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Open Just my Version of a Romantic Superpower High School (Discussion)


Previously 5DigitNeb
I feel like the max max should be like Ultimate or something at 110% and if you go that far you take severe damage afterwards in addition to any wounds during the fight.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Am I the only one who actually doesn't find Christian super powerful? I actually feel like he's versatile, smart, the one that can makes the best use of whatever happens not the destructive person. Like I'm sure he can do that but also I feel he'd be more effective if he plays smart.
I, personally, think that Christian's smartness and versatility is what makes him most powerful. Like, the guy doesn't use raw power and gets super confident about it, he sees the battlefield and makes a plan to use everything he can to his advantage. Besides having a strong power, he has a good head and that makes him overall strong. In my humble, and just a little biased, opinion.


Previously 5DigitNeb
I, personally, think that Christian's smartness and versatility is what makes him most powerful. Like, the guy doesn't use raw power and gets super confident about it, he sees the battlefield and makes a plan to use everything he can to his advantage. Besides having a strong power, he has a good head and that makes him overall strong. In my humble, and just a little biased, opinion.
Yea that's exactly how I feel. Thanks for putting it in better words than I can.
Nah he hasn’t lost a fight yet
maya came close ;w;;

also wow i havent posted in a while. i’ve been trying to round out maya’s character recently, but it turns out that its very hard??? i want her to be likable, but also have flaws so she’s not just a 2D character capable of feeling two (2!!!) whole emotions!!! bwaaaaghgsg i hope im doing okay. posting soon!’
So, I had this silly idea and decided to make it instead of doing my math homework today.


Sinclair didn't want to come to the party because he was too great. At least that's what he said.


Instead he found his room and is probably catching up with Game of Thrones.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Asdsf I didn't notice??? I tried to stay as close to everyone's descriptions and/or gachas as posible. Maybe they're very long lost relatives.

Also, @Cryronn the Mudkip I love the idea. Like, everyone having fun, all dressed up, and then BAM, GOTTA FIGHT THESE MOTHERTRUCKING BAD GUYS!
Nah it’s ok. At least I have a different version of Chris.

Also yeah, that’s a pretty fun idea, @Cryronn the Mudkip
maya came close ;w;;

also wow i havent posted in a while. i’ve been trying to round out maya’s character recently, but it turns out that its very hard??? i want her to be likable, but also have flaws so she’s not just a 2D character capable of feeling two (2!!!) whole emotions!!! bwaaaaghgsg i hope im doing okay. posting soon!’

Welcome to writing a character. Chapter 1: Oh crap he needs personality!!! don't worry about it, it took me years to iron out a character, just be sure to have fun with it.

also, I have a box of interesting villain concepts. if anyone would like to hear them let me know :)
I'll try and think of an idea for the main bad guy, but I'm gonna try and not make him seem edgy. Powerwise, I was thinking if he could copy the powers of those that he touches.