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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros: Brawl

The purple ghost type narrowed his eyes as the robot began to walk away, heading towards a hospital of some kind. Robots were kinda weird. One second they pull a gun on you, then the next they walk away and expect you to follow. Gengar made a sound similar to a sigh, just spookier and more ghost sounding. He looked back at Elf Boy, checking up on him. He seemed fine, just a bout dizzy, as expected from someone who was possessed not 10 seconds ago. The boy seemed untrusting of the robot, for good reason. But, Gengar knew they had to stick with it, so he grinned at the boy. This grin was less sinister and mischievous, and more genuine, as if the pokémon was trying to reassure they boy. He then nodded his head towards the robot, beginning to follow it rather animatedly, never staying in a straight line, instead swirling around every few seconds, occasionally hopping in and out of shadows. He did this for fun, and he had to anyway to stay at the robot’s pace, this thing was kinda slow.
@Shen: King of the Mist

Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic looked up to meet Sub-Zero’s eyes, which were rather cold-looking. Sonic shrugged. “I can be quiet if I need to, although it isn’t my go-to.” He said in response to the man’s question, returning his gaze to the door leading to the room in front of them. “Alright, I’ll scout ahead, you guys hang back here until I give the ‘okay’.” He told the group before dashing towards the room surprisingly quietly, although he had to go a bit slower than usual to do so. He stuck to the sides before making it to the doorway. He leaned against the wall next to it for a moment, then peeked inside. It was rather dark, but he could see okay. He entered the room, staying low to the ground. The room was rather large and spacious, accompanied by a grinding sound that hurt his ears a little bit. Otherwise, it looked pretty safe. No giant mechs, no monokumas, nothing besides that grinding noise far ahead. He walked back to the doorway, leaning out to face the group. He nodded at them, then moved his head to the side, telling them it was okay.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic @Psymallard

"Hyrule, huh? Definitely not a region I'm familiar with" Slowking said. Slowking was also interested in exploring. It was better than standing around near the rubble and debris. "Exploring does sound most certainly fun! A great opportunity to figure out what region this is. It certainly doesn't seem like Kanto or Johto... That strange fellow with the stick... What was that thing called...? Uuugh... boomerang, I think?" Slowking said. Slowking wondered where the boy went, but didn't see any sign of him. Slowking just assumed the boy must have fled as he didn't see any corpses nor blood. Though Slowking could do nothing, but be optimistic, and hope nothing bad happened to him. "Do you think we will find that human?" Slowking asked both Kilton and Papyrus.


"Gah! Stupid animal! barbaric! Biting!" Guile yelled as his arm was bitten. He pulled the bear into his bazooka knee. Guile then used his flying mare throw. He leaped into the air, catching the ice boulder before throwing it at the creature.
Last edited:


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The subway had given way into a mechanical biome, carved stone and earth, hollowed out and replaced by machinery. Steam filled the air, bits of metal... Tails' assessment was accurate. This was a factory, reminiscent of the ones Kuai Liang himself had shut down, along with the help of the Hanzo Hasashi of his time, before... well, the Scorpion that was in this world with him wasn't the one Kuai Liang had grown to know. A biproduct of Kronika's manipulation and deception.
Sonic was the first to the door that sat open, revealing a gaping void of a chasm beyond. He checked the doorway, and nothing happened. He seemed to deem it okay.

The Grandmaster did not trust that assessment. No offense to the hedgehog, but Sub-Zero felt he could trust his own judgement more. The maw of darkness felt more and more like a trap. If anyone were to spring it, it should be him. "Hold this position." Sub-Zero told Tails and Tabby, before walking away and toward Sonic, raising a hand to tell the hedgehog to wait. Once close enough, Sub-Zero spoke again, voice just loud enough so that it wasn't drowned out by the noises of the Monokuma factory. "This may be a trap." He informed. "I will take point. Wait with the others. If I do not return, expect the worst."
With that, he calmly disappeared through the doorway, being swallowed by the blackness, uttering no more sounds.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon @Psymallard

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Urban District

As Subzero went inside to test if this was a trap, tails was content to lay behind. However, Sonic had other ideas. Not one to sit around and do nothing, the rebellious hedgehog rand forward, Tails's eyes widening and chasing after him.


Soon enough, the entire party had gone inside the room. Suddenly, the door had slam shut behind them. It was apparently that Subzero had the right assumption. Tails got into a fighting stance, not sure what to expect. Suddenly...the lights flickered on.


The lights were blinding due to their eyes not behind used to it from the dark tunnel. When their eyes had begun to adjust, they were welcome to an unusual sight.

They were in a cylinder shaped room, the height stretching incredibly tall, especially for a subway station. After ten feet, the steel walls had been replaced with the factory assembly line...except they were making something else other than Monokuma...

There were saw blades, glistening gold. They were hacking away at something, sparks flying everywhere with the ear splitting sound. Gold dust flew into the air after what it had cut, moving onto the next. They were cutting...Trophies?!

"Ahuhu...I see you've gotten this far...even though I told you not to."

A railing was thirty feet above them, Jataro Kemuri himself stood behind the rails, overlooking the factory and his new guests.

"Sorry about the mess, this place was kinda a rough piece of work. Buuuuut as lil' ultimate art, it ain't TOO bad I guess."

Tails gulped, still mesmerized by the factory. "Those things in the assembly line...don't tell me-"

"Ahuhuhuahaha! Yuuuup! They are beeeeeautiful aren't they~♫? Monaca said they The trophies are harder than any alloy, and can't be broken by ANYTHING else. Soooo it got us to wonderin', wouldn't that mean the only thing that could break it be itself?"

The golden saw blade glistened in the overhead lights. It was such a simple instrument...yet set a horrible reality. They were able to defy the laws of this world, destroy what wasn't meant to be destroyed.

@Psymallard @comic @Captain Pokémon

Red & E-102 Gamma
Lich Yard

"...Okay!" Red nodded. "Following you!"


Gamma had led them toward a spooky abandoned hospital. Red naturally had his reservations, hoisting his lantern up just in case a creepy crawly were to appear. Gamma entered first, announcing his presence.

"The one has been found. State next course of action."



The journey had been awkward at best. The ape had taken his filthy paws and lay them all over his garments. DK had not exactly impressed him, rather become quite the annoyance. How long would he have to suffer though this?

It was only when a loud boom had overtaken the scene did he snap out of his thoughts. Looking around to the trees shaking, Vio knew this couldn't be good.

"Ape. We must lay a low profile. If you wish to survive, we must find somewhere to hide...!"



Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Another child, as expected. The trap had activated, and they were all caught in it thanks to Sonic. That hardly mattered now, what's done is done, but the hedgehog could stand to learn some patience in the future. This could have been much worse, and would have resulted in all of them perishing. Undyne remained unconscious, carried by Tabby. Hopefully she would wake soon, she had been skilled in combat from what the Grandmaster had seen. They could use all the help they could get. The size of this room made it clear that this child had a mech he was preparing to utilize.

The child had an annoying, drawling voice. He called his act 'art'. He was probably the one responsible for the Junk Monokuma from before, in that case. Sub-Zero was hardly phased by the treatment the trophies were undergoing. It still failed to explain why the victim within the Junk Monokuma hadn't been turned into a trophy. There was one simple fact here. These children were so engrossed in murder that they would go to any lengths to achieve it. The cryomancer had been trophied once already by Scorpion, though that was out of a lack of desire to fight Hanzo. The same mistake would not be made here, nor with Hanzo again.
The child seemed to take great pride in his work, shaving away trophies into dust, destroying the helpless victims. Sub-Zero had been expecting far worse, but it seemed even these children were not nearly as grotesque as Sektor had been. Allowed to grow older and experiment more, however, the Warriors of Hope could become worse than even he.

Sub-Zero took a step back, allowing the others to appear prominently than he, though that wasn't saying much. He was double each of their height. His eyes scanned the room, picking it apart scrutinizingly. There wasn't much to it. The only exit was from where they had come from- now sealed off, almost invisible in design against the wall -and the catwalk the child stood upon, which led elsewhere. Save for that, it was a box. A prison. No... the Warriors of Hope were not the type to capture and keep prisoners. This was an arena, enforcing Sub-Zero's belief that there would be another mech. Masaru, Kotoko, now this child. How many more were there?
Only time could tell. Sub-Zero's hand twitched, and slowly, ice began to creep. It was slow in its process, moving from where he stood to begin covering every surface. It crawled up the walls, frosted along the ground, and the more it grew, the colder the room became. In mere minutes, the room would fall nearly eighty degrees, and the colder it became, the more power Sub-Zero had.
Now, his eyes darted back toward the child, noticing he held something in his hand, almost casually. A remote.
So where was his mech?

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon @Psymallard

Silent Hill
The hospital remained as cold, empty, and decrepit as ever, matching the tone the rest of the town held. Gamma's words didn't seem to be answered in the slightest. Silent Hill maintained its namesake. Silence. Nothing happened, and just as any belief that Gamma could be defective became valid, Red could see something, but it was only him. Neither than phantom nor the robot could see what he did. One of his brothers, Green specifically. Red would only see him from the corner of his eye as Green rounded a corner outside of the hospital, disappearing around to an adjacent alleyway just as Red would register what he had seen.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic’s slight smirk faded as the man stated that he doubted his judgement in the most subtle, yet somehow it seemed to be the most obvious, way possible. The man began to walk into the darkness. Yeahhh...no. Sonic thought to himself. No way he was just going to sit here and hope for the best. He followed the man with the icy exterior rather casually, not bothering to sneak around, although even when he was just walking he didn’t make much noise. However, he then noticed something up near the top half of the room. “Hey-“

But he was cut off as the lights suddenly snapped to life, the sudden brightness off putting Sonic for a moment. ‘I see you’ve gotten this faaaarr..“ Sonic didn’t wait for the boy to finish, everything suddenly turning gray around him. Everything was slowed, but only for Sonic. However, Sonic was also slowed, albeit less drastically, so this was best used for observation and reaction rather than attacking. It only lasted 10 seconds, so he had to be quick. His eyes darted to the catwalk Jataro was on, and he had an idea. He jumped up and began to run up the wall, using boost. Right as Time Break ended, he was already initiating his plan. As he was boosting up the wall, he ran straight through he catwalk, causing it to start falling. He wasn’t gonna give this kid the chance to get his bearings and prepare, so he made the first move.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic @Psymallard


Previously mallard
Psyduck charged through the jungle screaming. He was on a mission; find the Poyobeast. Since that was his goal, there was nothing that could stand in his way. He came to a small ravune, and not stopping for a moment, jumped across, swinging on a vine and landing right-side up. He looked around for any sort of praise, but the allies that had kept up with him either didn't notice or didn't care. The Duck scowled and then continued on his journey. This lasted a few more paces, before he heard a roar. Psyduck stopped in his tracks, then let out a cry of his own. "PSYYDUUUCK!!!" It was a much more shrill and much less threatening then the one before it, but this screaming football was challenging whatever made that initial roar. Psyduck adjusted his course, no longer looking for the Poyobeast but running in the direction of the creature that made that cry.
@Gamingfan @comic @Fraseandchico @ArmedBlue


Everyone else was going, so he might as well. Tabby held Undyne high above his head as he trot into the room-
and the doors closed behind him. This was fine, the tablet has been walking into traps his whole life. He turned out fine. He carefully set Undyne down onto the frosty ground and observed the room. Buzzsaws everywhere. Just like back home in the abanoned factory. Sonic was the first to act- attacking the threat directly by trying to bring it. Tabby agreed with this line of thinking. He fired off a single rocket at the boy, then began charging the rocket launcher if the job wasn't done.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic @Captain Pokémon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Urban District

Tails had begun to shiver, being at the epicenter of Subzero's icy field. His teeth shattered and his twin tails twitched uncomfortably. What was the point of that? Did he think they were immune to cold?

"C-C-C-Can you T-T-Tone d-down?" Tails asked, already being stressed out by the room itself.

As the sudden attacks encroached, Jataro was shocked by the sudden hostility. Quickly fidgeting his remote, he could help the metal catwalk's supports being snapped by Sonic. Jataro clumsily felt down, right in the way of the incoming Rocket! However, just in the Knick of time, the rocket exploded on a large object that fell to the ground from above.


As the smoke filled the area, Jataro was heard coughing through it.

"H...Hey...! I didn't even say go yet...Aw...now I'm for sure gonna lose...you guys are the worst...but then again that's not true...cause we all know i'm the worst..."

The smoke had begun to clear, something tall, blue armored appearing to be draped inside of the cloud of smoke.

"Although I AM a disgusting clod of a human being...I am still the priest. Sometimes an exorcism of demons is kinda necessary..."

The smoke had now fully cleared, right as the robot had appeared to touch down to the ground, a black scorch Mark on it's metal gown from the impact of the Rocket.


"While I'm really bad at driving these things...Monaca knew this. Sooo it's pretty durable to offset that. She's so niiiiice...like keeping a pet fly around and feeding it moldy caaaandy~"

The Robot, Priest Robot Doctor Von Gerolt, put it's hands together in a praying formation. It certainly seemed to stand for a holy nature, ironic to it's actually usage here.

"I'd normally just leave but...I got things to do here. You seeeee...You guys should at least wait till my special order for Monaca is complete. She never ever asked anything of me before...you know how weird that is? Like a oozing zit that just won't go away no matter how much you scratch it raw... actually... that really isn't too weird..."

The boy seemed to forget that he was in the middle of a fight. The scatter brained artist snapped back to by the sound of a trophy being severed from it's base above.

"O-Oh! That's right... Sorry, Just pretend I stopped at that cool exorcism line..."

Jataro walked up to Von Gerolt, a opening appearing in the back of it's armor briefly, allowing Jataro to walk inside before it quickly closed. A whirring sound was heard as Jataro appeared to be loaded inside. He wasn't going to be exposed like Masaru and Kotoko were, and this robot seemed more durable than the other two.


Red & E-102 Gamma
Silent Hill


Gamma was silent. There was no response from this little girl or entity that had reached out to him before. Had he not done as requested? Was this not the one? If not, this was beginning to appear like a exercise of futility.

Red seemed scared of the hospital setting. After all, who wouldn't? He was tracked by some mutated web monster before, anything can pop out at any moment. A big dragon, a ghoul, a zombie, Green, a ghost-

Wait a second.


Red's eyes lit up as he chased after where he figured green was. Gamma's head rotated back 180° to see what Red was doing. He had concerns, this was the same thing the entity had done to him to lure him closer.



Previously mallard
Tabby watched the rocket travel with anticipation, sure that it would hit its target. Then a big blue bot dropped down in front of it. Darn. Oh well. As soon as the boy got into the mech, a satisfying ding sounded off. Tabby the Tablet fired off the rockets, not expecting the preferred result, but hoping it would help in one way or another.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic @Captain Pokémon
The ghost-poison type set back down onto the ground as they arrived at the hospital the robot was leading them to. As soon as they entered, the robot made himself known, announcing that he had found ‘the one’. Apparently, he expected to get a response from the building, as they sat in anticipation for a minute. Gengar looked at the robot up and down, squinting. Was this thing defective or something? However, his thoughts were interrupted as Elf Boy began to state his own rather excitedly, saying something like ‘Omar, gosh I can believe your ear’ or something like that. It was hard to tell since he was talking so fast and also running away. What was happening? Who was Omar? Wait, is that even what he said? Probably not. Gengar didn’t waste time, jumping into the floor rather casually, phasing through it. However, he left his head (or rather, the top half of his body) out of the floor to keep track of Red. He then began to follow, moving faster than usual. He didn’t want Red to get lost.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic (Maybe to start something?)

Sonic the Hedgehog
The blue blur shivered slightly as the room’s temperature began to drop, but he quickly began to adjust to it. He looked down to see that Sub-Zero was freezing the room, probably to power himself up or something. Sonic didn’t mind too much, the only concern being the slippery walls near the bottom. Sonic decided to get to a higher point as Tabby took the main attacking role, planning to catch the robot off guard by pouncing from above. As he got high enough, he was able to see the top of its head, which had the same design as the shield on Mark Guvyer did. Bingo. “Hey! The robot has a weak spot on top of its head! It looks like one of those bear things, go for that!” He announced before running back down to ground level, no point staying up there now that his position was revealed. Once he was back, he began to run around the mech in a circle, causing a small blue tornado to appear around it. The tornado wouldn’t do much damage, but hopefully it would disorient the mech.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic @Psymallard

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Jataro & Tails
Urban District

The rockets impacted a the armored hull of Von Gerolt, seeming to do minimal structural damages, ending up being a few dents with scorch marks surrounding them, but nothing to compromise the mech over. However, the following smoke clouds proved enough to disorient the mech, making it lose track of what Sonic was doing on the walls.

"I don't really know what your plan is...but maybe we can stop the smoke? It's just a liiiiiittle bit annoying..."

Suddenly, a singular powerful violet thruster came from underneath the mech, hoisting it into the air, lifting past the tornado. Von Geralt then swung it's arms out, finishing its prayer. From the holes in it's sleeves, six rather large missiles fired out from it, slow as they may be. They seemed to have quite the payload as they seared toward them.

"Subzero! Do something!" Tails called out, Falling in behind him.

He couldn't fly up high to take advantage of the weak spot sonic called out under these conditions. They needed to brave the missiles somehow...


Corrupted Hunter was glad that Lola finally decided to switch sides, letting his pickaxe drop as regular Hunter was pushed to the background. To his surprise, Lola rammed into him, causing the boy to drop his pickaxe before getting tied up in Lola's attack. "You! You will pay!" Even though the boy wiggled and squirmed, he could not escape and had to watch as explosions went off around him. The darkness withdrew, only covering around 25% of his face. Black spots were all over his face, as if he was an unholy mash-up of a human and a dalmatian. Shadow Link's control was weakening, but it was not gone. "When I'm free, you'll pay! You'll all pay!"

Krona roared in pain as the blob expoded, sending the trophy flying towards Green. The pliosaur wanted to retaliate and chased after Copen, ready to crush his insignificant bones between its mighty jaws. How dare he attack them, the king of the seas? He would pay!

@ArmedBlue @Gamingfan @Shen: King of the Mist


Geo let out a sigh of relief, they had somewhat of a map. "That's a relief, we're not walking around without a destination." After listening carefully to what the adults said about Alessa, he nodded and was ready to follow Chief, Cortana and Scorpion. "Bennett, come on. Let's go." He snapped his fingers before turning to Cortana. "Ummm, miss? Would you mind explaining the science behind this map? It sounded very interesting." The boy didn't mind that he was being a massive nerd, he really needed something to think about other than creepy monsters and ghosts.



Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Sonic was the first to spring into action, aiming for a direct assault against the child they faced. It could have been successful if Tabby's follow-up missile hadn't been intercepted by a mechanical figure dropping from the dark ceiling above. It struck the ground with a booming metallic thud that shook the room, and the child proceeded to climb inside. He was acting extremely nonchalant about this entire thing. Undoubtedly, he had a few screws loose. At least looser than the rest of his comrades.
The ice continued to grow, crawling along nearly a tenth of the room by now, and only Tails remained near Sub-Zero, the kitsune shivering, requesting he 'tone it down'. Clearly Tails wasn't as combat-capable as the others, and Tabby was putting Undyne at risk by carrying her around during the fight. "Tabby, put Undyne to the side!" Kuai Liang barked toward the tabletoid, then shifted his gaze quickly toward Tails. "Be our eyes and ears, and keep Undyne out of harm. I trust you can do this."

Dialogue was exchanged from the combatants during this time, Sonic pinpointing a weak spot for the others to hear, and the mech responded by firing a barrage of six missiles, weaving in different directions toward different targets, Tails shouting that the Grandmaster do something. "Hm." Sub-Zero grunted, before he stomped his foot against the ground. A wall of jagged ice shot up before him, and in front of that, another wall of ice, larger than the last, then a third, even larger, until the fourth that emerged was condensed into a spike, shooting upward to impale the mech, though the cryomancer wasn't certain it would. He was testing its defenses.
Four missiles barraged the three walls of ice he'd made, reducing them to rubble for the most part, but they had done their job. The remaining two missiles remained intact, one heading for Sonic, the other for Tabby.
Sweeping his hands through the air, Sub-Zero dragged his foot smoothly over the frost under his feet in an arcing circle, and the massive chunks of ice in the room began to rise in the air, reminiscent of the final attack used against the Junk Monokuma, though this one was much more powerful of an attack than the one before. He just had to assume that Tabby and Sonic could evade or handle the remaining two missiles.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon @Psymallard

Master Chief
The group was in agreement. Chief felt a strange pull, but it wasn't physical. It was like the tug of his heartstrings themselves. He didn't want to leave this school, or even this room. Something within wanted to find Alessa, and... protect her. To shield her from the horrors she faced. He almost said no to Cortana. Instead, he said nothing, trying to shrug away this strange pull that begged him not to leave.
And if he did leave? She'd be unprotected, wouldn't she?
"You okay?" Cortana spoke to Chief through a secure link. The others couldn't hear them as they all began to move, making their way for the exit. John's throat felt dry. Sweat had beaded on his brow. "Yeah..." He replied to Cortana. "I'll be fine. Just..." He didn't finish that sentence. He wasn't sure he had an explanation to what he was feeling and experiencing.

They began to move, making their way out, Scorpion and Chief remaining silent as Geo decided to converse with Cortana. Without a word, John twisted his hand just enough so that his palm was facing toward Geo, and Cortana's avatar appeared once again, floating beside the Spartan as he walked, her size still being only nearly a foot tall, though she was eye-level with the boy as they conversed.
"Geothermal scaping." Cortana explained. "It's much easier with a satellite, but not too hard for an A.I. of my caliber. I've been bouncing signals around through the fog, and some come back, allowing me to paint a rough picture that might appear as though it were a satellite image." She held open her hand once more, and the map appeared again, already appearing a bit more crisp than before. "Tracking the Watching One's signature has actually helped me figure out the borders of the fog as well. Where Silent Hill begins and where it ends." Within the map were hundreds of red dots that would blink here or there before fading, then blinking again. "These red dots are untagged entities." Cortana continued. "It could mean they're either hostile, or wildlife, though I'm guessing the former." Her finger traced along to a part of the map where four green dots blinked. "That's us. I've tagged you three as friendlies as that even if we get separated, Chief and I can find you."

@Shen: King of the Mist @DarkHydraT


Red charged down the alleyway in pursuit of Green, and once he rounded the corner, he once again found the tail end of Green disappearing around a corner, barely noticing him in time. It could be that Green hadn't heard him, was maybe running from something, or toward something, possibly even Red's other brothers. The alley Red had charged into was wide and spacious, with barely any places for creatures to be lurking, but the next alley he had seen Green race down was a lot thinner. A lot darker. A lot less welcoming.
Then came the shout. Green's voice echoing from within. "RED!" His voice yelled, echoing from much further in than should have been. His voice was frantic. A call for help.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon


Previously mallard
City Slicker Tabby
Tabby's screen showed a slight frown at the mech's taking to the sky. But- between the incoming rocket and Sub-Zero's ice levitation, he had an idea to get to the weak point Sonic mentioned. He second-guessed his decision because of Undyne, who lay right next to his feet, but trusted that Tails would watch over her. He hopped over the body, running to meet the diving missile head on. The robot then leapt into the air, followed by another hop with nothing but air beneath his feet, now above the rocket. Tabby did a midair spin that ended in a slash, blowing up the missle and boosting him slightly upwards.
From there, he tossed out two kunai, both at seperate ice chunks his ally so graciously provided. He swung from there, into the wall feet first, but pushed back to where he needed to be. The ropes attached to the kunai stretched out, seemingly defying the laws of physics. Then, snap! Tabby was slingshotted into the air, and at an angle, since one chunk was lower than the other. The circular design of the room made him inevitably run into a wall, but that design also helped him out by allowing the robot to run on the wall for a few moments (although much slower than Sonic).
The tablet kicked off of the wall to land on another ice chunk, pulling out the rocket launcher. By then it would have automatically reloaded itself, and so it was pointed at Tabby's feet, and that robot didn't hesitate to pull the trigger.
The explosion gave him a massive boost, finally putting him above the mech. Using a midair dash to get over the robot, Tabby whipped out his trusty SMGs. What was he going to do with these fine weapons you ask? Shoot 'em, duh. So he did, aiming to unload all the bullets as the recoil mantained his altitude. When this was done, if possible, he would fall down on top of the mech and use his sword to slash hard enough to make the smaller robot bounce upwards, and this would repeat until either the mech died or did something about it.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic @Captain Pokémon


Previously Manu456Alola
Gunvolt - Jungle

"Oh well, guess we'll find it soon-"

A shriek from deep within the jungle interrupted the Azure Striker. Some kind of huge animal or monster, probably. Sans's suggestion was something he agreed with. Considering the kind of energy those keys gave off, they'd likely get attention from all sorts of beings, especially those more sensible to magic and the like.

"Better be able to keep up!" Giving the skeleton a nod, the teen broke into a run towards the source, leaving an electric trail as he went, following the route Psyduck had taken, reaching the duck with ease. Picking Psyduck up with one arm, the teen looked up at the area ahead. Ruins, showing the area was not completely natural. Some sort of civilization had been there first. A strange, insect-like head momentarily cast a shadow on them all before lowering its head, hiding in the trees again. So it was some sort of monster. Not a kind of enemy he was used to fighting, but that wouldn't be a problem. His lightning worked just as well on living beings.

@comic @Psymallard @Gamingfan @Fraseandchico

Copen & Lola - Field of Hopes and Dreams

Lola watched as her surprise attack was successful, bombarding Hunter with light while keeping him relatively unharmed, the explosions being too far away to cause direct damage. "Sorry 'bout that, but you left me no choice! Stay put for a little while, alright?" She told the now restrained child before flying off towards Copen so she could assist him.

Copen's attack had been successful, accomplishing exactly what he wanted to do, albeit taking some damage himself. The explosion had propelled him away from Krona, thus giving him a little bit of time to land and prepare for the pliosaur's counterattack. His left arm was looking worse for wear, the explosion having blasted his armor open, exposing circuitry and what looked like metal underneath. No blood, though.

Krona closed in, jaws wide open and ready to bite down on him. "Eat this...!" Copen took a step back as he held the Divider's trigger, unleashing a flurry of laser shots towards the tagged dinosaur. This would give Lola and the P-Bits enough time to switch to Orbital Edge and reposition, spawning two high-density, bladed discs that quickly rotated around Copen to protect him, moving slightly towards Krona when it came close, ready to cut the pliosaur in half.

@DarkHydraT @Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon @Gamingfan

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Jataro Kemuri & Tails
Urban District

Tails eyed Undyne's body, whom of which Tabby had delivered to him. There was some truth to it. Without the tornado, he couldn't fight at 100%, but surely there was something he could manage. Nodding his head in agreement, he took Undyne over to the side, flinching as the missiles detonated on Sub Zero's ice field.

"Huh? Oh...you were expecting that..." Jataro spoke out. "Well...how about I do something..."

*Pank!* Pank!* *Pank!*


The cameras on it's body looked up, seeing Taby, firing down on the outer shell that housed the core. Little dents rittled the outside of the casing, cracks forming on it, a hue of dark pink seen from inside.

"Heeeeeey...! Hooooow did you get up there...? Oh well...guess I should be excited for this next move..."

The two thick barrels that lined the back of Von Gerolt extended, aiming directly toward the entire airspace around him.

"Secret move: Mass Murder Bomb Punishment!!"

The barrel's flaps opened wide, a hellfire rain of bombs being shot out overhead, all focused on Tabby. They began to explode on random intervals. Some a second after the barrel, others three seconds, five, and some even fell down to the ground, capable of exploding at any time. The entire airspace over Von Geralt would be filled with a massive aaray of detonations, with Tabby having their hands filled with their weapons, it would be difficult to switch out and evade.

Tails took Undyne out to the side, evading one of the stray bombs that had managed to fall nearby. She is heavier than I expected...

@Psymallard @comic @Captain Pokémon

Red & E-102 Gamma
Lich Yard


This was bad. What if he was hurt? We're the others with him? Or were they...could they be-

Before he could sprint in after Green, he was snatched by the back of his collar, lifted up. Looking behind him, Gamma had taken initiative in stopping his run.

"What are you doing?! He needs your help!"

"An illusion. No real matter detected."

Red seemed hesitant to believe the idea. "What do you mean?? You heard him yell! Are you sure??"


Gamma rotated it's head toward the corridor ahead, charging his blaster. He didn't want to play this game. It found the one. Now it's time for the girl to pay up.

@comic @Captain Pokémon


Previously mallard
The headache-prone waterfowl continued his waddle-run when the human snatched him up. He was about to object- until he didn't. He welcomed the free ride with a smile. Perhaps he was warming up to humans... wait, what? At that very thought, his face darkened. He wriggled free of Gunvolt's grasp, landing on the ground in a fighting stance. He was about to start yelling. Then he noticed the giant green dragon. His eyes went wide with a primal fear at first- before The Duck shook his head, face morphing into one of anger. "Psyduck, psyduck psyduck! Psyduck psyduck psyduck psyduck psyduck psyduck! Psyduck psy! (Translation: Listen here, you lame excuse for a dragon! I'm Psyduck, and I'm here to teach you how to quiet down! Prepare to die!) With that, Psyduck reared back, a white-blue energy shining from the back of his throat. He whipped his body forwards and released an Ice Beam at the creature's chin.
@ArmedBlue @comic @Gamingfan @Fraseandchico

Tabby the Tablet

The robot noticed that he wasn't doing anything. Apparently this wasn't a weak spot after all. Now he needed to get back down to the ground, and try a strategy that worked on the last one. On his final bounce before heading back down to solid ground, two things on the back of the mech aimed at Tabby. He instinctively dashed backwards, but it was too late. Giant bombs now filled the air around him, and he knew this was gonna hurt. He leapt off one nearby as it exploded, making the tablet-faced bot lose his bearings, as he neared another exploding bomb. This explosion threw Tabby against a wall, ricocheting off and falling the rest of the way down. He landed in the ice which created spiderweb cracks underneath. Some light steam rose up from Tabby's heated metal as stood. He looked up at Sonic through a cracked screen, displaying a face of anger for the misinformation.
@comic @Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon


Kilton, owner of Fang and Bone, stroked his chin. He nearly replied with an enthusiastic 'nope!' to Papyrus's request, but then heard Slowking mention a boomerang. "Ooh, a boomerang?! Since you got a better look at it than I did, was it Lizal in design? In other words, was it crude and bladed? I happen to like Lizalfos, and Lizalfos happen to like boomerangs! So I'll help you look for a boomerang, but that fellow is probably dead." He hummed to himself as he turned around to flip over a small piece of rubble, only to be dissatisfied with there being nothing underneath. He started to do this with several other pieces of debris, humming a song that seemed to change its tune every 5 seconds.
@comic @ThAtGuY101


The Abyss counterpart of Orcane slithered up the stone column, wasting no time to be on the offensive. Midway through, though, Kragg slapped his hands onto the pillar, which then fell apart. Both Kragg and the shadow-landwhale fell, with the former throwing one of the larger chunks of what was the pillar at the falling creature, which exploded apart from the impact. He turned his attention to the other fights.

Abyss Ranno

The frog got splattered. That's all I gotta say.

Abyss Etalus

The bear's breastplate shattered as the human delivered a second knee strike. The rest of the armor followed suit, dismantling when the main piece broke. As the human caught the boulder of ice, Abyss Etalus charged. He ripped apart the boulder once it came, and reached out to bite again, when it got impaled on a stone spike. The human had it handled, he was sure, but this way saved lots of hassle. It sat there, waiting for a finishing blow. When it was killed, it would turn into a mist, and both the ice wall and The Gatekeepers's force fields would disappear. Upon such an event, the Gatekeepers would retaliate with rapid-fire energy shots at each enemy on the field.
@ThAtGuY101 @ArmedBlue
Gengar continued to follow Elf Boy throughout the hospital’s halls, sticking to the shadows, occasionally jumping to a different surface, switching from the floor to a wall for example. However, as they rounded another corner, Demanding Robot grabbed Elf Boy by the collar, lifting him up. Gengar quickly emerged from the wall, doing several flips in the air. He informed him that it was an illusion. ‘It’? What did it mean by that. Rude Robot then pointed its gun at the dark hallway behind them. Well, it was dark for them at least. Gengar could naturally see well in the dark. As he looked to see what the robot was pointing at, his eyes widened. What on Earth was that...? There was a creature somewhat resembling a lizard, but its head was wrong. Very wrong. It was....split in two. Gengar didn’t waste time, quickly disappearing into a shadow, then reappearing quietly behind the Wormhead. He raised up his hand, then threw down a massive shadow ball, much bigger than ones he had used before. The purple light from this Shadow Ball revealed the Wormhead to Red and Gamma. (The stronger shadow balls take longer to charge, but do about 5 times more damage than normal ones. Made it like this since they’re about 5 times bigger.)
@comic @Shen: King of the Mist

Sonic the Hedgehog
The blue hedgehog’s eyes widened as he saw Tabby jump towards the mech, only to be met with two barrels on top of the mech. “Wait-“ He began to say, before being cut off by explosions. Explosions were everywhere, even he had a bit of trouble avoiding them, having to stop abruptly and turn around. He looked down at Tabby, who was alive but pissed, believing he gave him misinformation. “Sorry! I should’ve mentioned the cover! But if we pop the cover off, the weak spot should be exposed!” He announced once more. Sonic ran up a wall once more at blinding speeds, leaving a blue blur in his wake. He then kicked off the wall once he was at level height with the mech’s head. Once he was above the Monokuma disk thing, he used the stomp, hoping to do some damage. (I didn’t mention it, but Sonic came from behind the mech.)
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic @Psymallard

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Jataro Kemuri & Tails
Urban District

"I...got one...? Yeah...yeah! ...What was I gonna do next...? Should I taunt or something?"

While the confused boy was thinking of what to do next, Sonic made his move, leaping off the walls and delivering a stomp on the cover, causing a large indention on it, several slivers of the steel being blown off, holes in the cover clearly showing now, the pink core pulsating clearing through it. It looked like the cover was now loosely hanging on, rattling now with the thrust of the mech.

"H...Huh??? Your up there again??" Jataro groaned. "Awww...when I thought I was doing good... You know what they say...if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Mass Murder Bomb Punishment!"

The two barrels now focused in on Sonic, who was right up on top of him, a stream of bombs shooting out similarly to the attack that gravely injured tabby. They rampantly exploded out, closer to the mech than before due to Sonic's location. The detonations from this and the last attack seemed to delay the formation of this large ice sculpture Subzero was making due to the extreme heat. Tails, who was down on the ground, ran over to Tabby, reaching a hand out to them.

"Hey! You okay??"

He's try to pull them up, looking up toward the mech before them. Sonic was strong, he was used to fighting mechs. But even Sonic needed support sometimes.

"He needs help. If you can still fight, I think I can get you up there while the Mech is occupied."

He held out his hands. If Tabby took them, he'd spin his tails around and turn in a circle, throwing Tabby straight up. He did this right as some duds and misses from the Sonic brawl began to impact the ground below, exploding or rolling across suspiciously. One of which seemed to start glowing red and rolling toward Subzero.

@comic @Psymallard @Captain Pokémon

Lich Yard

"Well friendlies are good, right? What are we waiting for? Let's go find 'em!" Bennett replied, full of energy.

Wasn't quite sure what they were doing in the school, but if they could pick up more adventurers for their next trip then it would make abandoning the dungeon more and more worth it


Red, E-102 Gamma

"Threat detected."

Red was trying to see what Gamma was talking about, however it didn't take long. As a grey, elongated salamander-esque creature stomped forth, it's head splitting wide open.

"Wahhhhhh!!" He cried out, kicking and whimpering in Gamma's grasp. "Let me go, let me go!"

Gamma dropped him on his feet, allowing red to run over behind him. In the meantime gamma's charged blast rang out, shooting for a tracking blast in between it's mouths. Structurally speaking if one of the mouths were broken, it could no longer bite.


Previously mallard
The robot got to his feet. Well, like the kid said, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Last time he fought a mech like this, the electric shuriken worked wonders. Tabby grabbed a shuriken as Tails offered a lift. He considered it for a moment, but remembering what happened last time he was up there, he declined with a light shake of the head. The tablet looked up at the mech which was bombarding Sonic in the same way as it did with him just moments before. Holding the projectile, his face turned into one of concentration.
It was about time to smite this priest.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic @Captain Pokémon


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
One thing was abundantly clear. This mech was designed for aerial combat. That could mean it was less effective on the ground. Even as the ice hovering in the air began to melt from surges of heat, fire, and eruptions, the water would simply freeze over once more a second later, colder than before. Just like for the Junk Monokuma, the surrounding ice that revolved around the arena like an orbit of asteroids suddenly converged, mostly aiming to form around the mech's legs, a few also targeting thrusters to slam into.
As the chunks of ice began to form like a glacier around the mech's legs, Sub-Zero would call forth another great pillar of ice, intending to connect the airborne mech with the ice surrounding his legs- and then yank him down to a more even playing field. If it managed to break the ice through any means it had, the Grandmaster was already generating another back-up defense, his frost spreading even further, a third of the room now consumed by it as the temperature continued to drop. Not to lethal levels to harm his allies, but enough to boost Sub-Zero's offensive, as well as the durability and adaptability of his ice.

He glanced toward Tails, who had dragged Undyne mostly out of the way. She'd stirred a little, but had yet to wake. Unfortunate. Her energy-generated attacks he'd seen before could come in handy about now. Calmly, Sub-Zero took a step back, then another, before he seemingly sunk into the wall behind him, melding into and through it. That's how it appeared, anyway, when in reality, he was teleporting.
Where he teleported to happened to be high above within the darkness of the inky ceiling. Instead of falling, a coagulation of ice materialized from the ceiling, where more frost hung from. A platform attached to the ceiling by pillars, all of ice, appeared in seconds, and he peered down to the distant scene.
Gripping his fists tightly as Sonic and Tabby were being treated like canon fodder, the spread of frost suddenly began to heighten, though only in the dark of the above. It was almost as though all the heat in the room had been sucked away, and as the battle continued below, snow began to fall.
First gentle flakes fluttering down from above, but quickly the density began to increase, the gentle snow gathering in numbers and size into tiny clumps of snowflakes, covering the ground below with a layer of snow. And in a few more seconds, it would increase even more, becoming a flurry, and if Sub-Zero continued, he would form a blizzard, all while more ice continued to try and grip at the mech's legs and attach it to the ground.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon @Psymallard

Dead... Dead? What a silly notion. This little goblin monster, er... Kilton, he remembered, was clearly a delusional creature. People didn't die, they just went to sleep. Trends died. Weather died. A food museum died. But people? That was absurd. To 'die' would be to... stop being useful. Right? That was the definition Papyrus had read somewhere. Was Kilton implying that Reize was no longer useful? Once again, a silly notion.
Kilton seemed to lack any sense of pride, or bravery. Qualities Papyrus held very, very dear. He lived by a strict code, one similarly followed by Reize, though his had seemed more like Undyne's. This Kilton guy only cared about the boomerang. Not just any boomerang, but Reize's boomerang. This didn't sit well with the skeleton, who imagined Reize would probably want to keep it.

He had faltered, pausing for a moment as he watched Kilton nonchalantly as he picked through the rubble. Slowking wasn't much help. He didn't seem to be all that worried for Reize. Didn't anybody care about him? Sure, Papyrus had just met him, but he seemed like a really cool, fun person. The way these two just didn't seem to care...
"NO." Papyrus spoke firmly, crossing his arm's over his chest. "I CAN TELL YOU DO NOT CARE FOR THE HUMAN, AND THAT IS FINE. YOU'RE FREE TO CARE ABOUT WHOEVER AND WHATEVER YOU WANT. HOWEVER!" Papyrus raised a finger, stretching his boxing gloves slightly to signify this gesture. "YOU WILL NOT BE TAKING HIS BOOMERANG FROM HIM. THAT'S IS HIS PERSONAL POSSESSION, AND IT DOES NOT BELONG TO YOU. IF YOU FIND IT, I SUGGEST YOU BRING IT STRAIGHT TO ME SO THAT I MAY RETURN IT TO REIZE IMMEDIATELY. ONCE I FIND HIM." Papyrus' bravado seemed to deflate for a moment as his hollow eyes scanned the surrounding rubble. "...SOMEHOW."
With that final word, he began to pick apart through the rubble, tossing chunks aside as he dug to the ground, scouring about in search of his friend. If the others didn't want to help, then so be it, but Papyrus was not about to leave somebody trapped under here. Not even if they were the most evil, vile person in the whole world.
Why? Because Papyrus was the good guy, and that's all there was to it. Well, among other things, but he was adamant about this.
He failed to notice the crunching of rubble. The bark of an order in an alien tongue. The Banished Brutes were nearing.

@Psymallard @ThAtGuY101

Silent Hill
Gengar took the initiative, appearing above the Split Head. The shadows and purple light cast by the shadow ball briefly revealed the hulking figure. It dwarfed all three of the individuals witnessing it. It could swallow each of them in a single gulp, and its jaws? Its entire head seemed to split vertically down the middle. No facial features. No eyes, no nose, just a sideways, gaping set of jaws. No teeth could be seen within, and the reptilian tongue that snaked out was flicking through the air eagerly as it was revealed.
Gamma sprung into action, attempting to fire at the beast just as it lunged forth with blinding speed, spit flying from its jaws as Gengar's shadow ball charged. The blast struck, and the Split Head paused, hunkering its body, closing its mouth as the blast singed its insides... before it once again opened its jaws, smoke rising from out of its throat, and it let out a roar. A screech more like. A hiss not dissimilar from that of a Komodo Dragon.
It charged forward once again, intending to barrel Gamma over.

@Captain Pokémon @Shen: King of the Mist
Gengar looked up in annoyance as the beast managed to avoid its attack by about a foot. Lucky dodge. Gengar’s grin grew in size as he began to chuckle, using Nasty Plot. This was gonna be a blast. He surrounded himself with 5 Shadow Balls in a ring, then threw them all at the Splithead, doing major damage if they hit. He then dived into the ground, appearing in front of Gamma and Red. He dived into the ground once more, a large, shadow-like projection of himself appearing along the ground. While it didn’t look like it, this was actually an attack. It would hurt the Splithead if it touched the ground that the projection did. The purpose of this attack was to hurt it, while also hoping to make it move back. He didn’t care about the robot, but Red was here too. This thing would eat him up, quite literally. He couldn’t let that happen.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic

Sonic the Hedgehog
The blue blur smirked as the core was partly revealed. Nice, that was a good start and it made the weak spot more obvious. He looked up at the barrels as they pointed towards him. So they could point backwards, noted. His smirk didn’t fade, however, as he began to run all around the robot’s body. They naturally weren’t too close to it, and he was able to use the front side of it as cover, while occasionally avoiding one of the strays. He then stopped and tauntingly knocked on one of the cameras on the robot, before smashing it. He looked behind him and saw Tabby, ready to attack. He grinned and kicked off of the robot, flipping several times in the air before landing on the ground, looking up to see what happened next as snow began to surround him, must be Sub-Zero again.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic @Psymallard

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Jataro Kemuri
Urban District

The ice rocks hit the robot's legs and thruster, creating small dents in the armor, but nothing too serious. As the icy remnants had begun to make way in the front of Von Gerolt's legs, they stopped there, melting clean off. It appeared the singular thruster it had under it was powerful enough to burn them away before they managed to grow enough to make a substantial difference. However, as the room grew blue and bluer from the cold, snow beginning to form around, Jataro got confused.

"Huh...? Did it get all bluey in here? Or am I just imagining things as always...?"

Suddenly, the ice and snow came down profusely, forcing the mech to have its hands above itself to try and bat some of the weather away.

"No...Don't think I'm imagining thaaaat...!"


"What nooooooow??"

He looked at his monitor, seeing a blue blur taunt him before smashing the camera. The boy flinched, not expecting such a thing on his screen.

"Aww! I thought I totally got that guy...I'm a failure...!!!"

As another chunk of ice fell down, Jataro's curiosity was peaked. Looking up, he saw the ice sculpture that he was planning to create.

"Huh...how did I miss that...? Oh well..."

the Mech's barrels were fastened tightly on it's back, the mech's thrusters getting more intense as it rocketed up into the sky, it's shoulders breaking apart some of the ice that kept it together. it's fingers folded together in prayer, it's thruster seeming to go out, rotating upside down.

"Special move: Weighted Bell of Saint John!"

the thrusters's flame now extending up top from the mech near the base of it's neck, sending the mech plummeting down below, breaking apart an ice pillar completely in the process. He was aiming to slam down right on Tabby!

@Psymallard @comic @Captain Pokémon

E-102 Gamma
Lich Yard

Gamma noted the durability of this thing was striking. So was it's speed as it head right for him. His A.I. Calculated the best course of action, blasting a hole in the ceiling, to which he flew up toward, allowing the creature to pass him by. Dropping down on it's flank, it's should mounted silo fire off four energy warheads toward the beast while he continued pumping blasts toward it


Previously mallard
Of course it had a slam attack. It seemed like almost every boss Tabby faced had some sort of distance-closing melee attack. This one was no different. Tabby dashed out of the way fairly easily, even with his damaged joints.
When it slammed into the ground, the shockwave tossed Tabby a foot into the air, and sprayed particles of frost on him. The robot landed and dashed away once more for good measure, and wrapped up the shuriken's charge. A lightning bolt flashed from the darkness above, striking Tabby's weapon and supercharging it. Small bolts of electricity arced from the robot to the ground, melting the frost around him a bit. Tabby spun around- and let it rip. A stream of lightning followed the throwing star, which, if it hit its target, would shatter and electrocute the robot.
Upon such an event, if the core was revealed, Tabby would rush forward and go ham on it with his katana, absorbing its energy to heal.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic @Captain Pokémon
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Krona got tagged multiple times, shocking them before a saw mutilated their jaw. Copen had quickly brought Krona down to a sliver of health, but it was not dead yet. Especially not if Hunter had a say in it. The boy managed to wiggle one arm free and called his Vivosaur. "Krona! Law of the jungle!" The Kronosaurus was confused for a second, there was no other Vivosaur to take health from. That's when the beast saw Hunter's flailing arm and the boy's intentions became clear. Swimming through the air towards Hunter, the apex predators tore off the boy's arm and swallowed it whole, the tip of a finger being the last thing seeing the light before it was consumed by the pliosaur, healing its injuries.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Hunter cried out in pain as his arm was ripped off, blood spraying from the wound. It didn't take long for the blood to glow, creating a trophy arm for the boy. Due to the sudden decrease of body and no loss of darkness, the corruption gained ground and covered about one third of Hunter's face. He was still stuck, but he could still order his Vivosaurs around. "Whirlpool!"

Krona sent another whirlpool at Copen, bloodlust surging through its veins after getting disrespected like that. How dare that human attack them? They would pay with their skull between its jaws!

@ArmedBlue @Gamingfan @Shen: King of the Mist


Geo looked at Cortana with stars in his eyes, that was awesome! "Wow, I have got to get that! There are plenty of sattelites back home, maybe Mr. Boreal can hook me up with them?"

Mega spoke up for the first time since meeting Chief, glancing up at Geo. "Who knows? If your Star Carrier can run such a program, I don't see why you can't have that. It should make finding new threats easier and you finally have a scanning tool like Boy Wonder wants you to have. That's a lot of untagged entities though, so stay on guard."

"Fair. It's very impressive work, miss. I'd love to have something like you have, but for now I have to do with my current equipment."

When Bennett talked about friendlies, Geo surpressed a sigh. "Bennett, we are the friendlies. All the friendlies are already here."

Last edited:


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Silent Hill
Cortana and Geo conversed, Bennett becoming involved, but John remained vigilant, mind off their discussion. They had wandered back down the stairs, and out of the school, even as it continued to cry out for him to come back to it. He ignored it, however, even as his heart felt tugged in its direction. Out of the front door, and to the main street in front of the school they walked, then paused as Chief directed his eyes to the radar on his HUD. Red dots were blinking around them, extremely close somehow... but he couldn't see them. Perhaps his radar's sensors were just as affected as Cortana's, though she had found a loophole in the logic presented by this place of supernatural power.
At that moment, however... his radio began to crackle loudly at him. The last time that had happened, he'd been surrounded on all sides by those freakish creatures with their dead, grey skin, and twisting, childish faces gaping at him in silent agony.

Immediately, the MA5C Assault Rifle was pulled from his back, and slapped into his other hand, aiming ahead through the dense fog. "Something's coming." The Spartan stated, not even having noticed that Scorpion had taken his katana from its scabbard seconds before the static had even sounded. "I sense it as well." Scorpion stated. The stance the Spartan took as Cortana's avatar disappeared was defensive, just like Scorpion's, but Chief was directed in a way that shielded Geo and Bennett as best as he could, demonstrating where the two adults had lain their priorities.
"Get ready for a fight." John suggested, the other red dots seeming to fade as one, singular red dot blinked on his radar, growing nearer and nearer, accompanied by the distant thunder of massive steps clawing against the street. Whatever it was, it was huge.

@Shen: King of the Mist @DarkHydraT

His Plan A wasn't working all that well. Its thrusters and explosives were just enough to continually weaken the ice before it could form pure ice. He had assumed as much would happen, and had planned accordingly. The room had now turned into a winter wonderland. Still not cold enough to actually do much to the mech, but considering his allies were here as well, he couldn't risk it. That level of coldness would surely kill them, and he could not afford their loss.

The mech rose into the air, seemingly coming for the Grandmaster- before it flipped, and intended to crush Tabby beneath it. The tabletoid was fortunate enough to avoid a Brutality, launching its own barrage against the mech as it recovered from its slam. Seeing that he wasn't needed to intervene yet, the cryomancer began to wave his hands fluidly through the air, with a firm hastiness to them. As he did this, cones of ice began to spear out of the ceiling, lengthening slowly as they went. Five in total, and in mere seconds, each were larger than him as their growth continued, unceasing. His Plan B became apparent now. He was intending to use these spikes of ice, once at their full size, in an effort to impale the mech from above, using gravity as an ally alongside the cold, and the ice. The rapid heating and cooling of the air beneath, specifically around the mech as snow continued to whip at it, turning from snow into sleet, it was enough to surely begin to harm the metal. Making it more brittle and flimsy to attacks. Much more difficult than a locker, undoubtedly, but still a possibility. With enough time and effort, it could succeed, and the mech could become fragile enough for one of these spikes to spear it all the way through.
By now, he had stopped trying to gather ice around the mech, as he needed all that he could muster into these icicle stalactites.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon @Psymallard

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Jataro Kemuri & Tails
Urban district

Tails braved himself and Undyne for the instead vibrations from the comet landing of the mech. Thankfully, neither were hurt on landing, however, the only ones on the ground were now the pair, which drew Jataro's attention.

"Hey...wait a minute...isn't that the stinky fish demon that killed Masaru and Kotoko...? Man...that's a high level demon...looks like they'll get some rest wherever they are."

Aiming it's arm's to shoot torpedos directly at the pair, they were stopped when ice spikes rained from above, hitting both of it's wrists to the ground, shooting the missiles downwards, causing damage to the hands, fingers falling off and cracks in the wrist launcher.

"Owwww! Whyyyyyy...?" Jataro moaned and groaned. "Can you please stop...? I just wanna win..."

His pleas went unheard as Tabby began to rain shells of electricity at Jataro while he was now consciously trying to avoid the falling ice spears, ignoring what she was doing. As they hit, the mech didn't seem to suffer the same weakness Kotoko's had for becoming immobile. Instead, the flap on top the mech swung open, exposing the core. The hinge seemed damaged from Sonic's attack, as the hinge snapped right off as it opened, letting the cover drop to the ground.

"Oh...that didn't sound good...how about I try to kill one demon at a time. That icy thing wasn't that nice...so mr ninja demon is dying first! Huhahuhuu...."

The two long battles lining the mech's back pointed up as Von Gerolt knelt to the ground on one knee in prayer. The two barrels fired more precise shots toward Subzero like mortars, trying to hit him and his spears specifically. However given Jataro's poor piloting skills, this would be to varied effectiveness.

@Psymallard @comic @Captain Pokémon

Lich Yard

"Something's coming."

"I sense it as well."

"Well...I think we are just fine!" Bennett beamed. "I don't hear anything!"

He blinked as Chief and Scorpion both got into battle positions. They were serious? Looking left to right and unsheathing his sword, he didn't quite know what to prepare for, or where it was coming from, but he was just going to follow the leader on this one.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Sonic and Tabby were struggling as Tails and Undyne maintained their exterior presence. It was mostly thanks to the icicles that this mech hadn't pursued its plans for them. Finally, the mech gave Sub-Zero focus, the child inside undoubtedly growing frustrated with the cryomancer's interventions. Projectiles were fired upward with a whistle, and its core was exposed.
Kuai Liang wasn't within communicating distance to his allies, so he just had to hope that Sonic or Tabby could focus attacks on the exposed core while the Grandmaster drew its fire.
Standing up on his platform of ice, Sub-Zero summoned his blade of ice, holding in front of him, before he slashed. The pillars holding up his platform shattered, and he began to descend on his block of ice. A second later, he kicked from the block, hanging in the air for a moment as one of the mortars erupted against the ice, shattering it. His distance allowed him to use the force of the explosion to ride it back up slightly, in which another mortar erupted against the ceiling above him, rattling the room, blackening the shadowed steel. With his boost, streams of ice fired from Sub-Zero's palms, propelling him even more like a rocket would. Except instead of fire, it was ice.

More of the mortars fired up, and the cryomancer ninja weaved around those that grew too close as he descended, still drawing its fire in an effort to buy his allies more time. The distance was closing, and dodging the more accurate shots was becoming more difficulty, the shells becoming harder to anticipate. As he descended the last few dozen meters to the mech, Sub-Zero redirected one of his beams of ice toward the mech, trying to build a block of ice right in front of the barrels, which would force the mortal to erupt right against the mech if the tactic succeeded.
And for those last few feet? Kuai Liang ceased blasting ice, aiming his sword downward in an attempt to plunge it through the skull of the mech.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon @Psymallard

Silent Hill
With a snarl, the Split Head charged through where Gamma had been moments before, a few of the robot's blasts striking the beast- leaving Red completely vulnerable. However, just as the shadow balls and energy warheads neared the creature, it leaped, digging its claws into the wall before it, and pushing off with equal speed back into the alley, scrambling along the length of the wall, brick and stone tearing from the wall as it moved.
Another hiss escaped the monster, and it leaped down again with the same speed as before, accompanied by gravity, lunging once more for Gamma. It became evident that it wasn't targeting Red or Gengar.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon


The group prepared, and the scrambling of thick nails against concrete and asphalt grew louder and louder, until finally a great beast emerged from the fog, which swirled behind it. It was the size of a car, with a head split vertically down the middle. A massive lizard-like monster, clearly intent on killing them. The Spartan opened fire, the cracks of each bullet from his MA5C Assault Rifle's FMJ rounds echoing through the town. Bullets plunged into the beast as it neared, but it didn't alter coarse, charging right for Bennett with a hiss.
It was moving far too quickly to successfully dodge, the boy surely about to be swallowed whole- before a wall of fire erupted from the ground, a great heat swelling from it. Hellfire, produced by Scorpion, far hotter than any regular fire could become.
The fire seemed to be enough to make the beast dig its claws into the earth to try and avoid it, before pushing off the ground and leaping over the group, soaring over them.
They didn't seem to like fire much. The Split Head snarled as it landed on the other side of the group, ripping up the street as it scrambled to turn around and try another charge against them, Chief emptying the rest of his clip into it, which only seemed to piss it off.

@Shen: King of the Mist @DarkHydraT
Geo stopped in his tracks as Chief and Scorpion stopped to prepare for an assault. From what, he didn't know, but he'd find out soon enough. A giant....lizard, question mark, had found them and was ready to turn the group into a meal. Bennett was first on the meal list apparently, but Scorpion saved the boy with an impressive fire that caused Geo to cover his face because of the heat. So the beast was not a fan of fire, interesting. "Battle card, predation! Heat Grenade!" The boy threw a card into the air and Mega's head ate it, creating a grenade in his free hand. "Eat this, you overgrown lizard!" He threw the grenade at the beast's face, hoping that the fire would inflict damage. If the beast would open its mouth to roar or bite, there was a chance that it would swallow the grenade. What happened after that was up for debate, but it was sure to help the group somehow.

@Shen: King of the Mist @comic

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
E-102 Gamma & Red
Lich Yard

Red ducked as the creature ran toward him, expecting it to leap on top of him. Instead, it leaped to the wall nearby before spring shooting itself toward Gamma. Gamma was quick to think, retracting it's legs into it's body, leaving only the pads of it's metal feet. After the monster passed harmlessly over it, it would extend back up, delivering a snipe shot concentrated on the square of it's back.

Meanwhile Red reclused further, attempting to flee the engagement by running back to the hospital entrance whence they came

@comic @Captain Pokémon


The oblivious boy didn't even notice the charging monster, believing it come from a different direction, that is, until a wall of fire erupted behind him. Flipping around, he saw the split head monster itself, recoiling a bit in disgust.

"Ah...! That's a bad puppy!"

As it approached once more, he saw it fit to help defend him and his allies. Waiting a few seconds until the grenade attack of geo's resolved. He then took his blade, which began to coat in orange hot flames.

"Let's light it up!"

He'd give a fiery slash toward the front of the creature, the flames seeming to flume if they were to hit something

The beast avoided their attacks with surprising speed, almost on par with Gengar. The ghost-poison type’s grin turned upside down as his eyes followed the beast as it leapt around, aiming for Gamma. So him and Elf boy weren’t its target. Gengar’s grin crept back up his leaps mischievously. Perfect, he didn’t care about the robot at all. He sank back into the ground once more with a strange mix of mischief and...elegance? No, confidence. The ghost was smug, he was pretty confident that. He would be able to leave with Elf Boy. He threw one last large Shadow Ball at the beast as a parting gift, then began to follow Red.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic

Sonic the Hedgehog
The blue blur looked around him as the snow began to make a flurry as Sub-Zero continued to make more. It was cold, but rather beautiful. He couldn’t get distracted now though, he had to finish this! He smirked and dashed forward, avoiding the bot’s line of sight due to it being occupied by Tabby and Sub-Zero. He leapt onto the wall and began to run, struggling a bit due to the slipperiness, but still being able to run up it nonetheless. Once he was level with the exposed core, he leapt focused for a moment, then leapt off of the wall and used a homing attack. If the first homing attack succeeded, he’d attack 4 more times, hopefully doing major damage to the mech.
@Shen: King of the Mist @Psymallard @comic

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Jataro Kemuri & Tails
Lich Yard

Now, Jataro didn't know too much about beams of ice. But he just knew they weren't a good thing. Putting up a hand in order to block the attack, the finger crystallized, the hand taking the attack for the barrels. Putting the block encased hand to his side

"Now that your so close to being kiiiilled...Mass Murder Bomb Puni-"


Then Sonic seemingly came out of nowhere, the blue blur striking the open weak spot before Subzero could strike it. Upon hitting it, the Robot seemed to stutter, all it's moving parts ceasing and jittering upon the attack. This stunned it just long enough for Subzero to deliver an even stronger strike, and sonic to land two more homing attacks. The core cracked and fumed with smoke. The Mech itself sparking and starting to have open flames.

"Oh....oh noooooo...! G...Get off of me!"

Von Gerolt's unfrozen hand reached behind itself, grabbing hold on one of the long barrels and snapping it off itself. Then, it swung the barrel to bash down Subzero and Sonic, despite the fact they rested on his core.

Meanwhile, Tails seemed to have undid a portion of a wall, accessing a square that was filled with moving cogs and mechanical motion. Carefully reaching his hand inside while his pad blinked, he grabbed hold of a stout pin and pulled it out.

"Great! With this I can finally hold the thruster in place mid flight." He spoke, looking up to Sonic. "I got the part! Go get 'em sonic!"

@Captain Pokémon @comic @Psymallard


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Silent Hill
As a matter of fact, the Split Head did consume the grenade as it was thrown. Well, more or less it just slid down the wide, gaping throat exposed when its massive jowls opened.
Despite how frightening it may be, such a massive monster had quite a large, obvious weak spot much like the Lying Figure. There were a few moments of elated patience as the Split Head let out another hiss, recovering after its swallow to begin charging again- and a dull boom sounded, the creatures interior lighting with an orange light, showing off it's skeletal frame within through its veiny, fleshy skin.
It let out a roar at this, retching as flames poured from its mouth, and quite suddenly it swung its body around, its tail moving like a whip into the group, striking the nearest individual- Scorpion.

Hanzo Hasashi let out a grunt as he was flung so heavily through the fog, that the others lost sight of him through it. With a screech, the Split Head spun back around and leaped once more- earning a slash across its belly from Bennett and his fiery sword. It was clearly hurt by this, but undeterred once more as it made to snap its car-crushing jaws upon the nearest individual, the Spartan opening fire once again, this time aiming down its throat.

@Shen: King of the Mist @DarkHydraT


Gamma was being abandoned to deal with the Split Head as it used its claws to tear up more concrete, spinning again to retaliate against the robot's defensive maneuvers. It charged, and Gamma dodged once more- but the Split Head showed at least some form of minor intelligence, as it seemed to adapt to his fighting style, swishing its tail in a way that slammed against the side of Gamma- though it nearly missed, scraping across his body, knocking him only a step to the side, relatively unhurt, but it was enough to destabilize him enough for the Split Head to whirl about with another attack, its jaws snapping shut on one of Gamma's arms. This would have severed most arms from most beings, but Gamma wasn't 'most beings', and his arm happened to have a gun attached to it.

So despite the Split Head's adaptive maneuver, it wasn't quite intelligent enough to realize its fatal mistake, and the robot opened fire. As though trying to vomit, the Split Head retched, spitting out Gamma, its insides inflaming, and one last move was utilized, Gamma firing a killing blow with an energy warhead before the Split Head could recover. It spun down its throat, and the next second, the beast was enveloped in fire as its body burst apart, monster organs splattering the alley- and Gamma -leaving only the beasts head behind, which collapsed to the ground with a wet slap, its tongue twitching.
It was dead.

Meanwhile, Red's attempts at racing away were successful, as Gengar was unable to catch up with him. In fact, it was almost as though Red had completely vanished, leaving the ghost type completely unable to track the boy down.
As for Red himself, he was racing across the parking lot of Alchemilla Hospital. The world had grown dark, and street lamps lit up the road. Fog still lingered, but it was very light compared to what he had grown used to. A shout sounded behind him, and out of the front entrance of the hospital came to men wearing scrubs, one was fat with a scruffy neck beard, the other stick-thin with a swirling goatee and a bald head.
"Stop!" One man yelled, and they began to charge after Red, the skinny man closing in quickly. Who were these men, and why were they chasing Red? Surely answers could be delivered soon enough.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon


It wasn't exactly according to plan, but this would do. Sub-Zero yanked out his blade, coating it with another layer of ice as the heat of the core had begun to melt it, his eyes latching quickly onto a barrel being snatched off. What came next was easy enough to predict, and the Grandmaster shifted his gaze unto Sonic. "Take cover." He barked, and leaped from the mech, propelling himself once again with ice. What came next was a flash of fire and force. Jataro had struck his core, and less than a second later it had erupted into a brilliant light. Sub-Zero wasn't quite far enough away to come out unscathed, the force pushing him against the far wall before he could anticipate it, slamming him against it. A crack sounded from his shoulder, and the ice and snow had melted completely in a wide circle around the mech, though Sub-Zero was more focused on his landing, ignoring the pain rising from his shoulder as ice encased his good arm, extending into claws from his fingers that he dug into the wall, nearly stopping his fall entirely and almost risking dislodging his other arm. It stuck, however, and he let go, allowing himself to drop the last few feet to the ground, finishing at an ungraceful finish, stumbling slightly, his balance off due to his dislocated arm.
He grabbed his shoulder quickly, and with a jerk and a pop, he snapped it back into place, flexing it as he looked upon the destruction, hoping that this engagement had ended by now, and that the erupting core had finished their enemy.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon @Psymallard
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic’s first three homing attacks were successful. He grinned as the robot began to shake and steam, he’d seen this before. He struck a flashy pose after each homing attack, continuing to grin as he did so. Truth be told, he was actually a bit worried during this whole ordeal. These kids were getting deadlier, he didn’t know if they’d be able to win against them or not. However, he continued to smile throughout it all, reassuring both himself and others that everything was fine. It was then he heard Jataro’s panicked voice, telling him to get off. He went in for another homing attack, but it turned out to be a feint as he quickly changed direction, curving around the robot, causing the barrel it ripped off to use as a weapon to hit the core. As he zipped through the air past the robot, he looked back at one of the other cameras and grinned confidently before landing on the ground, far enough from the robot to be unaffected by the explosion. He looked towards the remains of the robot, hoping to see that their opponent was defeated.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic @Psymallard

The ghost-poison type rounded the corner, same as Red. But....Red wasn’t there. He was gone, as if he was swept up by the wind and carried away. Gengar’s grin faded and his eyes widened in worry. This wasn’t possible, Red couldn’t turn invisible, and he definitely wasn’t faster than Gengar, so where did he go? Out of frustration, Gengar lashed out against a nearby wall, throwing a Shadow Ball at it, causing it to crumble into rubble. He angrily flew back to the previous alleyway, finding the monsters remains. He looked at the robot and squinted before continuing to float onwards. He didn’t know where he was going, but he sure didn’t want to stay with that thing.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic (For Silent Hill to do something maybe idk)

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Jataro Kemuri & Tails
Urban District

Thinking is love was ever so clever, Jataro quickly realized the error he made as he struck down on the core, the processing unit erupting in violent flames. The Mech sparked and shook as it collapsed onto the ground, the grip on the barrel loosening as it dropped down on his back.

"No...No no no! I gotta get out of here...or I'll be like day old cooked sausage...!"

the back panel opened up on the mech, allowing Jataro to escape a few feet behind it, controller still in hand. Panting, he fiddled with the controls, trying to get any movement in the thing to work. Despite it's core exploding, Jataro's claim held strong: The thing was durable. It seemed to try and clasp onto life no matter what, the frame attempting to get up.


...But it then fired a quick missile right from it's wrist! The missile headed straight for Tails, who held his new part handily. Bracing for impact, Tails ducked down...for an impact that never came. Arching a brow, tails peered up, seeing the missile's auto targeting system going out of control! It turned around, sputtering and spiraling toward it's new target...Von Gerolt itself!



The missile had impacted the mech, causing it to rupture in many different directions. Jataro, who stood a feet behind it, felt the heat, forced to the floor as the impact shook every fiber of his being.

"N-No..." Jataro sniffled. "H-How could I lose to demon...?? They are the only ones uglier in this world than I am...they deserve to be sterilized-"

Not even ten seconds after he had lost the fight, a mangled metallic paw grasped the back of his neck from above. A Junk Monokuma had appeared from the doorway there near the once-was Catwalk, several red eyes behind it. It gripped tightly onto Jataro, making whirring noises as it began to hoisted him up several feet. It was starting to drag him into the doorway, his head reaching it.

"Ack! Wh....why?!"


@comic @Captain Pokémon

Lich Yard

Bennett was shocked just how much this grey thing was taking. Was it some kind of agent of the Abyss? Was hard to say, but it definitely wasn't the run of the mill beast of this world. Preparing himself for the beast's wild movement, he prepared to duck...or he would have if he was fast enough. Instead, he was whipped back a few feet flat on him but by the shove of it's body.


E-102 Gamma & Red

"Creature: Terminated."

As he said this, a wall next to him exploded outward. The culprit, Gengar, poked his head out, something Gamma grew concerned about.

"Where is the Child?" He demanded firmly.




Red looked behind him and saw strange men appear on his 6'o clock. People he didn't know...chasing him? I'm a haunted town? No way was he going to slow down! He kept running. He had to. Taking deep breaths as his heart rate went higher and higher, he took a turn right of the street light, trying to lose them before they could catch up

"I beg your pardon? I'm not entirely sure what those are, Lizal? Do you mean lickitung? or maybe liepard? So many things I've never heard of... Which is saying a lot since I've heard of a lot of things" Slowking commented. Sine Kilton was looking around, Slowking decided to look around as well. Might as well help if he can. Slowking turned to Papyrus, "No longer useful? Hmmm... I wonder..." Slowking muttered. Slowking understood death, but wasn't about to explain it to Papyrus and risk an needless argument. Slowking was pretty surprised at just how passionate Papyrus was towards the missing Reize. Slowking didn't have much of an opinion of him. The opinion he did have of Reize was pretty neutral as he barely even spoke a word to the boy. "Maybe the boomerang child left. Maybe if we look we can find him, or better, an exit out of this place. An exit back to Johto. Maybe even better than that, both! Haha" Slowking said cheerfully.


Guile saw his opportunity to defeat the bear. Guile went low to the ground, and began to charge energy. He then leaped and launched a double flash at the Abyss Etalus. The finishing move felt wrong, however. It almost felt like the bear was letting him win. Like a calm before the storm, but now, Guile needed to finish this fight. As Guile went into the air, his foot went forward to kick the bear in the jaw then summersaulting mid air to perform a second kick. Guile jumped back and awaited what was to come. Would a bigger monster take this bear's place? Was that really it? Guile was on edge, but could only wait and see. If he went back to earth, he'd obviously have his answer, but for now he wasn't.


Previously Manu456Alola
Copen - Field of Hopes and Dreams

Krona's jaws seemed to be no match for Orbital Edge, slicing through the pliosaur with ease and dealing great damage. It seemed to be almost. Hunter had managed to free one of his arms, allowing the dinosaur to swoop in and... eat it?!

"D-Did he just...?" Lola couldn't believe her eyes. If robots were able to puke, she would have probably done so right there. Copen was more focused on the spreading corruption, as well as the trophy-like arm that formed right after. So it was a property of this realm. Maybe Blue can be saved... He thought, readying himself for another whirlpool from Krona. Shroud Spear had no weapon energy at that moment, thus negating him an easy counter to the pliosaur's attack.

Deciding to face the attack directly due to his lack of options, the teen performed a Bullit Dash directly at the whirlpool in an attempt to stay inside it for just a moment and take less damage. He managed to fly through with only slight damage from the whirlpool, though it did throw off his trajectory considerably. Using a second Bullit Dash to redirect himself towards Krona, Copen waited until he got close to the pliosaur before using up his third Bullit, hoping to bait the dinosaur into biting in front of it while he flew upward. He'd use Orbital Edge again if things went according to plan, trying to slice the pliosaur in half.

@DarkHydraT @Shen: King of the Mist @Gamingfan @Captain Pokémon

The Knight - Garreg Mach Monastery

The ice wall finally went down, turning into mist and allowing the Vessel to find out what was on the other side. Dark tentacles covered the ground and walls, two large eyes sitting high up, appearing to be the source. A blond-haired human stood in front of the Knight, a beetle-like creature behind him, surrounded by rocks. An animal with white fur and crimson markings was also present in the room. They all seemed to be in the middle of a confrontation against those dark eyes, firing energy attacks at everyone in the room.

The Knight leapt sideways to get away from the nearby blasts, having been marked as an enemy by the Gatekeepers. The Vessel kept running around to avoid the projectiles, having chosen to be on the group's side. Judging by its earlier adventures with the Dragonborn, humans seemed to be trustworthy. Once the energy blasts ceased, the bug would use the wall to jump all the way up to the eyes before delivering a Great Slash to one of the eyes.

@Psymallard @ThAtGuY101 @Gamingfan
As the ghost-poison type began to float past, clearly irritated, Robot decided to rub salt in his wound. He didn’t know where the child was, that was the problem! He growled and turned around to face the robot. While it seemed like he was really mad, he somehow regained his composure and simply shrugged at the impolite automaton. He turned around and tossed up a hand in an uncaring wave. He continued to float onwards, intending to leave the robot in the alley. He had his own reasons for finding Red, and he had a feeling his were better and more sentimental than the robot’s. He continued to look around for Elf Boy, hoping to somehow find him around one of these corners.

Sonic the Hedgehog
The blue blur grinned confidently as the mech began to explode, his attacks were successful. However, the mech apparently wasn’t finished yet, lifting its arm for another attack, shooting a missile towards Tails and Undyne. Almost immediately, the hedgehog was in front of the fox, but there was no need apparently. The missile began to sputter, before U-turning back towards the robot. Huh. I’ll take it. Sonic thought to himself as the mech exploded in the glorious flames of justice. The kid began to whine about his defeat before being swept up by a rather...gruesome looking Monokuma robot. He frowned, this was bad. He was conflicted. On one hand, the kid was, well, just a kid. He still had a life to live. On the other hand, this kid was kind of a monster. He had caused a bunch of brutality and murder. He began to step forward, then stepped back again. He growled, this was not an easy decision. An idea struck him. He dashed forward, running up the wall once more, he then homing attacked the Junk Monokuma’s arm, causing it to drop Jataro. Sonic used the stomp to get to the ground, and caught Jataro before he could land. He wasn’t smiling throughout any of this like he usually did, however. He walked over to the group. “Alright kid, prove you’re different. Listen to reason. All of us haven’t done anything to you all that you didn’t try on us first. We all showed mercy on you and your friends, it isn’t our fault if they died. So repay the favor.” He looked at the group. “Alright, ask him anything, maybe we can get some information.” The hedgehog said, setting the kid down, but staying behind him in case he tried something.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic @Psymallard

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Jataro Kemuri, Tails
Urban District


Jataro was surprised when the demons came to his rescue. Blinking, he let Sonic catch him as the Junk Monokuma hissed and recoiled back into the doorway upon the failed attempt on his life. looking up at the blue speed demon, he seemed utterly confused.

"I...I think your doing the demon thing all wrong..." Jataro muttered. "Aren't you guys suppose to be ruthless and evil to kids? Cause...your supposed to beat us to a bloody pulp, rip our ears off and feed them to the dogs...like bumpy pepperonis."

At this time, Tails was relived the fighting was over. Taking a cautious piece of metal from the Mech's head to use as a raft for undone, he fastened some wire to pull her like a sleigh. Bringing the newly fastened ride over to them, Tails gave a cautious brow.

"If I'm not mistaken, weren't they trying to snatch him away? They didn't seem like they were trying to help him."

"Yeah...that's not unusual...everyone hates me involuntarily. Buuuuut...what was that you dirty demons said? About Masaru and Kotoko? So you guys didn't kill 'em...?"

@comic @Psymallard @Captain Pokémon


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
And so they had won. Several Monokumas attempted to extract the child, presumably to dispose of him for his failure, but Sonic's actions were enough to free the child from their grip, and a thick wall of ice formed in the doorway where the catwalk had once sat, blocking the Monokuma from entering, at least for now. Now captive, the child expressed confusion at their actions, believing that these 'demons' should have not shown mercy. Sub-Zero would have very much liked to fulfil the boy's expectations, but another opportunity had presented itself.
Rotating his sore shoulder, Kuai Liang marched toward the massing group, glancing back toward the destroyed mech. Three fights had been won. Certainly not many were left to fight in the Warriors of Hope's arsenal.

"Masaru and Kotoko were not killed. Not by us." Sub-Zero stated, glaring coldly at the kid. "Your 'leader' was assaulted by your own minions. Your allies tried to murder Kotoko. It was I who saved her from that fate, and allowed her a second chance."
Sub-Zero glanced toward Sonic, who had his arms crossed, tapping the ground at a quick pace with his foot, Tails was dragging the still-unconscious Undyne toward them on a slab of metal, accompanied by Tabby.
His eyes returned to Jataro. "You label others as 'demons' with no factuality behind your assumptions. The people you have tortured and killed? They see you as a demon. Do you not realize how hypocritical this flawed oath of yours is? How you have abused the power granted unto you?" He paused for a moment to let his words sink in, before delivering a final line. "You could continue what you have been doing. Becoming twisted and corrupted, a demon yourself. Somebody will destroy you one day. If not us, then another. You could continue to fail, and your leaders will attempt to eliminate you for your failures. You could run and hide. Or..." At this, Sub-Zero did something even he hadn't exactly been expecting himself to do.
He held out a hand down to the boy, who still lay on the ground. "You could try and right your wrongs. Help us bring down the corruption and villainy. Possibly even save your friends along the way. The choice is yours, but no matter which you make, you will have enemies."

@Shen: King of the Mist @Psymallard @Captain Pokémon

Silent Hill
Red sprinted along down the street, a thin layer of water dampening its ebony surface, reflecting the street lamps that guided him. The fat man fell behind, cardio clearly not being his strongest suit, but the skinny man was hot on Red's tail, shouting at him to stop. To come back. Red obviously had no intentions of allowing himself to stop, nor to come back. His legs were like well-oiled cogs, turning relentlessly to power a machine.
However, it wasn't enough. He'd made it nearly two blocks before Red felt the man's arms wrap around his torso, and the both of them tumbled roughly to the ground. The man wasn't trying at all to be gentle as he put one of his knees behind the middle of Red's back, pinning him to the ground, practically crushing the kid against the asphalt.

"Got him! Frank, hurry up!" The skinny man called over his shoulder. Red struggled against the grip, but found himself unable to break free. Not at the moment, at least. He could try to move his arms behind him, but in this position, he was practically helpless as the heavy panting of 'Frank' jogging over could be heard.
"You... got... him...?" Frank asked, and the skinny guy clicked his tongue impatiently. "With the ambulance, Frank, go get it!"
A groan escaped the fat man, before he hurried off, and the skinny guy turned his attention on Red. "You're a feisty one, huh?" He said, his voice lower. Red could feel the pressure beginning to slowly let up on his back.
"I like feisty ones."
Something sounded very wrong about the man's tone.

@Shen: King of the Mist