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Crush a wish!

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Granted, but now you have this weird fetish for guts and blood and find yourself disecting road kill.

I wish I could just discover my magic powers already. I mean, c'mon, it's been almost sixteen years.
Granted. Magic powers? What magic powers? Oh those magic powers. The powers where you can make it rain Care Bears that are all armed with evil death rays and have a huge desire to kick your ass? Yep. Those powers.

I wish I had a Rob Zombie CD.
Granted, but you don't have a CD player to play it in. :-\

I wish I had Microsoft word and powerpoint on this computer. No viruses and no freezing it up.


Granted, but nobody wants to fight you and they commite suicide trying to escape your desire to beat them.

I wish that Pokemon were real. Period.
Granted, now I have a killer team of pokemon that set out on a quest to give me all of the jerky in the world! MUA-HA-HA-HAAAAA!!! *cough*

I wish I don't have to get part of my foot lazered off (I have this wart thing)
Granted, but now all of your foot is lasered off.....And it tastes amazingly like jerky.

I wish I didn't just say that last part.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Your wish to become a pretty pink princess is granted ;D

I wish my family would have been more patient and let me learn all that the ocean exhibit at the Smithsonian had to offer. To them it's look, "Oh, Ah" leave. To me it's "I'll be here all day"
Granted, but you get eaten by a magical whale that visits that exhibit every once in a million years.

I wish that guys would ask me on a date... ::)


Granted, but ____ really wants to go to _____.

I wish I knew what I was just talking about.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted. Smoochum's Great grandma's cousin's son's roomate's girlfriend's, brother's best friend's aunt-twice-removed just heated on her husband with his secretary's sister's exboyfriend's mother's second cousin's teacher's former pet goat's new master's arobics instructor's father who lives on a ranch in the middle of nowhere.

I wish I knew if the arobics instructor's brother's sister-in-law's lesbian lover's acountant's doctor's daughter was single so I could ask her out.
granted, but *skips all of the outrageously pointless monologue* she is the decendant of a goat, a warthog, a turtle, and the great white n00b. She has inherited characteristics from all of them them that piss you off

I wish for a spider-monkey

And just for the last one, *hits Psycho Monkey with a pretty, pink crown*

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
(Ouch! Well that's what happens when you wish for a random wish.)

Granted, but the spider monkey is one of my spies. It gathers embarassing information on you and posts it on the internet.

I wish that were really true :p


Granted, and I laugh.

I wish I could sing well(I'm not in choir, so...self-explainatory)
Granted, but the cheetah finds you for stealing his cheetos and fights you like in Mortal Combat. He's more powerful than Scorpion.

I wish I could cheer my boyfriend up. (He's sad because he has to go to the Virgin Islands from Friday to Monday for his brother's wedding. He wants me to come with him, but I can't. :-\)
(then what is your computer sitting on?)

Granted, but you can't get it through your small door

I wish my new school photo didn't apparently make me look like Zac Efron (it's just kinda creepy...)

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
(That is creepy.)

Granted, but Zac Efron breaks in your house at night, kidnaps you, and gives you plastic surgery so that you really do look like him. (I'm sorry, no one deserves a fate as cruel as that)

I wish I had a Death Note so I could write down Zac Efron's name so no one else had to suffer like Brendan.

Granted, but you accidentally write down Zac and your name

I wish I had a paperclip (may seem like the most bizzare wish, I know. But I need it for school)
Granted, but through a few totally random events that I'm not going to explain the parper clip cuts your face so badly that you need surgery to fix it and when they're over you look exactly like Zac Efron. (this may become a running gag :p)

I wish I could sing the Carmelldansen.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, but you're so good at it you are forced to go to every anime convention from this day foward. Yes, I know it's not much of a crush, but it probably has the chance of screwing with your social life and schedule plus it's expensive.

I wish I could go to the anime convention in February.
[size=8pt]Granted, but no one around you speaks the language, so you're forced to talk to yourself lest you should lose all that knowledge. As a result, your parents think you're a crazy and put you away in an asylum.
The good news is, they speak japanese there.
(Seriously kids, it's not a fun language to learn)

I wish I had continued with spanish instead of taking up japanese.[/size]



I wish I could have thought up something stupid to crush that wish with.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, and because I'm majoring in Marine Biology I'll give you an explaination. Fish filter oxygen from the water with there gills, this is how they breath. If the fish's gills are damaged it will drown.

I wish I knew bigger words to make that more confusing.


Granted, but then I get a dictionary to make sense of what you said.

I wish I could be Renge Malici...(read Wounds for more info)


Granted, and we all like it so much that she gets jealous and kills you.

I wish Morgan Freeman was President instead of Obama
Granted, but the President gets assasinated, and thus the Vice President, who is Obama, becomes the next President.

I wish I had better coordination. I am so clumsy!
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