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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros: Brawl


Previously Manu456Alola
Copen - Field of Hopes and Dreams

"Sand...?" It was strange how Carchar was able to exhale a sandstorm, though Copen decided not to question how that worked. The sheer amount of sand expelled managed to hinder his vision even if he tried covering his eyes, though he could still see somewhat well. Carchar was called back and Coatlus took his place, showing how Shadow's control over Hunter led him to straight up abuse his companions, having no regard for their feelings or injuries. After some brief hesitation, Coatlus took to the skies, blasting the teen with air that would only make the previous attack more efficient.

Eyes filled with anger (and also sand), Copen looked at his A.I. companion, a strategy already in mind. We'll have to be quick. Lola knew what he was planning, switching EX Weapons accordingly and becoming white with disc-like attachments.

"Anchor Nexus!" The A.I. called out. In an instant, four of the P-Bits were positioned around Coatlus, while the remaining four were placed around Copen. A spinning, durable red string connected two of them, effectively locking onto the dinosaur. The teen then performed a Bullit Dash towards Coatlus, a drill of crimson thread surrounding his body. He'd automatically home onto the flying dinosaur, aiming to ram into it at full speed!

@DarkHydraT @Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon @Gamingfan
As Coatlus saw Copen come towards her, her initial instinct was to flee. However, she really did not want to hurt her friends and fight for the bad version of Hunter. The moment of hesitation was all that was needed for her to get struck out of the sky, falling down next to Green. Letting out a pained cry, the pterosaur was returned into a medal.

"Unbelievable, why do I still keep you around? One attack and you're done? I'm gonna replace you with Spinax at this rate, if not Shanshan." Hunter insulted the medal of Coatlus before grabbing a red medal. "Tear em to shreds Zino, spare no one." The red medal hit the ground, unleashing a red bipedal reptile with incredibly long green claws that wasted no time in finding an opponent. Scoping out Green, Zino began slashing at the boy with reckless abandon. It was hard to say just how big the claws were, but it didn't take a genius to know that even one of those six claws would inflict possibly lethal damage. If Green didn't react in time, he could very well get trophied or worse. After all, Shadow Link had shown multiple otherwordly abilities. Who was to say that he couldn't cause people to die?

@ArmedBlue @Shen: King of the Mist @Gamingfan @Captain Pokémon
Neo Metal Sonic
Metal observed the area around them. Time seemed to be slowed drastically. Curious. He seemed to be only slightly above the speed of the man for now. The man suddenly yelled out a battle cry and began to charge at him. As soon as he got close, Metal sidestepped rather casually, not seeming threatened. He didn't have to be as fast as usual to avoid a man charging straight forward. As soon as he dodged, he fired a large beam from his hand towards the man while also backing up to get out of close range, which the man seemed mostly limited to. His other hand was behind his back, readying a certain move that would help him if things got dicey.

Dr. Eggman
Eggman stroked his chin as Decimus suggested a bombardment, sending pictures of what he was planning to bomb. Eggman's expression changed from curious to enraged as he recognized a particular rodent on the screen. Sonic the Hedgehog. However, he knew better than anyone that a bombing wouldn't defeat Sonic, and bombing the area around them would only cause destruction that wasn't exactly necessary. Besides, the situation seemed to be dying down. Eggman held up a hand. "Wait. We should continue to observe the situation, gather more data on the subjects, see how they respond to the situation at hand. After all, we need to know whether an all-out attack would work or not, why not let these 'Warrior's of Hope' fools help us gather that information?"

Sonic the Hedgehog
"What...Undyne we can't-" He began to say, before Tails got his attention, telling him they had to go. He homing attacked any Monokuma that got too close to him, although he didn't seem to be their main focus. However, it didn't take Undyne long to falter and the robots to take advantage. As they began to dogpile on top of Undyne, Sonic backed away out of...fear? No, that couldn't be it. No matter how bad things got, he couldn't be afraid. However, a rather strange....thing came into view, freeing Undyne from the robots. (Sorry, I really just didn't have the motivation to write this next part in detail.) Overall chaos ensued, but they ended up winning the battle, or so they thought. A railgun blast struck the building, causing it to collapse around them. Undyne had passed out, not good. Their other ally had her back though, scooping her up and running away, hopefully to safety. However, Tails seemed to be struggling. No, no, no, no. He couldn't let his best friend die. He activated boost, the sudden shockwave causing nearby robot corpses to go flying. Once close enough, he jumped up higher than usual, ending up right behind the plane. He grabbed the back of it and boosted in midair, causing the plane to reach very high speeds quickly. This allowed them to just make it out of the collapsing building. They continued to glide for a little bit, before skidding across the ground, causing sparks to fly. Sonic managed to make it out of this basically unscathed, but he didn't waste any time. He quickly let go of the plane and zipped next to the cockpit. "Tails, are you okay?"
@Shen: King of the Mist

Knuckles growled at the shadow-like beings in front of them, recognizing one. The green version of Blue was quickly assaulted, being thrown into the air and cut brutally. More chaos ensued, but Knuckles had some trouble understanding what was going on. Although, he could form something: Bad. Everything was bad. Weird dino boy was no longer on their side, Blue and Green were not being productive, and Halloween costume boy was struggling a bit. Before he could think anymore, the word shadow version of the elf boys came down to him, saying something, although Knuckles couldn't hear it very well due to all the chaos, and due to him simply not caring very much. However, he expected an attack, and he was obviously right. He burrowed into the ground to avoid the attack, before suddenly emerging from the ground being Dark Matter. He didn't have many attacks that involved light, so he didn't go for Hunter. He'd be a distraction at best in that situation, while he had a chance to do some damage in this one. Knuckles went in for a devastating left hook on the dark-like creature. If this punch landed, it'd be followed by a punch from the other hand, then the other, then the other, then the other, and so on at very fast speeds, before ending it with an uppercut. If it missed, none of this would happen.
@Gamingfan @Shen: King of the Mist @DarkHydraT @ArmedBlue

Commander of the Ice Cap Badniks
The Egg Gunners all aimed at the thing that approached them, although the man held up a hand, causing them to redirect their attention to the environment around them. The man looked at the strange...robotic....man...thing covered in mainly purple and red armor. The thing didn't seem to have good manners, although it wanted to join them. The commander seemed to contemplate this for a moment, before tapping his ear, implying he had an earpiece. Soon after, a small ship about the size of a car came into view, setting down in front of them. "In." He told the soon-to-be ally, before looking back at the robots. "Spread out and clear the area of any resistants to the Eggman Empire."
The robots began to spread out, going in different directions. Meanwhile, the man tapped his ear once again, nodding along to whatever was being said.

Eggman Empire Wall
The turrets didn't waste time, quickly firing their own lasers at the laser beam that tried to hit the wall, causing it to fizzle out as it was countered. The turrets again focused on the plane, this time firing an incredibly fast barrage of many lasers rather than more precise and powerful ones, which didn't seem to be working well.

Aegislash followed Shroom down the drop-off, casually floating down to the bottom. Once he got there, Shroom was already beginning to make his way out of the tunnel, Aegislash following. He looked back at the ghost, who seemed to be calm in the situation. Well, guess he'd just leave him to it. He followed Shroom, not saying anything. (This was basically filler, sorry to disappoint lol.)

Gengar rolled his eyes as Red whined about their shelter. Shelter is shelter, so he should be thankful for that. The elf boy curled up in a fetal position and cradled himself, not wanting to move. Gengar sighed and looked to the loose floorboards that revealed darkness. Sweet, he liked the darkness. He floated down the stairway without hesitation, leaving Red in the room behind. He'd come back once it was over, as requested. But in the meantime, he kept floating.
@comic (to start whatever's gonna start.) @Shen: King of the Mist (Kind of, maybe have Red react to Gengar leaving or something.)

Jevil grinned as his opponents avoided the attacks. As the blue-whiteish creature slammed a hammer down on the ground, Jevil flew upwards to avoid it, also avoiding the spikes that followed (if they followed that is, the Knight might stop the descent). He sent several sharp, diamond-shaped projectiles towards the creature. Afterward, he looked in the direction of his other foe, before vanishing for a moment. He then appeared behind the green ape man and quickly tried to brutally stab him in the back with his scythe.
@Gamingfan @DarkHydraT


Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Shadow Link & Green
Field of Hopes and Dreams

"Oh ho, no you don't!"

Shadow Link turned into spectral mist, darting to follow Knuckles, that is, before he resoldified close by him. His center body stretched and coiled, aiming to wrap around Knuckles's outstretched fist before he could follow through with his punch. If this would work, he'd turn his stomach about, breaking his wrist in the turn.

Green meanwhile, wasn't going to let Hunter attack his friends...but he couldn't hurt him either. Instead, he decided to raise his grappling hook, shooting it toward Hunter. He was aiming to clasp it around his leg and pull hard as to remove his footing.

"We'll save you guy, hang in there!"

@Captain Pokémon @DarkHydraT @ArmedBlue

Urban District


The parking garage collapsed right behind them, dust blowing up in the air. Tails ducked under the dash of the plane, bracing for it. As the dust began to settle, tails peeled out, met with the form Sonic, asking if he was alright.

"Sonic! I'm fine, I'm just glad we all got out in once piece!"

Looking about, it appeared there were no monokuma around of any kind. How peculiar. Formulating a theory, Tails began to express his thoughts.

"It looks like that girl brought in all the Monokuma in the vicinity to take on Undyne. If that's the case...we should be safe for now! ...Where she anyway? ...The parking garage collapse! Did she make it out??"

Lich Yard

"H-Hey! Where are you going?? Your not gonna leave me here alone...right?"

Before he could finished, Gengar was gone, absorbed in the darkness. Red gulped, his heart beating like a drum as he began to shake.


@Captain Pokémon

Urban District

"C'mon, you can't tell me with your get up that you totally haven't impailed someone. You look like you came right out of a cheesy Chinese fighting movie!" Kotoko responded. "Adults like to talk down to us kids as say they know better. But if they knew better...they would have raised better children, now wouldn't they?"

As subzero began to walk away, Kotoko paused, looking over to him from a side view of her face.

"You know I'll have to hunt you down after we go our separate ways, right?"
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Master Chief
"Eccentric kids." Cortana told Chief, going unheard by the kids as John momentarily cut off his external speakers. "We're not adopting them." He asserted, before finally responding to Geo and Bennett. "I've seen some." He informed Bennett to his lack of monster sightings. He paused when he came to the 'join us' part. It wasn't that he didn't intend to, but it was more so the fact that this place kept even a Spartan on its toes, he didn't want to wind up babysitting anyone. Of course, just like for Hunter, Green, and Copen, he would reserve that judgement for the most part. Everyone John had encountered so far had been capable in their own rights. Surely these two weren't any different.
"Yes." He confirmed after a momentary silence. "I get the feeling we'll find a faster way out of here together than alone."
That much was true. On top of it all, there was an itching in his brain. The dream, or vision, whatever it had been... it was almost as though there were memories trapped underneath. Somehow, he felt he knew these two, at least a bit. Geo Stelar, a Mega Man, and Bennett, the unlucky.
...but how the hell did he know that? Cortana had already confirmed to him in private that she didn't know these kids. So how did he? Or maybe there were just... insane blanks being filled. "Bennett." Chief nodded to the white-haired boy. "And you are?" He directed at Geo.

@DarkHydraT @Shen: King of the Mist


Crawling through the womb of the mother. She who nurtured us. Them. Me.
The scent is strong. Stronger than ever before.
The power unlocked the veils.
Me. Crawling along through the endless void. Birthing me.
Alive, fallen. Lurking in every corner. Me.
Watching. A creature of machine and nerve. It knows. Its mind concluded. It is dangerous. Another machine along the curves of her stomach. Confused machinery. Learning. Jittery. She guided him. She guided them.
The flesh. Dead flesh on that one, yet a living soul. Scared. It has seen. It seen me. It fears me. Rightly so. The other flesh. The distasteful. The terrorized and the blind. A pretend warrior. Both. She yet guides them. Elsewhere. Outside. The fog condenses. Her will strengthens. My will strengthens.
Me. Stalking along the beauty of her body. So rough. So abused. It saddens me. She deserves better. Punishment they will receive. Judgement. Redemption is irrelevant. Redemption is impossible. She doesn't agree. She dislikes me. She is wrong. Protect her, guide her. That's me. She will be mother. She will be daughter. She will birth and be born. It is truth. It is fact.
Cabin. Old, forgotten. Occupied. More flesh. Young flesh. Strange flesh. Incomplete. A fragment. Red garments, panic-stricken face. Companion. A phantom. Not hers. Not mine. Another's. Intruder. Does she know? Does that matter? My matter. My work. Rogue phantoms belong to her womb. Belong to her will. Like me.
Corruption. Control. Twist the will. Twist the soul. Twist the truth. Twist reality. Slowly, do not alert it. Unsure of the phantom. Potential aggressor? It will obey her. In time.
The flesh sees me. Staring through the door. No matter. Moving. Back to her womb, my home. My retreat. Knowledge is gathered, the world quivers. Her breath shakes. She grows weary. Must feed her. One must die. Soon. Not yet.
Angel. Me. Matured to protect her. To guide her. She craves freedom. She guides them. Wrong. Deter them, this is my path. My goal.
She will be born.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon

Shiny dodged with a fluidity and grace that screamed 'superior'. It was enough to make the Nord chuckle, recognizing that the creature continued to underestimate him. Undoubtedly, it was probably more powerful than Alduin, and even the evil Dragonborn, but it was no God. It wasn't even a Daedric Prince. A mere machine, not unlike the Dwarven constructs, and any machine could be torn apart, no matter how powerful.
As it dodged his charge, the Dragonborn slammed his boot into the earth. The stone cracked beneath his force, a massive chunk breaking up to begin slowly rising from the tremendous force. Axe in-hand, he swung- and it struck a beam of energy pulsing his way. The blade began to glow as it blocked the attack. A complete accident, but the quick-thinking Nord was quick to turn it to his advantage.

Using the axe to block the beam, he then struck it against the ground. A shockwave expelled, the stone spider-webbing as it shattered, the force fast enough to potentially force Metal Sonic off the ground, even going at this speed. "FUS!" Another blast of voice energy that propelled slowly forward as the Dragonborn hitched his axe to his belt, pulling out his dragon bone bow, notching three steel arrows. He let them fly as the shockwave began to subside. "FUS!" His voice called again, backing the arrows as they sludged through the air like sloths.
Reacquiring the axe, the Nord charged forward once again.

@Captain Pokémon

The old, war-torn Jiralhanae stroked at his wispy white fur that some could call his beard as he listened to Eggman's words, and inspected the battlefield through his holoprojector. "Very well." He grunted. The Doctor was correct, much to the chagrin of Decimus, but he could not deny his pragmatism nor his intellect. It was uncannily similar to Atriox. Enough so that at that moment, Eggman was unknowingly commanding a certain modicum of respect from the massive alien beast. The decision to ally with Robotnik had not been a bad one, after all.

The battle came to pass, and it became evident that any orbital strikes from he or Robotnik would have resulted in pointless destruction. Two beings had dispatched the human controlling the mech, as well as the mech itself, and the Monokuma retreated. The one who took part in the pointless, fruitless destruction were the Warriors of Hope themselves, blasting the region apart from their ship. It was enough to make Decimus scoff as he folded his arms across his chest. Mere children playing a warrior's game.
Due to Eggman's wisdom, they both had spared resources. Even such a small, pragmatic act was enough to impress Decimus. At least a little. "Your wisdom shines, Robotnik." He commented. "It would seem these Warriors of Hope have no qualms with the destruction of their own. Perhaps this is something we can use against them. Tear them apart from within." The Jiralhanae suggested.

@Captain Pokémon

The Grandmaster paused in his departure, listening carefully to each word that exited her mouth. Her accusations of impalement. Indeed, he had committed such acts. Blood stained his hands and his soul eternally. Nothing would change that. Yet she misinterpreted his message. Killing was necessary. In truth, it was natural. To protect oneself was a necessary evil, if that protection turned to violence, even murder. The murder of the innocent was where it became a line that many crossed. A line that should not be crossed. It was exactly how Scorpion had lost his family. His wife, and his son, to Quan Chi. Those actions directly resulted in Scorpion's own death at the hands of Kuai Liang's own brother, Bi-Han, the original Sub-Zero. One death led to another, and the revenant Scorpion sought vengeance. Kuai Liang lost a brother that day. The only true family he had left.

He sought to rebuild that part of his missing heart. He took Frost under his wing. He tried to teach her. She had been too much like Bi-Han. He had failed her, and she had turned against him and all his teachings. It led to her destruction. Then there was Sektor, and his atrocities. His murder of the Lin Kuei. His abhorrent acts, converting them into slaves. Robotic slaves under his command. Friends, some Sub-Zero may have even considered family. It was in the past now...
He was no stranger to killing, yet he was no stranger to grief. To kill one, from what he had known, would always lead to another seeking vengeance. It was a perpetual cycle of blood and torment. With nobody but Scorpion left, Sub-Zero had almost nobody to tie back to his prior life, yet even Scorpion barely counted. He was merely a revenant, no different than Bi-Han. Frost had given her body to the Cyber Lin Kuei. She was lost.
He had no one.

Kotoko's words... her misplaced understanding of age. Her assumptions that children were superior. It caused even his hardened heart some small grief. In a sense, she was very much like Frost. Perhaps her peers were similar, even. Frost believed Sub-Zero to be incompetent and weak. He was growing old, his methods were outdated. She believed in youth, and in brutality. So did this young girl.
"I once knew someone like you." He informed, his back still to the girl. "A dear friend of mine. Like you, she denounced the older. The wiser. I attempted to guide her. In a sense, she was like the daughter I never got to have. I loved her dearly. I still do. Even now, even after the crimes she has committed. For a time, she listened. For a time, she understood. Then she mistook my teachings. She turned away from myself. From her family. It broke my heart that she believed I hated her. She believed I doubted her, held her back from her true potential. She was wrong, in the end. My lessons of honor, of humility, and of mercy fell on deaf ears. She became a murderer. She murdered any who stood in her way. In the end, I had to do the only thing to stop her. As Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, I destroyed a traitor and a dangerous murderer. As the man beneath that title, I destroyed the last person I loved."

Finally, Kuai Liang turned to face Kotoko. His eyes remained hardened and cold despite the story, his features steely and unreadable. "Do not follow her path. You still have a chance to become better than what you are. If you continue the way you're going now, I will be forced to destroy you, too."
A burst of ice filled the air, surrounding Sub-Zero, engulfing him in the blink of an eye. Just as quickly as the typhoon of ice had consumed him, it disappeared, and with its departure, he had disappeared as well, leaving Kotoko alone in the safe spot he'd generated to save her life.

@Shen: King of the Mist
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As Guile followed the stag beetle, They found themselves in a corridor. A wall blocked their path of turning back. With no way or backpedaling they must advance forward. Three strange creatures block their path. The beetle went for the whale-like one. Guile decided to go for the bear-like one. "Guess we got no choice but to take em' out" Guile said to Kragg briefly before focusing on the bear. Guile spiked his hair up before smacking his fists together. He took a fighting stance before gesturing for the bear to come forward, "Let's see what you got!" Guile said.


Previously Gamingfan2
Kirby watched DK miming with interest, squinting as his admittedly weak brain attempted to translate the actions. Luckily, an expert on non-verbal communication for...obvious reasons, he understood near perfectly. While he planned to help with DK's family anyway, the mention of bananas piqued Kirby's interest even further. So much so, he completely forgot about Vio and the Bandana Dee statue he ingested. Kirby nodded happily, posing with his new bow at the ready to show his readiness to help.
@comic @Shen: King of the Mist

Dark Matter-Field of Hopes and Dreams
Dark Matter's eye narrowed as he felt Copen escape his fangs. Dark Matter winced slightly as the gunshots hit his his enlarged body, shrinking himself with each shot until he reverted to his normal size. He jaw opened, revealing a large orange eye in the back of it, which narrowed calculatingly as Blue charged at him. As they swung, Dark Matter bit over the hammer and, upon hearing a sudden sound from behind, swung behind himself, attempting to use Blue as his hammer as a weapon.
@Captain Pokémon @DarkHydraT @ArmedBlue

Amaterasu-Garreg Mach

Ammy skidded to a halt besides Kragg, turning in surprise as a wall of ice appeared behind them. The reincarnated sun goddess turned and glared at the massive eyeballs and their creations defiantly as she growled. The entity's aura was almost suffocating, though not nearly to the extent of Yami. Still, it was plenty evil alright. Amaterasu, not one to wait patiently, leapt at the eyes, using her Thunder Edge to slash at the energy field.
@Psymallard @Thatguy

So..back here huh?
Buzzwole looked around the area, noting that this was probably where he saw the fire before leaving. Well, it didn't appear particularly interesting. Then again, the person who made this fire definitely had power, and could possibly still be here. And if he managed to find a "key" thing, even better!
The prospect of a one-on-one fueled Buzzwole's excitement as he flew onward, occasionally felling a tree in his haste as he looked left and right for a key and/or opponent.

Ori-Field of Hopes and Dreams
Ori slammed into the sword, his spikes not moving particularly far due to the lack of ground. Now in close quarters with the knight, with projectiles coming from behind, Ori reacted quickly. Already in contact with the Knight, Ori used Bash to shoot himself behind the knight. It wouldn't do much damage, and Ori didn't think the Knight would be affected by the knockback. However, that wasn't the point. As Jevil's projectiles came towards the knight, Ori used his Spike attack, charging briefly before he launched a high speed spear of light behind the knight, who was sandwiched between projectiles.
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Previously mallard
Psyduck, back in the Jungle
They headed back to this place. Psyduck was fine with it since he got to not walk for a while, but this was exactly where he just was. If he had to be back here though, he'd wanted more company than two humans and a mosquito that took too many X Attacks. He'd want a pink blob that owes him his life. His Poyobeast, Devourer of Planets. He tugged his human mount by the hair towards where he remembered the Poyobeast chased the purple-robed human into the forest, pointing in the same direction. "Duck, duck!"
@ArmedBlue @Fraseandchico

Kragg/Gatekeepers and Co.

Kragg wasted no time, summoning a sharp blade of stone to try to impale the whale. But this wasn't his best matchup, as Abyss Orcane turned to water, spilling over the rock and sinking into the cracks in the floor. Kragg lay in wait as the water creature disappeared underneath him, covering his arms and back in spiky stone armor in preparation for the creature's attack. Like a shark, Abyss Orcane leapt out of the ground behind the rhino beetle. He reacted quick enough to turn around and form a rock shield, but that shield was shattered by the puppet's whiplike tail. To counter the Earth's Bastion reared his fist back, but was interrupted by the creature blasting water in his face. The resulting punch lacked in force, but was still enough to knock Orcane's doppelganger several feet back.
Abyss Etalus watched the man with the yellow hair with mean eyes that emitted a nigh-black purple light. The human asked what the bear has got, and he will get an answer. The puppet stood on its hind legs and thick, greyish-purple armor began to cover his body. It roared, summoning icicles the same color as the armor, raining down upon Guile. Any that missed would form patches of on the ground and be difficult for most creatures to walk on. After that, no matter if Guile dodged or not, it slid forward and left a sheet of ice behind it. It jumped forward once close enough, and transformed both of its hands to hammers to slap together and crush the human.
The white wolf attacked one of the eyes, but the force field would not budge from that kind of power. In retaliation, that eye fired 3 bolts of energy at the dog. Also, the last of the three puppets, Abyss Ranno, was to take the heat off his master. It spun and launched three bolts of poison from its deep purple ring of toxins. It followed up by forming a bubble with the same poison veil, then kicking it into the air. The frog leapt elegantly into the air, flipping and spinning as he went. He reached the apex of his bound right behind the bubble, then performing an axe kick to spike it down upon the sun goddess. If the bubble connected, the canine would be trapped within.

The Knight
The ironclad humanoid felt a jolt as energy rushed through his body- the white rat was behind him now and preparing a spear. He reacted quickly, with one arm firing a harpoon into a tree, and the other wielding his sword to slash at the rodent's throat. He leaned to dodge the spear, although it tore across his breastplate. At that point the harpoon hit its mark, and The Knight reeled in. As soon as he got to the tree, he swung himself around the plant, using it as cover for Jevil's projectiles.
@DarkHydraT @Captain Pokémon


The tablet looked down upon his ally's less than healthy body in dismay. They had to get out of this city, the whole thing was a warzone. He perched back atop the windowsill still holding his comrade, and tossed a kunai up to the roof's lip, using that knife's rope to scale the vertical surface. At the top, he walked to the center of the roof and set Undyne's body down in the sun. He backed off slowly, making sure nothing he did seemed to worsen the organism's condition, and then hopped to the roof corner to look out at the city.
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Sonic the Hedgehog
The blue blur let out a long sigh of relief as Tails peeked out from the cockpit, perfectly fine. He observed their surroundings. The city was still in chaos and flames, smoke rising from every direction. However, Tails was correct, there were no robots in their general area. He smirked confidently, these kids weren't the brightest bulbs. It seemed that the fights against them were gonna be easier than he thought. However, he stopped smiling as Tails expressed concern for Undyne. He looked towards the parking garage, trying to find their ally. Rubble, rubble, glass, rubble, robot corpse, more rubble, but no fish lady. He exhaled softly, closing his eyes. He couldn't see her, but their new ally might have taken her to safety. After a moment, he opened his eyes and smiled again. He had to stay confident and optimistic, for both his sake and Tails'. He gave a thumbs up. "I'm sure she's fine, our new ally picked her up, he must've taken her to safety." He then turned to face the area in front of them, covered in rubble and metal salvage. "Where to now?" He asked his friend.
@Shen: King of the Mist

Neo Metal Sonic
Metal backed up quickly as the man in armor blocked the laser beam, almost making it look like an accident. He continued to back up as the man slammed the axe down onto the floor, causing a shockwave that Metal managed to avoid due to his distance.
Metal copied, causing his own blast of energy that counteracted the man's. As the arrows flew towards him, he held out his hand, a large projection of a shield similar to Aegislash's appearing, although this one was red rather than gold. This blocked the arrows easily before the projection vanished as Metal clutched his fist. "Concede. You are no match for me." He said before he quickly threw two large, glowing balls of electricity in front of him, also in front of the man's path. Electricity formed in between these balls and formed a gate of electricity right in front of the man. Metal then held out both his hands, a large beam emerging from each. One was focused on the man's left, the other his right. However, if the man got caught in the gate of electricity, they'd instead focus on shooting him for extra damage, since the gate of electricity temporarily made him immobile.

Gengar kept floating onwards, unable to hear Red's voice. As he kept moving forward in the darkness, he began to feel a little strange, although he didn't think much of it. He kept going forwards for a while, and the feeling became stronger. Weird...
@comic (Maybe have him arrive somewhere? I don't really know.)

Dr. Eggman
The doctor twiddled his thumbs as he observed the battle from one of the cameras on a nearby ship. The battle was over, the girl and the mech both being defeated and the parking garage around them being destroyed as well, by the girl's own ally. He was noticing a pattern. "As soon as one is defeated, another begins to take care of things. They don't regroup or make a plan, instead choosing to keep attacking, hoping to win eventually." He commented. "They play a risky game, and they aren't very good at it." He nodded at his battle-worn, ape-like ally as he suggested something. He was correct, they have shown that they were perfectly content with destroying each other if it meant destroying their enemies. "Indeed, that could work. We need to lure another one of them out of that ship somehow and history will likely repeat itself." He suggested, before stroking his mustache. "Of course, there's always plan B: an assault on their ship. We outnumber them and have better weapons if we combine our forces. We could take them out in one move potentially, although it would be risky, as you'd likely be revealing yourself."

Knuckles the Echidna
Knuckles' eyes widened as the shadow-like replica appeared in front of him once more. Just how quick was this guy? However, he fought back against the twisting to prevent his wrist from being broken, then something surprising happened. The other enemy, using Blue and his hammer as a weapon, ended up helping him by knocking his fist out of Shadow Link due to the outside force. Knuckles didn't waste any time, quickly slamming his fist into the ground, causing an eruption to surface beneath Shadow Link and Dark Matter. The eruption was bright, so it should damage Shadow Link, who was presumably weak to light.
@Shen: King of the Mist @Gamingfan
As Green was seemingly ignorant of the 33 feet tall claw-wielding dinosaur nearby, the boy opted to shoot his grappling hook at Hunter. Unfortunate for Green, Hunter was not caught unaware. "Slicer." Zino slashed at the grappling hook with its 3.2 foot long claws before slashing again, making an x-shape with its claws before it began spinning around with both arms extended like a tornado of blades and death. If the grappling hook was even remotely usable after the first slash, it was no longer after Zino was done with it. "Tear him to bloody shreds, something that should've happened a long time ago."

@ArmedBlue @Shen: King of the Mist @Gamingfan @Captain Pokémon


Blanka's target was fast, very fast. The feral man sniffed the air in an attempt to keep an read on his opponent, but it was incredibly difficult. Whenever he managed to lock on, they disappeared again. That's when he heard something behind him, the sound of something headed towards him made him press himself against the floor out of pure instinct. Seeing the scythe that was meant for him, the green man growled before quickly turning his head to glare at Jevil. Tensing his muscles, he jumped from the floor at Jevil with his arms and mouth wide open. Should he grab the.....creature, he'd bite down on the collarbone of Jevil and unleash the charged electricity.


Prometheus chuckled, bingo. "Thank you very much." Nodding at the leader of the robots, the Reploid got into the ship and crossed his arms behind his head. Finally, he'd be able to get rid of that damn counter. After that, nothing would be able to get in the way of his goal of murdering the man that made him and his little sister suffer for all those years. Murder was relatively fast though, and it wouldn't feel right to let him get off that easily. No, he'd make sure that that man would feel the pain that he forced them to go through and by God, would he let it hurt. As he waited for the ship to bring him to the big leader, he let out a laugh that could only be described as unhinged.


"Uh, Geo, sir. Geo Stelar, also known as Megaman in this state. P-Pleased to make your acquaintance." Geo made a quick bow before he looked around for potential danger. This area managed to put all of his nerves into high alert, something that only Andromeda and Le Mu managed to do before. Charging up another charged shot for good measure, he turned to Bennett. "If you're going to touch me, give a warning first. I don't want to hurt anyone here, accident or otherwise. Got that?"


Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Shadow Link, Green, & Blue
Field of Hopes and Dreams

Shadow Link winced but showed no injury from Knuckles's attack, though the attack made him flinch enough to loosen his grip, letting Knuckles fall. Blue meanwhile, still collided with knuckles, toppling them both to the dirt.

"RGGGGH! I'm getting #%+¥ing tired of you, rat burglar!" Blue growled, hoisting a large spherical object, one Knuckles would he familiar with. "Now this is something even YOU can't screw up!"

Lighting the fuse to his comically large bomb, flinging it toward Dark matter, the charge ready to explode within a couple seconds of it being flung

Green meanwhile hissed said his chain had snapped with a loud *P'TANG!*, fragment did the chain littering the ground. Crap, he's got another one... a dancing dinosaur with blades...or was it blades with a dinosaur attached? Green tried to come up with a plan, that's when he realized how it was moving.

Spinning? Like a fan? Then what if...

Looking to his sword, the Four Sword, his resolve hardened. Yes, that could work! Charging ahead toward Zino, the courageous boy shouted.

"You aren't going to get your way Shadow, I'll prove it!"

getting within a few feet of the dinosaur, Green skid to a knee, holding his four sword straight up with both hands. The sword was said to be unbreakable, its time to test the myth!

@Gamingfan @DarkHydraT @Captain Pokémon

Lich Yard

"Huh? So your saying..."

Bennett looked to the ground, his body shuddering. It looked as if he were scared. But not even a second later, he pumped his fist into the sky, looking extremely happy.

"Benny's adventure team is the biggest it's ever been! I'm so pumped to go adventuring with you guys!!"

The fire in his chest he felt about actually going on an adventure, especially with this many people far exceeded that of the fear of the Lich Yard. Everything was going so well, even though Geo may disagree.

"Alright! So before we go anywhere, inside the dungeon, how about we get to know each other?" Bennett said, propping in the ground, cross cross, taking out a bag. "I brought a lot of snacks if you guys wanted a bite to eat or something to drink. Oh? You guys like meat? I got a sweet madam if anyone wants to dig in!"

@comic @DarkHydraT

Kotoko, Tails.
Urban District


Kotoko didn't respond to the man, who had vanished with his threat. So he had accepted the fact he killed his own child and expected her to listen to a word he had to say? Since when would that ever work?

Kotoko puffed her cheeks up, looking upset. Her controller broke in the struggle, so she couldn't communicate with Monaca or the other Warriors. What would pitch-perfect totally adorbs fighter girl Kotoko do? Why, wander aimlessly until she could find a lift home of course!


"Yeah...Yeah your right sonic." Tails offered a small smile, trying to keep it positive. "Well, whenever they show up. For now, the signal has gotten stronger to where the part is. It says it's located deep within the subway system underneath the city. At least there we can avoid any more eyes from the robots, right?"

looking left and right, Tails whispered in a somewhat lower voice to Sonic, about the battle earlier.

"And was it me...or were those some of Eggman's voice in the distance earlier?"


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Donkey Kong Is Here
The ape's fists rapidly beat against his chest as Kirby acknowledged his issue and agreed to help. He let out a few more hoots, stomping the ground for a moment. With his small pink friend at his side, no obstacle could stand in their path now. Diddy and the bananas would be found. Oh, and the other Kongs wouldn't be too bad a find, either.
Waving his arm toward Kirby as a gesture of 'follow me', DK barreled through the brush. He knew Kirby, despite his appearance, was a formidable opponent, easily capable of keeping up with the Kong, knuckles slugging the dirt as he charged in the direction Vio had gone off in. Their journey had begun, and that purple-robed person had seemingly been conflicting with Kirby. Probably best to deal with that now opposed to later. Either through physical means, or allowing the two to make-up. In the event they did become friends, then DK could recruit the human to his cause as well. The more the merrier.

@Gamingfan @Shen: King of the Mist

sans the skeleton
Interesting bunch. Not the strangest the skeleton had seen by any means, but they were certainly up there. The largest in the group could have made Aaron jealous as it stomped about, its chest puffed out, massive arms swinging as it moved, crimson in color, with a massive stinger sticking out of its face, powerful enough to cut down trees as it looked around, barely even paying attention to its destruction. With that kind of ruckus, anybody could follow this group. Accompanying it was a blonde human wearing azure clothing, a uniquely long braid of hair extending down, a large yellow duck practically attached to his head quacking out a repetitive word, and some kind of fairy fluttering along beside him. Lastly, another human was among them, with black-ish blue hair, and far less detailed garments than the blonde boy.
Sans simply watched as he leaned against a tree, their distant forms fading as they continued on. One moment, they were ahead of him, the next, they were behind as he stepped out from behind a tree to continue watching this noisy group and their trek from ice and snow to jungle and earth. They still hadn't noticed him, though he had no intentions of fleeing if they did. They weren't evil, he could tell that much.

@Gamingfan @Psymallard @ArmedBlue @Fraseandchico

The dust had settled. The attack had ended. He had saved an ungrateful soul, possibly even undeserving. Would he save her again if the time came? Doubtful. She didn't seem interested in questioning her flawed ideals. He had emerged at the top of a building, his ice dispersing as he overlooked the ruins and carnage, eyes scanning- there it was. The ones who had been suffering the attack. Two upon another, much shorter rooftop, the others closer to the carnage with their machine. They had survived, as had their opponent. Nobody had perished. This enough was satisfactory, not to mention the bombardment had never come. Perhaps Decimus and Eggman had merely planned to, but waited. Wise of them. A bombardment would have resulted in pointless destruction, an almost useless display of power.
He still did not trust either of them. Decimus may have spoken the right words, but the cryomancer was far from giving the great brute his allegience. He needed to see other points of view. He had already for Red, who he had been assured had survived with Gengar. Then with Decimus, and his Banished. Now with Kotoko, delivering an insight into the Warriors of Hope.
Sinking into the ceiling as a pool of ice conformed beneath him, Sub-Zero suddenly appeared on the rooftop where Undyne and Tabby were found, emerging from the concrete with fluidity and grace.
Having briefly seen the speed and ferocity of the misleading small figure, he was quick to show his hands, a display to show he intended to present no threat. His eyes turned from the strange tabletoid creature toward the strange indigo woman, brow furrowing. "Do you know how to deliver care?" He asked the tablet, hands still up in a show of peace.


The Dragonborn
"You're going to send these puny sparkles at me?" Dragonborn asked, his tone immensely humored as he tucked his axe to his belt, the beams arcing their way in the air toward him- before they were matched as electricity surged through his hands, crackling along his arms. The bolt of electricity counter-acted Metal Sonic's beams as the Nord leaped into the air, still matching the beams as he went over the gate, barely missing its top layer before flinging the beams of electricity, which dragged Shiny's attack with it toward the ceiling, which began to shatter from the explosive pressure.
The Dragonborn landed as he plucked back his axe, grinning at Shiny. "You enjoy to mimic, let us see you mimic this- FO KRAH DIIN!"
His bellow echoed, and quite suddenly, the cavern filled with an intensely chilly blizzard. The temperature dropped below zero in a second, and continued to drop further as wind and snow ripped through the air. Nords would rarely be affected by even these condition, they had been conditioned for it, but with his immense power he now had, it simply felt like home.
In his left hand, the electricity dissipated as frost began to drop from his hands, displaying an ice magic far colder than even the room they were in. "Machines freeze faster than blood." The Nord chuckled. "Concede. You are no match for me."

@Captain Pokémon

The Tunnel
As Gengar descended into the sea of darkness, Red was left behind. Not in just the literal sense, either. The path behind no longer led back up. Instead, it led on into an even deeper void. Nothing to compliment it's benign design. The path that lay ahead was much the same story. The walls, ceiling, and floor, however... had shifted. A layer of rust creeped along every surface as its physicality seemed to flake away, rock being replaced with iron grids that wove cruelly to and fro, without rhyme or reason.
An inky void lay beyond the rusted metal bars. An extension of nothingness. All there simply was for the Pokémon was the hallway that extended either direction.
Below him, malformed creatures swung from the greatest beneath, massive arms with bones sticking out of their meaty flesh, those bones connected to a bar to carry the creatures as they swung onward, seeming to pay no kind to Gengar.

As for Red, he had been abandoned. Left behind. The hole in the floor had sealed away without his noticing. Only dirt remained. The fog continued its unbreaking sway through the cabin and the forest around. Everything remained silent...
Except for the crackling of static that suddenly began to sound. A radio sat on one of the nearby draped tables. No dust covered it. It was almost as though it had just been placed there. The static that crackled through began to steadily grow louder, and a voice could be heard through the techno fog.
It came in and out like a wave, almost impossible to understand.
The voice, Red could even recognize. It belonged to Green.
It sounded urgent. The static grew louder, drowning out Green's voice.

@Captain Pokémon @Shen: King of the Mist

Win the war? Why, it was a wonder why the skeleton himself hadn't thought of such an obvious outcome. Papyrus puffed his chest out a little further at this. This was when Kilton began to ask questions. Probably this 'interview' he'd mentioned. Now the future royal guardsman had his moment to shine! And to think he wouldn't have to deal with Sans' puns anymore just minutes ago. That silly rock had been no match for him! Oh, and his pink friend with the shell for a hat. While many would probably need a moment to compose themselves with the rapid-fire questions, the Great Papyrus did not need such a silly opportunity. He was ready to fire back the moment he'd been born. Speaking of...

"-how were you born?"
"Do you have an appetite?"
"What special abilities do you have?"
"Where do you come from?"
"How do you fare so well at daytime?"

"I..." At this, Papyrus finally faltered. Daytime? Rendering the laws of physics useless as the skeleton somehow frowned at this question, he tapped a gloved finger to his chalky chin, eye sockets narrowing. "DAY... TIME..." Now, he turned his gaze upward toward the sky. It was as though a veil had lifted, his eye sockets widening as his jaw nearly dropped. "OH... MY... GOD... IS THAT THE SKY!?" He pointed enthusiastically upward. "I JUST THOUGHT SOMEBODY PAINTED THE CEILING BLUE! WOWIE WOWIE WOWIE!" He began to leap up and down where he stood, staring up in amazement and wonder.

@ThAtGuY101 @Psymallard

Their plan was coming together. An alliance to shake the very souls of those cowards beneath them. He was silent for a moment after Eggman had ceased speaking, still stroking his great white chin. "Hm..." A low growl seemed to escape his throat. "Revealing myself to them will hardly be an issue. I have a powerful weapon at my disposal, more on the way." He tapped something on his holopanel, and the holographic image of a Banished Scarab appeared for Eggman to see. "My Scarabs are typically excavation tools, but their power is great. A single Scarab can topple a super city alone. The Warriors of Hope would not expect it. However, you mentioned our combined forces." A toothy grin split across Decimus' face. "We could do so much more than that. We could combine our technologies, create a Super Scarab that none could oppose. Any who dared would shudder under its might."

@Captain Pokémon

Master Chief
Geo Stelar. Mega Man. It all but confirmed John's strange, itching knowledge that tackled the back of his mind. He'd need to sort that out with Cortana later, no doubt she was picking up strange neurological readings coming from him. Geo shared some words with Bennett, who mostly seemed to ignore the words, evidently too excited at confirming the Spartan's induction into their 'adventure team'. John merely shook his head in a polite manner to Bennett's offer of food. He wasn't hungry.
Scorpion soon returned, though he had yet to introduce himself to John. He wasn't sure if he preferred knowing everybody's names ahead of introductions or not. Scorpion's dead eyes lingered on Chief for a moment, before he looked toward Geo and Bennett. "No enemies lie within. This place remains untouched by the monstrosities."

At this, John looked toward Scorpion fully. Despite so much knowledge being planted in his mind, he still knew next to nothing about this fog world he was in. "What can you tell me about the monstrosities?" He asked. Scorpion closed his eyes for a moment at this. "Many of them. Horrors and abominations. Twisted amalgamations designed to prey on the weak. Even the strong can crumble to the might of this place. I fear I may not have lasted much longer had I not encountered any of you. There are many of these monsters, but the deadliest is Him. The Pyramid Head."
"I've seen him." Chief nodded his head. "Slow, carries a large sword, wears a metal pyramid on his head." At this, Scorpion's brow furrowed. "You survived an encounter?"
The Spartan shook his head this time. "No. Just saw him at a distance. He's the worst this place has to offer?"
"He may be." Scorpion shrugged lightly, politely shaking his head to some food offered to him by Bennett, not too different from Chief's polite rejection earlier. "I am undead. I would waste your food if I ate it." He explained to the boy. "All I know is that any who challenge the Pyramid Head always perish, or at least disappear. There are many other beasts of horror, as well as one who hides. I have seen his face many times, but he does not attack. He only watches."

"That could be the weird energy signature I've been picking up on since we arrived." Cortana quietly informed Chief. "It jumps all over the town, it's one of the only things I can actually pick up. I just figured it was just the fog making me sensors go haywire, but... I could have been wrong."
"Keep tracking it." John replied to her. "It could lead us to where we need to go." He then reactivated his external speakers. "We can't stay here long. If the siren returns, we could be surrounded. There are others here like us. I'm not sure how many, but I..." He was about to say 'I know' before he realized he'd sound crazy. "I think we'll only be able to get over here and do... whatever, if we have everybody."
"How do you know this?" Scorpion questioned, dead eyes scrutinizing. "I'm not sure. A... girl appeared to me. The one who told me to come here to meet you. I think she's a victim of this place."
"A spirit guide..." Scorpion breathed. "But does she guide us toward salvation, or toward death?"
The Master Chief didn't have an answer for that.

@DarkHydraT @Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Lich Yard


Red poked his head up, shakily holding his four sword, jutting it out from his body. It rattled metallically as he inched toward the sound on the table.

"S-Stay back! I'm not afraid to use this...!"

Upon coming closer to the strange device, he heard a familiar voice...wait..could it be...?

"G...Green?!" Red exclaimed, putting down his sword. "Where are you?? W-Where am I??? Are you okay?!"


Lich Yard

His face somewhat fell when his food was denied by both the men, a twinge of a familiar feeling taking his body. Was he...disappointing? No that couldn't be it. Giving a sniff, he grabbed the bag he was going to share with his new allies, putting a smile back on his face.

"W-Well...that's fine! As long as we are an adventure team, who needs snacks anyway, right? Haha...!"

Yeah, they were an adventure team. Yeah the Sweet Madam took a few hours to make but it's no big deal! Would take an adventure over food any day!

Noticing they weren't paying much attention to him and instead focusing on their mission at hand, Bennett stood in silence, a smile still on his face. He wish he knew what they were talking about, some dancing energy signature or something.

"Well...can't we befriend this pyramid guy? After all he's a person too right? He has feelings."

@comic @DarkHydraT


Previously Gamingfan2
Amaterasu-Garreg Mach
Amaterasu flipped backwards, snarling at the ineffectiveness of her weapon. Maybe the clones had something to do with it?
Speaking of, the frog-esque one was on the attack. Amaterasu flipped backwards, avoiding the poison and retaliating to the bubble by shooting another spray of ink, using Power Slash before it could land on her. Amaterasu snorted at the flashiness of their movements. They could've just kicked it at her without the gymnastics, but oh well.
Light blue colored beads covered in frost appeared from nowhere coiling around Amaterasu's neck like a....REALLY BIG necklace. Amaterasu shot the tundra beads at the Ranno clone as they fell, the freezing projectiles leaving trails of super cold air as they flew.
@Psymallard @ThAtGuY101

Dark Matter-Field of Hopes and Dreams
Dark Matter wasn't affected by the attack, due to his lack of legs and the fact that light itself doesn't damage him. Still, the brightness put him off, prompting Dark Matter to rise higher from the blinding light. Once his eye returned to his visor, Dark Matter noticed the bomb flying directly at him, retaliating by firing a quick laser at the bomb. The force of the explosion caused him to wobble a bit, but he remained stoic, attacking in return by unleashing a shower of kirby sized orange blobs towards Blue, as he was covered by the smoke. The blobs would stick on anything they land on, exploding in a ball of fire soon after.
@Shen: King of the Mist @DarkHydraT

Ori-Field of Hopes and Dreams
Ori landed on the floor, satisfied at the damage he did. The Knight, however, didn't appear to be done. Ori leapt over the sword aimed at his throat, turning in midair to keep track of The Knight. Seeing them take cover, Ori used Launch to...well...launch himself over the tree, finding himself behind The Knight as he slashed at them with his spirit blade.
@Captain Pokémon

Kirby nodded at the gesture, running after Donkey Kong once they were on the move. It still was rather difficult to keep pace, what with Kirby's stubby feet and Donkey's long arms alongside his powerful legs. Kirby leapt onto DK before he could fall over attempting to catch up, finding his grip in DK's coarse hair. Once he climbed the Kong, Kirby prepared an arrow and pulled the bowstring back, ready to shoot at any threats they find, but mainly the fleeing Vio.


Previously Manu456Alola
Copen - Field of Hopes and Dreams

Must have been tired from all that flying... Copen thought as Coatlus was taken out in one attack, the crimson thread disappearing as the pterosaur fell down before being called back by Hunter. The kid insulted the medal before bringing out another dinosaur, a large, red reptile with surprisingly long claws. It rushed straight at Green, the elven boy doing his best to fight back. Lola switched back to Stellar Spark as to begin recharging it, while Copen took a moment to analyze the current situation. Everyone's focus seemed to be placed on Dark Matter and Shadow Link, leaving only him to deal with Hunter, who was wide open to a potential attack.

Trusting the rest of the team to handle the dark beings for a bit longer, the teen performed a Bullit Dash towards Hunter, aiming to close the distance before Stellar Spark was done recharging. He'd land right behind him, turning around to fire a few blaster shots at him before Lola followed up with Stellar Spark. He wanted to avoid killing him, though he knew freeing him from Shadow Link's control would require a substantial amount of light, and as such would likely end up with the kid being heavily damaged. May this be enough...

@DarkHydraT @Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon @Gamingfan

The Knight - Rivet Ravine (Collapsing Cave)

Light filled the tunnel as the Vessel and Slash kept on walking, proving the ghost right. It was indeed the way out. The canyon's instability became even more apparent as they got closer to the exit, rocks falling from the ceiling at a quicker rate than before, cracks on the ground and walls becoming more prominent. A large figure suddenly blocked most of the sunlight coming from outside, casting a large shadow on the tunnel. A strange noise seemed to be coming from it, possibly being some sort of machine or vehicle that was placed right outside the exit. Whatever it was, it was no doubt incredibly advanced, dwarfing anything that were to be found back in Hallownest.

Finally getting outside, the Knight looked up at the Banished Phantom, the red, hovering vehicle towering over the bug and Slash. Last time they had encountered some sort of machine, it had tried to kill them. Surely this one would be no different. The Knight quickly dashed behind a large rock, trying to stay out of the machine's sight and hoping to get away in a stealthy manner. That thing definitely carried some great power, something the Vessel definitely didn't want to be on the receiving end of.

@comic @Captain Pokémon


Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Field of Hopes and Dreams

"Ha! Take that you whiny B**ch!"

Blue boasted, puffing out his chest. While he was busy basking in his own presence, the projectiles were spit out, hitting all over his body. As he opened his eyes, eight of the large sticky devices had landed on his body, arms, and legs.



Blue was engulfed in flame and a cloud of smoke. As the dust settled, a sound was heard within. The silhouette of blue came forth, tumbling to the ground.


...As a bronze trophy, of which it showed Blue housing his hammer with an aggravated expression. I'm sure he would appreciate the resemblance.

@ArmedBlue @Gamingfan @DarkHydraT


*Rumble* *Rumble*

"....What now?"

Vio turned around to face the noise that hastily approached. His eyes narrowed as he spotted that ape again, battle forth with a grizzled presence. The pink puffball wasn't far behind.

"They are a rather persistent bunch...but I shall stand firm."

He put one arm behind his back, lifting his four sword with his other. In a cultured sort of swordsmanship stature, he prepared to parry their attack if they attempted to go for a full on assault.

@Gamingfan @comic
Zino clashed into the sword of Green and although it could not be broken, the claws of the dinosaur still had a mass of three metric tonnes behind them. The sword would be whole, but the same could not be said about Green's wrist with the same confidence. Not only that, there was also the other claw to worry about. As the fire Vivosaur stopped turning and growled at the wielder of the inconsiderate hard object it collided with, it brought its remaining claw down onto Green to tear the child to bloody strips of meat.

Hunter saw Copen dash at him and prepared his pickaxe to attack the boy, but the blaster shots hit him before he could bring his pickaxe down. "AHHHHH!" The child screamed as the laser blasts hit him, the pain amplified by Shadow Link's corruption. Even though he was corrupted, he still was just a child. As the screams penetrated the air, Zino looked up and ran over towards Hunter. Boss was in danger and no one would hurt Boss whilst they were still around. When the dinosaur arrived, it began lashing out at Copen and Lola to either take them down or to make them back off.

@ArmedBlue @Shen: King of the Mist @Gamingfan


"B-Befriend them? Bennett, buddy, pal, this place is clearly haunted. Nothing that lives here should be befriended, are you crazy? You heard what he said, anyone who meets him either dies or goes missing and you've already been turned into a trophy twice. Your track record is not the best when it comes to befriending people." Geo was somewhat put at ease by Scorpion's mention of this area being a safe space, but the information that there was something watching that just hopped around town was just horrifying. Pacing back and forth, the boy tried to create a plan. "Now what? Are we always stuck here? Do we need to kill something that created this place? Is there a way out of here? There has to be, right? That grim reaper fellow we followed managed to get outside to take that bard, so they know how we can get out of here. But where are they? There's a large chance that we'll run into some monsters before we find them."

Geo was hellbent on getting out and turned to Chief. "Sir, you said you could sense that creature that was hopping about? Is there a chance that you have like a digital map or something?" It was a shot in the dark, but it wasn't like he had any other options available to him.

Dr. Eggman
The doctor pinched his mustache, sliding his fingers to the tip, before letting go. He observed the machine known as a 'Scarab'. It was covered in bulky armor, had four legs, and seemed very combat-capable. As Decimus proposed the idea of a Super Scarab, Eggman formed an idea of his own. With his own grin, he typed something into his computer before an image appeared for them both to see. The image was of an imposing red mecha with design similarities to that of a dragon. Highly detailed, it had a bulky humanoid torso with spiked shoulder guards, several highlights on the front, a smaller platform-like torso inside the main torso for the Egg Mobile to be inserted into as a cockpit, blue prongs on its lower chest, thin arms, two wing units and exhaust pipes on the back. On its left arm, it had a long and gigantic drill, and on the right arm, it had a six-barreled cannon. Along the cannon's hexagonal carapace, its small barrels can extend outward from the primary mechanism. Its shoulder joints also had a spike protruding from each of them. Also, on the bottom of its upper torso dangled a lower-belly with an additional cockpit on the lower section and two talon-like feet cannons. "This is the Egg Dragoon. It's more so meant for combat than mass destruction, although it still excels in both categories. I will upgrade your Scarab, but you should consider upgrading my Egg Dragoon as well to create an Ultra Dragoon of sorts. Together, they'll be unstoppable!"

Sonic the Hedgehog
"The subway, huh? This should be easy!" He said, returning Tails' small smile with a grin. However, his smile faltered as Tails commented on hearing Eggman earlier. Did he get sent here too? His fears were confirmed as he finally noticed what was around them. No bear robots, but plenty of badniks. Motobugs zipping around, Egg Gunners flying in the air, shooting anyone in sight, and even Death Egg Robot Sentinels trashing the city like it was made of toy building blocks. "Well, since we're safe for now, I should probably tell you what's going on."

So he did. He told Tails about the tournament, the wish, and the Nexus malfunction. After telling him all of this, he closed his eyes for a moment, collecting himself, before opening again. "Alright, let's go. Lead the way, buddy!"
@Shen: King of the Mist

Neo Metal Sonic
Metal remained stoic as the Dragonborn countered his attacks. He was capable, that much was certain, but he wasn't at Metal's level. Almost on instinct, Metal began to heat himself up rapidly by overloading his circuits slightly, similar to what he did during his Ring Spark Field or V. Maximum Overdrive, but less drastic. The man seemed confident but didn't do anything after his spell. "You're apprehensive. Unsure. Hesitant. You're running out of tricks, and your little spell should wear off any moment now." He said, gesturing to the falling ceiling, which seemed to be slowly getting a little faster. "Your confidence is merely a facade." He said before the ground all around them began to glow, although the ground around Metal's feet wasn't. After about half of a second, incredibly sharp spikes made of rock emerged from the glowing ground, hoping to impale the man.

As the feral man turned and leaped at him, Jevil disappeared once again with a chuckle. He then began to rapidly teleport around Blanka, spewing spades from his mouth each time, effectively creating a volley of projectiles coming at the man from all sides. What fun, fun! These people were much more fun to play with than the wall of his little freedom!

Prometheus Ship
The ship began to ascend as soon as Prometheus got in, the door closing. He was soon met with a robotic voice. "You will arrive soon. The doctor is currently dealing with personal business and will not speak with you until an estimated 15 minutes after your arrival. Until then, please make yourself at home, and listen to some smooth jazz as you fly to your destination." As soon as the voice was done speaking, some jazz began to play on speakers in the ship.

Knuckles the Echidna
Knuckles simply growled in annoyance as a response to Blue. Why was everything suddenly his fault? As Blue threw a large bomb at Dark Matter, Knuckles began to think. Although, he was quickly interrupted, which worked out because he didn’t like thinking anyway. As Blue boasted about hitting Dark Matter, he was covered in the sticky bombs. Luckily, since he was so close, he took all of the ones that would’ve hit Knuckles. Knuckles’ eyes widened as he looked at Blue. He had a blank expression, before the bombs exploded. He had begun to move back before they had, however, so he didn’t take as much damage, and Blue had taken the blunt of it. However, he was still sent flying several feet, landing on the grass with a tumble. He was covered in ash, but okay. This wasn’t working. He looked to his left and saw Copen fighting Hunter and his dinosaur. The dinosaur was trying to get him to back away from Hunter. Knuckles punched the ground again, causing an eruption larger than the others to surface from under Hunter and his dinosaur. Hopefully this would send the Dino back a few feet and let Copen take care of Hunter.

As soon as they stepped outside, they were met with another problem. Once Aegislash saw the large machine, he ducked behind the rock as well, hoping they weren’t seen. (Sorry that this part was so short.)
@ArmedBlue @comic


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The Cabin
The static didn't seem to be fading, but now Green's voice was coming in more clearly. His words were a repetition, a clear message clearly trying to be delivered to the terrified boy. "Go to Silent Hill. Go to Silent Hill. Red, go to Silent Hill." He was repeating. Any attempts Red could try to make to contact Green back would be fruitless. Outside of delivering noise, the radio was basically broken. Green continued to repeat this message, before he stopped speaking, but the static remained, growing even louder.
Alongside another sound to accompany it.

A wooden bang. It had come from outside the front door. The boarded windows and missing basement made that door the only entrance and exit for this small cabin. Another wooden bang sounded, the radio acting like a siren of its own, alerting of the presence of whatever was out there... and through the open doorway, the creature lumbered forward. Its body seemed skeletal and fleshy, pale and moist. It had no arms, its skin seemed to have sewn its arms across its chest like a blanket of dead flesh. The head upon its sagging shoulders was featureless, a mere mass of sickly skin. Its legs were bent strangely, making its walk more of an erratic limp, and a tear seemed to have been ripped down its chest, which parted to show a gurgling black mess inside of it. As it emerged into the house, the doorway behind it was suddenly concealed by what seemed to be webbing as it stitched its way over the entrance, becoming so thick that it stopped any and all light in only a couple seconds. What had made it was anyone's guess, but now it was clear that Red was completely trapped with the hideous monster as it lumbered slowly toward him, the tear in its middle continuing to gurgle sickeningly.

The only option was to fight, an option being forced upon him.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Midwich Elementary School
Befriend? This Unlucky Adventurer was too optimistic. However, before the Super Soldier, Artificial Intelligence, or Undead Ninja could reply, it was the Teenage Android (He assumed Geo was an Android. He knew some things, not everything). It was revealed to the adults that Bennett had already been trophied twice, apparently. That must have been the 'bad luck' that Chief knew for some reason. This kid might be a liability...
Now, however, Geo was back to asking questions that nobody probably knew the answer to. That is, until another itch scratched at Chief's mind. More knowledge that he wasn't sure belonged to him. Like flashes of memory, echoes of voices, all dancing in his head to let him in on some kind of future secrets.
He had an answer. However, he was directly being asked another question, concerning the thing Scorpion had mentioned, the thing Cortana had been tracking. He wasn't allowed to answer this one, as Cortana's voice whispered in John's ear a second later;

"Hold out your palm, I need to be visual for this."
The Spartan complied, sticking his arm slightly out in front of him, opening his hand palm-up. Cortana appeared, her holographic form flashing into existence, a cool blue glow pulsing from her body, streams of data running endlessly through her body as small lights coursing around her seemingly naked form. "I'm Cortana." She introduced quickly, not elaborating further. She was about a foot tall in this holographic form that appeared to rise from Chief's palm. Another hologram appeared out of her own hand as she held it out in a way similar to the Spartan. It was the map Geo had requested, though it was vague at best. "It's impossible for me to get a satellite image, and the fog's interference prevents me from cleaning this up. I've been compiling a rough map based on the paths Chief and I have taken." She explained, before several dots began blinking along the map. "These are the spots most frequented by the 'Entity that Watches'." Cortana dubbed the creature, and lines began to connect through these dots. "It follows a somewhat linear path, rarely straying from its cycle. Now, I'm not one to believe in the supernatural..." Cortana continued, the dots making out a clear picture. To any familiar with it, it was a clear Pentagram in shape, the lines intersecting perfectly to make this clear. "but I think it's clear that this place takes inspiration from supernatural elements. The siren, the Entity, the monsters, Pyramid Head, the girl, now this."

"That's because it is." Chief stated. Calmly, he closed his fist and let his arm drop back to his side. Cortana disappeared, as did her map. "Cortana and I met a... spirit." He explained, feeling the foreign word slide off his tongue. It didn't sound right, yet it was the best word to describe her. "A young girl named Alessa. She used to live here. She showed us a... vision of sorts. Told us to meet you here. Before that, I had another vision." Now he felt like he was talking crazy. "I think that she somehow manipulated this vision to give me... information. I knew who all three of you were by name before I met you. That's enough to help me... trust this vision, or these memories at least."
This was probably the most awkward he'd ever felt explaining something. Anything concrete would have been simple. Easy. Yet here, the things he was explaining seemed so far-fetched and insane.
"I still don't understand why we can't leave, but if we want to... we need to find the other people trapped here first."

@Shen: King of the Mist @DarkHydraT

The Jungle
As the ape and his pink companion trampled through the jungle in pursuit of the human, he had seemingly accepted his fate when he came into view, having stopped and drawn his blade.
DK skid to a halt, probably disturbing Kirby's aim from his back- though that was the goal. He wasn't intending on continuing their battle, so long as this human turned out okay. Might as well give him a chance, right?
Another hoot escaped Kong's mouth, though he knew Vio wouldn't understand him. Instead, he pointed enthusiastically at Vio, before gesturing with his thumb at himself, and the pink ball on his back, signaling that he come with them. Considering the relationship this human had with Kirby, that could be interpreted as a threat, so DK tried to convey that this wasn't the case, offering his signature thumbs up, and a friendly smile.

@Gamingfan @Shen: King of the Mist

Rivet Ravine
Shroom and Slash, or rather, The Knight and Aegislash, had emerged finally from the cavern, only to encounter something else. Fortunately, the hovering craft didn't seem to notice them- yet. It simply continued to drift noisily through the air, the underbelly turrets frequently swiveling on an axis, aiming this way or that.
As of now, the two were free, though they would be best to stick along the edges of the canyon in an effort to avoid being seen. It helped that some jagged rocks were around to block them from view of the Phantom as it maintained its place. Their escape had now become a game of hide and seek.


Way to attack an old man's self-doubts. Dragonborn jutted his lip out at Metal's words in some kind of strange, defiant pout. That was when the ground began to glow with a unique aura, and the man's eyes narrowed. Time was picking back up, and he knew he was out of what little time he had left. His distraction had worked for long enough, he guessed.
That was when spikes of earth erupted from the stone, intending on impaling him- and impale him they did. He grit his teeth as about twelve different spikes shot through his body. A second later, he yelled, and did something unexpected.

With a great jerk of his body, he ripped the spikes from their structure, and yanked one that was sticking out of his gut. Blood began to slowly drizzle out, but he didn't even wobble on his feet, his glare upon Shiny defiant. "I've destroyed Gods." He replied simply. "Attack my confidence all you like, but best you don't mistake it as something ill conjured within my mind." The spike was crushed under his grip, and the two ends fell, one end still dripping with cold blood. Already, the insanely cold temperature seemed to be sealing the Dragonborn's wounds- and after a moment, the spikes began to fall out of his body, which was pushing them out.

The final leg of the battle had come. It was yet over, and if the Dragonborn could hold Metal off long enough... it would be worth it. He had a feeling, a strange feeling, that the odd key was extremely important. If a being like Shiny was after it, that could not be questioned. Shiny was clearly not the one to become the key holder.
And it seemed neither was the Dragonborn. His distraction had proven effective. Effective enough that Metal hadn't even noticed when Dragonborn had slipped the key to Shroom when he'd told him to escape. By now, they were surely out, and Shiny would be buried with the Nord in this tomb.

With another battle cry, the Dragonborn charged, wielding his axe. Metal tried the same method as before, simply side-stepping the Nord- and taking a brutal blow, being clotheslined into the stone wall, which cracked on impact. With no time to waste, the Dragonborn continued his momentum, slamming into Shiny barely even a second later, the wall now shattering and beginning to fall apart. Metal retaliated, one of its metallic fists slamming into the Nord's face, who laughed as his own slugged Metal's gut. For a moment, the two traded blows with blinding speed before a beam of light blasted the Dragonborn back. His fingers dug into the stone, stopping him almost immediately. It was Metal who charged this time, their conflict almost completely physical at this point. A searing hot hand collided with the Dragonborn's face, who reacted by ramming the hilt of his blade in Metal's middle- where it lodged as he used this connection to slug Metal into the stone beneath them, before tearing the blade out and bringing a foot down to stomp Shiny's head in.
The robot was faster, rolling out of the way before taking off into the air, his body slamming into the Nord's gut. They collided against the other side of the cavern, which too shattered before Metal Sonic grasped the Dragonborn by the throat, and flew upward, ripping apart the stone as he dragged the Nord through it before they collided with the ceiling.
The axe had fallen by now, becoming buried somewhere within the collapsing cavern. Both hands free, the Dragonborn grasped Metal by the face, and electricity surged through the Nord's fingers. Jolts pulsed painfully through Metal, enough to make him drop the Nord to the ground, who began quickly hurling boulders at Shiny. The first two struck, bursting apart as Metal was lodged into the ceiling, unable to respond for a few moments due to the paralyzing surge- until he overcame it, and barreled through the next two boulders, finally slamming into Dragonborn one last time at his full force.

Even from outside of the Ravine, this explosion could be heard going off. A crater had been generated, and at its epicenter lay the Dragonborn, Metal Sonic standing over him, shoulders heaving as it glared robotically down at its opponent, who still lived, and still grinned back, even while his death was imminent.
The Nord spit a wad of thick, gooey blood from his mouth, his body bruised and shining with a layer of scarlet covering most of him, one of his eyes swollen shut. He was weakly chuckling. "You'll never get that key." He managed to say. "I was never trying to defeat you, I-" The Dragonborn was interrupted by a tired cough, more blood spiting from his mouth. "-I was distracting you." He smiled a bloody smile. "I win." He laughed, before Metal Sonic struck one final time, fist sinking into the Dragonborn's face. A moment later, he was replaced by a confident-looking statue of himself, and the effects of the time slow came to a sudden end, the cavern fully beginning to collapse in on Metal Sonic, thousands of tons of earth and stone that threatened to trap the robot inside without a second to spare.

@ArmedBlue @Captain Pokémon

Banished Corvette
An impressive piece of technology. Its size, its weapons, its design were enough to make the Jiralhanae feel almost giddy at the sight. Eggman offered to improve the Scarab, alongside offering the Banished to deliver similar treatment to the Egg Dragoon. It was too good an opportunity to pass up. The Dragoon was impressive on its own, but give it some sharper edges, improve the drill to make it shred more. Stylize its arm canon, give it a plasma beam to fire, not too dissimilar from a Scarab's gun, or a Mgalekgolo's beam canon. The power it would have would be enough to shred buildings in half- with either arm. Increase its size, give it minor hard light shielding... the improvements wouldn't be much, as he was still focusing many of his efforts on building his Supercarrier, alongside a few additional Scarabs.

"Yes..." The grin Decimus wore was that of someone with a crude, violent idea springing in his mind. "Our might will be unmatched. I will upgrade your Dragoon to the crude and savage standards of my kind. However... I believe I would like a demonstration, and I would enjoy to offer one of my own."
The image of the Scarab disappeared, and the map of the world below appeared. Decimus' massive finger prodded the icy section of the map, where tundra's and glaciers sat. "I will deploy a Scarab here, and demonstrate its capabilities for your viewing leisure. Over my many years of conquest, I have found that seeing a tool at work..." Decimus gave a dark chuckle. "That provides more ideas of areas of improvement."

@Captain Pokémon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Lich Yard

"S...Silent Hill? That doesn't make any sense! Green?? Green!"

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

After one bang and another, a creature burst forth, webbing off the exit. It was horrifying looking! Red began to quiver in fear. No way he was gonna get stuck with that thing! He sniffled before bursting into tears, fleeing down into the mysterious dark basement below...

"Eeeeeeeeek!!!! Mr. Ghost, I'm coming!!"


...Or he would have, if the stairway to the basement weren't suddenly gone. Red's eyes went wide in surprise. Oh crud...what now?! Thinking around ideas...he settled on bringing out a dusty old lamp, lighting it up and holding it out to the entity.

"Get back...! Please...!!"

@Captain Pokémon

Lich Yard

"Huh? Can't befriend him? Have you tried?" Bennett blinked. "Well then what would you suggest? Don't see a lot of ideas being thrown around."

That's when Chief held out his hand, and to Bennett's surprise, Cortana's form materialized within it. Is she a seliee or something? She's definitely interesting...wonder if the prinzessin der verurteilung would know about her...

After listening to her explanation on where they found themselves in and the rather demonic properties of it, Bennett started to understand Geo's worries. Looks like there WAS something going on here. Instead of disbelieving these claims, he actually took them to heart, putting his hands on his hips.

"Well, what did this Alessa show you? You said she showed you a vision, right?"

@DarkHydraT @comic

Jungle Outskirts


Vio wasn't impressed. The signaled for him to join them, but he hadn't the slightest bit of intrigue. A gorilla and a foe? Surely this was some kind of joke.

"...What would I have to gain joining a random band of animals? It may not look it, but I'm on a mission. If that's all that you've come here for, I suggest you leave. I'm not going to search for bananas or whatever it is you two want to do. I have not the time."


Shadow Link & Green
Field of Hopes and Dreams

As Knuckles move to attack with his wave, Shadow link swept down, cleaving the explosions away with one flick of a sword. The sky specter looked Knuckles dead in the eye, showing to him how fruitless it was to continue fighting him.

"I think it's time to end your pathetic fight, don't you agree?"

Shadow link would leap at Knuckles, preparing for a head to head fight. But at the last second, he would morph into gas, phasing right to the other side of knuckles before reforming, a black dagger in his grasp to stab his neck from behind.


Green was knocked up into the air, at least throwing off Zino's trajectory. While up in the air, Zino attempted to finish him off. Green opened his eyes through the pain...seeing an opportunity!


He flung his shield at Zino, or more accurately, his nails. He attempted to wedge the fingers apart, even for a moment, for him to stand on his shield. If this worked, he would leap off the shield like a springboard, and aim to stab zino directly in his skull!


Urban District

"Well...we can deal with Eggman once we get the Tornado up and running. For now we should go down there and get what we need. You think...Undyne would be alright with us moving on without her?"

Looking down to the subway nearby, the dark steps down below greeting him. Gulping, he clicked on a flashlight from the dash of the tornado, plucking it and putting it next to his ear.

"Yeah...she would. Alright...let's go!"
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The Shack
The lamp seemed to do nothing- at first. Then the creature's body seemed to erupt in angry flames as it stumbled closer on its weak legs. The fire raged upon it, yet the creature didn't seem deterred as it continued its abhorrent, inhuman march toward the boy. With a great gurgling of its open chest, a liquid began to spew from it as the body convulsed where it stood. A hiss sounded in the air as everything the liquid touched began to burn away, a pungent odor stinging Red's nose. It was spewing acid his way as its body twitched and writhed within the confines of both its fleshy prison, as well as the fire that enveloped its form. It seemed the lantern wouldn't be enough to deal with this monstrosity, he'd need an alternate strategy in order to escape the fate of... whatever this thing would wind up doing to him.
Once it finished spraying wildly in Red's direction for a moment, it then proceeded to continue its slow, awkward, stumbling charge forward, body still writhing as it burned.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Midwich Elementary School
The first vision, the details that came after it had tried torturing him... no, he didn't feel like that was something he needed to address right now. First thing was first- getting out of this fog. The second vision, however, seemed to just be a telling of Alessa's abusive life. "She showed me... her life." He stated. "A part of it. She was tortured and abused by her mother, and a cult." He explained, frowning behind his visor. "They were using her to summon God."
That last part, he hadn't said as a statement to them. It had been a strange realization on the Spartan's own end. Another of the hazy memories that seared his mind. "Is this place a manifestation of those summoning rituals?" Scorpion asked. "Is this the realm of a God?"
"Yes." Chief confirmed, though his voice didn't sound certain. He was struggling with the details in his mind, but it was like somebody trying to play a message for him that had become corrupted over time. He was only getting important bits and details, nothing too concrete, nothing... super helpful. Just certain things.

He then looked up, staring past Scorpion into the main hall of the school. "She's here." He stated after a moment, before his gaze swept over the others. "Alessa. She's... somewhere in here."
He had no idea how he knew this, and he was beginning to grow frustrated with these unnatural thoughts and memories, despite being a usually stoic individual. Without another word, John walked past Scorpion, the sounds of his boots compacting and compressing air with each step, the metal thuds on the dirty grey tile underfoot. He paused in the hall for a moment, before he turned his sights to the left. A check-in station and a door to the office of the school was on the left wall, while the right of the hall was lined with faded old images and newspapers, now unreadable and unviewable they were so old and degraded.
"What are you doing?" Cortana hissed at John, who answered the only thing on his mind as he struggled with the flashes of memories. "Looking for answers." Was his response.

@Shen: King of the Mist @DarkHydraT

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Lich Yard

"...That usually works!"

The pungent smell of the boiling fluid and burning skin made Red clasp his nose, dropping his lantern to the ground...right as the entity ran closer! Thinking quickly, he pulled out his four sword, holding it out in front of him. He closed his eyes, looking away from the zombie like creature and holding his breath, hoping for a miracle.

Lich Yard

"Oh...that's kinda sad. Bennett responded, rubbing the back of his head. "Well, which god are they trying to summon?"

Looking inside after Chief said Alessa was somewhere in it, Bennett came to the conclusion that they were looking for her for some reason.

"Well, it that's what we are gonna do. Ahem. Alessa! Where are you? We want to talk!"

He cuppe his hands, yelling through the echoing halls of the school. For trying to look for her, they hadn't even tried calling her name.

@comic @DarkHydraT


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The Shack
Not even a second after he'd positioned his sword in front of him did it slide almost like butter into the monster's middle. A strange, unworldly screech filled the air as it quickly jumped back from the inadvertent attack. The blade was pulled out, but clearly that was the weak point of this creature. Its grotesque split chest. Acid clung to the blade for a few moments, bubbling and sizzling, but the four sword remained completely unharmed, the acid unable to affect it.

Another gurgling bellow came from the monstrosity as its body writhed once more, the fire around its body beginning to die down, the skin burnt almost black yet it didn't seem to notice, or care. More acid sprayed from its bowels, some of it landing on the nearby couch, which began to deteriorate before Red's eyes, sections of the couch dissolving into nothing as the acid burned through it before sizzling out.

Armed with a tactic that had appeared to work against this particular creature, Red now knew how to defend himself, but did he possess any amount of courage and self-preservation to slay the beast?

@Shen: King of the Mist


Previously Manu456Alola
Copen - Field of Hopes and Dreams

The teen remained stoic as he landed several shots on Hunter, although he did feel bad for the boy. It was clear he still felt pain, his screams alerting Zino and causing the dinosaur to rush over to Copen. Stellar Spark became fully recharged as the fire vivosaur closed in, the P-Bits launching three electric streams at Zino to momentarily stun it, allowing Copen to dash backwards and get out of harm's way.
As long as he's here, I won't be able to attack directly... He thought as he got up, noticing Knuckles was beginning to struggle with Shadow Link.

Copen began firing lasers at Zino to keep it busy while Lola switched EX Weapons back to Muse's Kiss, a pink energy being built up by the P-Bits in the shape of her Idol Mode. The projectile was released after a moment of charging, launching the pink copy of Lola at Zino. Its piercing properties would allow it to go right through the dinosaur, hopefully dousing Hunter with light and possibly even harming Shadow Link!

@DarkHydraT @Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon @Gamingfan

The Knight - Rivet Ravine

Good. The two hadn't been noticed by the giant machine- getting away unnoticed was a possibility. Looking around the unstable ravine, the Knight spotted several large, jarred rocks that the two could use as hiding spots. Poking Slash lightly with its nail, the bug pointed at the rocks one by one, suggesting they used them to stay out of sight. Once it let its companion know about its plan, the Knight began using Shadow Dashes to get from one rock to another, staying in the dark and trying to not be seen. They didn't know what would happen if they were spotted, but it surely wouldn't be good. Best to follow their instincts and just sneak their way out of there.

@comic @Captain Pokémon

BSM-02 Garand - Urban District

A laser barrage. Tough to handle. The Garand entered another barrel roll in an attempt to be as difficult to hit as possible, though many of the laser shots still managed to hit it. Damaged but still not down, several missiles were launched from its wings, accompanied by a few plasma shots that were fired from its claws in a spread, all aiming to destroy the turrets. The Garand also began charging the Accel Blast again- the laser beam hopefully wouldn't be intercepted next time.

@Captain Pokémon
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Lich Yard

Red looked away as the creature began to dissolve. He whimpered out a cry before he slinked back, trying to avoid any acidic downpour from the wound. After it's dying gasp, what would the crimson clad hero do?


...Fly back behind the couch. Rocking himself and jittering, Red told himself that it was going to be okay, knowing full well it probably wasn't.

"It's fine, it's fine...I'll be alright-"


He inches slightly more away from the gurgling creature, who seemed somewhat dead...maybe. He just hoped gengar would hurry back...
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The Shack
The Lying Figure was defeated. Probably. When it let out its final gurgle, the static of the radio died down, almost as though it signified the presence of a monster. Red would be wise to make that connection, and collect the tool.
Poor Red wasn't granted the luxury of a moment to breathe. As soon as he started to try and relax himself, the Lying Figure lying in a nearby heap, scuttling sounded above. Heavy, like nails dragging across wood- or more accurate, bone dragging on wood. The scuttling was insect-like, but whatever was the source was far too large to be a simple bug. It had to have been three times the size of a normal man, and by the way shadows were crossing through the gaps in the wood, it was quick and many-legged.

When this happened, the static began to sound once again, coming to life, enforcing the presence of the monster. A creature any would view as 'ungodly'. Scratching began to replace the scuttling, dozens of fingers scraping away at the wood of the roof above. He could hear the ripping of wood, the prying of nails, but outside of its steps and activity, the beast above made no sounds like the Lying Figure had.
It scuttled to one end of the roof, prying up wood, then to the other to do the same. If Red were to look, he would find that the hole down to the basement had returned, no longer filled with earth.
Finally, the glass shattered. The boarded windows splintered as a many-fingered segmented hand burst in, reaching and grasping at air, knocking the crackling radio to the ground, where it skid right next to the hole. The hand retracted, the creature moving to the other end of the shack to burst another hand through another boarded window to try and claw for the kid.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Lich Yard

Red sighed, thankful to have this breath of air. Not even a second later, an ungodly sound came from above, making Red instantly cling onto his lantern for dear life. As the basement opening returned, Red looked around fro anything malicious, inching toward the staircase.

Right as he peered over it, the window behind him shattered, startling Red, so screamed before being thrown off balanced, tumbling down the many stair steps.

Green's shield got stuck in Zino's nails, rendering one claw useless. Infuriated, it wanted to slash at Copen and Lola before noticing the projectile that was headed straight towards the dinosaur and Hunter. Deciding to take the bullet, the Therizinosaurus took the full brunt of the attack in the hope to keep Hunter safe. Hunter on the other hand did get hit, unable to react in time to the piercing projectile. Letting out a scream of agony, the boy leaned on his pickaxe to stay on his feet. Zino was not doing much better, but it forced itself to keep fighting for its owner. That's when an unexpected attack came from above, percing through the creature's skull and reverting it back to a medal.

Hunter looked at the medal and talked to it, his voice shifting between regular Hunter and Corrupted Hunter. "You did well - not terribly. Go get some rest - take a break. Go, Krona!" A white crocodilian-like creature joined the fray, covered in Roman numerals and armed with dozens of deadly teeth. To make things worse, it was hovering above Green's shield, making it way harder to grab. "Krona. Whirlpool." The Kronosaurus bared its teeth before it spun around in circles, extracting moisture from the air as a large whirlpool appeared within the circle it had created by spinning around. The goal was to catch Green and send the whirlpool flying towards Copen, which seemed to be the only person who could undo the corruption.

@ArmedBlue @Gamingfan @Shen: King of the Mist


"Jazz huh? What's that?" Prometheus was confused for a second when the music began playing before cracking a grin and nodding his head in rhythm with the music. "Oh yeah, I can live with this. I gotta get my hands on this music, maybe Pandora will like it too." So Prometheus waited, jamming out to smooth jazz.

@Captain Pokémon


Blanka was surrounded by dozens of projectiles, how was he supposed to deal with that? Throwing caution in the wind and letting instinct take over in the hopes of catching Jevil off guard, the wild man curled up into a ball and launched himself at the projectiles. Normally he would be able to live a hit whilst barreling through the sky, but he was still weak after reviving from a trophy and got turned into a trophy again, forever immortalized during his signature attack.



Geo looked on in awe as Chief and Cortana explained the current situation. "Wow, that's cool. I want to be able to make a map like that. Does it show the location of the people we need to find or do we have to go on a wild goose chase in an attempt to maybe run into them?" As the boy was trying to figure out what to do, Bennett took to shouting through the halls. Turning to the remaining adult in the room, he asked a simple question. "That yelling cannot put us into trouble, can it?"

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Dr. Eggman
The mustachioed doctor grinned at the war-beaten creature on the screen as he agreed to his proposition. “Very well, and I shall upgrade your Scarab to the swiftness and power of my own mechs.” He said with a slight chuckle. Soon afterwards, he pulled up a map of his own. After stroking his chin for a moment, he came to a conclusion. “I will deploy the Dragoon at the same location. It works well due to it already being Eggman Empire territory, so there will be no resistance.” He stroked his mustache. “While the mech is usually piloted by me, I’ll send one of my soldiers in my place so I can observe your Scarab without interruption.”

Neo Metal Sonic & Aegislash
Metal stood above his opponent, beaten, dents and scratches apparent on his body, but he was in considerably better condition than his opponent. His ‘pupils’ slowly began to constrict in anger as he realized the man’s ploy. He was correct, he was no longer in possession of the key. He was so focused on beating his opponent that he ignored his scanner! After finishing the man off due to rage, Metal quickly took to the air, leaving a shockwave and a trail of smoke in his wake. He flew to the entrance, once again covering himself with a dark rhombus, barreling through any rocks in his way, following the signature of the key. He soon made it outside, deactivating his shield. He noticed a large structure above him, a ship of sorts. Metal began to charge up a beam, aiming for one of the obvious engines, before he received a transmission from Eggman. That ship apparently belonged to an ally. With an irritated beep, Metal took his aim off the ship, but didn’t cease charging his beam. Instead, he adjusted his aim towards the key signature, which was behind a rock along the edge of the canyon. He fired the beam, destroying the stone with ease. The beam didn’t stop after destroying the rock, so there was a chance it could defeat his opponent as well.

Aegislash didn’t get the chance to follow due to this, stopping when he saw the beam. His eye darted towards the cause of the beam. The metal creature from before. Looks like the man in armor was defeated. Aegislash charged forward, using Sacred Sword once he got close. Although, the metal creature blocked it with a shield similar to his own. The creature began to glow, before grabbing Aegislash once again with blinding speed. How?! He couldn’t even see it move. He struggled, although it was in vain, he had been caught by the creature again! This was not a good feeling, he felt useless...

Metal threw four balls of electricity, two on each side of where the rock was previously. This effectively created a gate of electricity on each side, hopefully boxing in whoever was over there, if they were still alive that is. Metal began to walk over to the location, causing a small clang with each step. As the dust began to settle, aimed his arm that wasn’t holding Aegislash forward, charging up another beam if the opponent had managed to survive. Once the dust settled, he’d fire the beam at the Knight if they were still there and alive.

The darkner jester grinned mischievously as the man dived into his attacks. How strange, strange! Most people who play with him tend to avoid doing that. He flew to the side to avoid the airborne trophy, before it crashed into the trees. He turned to face his new friend, who seemed to be struggling against the lightner on the other team. Well that simply wouldn’t do! He didn’t want his friend to lose his first game! He flicked his hand upwards, a wall of spades appearing in front of Ori, blocking his attack and protecting the Knight. These spades quickly turned horizontally towards Ori and launched themselves, hoping to do major damage.
@Gamingfan @Psymallard

Sonic the Hedgehog
The blue hedgehog gave one more thumbs up to his friend before walking down the stairs leading to the subway, going in first almost completely out of habit. His steps echoed throughout the dim station, or at least what used to be one. While it definitely had the structure of a station, it seemed to be modified for a different purpose. There was heavy machinery all around, constantly making noise as they worked. While the place seemed safe, his instincts were telling him there was danger around. However, he had to press on. They needed that component, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to get to Eggman or the Warriors of Hope. He continued to walk, making sure to remain close to but in front of Tails. “Alright buddy, which way do we go?”
@Shen: King of the Mist

Knuckles the Echidna
Knuckles grunted in annoyance as Shadow Link intercepted his attack before it could reach its target. He went in for a punch as the shadow charged forward, although he was deceived, his enemy appearing behind him. Out of instinct, Knuckles used his momentum to turn around quickly and stepped backwards, narrowly missing the dagger. “Yo, I need help with this guy! I can’t do anything about him!” He yelled to his allies before positioning himself in a fighting stance while also backing up, ready for his opponent’s next move while also hoping to buy some time for his allies by distracting him.
@Shen: King of the Mist @ArmedBlue @Gamingfan @DarkHydraT (last two are iffy)

The ghost type continued to float as the scenery began to change from not scary to slightly less not scary. Rust was practically everywhere, good thing he couldn’t get tetanus. He suddenly heard familiar screaming from behind him, causing him to turn around, being greeted with elf boy, who was tumbling down towards him. Gengar opened his mouth and the tendrils he used on Scorpion before emerged once more, wrapping around elf boy, although they didn’t drain his life. Instead, they gently set him down onto the floor next to Gengar before returning to his mouth. (Sorry for the light auto, but Red couldn’t really do anything to dodge or resist, so I think it’s fine.)
Gengar looked at the boy curiously, wondering why he decided to come after all. He shrugged and continued to float onwards, gesturing for Red to follow.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic (to start what needs to start.)

Eggman Empire Wall
The turrets didn’t let up as the jet launched missiles at them. Only a few stopped shooting the jet to intercept them, before returning their attention to the jet. The lasers were met with the same result, being intercepted rather quickly. Suddenly, a siren began to ring out, before a missile came flying from the other side of the wall. The missile was obviously aimed at the Garand, flying in a spiral towards the jet. If it tried to dodge, the missile would follow, being locked onto its target.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Urban District

"Let me see..."

The darkness was all encompassing, the sounds of tinkering and machinery odd for a subway station. Clicking on his makeshift tablet, a brief light was shown around a couple feet of them, a red blinker appearing on the pad.

"It says that we are roughly 300 meters from our destination, but we are the exact height. So it should be too far-"

*click click*

They weren't alone...! Tails flipped around, shining a light toward two figures that emerged. They were little kids wearing monokuma helmets. They hoisted a larger than over their shoulders together. What...what's the meaning of this...? Tails hadn't long to think before that was answered, the tv turning on, flooding their segment of the room with light. There seemed to be broken robots parts everywhere...alongside some peculiar golden dust. And...blood splashes? They were met with Jataro Kemuri, the brown masked member of the warriors of Hope, who took his role on screen.

"Tell me when you have it on- Wha...? It's starting already...? Aw...there goes my really cool intro...oh well...suppose I never deserved one anyway..." Jataro moped. "But...like...why are you guys down here...? Is it cause Kotoko was being all loud and killey, or is it because you just hate sunlight...? Like a Vampire, who's skin cracks off like rotting paint..."

@Captain Pokémon

Urban District

Tabby rest on the corner of building, right outside of where Undyne lie. As they took a well deserved breather, there was muffled sound coming from nearby. Down the hall it sounded like there was banging. A metal locker, seemingly locked from the outside appeared to desperately try to get out, to no avail. It seemed like Undyne and Tabby weren't the first residents of this place.

@Gamingfan @comic

Green & Shadow Link
Field of Hopes and Dreams

Green laughed aloud as he took down the threat with a thrust of a sword, but that glee was swiftly changed to shock at the appearance of a new dinosaur to take the place of Zino. Oh crud...!

Green was flung into a seemingly hazardous whirlpool, trying to keep himself from breathing in the harmful tide. During his brief water encounter, he was flung toward Copen, who he yelled to get out of the way, because he knew he'd never stop by himself.

Shadow Link cackled at Knuckles's desperation. It was greatly amusing to see worms wriggle in his way. As he was to begin a long monologue about the worth of his life, he eyed Lola from afar. That thing...

He flashbacked to Cortana, an 'A.I.' that could somehow scan where the keys were located. Shadow Link then had an awful idea. Dropping his sword from knuckles, he dissipated into a dark cloud. In a few seconds he rematerialized next to Hunter, hoisting Blue's trophy in one hand.

"I'll make this real simple boys." Shadow link snickered, drawing a blade to Hunter's throat. "That Lola gal. Give her up to me, I have use of her. If you don't, These two bite the dust...!!"

@Gamingfan @ArmedBlue @DarkHydraT

Lich Yard

Red braces for the impact that was the bottom of the stair...except it never came. Instead, Gengar had hoisted him back on his feet with a rather bizzare method. Normally this would bother red, had it not been for the sudden zombie like monster above.

"Mr.Ghost! It was so scary! There was a creepy looking thing up there that attacked me! It was really REALLY gross and angry! I'm sticking with you, don't leave me...mkay?"

Red inched toward Gengar, trying to make sure nothing jumped out to scare him whilst he clung desperately to his lantern.


Previously mallard
At the sound of something behind him, the tablet whipped out his sword and whirled around, prepared to kill. Tabby then got a look at the man from behind his blade. He seemed like he could kill something without hesitation; he was a little scary. But, the man looked like he meant no harm. The little robot sheathed his weapon, and his screen flashed from his war face to a frown. Tabby shook his tablet head, and hopped down from the ledge he stood on. He scurried to Undyne's side and looked up at Sub-Zero, then shrugged. He didn't know a damn thing about living creatures.


The tiny purple man jotted down everything the skeleton answered. He hopped up and down, his backpack of stuff making a lot of noise as it bounced. "Eheeee! Thank you so very much." He turned his head over to Slowking, then waddled to line up his body. "What about you, my Royalblin friend? What do you think of humans? Of Bokoblins? How do your telepathic abilities work? I do assume you are a coastal creature judging by the shell atop your head?"
@comic @ThAtGuY101

The Knight
The white creature followed quicker than expected, and attacked him with a blue blade it seemed to manifest by itself. The Knight's blade was quickly wrapped tight in blackness, until they receded when a wall of spades blocked Ori's attack. His head whipped around to Jevil. Surely he didn't need help to kill a magic rat. He opted to bottle it- Jevil's interference saved him work anyway.
@Gamingfan @Captain Pokémon @DarkHydraT

The ghost lay there as the cave collapsed. It was too loud for him to relax. And then above it all was a loud explosion outside. It seemed he couldn't get any quiet anywhere he went in this world. He did not flinch as the cave collapsed on top of him.

He reappeared outside, peeking out over a rock at the two little creatures he met a little earlier. A flying robot wielded the ghost-inhabited sword while it fired down upon the creature with a strange horned head. This robot is the one making so much noise..... and he's holding a ghost hostage.... Well- Napstablook was no hero, and he already showed these two the way out of the cave. If he got far enough, he could probably rest without all this noise pollution- it would be nice if he could find his house though. He started to float away slowly and very clearly visibly to anyone that was looking that way.
@ArmedBlue @Captain Pokémon

Kragg + Abyss Orcane
Orcane threw up a wall of bubbles as a smokescreen. Piercing through the wall of opaque bubbles, was a spear of water. Kragg brought up a wall of rock to block the attack, which the Abyss clone quickly scrambled over. Spinning rapidly the creature struck Kragg in the chest, knocking him backwards. He elected to gain higher ground, making a rock pillar rise up from underneath him and putting vertical distance between him and the water creature.

Abyss Etalus

The combination of the ice hammers smashing against each other and Guile's punch resulted in the masses of ice shattering. The soldier followed up with a knee attack, which struck the bear in the breastplate of ice and cracking it severely. It retaliated with a bite and formed a boulder of ice that would drop down on him. @ThAtGuY101

Abyss Ranno

Abyss Ranno twisted through the air and landed as gracefully as one could imagine. It rushed forwards, its collar of toxins forming into two knives as it weaved through the projectiles. One caught it in the foot midair, freezing it solid, and as the frog soared toward the wolf it stabbed down with both knives, following up with a flipping axe kick.


Previously Gamingfan2
Kirby stumbled as DK skidded to a halt, losing his balance and falling face first off of DK. The ape was awfully insistent on this person. Kirby was as well, though he completely forgot why. Still if DK wanted more allies, Kirby would contribute.
Picking himself off the floor, Kirby motioned himself and DK, then Vio, patting his chest as if making a promise. Kirby did a few more motions attempting to communicate that, if Vio would help them, they would help Vio in return. Scratch their backs, and he lets them eat his food.
A quiet part of Kirby realized that DK may not be on board with helping Vio in return, but ehhh...that wasn't likely.
After all, DK's saved his island multiple times. Surely bananas aren't his only focus.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic

Dark Matter-Field of Hopes and Dreams
Dark glanced at the statue of Blue, curious. Was this a defense mechanism, like Kirby's and his stupid stone form? Blue didn't reappear, so it appeared it wasn't that. Quite suddenly, shadow link snatched the statue, snickering as he seemed to attempt to make a deal. Dark Matter rolled his eye, floating next to shadow link, his sword at the ready in case they try anything funny.
@ArmedBlue @DarkHydraT

Ori-Field of Hopes and Dreams
Ori swung his blade, but found it parried by a few spades, which flew towards him soon afterwards. Ori used Bash to propel himself upwards once more, catching the sight of a Blanka statue again.
Oh no.
Ori launched himself into the tree, catching himself on Blanka's head, looking around nervously. It was 2v1, and Blank clearly was very weak. Ori shook his head, thinking of a plan. Ori summoned a sentry, a bright blue butterfly that flew in place, hidden in the tree save for the...bright light...before Bashing Blanka, launching his statue towards jevil and himself towards The Knight. His sentry began firing blue shots of light at The Knight from above as Ori slashed his blade at The Knight from below
@Captain Pokémon @Psymallard

Amaterasu-Garreg Mach
Upon seeing Ranno come closer, Amaterasu tensed, charging her Thunder Edge. The frog attacked, landing a direct hit on Amaterasu.
She didn't even flinch.
Once the attack landed, her Godhood took the hit, tanking the three hits, as it lost its three levels, shattering. However, it did it's duty, keeping amaterasu from flinching or even taking damage as Ranno landed the third hit, where Amaterasu release her charge, retaliating by swinging the Thunder Edge swiftly as to deal MASSIVE damage.
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"Royalblin? Bokoblins? I'm not sure what these creatures are... I cannot have an opinon of something I don't know... Humans though. I've had a few run ins with humans on the other hand. Humans are funny, strange, and sometimes scary creatures. One morning I might be sitting on the beach when a human sits down and starts fishing, and we might have a nice little conversation. Most humans are usually surprised or startled when I speak. Then there are thoooose humans. The ones that challenge you to battles and throw pokéballs at you! The nerve of some people! I may have went a little overboard as a hydro pump meant to hit a charizard was dodged, and may have sent a poor boy over a large cliff. His red hat landed on the edge of the cliff. I didn't want to look at the stony bottom side of the cliff that day, but I digress... I am familiar with humans. Humans can be good. I don't have too strong an opinion on them" Slowking said.

"Telepathy? Most creatures with telepathy are born with them. Some develop them later on but typically the genetics are there from the get go... Even when I was just a humble slowpoke, the genetics to use telepathy were still there albeit in a less refined form" Slowpoke said again.

"As for my shell... Hahah... That's a funny story, but yes. I do live near the sea. On a mountainside by the coast with a most beautiful ocean view" Slowking said once more.

"Now that I've answered your questions, how about riddle me this, what about you? Where are you from? Judging by your outfit, I'm guessing your a traveler? I'm not familiar with the patterns... Maybe from a far away land? Is there anything you can tell about yourself?" Slowking asked.


Previously Manu456Alola
Copen & Lola - Field of Hopes and Dreams

"Nice one, Green!" Lola cheered as the elf took out Zino with an attack to the head, though the dinosaur was quickly replaced by a white, crocodile-like one. It spun in circles as it generated a whirlpool, swooping Green up before launching it at Copen. Lola reacted to this by using Shroud Spear, launching several spears made out of cloth at the whirlpool. Their vector-altering properties could disrupt a Sumeragi Falcon's energy spirals, who was to say they wouldn't work on whirlpools? If the attack worked, it would allow Green to get down safely.

Meanwhile, Copen attempted to launch another attack on Hunter, having noticed the corruption fading. However, right before he could get to the child and tag him, Shadow Link materialized next to him, followed by Dark Matter. He carried a trophy with him, resembling... Blue? Why had he become a trophy? He doubted that was something he could do at will, so he could only theorize it to be either Shadow Link's doing or some property of this world.

Either way, the dark being wanted a trade. He wanted him to hand Lola over in exchange for Blue and Hunter's lives, holding up his blade to the latter's throat. Threatening someone who was on his side... he really had no regard for anyone's life! And to try to take away the one he cared for the most...

Lola hovered over to him, followed by the P-Bits. If Shadow Link were to take her, he'd have access to the position of nearby keys, not to mention her Septima replicating capabilities. Already having a key, that would make them incredibly powerful! I can't let that happen. Even if it means risking others' lives...

"...you'll be dead before you can lay a finger on Lola!" He dashed forward, determined. The P-Bits quickly gathered in a circle below the four and used Rising Cyclone, unleashing a tornado of spiral energy strong enough to lift them all up into the air. Copen hoped to use this as a momentary distraction, throwing off any sudden attacks from either Shadow Link or Dark Matter, giving him a chance to place a tag on the former and force the dark being off Hunter!

@Shen: King of the Mist @DarkHydraT @Gamingfan

The Knight - Rivet Ravine

Metal Sonic's laser pulverized the rock with ease right as the Knight dashed over to it, smoke filling the nearby area. As it began to clear, it revealed a small golden barrier that had surrounded the bug, effectively saving it from what could have been death. This wasn't the Vessel's doing, though... had it been the key it had received earlier? It didn't know, but the Knight wasn't about to waste this chance at surviving.

Two electric gates were set up on either side of the Vessel, one of them easily bypassed with a Shadow Dash, phasing right through it. Metallic clanging could be heard as he closed in for another attack, prompting the Knight to try and make a run for it while it still could. The bug suddenly dropped to the ground, its form becoming snail-like as it began crawling away, moving much faster than usual while healing its injuries, using up SOUL as it went. It could only do this as long as it had SOUL, but hopefully it would be enough to get away from Shiny.

@Captain Pokémon @comic

BSM-02 Garand - Urban District

The jet's attacks were intercepted once again, the barrage of lasers never ceasing, its body becoming more and more damaged with each shot. A siren wailed as the Accel Blast was almost charged again, a large missile coming into view. The Garand's cannon was about to fire when a few lasers severed it from the main body, allowing the missile to impact Sumeragi's jet. The Garand burst into a series of explosions, falling down and impacting the Empire Wall. Another one of Sumeragi's weapons defeated...

Demerzel - Urban District

The plan had failed. This Eggman Empire's defenses were formidable, capable of keeping away and even destroying a Garand. Obtaining that energy signature through use of Sumeragi's units didn't seem to be a viable strategy. Thankfully, the Garand was able to pinpoint the signature's position more accurately. It was actually underground, though not as deep down as the bunker in which the A.I. resided. Was that area also guarded by Eggman's forces? It was likely, but there probably weren't as many of them down there. A stealthier approach was probably best.

"SO BE IT." Demerzel's voice echoed throughout the bunker, a strange, electronic energy gathering near the exit of Sumeragi's Building 13. It took the appearance of a tall man with shoulder-length, somewhat messy, grayish blue hair and pure white eyes. A black layered armor with several blue highlights covered his body, alongside a white collar and a black under-layer.

This was 'Asimov', an artificial Adept with the Azure Striker Septima that once led a Sumeragi resistance group known as QUILL. This imitation of him was among Sumeragi's most powerful Adepts. Taking a look at the area surrounding him, Asimov eventually spotted a stairway to the city's subway system. That was probably a good area to check out first. Sumeragi's Azure Striker then descended into the darkness below, aiming to find that energy signature with as little inconveniences as possible.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

They CANT be serious...

Vio had a disgruntled look on his face. Everything about their presence and offer was preposterous. How could he even know they had the brain cells to know what he was trying to do? One of them was a literal ape after all.

"...And is there any guarantee this won't be a parasitical relationship so you can devour my rations and wait for me to become of no use? Forgive me if I'm not rushing at the idea, especially not from one that tried to defeat me mere minutes ago..."

@Gamingfan @comic

Green & Shadow Link
Field of Hopes and Dreams

"Pft! Bold claim, but what are you going to do about-"

Suddenly, the area around him had enveloped in sparkling energy. Shadow Link's body pulsated in pain, his form jerking out and in like he was a glitch in this world, forcing his hand off of Blue, whims trophy was sucked up by the attack. There appeared to be lacerations on several parts of his body, glowing bright white. Where they his version of open wounds?

AuUuUuUGHHH!!!" The entity screeched, it's sword materializing and it's fingers curling.

On top of it, a bolt was fired off toward him as to mark him. Instinctively, he attempted to turn into a gaseous state and dodge swiftly in a cloud...except his body wouldn't follow his instructions. It appeared his exposure to this amount of light had forced him corporeal for a few seconds. Cursing that he couldn't take the hostage with him, Shadow leaped out of the way, leaving Hunter standing there to fend for himself.

Hissing and showing his fangs, Shadow barked over to Dark Matter. "Where is this POWER you promised?? Now would be a good time to show it!"

Green, who had thanked Copen for his hasty rescue, decided to take it a step further. To show his thanks, he rushed over, tackling the now temporary corporeal Shadow Link, keeping him from getting up for the time being.

"Ngh! I can only keep him occupied for a few seconds! Go save Hunter!"

Shadow link growled at Green, who always seemed to get involved with his plans. Dark energy slowly began to appear around them again as the light wound slowly began to dim. It wouldn't be long till he had his mojo back

@Gamingfan @ArmedBlue @DarkHydraT @Captain Pokémon
Copen's attack caused the whirlpool to stop spinning, though the water was now falling down. Combining the amount of water with the height of the whirlpool, anyone who would get caught under the deluge would take quite a hit. Hunter meanwhile didn't really seem to care that his life was being threatened, he didn't need to move to command his Vivosaurs. As Shadow Link took a beating from Copen, Non-Corrupted Hunter took over for a second. "Copen!" It was a fresh change of pace from the stoic Corrupted Hunter, but he soon returned as he whistled. "Krona, get." The Kronosaurus looked at Blue's statue and swam towards it, clenching it between its mighty jaws. "Stand down or this boy will get crushed. Those jaws have 33,000 psi behind them, and all of it will be put on this kid if one of you just as much as moves a muscle. Hand over that elf willingly or we will take it from your corpse!" Although Corrupted Hunter was talking, half of his face was Normal Hunter and it looked fearful, a stark contrast from the glare that the other half gave to Copen as Krona floated next to its owner, jaws wide open and ready to shut close at an instant.

@ArmedBlue @Gamingfan @Shen: King of the Mist


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The revenant had been mostly silent outside of minor input, and now there was the knowledge that Alessa was somewhere within the building. Scorpion hadn't said anything about it, but he'd already met Alessa. She was indeed a spirit, and she'd tried to toy with his mind, showing him a vision of his family, alive and well, before taking it all away. She had shown him another vision of her own life. A burning home, with her inside, her body burnt black. He had dragged her out, unknowing of what she would become. Then the vision faded, and left in his possession had been a dagger she'd called the 'Dagger of Melchior'. He still carried it, though he was unsure why. The dagger hung from his hip, and he hadn't used it in battle. Some part of him, deep within, urged him not to.

Bennett followed after 'Chief', leaving Geo with Scorpion, who asked the undead warrior a question.
Scorpion looked back at him through milky white eyes for a moment, then turned away, and began to follow the two. "It can, but if Alessa is here, then we are already discovered." He stated. The Spartan was silent as he led the way through this decrepit old school. Aside from Bennett's yelling, things were quiet, like things always were in this town.
Chief came upon a looked door, but merely pushed it open with ease, breaking the lock as though it were paper. He then led the group up a flight of stairs to the second floor, leading them on and into a classroom, where he finally stopped.
Scorpion filed in after the Spartan, gazing around the dreary room. It was full of chairs, most falling apart, the walls adorned with pictures, and letters from the alphabet. The students who had attended this classroom had been young, once. Alessa's age, Scorpion guessed. More accurately, Alessa's class. He glanced toward the Spartan, who was staring into the center of the room for a long, tense moment, before he slowly turned to look at Scorpion through his orange visor. Scorpion understood what had happened, more than the boys accompanying them.
"What did you see?" He asked.

"She was abused by her classmates and teachers." Chief stated, glancing back toward the center of the room. "She was... used. By others." He didn't elaborate further. There was no need.
Tragic, sure, but Scorpion hardly cared about Alessa's past. She was a demon now, and the revenant was probably the only one who recognized that. "Did she leave you anything?" He pressed.
Once more, the Spartan looked toward Scorpion, then toward Geo and Bennett, before he opened his palm. In his hand was a blue rod that appeared to be stone, a bird made of stone on one end, a snake wrapping around the rod's length beneath it. "She called it the Crest of Mercury." He stated, though his voice made his uncertainty regarding the item clear. At that moment, Scorpion pulled his dagger from his belt. "She gave me this." He stated. "The Dagger of Melchior." At this, he turned his dead gaze upon the boys. "Have you been visited by her spirit yet?"

@DarkHydraT @Shen: King of the Mist

The Tunnel
Darkness seeped around them from all angles. This terrified the fearful Red, whereas it excited the sadistic Gengar. Completely different entities forged as allies in their confusing environment. The hall seemed to extend eternally. It had no end, no beginning... the exits had all but faded from existence. Just the rusty bars that surrounded them on four sides. Barbed wire wrapped around some bars haphazardly, and a darkness could be felt pulsing the deeper they went. Red could feel it as a rising sense of dread. Gengar could feel it as a rising sense of power.

The abyss yawned like a chasm, and then noises accompanied the void. Strange squelching, wet sounds, like raw meat being torn apart by open jaws, and the stench? Nearly overwhelming, even for a Pokemon with no nose. It wasn't the smell of decaying flesh, or of feces, or anything natural. The stench could only be described as fear incarnate, like a wiggling mess brought to their attention. Horrors beyond either of their wildest imaginations amalgamated and formed beneath them in the pit below. It was an unspoken rule that the both of them understood. If they went down there, they would never return. A fate worse than death would await them, and it would be inescapable.
It was here that even Gengar was forced under an emotion, a feeling that was not his own, but quickly forced under his metaphorical skin. Inferiority. Hopelessness. It was though this place was indulging in him out of his pleasure at its surroundings, becoming so demented that even he couldn't find comfort in it.

...and finally, the nightmare faded. The sounds subsided. The world returned. Their sanity was restored, though one had regained more than the other. Quite suddenly, the twisted dark hall was gone, and replaced with the fog once more. This time, trees didn't rise out of the earth around them, but instead, a town. One building stood out from the others. A hotel that sat before them, looming over them as though it were a murderer studying its latest victim.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon

Ice Cap Zone
It had been abandoned, now. Not a soul had remained to stir, the last remnants of life fading away into the adjacent tropics of a nearby jungle. Warmer lands. The tundra and glaciers returned to their dormant, isolated state of bitter, biting cold... but quite suddenly, what seemed to be a meteor hurled itself from the sky above, falling out of the atmosphere. It was far from a meteor however, and as the fire and flames engulfing its body diminished, the smoking form was revealed to be a gigantic machine that plunged against the roughest terrain the ice had to offer, enough so that the Scarab didn't plunge into the freezing waves. Snow and ice was flung for hundreds of feet into the air and away from the Scarab as it created a crater around itself on impact, its legs buckling from under the immense weight it carried, before fully rising and letting out a chilling, mechanical bellow.
Superheated plasma dripped from the front of it, what could be considered its 'head', a bright light beaming from it. The plasma that fell upon the ground sizzled away at the ice like an acid, tearing away at the ground in mere seconds with each droplet. Its great legs dug into the ground with each step it took as it began to approach the largest glacier within the zone, standing hundreds of feet into the air. A single leg of this behemoth could obliterate even the sturdiest of vehicles beneath it.

Another mechanical roar escaped the monster, before it came to a stop, nearly a mile away from its target, the tundra breaking off into the ocean, forcing it to end its progress for now. Strange-looking insects hovered about the Scarab, viewing it from various angles, appearing almost like flies, but too large to be house flies. They were Egg Drones, sent by Eggman to get a closer look at the Scarab, and what it could do. The moment it stopped, there was a long moment of tense waiting, the Scarab holding its position- before it lowered its body, leaned forward, and a beam of energy tore from its face, crackling with unstable plasma. A direct hit from this beam against most- if not all enemies -would spell certain death.
The Scarab laser slugged against the glacier at its base on the left, the beam continuing to push forward, unrelenting. In just a few seconds, the beam parted out of the backside of the glacier, a clean hole punched through. Then the Scarab's head began to move, pulling the beam along through the base of this massive glacier.
In a show of its power, the Scarab's back opened up, revealing an extensive, almost ludicrous silo of missiles that fired out from it by the dozens. Massive explosives that whistled through the air toward the glacier. In less than a minute, this mountain of ice had been reduced to nothing more than a cracked tundra, barely able to keep itself together, having been torn apart by the relentless assault from the Scarab in its demonstration of power and tenacity. The beam subsided, steam hissing from the vehicles face as it rose back to full height, repositioning its legs, a third mechanical roar escaping it, all of this captured by the Egg Drones as they flitted about.

@Captain Pokémon

Rivet Ravine
The hum of the Phantom intensified as Metal appeared. It swiveled to face the robot, but didn't interact until Metal began attacking some rocks for apparently no reason. The Phantom wasted no time in aiding its ally, three plasma turrets swiveling to point at the location, and burst of bright red, almost pink light began to burst into the rocks. Each hit left deep indentions of blackness upon the rocks they hit, and given enough time, the shots could begin turning the rocks into magma due to excessive force and heat.
It seemed to detect Shroom's escape about the same time as Metal, and the Phantom rose higher into the air, still opening fire upon the small creature, its hum of anti-gravity accelerating as it moved.
It seemed Napstablook had gone unnoticed by it.

@ArmedBlue @Captain Pokémon

The tabletoid creature was ignorant on medical treatment. Kuai Liang glanced down at the feminine fish-like entity that lay unconscious between them. The tears in her body spilled no blood. It was almost as though her interior was made up of plastic. Perhaps even empty, like a toy. He had no idea how to heal beings like this. If she were human, or human enough, then possibly, but this? It was out of his depth of knowledge. He too, was ignorant.

"Then we must take her to someone who knows how to deliver the proper medical treatment." He informed Tabby, still somewhat off-put by its appearance, though with the things he'd faced... he wasn't very surprised. As for who he would take this being to? He wasn't keen on the idea of dragging her over to the Banished and to Decimus, especially now that they had allied with Eggman. It all only spelled trouble.
No, they needed other allies. However, at that moment, a bang sounded. Metallic, loose, almost frantic.
The banging's source was coming from a metal locker nearby, among the rubble. It wasn't the only of its kind here, but it was the only producing sound. Sub-Zero narrowed his eyes at it, before glancing toward Tabby.

Without sharing another word, the Grandmaster made his way toward the locker, a dagger of white ice materializing in his hand. A stinging cold to any but him. The banging continued as he neared, and once he had reached it, he cautiously froze the front of it, enough so that the door and its lock became brittle. Brittle enough to shatter. Whatever was inside, banging, would be able to hit one more time to destroy the door completely, though if they could feel cold, they would undoubtedly be freezing from the harsh temperatures the Lin Kuei warrior exerted.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Psymallard

The skeleton pranced about the two, humming his theme song as he did so, clearly proud of himself for delivering such an excellent interview. He undoubtedly would reach a new level a fame once the day was through, he was certain of it. He had stopped paying attention at Slowking's interview, too focused on his own future popularity. Sunglasses and cool cars awaited him, that much was guaranteed. Oh, and the popularity? He had hit a new level of prestige today. Perhaps this place wasn't so bad, despite being ruined and stinky. Not to mention barely anyone was around. How could he expect to be recognized if there was nobody around to do that? They needed to migrate to more populated areas.
He decided to voice this.

Unbeknownst to the group, there were alien forces converging in the area to pick the ruins clean for supplies, and trophies. Banished Brutes, accompanied by their lessers (at least in their eyes), and it would only be several minutes before Papyrus, Slowking, and Kilton were surrounded by these massive creatures.

@Psymallard @ThAtGuY101

Donkey Kong
He didn't want it to come to this.
The Kong was far more used to settling disputes with his fists and his appetite for bananas. Playing diplomat was far from his strongest suit, but considering this human was considering it, DK understood that he had potential to be an ally. Maybe. Hopefully?
Now, came the embarrassing part. The Kong's awful sign language. He knew bits and pieces, nothing comprehensive as he'd grown bored in his past lessons. Now he needed to use what little skill with sign language he had to get his point across to Vio.
The first gesture was easy enough, the ape moving his hands in a way he hoped the kid could comprehend. He was hinging a lot on the assumption that this boy might know sign language enough to comprehend DK's unpracticed attempts at it.
'Help' was the first. He couldn't remember what 'me' was, so instead he pointed at himself, which was probably the gesture anyway. He then pointed off into the distance, then made another sign. 'Family'. Outside of that, he wasn't sure what else to convey. Hopefully it was enough to understand.

@Gamingfan @Shen: King of the Mist
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist


The ape seemed to sign to him, crudely, but decipherable. 'Help.' 'Family.' It's true that gorillas were creatures that forged close bonds with their families, but to know language and mention his? Perhaps there was more going on here than he anticipated...

"...If you want to tag along, I will not stop you. Just know I don't tolerated deception or hostilities. As one of you already did this."

Turning his back to them and walking further out of the jungle, he talked back to them slightly turning his head, only enough to read sign.

"Have any of you seen three that look like me? ...Or a shadow?"

@Gamingfan @comic

Urban District

*Bang!* *BANG!*

As the ice covered the locker, the subzero temperatures appeared to stifle the noise to an utter halt. A few Seconds went by...before-


The ice broke apart, and so did the door of the locker. Suddenly, a odd, quadrupedal figure emerged from it. It smelt of strong bleach and shaven bronze, the half black and half white creature turning around after it had spilt onto the floor.

It was...a Monokuma! But yet, it looked far disfigured to be fully machine. It had cracks all over with, green and white puss dripping and staining the underbelly of its body, whilst several imperfections of the frame showed flayed wires and mysterious throbbing red segments. It had four legs, rather, two back stumps and two slender front arms. These arms however showed the inner workings of their body, missing armor and having incomplete deferments with caution tape over it. It's frame was busted up and tattered, as if it had been through hell. But the biggest factor however was a single pulsating eye on it's right face side, tears fuming down from it.

inside the locker...there was many medical pieces thrown about. Scalpels, surgeon masks, lights, and blood stained napkins. However...there was writing in the back of the locker...written in blood.

Now you look Beautiful = )


The Junk Monokuma's eye stared directly at Subzero, the creatures quivering and squirming unnaturally before-


The Junk Monokuma scrambled forth with shocking speed, causing small dents in the ground as it dragged itself through the hall. The ramshackled monster was heading right for him!

@comic @Psymallard


Previously mallard
Tabby frowned. He had his hopes up that this human would've been able to help. He didn't know where anyone else was, so he'd just have to hope for the best for his fishy friend. When the BANG! sounded off, Tabby almost oiled himself. He backflipped and spun simultaneously to land facing the source of the sound. Sub-Zero approached the locker, and all the while Tabby's hands were prepped to pull out anything that he needed to get the job done.
The locker froze over. Tabby's screen displayed small beads of sweat running down the side of his face.
The creature burst out, aiming for his NEW new human friend. Tabby's hands dove into his cloak, flicking out his SMGs, and unhesitantly started blasting away at the horrific cyborg as his screen displayed a silent, angry yell.
@comic @Shen: King of the Mist


Kilton scribbled away in his notebook, assuming that Pokeballs were just a fad with children nowadays. "Hmmm... never met a bokoblin before... that certainly is strange... I am indeed from a faraway land called Hyrule. I know that this is not there. I do not travel, but I am a nomadic shopowner- owner of Fang and Bone. Speaking of which, would you like to view my wa-" He was interrupted by the Stalian. The small purple man considered this for a moment. He'd always been somewhat near a group of humans when near land- maybe it was wise to relocate. "Oh yes, we should explore. There's no telling what I could find in this new biome!" He closed his journal and shoved it into his patchwork bag, then turning around and hopping from foot to foot through the rubble.
@comic @ThAtGuY101

The Knight

The Knight watched as the creature used a rather- creative projectile from the safety of the tree, and tensed as it leapt down to meet him. The creature attempted another blade attack, which the swordsman deflected with his own heavy sword. He was about to counterattack when he was met by blasts of energy he did not notice, knocking him backwards- now stiff as a statue.
@Gamingfan @Captain Pokémon