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Private/Closed Exploration of the Froena Region Sign Ups


I saw that you made a trainer card for the reigion, also I note that you have three pokémon, when starting out you can only have your starter and then catch some along the way, also I would ask about getting a pichu because of its rarity (I think don't count me on that).
I was wondering where his trainer card was since I didn't see it in his signature.
also I would ask about getting a pichu because of its rarity (I think don't count me on that).
All Pokemon are catchable on the Island as far as I know (Minus legendaries of course). Courtesy of Melody~

@StormingCobra55 , Indeed, you should've started with just one Pokemon, your starter. Furthermore, you won't be able to use Mega Charizard X unless it's approved by a Moderator. Seeing that you've just joined today you might also want to read the Pokemon Role Play Rules If you haven't already.
*Aquaman is about to use his most powerful move and he doesn't look too happy with everyone, especially after accidentally switching on an odd chip*

.... ..... ...... ..... ........Why, just why... I thought Shinx was the last person to do it here! *drip drip* *thud*

From: Aquaman.EXE
Subj: Robotic Talk

01010011 01101111 01101101 01100101 01101111 01101110 01100101 00100000 01101000 01100101 01101100 01110000 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100001
*Aquaman is about to use his most powerful move and he doesn't look too happy with everyone, especially after accidentally switching on an odd chip*

.... ..... ...... ..... ........Why, just why... I thought Shinx was the last person to do it here! *drip drip* *thud*

From: Aquaman.EXE
Subj: Robotic Talk

01010011 01101111 01101101 01100101 01101111 01101110 01100101 00100000 01101000 01100101 01101100 01110000 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100001
Well, you can only really blame @Melody-Jez for creating too interesting an RP and just the right time ~

Consider it luck of the draw, after all, it's unusual for so many new members to join an RP is such rapid succession.

Errr, Binary messages eh >~>
That is true, but what can we do?
There are only so many things we can do to TRY and prevent things like this, like the rules and such but not everyone listens..
There's a good reason why I do PRIVATE RPs instead of group/public ones these days...

*Aquaman gets frustrated and uses NEOVarSpredr9 while not realizing his robotic language chip is still on*

01000110 01100001 01101100 01111010 01100001 01110010 00101100 00100000 01110000 01101100 01100101 01100001 01110011 01100101 00100000 01110011 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01110101 01110011 00100001
Hmmm, Private RP's are nice, and they do ensure a certain level of quality, but public Rp's also have their own charm. More people, and more ways of interpreting the storyline? Well, I guess what I'm trying to say is the variation in a public RP can be worth the hassle. Speaking of variation I need to do some of that with my wording orz.
I really just am not fond of doing public RPs anymore since I don't exactly have the energy to be watching over people that can't read the regulations and such, and please know that I can do it with a few, but not like in a group of ten people with at least a quarter being bunniers and other stuff...

The other main con is going along with what I got into earlier, and it's that well... people think they're gods and TRY their dang hardest to explain about oh so and so doesn't have five moves and Swift can't miss and you can dodge when attacks have 100 damage; hey my Pokémon is level 100 and that work is actually mine get on my level and other things that seriously get on my last nerve... (That LAST part actually did happen to me a couple of times and it was a sockpuppeter to make it even worse! This kid managed to have the NERVE to say to me that my Fakemon works were actually his and that I was the one stealing his stuff... this is just something that I absolutely hate to the utmost extent, it's basically like those fraud people in real life, but even worse! I'm just glad that kid got what he deserved, embarassment, a few laughs from me and my friends and a lovely ban in his eight year old face.)
Aye, I can definitely understand that, though in the end they're kids and they'll act like that at times. I'm usually way too lazy or disinclined to get into the whole 'Baby-Sitting'. I'll keep this short since Stellar warns against off-topic posts in threads >~>

To make this more on-topic let's talk about our Villianess. If she has a team of 6 I don't really see us winning, but it'll depend on how things play out. Maybe each of us can take out a single Pokemon? Though, feels like a good moment for a team battle. @Melody-Jez Feel like revealing a bit more of Darla's team? :p

@Aquaman Now that I think about it, I think Chaud can definitely hop into the RP now that Spade's caused a mini rock-fall. The event in question would be pretty hard to miss, along with the arcs of lightning from Galvantula's attack. You could definitely have Chaud spot either one from a distance and decide to investigate.
I definitely agree with the last part, since even if Chaud was too busy, I'm sure no one could miss those things. As for my other Pokémon character I've yet to introduce and put in a character sheet for, I'll get right to it as soon as possible before Chaud gets left behind and forgotten.
I can definitely agree with @kyuukestu about the Villianess, each person could take out one pokémon. I could also agree with seeing more of her team as well.
Qin, Asher, Spade, Asriel, Halt, Chaud.

We've just barely hit all 6.

Though honestly, it'd be very unrealistic for her to send out her Pokemon 1 by 1 so we could take them out. I'm kinda hoping for a Battle Royale, or something along those lines. To speed things up we could do double or triple battles, and rotate until everyone got a chance to battle her.

How's that sound @Melody-Jez ?
Chaud's not with everyone, that's the problem here...

And also the other thing is he's in his own sticky situation.

*??? can be seen trying to eat some metal ores, but can't as the Nurse patiently waits for him*
Ah! I was super exhausted last night due to closing my department and opening it the very next day! But no matter :) I am here now after sleeping in.

And yes, I know Darla's Team, as a whole, is impossible for us to defeat. She has a Gardevoir, Emolga, Galvantula, Ninetails, Noivern, and Nidoqueen. Something she didn't really elaborate on, Darla is very experienced. She has participated in three pokemon leagues: Indigo, Johto, and Sinnoh. The only thing that stopped her from going to the Hoenn league was getting really really sick and she wasn't cured until after the league was over. She wasn't patient enough to wait another year so she just went to Sinnoh.

I think of the Pokemon Leagues like they are in the anime: a gathering of thousands of trainers; I add a game twist with the winner of the whole thing being able to challenge the elite four for the title of pokemon champion. In Kanto, she placed twelfth. In Johto, she placed fifth. She is a champion of Sinnoh.

The silver lining? She doesn't have her league winning team. She saw on the tapes that from when we escaped the boat that we have baby pokemon, so she brought her utility team. Ninetails is for tracking her prey, Galvantula helps slow and capture any prey that's trying to be slippery. Noivern is for added power and for prey that tries to fly away. Nidoqueen is for added power and general purposes. Gardevoir is for quick transportation once the prey has been spotted. Emolga serves no purpose, she just loves that pokemon and never goes anywhere without it. It is important to note that Gardevoir and Emolga are apart of her league winning team. Emolga she may fight with but Gardevoir she won't unless things really head south. She relies on Gardevoir too much for a way back home to risk injuries on that pokemon. What I mean to say is that the four pokemon she brought and will definitely fight with are more trained in survival and detainment rather than outright battle.

But with how upset she'll be about the rock slide, I can swing a battle royal ;) after all, Darla doesn't fight fair. She's the person who would invite someone to a fist fight and have two guns stored away in case she can't win on her own >.>
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This is more anime style, and in the anime, if it seems like a pokemon can learn a move, it's alright. Its just not like having a pikachu knowing flamethrower.
You only have one other post so when did you catch anymore pokemon? And while that is true, Glaceon, it is stated multiple times to keep a level in mind, just as a reference, so things like this don't happen.
Me? I didn't think it was important to make a post on capturing the heracross who decided to raid my base. It didn't seem like an all to important part of the rp.
Yes but you did introduce the pokemon and show the bond between it and yourself. It being on your team seemed natural and you at least mentioned that you had, in fact, caught it. These two seem to have just been there.
Yes, my point. I meant the Pidgeotto and Pichu of our newest member. I was using you of an example of not necessarily showing the capture done right. And it is a serious battle. Have Halt do what he wants :)
Question: Can starly evolve? Starly evolves into Staravia at lvl 14, and the only move she would learn is Double team at the lvl as well so not even that powerful.
Considering our starters technically started stronger than that, sure thing :) And @StormingCobra55 I have already warned you once today about using moves a pokemon cannot learn and you do it again with pancham. It can't learn feint attack! Do it a third time and you will be kicked from the roleplay.

Also, how does a Pidgeotto pin a Noivern? And that was a wild Pidgeotto, no tm moves yet.
9012_dirt is right. Darla's pokemon, while maybe not her championship team, are very powerful. Your pokemon shouldn't be having such little difficulty even if only the one is having the easier time.
Im sorry, this is my first Roleplay, i actually made this account just to join this Roleplay. And i tend to do stuff like this when i dont think and just type in a quick move.
That is understandable, and you are showing pretty good effort in the details for someone entirely new. I've included some links below for you so you can see the movepool for each mon you have. We have to have the tm's sent to us by the professors so ignore those for now.

https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/pancham (Pancham Pokédex: stats, moves, evolution & locations | Pokémon Database)
https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pidgeotto_(Pok%C3%A9mon) (Pidgeotto (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia)
https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/pichu (Pichu Pokédex: stats, moves, evolution & locations | Pokémon Database)
@Aquaman , since you obviously haven't notice; you are currently being ignored. Nobody is responding to your post because they are rude and unnecessary, if you want to leave go ahead but don't sit here and complain about it please. Honestly I might just be easily annoyed, but it's starting to peave me that everyone else is being helpful while you are just insulting everyone in this RP.
I understand if you don't feel like staying but I will only boot someone for a lack of effort or a disregard for the rules. Inexperience on the matter all together just means we need a bit more patience.