• Welcome back to Pokécharms! We've recently launched a new site and upgraded forums, so there may be a few teething issues as everything settles in. Please see our Relaunch FAQs for more information.
*screams at Pokecharms for marking the actual RP forum watched but for some reason not the discussion one*

I missed the mod bio issue and the music talk, and yet somehow managed to get a partner completely randomly :0 Sorry about butting in like that @Charlespark! I wouldn't have done that if I had known about this. If you want me to edit my replies or change anything I'll be totally fine with it, no worries. Gonna keep better tabs on my watchlist now and make sure everything's actually working. ;_;
Well, it's alright... and well I was going to have Joel be with the head of House Purity, but he was too scared of her and someone beated him to it haha.

So Joel's pretty much about to faint right now and well... let's just hope he won't be too rough with the Nurse...
Sad to see someone leave.

I'll definitely consider a new club, but I was a little worried about making track and field since those are Pokéathlon related. Ah well. I'll see what I can do. Names for the NPCs would also be great!

Oh, and Mrs. Jakande is totally cool with multiple partners in the icebreakers. She feels loved ♥

Sorry I've been a bit out of order the last few hours guys--it's storming pretty badly and I had to get to the store and back without getting in a wreck with the slick road. I'll be responding soon, I just need to get groceries in and actually sit down at my computer.
Oh no Shimmering! Take care of yourself.

Sigh... that response took a lot of time to flesh out. Sorry for the delay, guys. But, hey, it's there! Woo. Also, @Tsu you can have Snow go tell Ms. Capelle he doesn't have a partner! She'd love to help.

Edit: #sadface because I think everyone's out for the night. Aw! Also, just a quick thing regarding mega evolution (as we have a Mawile in our midst, plus I'm sure some of you might consider mega evolution in the future for evolved mons, etc.). Mega evolution (or megalution as I call it) normally displays the relationship between humans and pokemon, but since in this universe humans do not exist, it simply is a matter of skill and age! Even if a pokemon is all grown up, it would take some time to master megalution. It would have to be something someone at least worked at.

...Seriously, the games TOTALLY missed an opportunity with "megalution."

Even more random universe nonsense: pets don't exist here! Pets are the equivalent of a baby, pretty much. There are some wild Pokémon still that aren't civilized, but they are people too and can easily be brought into society. Maybe you can have like... a pet rock, or something? (Wait that's a bad idea think of the Geoduuuude)

Man, I keep editing this and tacking onto it because I keep thinking of things. I wanna apologize for not adding buttons yet; when I went to, we had the situation with the staff, so I was primarily focused on that.
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Great, guess I'll be joining you in this RP then.. here's my application form.

Species: Deino
Gender/Pronouns: He is male.
House: He's extremely competitive and loves fighting, so house Ignite.
Personality: As I said, he's an extremely competitive and kinda "aggressive" pokémon. Doesn't like pokémon with too much confidence as he feels challenged by them.
History: Will most likely reveal later.
Extra: None.
Hey, if the RP went on in real time, (sorta) during Fall, Winter, etc. would we have seasonal events? One example would be Halloween, or Christmas. Something like that?
Well... technically Halloween/New Year's Eve/Remembrance Day would be the same. But Easter and Christmas may be still existent in a world without humans. It depends. :?:up: Is that the answer you wanted?
I didn't 'want' anything, I was just wondering how that would work out. Given that those holidays are man-made. Though I do agree that Christmas and Easter are the most viable candidates. Also though, I enjoy the idea of costumed Pokémon for Halloween far too much to let that slip away due to 'technicalities'. I suppose I just enjoy having a pleasant discussion.
No problem, I've actually been wondering for quite a bit how a Pokémon world would look without the existence of humans. Most interesting to me is that Ditto, Mewtwo, Porygon and probably a few more wouldn't even exist.
Festivals and holidays would be really fun! We could work in House competitions during them, too, like they split into groups to see who can design the best costume/scare the staff/maybe a capture the flag sort of deal... Christmas could be a sort of Secret Santa thing with more Hearthome City exploration. It would involve more planning on Believe's part, though, and idk how up to that they are at the moment. We've got a pretty complicated RP going on right now anyways.

Without humans, lots of Pokemon wouldn't exist, canonically. Magnemite, Klink, Golurk, Grimer, Trubbish, etc. There are a scary amount of inadvertently/accidentally man-made Pokemon, not to mention all the ones that only thrive as a result of human habitat. Aron populations would drop heavily due to the lack of easy iron, and city-based scavengers like the domestic cat Pokemon would struggle in the wild. ... Really puts it into perspective about our own globalization.
I saw a Pokémon comic a while back that made me think. So, wild Pokemon seem to be, at least more often than not, social creatures. Living together with others of their species. So, what happens when a wild Pokémon is caught and fights against one of their former friends/relatives. Do they recognize them, but prize their relationship with their trainer above family?
Also, a large picture of Glare can be found behind the spoiler. Halloween costumes.
I'm pretty sure that Joel is either going to scare the hell out of people or he's going to probably be scared of the doctor after seeing too many scary movies. :P

*a Camtonian Oshawott can be seen using his scalchop like a ranged weapon*
Not too sure what Joel should be since he's not exactly too keen in trying on different things sometimes...

Boy oh boy... he's harder to deal with in that situation than some of my Fakemon for crying out loud!

*a cute little Signita can be seen in his lab coat while eating some wafers as an excuse to test his hypothesis on the sweet, peanut buttery taste of them*
Expected Batman, was pleasantly surprised. Robin the Red Robin, I love it. Also, you manage to make your drawings incredibly adorable. I like the art style a lot
I already got the irony after taking a nice look at him...

I'm just gonna work on my Fakemon for a little until Believe or the Magnemite responds since Joel can't really do much since he's unconscious at the moment...

*a Celfium briefly peeks out of her hiding hole as she takes a wad of cash when no one's looking*
Thanks! ^^ It was inevitable, to be honest. One of my first shinies was a Fletchling that I called Greyson, as in Richard Greyson.
As for Cliff, it doesn't even have to be something spooky (Robin sure isn't). Or maybe he's just one of those kids that thinks he's too cool to dress up. (Which is false since you're never too old for Halloween)
I'd wait until Believe comes online since there's not much Maxwell can do at the moment. They're kinda panicked and Mrs. Jakande should probably be the one to help him out anyways.
At first I was thinking one of those green swamp/lake human-fish monsters from old thriller movies. You know... "They Came From The Swamp".
-toots whistle- BELIEVE IS HERE.

Okay, so! Let's talk seasons. First of all, as some of you probably guessed, you don't advance to second year through a FULL YEAR of coursework. That would just be complicated. Thus, this roleplay is going to work without months and only seasons. (Months are canon in the universe but to save time we only will have seasons for advancement purposes; therefore, you can still use terms like the date.) Currently, it's spring (which is more like the Japanese school schedule) and I'm not sure yet if I want two seasons to equal enough classwork to advance or four seasons. Probably two, but you'll hear more on that later.

Now, for the juicy stuff: holidays! Instead of having individual holidays, we'll have seasonal, week long celebrations. This makes it a lot easier to work with some holidays that are human-religion based. (Hanukkah? Christmas? NAH FAM.) During each week of celebration, depending on the beliefs of each Pokémon, it is common to spend time worshipping legendaries that either fit with the season or just your general religion. (AKA, you can celebrate something like Celebi during spring, or Arceus year round. IDC.) The festivals occur at the end of the month, and while students get a small break, they will have important final exams around those times!

Now, when we think of the globalization of manmade Pokémon, keep in mind that all of our Pokémon are civilized, technologically advanced creatures. They, like humans, have cities--radios--ovens--all of that delicious stuff we wouldn't be able to live without today. Except, here's the thing... Pokémon care more about the environment than we do, first of all. Thus, while with the reasoning that Pokémon like Magnemite, Klink, and Trubbish could still exist, certain ones will either be less common than others or new species. Grimer could probably be more of an accidental science experiment gone wrong than a gutter-dwelling Pokémon. Pokémon in this universe reduce, reuse and recycle! My second point is that, since Pokémon are the animals, you know that fancy rule about using meat substitutes? Well, we're not gonna force Miltank into slaving away in the dairy industry. However, a lot probably have their own little farms and such for producing milk and making some cash. Milk DOES exist in the universe, (as well as lovely substitutes like almond milk and--oh no, run Exeggutor, coconut milk) but it is not a harmful setup to milk-producing Pokémon. Not everyone has to grow up and be a farmer! Follow your dreams, little cattle. ANYWAYS, you'll find out more about the seasonal celebrations soon enough! It's only the beginning of spring.
It's amazing how you always enter the chat with a metric ton of backstory to answer our questions/discussions. I'm thoroughly impressed by how well you thought this whole RP through. braveau~
I do my best ;u; I feel so happy when you guys say stuff like that, I truly do. I sort of have ideas in my head about everything, but anytime you have a question I'll certainly answer it in the best logical way possible!

Also, I need some time before I respond, but trust me, I'll be taking care of everyone who addressed the staff members soon.