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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros: Brawl


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Donkey Kong
The human accepted.
The Party Increased!
Next came Vio's questions regarding things that looked like him. At this, the ape scratched at his skull, looking at the human for a second. He then stroked his chin, shared a look with Kirby, before he raised an arm and pointed confidently at Vio, telling the boy that the ape had seen him. Quite suddenly, however, DK realized that Vio did look familiar. He looked almost identical to Toon Link, and Toon Link looked a lot like Young Link, and Young Link looked a lot like regular Link. Donkey Kong then lowered his arm, and tried another sign language word he was aware of.
Moving his hands, he formed one word; 'Link', and looked expectantly at the boy for confirmation.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Gamingfan

What kind of sick joke was this? The Grandmaster stomped his foot on the ground, and a burst of ice sent the Junk Monokuma spiraling through the air, only for it land upright and begin getting assaulted by Tabby as Sub-Zero took a step back, getting into his classic fighting stance as he narrowed his eyes impassively at the creature. It did not intimidate him, but quickly the parallels stacked up.
The Warriors of Hope were using the human within so much like Sektor had used his Lin Kuei. This riled up an actual anger within the Grandmaster, who was usually so stoic. Eggman he suspected was capable of this, but this Junk Monokuma? It was confirmation of the treachery the children were capable of.
He twisted his arms, and as the Junk Monokuma was battling Tabby, ice began to quickly spring up around its legs. Thick and chilling, efforts to ensnare the Junk Monokum in place. To restrain it. He did not want to kill it. Not yet, anyway.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Psymallard

The skeleton watched as Kilton began to hop about the rubble, and stroked at his chin. "UM... WELL, EXPLORING IS ALWAYS FUN! BUT I REALLY AM CONCERNED FOR OUR FRIEND." He glanced to Slowking, insinuating that the Pokemon was friends with Reize as well. "AFTER THE EXPLOSION, I HAVEN'T SEEN HIM. MAYBE YOU COULD HELP US LOOK FOR HIM?" He asked. Three people looking would be better than two, surely. That's how it usually went anyway. He could never find anything with Sans, but if Undyne became involved then they'd find it in no time and Sans would somehow get the credit.
That was when he saw a figure cresting over a distant pile of rubble. A hulking figure covered in brown, nearly black fur, armor covering parts of him. A large metal device was held in one of his hands, and he didn't seem to notice the ragtag group of three a hundred feet from him.

@Psymallard @ThAtGuY101

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Junk Monokuma

The Junk Monokuma, upon being hit by the ice attacks, was knocked somewhat upwards, but it's weight proved much more than anticipated, keeping it somewhat grounded. It's metal hands clawed on the tile, pulling back level.


Bullets rang off on it's hull. The steel plates denting, chipping, and occasionally snapping as they impacted, doing little to hinder it's momentum. As the ice began to raise up under it to freeze its arms and legs in place, it raised it's front two legs, slamming them into the walls, leaving it's legs to freeze over.

It stared at them with a unblinking and crying eye, the flesh around it squirming and convulsing abhorrently. The arms that were propped on the wall forced its body up, shattering the restricting ice below. Some green puss dripped from it's gaping mouth.

Suddenly, a broken mechanical arm dangled down between all four of it's legs. It's hand was frayed completely off, leaving several exposed cables and wires sparking out in it's place. Sharp steel fragments of what was once an metal hand protruded dangerously, alongside some peculiar white axe shaped object...seeming non-mechanical in nature

It screeched forth, closing the distance quickly until he was right near on top of them, crawling up high, using the walls to keep itself propped up in the middle of the halls. The strange fifth limb shot sparks out as it reached out toward Tabby, looking to stab the tablet in the confirmed space while it plowed over sub-zero

@Psymallard @comic

Lich Yard

"Is that...a way out?"

Red didn't know what to make of where they had ended up. Was it a good or bad thing? Even the safe house they were before was a deceptive safe haven, so his worries weren't soothed.

"Two organisms detected."


Suddenly, a robot dropped from above, it's legs clanking on the rocky ground as it hoisted it's gun. Another danger?! The red and white clad robot held out it's hand.

"Come with me."


Red clinged next to Mr.Ghost, carefully not to give an inch toward the robot. E-102 Gamma showed displeasure at this, easing it's weapon.

"Do not resist. Come with me."


"...Yes and no. The one you know as 'link' is no more, rather, I am a fragment of his psyche, given solid form in this plane of existence. Or to put it simply: I'm a piece of him."

Given the answer DK gave, it was easy to gather he had not seen any of the other three anywhere if this was his first experienced with the different colored links. Shaking his head, he crossed out of the jungle northward, Green plains and city seen in the distance. Fighting obvious between Robots, Gorrila like monsters, and people.

"...This will be quiet the trek..."



Previously turnt3chGodh34d
It held no intentions of becoming trapped. That much was clear, the creature was moving through robotic instinct. It was too much like the Cyber Lin Kuei, yet one thing was certain, at least he believed so. When it had come to his past conflicts against Sektor, defeating the Cyber Lin Kuei had come down to destroying their central processing unit. If he had to guess, the Monokumas possibly had something similar. A headquarters that devised their orders. Kept them in their place. Kept them obedient and responsive. That was probably on the Warriors of Hope ship... and so Sub-Zero now had his destination. Either that, or he could return to Decimus in the hopes of letting the Banished and Eggman's forces duke it out against the Warriors of Hope. The hitch in that plan, however, was the fact that it seemed all three factions were giving one another space. Perhaps even discussing more alliances with the Warriors of Hope... no. He had to do this either alone, or with a group of trustworthy individuals aiming for a similar outcome.

With that in mind, Sub-Zero's entire body became coated in ice- which shattered as the Junk Monokuma plowed into it, only for the creature itself to become temporarily engulfed in ice, freezing it in place. A trademark strategy utilized by the cryomancer. It would only last a couple seconds, but it was enough for Sub-Zero, who had rematerialized feet away, to swipe his arm through the air and send a flurry of ice shards through the air toward the Monokuma, his arms becoming coated by a thick layer of ice, increasing his defensive strategy.
As he did this, he glanced toward the robotic tablet creature, who was near the fish woman's still unconscious body. The robot was quick in a fight, but considering its bullets hadn't done anything to this creature, he doubted his ice shards would harm it too much either, and the aquatic humanoid was in danger, just lying there. In response to this, he waved one hand, forming a shell of hard white ice around the azure woman. Ice tough enough that even an explosive missile couldn't shatter it. Well, at least one couldn't. Two was stretching that.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Psymallard


Previously mallard
Even at the horrific cyborg in front of him, speeding towards him, Tabby didn't dodge. He couldn't, he had to protect his first ally in this world. The SMGs ran out, and he swapped out those for his blade, right as it shattered his other ally? It reached out with its cord, and as it did Tabby was ready to deflect- until the monster of steel and flesh froze over. The tablet-bot noticed that Sub-Zero had reappeared behind the creature, and as icicles whizzed by him, he looked back and realised that there was also now a dome over Undyne. He looked past the now-frozen beast and then having a feeling this temporary peace wasn't going to last, he took a slash at a gap in the creature's armor and then zipped up to the high safety of a wall. He fired a single rocket at it, then started charging it for a much more devastating attack.
@comic @Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Junk Monokuma

The Creature was frozen over after the Facade that Subzero had enacted. While his attack did not visual damage, that all changed when his Tablet like foe slashed at the ice before firing a rocket at the specific section, blasting a large hole in the backside of the creature!

Now through the busted armor revealed what appeared to be exposed ribs, surrounded by redundant wires, mounds of flesh, and loose circuitry. lots of these wires and cables gushed out after the explosion hit, draping the floor around it. The creature seemed to murmur, wheeze, and...groan in agony.

The heat from the attack had melted a great deal of the Ice, allowing the creature to bud the rest of the way out by brute force alone. It made a techno howl before it vommited four cables out of it's mouth, electricity arching between each one as they reached up for Tabby, to capture and electrify them.

Meanwhile, it's body leaped atop of Undyne's dome, putting immense pressure on it whilst acting as a deterrent for strong attacks to impact him.

@Psymallard @comic


Previously mallard
Tabby's mouth was covered in a censor bar for a moment as the creature used a human (or monster) shield to prevent any larger-scale attacks. The robot traded the rocket launcher for his katana as the sparking wires reached out for him. With the backside of the blade, he wrapped the cords around his blade and pulled, his sword absorbing the electricity. His plan was to restrain the thing from moving with its own attack- perhaps letting the cryomancer getting some good hits in.
@comic @Shen: King of the Mist


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The abomination seemed to be made solely for the purpose of dealing as much damage as it could for as long as it could, regardless of the damage it suffered. Not only would Sub-Zero be unlikely in capturing it, but also unlikely in subduing it, not unless he...
Idea in mind, the cryomancer flicked his wrist. Spikes began to erupt from the dome surrounding Undyne with the intent of impaling the Junk Monokuma. As this happened, the Grandmaster burst into action, a stylized sword made of white ice materializing in his hands, his grip tightening as he slammed his foot against the ground, and suddenly shot forward like a bullet, ice propelling him as he slid across the ground, a path of ice being made in his way.
If his plan went accordingly, the spikes would have temporarily immobilized the Monokuma, and Tabby's efforts would have restrained its cords, leaving Kuai Liang viable to rush in for his attack.
A biting cold hung around Sub-Zero as fog drifted from his body, giving him reason to his namesake, and he leaped forward, spinning through the air, making to slash the Junk Monokumas limbs off one side of its body in one fluid slash, while the ice beneath it would attempt to surround its other limbs and freeze them in place. If that happened to succeed, he would follow up with another leap through the air, in which he would sever the remaining limbs before his feet had even touched the ground.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Psymallard
Ice Cap Zone
After the mechanical beast known as the Scarab had demonstrated one of its capabilities, the yelling of a man was heard, seemingly commanding the robot troops out of the area, as it was now being used for the demonstration. The metallic marching of the Egg Gunner army was perfectly rhythmic, each step being taken in perfect unison. Once they were out of the area, a noise was heard from above. At first, one would assume it was the wind, or their mind messing with them. But then it happened again, this time louder. Then again. It was like the sound of wings, but different in a way difficult to pinpoint. It sounded....fake. Wrong. It was soon clear what was making the noise. A large metallic mech came descending from the sky, stopping before it hit the ground, appearing with more grace than the Scarab.

Once it looked up, it revealed the top cockpit. Indeed, it was not the doctor himself in the mech. Rather, a replacement pilot with Eggman Empire armor. The Dragoon made an intimidating, robotic roar before raising it’s right arm, the one with the gattling-gun. It aimed at one of the larger icebergs, before beginning to charge up the gun, the barrels extending outwards from the primary mechanism. Suddenly, it fired a large ball of fire at the iceberg, making direct contact. It made a clean hole through the iceberg, water dripping from the top. The barrels connected with the primary mechanism again and the right arm was put down. The Dragoon then raised its left arm, the one with the drill. It fired the drill at a different iceberg, the drill shooting straight through it, and through other icebergs behind it, before exploding in a surge of electricity. It lowed its left arm and raised its right again, before suddenly taking to the air. After gaining enough height, it adjusted its aim to a nearby lake that wasn’t frozen. It fired a large ball of ice from the gun, which froze the entire lake as soon as it made contact. It then adjusted its aim to a nearby iceberg, before pummeling it with a barrage of fireballs from its gun, shooting straight through it after a few seconds. It continued to fly forwards, rapidly adjusted its aim to different icebergs as it went, giving each a gaping hole as a parting gift. It stopped after a few minutes, then swiped its gun to the side for cool effect. Each and every iceberg that was in its flight path now had a large hole in them, and were beginning to melt.

Dr. Eggman
Interesting. The footage from the Egg Drones was already proving useful. The Scarab was incredibly powerful, that much was clear. However, it was slow. In a one-on-one fight, it wouldn’t be able to do much against a fast opponent. He needed to work on its adaptability and speed. Then it would be a monster to bring down.

Sonic the Hedgehog
The blue hedgehog began to nod as his friend spoke, saying they weren’t far from their destination. However, a clicking noise interrupted his thoughts. In less than a second, he was in front of his friend in a fighting stance. He squinted as he saw who it was, easing up a bit. Just a couple of kids wearing masks. They were holding a tv on their soldiers, another kid, this one in a brown mask, on the screen. He observed their surroundings, visible blood on the walls and floor, golden dust everywhere, and broken robots here and there. He sighed, these kids didn’t seem to leave them alone. “Look....kid.” He considered saying man, but that wasn’t the greatest thing to say to these guys. “We’re down here because we need something for our plane. Once we get it, we’re going to take care of Eggman. Wouldn’t that help you guys out? One less rival to deal with?”
He didn’t bother lying, there wasn’t any point when there was a chance that the truth could get them to leave him and Tails alone.
@Shen: King of the Mist

The ghost type nodded at Elf Boy as he explained what happened upstairs. He felt kinda bad about leaving him after he heard everything. Humans were awful but Elf Boy......was alright. This kid had no bad bone in his shrimpy little body. However, he was unfortunately mostly just that, bones. This kid wasn’t very tough, and Ice Man wasn’t around to protect him. Looks like it’s up to me. The ghost type though to himself. He grinned as more darkness began to consume them, basically disappearing into it except for his glowing eyes and his teeth. However, the darkness continued, and continued. Okay, he liked darkness, but this was excessive. However, it was soon over as buildings began to loom over them. What the... He began to think, before being interrupted a metallic sound and a voice. He barely flinched, but wasn’t thrilled about the idea of a new arrival. His grin faded slightly as he turned to meet the voice. It was a robot of sorts, a rather cartoony one. It reminded him of a pokémon he had seen around. Gengar raised an eyebrow, or, rather, halfway closed one of his eyes for the effect of a raised eyebrow, as the robot spoke to them, telling them to not resist. This robot was simultaneously the most and second least rude thing Gengar had ever met. Gengar moved in front of Elf Boy with a frown, why did this robot want them to come with it? The spikes on top of his head began to move upwards and twist, turning into a thick gas of sorts. After a moment, they formed a question mark, hopefully getting his question across.
@Shen: King of the Mist

Neo Metal Sonic & Aegislash
Metal squinted as his opponent began to run away, or crawl to be precise, transforming into a snail-like creature. He stabbed Aegislash into the ground and surrounded him with gates of electricity, wanting both of his hands for this. He turned to face the ‘Phantom’ in the air as it began to assist, not like he needed it, but it’d help him reach his goal faster, so he kept his nonexistent mouth shut. He curled up his fist. “Cease, creature.” He spoke, before massive rocks surrounded the Knight on all sides except for above. These rocks were very thick and likely couldn’t be dashed through. Metal then flew above the rocks, then connected his hands by the wrists, turning each 90 degrees. He then fired a beam from each, effectively creating one large beam of death, intending to incinerate the Knight.
@ArmedBlue @comic (Kinda? With the Phantom and all.)

Jevil flicked the statue aside with a few spades that came from the side of it, before returning his focus to his teammate. Or at least, what used to be his teammate. Alas, he was a statue once more. The jester sighed. “Teammates, they just bring ya down, don’t they?!” He said/joked, before a red Devilsknife silently shot towards the creature from behind, hoping to take him out. If this didn’t work, spades would begin to rain down from above the creature.

The red echidna made a sound of confusion as his opponent abandoned the fight. Weird, he had the upper hand, why would he stop? That was soon made clear as the shadow took Blue’s trophy and Hunter hostage, offering to make a deal. Knuckles didn’t get a chance to express his feelings on the matter, as Halloween costume boy charged and attacked, managing to catch Shadow Link by surprise. Green then tackled him. He’s vulnerable. Knuckles thought to himself. He growled and dug into the ground once more, this time less obviously. A moment later, he surfaced beneath Shadow Link, going for a devastating uppercut on the temporarily vulnerable enemy!
@Shen: King of the Mist (mainly) @DarkHydraT @ArmedBlue @Gamingfan (bystanders)

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Junk Monokuma

In moments, the Monokuma's limbs were frozen to the dome, spikes attempting to penetrate it's frame- with mixed success. Some of the ice spiked turned red as sobbing was heard from the frame, the single pulsating eye darting around frantically. However, as Subzero leaped forward, the Junk Monokuma had other ideas. The cables around Tabby, and in extension their sword, tightened. In one swift movement from all the attached cables, he would yank them and use them as a wrecking ball to collide with the ice ninja before he had a chance to hit.

Jataro Kemuri & Tails
Urban District

"Huh...I never thought of it like thaaat..." Jataro said thoughtfully. "But like...why would you kill Masaru and Kotoko if you hated Eggman? That doesn't sound like a very NICE thing to do... You know what they say...a lying demon is a bad demon...or is it just me that said that? Huh..."

"Hold on now, we didn't kill anyone!" Tails interjected. "It's just like sonic said, we'll be out of your hair as soon as we get the part!"

"♫Lyyyying demon, lyyyying demon♫." Jataro tuned, that is until he suddenly held his head with a somber tone. "Awww...it's so sad though. I heard about it just a few minutes ago. What are we gonna do without a leader? Sure he was really mean to me...but I deserved it all. And Kotoko was really sweet to normal people. It just makes me so sad...like when a doggy dies or when a fish goes limp after you catch it..."

@Captain Pokémon

Red & E-102 Gamma
Lich Yard

Gamma did not respond to Gengar, Instead he took a step forward, reaching for Red. The little guy quickly ran behind Gengar, peeking out the other side.

"Get away from me! I-I don't want trouble!"

"Why do you resist if it won't change the outcome?"

"Why are YOU doing this??"

"..." Gamma processed. "In order to locate the Key, a vessel must be acquired."

Audrey Redheart

Audrey had been, quite admittedly, been blanked out for most of the trip, mostly distracted by her complete...failure and acceptance of the running away during the fight.
SHE was supposed to be the Hero...Heroes don't fail...they don't just...lose.
In her time time blanked out, she recalled the moments that had led up to her arrival here...from her success...
And the pure terror she felt when she lost her sword and became completely useless. God, she hated both times that happened. People who got in her way might be annoying, but her real fear was not being able to succeed or make an impact...no matter what it took.
Oh, Eya, I'm pathetic-

Her self-pitying was cut off as she quickly snapped back to reality, not wanting to be left behind and dashing through the crack.
"Right, right, key, whatever..." She grumbled, looking to the direction Psyduck pointed.
"I'll go scout that way, you follow, I guess." She decided, starting to walk that way, her sword ready and a scorned expression on her face.
I don't trust that...duck thing. Seems way too smart.


Previously Manu456Alola
Gunvolt - Jungle

The Azure Striker winced slightly as Psyduck tugged on his hair, pointing towards another area of the forest. Nothing really stood out over there except for the trees Swole had felled while rushing towards that area, followed by Audrey.

"...alright then." Gunvolt said. "You feel anything coming from there, Joule?"

"I'm sensing some sort of energy close by. Not really sure were it's coming from, but there's totally something around here." The deceased Adept replied, to which Gunvolt nodded. There probably was a key in this jungle. He hadn't seen any robots around, so at least Eggman hadn't gotten to this place yet. At least he hoped that was the case.

He followed behind Audrey and Swole, passing through several fallen, charred trees as they went. The fire had really spread along a decent chunk of the forest. Other than that bit of destruction, the area seemed to be pretty normal, sort of like those plains he'd woken up in. He took a look around in case the key happened to be lying around in the open, when a movement to his side caught his attention. He turned to face the source, instinctively pulling out his Dart Leader.

The figure that had come out from behind a tree turned out to be a skeleton, Joule hiding behind Gunvolt upon seeing him. She didn't deal too well with zombies, skeletons or that sort of thing. The skeleton seemed to be somewhat cartoony, a wide, toothy grin plastered on his face. He wore a blue hoodie with a stained white shirt underneath, black shorts and pink slippers. The Azure Striker raised an eyebrow at the new arrival, though didn't let his guard down just yet. While those he'd met during his time there had turned out to be friendly, last time he ran into some sort of undead being it had tried to kill him. This one was certainly not some mindless zombie, so maybe the skeleton wasn't hostile. Hopefully.

"Can we help you?"

@comic @Fraseandchico @Gamingfan @Psymallard

Copen & Lola - Field of Hopes and Dreams

Dammit... Not only had Shadow Link managed to avoid his tag, but now Blue's trophy was in danger, caught by Krona's jaws. Much like Shadow Link before him, Hunter demanded he backed down and handed Lola over. Gritting his teeth as he halted his attack, it seemed a sneak attack wouldn't work this time. The dinosaur likely wasn't as vulnerable to energy and light as Shadow Link, thus limiting his options when it came to freeing Blue. However, it seemed Hunter's corruption had waned some more; he still had some degree of control over himself from the looks of it.

"I won't hand her over...!" Copen muttered.

"Listen to me, Hunter. I know you're scared, but you gotta fight back!" Lola spoke up, flying slightly closer to the boy. Part of you can still make things right! I believe in you!" She added, pausing for a moment. "You don't want Blue to get hurt, right? Tell Krona to let Blue go. Please." She pleaded, worry in her voice. She didn't know if encouraging him would actually help him fight back against Shadow Link's control, but she could only hope so. I know you can do it, Hunter...

@DarkHydraT @Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon @Gamingfan

The Knight - Rivet Ravine

The Vessel got back on its feet as the larger machine noticed it as well, taking cover behind a rock that didn't last against the Phantom's plasma turrets, forcing it to keep moving. Huge rocks suddenly emerged from all sides, only leaving a hole on the top. The bug instinctively thought to get out of there, wall jumping its way up with its Mantis Claw... when a plasma shot from the Phantom struck it directly, cracking its shell considerably and causing it to fall back down.

Shiny's figure came into view again as the robot hovered over the rocks, charging one final attack to defeat the Knight. Attempting to break out again, the Vessel shot Shade Souls at the walls in an attempt to break free, to no avail. They were incredibly durable. Was the human's sacrifice about to be in vain? The Knight didn't want things to end like that, facing upwards at Metal Sonic in defiance. Raising its nail skyward, the weapon was covered in energy: Essence, a bright light enveloping the bug...

Metal Sonic's beam struck, destroying the ground below as rocks flew everywhere, filling the area with smoke. It cleared to reveal... nothing. No trophy had been left behind, no golden key dropped anywhere below. It was as if the bug had never been there to begin with.

@Captain Pokémon @comic
Last edited:

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Green & Shadow Link
Field of Hopes and Dreams.

Green struggled with Shadow Link, who hissed at him back, dark mist beginning to to form around him as his powers had begun to return.

"I'm not just your Shadow, link." The dark boy growled. "I'm the you that you never had the guts to become. I will always win...!!"

Shadow physically began to get up, repelling Green, clutching his hands forcefully. It's then that Knuckles has burrowed up beneath them, Clobbering them both. Shadow Link had only somewhat dampened it due to his returning strength, but he was still thrown above, dissipating into a black mist, before reforming onto the ground, coughing black fluid.

Meanwhile Green tumbled to the ground himself, physically worn out. He had been tossed around four times this fight, and his body had began to take a toll. He couldn't survive another hit, this much he knew. Shadow wasn't better off. This much exposure to light...it wasn't healthy. He wasn't sure how much longer his spell over Hunter would last under these conditions.

"Dark Matter, Use your Key! Show them what it means to feel pain!" Shadow Link commanded him as he slinked back, grasping his wounded arm.

@Gamingfan @Captain Pokémon @armedue


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The mighty Jiralhanae stroked his chin, gazing upon the impressive display the Egg Dragoon possessed. It didn't match his Scarab in sheer power, but it outclassed his weapon in speed, agility, and armaments. It was no doubt his newest ally could make many useful improvements to the Scarab, and as for improvements involving the Dragoon? Its exposed cockpit was a liability. Older models of Covenant Scarabs had been designed in a way that allowed even a single Grunt to take down a Scarab should they be cunning enough. Pathetic, outdated models were those. The Banished had designed their Scarabs in a way that negated this. No weak points, no accessible ramps that led into a fragile reactor an enemy could obliterate with a single weapon.

Decimus and Eggman traded schematics and details about one another's equipment. Through this, he could see the Dragoon's defensive capabilities. A shield, not too dissimilar from his Scarab's, though the Dragoon's shield was weaker. That could be improved. The revealing cockpit would be replaced. Bulk would be added to the Dragoon, raising its defense to that of his Scarab. Give it better, harsher weapons. He had no intention of decreasing its speed, however. That was the most impressive part to it, and he wanted to keep that unchanged. Its mobility gave it an edge in combat that no Scarab had ever possessed, and if Eggman pooled his efforts into that area for his Scarab... these two weapons would be far more powerful than they already were.
Decimus was already drawing blueprints in his mind. This was a project he would want to oversee personally. Not to mention he'd be taking inspiration from Eggman's tech to make some minor improvements to his mech suit as well. It was formidable enough, but given Eggman's focus on speed and mobility, he had to assume that Eggman was a frequent battler against speedy, agile enemies, whereas the Banished were more accustomed to overpowering warfare. It would be beneficial to all, this alliance.

"I will improve your Dragoon." Decimus informed Eggman. "I will not hinder neither its speed nor its mobility. Let the maggots on the surface fight each other while we create the tools of their destruction. Then?" The Jiralhanae's face broke into that crooked, malicious grin he seemed comfortable with giving. "Then we obliterate all who stand in our way. I will send you a second Scarab to experiment on, our demonstrative one will lead an assault against the Warriors of Hope as a test of their might."
As he said this, the Scarab now began to move, ice cracking beneath each mighty step it took, booming its way along through the Ice Cap Zone, heading toward the already near outskirts of the amalgamated metropolis, where Banished forces were already looting rubble and remains.

@Captain Pokémon

Experienced and skilled as the cryomancer was, he could recognize the tactic being utilized against him. An attempt to disrupt his attack before he'd even carried through with his plan. His sword of ice gleamed in the setting sunlight, and he was forced off his trajectory, a small pillar of ice erupting underneath him from the ground just enough for him to kick off it with a leg and not only avoid the attack, but as he twirled in a flip through the air, the slash of his sword was intended to cut the cables constricting his ally, all while the ice surrounding the Junk Monokuma continued to increase over its body, becoming thicker with each passing second the longer it remained still.
Landing on the ground, Kuai Liang tucked and rolled before slamming the end of his sword against the ground beneath him, all of the surrounding ice beginning to rise into the air, thousands of gallons of frozen water rising for a powerful attack the Lin Kuei Grandmaster was planning, the only ice remaining untouched by this move being the dome around Undyne, the spikes still trying to pierce into the Junk Monokuma, and the ice building around it.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Psymallard

Gunvolt led the interaction, noticing the skeleton before the others, approaching before the others, and speaking before the others. The skeleton stared back at him, lights for eyes flitting to glance at each individual calmly, before he shrugged in response to Gunvolt's question. "dunno." He offered. "do you think i need help?" He winked with his left eye at this, grin tightening slightly.
At this, he stopped leaning against the tree, putting himself upright as he calmly began to approach Gunvolt. This human before him held no bad intentions. Sans knew that. The other human with him had a bit darker, murkier appearance, but still... nothing bad. His other companions were much the same. Not monsters, but rather creatures of a different sort. All eyes were now on Sans, who didn't seem to mind this at all, and again he spoke. "looks like you're on a mission. was actually figurin' you could use a little help. here's my resume, if you need. still working on the references though." Out of his pocket, the skeleton held out a piece of paper toward Gunvolt. If he were to inspect Sans' 'resume', all it would read is;


"right, almost forgot." Sans chuckled, before sticking a hand out. "name's sans. sans the skeleton."

@ArmedBlue @Gamingfan @Psymallard @Fraseandchico


Previously mallard
Psyduck's mount was not a very good one. It took the human a moment to actually start moving in the direction it was directed in. The human, spotting something, turned a little too fast, sending Psyduck tumbling to the ground. "DUCK-" *thump* The Duck scrambled to his webbed feet, fuming. "PSYDUCK PSYDUCK PSYDUCK!" He rushed back to the human and started punching his leg.
After a few moments of that, he turned to what the human had seen. Looked like a ghost type. Yes... Ghost types were strong. He was happy to accept him under his control in the future. He was tired of not walking by himself. So, he gestured those 3 to follow him as he continued in the direction that he remembered Vio and Kirby going in.
@comic @ArmedBlue


The robot was yeeted. Luckily for the Urban Heroes, Sub Zero dodged and freed the tablet. He tumbled across the roof and over the railless edge. Tabby swiftly swung his sword to clean off the cables, then sheathed the weapon and flung out a kunai. He swung around the building and carried momentum upwards to find himself back atop the roof, and behind the enemy. The robot smirked and unloaded his SMGs right at the back of the creature, trying to do damage while his ally charged up a devastating attack.
@comic @Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Junk Monokuma

The twisted monokuma screeched as it's body was further cemented into the dome of ice. It's engine began to smoke as it exerted force to get out, but to no avail. A bullets sheered an ear off and implanted swiftly in it's cheek, causing a scream from within the frame.


The weight started to prove too much for the dome, as it seemed that instead of focusing energy getting out...it was trying to get in! It's fifth arms that dangled down between it's body busted inside, sparking and wriggling. Although the main frame was unable the move, it would attempt to make a last ditch move to stab Undyne with the spiked limb

@Psymallard @comic


Previously mallard
Tabby fired until he had no bullets left. When that was said and done, he saw that the creature was trying to burrow into the ice shell. This wasn't good. He threw a kunai into the part of the creature earlier exposed courtesy of a rocket, and pulled. His screen flashed the words "get over here!" before he hopped over the side of the building and using the lip to amplify the pulling power. The robot just needed to buy a little more time before Sub-Zero could finish it...
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The crack that sounded could mean only one thing. This beast had the goal of destroying at least one of them, and since the two conscious ones were too much for it to handle...
The Warriors of Hope were as dishonorable as they came. Perhaps he would have been doing everyone a favor had he beheaded that snide girl called Kotoko.

The tabletoid engaged, flinging out a kunai, reminding Sub-Zero of some unfinished business. That would be dealt with later. Noticing the tactic Tabby was attempting to pull off, Sub-Zero worked with it, cracking the ice around the Junk Monokuma, allowing it a split second of freedom before Tabby would pull, which would yank the beast from its cocoon of ice.
The moment it would be airborne, he would clasp his hands together, and nearly ten tons of ice hanging in the air would converge on the airborne Monokuma in a split second, encasing it into a block of ice so thick... well, not even Shao Kahn could hope to break it, if this went according to plan.
However, as a backup, he prepared his sword in the meantime, spreading his legs to leap if he needed to.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Psymallard
Dr. Eggman
The not-so-good doctor continued to observe the mighty Scarab. It was extremely powerful, outclassing the Dragoon in strength. But it was slow, that was a liability. It was a massive target, not unlike the Egg Dragoon, but it didn’t have any speed to back it up. It also needed additional weaponry, something that would work better against speedy opponents. Someone quick enough could easily outmaneuver the Scarab. Alternatively, it could have backup with it at all times, something to take care of the things it can’t. Perhaps some pods to dispense badniks or miniature versions of those....Phantoms or whatever. Yes...that could work. Additionally, he would add thrusters to increase the Scarab’s speed so it could get to destinations quicker and not fall hopelessly behind faster opponents.

After exchanging blueprints with his ally, Eggman was given even more details on the machine. He thought up of a few more ideas and planned to apply them as soon as possible. Normally he’d leave his badniks up to busy work like this, but this project was something he wanted to monitor himself. He returned his ally’s malicious grin and nodded at his statement. “Very well, I will recall the Egg Dragoon.”

Mere minutes after he said this, the Egg Dragoon looked up to seemingly nothing, before shooting up into the air, causing ice fragments to fly up into the air and snow to swirl in a flurry. The Egg Dragoon kept flying before eventually going out of sight, leaving the Scarab to continue towards the Urban District.
@comic (Kinda, but the interaction is pretty much over now.)

Neo Metal Sonic
Metal didn’t hold back with the beam, tired of this group’s shenanigans. The beam penetrated the ground, causing the area around it to glow red hot. After he stopped there was a deep hole in the ground where the Knight previously stood. Metal regained his composure, returning his arms to his sides and setting down next to the hole, the stones that held Knight now gone. However, the key wasn’t here, and neither was the Knight. Impossible... The robot thought to himself. This didn’t make sense, how was it possible? The Knight and the key had simply....vanished. Out of pure anger, Metal shot a beam at Aegislash, a constant one at that. The beam didn’t let up until the pokémon was trophied. Metal then shot upwards, getting a birds-eye view of the area. He observed the key locations. Two were on the Egg Carrier, one was at the city area, which was under control, one was at the intersection between the Ice Cap Zone and the jungle area, and....what? The area E-102 Gamma was sent to had a signature as well, but it was all bugged, seemingly jumping left and right. Metal recalibrated his scanner, but was met with the same result afterwards. Peculiar..... no matter. These was already an enforcer sent there, he was not required. He looked to the last signature, which was very close to him, and was about to take off, when he had an idea. This ship behind him and the forces with it were on his side, maybe they could be of use. He flew right above the group and began to speak. “Banished forces, I am going to retrieve one of the keys, or one of the ‘God’s Gifts’ as you call them. We seem to have the same goal, why not go there together?”

Gengar cast a look of confusion towards the robot in front of them. Key? What did a key have to do will all of this. Maybe it was an important key, like a key to the gates of this town! Ooh, that’d be sweet. The ghost type needed to ask that somehow. He looked back at Elf Boy, and had an idea. He’d have to say sorry later.

The ghost type seemingly disappeared, but then Red began to act different. He straightened up, looked less scared, and overall different. He stared directly at the robot in front of him, before asking a question. “What exactly is this ‘key’? Will it help use get out of this place?”
@Shen: King of the Mist

Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic’s expression was a mix of annoyance, pity, and confusion. He stood straight, no longer in a fighting stance. The kids in front of him were barely enemies, and the kid in the brown mask wasn’t even here, so he felt relatively confident in letting his guard down. He sighed. “Tails is right, we never killed anybody. I saved your leader from death, it’s his own fault that he got killed on the way out.” The blue blur said bluntly. “As for Kotoko, I’m not sure what happened to her, but it’s your fault if she’s dead.” He said, hitting the tv screen with two fingers. “You guys shot the garage, knowing the risks. You’re responsible if she’s dead, so don’t go blaming us. And for the record, Tails here is far from a demon, or at least he would be if those actually existed. He’s a kid, the best one I’ve met by far, way better then you guys, so don’t go blaming him for anything.” He sighed. “Your philosophy is confusing.”
@Shen: King of the Mist

Knuckles the Echidna
The red brawler grinned as he hit his target, that went better than it did last time. He landed on the ground with more grace than Green and Shadow Link. He seemed too express concern as Green looked in pain. He didn’t really think that through. “Sorry, uh, Green guy!” He said before returning his focus to Shadow Link. He punched the ground once more, causing another eruption to surface beneath Shadow Link. If he was hit, he’d fly up and Knuckles would follow up with another devastating uppercut, before slamming Shadow Link back into the ground. If he dodged, Knuckles would follow him, going in for a left hook.
@Shen: King of the Mist (Mainly) @ArmedBlue @DarkHydraT @Gamingfan (Bystanders)

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Junk Monokuma

The wriggling cables and wires inched toward Undyne, and right when they were about to touch her, he was forcefully removed from the equation, yanked out of his icy prison, and thrown upside down. It's eye darted everywhere as it's arms and legs frantically struggled to hit anything, looking like a cockroach upside down.

That's when the giant ice attack impacted him, collapsing onto the creature, a spray of metal, blood, and oil, exploding everywhere. A tooth had landed near Subzero...a human tooth. They had not only destroyed a Monokuma, but killed an innocent person, a tortured soul. The Warriors of Hope forced them to commit a sin against life itself.

@Gamingfan @comic

Jataro Kemuri & Tails
Urban District Tunnels

"Huh? I was told that she was taken out trying to avenge Masaru. An-And I heard Masaru died cause of some fish lady impaling him...Oh you know what they say...whatever the good guys say MUST be right...and we most certainly aren't the bad guys..."

"But if you were the good guys, you'd turn the other cheek and let us go peacefully, right? A good guy wouldn't last out against a villain if they weren't hurting anyone." Tails reasoned. "So let us get the piece we need to leave and you'll never see us again."

"Give a mooouse a coookie...he is will ask for milk..." Jataro sneered as he continued with his slow voice. "Speaking of which...you know how like, everyone has their titles? Masaru is- oh... was the Lil'Ultimate P.E., Kotoko was the Lil'Ultimate Drama...me? I'm Lil' Ultimate Art. Cause you see...I like making stuff with paaaaper, and Paper macheee, and uh, and things.......where was I going with this?"

While Jataro collected his thoughts, Tails looked to sonic with a rather...confused expression. This Jataro wasn't outright bloodthirsty like Masaru, nor as warrior like as Kotoko claimed to be. Instead he was scatterbrained, weird, and downtrodden. Silently asking what they should do, Jataro suddenly pipped up.

"O-Oh! That's what! I wanted to show you something! Lemme see here...where's that button...ah! There you are lil guy!"

Picking up a cartoonishly sized remote, he pressed it with his long sleeves. Suddenly, the Camera changed channel to a new scene...

It was a lovely ballroom. Dressed and decorated with beautiful fabrics and tones. It looked like a wedding had taken place, as nearly a hundred people inside were dancing the night away. A Monokuma, wearing priest garb, stood at a podium, seeming rather pleased with itself over the festivities.

Young couples danced the night away in elaborate dresses and suits. Mobians, Humans of many sort, trainers, and seemingly humanoid monsters similar to Undyne were all there coexisting happily. It looked like a grand spectacle.

The men spun the women in a repetitive dance that seemed to loop every 6 seconds, their hands never once leaving their partners. On closer inspection...their hands were...bolted together, a metal rod piercing through both hands. Their feet were screwed into the floor, which rotated seamlessly to give the illusion of dancing. With this in mind, one could now hear the creaking and cracking of rods, strings, and wood from all the machinations making these corpses move. It was a party of the dead!

The Monokuma priest closed it's holy book, laughing happily at the 'married' couple. That is, before the feed went black, the faint laughing of Jataro heard in the background. Tails had begun to shake a little. Those were mobians...even Eggman had standards. It was a bit too bloody for his queasy stomach as he nearly passed out on Sonic as the monokuma kids began to walk away with the TV hoisted.
Hunter was surprised that Lola tried to reason with him, didn't she know that her words meant nothing? The boy grabbed his pickaxe and leapt at Lola, attempting to damage the A.I. to capture it. The tool sailed through the air before striking dirt, Hunter's hands clenched around the hilt and his shoulders shaking. A drop. Another drop. Then another one. The child was crying, though only from his left eye. Forcing himself to remove the pickaxe from the dirt, he looked at Lola with tears in one eye and rage in the other. The face of the young boy was divided between a black half and a normal half, but the division was not nice and even. It was jagged, splotched, as if a toddler drew a line in an attempt to make art. To make the image that much more disturbing, the colors moved, creeping over his face and pushing the other color back. At the moment, the darkness was receding and Hunter's face had its regular color from the top left of his face to his nose, though the darkness was fighting back.

"Lola, please! Leave, I don't want to hurt you!"

A swing with the pickaxe. A miss. Darkness spreading.

"I don't want to do this, but I can't help it! My body, it's moving on it's own!"

Another swing, this one had more anger behind. Darkness was spreading further, leaving only the crying eye and its surrounding area.

"I'm so scared Lola, help me. Please!"

The pickaxe was raised for a third time, though it wasn't swung at Lola this time. Instead, the tool was aimed at Hunter's throat as the young boy's face was almost completely taken over by darkness. The only evidence of Hunter being there was the left eye still having a pupil and the fact that the pickaxe was shaking, being pushed away by one hand and pulled closer by the other.

"Hand over that girl or I will do it!"

A whisper, barely audible over the sounds of the fight and the rumbling of Krona who was still ready to bite down at a moment's notice. "Don't do it, please."

"I will give you three seconds before that boy and I will meet again! One!"

The pickaxe shook.

"Two! This is your last chance!"

The resistance holding the pickaxe back began to fade.


@ArmedBlue @Gamingfan @Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon


Geo tagged along with the rest of the group, feeling a bit more at ease around them. That comfort was soon gone as the boy heared the story of Alessa, causing him to gulp. "Poor girl..."

Omega-Xis was not quite sure what Chief meant by Alessa being used, but he knew enough about human social tact that the reactions of the others meant that it was nothing good. He'd probably need to ask Geo later, but the kid really did not seem to want to think about it any longer as he immediately latched onto Scorpion's question. "No sir, I haven't seen anything aside from you and those creatures when that siren went off. To my knowledge, Bennett didn't see anything either, right?" Nudging Bennett with his elbow, Geo tried to get the boy's attention so he could answer the question as well.


Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Lich Yard

"Huh? Oh...uhm...I kinda zoned out there for a moment...hehe."

Bennett rubbed the back of his head sheepishly in response to the query. All he could gather was something bad happened to this girl.

"Well, uh. What happens now? We gonna look for her?"

@comic @DarkHydraT

Red & E-102 Gamma

Gamma was no fool. He registered foreign energy scans inside of Red. He had been taken control of by a hostile entity. Seeing as they had no difficulty possessing someone, Gamma raised his gun, charging up a blast.

"Reveal yourself and state identity. Now."

@Captain Pokémon


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Log Entry: Series "Nexus" number 343
Star-date Log: Unclear
Estimation: July 17, 2553 - 1756 hours
Time since arrival: Unclear
Estimation: 14 hours 45 minutes 3 seconds

Cortana was enveloped in her thoughts, detailing various processes through her digital mind. She was the highest quality of A.I. ever created from her own world. It was doubtful any would yet surpass her. Dr. Halsey had gone through significant efforts in the creation of Cortana. Essentially, she was perfect. She was to A.I. what John was to the Spartans. The best of the best.
Yet even with the knowledge of the Forerunner within her mind, she could never have foreseen this. A break in time-space. Not a break into slipstream-space, no, this went beyond that. It shattered a higher plane of existence that had only ever been theorized. Even she was struggling to wrap her mind fully around the concept, and all the possibilities it held.

They had arrived by fire and steel in the mountains. Confused and ignorant. They had met allies, assumed their purpose, and were executing their mission. She and John were doing what they'd always done. They were fighting for the betterment of others. This time, however, things were different. Things felt different, and that didn't just attribute to Silent Hill. Things remained unclear. The Nexus and its purpose. How it worked. Who built it? Eggman had been her best wealth of knowledge on this place so far, but he didn't have much in his databases. She'd had to scour through the minds of his many different subjects, picking apart their technological memories for anything she could salvage. The simple truth was, they seemed as new as she felt.
It wasn't until the other one. Metal Sonic, as it was called. She had dived into his mind and found... interesting treasures. Answers, as well. The tournament, the Nexus, and that helped. But it didn't explain everything.

Somehow, Eggman had infused Metal Sonic with the power contained within these keys, and that's how she connected the dots about these keys. The reason why she was here in this fog-ridden town, watching her closest friend go slowly insane.
...okay, that was harsh. She knew his head was still screwed mostly on right, she'd run plenty of preliminary scans on his neurological functions, and he remained as healthy as ever, though he frequently seemed to have an influx of irregular activity. She would inquire him on these later. It was obvious he would know the answer to at least that.
As for their new allies. Geo, the teenager clad in blue armor. It wasn't heavy nor as dense as John's MJOLNIR power armor, but it fit the boy well. His arm canon was an interesting inclusion, and it could condense energy into concussive blasts of light and a type of plasma. A primitive plasma, to be sure. It was powerful, but the Covenant outclassed it with the majority of their arsenal. The Bennett kid was interesting, to say the least. His attitude felt somewhat deceiving. A strange energy emanated from him that she couldn't quite place. Scanning for similar signatures was damn near impossible in this town, however, so she would have to save that investigation for later, logging it in her data banks.
Scorpion was the strangest of the litter. His biological signs were a dead line. He had no pulse, no body heat, no anything. He was certified dead, there was no other way to put it. It was impossible for him to be walking and talking, yet he continued. His eyes were a milky white, his skin deathly pale, and he never blinked. He never even took a breath. She had recorded these just for the fun of it. Ever since the three had united with her and her Spartan, Geo had blinked 276 times, Bennett had blinked 302 times, and John had blinked 52 times. Geo had taken 487 cycles of breath, Bennett had taken 405 cycles of breath, and John had taken 197 cycles of breath. Scorpion, on the other hand, had taken none on both accounts. He himself had admitted to being undead, and nobody had seemed all that phased by it.

Then there was this girl. Alessa. She had been abused, assaulted, her innocence stripped away without a chance of getting it back. When John had been this girl's age, he had been training harder than even the Marines for a year at the time, yet even his trials couldn't compare. The things this child had endured were horrific. Enough to make even Cortana feel a simulated sickness writhing within her metaphysical body.
And this place? Alessa had control over it. How much was uncertain. How powerful her hold was also unclear, but it was there. She had appeared to Scorpion already. To John twice now. Possibly to others in the town. Speaking of...

Cortana had found a way to get information through this fog. It had been a stroke of luck, really. An overlap in the negation field the fog seemed to carry. For a thousandth of a millisecond, the fog ceased blocking her sensors. She never would have noticed had she not increased her processing speed in tracking the Watching One. Through this, she managed to begin collecting more data. Brief and minuscule, but it was better than nothing.
Through this, she had already found something else in this town. Movements, all over. Flashes of these could be reviewed by her to study, and through this studying, she found that there were two other signatures she could trace. One electronic, the other biological, not to mention resonating a familiar signature. One of Green's brothers was here. They weren't far away, either. It was possible these were the 'others' her soldier had alluded to.
It was also thanks to this, that Cortana finally began to compile an accurate map of the town, managing to scan the surrounding area in all directions by 150 meters. She couldn't gain much more without a satellite, and the only spatial receivers she could feel for belonged to the Covenant deserters. Judging from the communications she'd hijacked earlier, they were called 'the Banished', led primarily by Brutes, one named 'Decimus' at the helm, though he was not their top dog. They were occupying increasingly expansive areas of this world, seemingly unopposed. They were going to be a great problem to deal with, this she was certain of, but she would not worry her Spartan with it for now. He had a mission, and she would rather he stay focused. These mind games Alessa seemed to be playing felt counter productive. It was as though she wanted to tell a story. It was almost as though she didn't want them to leave.
Unacceptable outcome.

Wrapping up a few more of her processes, Cortana came to a conclusion. They needed to forgo story time and focus on uniting with the other individuals trapped in the town with them. It was very possible that Alessa was attempting to make the people here feel sympathetic for her. The reasoning? It could be anything. Perhaps to let down their guards and kill them easier. Perhaps to entice them into staying longer. It was undoubtedly lonely here.
But they could not stay. She needed to urge her John to get a move on.

Star-date Log: Unclear
Estimation: July 17, 2553 - 1756 hours
Time since arrival: Unclear
Estimation: 14 hours 45 minutes 4 seconds
End of Log: Series "Nexus" number 343

She'd concluded her thoughts, scans, and analysis in 0.78 seconds. Enough time to pass for... well, nothing really. She had to grapple with a sudden burst of frustration at the feeling of being forced to wait. Wait she did, however, as words were shared, and she awaited a segway to intrude. Segway, she was given, as Bennett asked his question regarding their next moves.
"No." Cortana immediately spoke through John's helmet. "I've managed to punch a hole through the fog, gathering data from my scanners. I won't bore you all with the science of it all, but it's really quite interesting. Every thousandth of a millisecond a break appears in the-"
She was cut off as Master Chief tapped his hand abruptly against his helmet, almost appearing like he was hitting his own head lightly. It was enough for Cortana to get back on track. "Right, sorry." The moment of levity was probably desirable, anyway. "I think I found the others we need to meet with, they're just south of here a click. On top of that, I believe Alessa may be trying to lead us astray, or even possibly into a trap. I recommend we don't trust anything she says or shows."
"I concur." Scorpion was the first to speak, and without another word, he made his way out of the room. Cortana waited for her Spartan to agree, but his words didn't come. He didn't truly doubt her instincts, did he?

@Shen: King of the Mist @DarkHydraT

It was finished. The Grandmaster lowered his arms as bits of gore littered the rooftop. The exchange had ended. A distraction delivered by the Warriors of Hope. It would not be the last, these sadistic, unholy children would make sure of that. His gaze flit over the ravaged form as the ice began to dissipate. "Perhaps now, you can rest easily." He spoke softly to the mangled mess of blood. It would be better for the tortured individual this way. Had it continued living... his actions were out of mercy and empathy. Not bloodlust or sadism.
With that, Kuai Liang approached Undyne's unconscious form, the dome having cracked away and dispersed by now. He stooped over, scooping the fish woman into his arms. She remained limp.

Now, he turned his gaze upon Tabby. "We have little more time to fool around. The other two that accompanied this woman. They were near here. Do you believe you can track them? We will fare better in larger numbers." He asserted. Normally, he'd use his cold to cauterize the wounds this woman had, but considering the lack of blood and her completely foreign biology... his attempts to cauterize her open gashes and lesions could result in dire consequences. He would be wise not to meddle in those affairs he did not fully understand. She was still breathing, so that was at least something good. He gave the tabletoid before him a nod, signifying to it that he would follow the creature.


Bri 'Filkom
The Phantom had alerted him to a hostile entity, alongside an Eggman enforcer. By the time he had led his troops along to the other end of this particular ravine, this hostile entity appeared to have vanished, alongside the signature of the 'God's Gift', as Decimus called it. Label it however he pleased, Bri 'Filkom could recognize it was not of Forerunner origin. The old ways seemed to die hard. The aged Sangheili warrior had abandoned those teachings long before the fall of the Covenant. It wasn't until he had been accepted into the ranks of the Banished could he properly reveal his true beliefs without the fear of a public execution and dishonor for both he and his family.

The gleaming metal bipedal spoke, glaring down at them from above. Bri 'Filkom continued his calm approach, his royal armor gleaming just as brightly, his size dwarfing Metal Sonic by a factor of three. It requested they go in search of the key together.
The wizened warrior pondered on this for a moment, sizing the beast- and its capabilities he knew of -up.
"No." He stated after a moment, his tone level. "You're faster than our vessels. We would slow you down. Complete your business by your commander's orders, we will safeguard this location. Just in case."
It was slim, but perhaps there would be a chance to collect the key if it somehow appeared here once more. Banished forces were already spread a little slim, but with an influx in human troops from the metropolis on the other end of this continent, there were more troops to spare, and more vehicles were being built to make up for the low numbers of troops.
Alongside this simple fact, Decimus would want to collect that trophy of a sword-like being nearby, presumably crushed by Eggman's enforcer. "Before you go, did you happen to destroy any other enemies within the tunnels?" He asked Metal, gesturing toward the nearby cave mouth. The rumbling had ceased by now.

@Captain Pokémon
Last edited:


Previously mallard
Tabby heaved himself back onto the roof. The little robot got to his feet and threw his arms in the air out of joy. They'd won! He listened to his ally's two cents on the situation they were in. Tracking. The only way he could track anything was Wi-Fi, but usually whenever Wi-Fi was present, good people where there too. And now that he thought of it, there was a really faint signal. He walked to the other side of the roof, where he lost the signal completely. Tabby quickly ran back to the other side of the roof, signaled Sub-Zero to follow, and then hopped over the side of the roof. He fell several stories before falling in a way that the air pushed his tablet face closer to the building, then sliding the rest of the way down. The signal got much stronger. Tabby spotted a subway entrance. Could it be that these allies were in fact the resistance? They'd holed up in the subway before. The robot ran up to the subway entrance and jumped up onto the railing, waving his comrade down.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
His ally had leaped from the roof, and Sub-Zero was in quick pursuit, holding the fish woman carefully in his arms, almost like a bride would be carried, an effort to ensure she was not damaged on the journey toward their new allies. Like Tabby, he leaped from the building, though his approach on traversing about was a lot different than the tabletoid. Beneath his feet, ice began to appear, forming inches before his feet would glide over them, and dispersing into nothing inches behind his feet, giving off the impression that Sub-Zero was calmly gliding through the air, standing upright and holding an unconscious humanoid. This trick wasn't all too practical in most situations, but Tabby seemed to be moving just slow enough for Sub-Zero to keep up. Normally, he could propel himself with streams of ice acting like a rocket, enough for him to fly through the air effortlessly. That wasn't much of an option with the unconscious woman in his arms, and while he could strap her to his back with ice, that wouldn't be very practical, nor would it be good for her. He could very well wind up accidentally snapping her neck this way.

Through the battered city they traveled, remaining within the territory controlled by the Warriors of Hope. Children wearing Monokuma masks could be seen flitting about beneath, chasing after people, or locked in battles against them. He desired to aid them, but there had been enough distractions already. A team needed to be assembled. The Warriors of Hope needed to be disassembled. Piece by piece.
And he would see that through.
Soon enough, they arrived at the entrance to a subway tunnel, and Tabby descended upon it, followed by Sub-Zero. They came to a stop at the entrance, touching down. Tabby took the lead, waving after Sub-Zero to follow. It was a helpful creature. He liked it.
With the tabletoid at the helm, Sub-Zero carried Undyne down the steps descending into the subway, trusting Tabby's sense of direction.

@Psymallard @Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Warrior of Hope Airship: Excalibur


Recent news came in of Kotoko's and Masaru's deaths. No trophies found in either locations. A curious phenomenon, could it be linked to their band of hostiles? The only thing the two had in common was they had both perished upon fighting that group. The Warriors's numbers had dwindled by near half, losing key members. It certainly want play time any more.

"In order to have our paradise...we must hold fast. Have as little resistance as possible, no matter what it takes." The boy said to himself. "Perhaps if we let that ape and doctor rule over this world and sign a treaty to own this city alone in peace...perhaps we could be the the cusp of paradise itself."

"Oh? Nagisa? Are you talking to yourself again?"

Nagisa looked back, seeing Monaca wheel up innocently to him, looking out the same window he was. Nagisa wiped his suit down with his hands, as to look presentable.

"Monaca, everything is going well. Except the unfortunate demise of Masaru and Kotoko..."

"It was soooo sad...Masaru...our leader, and Kotoko our sparkly star...it just so sad!" Monaca whined. "But...now our new leader is you Nagisa!"


"Yes! Your the only one that can fill Masaru's big shoes. You can do it Nagisa, I have high expectations for you!"

That word.

That one word.

"Yes...you can expect the greatest of me Monaca. I'll lead this Children's paradise as a safe haven from the rest of the world. I won't let you, or any one else down!"
Red raised an eyebrow as the robot pointed his gun arm at him. He smirked confidently in response. “Look pal, relax. I’m the purple ghost you ignored a second ago.” He stepped out of the gun’s view, looking directly at what he assumed to be the robot’s eyes, being met with a cold and calculating look, while the robot was met with one of confidence and mischief. “Now you gotta pay attention to me.” He said, somehow appearing both firm and playful at the same time. “Anyway, I’ll ask this again, as I understand it might’ve been hard to understand last time. Gengar, gar Gengar?” He laughed out loud. “Kidding. What is the purpose of this key? Will it help us get out of here?”
@Shen: King of the Mist

Neo Metal Sonic
Metal crossed his arms as the...thing spoke back to him, declining his offer. Shame, would’ve made his job a bit easier. Not like he needed any help, though. He was Metal Sonic, the real Sonic. (Say that again but slower) He didn’t need assistance to reach his goals. He looked towards the large field in the distance once more. What a pleasant place for something so powerful. Too bad it had a high chance of being burned to ashes.

The metallic doppelgänger returned his attention to the Banished forces. “Very well, I will go alone. I wish you luck with...whatever you are doing.” As he was about to take off, the back of his engine glowing orange, the Banished commander below asked him if he had defeated any others. “Obviously. Anything that walked in there is now dead, with...one exception.” He said this last part with malice and hate, still (salty) angry about his setback. “Do what you want to with them, I care not for such trophies.” He said, before shooting off at blinding speeds, leaving a distinct trail of smoke.

Sonic the Hedgheog (The real real Sonic)
Sonic’s expression was first one of boredom. He didn’t care about some art project this kid set up, regardless of how well done it was. However, he began to squint as he paid closer attention to the ballroom. Were those...? No, these kids couldn’t be that messed up...right? Unfortunately, he was proved wrong as the dancers were, in fact, dead bodies being manipulated like puppets. Sonic felt sick to his stomach. These little brats...how could they? He caught his friend as he nearly fell over, helping him balance again. He began to ask him if he was okay, when his ear twitched. What was that? He vanished in a blue blur rather suddenly, zooming back to the entrance of the subway. There, he was met with a familiar face, or tablet, to be precise. With him was an unfamiliar face who was carrying an unconscious Undyne. So she was okay. That was good news. “Oh, you!” He said, easing up. “Thanks for the help earlier, that was pretty cool of you.” He said, giving the tablet ninja a thumbs up. “But...who’s your friend?” He asked, pointing at Sub-Zero.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic @Psymallard

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
E-102 Gamma
Lich Yard

"This fact does not reduce threat probability." Gamma stated, seeing through this fleshy disguise. A shoulder mounted auto cannon swerved to face Gengar, locking onto him. "Can conclude....you are not the one."

Gengar was scratched off his list of potential candidates. He needed one that wasn't an opportunist, untrustworthy, mischievous, or having their own ambitions. Gengar was nearly all of the above. Red however hadn't been tested.

"Leave the Boy or be eliminated."

@Captain Pokémon


Previously mallard
The blue hedgehog approached rather quickly, almost making the small robot fall off the railing he was perched on. He didn't recognize this thing, but he seemed friendly so Tabby chilled. Speaking of chilling, the creature inquired about Sub-Zero, and Tabby gave a thumbs-up and a smile to attempt to communicate that he was an ally. After that gesture, on his screen showed a Wi-Fi signal, one that wasn't completely full. Tabby pointed down into the subway and cocked his tablet head, inquiring if that's where the signal was coming from. @Captain Pokémon @comic

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Urban District

"That's uh...that's coming from me..."

Tails rubbed his forehead, his mind was all foggy and he felt light headed after what he had just saw. He hadn't really seen such savagery before. What was even more worrying is that the Kid, Jataro, knew where they were. What he was going to do about it was still unknown however.

In the meantime, he slowly stepped forward, revealing his tablet and it's glowing screen to Tabby and Subzero.

"I was tracking a part I need for my plane, the Tornado. I just need it and we can be on our way. What exactly are you guys doing here? ...And is that Undyne?!"

@comic @Captain Pokémon @Psymallard


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
He had only seen Sonic and Tails at a distance before. He wasn't very surprised that they were humanoid creatures now, though they were smaller than he'd been expecting. The blue one was fast, this much was notable, and judging from the short interaction the yellow one gave the tabletoid, he was the brains. They seemed to be just missing the brawn to their group. He wouldn't be surprised if that one was red in color.
Fortunately, Tails' question was leeway for Sub-Zero to intrude on the conversation, though he wasn't ignorant to the pale looks these two wore. The way their knees seemed to slightly shake. It was something he had seen many times. Had felt once before in his youth. A horrific scene. These two hadn't stumbled toward them, they'd been running from what they'd seen, and he was certain it was the Warriors of Hope.

Undyne was the name of this woman he held in his arms, it would seem, as the tail-end of the yellow one's question had seen his eyes peering unto her unconscious form. "She's alive, though I am unsure if she will continue to be so in this state." He informed, his cold, piercing blue eyes darting from these two, and down the interior of the subway they had just come from.
"A commander for the Warriors of Hope is down there, aren't they?" He asked, his gaze turning upon the yellow one. As Tails would give his answer, Sub-Zero would lay Undyne down against the ground, leaning her against the wall to keep her upright. "My name is Kuai Liang, Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei." He introduced a moment later. "But I go by another name that many refer to me as. I am known as 'Sub-Zero'. My goal here is to assemble any able-bodied beings to combat the Warriors of Hope. And if one is down here with us... then they are trapped with us. I will dispatch of the foe. Any who wish to aid me, are welcome."
Without another word, Sub-Zero began to march deeper into the subway.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Psymallard @Captain Pokémon


Previously Gamingfan2
Kirby looked back and forth between DK and Vio as they communicated. He wasn't sure how, but DK managed to turn him around with hand signs. Was it magic? Nevertheless, they had new member of the team. Kirby poyo'd happily, getting ready to move when they did.
@comic @Shen: King of the Mist

Dark Matter-Field of Hopes and Dreams
Dark Matter glanced back at Shadow Link, unimpressed. Really now?
Still, Shadow Link had at least given a good effort, Dark Matter couldn't have the red creature assault his pawn. As the floor began to heat, Dark Matter launched a wave of dark energy, as to push the shadow imp away from the explosion. Dark Matter didn't check to see if he succeeded as he shot another barrage of orange blobs at knuckles and his allies. Even if none of them stuck, they would have to worry about the resulting explosions of his own.
@Captain Pokémon @DarkHydraT @ArmedBlue

Ori-Field of Hopes and Dreams
Ori proudly looked at the still knight, before a quip from Jevil caught his attention. Ori turned to see a red scythe flying straight at him! Ori dived to the side, dodging the scythe before catching himself, looking upward to see a multitude of projectiles falling from above.
Despite himself, Ori felt a wash of relief. He's seen this before. Shriek had done something similar.
As soon as a projectile got close, Ori Bashed it, flying to another projectile and Bashing that to another, and so on. For Ori, time seemed to have slowed, making the process rather sluggish, but Jevil would see Ori making split second decisions as he zigzagged through the rain of spades as a streak of light. Once close enough, Ori Launched himself at Jevil, ready to tackle them midair.

Buzzwole stared at the skeleton, a bit intrigued. No muscle-literally-but they seemed to confident. Why else wouldn't he run from Buzzwole, who could snap his femur like a car? Buzzwole glanced at Psyduck as they began squawking, before rolling his....eyes(?), having no loyalty to the pokemon.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Urban District

"My readings suggest that she'll recover...at least that's what it implies, she definitely doesn't have conventional biology. We just shouldn't stress with her wounds."

Giving a sigh of relief in the fact that Undyne was alive and breathing, Tails focused on the question Subzero gave. Looking deeper in to the darkness ahead with the sounds of machinery echoing throughout, Tails gave an uneasy assertion.

"They certainly know of our location...and the fact they didn't expect us down here gives me the feeling this is important to their operations. It wouldn't surprise me one is down here, or coming down here really soon."

Judging From the man- no, Subzero's bold introduction, he had a bone to pick with the warriors. While Tails didn't like them to any stretch of the imagination, he knew they stood between him and getting out of here, and quite possibly allied with Eggman.

"Well, I believe safety in numbers would be the wisest move. I'm Tails, and I'm just a tinkerer. And if we manage to get deep in the facility, I can snatch the part for my plane. Then if your interested I can fly you up to the airship of theirs to finish your fight, then we can go in our way. How does that sound?"

@Psymallard @Captain Pokémon @comic
RedGar looked the robot up and down as it pointed another gun at him, this one on its shoulder. It then said that he was ‘not the one’. The heck was that supposed to mean? ‘Leave the boy or be eliminated’ the robot said. RedGar snorted, genuinely amused. “Shoot me and you lose your vessel pal. I ain’t leaving this body until you tell me what the key does.” This was a lie, he didn’t want to stay in Red’s body for too long, he didn’t know the side effects too well. But he needed to know what the key did, so he could determine whether or not it was worth him and Red’s time. All they wanted was to get out of here.
@Shen: King of the Mist

“What fun, fun! The entire world is spinning, spinning!” Jevil said maniacally, flying upwards to narrowly avoid the tackle, before causing a ring of spades to appear around Ori, closing in. After this attack, Jevil laughed insanely. “HOW FUN! But this is it! See ya!” He basically screamed, flying high up into the sky, before tens upon tens of bombs began to fall from the sky. Some were labeled with hearts, others spades, some diamonds, and some even clubs. This attack was basically a carpet bombing, but with an added twist. After they exploded, the bombs launched projectiles. A massive circle of spades would emerge from the bombs with the spades label, a square of hearts would home in on Ori after the heart bombs exploded, three clubs would shoot towards Ori in an arc after the Club bombs exploded, and a line of diamonds would shoot towards Ori after the diamond bombs exploded. (Note that none of this will happen if Ori is trophied by the first spade circle.)

Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic raised an eyebrow as the man known as Sub-Zero began to speak, revealing he was here to take out the Warrior’s of Hope, giving them an offer to assist him. The blue hedgehog nodded as Tails spoke, agreeing with his statement. “True, we should stick together. Anyone down here will get wiped out if they mess with us.” Sonic said while smirking. As he began to walk along with the man, he introduced himself. “Name’s Sonic by the way. I helped take out the mechs earlier.”
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic @Psymallard

Knuckles growled as Dark Matter began to intervene. The red echidna began to run faster, ducking his head while doing so. This allowed him to avoid being stuck by the orange bombs, while also giving him the chance to get out of the explosion range. He then continued to follow through with his attack, repeating the same one as earlier: eruption, and if it worked he’d uppercut then smash into the ground.
@Shen: King of the Mist (Mainly) @Gamingfan (Major bystander) @ArmedBlue @DarkHydraT (Minor bystanders)


Previously mallard
The robot listened to Tails's assessment and plan with ever-rising intrest. He gave a thumbs-up, smiling as virtual sunglasses fell across his eyes. The robot liked the idea, but first he was feeling a little greedy. He loved upgrades- and at the source of every Wi-Fi signal was something to download new upgrades. Tabby pointed at the tablet, and a message would pop out on Tails's screen. It read:

Allow Tabby to copy down the functionalities of this device for 2,000 credits? Files will be untouched.


@Captain Pokémon @Shen: King of the Mist @comic

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
E-102 Gamma
Lich Yard

*Kill* *Kill* *Kill*

Gamma's internals told him to kill the boy and ghost alike for interfering. His Eggbat processor seemed to be processing more than what should be processing at one time. Unusual.


*Kill* *Kill*

Disable Notifcation?

[Yes]< [No]

"They are important to escaping." Gamma spoke briefly to the ghost. "Unable to use. Only one designation."

@Captain Pokémon

Urban District


"Huh? What's this?"

Tails read the notification he received. Someone was trying to purchase a copy of his software. Who? Looking up to Tabby, who pointed toward his device, tails connected the dots.

"Oh? So your tabby? Nice to meet you!" Tails smiled. "Nice to see another techie among us. You can copy all the software free of charge, we need all the help we can get. Just...prepare for a lot of pictures of bolt sizes."

@comic @Psymallard

Shadow Link
Field of Hopes and Dreams

Shadow Link hissed, his ally seeming to be holding back in their abilities. Cringing, Shadow Link darted to the left, turning into his gaseous form briefly. The process seemed to be strenuous to the imp. It appeared even after he recovered from his light exposure, his darkness abilities were difficult to manifest.

"Dark. Pass me the Key. I have an idea to end this battle right now." Shadow Link grinned. "They won't see it coming...!"

@Gamingfan @ArmedBlue @DarkHydraT


Previously mallard
The Tabster
The tablet-headed robot's face displayed a mix of shock and joy, before the shock lost its oomph and the screen showed a wide smile. He took back his money, and paused. His face had been substituted for a progress bar, which took a few moments, before the normal smile popped back into view. Tabby would now protect this yellow fox with his life. He hopped down the rail, walking over to where Undyne's body lay. No way was he going to let an unconcious ally out of his sight in this war zone. He lifted her up, over his head, and then walked around down into the subway with the other two, before stopping and turning around for the fox. When Tails joined him, Tabby would follow the child.
@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon @comic
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic stopped walking for a moment as Tails and ‘Tabby’ conversed. Tabby seemed to want software or something. Sonic squinted, sketchy to say the least, but Tabby seemed nice. But this guy better not be scamming his pal. He waited for the slow pokes to catch up, before continuing to walk forward, leading the way for now. After a few moments, Sonic spoke up. “Alright, everyone be on guard. We don’t know what’s down here, but judging from all the machinery it’s probably something big.”
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic @Psymallard

About to no longer be RedGar
RedGar cocked his head to the side as the robot finally decided to answer his question. Took him long enough. He nodded to himself. “Alright then, if it helps us escape, we’ll help you.” RedGar said with a grin. Hopefully Elf Boy understood why he needed to posses him, because the elf probably wouldn’t have asked on his own. RedGar then stood still for a moment, eyes rolling upwards, before rolling back down. Gengar was now visible again, no longer possessing Red. The ghost type looked Red up and down to confirm he was okay, before pointing at the robot and giving a thumbs up, signaling that he was cool and they should follow him. This wasn’t all true, the robot wasn’t cool at all, but they should still follow him.
@Shen: King of the Mist


Previously Manu456Alola
Gunvolt - Jungle

Alright, the skeleton could talk like a normal human would. Strange, but it definitely helped him in earning Gunvolt's trust. This 'Sans' seemed to be pretty laid back, not too different from the likes of Merak. From what he could tell though, it seemed the skeleton had no bad intentions. He stood silent as he was handed a small 'resume'; only containing the words: 'SANS PICK UP YOUR SOCKS'.

A bit of a jokester, huh?
The Azure Striker thought, briefly wondering if he should accept his help. The group would probably need all the help they could get, so he didn't have to think much about it. Even Joule seemed to already trust him somewhat, peeking out from behind Gunvolt curiously. Holstering his gun, he returned his gaze to Sans again, who had his hand out for him to take. Taking the skeletal hand, the Azure Striker gave him a slight smile and a nod.

"I'll gladly accept your help. Can never have too many allies, right? I'm Gunvolt, GV for short. Joule here's my friend." He introduced himself, gesturing towards the Adept behind him before pointing at each member of the group with his free hand. "Duck's Psyduck, red one's Swole and blue hair's Audrey. Currently searching for a key-like item."

@comic @Fraseandchico @Psymallard @Gamingfan

Copen & Lola - Field of Hopes and Dreams

Hunter was... suffering, to say the least. It was clear he was trying his best to fight back, but the darkness was still overpowering him. Two pickaxe swings came the A.I.'s way, ones that could have struck if it wasn't for Hunter forcing himself to miss. "I'm not leaving, I'll help you!"

The pickaxe was raised again, this time headed for Hunter himself. Once again, it was demanded Lola joined their side to avoid his death. Or trophyfication, as it seemed to be in this world. The A.I. weighed her options as the child began counting to three, the resistance fading each second. A quick glance at her creator seemed to reassure her, turning to face the corrupted Hunter again right as he got to three.

"Fine... if you want to have me so badly, I'll give you just what you want!" Lola exclaimed as she shot forwards, headed straight towards Hunter. She'd ram into the kid to throw him off balance before firing Shroud Spear once, aiming to restrain him right as Dark Matter's blob bombs came in an attempt to harm Copen. A series of explosions would be set off around the A.I. and the child, providing yet another source of light to help free Hunter from Shadow Link's control!

One of said orange blobs stuck to one of Copen's arms, the teen not being fast enough to avoid them all. Deciding to take advantage of Lola's sudden attack, he performed a Bullit Dash towards Krona, who would likely be about to bite down on Blue's trophy. He was headed for the dinosaur's underside, hoping to place a tag just before the blob on his arm exploded. He planned to use the explosion's concussive force to blast the trophy away from Krona's jaws and deal damage, while the tag was as to follow up with another attack should the dinosaur try and attack him afterward.

@DarkHydraT @Shen: King of the Mist @Gamingfan @Captain Pokémon

The Knight - Garreg Mach Monastery

Another flash of light. The Vessel had reappeared inside of some sort of castle, reminiscent of the White Palace except for a lot less white. Getting its bearings, it seemed the bug was still wounded from the earlier fight and had hopefully gotten away from Metal Sonic. Even better, it still had the key! Its golden light was dim, probably due to the sudden teleportation. Its energy had been drained. Using up one last bit of SOUL to heal up, the Knight looked around the area. A window showed part of the canyon far in the distance, giving the bug a good idea of how far away it was from its earlier position.

Taking its map out, the Knight began walking around this new place, charting out the many areas of this castle. A marketplace, a pond, a central building... it walked through a good portion of the Monastery until it got to the cathedral. The entryway was blocked by ice, clearly created by some external force. Why else would there be an ice wall in the middle of the building? There seemed to be rumbling on the other side, signaling something big was happening over there. Curiosity got the best of the Knight as it began whacking away at the ice wall in an attempt to get through.

@Psymallard @Gamingfan @ThAtGuY101
Last edited:


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Donkey Kong
So they were off. The party of three continued on their way through the Jungle, headed due north. The jungle stretched on for what seemed like forever as Bandana Dee's trophy faded into obscurity inside of Kirby. Donkey Kong would stop every now and again for Kirby and Vio, who would lag behind, before eventually he had Kirby ride on his back again. This did nothing to get them moving faster, as Vio was slower than Kirby. Finally, the Kong grabbed the boy in one hand, and carried him, racing through the jungle, ignoring any retorts about his situation the boy might make.

Birds flew threw the air of each tree they shook, the Kong's great form letting nothing stand in his way. However, they were forced to stop eventually as they reached a cliff edge that dropped for what looked to be about a hundred feet. This wasn't anything to be concerned about, the Kong had fallen from greater heights. Much greater heights. What made him stop was the sight that lay ahead. The level of jungle they stood upon was at a higher altitude than a lot of the land before them. It was like a painting, the sun sinking its inferno slowly at the horizon, day turning to night. More jungle lay ahead, though not much as it gave way into a vast tundra of ice and water, smoke rising from something he couldn't really make out in the distance, what looked like an insect crawling along distantly could be seen. More biomes and lands were seen from their vantage point as well. A badlands far off in the distance, covered by angry black clouds of smoke, a distant desert, and an even more distant series of snow-capped mountains, then the city that hung in the distance, hundreds of miles away, a ship hanging in the air above it, appearing as little more than an ant from the significant distance between them.
And in the center of it all? An indescribable beauty of alien architecture, pulsing with powerful light. It reminded DK a little of a foe he'd once faced- and lost against. Twice. Tabuu. The color, the sense of unease it gave him... he generally had no desire to go near that thing.

Instead, he turned his gaze down the hill to somewhere closer to what felt like home. Ruins. They appeared just like the ruins back on DK Island, in fact, cropping about through the trees with chutes of golden-brick towers. Aztec in design, to any who saw it that knew of them. That was closer, and less daunting of a journey, so Kong decided to go there, using his free hand that wasn't hoisting Vio into the air to point at the ruins.
Just as a hoot escaped his lips, a cloud of birds suddenly took off into the air near the ruins, almost like something had spooked them. Something big.
That big 'something' then reared a head through the tall trees that surrounded it, its body a lime in color, with insect-like eyes and features, a hard shell covering its body. The screech it let out echoed through the jungle as the trio watched. While this could be daunting to some, DK was excited. This would surely be a much more welcoming confrontation than facing Tabuu ever again. The great beast then lowered its head back down, and trees began to shake as it began to approach the ruins.

@Gamingfan @Shen: King of the Mist

Key-like item, huh? And so the plot thickened. He retracted his hand after the shake, sticking it back into his pocket. The human before him was Gunvolt. GV. Gunny sounded better. The girl that was only a couple inches shorter than the skeleton, peering from behind Gunny, was 'Joule'. That was a word Sans could immediately place with something he already knew. Energy. Judging from that alone, he could deduce she had abilities concerning, or alluding to joules of energy. Or perhaps it just sounded cool and that was the story behind it. Psyduck's name had already been deduced by Sans, considering the creature screamed it every other breath. The largest in the group was named 'Swole', again a word it used, alongside 'Buzzwole', which was probably its full name. Fitting, considering the bulging scarlet muscles. Then finally, the darkest of the bunch, labelled only as 'blue hair', was Audrey. Upon each introduction, Sans' gaze flitted lazily from person to person, but on Audrey, it lingered for a single second longer, his smile appearing temporarily less genuine, but that second passed and he was back to grinning dolefully.

"haven't seen any keys, or things like keys, but thanks givin' me the keys to this group. not a lotta folks around these parts, i've noticed." Sans shrugged. However, at that moment, a roar echoed through the forest like some great siren, calling out for a challenge. Or perhaps for a meal. Whatever it was that had just roared, it was large. The roar was more akin to a screech, like a bird, or perhaps even the hiss of a reptile, or an insect. Heads instinctively turned to the noise, which was echoing from deeper within the jungle as the sun was beginning to set. "maybe that thing knows where to find your key." Sans suggested, deciding to wait until he used any whoopie cushion tricks until there was a calm, since judging from Gunvolt's face, that screech was their next destination.

@Gamingfan @Fraseandchico @ArmedBlue @Psymallard

So, the Warriors of Hope hadn't expect Sonic or Tails, as they called themselves. He also learned the tablet was named Tabby. Fitting. In fact, each member of this group had fitting names. All except for Undyne. He couldn't associate that name with anything to her features. It was a foreign word to him anyway, but Tabby? Tablet. Sonic? He was fast. Tails? He had two, like some kind of Kitsune runt. Sub-Zero? Self explanatory as well.
It would be fortunate if there was some kind of Warriors of Hope operation down here to disrupt, put a cog into a machine these children seemed experienced in running. However, going in there was undoubtedly a trap now. Sonic and Tails had found them, and they would be preparing, or already prepared. Absolute discretion and precision would be needed to make this assault as effective as possible.

Sub-Zero said nothing in response to both Sonic and Tails for several moments as they delved into the subway. No draft blew through. That meant there was no exit, or that the exit was blocked by something. Probably the latter, considering subways were designed with multiple entrances and exits. Finally, Kuai Liang spoke to the others, first Sonic's words with acknowledgement. "You're fast. But are you quiet?" He asked. "Your speed would make you an excellent scout, if you were capable of remaining undetected. Those mechs fought earlier were powerful, and if we face one underground? It could spell certain death for all of us. Collapse the entire subway on our heads. We could be entering a trap. It would be valuable if you were capable of not only being fast, but being stealthy as well. Is that something you can do?"

Once Tabby and Tails were on board and following, Sub-Zero then addressed the yellow kitsune. "I am assuming your vessel will be useful. Assembling it would be productive, but the vendetta I hold for the Warriors of Hope is impersonal. They have yet to wrong me, but they parallel somebody I once knew. Somebody who once caused a lot of grief. Infiltrating the Warriors of Hope ship will require more effort than I alone can give." Either he was extraordinarily humble, or this was something he truly believed. Maybe even both. "I will help you in your endeavors here. Make sure you are able to complete your construction. In return, I ask that you join me in my assault against the Warriors of Hope. There are many evils assaulting the innocent here, but these children are the greater of the three. It would be better if we dispatched them one at a time, before they can combine their forces any further. The Banished and Eggman have already secured an alliance. If they secure another with the Warriors of Hope... we will be overwhelmed."

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon @Psymallard

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Urban District

As they walked further in and the noise got louder and louder, Subzero chose this moment to pick up the conversation about his vendetta or lack thereof with the Warriors of Hope. It seemed despite his appearance, he had a moral code. Something tails understood.

"You make some valid points. Eggman is a serious issue as he is, we'd know. Eggman comes from our dimension. Siding with others could give the edge to take us out if we aren't careful. Hm...we should talk about this after we get out, yeah?"

A smell of bronze was in the air. Heavy bronze. Gold powder seemed to be all over the ground suspiciously. What had happened here? Sparks were heard, pounding, pressing, and repeat. It sounded almost like...

*Whrrrrrrr!* *Zzzzzzzt!* *STOMP!*

The concrete walls further in seemed too he hollowed out, their innards replaced with machinery. A conveyer belt on either side, ferrying long square plates with parts in them. Mechanical arms would spark together and fuse parts of metal with other parts before they were pounded into a single mesh, and then ferried further in. Hooks above seemed to be on a chain as well, ferrying arms and legs of...monokuma?

"If I'm not mistaken...this looks like a factory of some kind." Tails spoke up. "It appears they are growing their numbers from here."


A loud, irritable noise was heard, forcing the fox to grasp his ears. What...what could have made that infernal sound? Just then, another stream of powder was released from further in. A single wide opened double door awaited them. Pitch black. Tails gulped.

"I think...I think the core of their operation is through there..."

@comic @Psymallard @Captain Pokémon

Red & E-102 Gamma
Lich Yard

"Uuuuuugh...what just happened?"

Red questioned, rubbing his head. He hadn't the faintest idea what had gone on in the past few minutes. Did something happen? Whatever it was, the robot seemed less hostile now.

"Follow me."

It spoke, walking back where it came from, towards a hospital in the distance. Red looked at Gengar, looking for some kind of okay from them before proceeding