Shen: King of Digimon
Previously Shen: King of the Mist
What was this? Walking a way amidst his battle he just began? Did he misjudge him as well? The words he spoke...he had to run them through his internal translator-
Chivalry need not apply.
The western Digimon focused his gaze on the man, adjusting his hat a final time. Hardly the circumstances he wanted. But he would take it from here.
"If you refuse to fight, then I'll gladly use you as target practice!"
Materializing a second gun, he fired his blasters directly up at the sky. Suddenly, the lasers took several sharp turns, one after another. Before suddenly they would come one right after another, blasting at the Russia from the left and then shortly the right.
"Uhhhh...we seriously gonna take part in this?" Astra asked Zed, gesturing to the giant Megalon. "Looks like a lot of people have this one covered, ain't no solo worth this much lead up if you know what I'm saying."
The ensuing lasers firing through the forest further cemented his opinions as the rained down from above. This was a war zone!
What was this? Walking a way amidst his battle he just began? Did he misjudge him as well? The words he spoke...he had to run them through his internal translator-
Chivalry need not apply.
The western Digimon focused his gaze on the man, adjusting his hat a final time. Hardly the circumstances he wanted. But he would take it from here.
"If you refuse to fight, then I'll gladly use you as target practice!"
Materializing a second gun, he fired his blasters directly up at the sky. Suddenly, the lasers took several sharp turns, one after another. Before suddenly they would come one right after another, blasting at the Russia from the left and then shortly the right.
"Uhhhh...we seriously gonna take part in this?" Astra asked Zed, gesturing to the giant Megalon. "Looks like a lot of people have this one covered, ain't no solo worth this much lead up if you know what I'm saying."
The ensuing lasers firing through the forest further cemented his opinions as the rained down from above. This was a war zone!