the missile back towards the robot, before charging forward. He then began to move in a zig zag motion, disappearing when he changed directions, reappearing at points where he was stopped, then disappearing again. Once he was relatively close to the robot, he began to throw Shadow Balls, but only with one hand, his other one was busy charging a Shadow Ball, but not throwing it, causing it to keep charging.
@Shen: King of the Mist

Urban District Badniks
The Death Egg Robot Sentinel wasn’t fazed by the Shield Monokuma units, continuing to shoot them down/crush them like any other unit, but the same could not be said for the smaller badniks. They were beginning to become overwhelmed, but the WoH weren’t the only ones with replicability, not anymore. A klaxon alarm rang out from the large portion of the Urban District that was taken over by the Eggman Empire. Suddenly, badniks upon badniks upon badniks began to stream out from it, large doors on the bottom floor of the wall opening, as well as some flying out from above, along with some drop-ships, and some bombers. The drop-ships dropped even more badniks as the ones that came from the wall began to take care of the Monokumas throughout the city. The Monokumas would soon become overwhelmed if this continued. It seemed the bad doctor had been prepared for such a situation.
@Shen: King of the Mist

Neo Metal Sonic
The metallic hedgehog squinted as Shadow Link stuck to the first subject. The fact that he wasn’t here to have a nice chat hadn’t changed. The creature claimed he had ‘practically invented’ the concept of overthrowing leaders. He did seem like the type, that much was clear. He kept talking for about 15 seconds, before finally getting to the point. He began to hand the key to Neo Metal, who began to reach for as the creature then began to ramble about the metallic blue blur’s ruthlessness being entertaining. Was this thing really just in it for the entertainment? Just for kicks? How peculiar. However, before Metal could grab the key, Shadow Link tugged it back, waggling his finger. Metal was very close to shooting him there, but decided against it as the creature began to speak again. The shadow gremlin asked for ‘front row seats’ to the ‘entertainment’ Metal Sonic would bring. The metallic hedgehog squinted for a moment, before nodding. “Very well. I will inform my allies of your cooperation, and they will grant you immunity to our forces and offense. They will make sure you remain unharmed. Consider us ‘bodyguards’.” Metal told the shadow, before reaching forward. “The key.”
@Shen: King of the Mist


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
It took the Captain a fair few moments to regain herself. String into the stars above was something she had only dreamed about before. Now that dream was real... and she desperately wanted to share it with Alphys. Asgore, too. And Papyrus. Gerson. Well, everybody underground. If she had this chance. By the time she shook her head clear of this, she found that Sonic was jogging about in boredom as Tails remained near her.
Scratching the back of her head, the fish woman turned to the first friend she'd made in this world. "So uh... what exactly happened?" She asked. "Last thing I remember was that little cat thing helping me take on that little girl brat, and then..." Her brow furrowed. "I think we beat her."
That was when she remembered her torn ankle, but a look down confirmed it had healed by now. Mostly. Just a small lesion remained. She patched it up as she crouched down to a knee, one of her hands glowing green before she rested it on her ankle, using her magic to heal her body.


Not too far away, however, the battle between Eggman and the Monokumas raged on. No blood was to be spilled, truly. Sparks, wires, and metal. So was there much to worry about when more entered the fray? Surely the Monokuma forces were overwhelming. There was simply too many.
So a balance was restored, tipped back toward the Egg forces favor. A mechanical roar echoed through the city. Deep, rumbling, and quite clearly a challenge.

Barely a second later, a beam of energy seared through a building, cutting clean through as it barreled through the city into the army of Monokuma, screeching its mechanical roar, plasma dripping from its face, burning through the concrete beneath it.
The Banished Scarab barreled through the building it had just fired through, which collapsed upon it- to no effect. The Scarab merely shrugged the rubble off before its back opened, revealing a set of two silos within. Missiles began to fire out, each one double the size of each Monokuma and numbering in the dozens as they immediately began to assault the Monokuma, wasting no time in getting down to the nitty gritty, Decimus' example on show for all to see, supporting Eggman's forces. A clear display of this new alliance.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon

Alchemilla Hospital
Red's pleas went unheard. What came next... it was a struggle to remember. Pain. Shock. A lot of passing out. Slurred words. Chanting. Incantations. A fire? It felt as though more had happened than just the electroshock therapy session, but Red was suddenly finding himself in a room. Walls that were once white had peeled away to reveal rotting wood behind them. Dirt, grime, and what looked to be rusted surgical tools littered the room. A single door sat in front of Red, and in front of that door... sat a girl. He could tell as much by the gown she was wearing, which was clean, practically shining against the rest of the room's dirty appearance.
Her position was feeble. Knees drawn to her chest, face buried in her legs, black hair flaying about her, bare feet sticking out from underneath the white gown.

She wasn't crying, despite being in a position most would assume was to convey it, but she was certainly breathing, shoulders rising slightly, then falling with each exhale of breath. The girl looked to be feeble and exposed, but at the same time, she seemed calm and composed.
She didn't speak. Perhaps she hadn't noticed Red. Perhaps she waited for him to speak.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Kilton fled. This somehow stuck in the skeleton's mind more than the pain in his leg. Why was Kilton running? Weren't they all friends now? And friends helped each other. Slowking, fortunately, came to Papyrus' aide. A burst of what seemed like magic came from the Pokemon, and it was directed toward the sentry. Almost immediately, the needles were pushed out of Papyrus' legs, his bones sealing behind.
Wowie. That was some powerful use of healing magic. Most monsters weren't too adept at it, including Papyrus. Not even Undyne was that skilled with it. Maybe Slowking was some kind of mage healer who lived somewhere deeper within Waterfall. Places Papyrus hadn't yet visited, similar to the fabled Temmie Village.

"WOWIE! THANKS!" Papyrus gave a cheeky thumbs up to the Pokemon, before he placed his hand importantly on his chest, cape fluttering out behind him. "IT WOULD SEEM THIS MONSTER WISHES TO CHALLENGE US! I ACCEPT THIS CHALLENGE WITH VERVE, AND WILL ALLOW HIS FIRST ATTACK. NOW IT'S MY TURN!"
Slowking's attack of Power Gem hit its mark, the gems of light slugging against the Banished soldier's armor. It pinged off, almost harmlessly, the force enough to make the Brute take a step back to regain his balance. Clearly that armor would require more force to punch through.
Before the Brute could retaliate against Slowking, an array of bones shot up from the ground, rolling his way. Confusion registered on his face, before he wisely sidestepped the bones, clearly having learned not to touch them from his last interaction with the bones.
"OH MY! WHAT A CLEVER TACTIC!" Papyrus exclaimed, impressed at the Brute's ingenuity and skill.

Meanwhile, the Brutes surrounding Kilton had all raised their weapons, each with the same Spikers that the first Brute held, save for one who carried a massive weapon lugged in his arms. The weapon itself was much larger than Kilton, almost as long as Papyrus was tall, with a bladed end. A Brute Shot, capable of ripping apart enemies through melee attacks, and firing bouncing rounds of explosives.
It didn't take long for the Brutes with Spikers to begin firing upon Kilton.

@ThAtGuY101 @Psymallard

Shiny's fist shot forward, and for a moment, the Nord registered pain... before it was gone, and the world was a blurry black void. He felt... groggy. Tired. Beaten. "Jenassa...?" He mumbled out, looking about in an almost drunken-like state. "Siski...?" The name of his daughter yielded no different results. He got no response. The world began to appear, slowly but surely.
Light became noticeable. He was in a... metal room. The ground was a light shade of grey, indented with accents of crimson patterns. The air was cool, but stale... was he still trapped in the cavern? Had it collapsed? This looked nothing like Sovngarde, so surely he wasn't dead... unless this was Oblivion. The red light would explain that theory.

At this moment, the Nord could see something else nearby. "Slash!" He called, looking toward the living blade that lay prone nearby. Quickly, he rushed to its side, frowning down at it in concern. Perhaps it had been possessed and the spirit had left? What had happened after Shiny had beaten him?
...where was Shroom?
At that moment, lights began to burst on overhead, forcing the Nord to shield his eyes from the intense glare. With the lights, came a roar. Not from a single creature, but many. A crowd. A sea of aliens- humans among them -sitting in wide stands extended around all sides.

A coliseum. This was an arena. Still shielding his eyes from the light, the Dragonborn looked about at the surrounding sea of faces. Where was this place? It was massive. Easily dwarfing even the hall of heroes from Sovngarde. Understanding what this way, the Dragonborn searched the battlefield for his opponent- and found them. Two individuals.

A blonde man, draped in azure robes, a lance in his hands. He was on a knee, seemingly having just awoken like the Nord had. By his side was another being with blue robes, this one lines with gold, a beak protruding from under his hood.
"Welcome, ladies and gents and other... thingies. We have our first match! Today will be great day to remember! Make sure to pays concession too."
A screeching voice boomed out, voice amplified by a speaker. The owner of the voice was an alien creature standing at the head of the arena in a booth overlooking the coliseum. It was hard to make out many details about him at this distance.
"My name is The Warden, you hears? I oversee all our contestants and chooses who makes them fight! Okay, that was lie. Big bad Decimus chooses that, but I get to says it!"
The Warden continued.
"We have Blue Knight Guy and Freaky Bird Guy on one team!"
At this, the two cloaked in azure looked toward each other as the Nord frowned, recognizing that he and Slash would have to take them both on.
"On the other side is Guy with Horns on Head, and Floaty Sword Guy on the other team! Refuse to fight and you gets baked by the sun in space! Winner gets rewarded! Loser does not and has to fights again 'till they wins! We know all the rules? Okay! 'Nuff talkin', let's get to the killin'!"
With the Warden's finishing statement, the crowd roared in chorus again.

@Captain Pokémon


Previously mallard
Face to face with his newfound nemisises, Tabby froze. He really wanted to destroy these things, but refrained. Sub-Zero was counting on stealth, and Tabby was iffy on the taking an army on by himself part. The robot dashed through the first Junk Monokuma, grabbing onto a small patch of wires in the minefield of Monokumas. He repeated this action, spotting the largest patch of reachable enemyless wires and using his intangible dash to get there each time. And while he was there, he scanned the Junk Monokuma for weaknesses to exploit in the future.
@Shen: King of the Mist


As the Brutes closed in, Kilton found just what he was looking for. As they approached looked into the pit, they saw a flash of purple shoot up in front of their eyes. The gremlin had tied 5 Octorok ballons to his light body, and was rising very quickly. In about 20 seconds, he'd risen high enough to look down and see that the previously giant Banished looked like ants from up there. He let out a cry of victory, "EEEHEEEEEE!"
But now the wind carried him into the less-destroyed parts of the city.
@comic @ThAtGuY101

The Knight

Trekking through the land of peculiar vegetation, he eventually came upon his home, a shack that was half burnt and crushed, barely standing. He held up a hand to Jevil, signaling him to wait. He held it there up for a moment... he did NOT want the jester to follow. He lumbered into the shack. Inside was an ethereal flower, its soft light making the weathered wood around it look a little less grim. The Knight held up a hand. From it, shining crystalline bits floated. This was pain. The flower absorbed this pain, its light increasing from a glow to bright shine for a moment, before dimming back down. The Knight reached out for the flower, but like many times before, the flower rejected him by making its force field visible. He retracted his hand, disappointed. He would have to harvest more pain. He turned to leave, and if Jevil didn't follow, he exited the house.
@Captain Pokémon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Oh! That's right, you don't know about them." Tails spiked while repairing his craft. "You see, two interesting individuals came to us. Tabby, a small tablet like creature with firearms, and a blue ninja, who's name escapes me at the moment. They helped us take out one of the higher ups of the 'Warriors of Hope'. They also helped us to find this part for my machine and find you. But I think we got separated somehow by that golden thing. I hope they are alright..."

Tails, reminded of this, took out his pad. Texting back his new pen pal, he typed up a sentence.

"U ok?"


Tabby received the text message as he was navigating through the Junk Monokuma. One slightly budged as it made it's way past, it's fingers flexing in and out. As Tabby scanned one, it was apparent that inside...there was a mashed one and scrunched mass of human tissue, hardly similar from what it was before. The underbelly appeared hastily thrown together, like extra parts were just lathered on.

Upon going far enough, a small vent was seen where cables had been running out of. It looks like an old subway vent was repurposed to ferry wires in from somewhere.

@Psymallard @comic @Captain Pokémon

Urban District

Although they had the numbers advantage, their offense had begun to show dwindling effectiveness, as the injured death egg robots managed to barley survive the onslaught, its lower body detonating at staying in place. This seemed to draw the attention of five other ones nearby, how began to diverge to this location. To make things worse, something big came... what looked like a giant metal crab fired a thick beam of energy, cleaving a clear divide into the Monokuma's lines, forcing them to stop and assess the situation. Robots? Child's play. Death egg robots? Costly endeavor, but not impossible. This thing? It was a tall order, the likelihood of getting close was dubious at best.

"This is the best they have to offer?"

Suddenly, while it seemed clear the Monokuma army would lose their offensive here, a resounding shot was heard through the air. Suddenly, the Optics were fired pin point on the death egg robot out front, shooting clear through the other side. It whirred and sparked before falling to the ground. The eggman robots below looked up to where the shot came from. ...An empty building.


Another blast, coming from another rooftop, coming from thin air firing and striking down yet another sentinel. The same spot shot and took out another in single strikes. At this point, the last Sentinel left struck out and smashed the rooftop. Something appeared to ripple in the air, de-cloaking from it's transparent state. A large leaping figure, shrouded in a verdant half-cape had landed on the sentinel's arm. A large rifle that was as large as it's body was in one hand while the other seemed suspiciously empty.


"This is the opposition...? I expected greater." Nagisa spoke from an undisclosed location. "Let's go, HannibalX."

The Mech's single eye flew red as it flung into action. A large golden knife seemed to magnetize from it's previously concealed belt, arriving in it's hand before it stabbed directly through the eye of the mechanical, giving a shove as it lifted off, leaving it to fall on it's back.

There were cheers from the city as the Monokuma kids and children applauded the appearance of the new leader of the warriors of Hope. It was like right out of a monster movie! And the good guys always won.

Nagisa would get his opposition however, looking at the Scarab that had appeared before him. No simple fodder bot. Allowing the Monokuma's to focus on more infantry based targets, he stood, hovering up over the buildings below, rifle in hand.

"Allies now, are they? These adults, looking to crush the hopes of children even now. How unsightly. They shall know what it is like to feel helpless, embroidered with fear."

HannibalX had a new target, preparing a powerful tank busting round, he aimed it's rifle down toward the scarab as it began to cloak yet again. Firing off the round to try and impact the Scarab's center circle in the body, testing to see what would work.

Shadow Link
Field of Hopes and Dreams

"Alright my robotic friend, it's a deal." Shadow link smirked, taking the handshake. "Two keys with one being? Heh...this shall be simply delicious."

Holding out his other hand now, which they Key floated inches off of, he gestured toward it, having it float slowly toward metal.

"Have a designation, robot?"

E-102 Gamma
Lich Yard

Gamma appeared motionless. He appeared as though he allowed his warhead to get closer. As Gengar also closed this distance, his predictive algorithms began to run. As Gengar got closer, he fired a single warhead. This warhead soared through the air, detonating on his other warhead that headed towards him. Since Gengar had closed some distance, he was much closer to the explosion as the heat from the attack could be felt off his armor.

"You are a trickster. I am an assailant."


Despite the shocking turn of events and his own weak position he had found himself in, he somehow gathered the strength to look over to the woman, calling out.

"Are you...okay?
Geo was panting as the tension from the fight left his system. "What was that? That creature should not exist!" The boy exclaimed before Chief carved a cape out of the skin of the Split Head and gave it to Bennett. It was a logical choice, Bennett was the only one without any obvious armor and although the same could be said about Scorpion, Scorpion seemed to be less likely to get hurt lethally given how long he survived in this place. "Gotta say Bennett, that cape suits you. Seems pretty tough too." He said as he felt the cape with his hand, noting how tough it was. Granted, it was leather from that scary monster that was now no longer a threat. "Maybe it can be like a shield against attacks? Given how tough the previous owner was, I doubt it would tear easily."

@Shen: King of the Mist @comic


Krona was always the most stubborn member of Hunter's squad and always would continue an attack, regardless of consequences. This mindset would become its downfall, as Orbital Edge sliced the charging Kronosaurus into two sides. Before they returned into a medal, Copen could see a glimpse of Hunter's arm inside the stomach of Krona. The two hunks of meat glowed white and merged into a medal that flew towards Hunter, forcing him to use his left hand as his trophy arm was completely useless. Frustration ran at an all-time high as Copen had taken down 4 of his Vivosaurs without any obvious damage to his person. Gritting his teeth, the boy threw down a white medal and summoned his last Vivosaur. This was his last stand, he'd either win here or die trying. Brachio hit the field, the biggest Vivosaur that Hunter owned and arguably the strongest as well. Copen was still falling, but it would not take long before he'd hit the ground. As soon as he would, Brachio would unleash Earth Crush on the poor soul, setting off an earthquake that would not discriminate between friend or foe. Desperation was the name of the game, and Hunter wanted to play a new game as soon as possible.

@ArmedBlue @Gamingfan
Neo Metal Sonic
The metallic doppelgänger released from the handshake and grasped the key in his hand as it floated towards him. He nodded to himself, that’s three, four to go. He returned his attention to Shadow Link, being met with a mischievous smirk and a question. “I am Metal Sonic. Now, I must leave, your cooperation is appreciated.” He spoke, before beginning to fly off, but he halted as his new ally began to speak, apparently not done talking. (Discussed this next part with Shen.)

"Now that it's all formalized, how about you take that thing out for a spin with an easy target. You see that entity over there? The dark one with an absent minded expression?"

Shadow Link laid back on an invisible Hammock, pointing over towards Dark Matter, who started to become visible from the dust cloud of his last attack

"He wants to destroy this world using the keys. A rather destructive philosophy, no? I say getting rid of some hostile trash would be good for anyone. Savvy?"
The creature told Metal Sonic, who directed his attention to the creature on the ground, the same one Shadow Link had attacked a few minutes ago. He squinted, before speaking to the creature. “Very well, consider it done.” Metal Sonic replied, before remaining immobile for a moment, which seemed like the opposite of what he was told to do. Suddenly, he was covered from head-to-toe in orange energy, before seemingly disappearing. If one were to look, however, he had simply moved so fast that it didn’t look like he had moved at first. He was now next to Dark Matter and moving fast, aiming to grab him. If he succeeded, he’d drag Dark Matter through the ground before hitting him against a tree. Metal would then begin to claw at Dark Matter’s eye. If he missed, he’d simply circle around and try again. If he missed again, he’d circle around one more time and try again.
@Shen: King of the Mist @Gamingfan (mainly) @ArmedBlue @DarkHydraT (bystanders)

The ghost-poison type was skimmed by the explosion, but wasn’t directly hit due to his zig-zag motion. He rolled his eyes and repeatedly opened and closed his hand in a ‘blah blah blah’ motion as Gamma began to say something. Didn’t this thing see that he didn’t care? He then dived into the ground again, his large projection appearing along it again, going for the robot. However, that wasn’t all it did. After it reached peak length, it’d extend upwards out of the ground. This was to follow the robot if it flew upwards, while also being a potential combo starter if the robot was hit by both projections.
@Shen: King of the Mist

Aegislash (he’s back too, hehe)
The sword lay there for a little bit, lifeless, as if it was just a sword and shield, nothing more. However, the familiar purple eye suddenly faded into the spot it was in before, blinking a few times before the sword floated upwards a bit, observing its surroundings. He was in a large metal room that resembled a...colosseum. You’ve got to be kidding me... The sword thought to himself., He avoided trainers for the specific purpose of not fighting unless wanted to. And now here he was, trapped against his will, about to fight. He could basically consider himself caught now. However, he wasn’t alone. There were 3 people(?) in the room with him, and he recognized one. he made a surprised sound as he noticed the man in armor next to him. Suddenly, a rather loud and screechy voice could be heard throughout the room, announcing the situation they were in. Aegislash’s prediction was correct, they were indeed in a tournament. But, maybe winning this tournament would mean freedom. He observed his opponents, both being draped in blue cloaks, one seeming like a sword-fighter, he’d fight that one. The other seemed like a wizard of sorts if he were to guess, but he could be wrong. He looked towards the Dragonborn and nodded, signifying he was ready to fight.

The chaotic darkner began to follow his now not dead ally as they began to walk towards something. What was that something? Jevil didn’t know, nor did he care very much. However, the Knight held up a hand as they came up to a...house..? It looked like a house, or at least what used to be one. Knight’s hand stayed there for a little bit, confusing the darkner. Suddenly, he high-fived the Knight. That’s the only thing they could have wanted if they kept their hand there for that long. They then began to walk towards the house, but Jevil stayed behind. He didn’t really care. He waited for a little bit, poking a worm with the devilsknife, accidentally killing it due to the edge. That was when the Knight emerged from the structure, causing Jevil to grin. “Alright friend, friend! Where to now?”

Egg Carrier (Sorry for taking eighty four years.)
As the jazz playlist ended, the ship Prometheus was in docked into the Egg Carrier, before the door opened, revealing a large metal room filled with other ships and, surprisingly, other people, other cyborgs to be exact. They were constantly entering and exiting the room, seemingly moving to and from battle. An Egg Gunner was standing in front of the ship Prometheus was in, nodding at him before walking away, expecting him to follow. If he did, it’d lead him to Eggman’s chamber, where the doctor was waiting.

Urban District Badniks
The badniks stopped cold as the Death Egg Robot Sentinels were destroyed by a mech that had just arrived. They were all silent for a moment, before one yelled out something. “WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!” It screamed, before running away, the others following suit. It was almost funny, seeing an entire army run away. The Death Egg Robot Sentinels that remained throughout the city simply didn’t move from their spots, staying focused on their task of toppling buildings. That’s what they were best at.
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Previously Manu456Alola
Copen - Field of Hopes and Dreams

The last of the vivosaurs had arrived. Copen reached the ground, bringing his Bullits back to full right as Brachio unleashed an earthquake. The teen felt a jolt as the earth shook, gritting his teeth whilst pain coursed throughout his body. Even if he was able to withstand the g-force of his dashes, an attack like that still proved too much to handle.

I can... still fight! Pushing through the pain, Copen managed to stand up once the earthquake was over. Looking to the side, he spotted Metal Sonic attacking Dark Matter, the former covered in orange energy. He didn't need Lola to inform him of the situation; he could feel the energy coming from the robot. The key was now in Metal's hands. He probably wouldn't be able to fight the machine directly to retrieve the key, so he decided to focus on a different objective: freeing Hunter.

Photon Detonator was selected again, though it wasn't fired at Brachio. The ball of light was launched at the area in front of Copen, resulting in a large bright explosion that filled a portion of the field with smoke. The sound of oozing energy could be heard from within the smoke, before a bright pink projection of Lola's Idol form shot out at Brachio, an identical one being fired shortly afterwards. The intended target wasn't the dinosaur, though. They would pierce through Brachio and head for Hunter, who wouldn't be able to see the energy projectiles coming due to the vivosaur's size!

@DarkHydraT @Gamingfan @Captain Pokémon
Hunter was laughing as he finally landed a hit on Copen. At last, he had proven that the boy was not invincible! Caught up in his celebration, the boy was caught off-guard by Copen's attack and looked straight into the eyes of Idol Lola before getting hit by the projectiles. He got knocked backwards and onto the ground, convulsing and writhing in pain as the last remnants of Shadow Link's corruption were burnt away by the light. After regaining full control over his body, Hunter was shocked to find out that his right arm was turned into gold.

"Wha-what's this? Why is my arm gold? Did I hurt anyone? Am I free?" Questions raced through his mind, but the sight of Brachio turning around and lowering her head to comfort the boy made the uncertainity more bearable. "Hey there girl, are you okay? Sorry that I made you worried." He scratched the head of the Brachiosaurus with one hand as the Vivosaur let out a deep rumble as if it was purring.

@ArmedBlue @Gamingfan @Shen: King of the Mist


As the door of Prometheus' pod opened, the Reploid was halfway through a saxophone solo on his scythe, freezing for a moment before quickly stashing his scythe when he noticed the Egg Gunner. "Hello there, your boss has a good taste in music." The Grim Reaper said before truly taking in the Egg Gunner. "And in weaponry by the looks of it, impressive armaments." Deciding to keep it at that until asked for further information, Prometheus followed the Egg Gunner whilst committing the lay-out of the ship to memory. You never know when it just might be useful.

@Captain Pokémon


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Tabby and Blue Ninja. That wasn't too descriptive. Blue skin like her? or blue clothes. Or perhaps Tails was actually color blind. She could remember hearing Papyrus spouting some facts out of a book he'd found about certain creatures being color blind. So now the wiener-obsessed Masaru was beaten, that annoying girl cosplaying Chibiusa from Sailor Moon or something. Yeah, that felt fitting. Now she had apparently been present physically for the takedown of another. They probably weren't that good if her team hadn't needed her help for it.
So now what? It was easy for the Captain to deduce through Tails' dialogue alone that the Warriors of Hope remained a threat.

"...So what are we doing standing around here like a buncha PANSIES!?" Undyne grinned. "We find the next one, we kick their ass, rinse and repeat. Three down, however many to go!" She pumped her fist into the air. "Miles, you're smart. Think you can figure out where the next one to beat up is?"

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon

The Scarab
A boom resounded, the Scarab pausing for a moment... before it continued, shaking off the attack, plasma continuing to drip from its gun, a resounding mechanical roar assuring all that this Scarab would require more than one shot to take it down.
Much, much more. Its missiles had eradicated a sizeable force of the Monokumas lining the ground, sending parts everywhere. One of its great legs turned an armored truck beneath it into a flattened soda can, the Scarab pausing for a moment, a hum souding in the air before another beam fired from the Scarab's face, cutting through even more of the Monokuma army. It didn't seem to even be giving Nagisa the time of day, perhaps out of perceiving HannibalX as a non-threat, or that the Scarab's operator understood that retaliating against a quick-moving, cloaked target would be less effective than continuing to lay waste to the army.
Probably the latter.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Pain of Alessa (Co-Written By Shen)
There was a moment of silence, before the girl rose her head from her legs. She was wearing a blue tinted school uniform, and her face was small and fearful, staring back at Red for a moment, black bangs hanging in her eyes... until slowly, she stood up. The girl wasn't even as tall as Red.
She didn't respond immediately, but when she did, her voice was soft. Almost too quiet to hear. Red could only hear her speak due to how quiet the world was around them.
"No." The word was sharp and curt, quickly followed up with a few more. "Are you?"

"Oh..." Red sniffled. "That's so sad...bad days are the worst. I'm having one too. I was with my friends and going on an adventure, and then we got separated an-and-"

Red seemed to be swallowed up in sadness himself upon reflecting the position he was in. Even Gengar wasn't anywhere to be seen

Once again, the girl was silent for a bit... before she shuffled her feet somewhat awkwardly, eyes gazing down to the ground in... shame?
"I'm sorry." She said quietly. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"B-But you didn't do anything...this is the first time I've seen you. At least I think..."

"What happened." Alessa continued, her voice seeming to gain a little strength. "It wasn't... real. It was, but... you were living through one of my memories. I wanted you to see what I saw. To feel what I felt. To... understand me. Do you?" While her tonal inflections were mostly void during this conversation, this question seemed to spark a tone of hope into her voice.

Red looked around, perplexed at her words. But she was a little girl? How could that be true? Red tried to make sense of it.

"Wait a minute... but you can't feel a memory. What I felt really hurt bad! Are you saying your a... fairy?"

The sad girl cracked a smile at that. It was surprising, to say the least. The smile looked foreign on her face, somehow, as though it was an expression she wasn't used to wearing. "You're from a... different place." She stated. "I don't know if I'm a fairy, but if they're pretty I'd like to be one." The smile faded after a moment. "But... what you felt never happened to you. It... happened to me. A long time ago. As much as I'd like to be a fairy, or... a mermaid..." She pursed her lips, once again shuffling her feet in that awkward way. "I'm not real any more. I'm a page... torn from the Book of Memories. A... ghost... I guess... but I'm trapped in this town. They won't let me leave."

@Shen: King of the Mist

Slash was up, and raring to go. Good. This was a sudden situation they were all thrust into, and the Nord wasn't feeling his best at the moment. He'd been turned into a trophy, he assumed as much. So when one was revived from this trophy state, they weren't fully recovered? If that were so, then the great metal beast he'd summoned to help him combat Shiny certainly had a lot of willpower.
'Blue Knight Guy' (Dragoborn would call him 'Knight Guy' for short) was hesitant to fight. He seemed ready, but didn't move, much like the Dragonborn, who was feeling rather uncertain, though if they refused to fight they'd be 'baked by the sun'. That didn't sound pleasant in the slightest.

The first to move, turns out, was 'Freaky Bird Guy', aptly nicknamed 'Beakface' by the Dragonborn. Beakface sprung into action as he hovered into the air, having no qualms with being forced to fight as a bubble appeared around him quickly, and bolts of lightning began to jettison from him toward the Nord and Slash.
Dragonborn dove to the side to avoid the attack. Beakface clearly was an overwhelming opponent, still sending bolts of lightning at both he and Slash as Knight Guy had yet to engage, appearing to hesitate as he looked from the Dragonborn and Slash, to Beakface. Perhaps he was of noble heart. Noble enough that he wasn't about to fight for the entertainment of others.
Perhaps noble enough to turn on his ally and aid the Nord and Slash.

@Captain Pokémon

Donkey Kong
Kirby seemed hesitant, which was... odd. The Kong wasn't used to seeing the little pink ball act like this in the face of a challenging opponent. Perhaps Kirby had been through some stuff since DK had last seen him. Either way, the Kong gave Kirby a big grin, still holding Vio, before charging down the cliff. Well, 'falling' would be more accurate, as the ape's feet grazed against the cliff face a few times before it started to level out, and he compensated by charging down. The world was a blur as Donkey Kong pushed his way through the forest, and into the ruins.

In the clearing, there it was. The great insect being, mandibles chittering as it glared down upon another group of people, the most bold of them being a tiny little yellow duck. A Psyduck, Donkey Kong recognized. He'd seen a few appear out of small red and white balls during some battles in the tournaments once orchestrated by Master Hand and Crazy Hand.
The little duck seemed to be challenging the great creature to a fight, who was regarding the feisty avian with a reproachful glare. The others in the group was a human in blue armor, a girl with purple hair (perhaps she and Vio could be pals), a swole bug boi that DK would need to arm wrestle later for fun, as well as a small girl hiding behind the armored guy, and finally a short skeleton hanging in the back of the group, barely appearing to pay attention to the unfolding scene.

Finally, Donkey Kong set down Vio and began to beat his chest challengingly at the great bug, attempting to show the little Psyduck that he had back-up. Because Kongs were nice like that.
Feyrbrand, the Green-Tusked Dragon however, didn't take kindly to their threats, one of its massive Mantis-like pinchers twitching ominously- before striking down at Psyduck. Unless the duck was saved, or moved, he'd surely be crushed by it. More likely split in half. If he successfully evaded, the blade would bury several feet into the earth, spraying dirt up before tugging out as Feyrbrand let out another shrill roar.
Looks like there was no way out of this now.

Boss Battle - Feyrbrand

@Shen: King of the Mist @Gamingfan @Psymallard @Fraseandchico @ArmedBlue

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Ah, hold up there now...!"

Undyne was an intense woman, already ready to fight despite getting off of a ramshackled hospital bed minutes ago. Scratching his head, he tried to come up with an explanation.

"I'm trying to fix my ship so that we can soar all the way up to their main capital ship. Meaning, if I get this working, we can go to their HQ directly. As for facing another one of them...I think it would be better to regroup and recover. But I have a feeling that when they want to show up, they'll-


-make a presence...!"


"Hmph. Attacks toward center mass seem less effective. Perhaps on parts of it's body with less mass to them."

HannibalX, still cloaked, swerved around at an angle to see the joint holding the front left arm together. Aiming directly as it walked, an ear splitting railgun sound would reverberate off the buildings, hopefully impacting the socket of the sluggish tank.

Meanwhile the ranks of Monokuma, while scattering and dwindling, were still nevertheless pumping out. However, instead of walking like drones they started off with a sprint, running down any crevice where they could break line of sight with the scarab


Lich Yard

He lightly chuckled as he gave a quick rotation around, allowing his cape to swoosh in the wind.

"You really think so?? Aw shucks, thanks! Every veteran adventurer should own a cape at least once in their life, this so made my bucket list! Wonder what kind of magic properties it holds..."

Bennett's world was filled with magical artifacts and dungeons to explore, so it was easy for him to see this as another artifact imbued by power.

@DarkHydraT @comic

E-107 Gamma
Lich Yard

Gamma was beginning to see the pattern in Gengar's movements. As it sighed back and forth, the circular jet on Gamma's back began to glow. As the shadow extended upwards, the disk rotated to face it, launching a charged up burst of thrust, sending Gamma swiftly in the opposite direction. Giving him more time to counter attack, he fired four warheads from his silo, each locked onto the now exposed target. It must be greatly exerting itself to produce those big of attacks, but this only meant bigger target. If lucky, the rest of the inside cavern would collapse on him too, causing this fight to be over.

@Captain Pokémon


Red puffed up his cheeks. What she said made it sound so sad. Just how long as she been here? And alone with all these mean people? He couldn't believe it. His relief to see another kind soul overpowered his urge to cry about it.

"But...I'm trapped here too! And so are my friends! We can all escape together, I'm sure of it!" Red affirmed. "Though...um...I might not be the strongest in the world or smartest...I can still get you out!"

Field of hopes and Dreams

Green sighed in relief as the battle finally came to a close, at least for the most part. Approaching the scene with Hunter, he gave a weary smile.

"Shadow's control is vicious, I hope it wasn't too painful for you. Say...where did blue go?"

@ArmedBlue (ha)
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The Royal Sword pokémon squinted at his opponents as the battle began, waiting for them to make the first move. He wasn’t feeling fantastic, most likely due to being a statue mere moments before, but he was still okay to fight. The knight-like opponent seemed hesitant, not moving at first. His ally however, was more than willing to start the fight, floating up in a bubble, before bolts of lightning shot towards Aegislash and the Dragonborn. Thinking fast, Aegislash used King’s Shield, blocking the bolts with ease, the pokémon barely flinching. The bolts didn’t stop however, slightly worrying Aegislash, but the shield held. Suddenly, Aegislash leaned backwards, the shield moving with him, causing the lighting bolts, which were still clashing against the shield, to go flying in the other direction. In the blink of an eye, he moved his shield in front of the tip of his body (he’s currently tilted sideways, so it’s facing straightforward), before beginning to spin rapidly. A massive beam emerged from the shield, racing towards the Lunatic Cultist at blinding speeds.

The projection remained as Gamma flew away, causing it to be hit by the missiles, all 4. However, the projection simply disappeared, and Gengar emerged from the floor, perfectly fine, seeming unfazed. It appeared the projection that was attacked wasn’t actually Gengar, simply an attack. Gengar charged up a Shadow Ball, but suddenly stopped, eyes wide with shock. To Gamma, it would appear Gengar had simply stopped functioning completely, but Gengar was experiencing something rather different.

His surroundings seemed to vanish completely, the ghost-poison type being met with pure darkness for a moment, the place seemingly having no beginning nor end. However, something then began to materialize in front of him, a familiar face. It was Elf Boy! Gengar started to float forward, but couldn’t. He couldn’t move at all, what was this? Upon closer inspection, Gengar grew less happy and more shocked. Elf Boy was certainly there...but he had been brutalized. (Kinda graphic stuff ahead, ouchie ouch.) His left arm had been...degloved, the flesh being removed, revealing the skeleton beneath it. His right arm had been removed completely, blood leaking from the socket. His torso was full of holes, some parts having been degloved as well, revealing the rib cage, among other things Gengar didn’t want to list to himself. His legs were twisted and mangled, which sickened even Gengar, the pokémon with no nose or stomach. And his face...his face was nearly unrecognizable, being mangled to the point of Gengar not wanting to describe it.

(Graphic stuff over yay.)The ghost-poison type was suddenly yanked from his dream/vision as one of Gamma’s attacks impacted his body, causing him to go flying backwards. Gengar was suddenly engulfed in dark energy, using Nasty Plot again. Although he wasn’t laughing, he was growling. He was acting different, but he was obviously still thinking nasty thoughts. Suddenly, Gengar looked up towards the robot, eyes filled with complete and utter rage. “GennGAAAAAAR!” The ghost-poison type screeched, filled with rage.
@Shen: King of the Mist

Dr. Eggman
The Egg Gunner and Prometheus arrived, the door to Eggman’s chamber whooshing open, revealing the doctor himself, sitting in a chair, focused on several monitors in front of him. As soon as Prometheus entered, the door closed behind him, the Egg Gunner remaining outside. Eggman turned around, looking over his shoulder at Prometheus, before standing up, revealing himself to be quite tall. Hands behind his back he walked over to the mega man, looking down at him with interest. The thing looked relatively new, but a little damaged, most likely from a recent scuffle. “So, I hear you practically demanded to see me. Why is that? What do you want?” Eggman asked, his voice neither welcoming nor angry.

Sonic the Hedgehog
The blue hedgehog yawned as he laid back on a piece of rubble, kicking his foot a bit as he closed his eyes. Today had been a handful, so he sure could go for a quick power nap. He enjoyed the breeze in his quills and the temporary quiet. Without being able to see his surroundings, it was rather easy to relax, the place seeming peaceful. As Tails and Undyne began to converse, Sonic tuned them out. And for a moment, just a moment, he was able to fully relax, almost falling asleep.

This didn’t last very long though, as an explosion sounded in the distance with a loud boom! This yanked Sonic from his relaxation, causing him to jolt and grunt in annoyance. He hopped off of the makeshift rubble-chair before looking towards the area the explosion came from, and exhaled lightly from his nose. “This is getting old.” The blue blur stated, partly to himself. He put his hands on his hips and redirected his attention to Undyne and Tails. “I’m going to go do some recon.” He said, tightening the bracelet on his wrist. “Wanna tag along?” He said, directing his gaze towards Undyne.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic
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"Gotta say, you wear it well. Capes are not really my thing, they tend to get in the way of fighting for me. I'll just rock on in my body suit."

"If you want a cape, go call Dark Phantom. I can't make one."

"Easy Mega. I like this outfit! Really!"

"Hmph, you better."

Geo and Omega-Xis bickered a bit on the topic of capes before turning to Bennett again. "Magic? I have no experience with magic, but maybe it makes you tougher? If that creature was any indication, this caoe can take a lot of abuse."

@Shen: King of the Mist @comic


Hunter had his remaining arm wrapped around Brachio's neck, fatigue setting in fast after being freed. "No pain, just very tired. I recall Krona having Blue in its jaws before he got launched away. He should be in this field. Hold on a second." Letting go of Brachio, the boy stumbled over towards Green's shield and gave it back to him. "Sorry for what I did, I wish things could've been different." Meanwhile, Brachio had moved her head closer for Hunter to lean on, an offer that he gratefully took.



Prometheus looked at Eggman and was surprised at just how tall he was. He would be intimidating, if not for the fact that he basically was an egg on toothpicks. Still, he could not judge a book by its cover and needed the help of this walking breakfast item. "First of all, I commend you for your taste in music. Very classy. My name is Prometheus, a Reploid created by Dr. Albert. Leaving all fancy terminology behind, I am essentially a robot with free will. The issue is that Albert forced me and my sister to follow his orders and to prevent us from killing him, he created an internal clock that shuts us down when it reaches zero. Obviously, there is no way for me to reset this timer and that's where you come in."

The Reploid began pacing back and forth as he explained his situation to Eggman. "When I realized that I was doomed, I decided to cause carnage before retiring. After setting a jungle ablaze, I ran into this purple wearing kid and a yellow duck. They should have been no issue for me, but the duck managed to mess up my stabilizers which stops me from teleporting. If you fix my stabilizer and remove the timer, I shall fight on your behalf and give your army the firepower they needed in that ice area." Prometheus activated his scythe and let a purple flaming skull appear in his hand, a large grin decorating his face as he showed what he had to offer.

@Captain Pokémon


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Tails didn't seem all too interested in going right to the next battle as Sonic seemed to decide taking a nap now was a good idea. However, before the fish woman could say or do much, a resounding 'boom' thundered through the air like a crack of thunder, though not quite as intense. Immediately, Sonic was on his feet, raring to go.
“Wanna tag along?” He asked, looking toward the Captain. She smirked at this, casting a glance toward Tails. "Finish up that project you're working on. The True Blue gotta investigate." She winked at this, and took off at a sprint. While she wasn't nearly as fast as Sonic, she was indeed a lot faster than most things.

Using her energy-generated platforms as she had earlier, she was quickly able to scale up the side of a building without losing any speed or momentum, swinging up at the top to land deftly at the peak. It was funny how close destruction could be and never notice it, but with this vantage point, Undyne could quite clearly see a giant mechanical monster thundering its way through the town, taking shots from seemingly nowhere, a path of destruction both in the Scarab's wake, as well as in its path.

The mechanical roar that came next echoed, less startling than the boom of a railgun, but the long note was menacing, in the simplest terms. The mechs she'd been facing before had been a challenge, but this thing? It was massive! Enough that even Undyne was hesitant. Was there any way to bring that thing down? Blasts that struck away at where the limbs of the beast connected to its body seemed to do little outside of making the Scarab pause for a moment- then continued its thunderous march, seemingly ignoring the damage it was tanking.
That is, until another railgun blast struck it, and the Scarab seemed to wobble, or shake, pausing... then it raised its glowing face up, and fired a beam straight for the Warriors of Hope ship sitting in the air, its back opening up and deploying dozens of missiles at its target.

As for the cloaked mech, it wasn't as invisible as it assumed. From somewhere beneath it, a sudden bolt of pure white energy struck its hull. Not much damage in the slightest, possibly even just a stray shot that had landed on it. But when another bolt struck it from somewhere else- then another, it became clear that the mech wasn't as unseeable as it had assumed. The reasoning for this was its thrusters. The heat possibly giving away its location, and if others could figure that out, then it wouldn't take long for the Scarab to figure that out either as more bolts of energy fired up at HannibalX from random points in the city, but the perpetrators of these blasts of energy seemed to disappear before they could be tracked.
They were attempting to disorient Nagisa.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon

Master Chief
The kids conversed as they, and the Spartan, followed Scorpion through the never-ending fog. At this point, it was safe to assume this fog wasn't natural. None of this was. A lot different than the things John was used to, but that was to be expected with the revelation of the Nexus. Anything was possible here. He had to assume the Nexus Key still remained here, and if it did, then surely it could be behind the manifestation of this town and the fog somehow. The power of the Nexus was still unclear, and remained unpredictable, but it was his best theory at the moment.

The crumbling of brick and stone, the booms of explosions, it was enough to hasten their journey. Evidently their soon-to-be allies were in some sort of conflict at the moment. Maybe another one of those giant lizards. Chief increased his speed to a jog, enough so that the others could keep up. Scorpion didn't seem to really care, as he didn't quicken his pace, falling behind and fading into the fog behind them. He could handle himself, he'd catch up.
Retrieving his magnum, John found they had arrived at a hospital, labeled as 'Alchemilla'. The conflict seemed to be coming from down an alley beside the hospital.

@Shen: King of the Mist @DarkHydraT @Captain Pokémon

Pain of Alessa
The sad smile was flashed across the girl's face again. "Some of us are in a better position than others." She told him. "My sentence here is eternal. But you... yours isn't, yet. You and your friends can still escape." Her demeanor seemed to change slightly, replacing her timid shyness with a confidence and purpose. She placed her hand against the wall, and pictures began to appear through fire, burning into the rotten walls, but not destroying them. Marking them.
Five symbols in total. They didn't mean much to Red, he couldn't recognize any right now.
"Find five artifacts with these symbols." Alessa explained. "It will unlock the door into 'Nowhere', the only place where the God of this world can be killed. Destroy her, and you will be freed. It's too late for me, but not for you."

@Shen: King of the Mist

The Dragonborn
Slash was handling himself well, capable of blocking the bolts before launching a counter attack as the Nord's own hands began to crackle with electricity. Whatever element Beakface could use, the Dragonborn could use better. At least he believed so. However, before he could aide Slash, the butt of a sword slammed into his exposed face, making the Dragonborn stumble back, growling as his eyes landed on Knight Dude. "Forgive me." The man said, readying his blade. "Forgive-? Hell no!" The Nord charged forward, pulling out his axe and beginning to swing wildly, but Knight Guy seemed a skilled warrior, managing to parry each attack with finesse, that is until lightning surged from the Dragonborn's hand and struck the man, launching him back to tumble to the ground and sweep back up to his feet, brushing his cape aside as his gaze hardened.

This guy was going down. Slash could handle Beakface. Once again, however, Beakface proved otherwise as he disappeared, completely dodging Slash's attack before raising his arms into the air. Two more Beakfaces appeared, some strange rune appearing between them, which began to glow brightly- and a snake emerged, or at least what the Dragonborn perceived as a snake. It shot through the air, its body pearly white, and was deflected by another shield move from Slash before it redirected course to the Dragonborn.
He hadn't noticed it coming before it was too late, the snake blowing through the Nord's body, launching him against a far wall, but before he could even hit it, he hit a barrier, a wall of red energy appearing, and when he touched it, red electricity surged through his body before blasting him back into the center of the arena, armor smoldering, though he remained alive.

@Captain Pokémon

"Construction on the command center is nearly complete."
Decimus huffed his approval at the screen showing a Brute Warchief's face. "Very good. Come morning we will launch it into orbit and continue its construction there."
"Decimus." The Warchief said. "It will take months to finish the Supercarrier. We don't have the manpower-"
"I will handle that. Just do your job." Decimus growled back, cutting the communication as he turned, raising a great hand to rub tiredly at his face, before he paused. Bri 'Filkom stood on the other side of the room, another trophy beside him.

With a grunt, Decimus nodded at him. "Was it a challenge?"
"Hardly." Bri 'Filkom replied simply. "Called itself 'Giovanni'. A weak human cowering behind minions." Decimus couldn't ignore the way Bri 'Filkom's eyes had lingered on the Brute at the word 'cowering'. "You believe I am no different." Decimus growled. The Sangheili elder said nothing, instead turning and walking away, carrying out the trophy with him to add to the collection.
Once again, Decimus rubbed at his face, pulling at the skin to loosen his tight muscles. He had yet to rest. He'd spent a lot of time recently devising plans with Robotnik, who's first name, as it turns out, wasn't 'Eggman', interestingly enough.
He still had more work to do, however. Rest could come later.

With heavy footsteps that shook the halls wherever he walked, Decimus stormed from the his war room, down the corridors of his ship, and into the waiting hangar. What greeted him was a welcome sight.
"Decimus." A Sangheili worker dropped to a knee, placing his hand over his chest. A gesture usually used for the Covenant's Prophets. An old habit for ex-Covenant military in the face of authority. Decimus ignored it. "I see construction on these three have finished." He hummed. The Sangheili nodded, rising slowly. "Yes, your excellency. As for the 'Ultra Dragoon', we've encountered a complication."
"What kind?" Decimus asked, voice lowering, mood immediately soured. The Sangheili lowered his head, a sign of submission, wishing no conflict with the Jiralhanae. "Our modifications upset the balance of the Dragoon. We've been recalibrating weight complications and-"
"No need. Installer gravity boosters." Decimus waved his hand dismissively. "And while you're at it, arm it with a fuel rod canon, shoulder mounted. No need to spare theatrics for this project."

"Yes, your excellency." The Sangheili bowed once more, before jogging away as Decimus turned his gaze toward the three newly constructed Scarabs. He'd come to this world with only two, one damaged. The damaged one he'd repaired as best as he could, and now it had been sent to Eggman for his modifications. The first was on the ground, dueling the Warriors of Hope. Better yet, Decimus had gotten word from his Specialists on the ground that they had successfully armed their detonators and infiltrated the Monokuma factory, not to mention Sub-Zero continued to aid in these efforts. So long as he did so, Decimus would allow him to continue. The moment the asset became a hassle...
Well, no need to cry over spilled milk.