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Favourite Legendary?

I must say Cobalion, he got me through both the BW and BW2 elite 4. He's fighting/steel, so he doesn't have THAT many weaknesses. I mean, not as many as the other two.
Victini and Uxie! I absolutely love these two. They're both adorable and very usable in battle. Victini was one of the first events I participated in, while Uxie was the very first Pokemon I leveled up to 100, I still have my little Tooru that I carried all the way from White 2.
mmm, its hard to say. i hardly caught on to the legendary pokemon hype.

maybe suicune, because out of all thw legendaries, it has my favorite design, and everything about it is so beautiful. even its name just flows right out of your mouth. a pokemon that can purify water... we could definitely use one in these times.

i like all the johto legendaries, actually? i wish there was more content around ho-oh, honestly
I REALLY REALY LOVE TINY LEGENDARIES I think Celebi and Jirachi are my faves, but I also really like Manaphy and Shaymin (I prefer its Land Forme over its Sky Forme) and Darkrai is my precious baby I love it. Meloetta too.

Reshiram is also a favorite of mine as far as larger/mascot legendaries go, I've also always preferred Ho-oh over Lugia.
I have not come to break hearts nor has contradict his emotions in taste for every legendary, but if we turn away from the
tastes and favoritism, we know that Mew
is the legendary supreme, is the best to
be the right hand of Arceus even Mew is
to be the best designed to be simple and
the best among all by having each of the
legendary Pokémon in essence. But for
tastes there are colors, and based on the
Pokémon law, do not choose or reject a
Pokémon by their power or design, but
what you choose your heart. Good
coaches afternoon.


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I have not come to break hearts nor has
contradict his emotions in taste for every
legendary, but if we turn away from the
tastes and favoritism, we know that Mew
is the legendary supreme, is the best to
be the right hand of Arceus even Mew is
to be the best designed to be simple and
the best among all by having each of the
legendary Pokémon in essence. But for
tastes there are colors, and based on the
Pokémon law, do not choose or reject a
Pokémon by their power or design, but
what you choose your heart. good
coaches afternoon.
That's some deep Sheep what you said there bro. it just made me cry :")
I think my favorite legendary would probably be... Well its actually really hard. I probably think I would say Articuno. I loved the design and my favorite color is blue. And also, Articuno is savage.
Definitely Regigigas. It's super powerful and I love it's cry. >_< I also like Keldeo, but not as much as the Regi of all Regis.
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Tapu Bulu is my favourite legendary because
  • Its an awesome bull
  • I like all Tapu (except Tapu Fini)
  • Awesome typing - even though it makes no sense.
  • It can grab trees and use them as weapons
  • Its lazy - just like me.
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Favorite Legendary = Articuno!
  • One I love Ice types!
  • Two I loved Pokemon Stadium as a kid and would always win with my Articuno from Pokemon Blue!
  • I Loved the Legendary Birds!
  • It was the first Legendary I ever Caught!
Praise our one true lord Giratina. It's a devil worm-centipede monster ghost/dragon thing. Game Freak, what have you done. I know what. You've created something I love. Origin form is my favourite though. It's design is way sleeker and cooler. Platinum was fun, and I used Giratina in it. I used a legendary Pokemon in a play though, oh nooooo. Shame on me. It's Giratina, and I liek them.

Also, Zygarde is cool. Anything before its %100 form, I like. I find the %100 form takes a drastic change from a cute snake thing to some transformer dragon thing. I dunno. I like %50 the most. Also, Squishy is adorable, yet hilarious. That one dream episode made me laugh. It's voice suprised me at first, although it suits it. I have no actual reason why I have a PC box full of Zygarde too.
Celebi, because Celebi is a good legendary it would be epic to travel through time. Celebi also has some good moves too which I really think are cool but that's my favourite Pokemon ever.
Darkrai is the bomb! #REK EVERYTHING WITH SHADOWS! AND BAD DREAMS! AND MORE SHADOWS! And he even has a movie based off him! Ok, pretty much all the legends do. But still, Darkrai is the boss.
I've got to say that my favorite legendary, without question or doubt, is Lugia.

Firstly, I'll admit there might be a little bias involved since Pokemon Silver was my first ever experience with Pokemon and, as such, Lugia was the first Pokemon that I ever laid eyes on (being right on the box and all). I remember being so happy when I finally got to catch Lugia in game.

Secondly...just look at it! It's so cool and majestic and majestically cool! While there are admittedly some designs I think do edge out Lugia in terms of intricacy and detail (Giratina & the Kyurem Fusions being just two examples), I just love the simplicity that Lugia boasts while still being so interesting to look at.

Thirdly, I only need say two words: Shadow Lugia.

But yeah, Lugia will remain near and dear to me as my #1 all time favorite legendary. Guardian of the Sea for life. :D
My favorite for a long time was Zekrom (mostly because it was the first Pokémon game I ever owned), before that it was Lugia (cause well idk I just liked him lol) But now, my favorite has to be Rayquaza. I've always loved him but now he's my favorite. He's green (my favorite color) he's a dragon type (my favorite type) and he has an awesome mega form! With an amazing backstory to-boot. SO all in all I have to say rayquaza.

I really don't know why; but this Pokemon and Team Magma I just fell in love with from the start.
I will always have it on my team when i can. (( i Wish i can be a Member of Team Magma)
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