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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros: Brawl

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Urban District

As the people grew confused on which side to join or even to have their own side, their United tone began to fracture. Some elected to choose the banished’s philosophy, the other the quick escape that Eggman provided. However, as quick as Eggman hijacked the televisions around town, so did another member of the Warriors of Hope. Jataro Kemuri.

“So...Um...Wait, is this thing on? Well, I didn’t have much to say...I was just starting to feel left out... I haven’t got any big announcements or words on the big screen... Oh! Maaaaaybe I actually have one! Ya seeeee...escaping really isn’t an option...it’s kinda like getting a suntan for hours and hours...it may soooound like a good idea, but in the end, your skin is just gonna be dying... Kind of like you guys actually.”

Suddenly, a flash of light came from the Warriors of Hope ship. Following it seemed to be blasts like a railgun, each one coming from the same secluded spot. Be that as it may, each shot was coldly calculated, annihilating each and every transport ship that tried to lug people away, trophifying all those inside the cargo bays. As a final ship that somehow survived the attack volley managed to gear up and book it out of town, there was a moment of silence before a last resounding railgun shot was heard, echoing through the city as the ship exploded violently.

“Ahuhhuhuhaaaa!” He laughed in a snotty fashion. “That’s right! Limbs blown everywhere! Like throwing out a bunch of Broken dolls!”

“Mutter mutter.”

“Huh? What do you mean they get turned into trophies? Oh...so I don’t get to see a rain of blood and gore... That’s fine...I didn’t deserve to see it anyway... ...Is this still on?”

That’s when Jataro hastily smashed a button, the feed cutting to just static. However their actions spoke for themselves as Monokuma rushed out to not only fight the fractured rebellious forces, but also attack this mysterious growing zone in the district the ‘Eggman Empire’ loved so much.

@ArmedBlue @Nukas @Captain Pokémon

Blue & Green
Field of Hopes and Dreams

“Pipe down, you attacked me with a Boulder so I don’t want to hear it.” Blue quipped, rolling his eyes. “Good to meet you too I guess, if Green chose to be with you guys then you are probably safe, unless he’s just being an idiot like alway.”

“Hey! We just gave you a search and rescue!” Green exclaimed.

“Yeah Yeah I get it. Though for the record, I was perfectly find by myself! I’m no damsel in distress!”

“Nice to see you too...”

Green sighed, but found himself with a smile. As much as Blue would try and deny it, he knew that he was glad they had met up again. Blue crossed his arms, looking two Green’s allies.

“So then, what are you guys doin’ then exactly? It better not be wandering around aimlessly.”

@ArmedBlue @DarkHydraT @Captain Pokémon

Shadow Link
Lich Yard

The domain of wayward spirits began to entrap and encircle the imp, the other shadow links growing in number. While this did present a problem, one that he wasn’t quite prepared to deal with, he knew at the very least the physical side of things wouldn’t hurt him.

“You...aren’t Ganon, are you?” Shadow link smirked, closing his eyes as the insanity ensued. “He would know that there can only be one Shadow Link, as there is only one link. These fragments here...are nothing more than tinker toys!”

Shadow link would stab his nails into the ground, black colored electricity erupting from it. He was attempting to convert the ground a few yards around him into a state that felt more inviting to him, attempting on removing the mist’s properties around him, and in doing so, the illusion.

“Now let’s see what is really there!



“T-That sounds nice...”

Red offered a meek smile before he followed suit with Gengar, wandering out to the area he suggested...only thing was is that it wasn’t getting closer. And a deep fog set in within the area. After twenty minutes had past, they had found themselves walking back the way they came. Had the fog thrown off their sense of direction somehow? Red had begun to shiver and sniffle.

“We are trapped in here!! We’re never gonna get out! Wahhhhhh!!!”

Red began to bawl furiously. This was a nightmare. Without any of his brothers, in a mysterious place full of monsters with no way out, even if he tried. This was horrible!

E-102 Gamma


Going by visual alone, he made his way to what appeared to be a hospital complex. Gamma didn’t stop to analyze it, completely unaware of the presence of Shadow Link nearby. instead of thinking, he simply opened the door and brought himself through. Whatever was in the other side, he was prepared to handle. After all, that’s what he was programmed for



Previously Manu456Alola
Gunvolt - Ice Cap Zone

The Azure Striker's hacking sort of worked, causing the Aero-Chaser to fire wildly, though it didn't hit any other robots. It then stopped firing and began spinning around to try and knock Gunvolt off.

"It managed to recover...!?"

The teen held onto the machine's jetpacks, managing to stay on top of it. He noticed several other robots coming their way, firing missiles at the group. Just how many robots were there? Focusing for a moment, he got ready to unleash a Skill, spending one SP.

"Lightning that flickers like a star, and purges all that violate its realm! Astrasphere!" He called out, a large electric field surrounding him, three lightning orbs orbiting around it. The Skill protected the area around him from the missiles, and would likely destroy any robots in its vicinity. He wasn't done, though.

"Mandala!" The field would disappear, causing the lightning spheres to orbit faster and fly outwards, hopefully damaging any machine that wasn't hit by his Astrasphere!

@Captain Pokémon @Fraseandchico @Gamingfan

Copen - Field of Hopes and Dreams

"Yay, we reunited the elf brothers!" Lola chimed in with joy, glad to finally have found one of Green's relatives. "Hunter already introduced us, but I'm doing it anyway! I'm Lola, and that right there is Boss, Copen!"

The A.I's creator stood silent as he watched Green and Blue bicker for a little bit, when the latter (as well as Knuckles) asked about what they were doing there.

"It's a long story. In essence, we are looking for these key-like artifacts that hold immense power. An enemy faction is searching for these as well, and already has two in its possession. Our goal is to find them before they do." Copen finally spoke. "Speaking of which... status on that key, Lola?"

"Doesn't seem to have moved. Only a couple kilometers away from here."

"Good. We have a high chance of getting that key. Assuming Eggman isn't already looking for it, that is."

@Shen: King of the Mist @DarkHydraT @Captain Pokémon

The Knight - Rivet Ravine (Previously Mega Aggron's Lair)

The blue machine suddenly burst through the rubble, catching up to the man in armor and the bug. It was apparently capable of speech, and made its intentions clear: it wanted the treasure they had found at the shrine. Threatening to get rid of Slash if they didn't cooperate, the Vessel looked back at the human. It didn't want Slash to be taken out, but it didn't want to give up the key thing they found either.

Looking back at the blue robot who held Slash hostage, the Knight took out its nail, white energy gathering around its body. Maybe if they managed to free Slash, they would be able to take to machine on.

@comic @Captain Pokémon

Giant Lola

The opposing mech managed to avoid the Giant Lola's attacks, flying upwards before crashing down with the intention of crushing Sumeragi's tank. Unable to boost fast enough to get away from danger, half of the machine was crushed under Eggman's mech, the other half being sent flying and landing roughly not too far away.

The red lights on its 'face' flickered, having received critical damage. Unable to move properly, the mech faced upwards at the opposing robot. It had one last trick up its sleeve. One of the conduits on top of its head lit up, signaling the Giant Lola's last stand.


In an instant, a purple string shot out like a bullet directly at the enemy robot, aiming to ensnare it and prevent it from getting away. Eight large drills made out of thread would then appear around it, launching themselves at it to hopefully deal massive damage!

@Captain Pokémon

Demerzel - Urban District

Chaos. The only word that could properly describe what was happening in the city. People were revolting, the center of the city had been taken over by some 'Eggman Empire' and those Warriors of Hope were now shooting down ships carrying civilians.

Then, a screen lit up within the bunker. Camera footage from the drones Demerzel had sent to check the energy signature. It was very similar to the one that had just now changed several buildings in the center of the city, which was also where the signature was coming from. It would be difficult to reach, considering the many robot sentries surrounding the area. A specialized unit was needed for this mission. "SEND IN THE GARAND." Demerzel ordered.

A hatch opened up on top of Sumeragi's Building 13, a black fighter jet flying out of it, high up into the air. It was heavily armored, featuring yellow accents, an energy cannon underneath its body and rocket pods on its wings. This was the BSM-02 Garand, designed to operate in complicated terrain such as cities, perfectly equipped for this mission. It flew off at high speeds towards the center of the city, seeking to infiltrate the area and retrieve this extremely powerful energy signature.
Last edited:


Previously mallard
The Jungle Duck
The statue landed in front of Psyduck as the human ran away with his tail between his legs. He looked at the statue of Waddle Dee, who was so foolishly defeated at the hands of another weak enemy. He wasn't able to beat the puffball himself, but he scared off the humanoid that one-shot him (with a little help of course, but that part didn't matter). He pushed the statue of his enemy over and stuck out his tongue at it. The Duck then turned around to stare at the wall. Out of curiosity, it was now his goal to get to the other side. He widened his stance, and aiming for the crater he caused getting the green spot out, released a jet of water and smashed through the rest of the wall. He then relaxed his stance and walked over to the hole, jumping to grab the bottom lip of it and then pulling himself up. In front of him he saw a length more of jungle, and then a lot of ice. He'd never seen snow before, so it was his duty to investigate. He turned around to face the pink puffball again. With a motioning gesture that said 'follow me,' he encouraged Kirby to follow. "Psyyduck." @Gamingfan

The Knight, Hopeful and Dreamful in a Field
The black-hearted knight knelt in front of the jester, head bowed. He had lasted longer than he ever could against The Watcher, but this creature was toying with him. And- chaos often did sow pain. Pain he would deliver to his flower. No- not his. He stole it. That's why it wouldn't accept him. He needed more pain to fix this. By allying himself with this being, he knew there would be no shortage of pain they would cause. He held his kneel as a promise of alliance. @Captain Pokémon


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Decimus - Banished Corvette (War Room)
The old, war-worn Jiralhanae stared down at his war table, a holographic display of the world below in full view, red dots blaring around the city, a few beeping in the badlands.
Across from him stood a Sangheili warrior, one who commanded a modicum of respect, even from a hesitant Decimus. He hated the Sangheili and their treatment of his kind during the reign of the Covenant, but it was the will of Atriox that he worked with them. It wasn't what he wanted, but Atriox was the leader of the Banished for a reason, and even the brutal Decimus was terrified at the prospect of upsetting his boss.
Yet Atriox wasn't here, and Decimus was still obeying his commandments, working with this Sangheili slime.

Bri 'Filkom was the much older being standing across from Decimus. A Sangheili ship master in his prime within the Covenant, now a lieutenant to Decimus. He was a proud creature. Noble. Stoic, his body covered in glittering, golden armor.
"Robotnik's interference cannot go unpunished." Decimus growled, tracking Eggman's ship as it rose higher into the air. "He will fear the might of the Banished."
"I advise against that." Bri 'Filkom replied, earning a glare of distaste from Decimus, who remained silent for the moment, allowing the Sangheili to finish his thought. "Robotnik's weapons are not something this Corvette can compete with, even with advanced shielding. Two or three direct hits, and we are destroyed."
"Then what do you propose?" Decimus growled. Any other Sangheili he would have tossed out an airlock, but Bri 'Filkom, as noted before, commanded respect. He had a hundred years more experience than the Jiralhanae War Chief, so his input was valued, even if his species wasn't.

"We continue to bide our time." Bri 'Filkom suggested. "Our operatives in the city will continue to function, we will still gain our resources. We need to make sure Robotnik's efforts remain focused there as well, as he poses the greatest threat to our project."
Bri 'Filkom was referring to the shipyard being constructed in the mountains. It was coming along swimmingly, especially with the skeleton of the old human vessel's remains providing a perfect base, but it wouldn't be airborne for a couple more days at most.

"I... will take your suggestion into consideration." Decimus stroked his chin for a moment. "Now tell me. The signatures we've picked up. How is their retrieval?"
"I have ceased expeditions into the fog within the badlands." Bri 'Filkom stated. "We're wasting troops there. None return. Unless your fire-born human ally can return, I've ended all interactions with the fog. The signature in the wasteland has been moving, but we have a Mgalekgolo Strike Team moving in to secure it."
Decimus gave a short, brief nod of acknowledgement, adding a grunt. "Very good. Robotnik may have stolen two of the God's Gifts, but his meddling ends there."

At that moment, the door into the war room slid open with a hiss, and a Jiralhanae stumbled in, appearing panicked. "War Chief!" He called desperately. "What is it?" Decimus asked, annoyed at the intrusion, though willing to hold judgement until he knew why one of his soldiers was appearing so frightened.
"The Demon! It is here!"
This made Decimus freeze to the spot. Even the stoic Bri 'Filkom tensed at the words. The Demon? Surely not...
"A Demon? Or The Demon?" Decimus demanded, feeling his blood run cold. When the Jiralhanae confirmed it was 'The Demon', Decimus let out a roar, slamming his fist into the war table. It fractured beneath his brute force, the hologram stuttering as the War Chief began to fume. If the Demon was here, then that did not bode well. It had a lengthy, and bloody reputation. The Covenant feared it more than they had feared anything before. Even the parasite couldn't compare. "Where?" He demanded after a moment of contemplation. "Entering the fog, it destroyed three of our Choppers. One of our Jiralhanae barely survived."
Hearing this, Decimus began to slowly calm himself. So the Demon was now trapped within the fog, it seemed. Then surely that problem would deal with itself. For now, he had nothing to worry about- though he was beginning to feel worried about gaining the God's Gifts. If the Demon sought them as well, then Decimus nor Robotnik stood a chance in obtaining them. Perhaps... an alliance was needed. He would contemplate that though, but for now, he needed a gift of God. Turning to face Bri 'Filkom, Decimus narrowed his gaze. "Join the Strike Team. Personally recover the artifact. Our time table has moved up. We need absolute discretion and efficiency, which you can grant at the helm of the operation."
Bri 'Filkom bowed his head. "Understood. I will return with the relic." Without another word, he marched from the room as Decimus glared down upon the flickering hologram of his war table. His eyes landed on the other Jiralhanae. "Fetch me a Huragok to repair this." He ordered. The Jiralhanae stumbled away as Decimus rubbed at his forehead in annoyance. Things would be so much easier if Atriox were here to helm this. Hopefully the Forerunner's Beholder would be enough to grant this.

Sub-Zero - Urban District (Spirit)
The Brute had convinced him. To gain Scorpion's trust, he had allowed Scorpion to find Sub-Zero. To gain Sub-Zero's trust, the Brute gave the Grandmaster a unit to command, a mission, and the promise of reconcile with Scorpion. To end their rivalry. He didn't have much choice, and when he asked of the fate of his friends, Gengar and Red, Decimus had assured they were alive, and that the Banished would not bring them any more grief. Reluctantly, Sub-Zero agreed. He joined the Banished as a commander. His mission was easier said than done. Escort Banished sympathizers out of the city. He had been briefed on the threat of Eggman and the Warriors of Hope. His command extended to a group of Special Operations Banished Elites, all armed to the teeth. Twelve in total, all of which didn't seem to mind Sub-Zero's command. They were silent warriors, which suited Kuai Liang perfectly. He had been assured they were efficient and lethal, as well as stealth-capable. It wasn't too different from commanding his Lin Kuei warriors.

"Approaching the dead zone." One Elite said. "Prepare for deployment."
The dropship they rode in was a small stealth craft, called a 'Spirit'. Phantoms were force deployment, Spirits were were more subtle deployments, as well as resource transactions. The ride wasn't too comfortable. Each of them were pressed against a space as they waited for the sides of the spirit to open, which they eventually did. Sub-Zero was greeted with a crimson sky. No, that was the clouds, reflecting a burning city. They were just on the outskirts of it, and quickly dropped out of the spirit, which then took off into the air. This location was the intended rendezvous target, where Banished sympathizers would be retrieved and brought up to the Banished Corvette.
Sub-Zero had been offered many instruments by the Banished, but the only one he'd accepted now sat at his hip. A stealth generator that could bend the light around the wearer, giving the illusion of invisibility. Hard to detect, but not impossible.

The distant screams could be heard from here. Sub-Zero knew what it was. Those bastardized children and their psychotic subordinates wreaking havoc on the residents of the city.
"We have no time to waste." Sub-Zero told his squad. "Let us move."

Master Chief - Lich Yard (Silent Hill)
The town seemed to come out of nowhere, and surprised even Cortana. The road had led onto a street labelled 'Midway Ave'. It seemed to be a more industrial section of this town they were in, and Cortana had deduced it was a town in the demographics of the mid 20th century. For some reason, Chief found this odd. More odd than Eggman, than anthropomorphic rats and pet dinosaurs. He wasn't sure why he found it so weird that a 1900's town was sitting in such a dense fog, but it grappled with his subconscious, like something picking away at his mind from behind.
This place didn't feel right at all.

"Pick its signal back up?" John asked. After a moment of silence, he got his reply from his A.I. companion. "Negative." She answered. "I still can't detect anything. I'm as blind as you."
"Well, maybe you'll relate to me more after this." John replied, his tone somewhat teasing behind its usual stoic, serious nature. Cortana laughed at this as the Spartan began to march forward, eyeing every building they passed, crossing Acadia Rd, trekking further down Midway as Cortana searched through her databanks in an effort to try and figure out what town this was, exactly. They passed Ash Rd, and a tavern, then a lumber yard as the fog began to feel... constrictive. Suffocating almost. That was another thing Chief was unfamiliar with. In his suit, he rarely suffered from things like that, even in the dead of space, yet here, it was like his suit didn't matter, that the fog was bleeding through his pressure seals. He didn't like it one bit.

Chief stopped when he reached a branch off with 'Canyon Rd' to his right, and what seemed to be the Town Hall to his left. Something about it called to him, and he had no idea why. "Nothing." Cortana told him. "There's no record of this town existing in our universe."
That wasn't very surprising. All the alternate stuff they'd encountered so far, he would have been more surprised if Cortana had found the exact town this was supposed to be.
His legs moved before he even realized, and he was making his way toward the Town Hall, crossing through the front gates and approaching a cracked, vine-ridden, dilapidated front entrance of old, decaying marble. "See something?" Cortana asked. John didn't reply. He didn't have a response at the moment. There was something... strange about this place. Well, more so about the Town Hall.
He felt a strange numbness coming over him the closer he got, before he stopped at the front door, hand inches from pushing it open. He wasn't sure why, but he knew that walking through that door would be a one-way trip.
Cortana was silent as the Spartan stood there for what felt like hours, before he lowered his hand and started to back away. He understood that feeling now. Grief. He'd been so used to suppressing it over the years, he'd almost forgotten what it was like.

"Are you okay?" Cortana's voice was soft. Worried. She knew something was wrong, but just like him, she didn't know the answer. He took a moment to answer. "Y-yeah..." He replied, voice stuttering quietly. What was it that was bringing this overwhelming grief over him? He had so much baggage stored away, he didn't even know where to begin looking, or how the Town Hall correlated to any of his grief.
That was when he heard it.
His name. His real name, being called from the direction of the Town Hall. He could recognize that voice anywhere. He had before, picking her voice out from the sound of raging gunfire and plasma bombardment. Kelly. His oldest friend. Her British accent was unmistakable as she called his name again and he perked up, feeling his heart rate begin to climb. "Do you hear that?" He asked Cortana.
"Hear what?" The A.I. asked.
The voice called out again. It still sounded like Kelly, but why couldn't Cortana hear it? Unsure of what to do, the Master Chief began to approach the door again, reaching his hand out, and pushing it open-
Only to be consumed by eternal darkness as the world slipped from his grasp, and he felt reality fade from itself, his body falling endlessly through an infinite chasm that swallowed him like a starving wolf...

Alchemilla Hospital
The town bubbled and writhed through his visage, and the illusions faded... to reveal the town as its usual self. The heavy fog continued to drift casually, aimlessly through the streets, the ash still raining nonchalantly, like gentle snowflakes falling softly in the still silence. Shadow Link found he was now standing at the entrance of Alchemilla Hospital, watching a metallic figure enter through the front door.

The interior of Alchemilla's entrance wasn't anything special. It was quiet and dead, just like the rest of the town. The walls, ceiling, and floor were covered in decades of dirt and grime and abuse. Every surface seemed to be in later stages of decay, and a filter hung in the air like a lens, each step taken making clouds of dust erupt into the air. A set of hospital gurneys was places by a far wall, falling apart and rusted nearly beyond recognition. A single door directly to the left led to a hallway, and a second door sat a little further down on the right, which led into a waiting room. The front desk was half-gone, most of the wood rotted away, the rest seemingly smashed to bits. Puddles of green water were scattered about, and there were no light sources within for those who needed them. A door behind the reception desk led to an office, the door barred shut, covered with planks of wood that looked so rotted they may as well fall out at the slightest stir in the air.

A breath seemed to disturb the silence, like someone letting out a sigh, though it sounded as though it were right next to the robot. Following this came a whisper. It was spoken fast, and so quietly that no normal human could have detected the words.
"In another life in another time maybe you could have been worth something."
The voice whispered from nowhere, and immediately following this came a light giggle. Through the darkness, one could have seen a figure peeking around the corner of the doorway into the hall, light pink fur characterizing her, before she disappeared, the sound of racing footsteps retreating further into the hospital.

@Shen: King of the Mist

The Dragonborn - Rivet Ravine (Mega Aggron's Lair)
Ah. So the Azure Goblin spoke. Strange how it didn't lead with that. The Dragonborn would have told it to wait until they were safe out of the cave, but he could detect the hostility, and paid close attention to its words. It brandished Slash threateningly, taunting them. It wasn't a new companion, it was a threat, and it wanted their prize. The Nord narrowed his eyes, glancing down at Shroom to see the little creature was thinking the same think as it began to glow with its power.
"Aye." The Dragonborn replied to Shiny. "Or perhaps you will perish in these tombs. Why don't we test our theories, hm Shiny?" He brandished his blade again, eyeing Slash, who didn't seem to be trying to break free of the hold that Shiny held. He devised a plan, determining this new opponent was a cut above the rest, and immediately went out on a limb, and set the Mega Aggron trophy to the ground, tapping his hand against the trophy. Why had he done this? He... wasn't sure. It was almost as though a tiny voice had advised it to him. This tiny voice wasn't unknown to the warrior, it often gave him the necessary advice to utilize equipment he was unfamiliar with, and here, it proved no different as a flash of brilliant light shone, and the Aggron once again before them, though it appeared to be somewhat winded. So it wasn't fully functional once revived. That was fine, of course. The Aggron had revived facing Shiny, and it saw Slash in its hand. Immediately, the Mega Aggron belowed, going into a blind rage as the Dragonborn splashed a potion unto it. An Elixir of Regeneration. He didn't have many, but he figured it would be useful in this scenario. Immediately, as the Mega Aggron began to launch its attacks against Shiny, who was wielding Slash, a shout echoed throughout the tunnel.


When his voice rang out, Slash was suddenly flung out of Shiny's grip by a magical mean, Slash sailing through the air toward the Nord and Shroom, out of the mercy- or lack there-of -that Shiny possessed, distracted by the attack being sent its way by the great beast. The Elixir was useful in that, while it regenerated Mega Aggron's health, it would continue to regenerate it for several more minutes, regardless of the damage it suffered, perpetually keeping the beast alive for much longer than it should be capable of.

@Captain Pokémon @ArmedBlue

Decimus - Banished Corvette (Secure Comm Station)
His nostrils flared as he glared down at the holopanel, contemplating his next course of action. The "Warriors of Hope" were useless. Psychotic children playing pretend. He admired their tenacity and ruthlessness, sure, but they were idiotic. Simple. Deranged.
Robotnik Eggman, on the other hand, seemed intellectual. His attitude, from what Decimus had seen, wasn't too dissimilar from Atriox. Intelligent beings that knew they were above those around them, though Atriox was much more into unity, and Robotnik seemed less interested in more... 'human' affairs. He could exploit that.

Finally, he typed something into the console, and a beep began to ring out like a hum, a connection establishing. It took several moments, before the bulbous head of Robotnik appeared, eyes concealed behind goggles, his thick mustache stretching to either side of the screen. The connection had been established.
"Robotnik Eggman." Decimus greeted. "I believe we can help each other. Interested?"

@Captain Pokémon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Shadow Link & E-102 Gamma
Lich Yard

Gamma swerved it’s rotary head toward the voice, which came from a pink furred creature. A female. Humanoid. Gamma couldn’t describe it, but something felt familiar somehow. Like it had been in his registoire.

“Attention: Reveal identity in earliest convenience.”

E-102 marched forward, now needing to satiate it’s curiosity. While it couldn’t reed where the key was, perhaps this figure owned it. Right as he turned to corner, Shadow Link had stepped inside the hospital.

“So, a little tinker toy is causing this little mirage. Fine then, I’ll play this hide and seek game. Even though you got here first, you won’t stop me with some party trick!”

Holding out his hand, he cloaked his hand in an aura of black energy. Using his hand as a feeler, he felt carefully. Similar to holding a wet finger to feel the air, he hoped his hand would pick up the source of this heinous illusion.


Blue & Green
Field of hopes and Dreams

Blue pointed at lola, looking to Green and arching a brow. Green rubbed the back of his neck, a small bead of sweet going down his cheek.

“Yeah, that’s not a fairy. It’s a...machine thing. Just go with it.”

“Right... Well, anyways- wait. You said Keys? Me and dumbass found one earlier!”

“Huh? Really??” Green perked up. “Great! Where is it?”

“That’s the thing, I don’t have it. Turns out we weren’t the only ones sent here. Shadow link hitched a ride, and snagged that key right under our noses.”

“Shadow? Here??”

This was bad. Last time Shadow showed up he nearly doomed their entire world. Now he has a key, something of immense power. Feeling that the others were left in the dark, green cleared his throat, trying to get everyone’s attention.

“Alright, so this is a urgent thing guys. Shadow is well...my shadow. He looks like me except his clothes are dark, but don’t let his appearance fool you. He’s wicked, powerful and cruel. I’m not sure what he wants with that key, but all I know is if we ran into him now...we’d be toast. We need a key of our own and stat! Ms. Lola, we have no time to lose! I humbly ask you guide us there!”

@ArmedBlue @Captain Pokémon @DarkHydraT
Neo Metal Sonic
Metal simply looked at his hand as 'Slash' was ripped from his grasp. He looked back at the man in armor with a 'Really?' look, before looking him up and down. As the metal beast came back to life, Metal simply crossed his arms, baiting it. It charged towards him with rage in its eyes and went in for a strong blow. Right before it hit him, Metal caught the fist with one hand, causing a loud clung as their metallic hands clashed against each other. Despite his minuscule size, by comparison, he proved very capable. The Aggron immediately went in for a second blow with its other hand but received the same result. Metal cocked his head to the side slightly, staring at the Aggron with enough hate and bloodthirst to strike fear into the deadliest of beasts, before firing a large laser from his chest at the beast. The Aggron roared out in pain for a moment but recovered quickly thanks to the healing potion. However, the laser didn't let up, keeping the beast back. Finally, the Aggron lost its footing, going sailing back a few meters, but it recovered quickly again and charged at Metal headfirst. Metal waited for it to get close, then crossed his arms and hovered in the air, a black rhombus surrounding him. The Aggron hit this rhombus, the force causing a large cloud of dust around them. There was silence for a moment before something began to glow in the center of the dust cloud. Suddenly, the Aggron was sent flying out of the dust and crashed against a wall, leaving a crater. While its injuries were quickly healed, it was still rather rattled, staying in the crater for the time being. It was quickly revealed how the creature was sent sailing like that. Metal emerged from the dust cloud, surrounded by a large ball of energy, moving at blinding speeds towards the trio, the man in armor especially. While this seemed like an attack and only an attack, Metal's trajectory was cleverly planned so that he had a perfect shot for the man in armor's satchel. Once he got close enough, he'd attempt to quickly reach inside and grab the key.
@comic @ArmedBlue

Gengar nodded at Elf Boy as he agreed with his choice. While they were definitely going towards the pink grassy area, it didn't seem to be getting closer. Strange. After 20 minutes, they were back where they started. "Gar...?" Gengar muttered before Elf Boy began to cry. Gengar didn't like crying, it made him uncomfortable. Like, keep your humanly emotions to yourself please. Gengar held his hands out in front of him in a "please stop" motion. He looked around frantically, looking for somewhere calming. Unfortunately, the place they were in was rather creepy, dying trees, deep fog, and abandoned buildings were everywhere. This was fine with him, but not as nice for Elf Boy. At this point, he was just looking for shelter. He looked to his left, seeing a house that was less creepy than the others. It seemed empty. Hopefully shelter would calm Elf Boy down a little bit, his crying was high pitched and loud. He pointed at the house.
@Shen: King of the Mist

Urban District
Everything was going well. That is, until one of those brats from before appeared on the TVs, and the ships began to get shot down, even the ones with children on them, which seemed to go against their philosophy. These children were causing mayhem without a plan, simply destroying everyone they deemed "demons". However, the people didn't die. They were turned into trophies of sorts. A large blue beam from the sky came down and began sweeping the trophies, taking any that it passed over. After a while, all the trophies of the Eggman Empire supporters were gone, and the blue beam cut off.

The Egg Carrier
The trophies were brought into one large room of the Egg Carrier. The room was identical to the ones that robots were stored in: massive, cold, bland, and overall silent. There were several robots in the room, as well as Eggman himself at the front with a microphone. The robots began to revive the trophies people, who seemed overall confused and rattled at what had just happened. Some were panicking and looking for their family members, others just sat down on the cold, metallic floor and looked depressed. After they were all revived, Eggman began to speak. "Supporters of the Eggman Empire. You are here right now because you are smart and chose the winning side. Below in the city you were previously in, the Eggman Empire has begun its influence, and you get to help expand that influence and reap the benefits of world domination!" Eggman said triumphantly. "Now, before we get started, if you are 17 or below, please exit to the room to your left, you will be greeted by robots who will escort you to the all-daycare." In reality, this was just another large and metallic room with a little extra decor with no effort put into it oncesoever. "Now, if you are a mother who doesn't want to leave her precious children or something like that, you may also go to the all-daycare. Once there, you will be able to interact with your children as you please, then you will be told what your job will be." After everyone who fit those categories had left, Eggman looked at the people who remained. "The rest of you will be escorted to the robot enhancement room. Once you receive these enhancements, each of you will command a group of robots and fight for the Eggman Empire. You're probably thinking what will happen if you get hurt in battle. Well, you will be sent back here to be repaired or revived, depending on the seriousness of your injuries. This will be done by a majority of the women who just left the room. And remember, if you are not okay with this, you can always leave! The door is right there." He said while grinning, gesturing to a nearby wall with a hatch on it that said 'Emergency Airlock'. With that, people began to be escorted to a room to receive robotic enhancements.

Eggman arrived back in the computer room, sitting back down in his chair. Today was a good day. He had received two of the keys already, taken control of the Urban District, and could possibly get two more keys. He stroked his chin as he observed the several computer screen ahead of him. He noticed the group of his robots he had sent to the Ice Cap Zone were fighting a trio of people. He squinted behind his glasses. He recognized one of them.....wait! It was the idiot who caused this whole mess. Eggman growled and typed some commands into the computer. Reinforcements were on their way to that location.
Suddenly, the largest of the computer screens was hijacked, an ape-like creature appearing on the screen. How on Mobius did this thing manage to manage to do this? The....creature, was apparently capable of speech, and knew his name.
"I believe we can help each other. Interested?" It spoke.
Eggman stroked his thick mustache, slightly intrigued. Maybe this thing could be useful.
"Help each other how?"

Death Egg Robot Sentinel
The D.E.R.S.'s attack had been successful...sort of. The tank machine was hit, but survived somehow. It shot out a purple bullet-like substance of energy. It was too fast to avoid, but it didn't do much. That's at least what the D.E.R.S. had thought, before it was ensnared in purple energy. This did not compute. 8 drill-like clusters of energy appeared around it, then closed in. The D.E.R.S. fired it's laser frantically while spinning its head. This destroyed 2 of the drills, and slowed down the rest. It still took damage from the attack, but less than it would have if it didn't fire the laser. It then aimed at the tank-like machine and fired its laser, aiming to finish it off.

Knuckles' eyes widened as the tall boy in a fancy Halloween costume spoke up about looking for keys, and that an enemy faction had two already. Could they be referring to...? His fears were confirmed when the boy mentioned Eggman. "EGGMAN?!" He yelled. "Great, that's great. I could've stopped all this if I had made it to the Egg Carrier. But someone had to go and ruin it." He said while looking at Blue. He growled for a moment, then spoke up. "Alright, if we team up we should be more efficient. I'll help you guys."
@ArmedBlue @Shen: King of the Mist @DarkHydraT

The jester-like darkner grinned widely as the Knight kneeled before him, proving his loyalty. "Excellent, excellent! Since I'm so nice, I will let you choose where we can cause chaos first!" He said, gesturing to the different areas in the distance.


Previously mallard
The Knight
He slowly stood with his armor making the only sound that came from him. He looked around for something, stopping his gaze on a tree at his 8 o'clock. He dragged himself over, and with his sword in his left, flicked his right hand up, his hand being engulfed by darkness and claws forming. He used this hand to carve into the tree, drawing two circles. One he added large eyes and ears to, the other had lots of hair and a sloping brow. He wanted revenge. He turned back to the jester as his claws retracted. He twirled his blade into an overhanded grip and plunged the sword into the tree, maintaining his stare. @Captain Pokémon


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The Dragonborn - Rivet Ravine (Mega Aggron's Lair)
Shiny was preoccupied with the great metal beast for a few moments, allowing the Nord to regenerate a new shout. He wasn't able to endlessly spew them off, his soul needed rest after each one, more depending on the more powerful the shout, and his last one was hardly a draining one, allowing his soul to regenerate in full. He watched as the metal beast was lashed about, and he knew one simple truth. He had to pull out his greatest stop with this one. Slash and Shroom hadn't shown their capabilities to reach high enough, and using this particular shout was extremely draining, taking a toll not just on the Dragonborn's soul, but his physical form as well. He'd recover, as he always had, if he managed to come out alive. Just like the voice had warned him before, now he stood here, knowing one simple truth.

He could not allow this beast to obtain the treasure. There was far more at stake than the Nord could possibly see at the moment. As a crater was formed in the wall from a toss of Mega Aggron, the Dragonborn immediately cast out a shout as his gaze fell upon Shiny, who was seconds away from zooming at him.


He roared, his powerful, magical voice rattling the already unstable cavern as rocks began to fall from the sky, and Shiny reached his target- only to be grabbed out of the air in equal speed, its wrist caught in an impossibly vice-like grip that threatened to shatter the robots arm, followed immediately by a booming 'CRACK' that thundered as Dragonborn's head aimed to slam against Shiny's.
Another crater would be formed if he succeeded, this time with Shiny at the epicenter, the Dragonborn standing in the center of the room, a heavy aura swirling about his body, his eyes glowing a deep shade of electric blue.
Dragon Aspect was the shout, and with practice came perfection, age only making his shouts all the more powerful. It was his greatest shout at his disposal, granting him impossible abilities that could only last for a short period of time. He just had to either take out his opponent quickly enough, or simply make sure he couldn't accomplish his goal. If he survived this, he would take a while to recover, an entire day, even... but it would be enough.

"Valunstrad." The Dragonborn told Shiny, the Nordic language rolling easily off of his tongue. "Avenue of Valor." He translated as his grip tightened on his hand axe, the aura swirling about his weapon as well. Evidently the great metal beast was more pissed off with Shiny than it was with the Nord, now, as it joined his side with Shroom and Slash, glaring down upon Shiny, who was outnumbered- and now, evenly matched. He glanced toward Shroom. "Go. I will see you on the surface." His message directed at Slash as well, before returning his attention to Shiny.
A grin split across the Dragonborn's face as he spread his legs, ready to begin this tussle as the cavern came down around them. "Come now, do you really think I can't flay you before the cavern collapses on all of us?" He asked, a hearty laugh following this, taunting his opponent.

@Captain Pokémon @ArmedBlue

Master Chief - ???
"Cortana, sound off."
"Cortana, come in."
His voice grew steadily more desperate with each syllable he spoke. The veteran Spartan felt sick to his stomach. More than an illness, he felt as though his inside were trying to rip themselves to shreds, and he was having trouble maintaining his balance. Where was he? He did not know. This place was... wrong, on every level. He felt violated just being here. He wanted to leave, but he wasn't sure how, and certainly not without Cortana.

She was still wasn't here, so he reached to the back of his helmet, and felt, ejecting... nothing. There was no A.I. core to eject from his neural interfacing port. She was... gone. Just gone. He lowered his hand, and realized that his weapons had vanished as well. The MA5C Assault Rifle, his M6C Magnum. How had he not noticed somebody taking these?
Had he been asleep? He couldn't remember falling asleep. He could only remember... the town. The fog consuming him from all angles. And then the Town Hall. And then... he was here, wherever here was.

Master Chief maintained himself, now inspecting his surroundings. He was in a dark room, illuminated by his head lamps, casting their bright glowing beams wherever he looked. It seemed to be some kind of... well, he wasn't sure. If he had to guess, he was underground, somehow. A basement, perhaps? The walls were dirty and old, made of concrete, bits of the wall broken open, where cold, wet earth had spilled into the room. The floor was no different and- the same could be said for the ceiling.
That was when he realized a terrible truth. There were no doors here. No windows. No exits. It was just a boxed-in room, clearly deep underground with no way of escape. How had he even appeared here? A teleportation grid like what the Forerunner possessed? That would have been his go-to conclusion with everything he'd gone through, but this world, this town specifically... it didn't work like anything he'd gone through before.

He turned on his heel immediately, a whisper dancing away from him. It had been Cortana, unmistakably, and now there was an exit. It had seemed he either overlooked it, or it had appeared while his back was to it. A hallway now led out of the room, and it seemed to stretch on for... however long it did. He couldn't see the end from here. Daring not to look away from the hall for fear it would disappear if he did, the Spartan entered it, beginning to walk along the hall, the ceiling just barely tall enough to accommodate for his size.
Another voice from down the hall he was moving, again a whisper, yet it sounded like it was right in front of him. Kelly's voice again. Was she really here? If she was, did she need him? He could feel his stomach tightening painfully as that same, numbing, heart-wrenching grief overcame him.
Another voice. Another Spartan. Frederic. The whisper sounded strained. Blue Team was here, he was sure of it, and they needed him. They were in trouble.
Linda's voice, and-
Dr. Halsey-

The Spartan came to a stop, pressing against one of the walls as he tried to find the source of the whispers in vain, their voices bouncing endlessly through his mind, each word becoming a shout, a shout to a scream. They were in agony as they called for him, but he couldn't find them. He couldn't get to them. Damnit, why couldn't he!?
"ENOUGH!" Chief's commanding voice boomed down the hall, and at his demand, the voices ceased. It took him a moment to realize his eyes were closed. He opened them to find he was... somewhere... familiar...

A Covenant starship. The corridor had shifted to accommodate, the walls now a royal violet in color, sleek and metallic, the ceiling and floors a periwinkle in color, but they were wrong. The air was thick with a sage mist, yellow spores shifting and spinning aimlessly through the air. Something he thought he'd never have to see again.
What was worse, he recognized this ship. Its interior, despite being the same as any other Covenant starship, stood out to him. He knew what this place was, but that wasn't possible. He'd only visited this place in his dreams, there was no way he was... was he dreaming? Was all of this in his mind?
Almost as a response, a hum sounded behind him, and he turned to find a door had opened to reveal a walkway to the ship's reactor, a lone, dark figure standing on that walkway.

"Sam..." Chief breathed out, recognizing the figure immediately. Slowly, he began to walk forward toward his long-dead friend, and was greeted with a sight that made his gut clench even harder somehow. It was Sam, but his head had nearly been ripped from his body, hanging loosely over his shoulder, fleshy tumors bubbling around where his neck should have been, one of his arms elongated into a mess of decaying flesh, broken bone, and more of the tumors, tentacles extending down from its wrist. A Flood combat form, hosting the body of his childhood best friend, the MJOLNIR Mark V armor in tatters, an Infection Form's feelers extending out of his chest, wiggling in anticipation at his presence.
"Y o u c o u l d h a v e s a v e d m e . . ." Sam's voice was deep. Demonic in nature. Gargled with his own intestines, his mouth moving vacantly, his helmet nowhere to be found. Chief had no weapons to use. No means of defense outside of the old fashioned way, but he knew what the Flood were capable of. They retained their hosts memories, their hosts abilities, and Sam had always been known for his efficiency in a fight. Now with the enhanced biology of a Flood combat form, Chief was outmatched in brute strength. That whip it used could shatter even Elite's bodies with a single swing. They would tear through his shields, dismember his armor, and him as well, if he allowed them to.

"Y o u c o u l d h a v e s a v e d u s . . ."
It was here that Chief realized he and Sam's body weren't alone. More combat forms were encircling them, drawing nearer, each one the mangled, bloodied versions of those he knew. Of those he loved. He could recognize more and more of his Spartan brothers and sisters. Those that had fallen during this bloody war, and even those that still lived. Kelly, Linda, Fred... it hurt even more to see Halsey and Mendez among them. The people he'd grown up with, viewing as surrogate parents.
He could feel his heart beating rapidly against his chest as the crowd moved in around him, gargling out more words. Accusing him for their deaths, but that wasn't possible... he'd stopped the Flood. And Sam's body had been disintegrated when the nuke had erupted. This entire ship had been obliterated.
This. Wasn't. Real.

Everything disappeared again when this realization struck, and Chief now found himself back in the mountains, leaning against a tree, his shields beeping intently at him, but they were refusing to recharge. He winced, feeling a sharp pain in his gut, different than before. He looked down to find a sword rammed through his gut. He recognized the sword even though he wasn't sure he'd seen it before. It was called... the Sacred Sword. It had something to do with Green and his brothers, he was sure.
Chief couldn't move, leaning against this tree as he tried to ignore the pain. His body felt so drained. So broken. Turning his head, he could see something that couldn't compare to the stabbing pain of the Sacred Sword.

They weren't trophies. They were dead. Everyone. Those he'd met, and those he'd not, but somehow he could recognize all of them. They were scattered along the mountainside, their bodies as broken as his, their eyes staring forward, lifeless. Blood stained the ground. How had this happened? Why couldn't he remember anything before this?
His eyes found Green lying a ways down the hill, back to the Spartan, the spikes of a Brute Mauler wedged into his bloody back. Everybody had been killed in one way or another. Hunter was lying trapped beneath one of his dinosaurs, his body practically flattened. Copen appeared to be missing a head, Lola's shattered form in pieces beside him. There were so many others, and he couldn't look away from the carnage. How had this come to pass? How had... he didn't...
With a growl of pain, the Master Chief started to push himself up, but the Sacred Sword was lodged in both his gut and the tree's trunk. So instead, he grabbed the hilt, and yanked it from his body. This time, his cry of pain was a gasp as the hiss of biofoam sounded, and his great wound began to seal- though it wouldn't do much. He could tell that this was probably his end.

Unsteadily, the Spartan rose to his feet, moving his gaze from the carnage to the Nexus in the sky. A Covenant Supercarrier sat above it, alongside Eggman's ship. The Nexus seemed really close now, somehow. Close enough that he could see figures standing on the platform it provided. One was undoubtedly Eggman. Another was that blue metallic figure Eggman had under his control. A massive figure stood beside them, resembling a brute, and even the Shadow Link being was with them as well. There were a few others among them, undoubtedly all in league with each other. An alliance of villains. Villains that he knew were the cause of all this death. Somehow, they had negated the laws of this world. They had eliminated the effects of trophies, and actually killed everyone. The Nexus was glowing brightly as Chief began to stumble down the hill, barely able to keep himself from collapsing.
They couldn't be allowed to accomplish this goal. So long as he stood, he would ensure this... His grip tightened on the Sacred Blade, but just like his friends and allies, it was dead. He hadn't even noticed that the blade was cracked down the middle. His gaze returned to the Nexus as it began to glow brighter, bright enough that he had to shield his eyes.

Was... that it...? Had he failed?
Nothing gave him an answer.
He knew now...
He had failed.

The void seemed to slowly fade itself away as the world came back into focus, and he could hear Cortana's voice. A comfort, undoubtedly.
"CHIEF!" She cried, and he stirred. "Oh thank God." For an A.I., that was an odd thing of her to say. Still, he could tell that she was no doubt worried out of her mind. He found he was lying at the front entrance of the Town Hall, the door remained shut.
"How long was I out?" He grunted, slowly pushing himself to his feet. "Only a few seconds. What happened?" Cortana asked. He wasn't used to hearing this amount of emotion inflected through her voice. It made him actually feel pretty bad that he'd given her such a scare. "I'm... not sure." He admitted. "I had a dream. A vision."
"I'm not surprised. Your neural activity was off the charts. Enough that if you were any lesser, you'd have fried your brain." She replied, beginning to calm down. He hadn't realized people could fry their brains at all. "We need to find the key." Chief absolved. "Try everything you can to break through this fog."

He wasn't about to tell her what his dream or vision had been about, but he could still feel that Sacred Blade in his gut. A look down confirmed that wasn't the case, but still... if that vision even had a chance of happening, he'd have to do everything in his power to prevent it. In his mind's eye, he could see Green's body...
He couldn't allow any of it to take place.
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Previously Manu456Alola
Copen - Field of Hopes and Dreams

"Wait, what? So you got like an evil, dark doppelgänger running around here? That's no good!" Lola exclaimed almost immediately. "If he already has a key, that means at least three of them have been collected..."

A slight frown appeared on Copen's face as he learned of this shadow version of Green. Knuckles seemed to know about Eggman, expressing his frustration at not being able to stop him sooner. There was no time to worry about that, though. It was clear that they needed to get a key before it was too late. Before these opposing factions caused more chaos with their power. He turned to face Lola for a moment, the A.I. understanding the gravity of the situation.

"Right, I'll lead the way! You better be able to keep up!" She told the group, turning towards the area where the key was supposed to be. The P-Bits she commanded were placed in an arrow formation, pointing right at the energy signature."This way!" She added, flying off towards it at a surprising speed. Copen followed right behind, eyes filled with determination, easily keeping up with his companion. That key would be theirs. He'd make sure of that.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon @DarkHydraT

The Knight - Rivet Ravine (Mega Aggron's Lair)

The Vessel watched as the metal beast was revived and let out its rage by attacking the blue machine, who was clearly incredibly powerful for its size. It proved to be strong enough to send the Aggron flying several times, before flying at the human, attempting to steal the treasure with a quick move. But the man in armor had shouted again, being enveloped in a powerful aura, raising his capabilities to their limits. Alongside the metal beast, the human would likely be able to fend Shiny off for a little while.

After witnessing each party's strength, the Knight listened to the human, who told them to run and that they would regroup at the surface. It was risky fighting alone, but there was no choice. Giving the man a nod, the Vessel turned to Slash, pointing at the tunnel that would lead them outside. It then dashed through it, hoping that the human would be able to defeat Shiny before the cave collapsed.

@comic @Captain Pokémon

Giant Lola - Urban District

While the Sumeragi-controlled tank did deal some good damage to the D.E.R.S, the opposing mech had used its laser to destroy two of the drills. Not quite enough to incapacitate it. Eggman's mech began aiming at the Giant Lola, while it tried to ready another attack.



Sumeragi's mech took a direct hit from the laser, completely enveloped by the beam, causing a bright explosion. When the attack ceased, only a few parts of the mech remained, barely even recognizable. Having been completely destroyed, the Eggman Empire had won this battle.

@Captain Pokémon
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Jevil cocked his head to the side as the Knight stood up, walking across the field of pink grass to a tree not too far away. A few scrapes could be heard as he cut two images into it. Both of these images were rather animal-like, one looking rather gentle in nature, the other looking like a natural fighter. The latter seemed to be carved out with more anger, as if the Knight was mad at him especially. Jevil’s eyes darted to the trees to his left as he heard several crunches, as if someone was running towards them. That’s when he noticed it wasn’t someone, it was sometwo. (I don’t think it’s unbelievable that Ori and Blanka are close to them already. And also, I know sometwo isn’t a word, but it’s just a Jevil thing to say.) Jevil grinned widely and giggled mischievously. “Heheehehehey.” He said through his laughs. “ Heeheehee, you talking about those guys?” He said while laughing, pointing towards them with his scythe.
@Psymallard @Gamingfan @DarkHydraT

As soon as Aegislash was freed, he wished to help, but the man in armor told him and Shroom to leave. He wanted to persuade him that the metal beast was dangerous, but he seemed confident enough. Aegislash left the room with Shroom.

Neo Metal Sonic
Metal looked at his arm and back at the man in armor, this time less sarcastic and more worried. He didn’t expect him to use that so soon. He was head-butt by the man, sent flying into a wall, leaving a large crater. While most would be disturbed by this, Metal did something unexpected. He laughed. His laugh was unsettling, deep, and robotic. “Finally, someone capable. You wouldn’t believe how many jokes I’ve faced today.” He said, speaking once more. “I hope you’re prepared.” He said, before he spoke 3 words that most likely terrified the man in armor.
The way Metal said it was much less noble and more sinister, but had the same effect regardless. Metal blasted off of the crater, leaving a larger one in his wake. He didn’t try any tricks, he just flew towards the Dragonborn, ready for a simple clash of strength.

Knuckles simply nodded as a voice coming from what seemed to be a floating sphere or something of the sort told them that a key was not far. He began to run alongside Copen, keeping up rather easily. “So, talking sphere thing, you got any information to share about the area we’re going into without a plan?”

Eggman Empire Wall
Several of the turrets on top of the wall instantly pointed towards the incoming fighter jet. Loud whirring could be heard as they kept their aim, prepared to blast it if it got any closer. When it didn’t stop, they began to shoot powerful lasers at the jet, intending to blast it out of the sky.

Death Egg Robot Sentinel
The D.E.R.S’s attack had been successful, the enemy machine was completely destroyed by its laser. Since it was a robot, it didn’t celebrate or anything, it simply turned its attention back to the buildings in front of it, continuing to topple them so that the Eggman Empire could expand even more.


Previously Manu456Alola
Lola - Field of Hopes and Dreams

"Talking sphere thing? I'm a robot, dummy!" Lola quipped. "I don't know much about this area. None of us, probably. I'm picking up some people not far from here, but they don't seem to be heading for the key. If there really is no one else looking for the key, we should be able to snag it without any trouble!" She explained, though something told her that wouldn't be the case. Whatever, they would outnumber an enemy if they happened to encounter one, so they would definitely win any possible fights!

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon @DarkHydraT

The Knight - Rivet Ravine (Cave)

The Vessel and Slash headed back through the narrow tunnel from before, traveling through the different areas the cave system contained. The stalactite and stalagmite-filled path that lead to the beast's lair, the area with cyan flowers and beautiful natural light... but when they reached the dwarven tunnel right before where they'd fought the centurions, the two were presented with a problem. The path was blocked.

With the cave's structure being as weakened as it was, the path was filled with large rocks that blocked their way. Not good. They needed to find an alternate exit if they wanted to survive! The bug began looking around, trying to find a path that would hopefully bring them outside.

@Captain Pokémon

BSM-02 Garand - Urban District

Once the autonomous fighter jet neared the Eggman Empire Wall, its systems picked up several laser turrets aiming for its position. Being designed with maneuverability in mind, it was able to avoid some of the lasers sent its way with simple, quick movements to its sides. The last few lasers that were fired at it were narrowly dodged with a barrel roll.

The pods on its wings opened up in retaliation, letting out several rockets that would aim for each of the turrets. As it did this, the energy cannon on its underside lowered slightly, preparing its next move.

@Captain Pokémon
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Previously mallard
The Knight
The Knight looked out at where Jevil pointed, and sure enough, those were the ones. Especially the green one. Since they 'killed' each other once before, it was ideal to fight again while he had a teammate. Ideally, the stronger teammate would handle the stronger opponent. But, this knight would fight either. He yanked out the sword and dashed to Jevil's side, skidding a little when he stopped. He held the sword with his off hand, and with his right he pointed at Jevil's held scythe. He remembered that the jester could make more than one at the same time, and it seemed reasonable to him that the extended grip would insulate some of the electricity of the green man.
@Captain Pokémon @Gamingfan @DarkHydraT

Napstablook- Rivet Ravine Caves
Napstablook was wondering through the caves when there started to be a lot of noise. So now, he wanted to leave. He floated out of the mouth of a tunnel and circled around a large stalagmite to find a floating sword and a white horned creature. He slowly turned around and tried to float as quietly as possible back into the tunnel.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Urban District

“Huh? Looks like we missed a few...” Jataro muttered.

“We? YOU didn’t do anything.” Nagisa retorted. Activating his controller yet again. “I’ve been the one cleaning up this mess. Either help out or go work on the foundry like your supposed to be doing.”


Another railgun shot resounded, destroying another Eggman craft that attempted to flee. Jataro slinked away while Nagisa, aside his shrouded mech gazed on.

“Damned adults, can’t tell when to leave well enough alone. However, this ‘Eggman’...if your going to play dirty...”


“...I have high expectations from you.”


With a large divide in the resistance from the civilians, the Monokuma began to back extensively, a wide gap in numbers begging to waver. Soon enough, the organized defense began to regroup, retreating as the adult killers went into hot pursuit. It appeared Eggman’s little scheme had broken some of Decimus’s effectiveness.

@Captain Pokémon @Nukas @comic


Blue & Green
Field of Hopes and Dreams

“Then we have no time to lose!” Green exclaimed, drawing his sword. “Let’s go everyone! On my lead!”

Green, taking up the mantle of leader, made his way toward where lola was pointing. Lie however rolled his eyes, rather annoyed by his brother’s bossy disposition.

“And just how do we know it ain’t taken? Huh? Your map tell you THAT?” He half asked lola, showing his sass.

@ArmedBlue @DarkHydraT

Lich Yard

Red continue to sob in distress, Gengar desperately trying to calm him down. The ghost then pointed toward cover: a small and seemingly abandoned house. Was it perfect? No. But it sure beat walking aimlessly through the fog. Picking himself up and wiping some tears away, Red hiked over there with Gengar, trying to fight back his feeling of helplessness all the while.

“Do you...you want to check inside first? You are a ghost and all.” Red asked, looking at his feet


Shadow Link & E-102 Gamma


This was odd. There WAS dark energy at play here, but his feelers couldn’t find and epicenter. Almost as if this fog overall was trying to hide it for some reason.

“So...this IS an illusion.” Shadow link out together. “And that makes that robot just another wandering lost soul. While that saves me the time in ripping his parts out, I’m back to square one. Hmmm...maybe if I go to the darkest source I can find...”

The shadow had an idea. Hearing the scraping again in the distance, he grew a snicker. Bolting over there in his gaseous state and materializing, he had his hand glow a dark black.

“Come now, monster. I just want to TALK.”


*Clank* *Clank*

Gamma kept following the trail of the girl that spoke to him. His sensors couldn’t tell if she were even real or fake, but something else was at play...almost as if he wanted to see where this went.

*chirp chirp*

Turning around swiftly once more to the sound, he was met with nothing yet again. That sound...it kept popping up. But what did it mean? And why did it sound familiar?


*Clank* *Clank*

Further down the rabbit hole the robot spelunkered.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The Dragonborn - Rivet Ravine (The Collapsing Lair)
It used the shout. His shout. The Nord's eyes widened at Shiny as it boosted forward. That couldn't be possible, and if it were so, he knew what was coming next. They often say your life flashes before your eyes when you're about to die. He saw nothing, only the blur as it collided with him... but he prevailed, flung into the far wall of the cavern where the stone shattered behind him, spider-webbing upward, cascading a boulder upon him as it dislodged from the ceiling.
He was alive. He hadn't sensed it, as well. This metallic beast was trying to fool the wrong Nord. Raising his arms, the boulder easily fifty times his size came to a stop, caught. His knees bent under the weight, yet he prevailed again, and with a roar, tossed the stone at Shiny. His opponent slammed itself into the boulder. It didn't shatter, but the rock stopped dead, splitting own the middle before falling to the ground in halves as Mega Aggron's claw gripped unto Shiny's boot.

A distraction. Perfect. With the wall behind him, the Dragonborn leaped back, and slammed his boots into the stone, flinging himself with practiced grace toward Shiny. The Aggron was flung aside again, and this time, it was the human who slammed into Shiny. The azure goblin recovered before it could hit the far wall, stabilizing itself in the air. "Your tricks won't work on me, Shiny." Dragonborn told the creature. "I admit, you gave me a fright for a moment there... but you lack the soul of a dragon. You are my lesser, allow me to demonstrate why!" With a battle cry, the Dragonborn charged forward, backed by the Mega Aggron. He was sure Shroom and Slash had made their distance now. They were safe. Good. Now, he would continue to prevail.

@Captain Pokémon

Sub-Zero - Urban District
A 'change of plans' is what the Elite informed. Sub-Zero couldn't see the being he was conversing with at the moment, the dozen Spec Ops Elites having activated their active camouflage. Their mission was different now. Instead of saving people from Eggman and the Warriors of Hope, their task was to eliminate the Warriors of Hope and their resources, as Decimus had apparently forged an alliance with Eggman. It's not that he wasn't thankful for not needing to worry about the robots now, but from what he'd seen, Eggman wasn't somebody to get cozy with. Decimus had struck Kuai Liang as more intelligent than your average brute, so perhaps he wasn't granting Eggman autonomous control of forces, tech, and weapons, and it was simply an alliance to further one another's goals.

Either way, the mission had changed. Just in time, too. It appeared that a group of people were being chased by a few dozen of those hideous bear-like automatons. Sub-Zero hated robots. All of them, they made him sick, due to the efforts of Sektor when he had taken over the Lin Kuei clan and attempted to convert all of its members into mindless drones known as the 'Cyber Lin Kuei'. If the Warriors of Hope were doing something similar, they would pay dearly. If Eggman practiced this horrible art, no alliance could save him. If Decimus condoned in the practice, no charismatic words could spare him. Nobody deserved to go through that. He himself had suffered becoming an android. His will stripped clean of him.
Never again.

He didn't need to tell the Elites to cut off the Monokumas. They were already silently moving in, their movements so fluid that even the trained eyes of the cryomancer ninja could barely detect them. As the crowd of people began to rush past him, Sub-Zero slammed a fist to his chest, before parting his legs and taking his signature battle stance. "Freeze." He commanded the Monokumas. With that, a beam of ice projected from his palm, beginning to coat the ground, forming a wall that the Monokumas began to crash into. He had halted their pursuit for now, and the humans behind hadn't failed to notice, stopping to watch as several of the Monokumas were consumed by the ice, freezing within cocoons of frozen water. The other Monokumas that tried to go around this attack were suddenly dispatched as an array of crimson swords made of pure light appeared and began to rip through the Monokumas, blades tearing through them with ease.
Ceasing his beam, Sub-Zero charged forward and kicked the block of ice he'd created. It shattered into hundreds of pieces, as did the Monokumas trapped within, falling apart in bits before his blade of ice appeared, and he decapitated the last pursuing Monokuma.
The people behind him began to cheer as the energy swords disappeared, and the Elites faded back into the shadows, unseen by almost everyone.
Regardless of the change of plans, Sub-Zero trusted Decimus more than Eggman. Well, more accurately, he didn't trust either of them at all, but Sub-Zero had seen the crew Decimus had. Humans among them. They weren't picky. "If you wish to join the Banished, a dropship will await you on the edge of town. Stay together, watch out for each other. Be safe." He nodded to them, before turning and slinking into the shadows himself as the people listened, racing their way in the direction Sub-Zero had come from. His eyes rose to the sky to see the Warriors of Hope's airship hovering above, a distance away. He needed to get aboard. Dispatch those devils-in-disguise before they could hurt anyone else. Along the way, he and his squad revived the trophied humans they came across, delivering the same message. The Banished would shelter them, and they were sent off to the pick-up zone.

Master Chief - Lich Yard (Silent Hill)
Cortana wasn't able to scan the town to figure out how large it was, leaving their exploration to be old school in nature. Walk and see where they ended up. He passed by a hospital along the way, trekking up another road labelled 'Crichton St'. It lead further up, toward a police station, and John let his legs carry on, turning down on Sagan St, which extended over a bridge, silent water running aimlessly beneath it. It was a river that probably ran into a lake, according to Cortana. Their walk led them to Ellroy St, then onto Finney St.
That was when he heard it.

Boom. Boom.
Boom. Boom.
Boom. Boom.

It sounded dangerously close, and John instinctively pressed himself against the nearest wall for cover, a food and liquor joint. Abandoned for decades, just like the rest of this town. Was it a being belonging to Silent Hill? Or was it something external, like he was? Peering around the corner, Chief could see a shape through the fog. It was humanoid but... something was wrong with it. A long, ebony sword was in one hand, being dragged across the ground as it walked, heavy enough to scar the rock as it moved, scraping tirelessly against the concrete beneath it. Then the man himself, his steps were the source of the booms. The ground beneath his bare feet seemed to bend beneath his weight, which immediately alerted John that this being had to weigh in at minimum 3,000 pounds, at least. The sword was presumably not quite as heavy, but enough to be judged as around... 1,000 lbs. These were just guesses, but they were educated ones. The earth seemed to lightly shake with each step the being took, and Chief got the idea he didn't want to get into a wrestling match with this thing.

However, the strangest thing about it was its head. A massive metal pyramid took its place, sticking out several feet in front of its body, making it appear to be at least eight feet in height. The body was covered mostly by what seemed to be some sort of cloth like a tunic, the front reminding Chief of a butcher. Its body was stained with black blood, its feet and legs completely black from all the blood, and its arms were large, muscular appendages sticking out of either side of its body. John got the impression that it was intentionally supposed to be an intimidating and unnatural appearance, and it quite clearly fit into this foggy world around them.
Cortana was silent, no doubt processing the information he'd been gathering, but it wasn't until another figure appeared that John ducked back into his cover.
"Oh great. Him." Cortana sighed to John. He stowed a glance there again to find Shadow Link now standing in front of the much, much larger figure, who had stopped moving as Shadow Link stood in its way.

“Come now, monster. I just want to TALK.”
Pyramid Head's body was unnaturally still, and remained that way long enough that Shadow Link might have even started to assume that it was just a statue he was talking to, until the humanoid turned its massive head to face down an alley between two suburban houses, and began to continue its trek, the earth noticeably rattling with each step, which undoubtedly didn't go unnoticed by Shadow Link, who was standing mere feet from it.

Boom. Boom.
Boom. Boom.
Boom. Boom.

It had apparently ignored him completely, and was now moving in a different direction, wandering aimlessly to any who weren't closely monitoring the dealer of judgement. Pyramid Head seemed apathetic in nature, or perhaps he just didn't care about Shadow Link or what he had to say.


The whisper came again to the robot, though this time, it could recognize the whisper as its own voice. Its own voice, whispering something it could not possibly understand without context.

"Does not compute..."

Following it was the chirping again, and ahead of him he saw that pink figure darting around another corner, her giggles echoing down the hall. With each step the inorganic took, the walls became more and more... lively around him. The dirt and grime began to fade, the wall paper began to reattach itself, the floors began to appear cleaner, and a single light flickered on at the bend in front of him.

"Why try to save that which is useless to you..."

There was the whisper again, but this time no chirping to accompany it. The further down he moved, however, the cleaner the hall became. When he reached the corner, he found that the hospital looked brand new... but only here. Behind him it was a mess, to his right down another hall it was in ruins still, but the cleanliness led to a stairwell, where the beeping of a heart monitor could be heard echoing down to him.

"Does not compute..."

And with that, two more familiar chirps. It seemed the only other direction was up, now.

@Shen: King of the Mist
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"T-Traps? There are traps here? No thanks, we're sticking together! I am not letting you die again." Geo was clearly not a fan of the area, but he wouldn't let people sacrifice themselves for him. He never liked it when people did that and always ended poorly, so he was not going to take his chances. "W-Why not take the roof? That way we can probably see a bit more of our surroundings." The boy offered Bennett the choice, as he didn't like being on the ground in this town and could get both of them up on the roofs pretty easily as Megaman.

@Shen: King of the Mist


"So we need to move fast? I don't have a V-Raptor, but this should be just as useful. Let's go Carchar!" Hunter released his fourth dinosaur, a giant theropod dinosaur with design elements that invoked thoughts of Egypt. It had razor sharp teeth that were serrated, making it quite the scary opponent. Thankfully, it was not hostile and laid down to allow Hunter to climb on top of it. "To my knowledge, we don't know if it is taken already. We know its coordinates though and with Carchar on our side, we should be able to either find it before anyone else or scare them off. I don't mean to brag, but Carchar packs quite the punch. Plus should things get bad, Brachio can always help." The boy said as he was keeping up with the rest of the group.

@ArmedBlue @Captain Pokémon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Urban District

“That’s a lot of rough housing! You are strong, but can’t you look more like a girl while you do it? Totally not Adorbs.”

A voice spoke behind Undyne as a clicking of shoes echoed. A girl with two long pigtails stepped in, holding a hand just over her face as she giggled.

“I see you and your buddies are weak. Masaru really did a number...though not enough. You sent him crying! Don’t think I’ll let you do that to our leader and get away with it.”

She held up three fingers to the group, a smile forming on her face as she winked at the demons.

“30 seconds. You boys and girl got 30 seconds till I’m gonna hunt all of you. This is for eyepatchy over there. While adorable girls deserve punishment...notadorbs ones deserve even worse.

As she spoke these lines, dozens upon dozens of red lights began to spring up behind her. The buildings she were nearby began to glow red as well. In every window...every floor...there was a monokuma with long foot long claws ready to pounce.

“You better get poppin~!”

@comic @Captain Pokémon @Nukas

Shadow Link, Bennett, & E-102 Gamma
Lich Yard

“Hey it’s fine! I’m used to it. Don’t worry about me, I do this all the time back home. But if that what you wanna do, I’m not gonna stop you. Let’s go to that roof!”

Of course Bennett didn’t exactly know *which* roof his companion was talking about, but he elected to let his friend show him what he meant.



“The stoic type eh? You’ll pay for your insolence, but first, I want to know where that key is. Even if that means making you wish you could die!”

His hand cloaked in black energy, reaching out to attempt a conversion of the man. A rather painful conversion that was more torture than it was utility.




Gamma was silent. He felt nothing, yet something at the same time. This feeling was not registered in any databank he had previously known. An error seemed to spring up in it’s programming. Something unexpected. As he hesitantly looked up, his left hand clenched, almost as if to brace for the sight.
"I am not going to argue with you, let's just get to relative safety." Geo let out a sigh before grabbing Bennett's hand. "Hold on tight, here we go!" The boy leapt up into the air, hoping to reach the roof of the nearest house. It just didn't sit right with him to be down on the street without bein able to see potential enemies. "Now where do we go? I didn't see any trails the moment we got in this town, that kinda comes with roads made out of stuff that is not dirt. Do you have any leads? Because I am not really seeing anything, this visor is just for protection of my eyes. Don't expect anything super fancy." The town was still eerily silent, even for someone who grew up in the quiet town of Echo Ridge this was unsettling.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Lich Yard


Bennett was hoisted up with Geo atop the building. Finding his footing, he chuckled. Not at being so high up, but that his fortune hadn’t cursed him to fall off already. Whistling as he saw the view from here, his adventurer’s sport began to burn steadily. A new place that hadn’t been discovered before...what a story this would make!

“I can try my elemental sight. Oh? Don’t know what that is? Well, you see this little red medallion hanging from my pocket? That’s a vision, where I get all my pyro energy from. Sometimes if I concentrate hard, the vision can let me see things a normal person can’t. Haven’t done it in a while, so...here’s to hoping!”

Touching his vision, Bennett’s eyes became red, as so did his sight. The mist highlighted around him, which was surprising to say the least. As well as some kind of...fuzz...deep below them. As his eyes returned to normal, he sighed.

“Woah, looks like this mist is really freaky. Almost like it’s living by itself! It kinda seems like it’s protecting something...probably that specter knight guy! Hm...oh! Maybe it’s a puzzle! Every good dungeon has a puzzle to solve! We just need to figure out how!”

A puzzle? Geo wouldn't call himself an expert at them, but he was decent at puzzles. He managed to get through the Bermuda Maze, which was impressive in his book. "Hmmm, a protective mist. Maybe it is conjured up and disperses when its weak point is struck? Let's see, fog usually clears up when it is hot out. Let's try that out, I assume you know more fire stuff?" Geo looked at Bennett before tossing a battle card into the air. "Battle card! Predation! Mini Grenade!" Mega's head ate the card and spawned a small ball that Geo threw. It should cause an explosion down the road as Geo threw it there to hopefully lift the fog and draw out potential enemies without putting him and Bennett in danger.

@Shen: King of the Mist


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Undyne - Urban District
Undyne lumbered back into the parking garage to find Tails still working on his machine, leaving Sonic to deal with Masaru. She winced as she dropped to the ground, and held her hand over her wounds, a soft green glow emanating from her hands. Healing magic. It wouldn't get the job done, but it'd speed up the recovery process enough so that she'd be fitting fit in no time. Tails said something to her, she hadn't been listening, so she just replied with 'no' in case he was asking her to hand him a wrench or something.
Leaning her head against a wall, Undyne could feel herself slip away and-

"DAMNIT!" Undyne roared, rising to her feet at some nosy little kid giggling and marching her way in like she owned the place. It was obvious, even without having paid attention to her words, that she was from the same branch as Masaru. Undyne rolled her eye upon seeing the girl, letting out the deepest of sighs. "Look, little girl, I don't have any idea what you just said, but if you didn't notice, I was trying to NAP! Maybe come back another time when you look less like the poster child for anime-gone-wrong. Like, I mean, c'mon. Your hair is more of a liability than anything, and it looks like a mane of wet hair that you dyed pink to make yourself feel better. News flash, I bet you'd look better if you cut it and used your natural hair color. Unless of course that is your natural hair color then I feel sorry for you." Undyne didn't have much inflection to her voice, nor pauses, and seemed generally just extremely annoyed with the girl's presence and was trying to get her to leave through petty means.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Papyrus - Urban Ruins
"OWIE..." Papyrus grunted, confused and bewildered for several moments. It took him several more to realize he was... stuck. Under a rock. A big rock, he should think to add. A big piece of jagged rock that was pinning him to the ground. What had happened? One moment, he'd been happily taking a beating from Reize, and the next... fire and heat. An explosion. It had come from outside, and whatever had caused it, or whatever it had been, had cascaded upon Papyrus' elaborate little set-up.
"HELP!" Papyrus cried after struggling with the rock for a few moments. Silence answered him. His lower jaw quivered for a moment as he looked around him to see that Reize and Slowking were nowhere in sight. Panic began to well up in the skeleton, who could usually see the good in a bad situation, but this rock was hurting him and he couldn't push it off.
"H-HELP ME! PLEASE!" He cried out again. But nobody came. Whimpering softly, Papyrus struggled against the rock again for a moment, and felt a shift-

A scream of pain broke the silence again. His shifting of the rock on top of him only made it squeeze down further on him. Any more, and his body would break, and the pain was unbearable. Despite being a skeleton, he could still cry. Tears welled in his eyesockets as he lay there hopelessly, pinned to the rock, crying out for help, fear gripping at him, sure that the rock would crush him. He never even got the chance to cook spaghetti for Sans...

Silent Hill
The explosion seemed to rock the street, but when the soot and dust cleared, the street below seemed relatively the same. The fog remained heavy and suffocating. A voice spoke behind Geo and Bennett, a deep voice, scratchy with years of use, a Chinese accent clinging to every word. "It is not a puzzle."
If they were to turn at his voice, the pair would see a man there, black and golden armor and robes clothing his body, undead eyes peering back at them, no color outside of the white, his face covered by a mask, and a sword sheathed within its scabbard on his back. His apparel screamed 'ninja' in every sense, and for good reason. "It is a trap." The pyromancer continued, turning from looking at Geo to looking at Bennett. "A place that induces nightmares, and feeds off fear, grief, and agony. We are trapped here. We cannot leave. I have tried." He fell silent at this, still failing to introduce himself. However, before anyone else could speak, a siren split the silence, wailing out loud.
"Not again..." Scorpion groaned. "Get down and stay down until the sirens stop! Don't leave your spots for anything, else you be taken by them as well." He barked out the order as he hunkered down where he stood, the world around them becoming dark... darker... darker still...


Chief watched as Shadow Link stuck his arm out, dark ebony energy practically dripping from his hand as he reached out toward the massive figure with the pyramid for a head. Pyramid Head froze at this, his head turning ever so slightly in Shadow Link's direction. For a few seconds, nothing seemed to happen, until Pyramid Head reached out with a free hand, which was easily double the size of Shadow Link's, before rapidly grabbing the boy's wrist in his grip, and holding him up to "eye"-level with the monstrous being.
And suddenly... they were gone. Just gone. John blinked a couple of times, trying to figure out where they had gone. "I didn't just see all that, right?" He asked Cortana. "Believe me, if I didn't know any better, I'd think I was going rampant early." The A.I. replied. Pyramid Head and Shadow Link had simply vanished into thin air, but what came next chilled the stoic Spartan to his core. It was strange, because he didn't often feel fear... but right now, it was like this noise was forcing him to. Like it was warning him to run and hide, or else he'd wish he had.

A siren, wailing through the town's streets, so loud it even made his audio receptors rattle. The noise burst through with a long, frantic note, before it faded. A second of silence, and it returned, warning all those within Silent Hill of what was coming next. The sky began to darken, the mist turning from a wispy grey to a pitch black. In a matter of mere seconds, the entire world had vanished from view, everything far too dark to see. His flood lights kicked on, and they pierced through the inky blackness, but only for a short ways. He could still only see a few meters ahead before everything became imperceivable. The sirens continued to blare, and Chief became aware of something else. Other noises. The once empty town was suddenly alive with distant screeches that trilled with the siren, distorted barks that sounded like somebody trying to imitate a dog, and worst of all? His comm receiver was going haywire with static noise that threatened to burst his eardrums, though thankfully Cortana shut it off.
That's when he noticed it. On his HUD's radar, it showed red dots appearing all around him, by the hundreds. His eyes widened at this, before he immediately began to look around, yanking his assault rifle off his back and aiming it every which way. The siren continued to wail, and Chief was beginning to doubt it would ever stop. His heart rate was climbing rapidly as the town forced its fear down his throat, and then he saw it. A child-like figure, huddled against the liquor joint he'd used as cover. The child seemed to be naked and deformed, with slimy grey skin, a strange grunting coming from it.
"Get. Us. Out. Of. Here." Cortana hissed to the Spartan, who stared at the grey thing, before looking about, seeing more. Much more. All of these child-sized figures stood about in every direction he looked, staring at the ground, but now he could see their faces. Their jaws had been stretched down to their stomachs, their eyes bulging from their sockets from their lopsided heads. It was almost like the deformities of a Flood combat form, except he could see no infection forms doing this work. It seemed none of the Grey Children had noticed him, or maybe they just didn't care. He could feel his body lightly shaking in his armor, confusing him even more. His body was reacting as though he were frightened, he simply wasn't used to it.

It wasn't until he started to move that each Grey Child acted in unison. He took a step backward, and every single figure jerked his way. Following this was a cascade of inhuman screams as the Grey Children began to move toward him, stumbling with their steps, jerking their bodies, wailing like a sub-note to the sirens that continued their cruel song. He didn't have the ammunition for them, even ammunition could even take them out. He should have listened to the message of the sirens when they'd began. Run. Hide. There is no alternative here in the Otherworld...


E-102 Gamma was spared from the siren's call. Silent Hill was an unnatural place, impossible to perceive or fully understand. The stairs he climbed seemed to lead to a different world. When he reached the top of the first flight, the next flight of stairs didn't seem... to exist. In fact, the stairs behind him had faded as well. No more giggles. No more chirping. No more whispers. He had entered what seemed to be a fully functioning hospital, and through the door in front of him he could see a doctor passing by, absorbed with a clipboard in his hands, frowning at it with a scrutinizing glare. The hall was white, brightly lit, and lively with nurses and doctors milling about. Once again, he caught the sight of a pink-furred being disappearing around the next corner down the hall.


Shadow Link could find himself some place different after being grabbed by Pyramid Head. Speaking of, the monstrous humanoid seemed to have disappeared, and Shadow Link was now standing in... nothing. The ground, the sky, everything around him was pitch black. If he were to try walking or flying in any direction, he would go nowhere. It was endless. No sound but those he made. Not to mention the ground didn't even seem to exist. He was standing in a void of emptiness.
No voices to taunt or greet him. No enemies to distract him. It was just him. Him, and nothing else. Nothing else, for eternity.

@DarkHydraT @Shen: King of the Mist


Previously Manu456Alola
Copen & Lola - Field of Hopes and Dreams

"Like Hunter said, we actually don't know if the key's been taken from the coordinates alone. Buuuut I got my own sensors lookin' for it! Even if the signature's a bit faint, I can still track it down, no problem!" Lola quickly answered Blue's question. "The signature hasn't moved all that much in the last couple minutes, which leads me to believe it hasn't been picked up by anyone. Or maybe somebody dropped it, I dunno. Besides, if we do end up having to fight any bad guys for it, we'll just beat 'em up, right?"

"Right..." Copen muttered. His A.I. companion did have a point, the group would be able to outnumber most foes should they come across one. Even so, greater numbers alone wouldn't mean a clear victory. Green and Blue (presumably) were on the weaker side, and Knuckles hadn't shown his capabilities yet. That left Hunter, whose dinosaurs seemed to be pretty versatile and powerful in the right situations. Regardless, he knew everyone was capable in their own ways. He decided to keep his focus on the mission, Lola's systems warning him of the key's position. Almost there.

"We're getting close. Be ready for any possible enemies."

@DarkHydraT @Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon

The Knight - Rivet Ravine (Collapsing Cave)

Out of a previously unnoticed tunnel emerged... a ghost? It seemed rather sad, and headed back into the tunnel as quickly as it appeared. Was it trying to find an exit as well? There was no way to know, but they wouldn't end up alive if they just sat there doing nothing. The Vessel turned to face Slash and pointed its nail at the tunnel the ghost went through, motioning for it to follow. Maybe it could serve as a guide and hopefully lead them to safety. After a few moments, the Knight put its nail away and dashed after the incorporeal being, following it into the tunnel.

@Psymallard @Captain Pokémon
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Blue & Green
Field of Hopes and Dreams

Blue was hesitant to believe the words of some not fairy he had just met. But after the explanation she said, he gave a long sigh before readying his hammer.

“Fine, whatever. Let’s do it. But if that machine or shadow appears again they are MINE.”

Green gave him an uneasy look to offset his bloodthirsty one. “Glad to have you back blue...”

With half of the quartet back together and with a large sum of new allies, surely no threat would be able to stand against them now.


Urban District


She didn’t respond to Undyne’s provocative lines, already deeming her ‘not adorbs.’ As she counted, the red lights in the buildings grew deeper red, several monokuma appearing behind her as she continued her count.

“May want to get going, I might like, totally get impatient with my countdown. 27...”

@comic @Captain Pokémon

Lich Yard

“Huh? What? Sirens??”

The oblivious Bennett took a second before following suit, crouching behind cover along with the yellow armored ninja. As the world appeared to dim, he looked to both of these people he found himself with. Geo was gonna have a hard time if he was scared like this...but this yellow guy? Maybe he has some knowledge.

“pssst, fellow adventurer...!” Bennett whispered to Scorpion. “Have you got any clues about this place in your travels? We could use anything you got!”

@comic @DarkHydraT

Shadow Link

“...Now what...?”

Shadow Link had suddenly found himself in a void, where he was previously struggling with the triangle head shaped freak. Whoever that was, they certainly controlled a surprising amount of this place. Some type of twisted game master?

“This is downright comfortable, don’t you know I come from the dark world?” He said to no one in particular. “Could use a chair or two though. Maybe a few people, monsters or something. But...”

Shadow Link’s smug attitude began to fade by the second. It was Too much like home. He HATED the dark world. He was a simple shadow, not able to impact the world at all. No matter how much he clawed or screamed, the light worlders he followed would never listen. After all, how could they? He was but a silhouette. A shadow. These memories struck a chord with Shadow Link, the entity driving his black nails into his skin.

“You think this is a game?! I’m no shadow! I am a harbinger of doomsday! You hear me?? Your little town is as good as gone!”

A black aura exploded from Shadow Link, his humor gone from the situation. Instead fury took it’s place. He shot his hands out in front of him, the black aura striking out with it’s dark tendrils, trying to combat darkness with darkness. It was a dog eat dog world. And he was damned sure he was the top dog.

E-102 Gamma

“Location: Unknown. Time Zone: Unknown. Egg Carrier Location: Unknown.”

E-102 paused in this seemingly normal hospital. His scanners still not working as the illusion took charge. Pausing in thought, the droid was trying to decide it’s next course of action.

“This Presents a Problem.”

Just as it said these words, the pink figure appeared once more. Readying his gun this time, he wasn’t about to let them get away a third time. Stepping forward in a quicker pace than before, he rounded the corner to point his gun at them.

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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Undyne - Urban District (Parking Garage)

Another long sigh was given by the monster, who closed her one good eye, before she rose a hand to her face and slapped against her cheek for a moment as Kotoko continued her countdown. When Undyne opened her eye, a determined glare had returned to them. Ignoring the pain in her leg, she marched toward Kotoko, smirking.
"Looks like you didn't get the memo, kid." With that, she snapped her fingers, and a wall erupted out of the ground around Kotoko, made of light energy, cyan in color, a special magic tinging them. Impossible to break through so long as one didn't move. The ground beneath Kotoko began to glow with a deeper shade of blue, and if the girl had been paying attention to the fight, she knew what this meant.
"Allow me to spell it out for you." Undyne continued, her spear conjuring in her hand, which she pointed through the cage she'd trapped Kotoko in, the point mere centimeters from Kotoko's throat in the blink of an eye.
"I am tired. I am annoyed. I happen to also be dangerous. Maybe you didn't know this, but killing humans is my official job title, and there's no blue blur to save you like he did for that excuse you call a leader. Unless you want to keep your vocal cords inside of you, I'd suggest you turn tail and run, because no amount of robots can save you from me if you so much as say one more number."
At that moment, a green aura enveloped Kotoko, trapping her in place as a burst of golden light appeared, a few dozen golden arrows appearing behind Undyne. "So maybe you should think about leaving, before I get... impatient."

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon

Scorpion - Lich Yard (Silent Hill)
The dead eyes were no longer visible as the world became too dark to see, though a ball of fire appeared in Scorpion's hand, illuminating the three of them, and they were high enough that most monsters would ignore them, light or no light. The ninja was silent for several moments as the siren continued to wail its jarring tune, cries and shouts and shrieks echoing in the distance.
"I have been stranded here for weeks." Scorpion explained. "I was with a group of these, uh... ape things." He didn't seem very proficient with descriptions. "We were sent to find out why so many were disappearing in this fog and not coming out. One by one, we were picked off. Only I remain. Every time the siren calls, the darkness falls, and the monsters wake. I have managed to survive through luck, mostly. This place meddles with time, space, and reality. It's almost impossible to trust anything, or... sometimes, anyone. Several of the Brutes I came here with went mad and began to attack us, believing we were monsters as well. We tried to escape many times, but the town called us back. I do not know where the power comes from, all I know is the two worlds. There is no night or day, there is only the Fog, and the Otherworld."

@Shen: King of the Mist @DarkHydraT

The Empty

Shadow Link's attacks proved... pointless. They hit nothing, did nothing. He wasn't trapped in darkness, there simply wasn't anything. It appeared as a darkness to him, yet that was his perception, as simply nothing was here. Still, no voices spoke to him. No monsters reacted to his outburst. The emptiness that had swallowed him didn't waver. He was still alone with only himself and his thoughts. No tricks, no whispers, it was possible the town had exhausted it's usual tactics and had simply... locked him away in a void of nothingness to get him out of the way. The silence was deafening.
But it was all he was given. Seconds passed into minutes, minutes passed into hours, hours passed into days. The cycle continued, nothing changing, Shadow Link by himself. Days passed into weeks, weeks into months, months into years. Had it been that long? Had it been mere minutes within this voice, or thousands of years? He had no way to know. He was cut off from anything and anyone.
The town was breaking his spirit, attempting to bend his will to its whims, beginning by displaying his lack of power compared to it.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Alchemilla Hospital

Nothing. The robot had missed his target again, whom had seemingly vanished. The doctors and nurses that paced by him didn't seem to be paying any attention to him. It was almost as though he didn't exist. If he attempted to speak to one, they would not listen. If he attempted to touch one, they would pass through. This wasn't real, so why was it presenting itself to him?
However, there seemed to be one individual that did notice him. Through a window, he could see a patient lying in a hospital bed. The patient was small, only their eyes and mouth visible, the rest of their body heavily bandaged. Their eyes were staring directly at him, following him as he moved. This being knew he was here, which may mean that they were real, unlike the doctors and nurses that milled about, doing their jobs.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Kotoko & Tails
Urban District

“Sonic, I’m not sure about this. I still need a key component for the Tornado before I can get it up and running, we can’t have a battle like this!”

While trying to think of an escape plan, he was picking up his tools to get things ready for a quick getaway. All the while, Kotoko looked around him in surprise of the move.

“Wha—? All around me?? That’s against the rules! I ban that move!”

As it seemed like Kotoko has no way out, she flipped a controller around, which was previously on her back. Activating it, a rather sizeable bot burst forth from above. It was a Crimson not with thick metal plates going down it’s body. With no legs, it instead has two thrusters with enough thrust to keep it hovering. The biggest feature however was a giant axe, bigger than it’s entire body that it held at the ready.

It smashed the barrier holding Kotoko at bay, dipping it’s axe down toward the now open gap in the field, Kotoko grabbing hold onto the curve of the axe, allowing her to be hoisted up by the machine. She dropped down on it’s shoulder, sitting down comfortably as her legs draped down from the shoulders.

“Fishy girl, meet my ferocious yet dazzling Fighter Robot: Highlander the Great!” She announced. “I may not look it, but I’m actually the fighter! So don’t expect me to go down without a fight! But I don’t think this is a fight you can win! Just for that little stunt, you have a ten second head start!”

Kotoko’s bot, Highlander the Great, pointed the axe toward the group. Monokumas from all over the street ganging up around and in front of it. It was a small army! At least eighty Monokumas stood in formations, ready to pounce on their wounded prey. All the while Monokuma seemed to take to the rooftops, grenades in hand and ready to hurl.


“I got it!” Tails exclaimed. “The part is located underground. We should go down there for safety! We can get both done at once!”

@Captain Pokémon @comic

Lich Yard

“Wow...sounds like this is a long expedition for you. Well, glad we came along when we did! We can be your rescue party!”

Even if the situation seemed bleak and the surroundings dark, Bennett seemed to not shake his positive disposition. Putting a finger to his chin, he began to think of what Scorpion just said.

“Otherworld? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that. What is that?”

Shadow Link

Shadow Link eventually tired of vigorously attacking the nothingness around him. This forced him into a state of deep though. After all, what could one do but think in a situation like this?

Damn this void. I’d take light over this anyday. If a force is acting to put me here, it means it has control of things that go here. That means it isn’t impossible to escape. Just need to know where to look.

There was an end to this nothingness. After all, if there wasn’t, how’d he end up here? Taking a defiant stance in his mind, he flipped his body around to face the direction he believed to be ‘Up’ in this world.

“You may think you have a grip on me, but you don’t! My story is only beginning!”

It was like crossing the dark realm back home. Raising and abysal sword up, he cloaked in in dark energy as he jetted above, ready to ram into the fabric of this empty void and force his way into the next realm. He would not be distraught so easily.

E-102 Gamma


This appeared to be going nowhere. Marking it up as some type of elusive entity, he elected to turn around and go back whence he came. However, before this, he was met with some Type of hospital patient that wasn’t there before. Seeing them through the window peering over to him, he figured she would know something of this situation.

Marching over to their door, opened it, crouching through the doorway in order to fit through.

“Where is this location?” He simply demanded.
Last edited:


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Undyne - Urban District

You know? She loved anime. No really, she did. She does. She always will. One thing she really loved was giant mech battles. But what the hell was the point if she didn't have a giant mech of her own? Like, seriously. She decided to voice her concerns. "Hey, kid!" Her voice trailed up to Kotoko. "What's the point of having a giant mech if I don't have one to battle you with? I mean, are you really that weak? You don't think you can take on a weak, crippled monster by yourself? Wow. And you're supposed to be a leader of some kind? Wait. Wait." Undyne held up a finger. "If that Masaru kid is supposed to be your leader, then..." She started to laugh. Clearly she still wasn't fully awake. Or maybe she'd just gone crazy. "Yeah, no wonder you're hiding like a coward behind that toy." She laughed out to Kotoko. "You couldn't even take on a Froggit by yourself. So what happens if somebody takes away all your toys? Throw a fit like a baby? I mean, it's not like you could do anything by yourself."

In fact, there was nothing wrong with Undyne. She was still taunting the girl, despite being severely outgunned and outmanned. After all, why run from death when you could laugh in its face? "Fine then, kid. If you're so sure you need all of these to beat ONE of me... let's see how long you last!" The dozens of golden arrows shot off, becoming yellow streaks in the air as they began to bounce haphazardly all across the field, darting into the buildings, ripping through Monokuma after Monokuma. "She wants us to run." Undyne told Sonic and Tails, before cracking her neck. "You two should listen. I'll keep her off your backs." A grin split across her face. She was weakened now, but she wouldn't go down without a fight. To the last breath. To her last leg. The Spear of Justice would never back down.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon

Scorpion - Silent Hill (The Otherworld)

"This darkness." The ninja informed. "When the siren calls, the world changes into this."
With his free hand, he pointed to the roof beneath them- except it was no longer a roof. It had changed so subtly that they'd barely noticed it, but now it was replaced with rusty metal bars, wet to the touch. Bars that Scorpion's firelight cast a glow beneath. Human figures could be seen within the house beneath them, hanging by their skeletal feet, meat dripping off of them. A gut-twisting scene to even the hardest of souls. "This is the Otherworld. They can kill you here. No trophies. Just... gone. It pulls you into a realm outside of the world we came from. A world with its own rules."
Some of the bodies were too large to be human, appearing ape-like. Some were probably the Brutes Scorpion had mentioned he had entered Silent Hill with. "This town is cursed. There is no escape, no rescue... only surviving until it gets you."
He'd... clearly been through a lot.

@Shen: King of the Mist @DarkHydraT

The Empty

And he kept going.
And going.
And going...
The void was endless. Infinite. Even if he were to stop, he would still keep moving. No gravity to pull him anywhere, inertia taking hold. Each attempt he was making was proving ineffective. Somehow, this void had no barriers. Or perhaps it was just so expansive that he couldn't find one. Or perhaps it was forcing him to go through a loop, appearing back at where he'd begun without even realizing it. The Empty simply remained, and so did he. Escape was beginning to seem less and less possible.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Alchemilla Hospital

The girl stared back, her lips quivering as he entered. His demand was met with silence, at least initially. It was then that all the noise seemed to die down. The doctors and nurses had all disappeared, though the clean hospital remained. The heart monitor was beeping. The girl opened her mouth, but no words came out.
"She can't answer you."
Another voice spoke, this one behind Gamma. If he were to turn to it, he would find another little girl, holding a bird in her palm, petting it lightly. She had thick black hair that hung down over her face, paper white skin, dirt clinging to every part of her body, a tattered school girl's outfit adorning her body, barefoot, and clearly young. No older than seven. The bird in her palm let out that same familiar tweeting. Perhaps the bird even felt... familiar.
"She can't answer because they burned that gift away." The girl stated, her voice stale, monotonous, and cold. "They burned away many of her gifts. Except one." She smiled, though it appeared about as artificial as the robot in front of her. "Me."

@Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Lich Yard

“O—Oh...I see...”

Scorpion’s will definitely was more broken than expected. Broken as it was, he did have useful intel. Thinking for a second, he tapped on Geo’s shoulders, signaling his friend.

“Well we’ll get you out of here! My friends Geo here as some magic stuff like you haven’t seen! I’m sure he can find something with it!”

@comic @DarkHydraT

E-102 Gamma

Gamma was perplexed as to why the patient was not answering him. Before he was to reach out and touch her hand, a voice came from behind.

"She can't answer you."

His head spin 180°, his body turning to match it. The small girl wasn’t much to look at, but then again, nothing here is what it appeared. He listened intently to what she, he, or it had to say. Despite what she said, there was a question the robot had to ask them.

“Are you the one behind the anomaly?”


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Alchemilla Hospital

"Yes." The girl replied simply, staring back with vacant, black, soulless eyes. "And no." Her gaze slowly drifted to the girl on the bed, who was silently watching them. "E... One... Zero... Two... Gamma..." The mysterious girl slowly said as she began to approach the hospital bed, staring at the bandaged figure within, cocking her head slightly. "A robot. Like from the books. She liked books."
The girl stopped, standing still beside the bed as she stared for a moment at the other girl, before returning her gaze to Gamma. "Before the books came to life. Before the demons woke from their endless slumber. Before Gods walked among men. She has suffered. Her suffering brought only pain to everything around her. It used her fears, and brought them to reality."
She continued to pet the bird in her hand. "But that's not something you would understand. Not yet. Maybe in time, if you prevail. Maybe once you escape the cage, and fly free." At this, she stopped petting the bird, and it fluttered into the air, landing on a nearby IV bag, tweeting as it went.

"Can a robot feel remorse? Could you pity this girl?" She nodded toward the girl on the hospital bed, who was still silently watching with wide eyes. "Her entire life has been nothing but pain and fear. Her own mother cut her open. The person who was supposed to love her. To care for her. Her own mother threw her to the dogs. Her own mother let evil men use her daughter. Her own mother stole any innocent light the girl had. Her own mother even burned her alive."
The girl's strange, fake smile returned as she stared at Gamma. "Yet she survived it all, somehow. Through sheer willpower alone, this abused, tortured soul continues her life of agony and grief. She'll never walk again, you know. In fact, she'll never move again. She'll be bound to her bandages until she rots away. Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. Could you possibly care for her story?"
It was a genuine question, though this girl's motives weren't exactly clear outside of spitting exposition.

@Shen: King of the Mist


Previously Gamingfan2
Kirby poyo'd joyfully as Vio dropped the statue, running towards it and hugging it, before realizing it wasn't moving...at all. Kirby poked his friend, wondering why he wasn't moving.
It must have been his captor! He froze his friend!
Kirby lifted the bandana dee statue, ignoring Psyduck and running after where Vio fled, releasing another flood of poyos demanding he turn Dee back.
@Shen: King of the Mist

Ori-Field of Hopes and Dreams
Ori kept low to the ground, not wanting to get spotted by who he was searching for. Though, the gigantic, green monkey probably didn't help.
Ori heard a voice, and realized he was spotted. Welp.
The guardian spirit burst through the trees, holding a huge light hammer defensively as he faced The Knight and Jevil, waiting to see their reaction.
@Captain Pokémon @DarkHydraT @Psymallard

Dark Matter-Lich Yard
Dark Matter blinked at what had just transpired. So far Shadow Link seemed to hold his own in combat, then a weird humanish thing came in and left with him in tow.
Nevertheless, Dark Matter had better things to do, and he needed Shadow Link to aid him with it. Dark Matter focused, his cape billowing as he prepared his power. After sensing Shadow Link, who was in a very...strange location, Dark Matter created a portal on the ground on front of him.
In The Empty, as shadow link attempted to ram into nothingness, the other end of the portal appeared in front of the shadow imp. Dark Matter waited for Shadow Link appear on his end, wondering if he needed to bring them out by force.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

They are still pursuing? I already gave them what they wanted. How troublesome...!

Vio, however annoyed, kept a cool head. Leaping over a broken section of the wall, the violet colored link wove in a deceptively random pattern, weaving through the trees and brush to lose his pursuers. As he did this, he ducked to take shelter near a particularly dense section of bushes, tossing a rock further on, trying to fool them into thinking that he went that way.

@Psymallard @Gamingfan

E-102 Gamma & Shadow Link
Lich Yar


Gamma turned over to the girl on the bed. Every time he would try and analyze the subject, he would get booted out, and an image would flash in his head.

Troubleshooting.......error. Eggtax://:3009796
Troubleshooting.......error. Eggtax://:3009796
Troubleshooting.......error. Eggtax://:3009796
Running Diagnostic....done.
“3” Errors have occurred within the program? Do you wish to wipe these Errors?
[Yes] [No] <
Errors remaining: 3

“Does not Compute.” Gamma spoke, turning back to her, opening his hand. “Hand me the bird.”


“At last!”

Shadow link dove through the gateway, believing himself to be superior to the town’s tricks. Laughing wholeheartedly at this development, he turned around to gloat...to see Dark Matter holding the gateway open, much to his dismay.

“...So YOU rescued me. Hmph. A damned place, I’d almost gather it a trap. But there is an otherworldly presence to it. I say we wait until anyone else find the key inside and jump them when they are done fetching it for us...!”

This was his way of sticking it to the town, and however controlled it. He’d reap the reward without having to go along with it’s stupid game.

“In the meantime...that Chief imbecile talked about other keys over in this vicinity. One I imagine was you, but there’s a second one. Where would you gather that is, hm?”



Previously mallard
Psyduck- Ice Cap Zone
Psyduck watched as the pink orb chased after him carrying the statue of the spearman. Psyduck respected it, since he thought Kirby might use it as a club. The Duck shrugged and turned back around, gazing out at the snowy landscape before him. He put his fists on his hips and puffed out his chest in a triumphant pose as he gazed upon the new territory. He hopped down from the wall and waddled forward, smacking leaves out of the way. Shortly he reached where the two areas met, and Psyduck jumped down from the short cliff. His feet touched the ice, which didn't feel cold since duck feet don't contain blood vessels. What did feel cold, however, was his rear end, as he immediately slipped and fell. He carefully got up, cursing in Psyduck, and gave the icy area one more look before he really ventured forth. In the far distance, he spotted several dots. It looked like a war or something. So, Psyduck would ride into battle and be the mysterious hero to win the war! He didn't know which side he'd fight for yet, but he would decide when he got a closer look. He ran screaming like a maniac over the snowy ice bridges as he hyped himself up for battle.
@Gamingfan @Shen: King of the Mist

Napstablook-Rivet Ravine Caves
The ghost heard the small sword-wielding creature dashing after him, so he picked up the pace. His floating could only go so fast, though, and The Knight sounded like it was catching up in this tunnel. Napstablook was so focused on what was behind him that he didn't notice the drop ahead. As he flew over the edge, he finally realized, but a little too late as he fell towards the bottom face-first and hit the bottom with a CRASH!

He apparently forgot he could fly.
@ArmedBlue @Captain Pokémon

Kragg-Garreg Mach
The rhino beetle stomped his way into the reception hall- it was empty. Other than looking side to side a bit, he didn't do much else and continue on. "Sonic Boom!" Kragg turned around just in time for a purple crescent to strike him in the chest, rolling him onto his back. Up on the chandeliers, there was a creature that looked exactly like the hairless ape he was traveling with, only with a purple and blue color scheme. With the tank temporarily disabled, the dark creature jumped off the chandelier and doing a flip, before turning into a divekick and aiming towards his döppelganger.
@ThAtGuY101 @Gamingfan


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Alchemilla Hospital
The girl stared back at Gamma for a few moments, before she held open her palm, and the bird fluttered back to it. "That feeling you're unable to comprehend?" She spoke. "That's weakness. She once felt it too. Even the most innocent of souls can be corrupted. When a girl who's known nothing but pain and suffering her entire life is left with only her mind... and me..."
The world began to decay around them. The floor, ceiling, and walls were flaking away, revealing metal walls with decades of wet rust clinging to them, the lights outside of the hall going out one by one, casting it into darkness until only the hospital room remained. The hospital bed was gone, as was the girl bound to it, replaced by a surgery table equally as dilapidated as the rest of the room. The transition into the Otherworld happened in only a few seconds, the only thing remaining was the girl with the bird.

"What is left for her to give to the world, but returning the punishment she was dealt." A crunch sounded as her fist enclosed around the bird, crushing it in her grip. Blood and guts spurted from it, its eyes popping out as she turned it to a pulp in her hand. Dropping the mangled mess to the floor, she placed a cold hand against Gamma's chest. "Your prize can never be reached." She informed him, pulling her hand away to leave a bloody handprint. "Your only hope is finding somebody who is deemed worthy in the eyes of God."
And she was gone, leaving Gamma standing alone in the room, the sound of a distant siren ringing out.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
E-102 Gamma
Lich Yard

Gamma listened carefully to her words. He thought process getting more and more poetical and less physical as it went on. Suddenly... *CRUNCH!* Gamma was surprised by the sudden violence, his arm recoiling back, as he stepped a couple feet away from her. As the world faded away and she left him with an ominous message. Standing in silence for a long duration, trying to register what happened, the robot simply could not.

“Anomalous activity: deteriorated. Scanners online in minimal capacity. Reasoning: unknown. Starting search parameters.”

The scanner was vague at best when scanning for long distances. But he was able to see a ping on his radar. It was faint, as if deep under a veil of water. But it was a lead. Getting up, Gamma made his way to the exit, walking out into the strange world he found himself inside.


Out of nowhere the group of misfits were attacked by clones. Seeing the Guile clone, The blonde haired street fighter was gonna have his hands full. The Guile clone closed the gap, and used a knee press, to which Guile parried. Clone Guile followed this attack up with a elbow attack. Guile dropped to the ground to avoid the attack, and used a sweep kick. Clone guile jumped avoiding the kick and went to drop an elbow on Guile. Actual Guile rolled out of the way, then followed up with another sweep kick. Clone Guile blocked it, but was pushed back.

Guile continued the attack by using a sonic boom attack, getting a direct hit. He followed it up with a summersault kick, then an uppercut. The kick landed, but the uppercut was blocked. The Guile Clone closed the gap with a kick. Guile blocked the kick, then pushed the Clone back. He quickly looked towards the others to assess the situation.
Sonic The Hedgehog
Sonic's ear twitched as he thought he heard something, someone talking. However, he didn't have much time to think about it, as he noticed a strange girl with pink hair walking towards them. He sighed in annoyance. Another member of the 'Warriors of Hope', no doubt. However, despite his annoyance, he was totally down for another battle, not being tired in the slightest, unlike Undyne. That was, until three things happened. One: He noticed dozens upon dozens of red lights appearing in the buildings around them. Those bear robot things. Two: Tails spoke to him, telling him that he needed a key component to get the Tornado running. And three: A giant mech came down from seemingly nowhere, similar to Mark Guvyer. Of course, another mech. An army wasn't enough. Sonic looked down and closed his eyes, seeming upset. Then he did the unexpected: he taunted the girl. "Geez, you must really suck at fighting if you need an army of robots and a mech to even give you a chance! And you're supposed to be the fighter? Heh, you guys really are a bunch of sad sacks, aren't you?" He said, crossing his arms and smirking. "Look at Undyne and me, all we have is ourselves, and we beat the snot out of your leader!" He taunted. Tails suddenly spoke up again, saying that the component was underground, they could take cover there and take the component at the same time! Sonic nodded at him before looking to Undyne. "Come on, we gotta get that component!" He told her, before beginning to turn around to leave.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic

"Whatever, you look like a sphere, in case you didn't notice." Knuckles commented, before looking at the boy in the fancy Halloween costume, who said they were getting close and should prepare themselves. Knuckles pounded his fists together, ready to rumble. It was nice to have people on his side for once. Everything had been pretty hostile so far.

Ice Cap Zone
The Egg Cannon Audrey attacked was split in half by her sword, while the Aero-Chaser Gunvolt was on was destroyed by his attack, however the other Aero-Chasers were too fast and avoided the spheres. However, the roar of a larger engine than before could be heard above, a ship over 20 times larger than the one previously appeared. (It isn't the Egg Carrier, the ships before were about the size of large buses, the Egg Carrier is much bigger than 20 buses.) Unlike the previous one, it simply flew past the Ice Cap Zone, dropping dozens upon dozens of large pieces of metal. Additionally, an actual person dropped down in front of it all, slowing his descent with thrusters on his back. This person had an artificial, glowing red left eye and was covered in black armor, the Eggman Empire logo on the chest. His left arm was no longer an arm, instead being a homing missile launcher. His right arm was a real arm, at least it seemed to be. It was holding a large and intimidating gun. The Aero-Chasers snickered and flew away from the trio, knowing what was about to happen. "Attention! This area is now a territory of the Eggman Empire, leave now or be destroyed." He demanded, before the pieces of metal began to fold upward and outward, revealing rows and rows and rows of Egg Gunners. A terrifying chk-chck could be heard as the Egg Gunners readied their weapons.
@ArmedBlue @Gamingfan @Fraseandchico

Gengar sighed in relief as Red agreed to his choice of shelter. He floated over there while Red walked, before Red halted. The house was old and practically falling apart, but it was a roof over their heads. Gengar nodded at Red as he asked him to look inside first. He peeked his head through the door, simply phasing through it. It seemed to be empty. Old, dusty, and a bit smelly? Yes, but it was empty. He backed up and opened the door, choosing to make contact with it rather than phase through it. He gestured inside, looking at Red.
@Shen: King of the Mist

Neo Metal Sonic
Metal crossed his arms in response to the Dragonborn, not saying anything. He waited for a moment, before suddenly boosting upwards at blinding speed. Then he flew behind them, landed, and rushed to the Aggron rather than the Dragonborn. He grabbed the metal beast by the tail and swung it into a far wall, before it could recover, he flew towards it, grabbed its tail again, then slammed it into the ground. The healing potion allowed it to take more continuous damage than usual, but he could end it with one move. Before the beast could recover, Metal bent down, wrapped his hands around the beast's head, and snapped its neck with a terrifying crack. The Beast was now a trophy once more, but this time, Metal threw it through a nearby wall so the man in armor couldn't utilize it anymore. "Coward, if you were as powerful as you claim, you wouldn't have needed its help." Metal spoke, before, firing a laser from his chest at the man.

Aegislash squinted as a ghost-like creature appeared appeared in front of them. It was a rather sad ghost as well, which was strange. Typical Ghost types were usually full of energy and causing mischief. The ghost quickly u-turned back to the way it came. Shroom suggested they follow it. Aegislash wasn't sure, but they didn't have anywhere else to go, so he followed the ghost as well.
@ArmedBlue @Psymallard

Jevil grinned widely as the two revealed themselves, giving up on stealth. "Wonderful, wonderful! New friends to play with!" Jevil spoke while laughing mischievously. The Knight didn't seem to be enjoying himself as much, instead being out for blood. He ran up to him and pointed at his scythe. Jevil wasn't sure exactly what he wanted him to do, but it didn't matter. Four scythes appeared around the duo before them, and closed in, using the same attack he used to down the Knight earlier. Additionally, several clubs appeared around them, and began to shoot bullet-like projectiles at the duo.
@DarkHydraT @Gamingfan

Eggman Empire Wall
The laser turrets shot down the rockets that tried to blow them up with ease, before turning their attention back to the jet and shot at it again. This time, they adjusted their aim so there was an equal amount of turret fire on all sides of the jet.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Silent Hill
The sirens continued their cruel song, before they finally faded, slowly dispersing into nothingness. The surrounding darkness lingered for several more moments, before it slowly began to lift, like a blanket being pulled away from the world. What it brought with it was a sense of relief. The monsters seemed to disappear when the sirens faded, and the world was once again replaced with the thick canopy of thick, white fog that enveloped the world of Silent Hill. Its eerie serenity returned with a calm quiet to it.
The nightmare had ended, for now. It would return.

Gamma had exited Alchemilla hospital at this point, greeted with the same exterior he'd encountered before entering the hospital. The fog just remained as blinding as ever, clogging his sensors, forcing him to rely on sight and sound alone. His next destination was up to him, though the girl had suggested he find somebody 'worthy' of retrieving the prize he sought, which was no doubt meaning the Nexus Key he'd been sent here for.

@Shen: King of the Mist


It had come, and it had gone. Scorpion rose his head slightly, glaring at the sky as it turned from black to grey to white. The fog had returned. The Otherworld had retreated. "We cannot linger. Come with me, I have been hiding away at an old school. There are some monsters that live in the fog, and one of them cannot be killed. He doesn't go near the school."

@Shen: King of the Mist @DarkHydraT


The darkness had finally lifted, and John found he'd sprinted his way into some kind of... hotel. The entire place was just as rotted and ruined as anywhere else, but there was music to replace the siren. To fill the silence. A piano, softly playing a haunting tune that echoed through the halls. Slowly, he began to make his way toward the source. The absence of the sirens felt as clarification that those creatures he'd encountered were now gone. For how long was uncertain. Forever, hopefully.
He entered the lobby of the hotel to hear the piano music growing louder and louder. He turned down another hall, and found a study. Book cases lined every wall, filled with book after book. Old, dusty, and unloved. In the corner of the room sat a piano, a small figure sitting on the bench before it, her small, dainty hands gliding over the keys as she played.
"That piano... it's playing itself."
Cortana's words confused John, who frowned. "No, there's a child there." He informed her. The A.I. was silent for a moment, before responding. "I... don't see it."
This town was strange as it was, and Cortana hadn't seen Chief's earlier vision. Clearly this had to be supernatural in nature. There was no other explanation as to how he was seeing things she couldn't... unless he was just going crazy.

The Spartan began to approach the girl, his heavy boots absorbing most of the impact of each step, one of the reasons he was able to fall from great heights and land without injury on his feet. The girl continued to play, black hair flowing down to the middle of her back, ragged, tattered clothes covering her body, feet hanging above the ground, blackened with dirt and grime. He was about three feet away when the girl stopped playing, and lowered her hands to her lap.
This made Chief stop his approach, assuming she knew he was there. Her next words confirmed as much. "You're not a real person, are you?"
He blinked. "I am." He assured, stretching out a hand. "Come with me. I can get you out of here."
The girl turned to look at him, her face showing just how pale she was, with large wide eyes that seemed devoid of life. "I don't want to leave." She stated. Hesitantly, he retracted his hand as she stared at him for several moments more.
"This place is your home?" He asked. "This place is my tomb." The girl corrected. "A lost soul, a broken memory, a shattered heart, with nothing to piece me together. It was not war, famine, or unworldly beings who took part in my destruction. It was family. Friends. Neighbors."

She was standing now. Strange, he hadn't seen her stand. This wasn't the only surprise in store, as he realized with a startle that the world had changed as well. The dust and dirt was gone, the cobwebs swept away. The floor was polished, new. A few people were in the room with him, looking through some books. Orange lamps cast a warm glow on the room. The windows showed nothing but darkness outside, rain lashing at the panes.
"Cortana?" John asked, trying to see if she could see what he was seeing. "I hear her. Still can't see her." The A.I. replied. That was enough for Chief to feel less like a hallucinating lunatic. After he scanned the room, he returned his attention to the little girl, but she was gone. "She's gone." He stated. "Did we go... back in time?" The question sounded so stupid out loud. "I'm not sure." Cortana replied, and John realized that she could see the change as well. So this wasn't just an illusion... was it?
His gaze turned to the door into the study to find the little girl standing there, except she looked different. Much different. Her hail was tied into black pigtails, her skin more pink, a school girl uniform adorning her body, navy blue in color. Her eyes remained dead, however. "I had power." She spoke. "Gifts. I should have been special." With that, she turned and walked from the room. John quickly followed, exiting with her to find she had made her way down the hall into the lobby, where a butler stood behind the front counter, casting a disgusted look upon the girl. "A witch. A freak. This is what I was called. This is what I was. Others hated me. Others say... potential." She turned her gaze from John as he stepped into the room, her eyes landing on a woman with frizzy hair that was pulled back into a tight bun, dark circles under her eyes. "Come, Alessa." She barked an order. The girl gave a small nod, and hurried to her mother's side, eyes falling to the floor. "You should keep a tighter leash, Dahlia." The butler said to her. She only nodded back to him in reply, before taking Alessa out of the hotel.

Chief followed the pair as they walked down the streets of Silent Hill, Dahlia scolding Alessa along the way. The girl claimed to have only been trying to practice piano, and was struck a few times by her mother when she tried to speak. John felt the urge to intervene, but a voice in the back of his mind seemed to tell him that it was something he could not do. He was specter here. A ghost. Meant to watch.
Dahlia took Alessa to what was presumably their home, where a few men stood outside, greeting Dahlia heartily. Seeing them, Alessa stopped dead. "I don't want to go inside." Her voice was quiet as she eyed the men.
She was terrified. John could see that much as he moved to see her face, gaze turning to the leering men. Dahlia appeared annoyed. "They are of Valtiel's Coven. Do as they say, or you will face the dog cage again. Understand?"
Alessa's lip trembled as she gave the tiniest of nods, tears already slipping silently down her cheeks. Chief felt his stomach twist as he looked away. "I don't want to see anymore." He spoke.
Just like that, the fog had returned, replacing the mist that had been drizzling down. The world was back to its dilapidated state, leaving John standing in the middle of the street, feeling rather exposed. The girl he now knew as Alessa stood beside him, staring at the house, her battered and dead visage returning as well. "It makes me feel better to know they're dead now." She stated. "I would know. I killed them. It took a long time, but I got my revenge. And now... that revenge is gone. I have nothing but this town, and it wants more from me than I can give."
She turned to look at Chief, who was staring at the remains of charred wood. This house had burned down a long time ago. Had this been what had killed 'Valtiel's Coven' and Alessa's mother? "Why are you showing me this?" He asked, turning to look back at the girl. Her gaze appeared conflicted. A mixture of sadness and fury. "Go to Midwitch Elementary. There, you will find others like you."
And she was gone, leaving John to feel... well, he wasn't sure how he felt. Alessa was clearly still alive in this town, but all of this... she had to at least be nearly fifty years old, right? What was her power she mentioned? This 'gift'? Questions lingered, but at least now he had a destination in mind. It was better than wandering aimlessly around. He only hoped it would bring him closer to finding the key, but the entire conflict against Eggman suddenly seemed so... distant.


The old house Red and Gengar were entering was indeed old and dusty, furniture draped in white linen cloth, as well as a great grandfather clock leaned against the wall, having stopped ticking years ago. Strangely enough, picture frames were littered on the floor, most of them depicting a couple and their son. The pictures with the son at an older age seemed to be missing the father, then eventually the son, leaving only pictures of the mother before she too was gone, the remaining images depicting only backgrounds.
The floorboards were creaky, the walls were rotted, and the windows were mostly broken.
However, there seemed to be a loose floorboard nearby, a few bits missing from nearby boards, clearly leading into a basement of some kind.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon

Urban District
"You get it!" Undyne replied to Sonic. "Trust me, it'll be much easier if I'm distracting them." More and more of the Monokumas were getting shredded by the bouncing golden arrows, darting about with intense velocity before they began to disappear, the energy exerted into them fading. Alone, those arrows had successfully brought down the Monokuma army a third, and she had the strength for another batch. "Go!" She urged Sonic. "I'll be fine." Her eye began to dart about the mech, searching for any weak spots. She had to assume that it was enough like Mark Guyver that thrashing the head was a fool's gamble. The core, inside of it, that's what she had to target.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon


Sub-Zero frowned from his vantage point, glaring at the distant army of Monokuma rallying behind a massive mech. He couldn't see what they were getting ready for or against, but he hadn't been told of any allies. It wouldn't hurt to help, however- until one of the Elites beside him snapped his mandibles. "Fools." He spoke. "To gather themselves so confidently in the open, away from the safety of their vessel." His gaze turned to Kuai Liang. "This opportunity cannot be wasted. I will inform Decimus immediately."
"What are you planning?" Sub-Zero asked. "Orbital bombardment." The Elite stated. "Perhaps even our new ally could aid in the effort."
Sub-Zero pursed his lips, unsure. Perhaps there could be allies down there, worth their salt, enough to aid him. The Elite used a pair of binoculars to see more clearly as he began to relay the information to Decimus.

The Cavern
"Coward?" The Dragonborn laughed, his laughter echoing heartily. It would have been contagious if not for Metal Sonic being, well, Metal Sonic. "I was simply taking my time!" With that, he tossed an empty bottle aside. Something he'd drank, but what, Metal Sonic would have no idea at the moment. "Now, let's level you out- TIID KLO UL!" His shout, amplified by Dragon Aspect, was cast. The echo never came, however, as the world slowed drastically. Metal Sonic's speed, even at its max, was now enough for the Dragonborn to both comprehend, and react appropriately to. The world was at a crawl, a single rock falling looked as though suspended in the air as the Dragonborn stamped his foot to the ground, which cracked beneath the pressure, continuing to crack even after he charged at Metal Sonic, letting out his signature war cry, the sound alone casting a minor effect of force.

@Captain Pokémon

The patch remained successful as Eggman's face once again appeared on a screen. Hideous to look at, but their alliance made them nigh unstoppable. "I have gained word from my scouts in the city. The Warriors of Hope have stationed a large portion of their troops outside of the range of their warship. Their open to attack. I am going to commence an orbital bombardment. Just let you know, in case you want to join in on the fun." He grinned, baring his great fangs, before sending several images he'd received from the Elite to Eggman, showing the scene in question in case Eggman had any doubts, though any eagle eye could pick out the speck in the image that made up three individuals, two of which Eggman would undoubtedly recognize.

@Captain Pokémon


Previously Manu456Alola
Gunvolt - Ice Cap Zone

"Another ship...?"

Gunvolt fell to the ground once his Astrasphere faded, looking up at the massive airship that flew over the icy landscape, dropping large pieces of metal all over the area. A human also dropped down from the ship, equipped with all sorts of high tech enhancements. Was he some sort of commanding officer? The metal devices began to open up, revealing a robot army. The cyborg demanded they left, as the area would be under control of the 'Eggman Empire'. So he's the one behind this...

Confronting Eggman's army head on would be very difficult- there were too many robots. If he had Prevasion available, maybe he would be able to take them on... but that was an ability he wasn't able to use in this realm. Unfortunately, it seemed retreating was the better option here. They were headed for the keys, after all. Fighting against Eggman's forces wasn't as urgent, even if he was a threat.

"We'll deal with you later. Got better things to do right now." He told the man, turning to face Audrey and Swole, hoping the former understood his reasoning. He began to walk away, headed towards the jungle in the distance. If they managed to get they key there, they'd definitely have a fighting chance.

@Fraseandchico @Gamingfan

Copen - Field of Hopes and Dreams

What is that...?

The key was not just lying around in the middle of these strange fields. The signature was coming from a strange being that hovered a couple meters in the air, wearing a cloak, a visor and black hair. It seemed to be made of some dark energy, though it also had a faint, rainbow glow. And next to it was...

Undoubtedly, that was the 'Shadow' that Green and Blue had mentioned. Dark clothes, purple hair... Certainly had the 'evil doppelgänger' look to him. Shadow seemed to know about the keys, asking the other dark being about the next key's location and how Chief had mentioned them- wait, Chief? So he'd run into them before? Several questions popped up in his mind, the main one being if he was alright. They hadn't heard from him in a while... Why was he even doubting that? He knew Chief was extremely capable. Some dark version of Green wouldn't be able to defeat him. Putting these thoughts aside for now, Copen's red eyes locked onto the two beings, aiming his Divider at them before speaking up.

"I believe you have something that we need."

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon @DarkHydraT @Gamingfan

The Knight - Rivet Ravine (Collapsing Cave)

The Vessel kept following the ghost through the tunnel, slowly catching up with it. The Knight followed it all the way to a drop off, where the ghost simply fell all the way down, a strange occurrence seeing as it was able to fly. Was the way to the exit down there? Looking back at Slash, who was right behind him, the Knight jumped off the edge, falling almost all the way down before its Monarch Wings came out. The ethereal wings flapped once to slow the fall, allowing the bug to land unharmed.

It looked around briefly before spotting the ghost again, who had fallen flat on its face. The Knight reached out to it, trying to help it up with a void nub. If it was even corporeal enough to grab things, anyway.

@Psymallard @Captain Pokémon

BSM-02 Garand - Urban District

A cool blue light coming from the cannon on the Garand's underside as it built up energy, when it was faced with laser shots from all sides. It reacted in a split second, entering a spin that caused it to head downward, rotating in a way that it would be more difficult to hit. Some shots made direct contact, though they didn't do much damage due to its heavy armor. It began flying back up, the light coming from its cannon becoming brighter.

Once it was right over the Empire Wall, the Garand circled around. In a flash of light, a large, cyan laser shot out from the Garand's cannon, aimed right at the wall, trying to blast right through it.

@Captain Pokémon
Last edited:

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Urban District

The monokumas hit by the spammage of golden arrows, although they pierced remained standing. The ones that fell however, were instantly replaced by the back row, which walked forward. Barley a tenth of them had fallen.

"Is that really all you can do? Humph! All that bravado and your just gonna do THAT? You might as well be a boy. Oh well. 5...4321-ATTACK!"

The Monokumas rushed In as she soared up on her robot. The sheer stampede of their numbers shook the ground as more and more piled in from the alleyways. The windows around shattered as the Monokumas rained down toward her from the skies. It was a multi-pronged attack! Amongst them, several began to don body armor and helmets, makeshift weapons in hand. Undyne was outnumbered 100 to 1 and rising steadily.

"Sonic! We have to go!"

Tails finally managed to get all his supplies into the seat of the typhoon, deactivating it's landing gear lock. Struggling, he grabbed the tail of the plane and flew with all his might, allowing him to push the plane forwards and towards the back of the parking lot. After he got enough momentum, he leaped into the pilot seat. While the plane didn't work, he could still use it's momentum for a quick(er) escape.

That Undyne...she is stubborn but brave. If knuckles were here, he would have a best pal for sure.

@comic @Captain Pokémon

Shadow Link, Green, Blue.
Field of Hopes and Dreams

"Oh? Looks like you have a problem." He said to dark matter. "I did the last one. Now it's YOUR turn for this one. Besides, I think your more than capable of taking out a few kids, eh?"

Blue and Knuckles has survived his little cavern collapse, how quaint. He'd look forward to taking them out personally, that is if Dark matter didn't kill them first. However there was one person here he took the initiative in trying to destroy.

"There's that creep! Shadow! Bet you didn't plan on seeing me again huh?" Blue shook his fist.

"Your going back to the dark world where you belong!"

"I think you also have a few pests of mine." He replied to copen, ignoring Green and Blue.

flexing his hand, a burst of black wind erupted behind Green, throwing him into the air! That's when shadow link readied his sword, slashing green directly above! Green cried out in pain at the sudden combo, Shadow link cackling as the fight had just begun!"

@ArmedBlue @DarkHydraT @Gamingfan

E-102 Gamma
Silent Hill



His sensors began to fade again once he reached outside. But he did have some general sense of direction on where to go. That is, if the terrain didn't mislead him somewhere else. The girl said something about finding a person for the key, meaning he could not have it. This directly defied Eggman's strict orders of locating and capturing the key.

"Eggman registration: Master. Eggman's orders: locating and capture key. Impossible to capture key without potential life form. ERROR: Missing protocol for this scenario."

Eggman had never programmed him into following something for a situation like this. He had to think for himself. No protocol, no command. Looking deep into the fog, he readied his blaster.

"Creating Protocol: Gamma-01: Search for 'worthy' specimen."


Upon entering the house, he began to look side to side, expecting a ghost or some creepy crawly to pop out and scare him. As he took a step forward, he jumped at the sound of creaking floorboards.

"Ohhhhhhh I don't like this plaaaaace..." Red moaned.

Looking to his right, he found a dark stairway leading down to a basement, supposedly. No light down there, just pitch black.


Red curled up in the fetal position behind the couch, gently rocking himself and trying to calm himself down.

"Mr.Ghost, just Let me know when it's all over."



"Uhhhh you sure? Geo hasn't done his scan thing yet..."

Quickly realizing they hadn't much a choice unless they wanted to be left behind, Bennett motioned to Geo, getting up to follow their new tour guide


Previously Manu456Alola
Copen - Field of Hopes and Dreams


Copen grit his teeth as a burst of black wind blasted the elf forwards, leaving him wide open to be slashed by his dark counterpart. He's not limited to any weapons or flight. Seems able to control this dark energy to an extent, using sneak attacks. Might not be too durable by himself or weaker up close. He tended to analyze opponents quickly to plan his attacks, a strategy that was warranted if the other dark being possessed one of the keys.

"You'll pay for that... Lola!"


The teen pulled his pistol's trigger, firing a flurry of pink laser shots on full auto at Shadow. Lola readied Stellar Spark at the same time, spawning an electric sphere that the P-Bits would then use to fire three electric streams at Shadow Link. Copen would then Bullit Dash up to where both dark beings were, attempting to place a tag on Dark Matter with his gun.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Gamingfan @Captain Pokémon @DarkHydraT


Previously Gamingfan2
On his wave, Kirby surfed after Vio, Bandana Dee statue in-nub. That is, until he lost track of Vio in the shrubbery. Kirby blinked, looking left and right for Vio, but failing.
Kirby sighed, before thinking of a rudimentary plan. Kirby swallowed the bandana dee statue for safekeeping, before inhaling the forcefully. Leaves were pulled off trees and smaller plants were uprooted as he inhaled, turning slowly as he did so to reveal Vio and/or bring him closer.
@Shen: King of the Mist

Buzzwole-Ice Cap Zone
Buzzwole gave an annoyed "SWOLE" as more enemies appeared, preparing another assault with a Front Lat Spread, before Gunvolt said otherwise. He didn't want to simply flee, but if that's what the human wants, he had little choice.
With a disappointed buzz of his wings, Buzzwole turned and tailed Gunvolt, arms crossed in indignation.
@ArmedBlue @Fraseandchico

Amaterasu-Garreg Mach
Amaterasu suddenly slunk low, growling as she sensed evil energy nearby. Sure enough, a weird shadowy clone of the human accompanying them came out of nowhere and attacked. The original fought back, giving Amaterasu the opportunity to leap towards the clone and spin once. Ink flew of her tail in a horizontal line. Should it land on the clone, they would be sliced cleanly in that area.
This was the first Celestial Brush Technique: Power Slash
@Psymallard @ThAtGuY101

Ori-Field of Hopes and Dreams
Seeing the barrage of projectiles sent at them, Ori reacted on instinct. Using Bash, Ori zigzagged between the projectiles, propelling himself on each one, until he found himself above everyone. Ori summoned a massive light hammer, curled up, and began falling speedily downwards as a ball of light. If he landed, Ori would release a wave of spikes surrounding him, possibly stabbing the knight and the jester if he floated too low.
@Captain Pokémon @DarkHydraT

Dark Matter-Field of Hopes and Dreams
Dark Matter showed little reaction to the newcomers, not even moving except for his eye, which did look towards them. Shadow Link was, of course, eager to fight, despite being shown clear evidence he can't do everything. Nevertheless, it would be better to eliminate these people before they become an actual nuisance.
Speaking of, one was already closing in. In response, Dark Matter simply slashed upward with his sword to parry the dash, launching a wave of shadow bullets as he did so.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Shadow Link, Blue, Green
Field of Hopes and Dreams

As the shadow bullets shot forth, disrupting many of the shots of Copen, Shadow link prepped for the beams. Scowling, as he had to forgo finishing Green off, he switched to his gaseous, spectral form, Weaving between the lasers. After dodging two, the third hit Shadow Link out of his state, reforming into his humanoid form. There was a bleached section of his face and chest, tingling with what looked like white electricity. He grasped the wounds, his fangs showing.

"NGGGGH! You have teeth light worlder..." the Shadow grimaced, inching back in the air.

He was afraid of the light, although he wouldn't say so out loud. He'd much rather avoid it all together. So instead of aiming to prolong this endgame to with Copen, he looked to his allies, to whom his foe cared deeply. Shadow Link snickered, his wounds slowly starting to creep back to normal colors.

"Let's see if you care more of your so called 'friends' then defeating me!"

Shadow link darted forward, a black wind whipping around to disorient his foes. During this, he spiraled behind hunter, readying a sword slash. He would slice through hunter, releasing a purple energy wave that would also impact knuckles and Green.

"auuuugh! Stop with your tricks!"

Blue growled, readying his hammer. He rushed over toward Dark Matter, prepared to smash his face in.

@Gamingfan @ArmedBlue @DarkHydraT


"...what in the world?"

As Kirby began to devour the forest brush around him, his cover began to disappear. How could he fights something so unusual and unpredictable? Calculations meant nothing in the face of lunacy. Prepping his bow, he leaped up out of cover, rushing to Kirby to fight with the suction.

Having three arrows ready, he fired them at three different angles. At kirby's forehead, at his tubby belly, and directly in the middle. What were the limits to how much he could suck up? Time to find out!