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Open Kalos Wildreness

¡Hola! I'm really new to this website, so sorry if I do anything wrong. I'm bored out of my mind half the time, so I decided to kickstart a roleplay thread if anyone wants to join!
Please keep your roleplaying literate and PG, thanks. Trainers and Pokemon can join.
I'm just gonna drop my bio and a bio templates here.

Shiny: [✖️/✔️]
Trainer's name:
Other notes:

Pokemon team:
Occupation [Job (Ex. Shiny hunter, scientist, photographer, etc.)]:
Other notes:

aaaaand here my bio and my starter. feel free to jump in! alternatively you could message me on Kik if you don't want to roleplay openly.

Name: Ember
Gender: Female
Species: Zoroark
Age: 15
Nature: Careful
Personality: Shy, alert, cautious, playful, occaisionally sarcastic
Level: 48
Height: 4'9'
Weight: 101.4 lbs

Moveset: Hone claws, Flamethrower, Foul Play, Night Daze
Ability: Illusion
Shiny: ✔️
Pokeball: [n/a]
Trainer's name: [n/a]

Acsessories: Gold scarf
Other notes: Likes mint-chocolate chip ice cream (and will steal it when the oppertunity arises), and her favorite pastime is shiftin into legendary Pokemon and hanging out around popular routes to startle trainers.

And I'll post a starter here. I don't know how to turn off this bold print, rip I'm so sorry.

Ember quietly made her way through the woods, the fallen leaves hardly crunching under her claws. The evening was chilly, but her thick indigo fur with the combination of her scarf effectively warmed her. She stopped at the base of a huge oak tree, then shifted her form, taking on the shape of an Emolga and scurrying up the trunk. The zoroark rested on the lowest branch, still keeping herself shielded from the view of any passerby's that may walk through the route, and tucked her paws under her chest while still in Emolga's form. She curled her tail around the limb and waited for anyone of interest to come along.

Name: Dawn
Gender: Female
Species: Glaceon
Age: 14
Nature: Quiet
Personality: mistrustful
Level: 40
Height: 2'7"
Weight: 55 lbs
Moveset: Hail, Barrier, Ice Fang, Ice Shard
Ability: Snow Cloak
Shiny: [✖️]
Pokeball: none
Trainer's name: none
Accessories: silver cloth
Other notes: likes fruit a lot, likes music

Dawn walked past the trees. Enjoying the cooler weather, she decided to return to her cave after getting some food. Finding a berry tree, she used an ice attack to knock some down, and sat down to eat.
Gender: male
Species: jolteon
Age: 14
Nature: sassy
Personality: kind,friendly,hot head, can be scared easy

Level: 53
Height: 3 "2"
Weight: 50 lbs

Moveset: thunder,discharge,sand attack,quick attack
Ability: volt absorb
Shiny: ✖️
Pokeball: nope
Trainer's name: nope
Acsessories: yellow heart locket with one photo of his mom, because her died
Other notes: like hot dogs and sleep

Jazz was sleeping in the same tree Dawn used a ice attack, making he fall " ow......that hurted" he said getting up and seeing Dawn with the berries " hey wich your problem?! you no saw I was on that tree?" he asked angrily
"my name is jazz" he said using thunder on the tree making all the berries fall........ and some turn dust too "ops, I think the berries turned dust, but at least still have some berries " he said picking one berry and eating
Dawn nodded, and tried one of the toasted berries. It tasted pretty good. "Not bad, Jazz. Just don't hit the berries too hard, or they'll all disintegrate."
The zoroark flicked her ears, listening to a sudden disturbance in the peace. She scanned the ground and spotted what looked like two eeveelutions a few trees over. Hmmph.
Dawn looked around, thinking she had heard something. She didn't see anything near her, except the trees, that Jolteon, and the other pokemon eating, sleeping, or training. "Hm... I thought I did sense something close...hey Jolteon, go look for a hiding pokemon please. I'm almost positive I heard a rustle."
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She yawned and listened in on their conversation, almost feeling amused, although she kept a close eye on them both. Her tail twitched. Although she enjoyed staying in Emolga's form, she disliked that it couldn't fly as well as anything else.
Dawn could hear it, whatever it was, and tried to find where the sound was coming from. Definitely a tree, but which tree? She started sniffing around the trunks of trees, hoping it was near.
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The zoroark tensed. Is she looking for me? The fur along her spine rose in nervousness. Her head shifted to the side like an Ekan's, watching the Glaceon with a renewed alertness.
Dawn wondered where and what this mystery pokemon was. She knew if it was hiding this long, it must be nervous or something similar, or simply didn't want to introduce itself. She kept going, being more cautious and hoping to not appear intimidating.
Almost out of habit, she shifted. A soft, almost unnoticable flash of light accompanied the transition between shapes as she took the form of a Mincchino and fled further up the tree. As she reached a higher branch, she glanced down at the Glaceon to make sure she hadn't spotted her.
Dawn looked closer at the tree, thinking she saw a creature moving in the branches. Though she thought it was most likely her imagination, she wanted to check. Just to make sure. Sniffing the tree, she found traces of an unfamiliar pokemon.
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Ember clung to the branch, forcing herself to be still. Her ears flattened and the tip of her tail twitched in discomfort - it took almost all her strength to not let go of the branch. Her fur prickled.
She cringed. "Well crap," was her first thought. "Y-yes! I'm perfectly fine! No need to worry!" She stuttered out. The zoroark hissed at herself internally. Why did I stutter?
The illusionist tensed, starting to lose her grip on the tree bark. A curse slipped out of her mouth as she slipped from the branch and plunged towards the ground below. Right before she hit the forest floor she changed shape once more, reverting into Emolga and gliding over the leaves to skid to a halt.
She froze and looked over her shoulder at the stunned Glaceon. She winced. "Whoops," she muttered, short arms falling to her sides. The illusionist turned to face her. "You weren't supposed to see that."
Name: Slash
Gender: Male
Species: Absol
Age: 14
Nature: Impish
Personality: Silent, not easy to please.
Level: 67
Height: 3'11
Weight: 104 lbs
Move Set: Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Swords Dance, Double Team
Ability: Super Luck
Other Notes: None

After successfully escaping being caught by a trainer, Slash noticed two Eeveelutions. "I didn't know eevees lived here..." Moving slowly toward them, he also noticed an Emolga in the near distance. He decided to use swords dance, just in case a fight was going to break out.
"Um... what do you mean by that?" She looked around, noticing an Absol in the distance. She hoped nothing bad would happen from this, that there would be no disaster.
Ember's fur bushed out and she quickly took the chance that was presented. She took the form of a Kecleon and blended into the background of leaves a trees.
"Slash." As he was explaining the encounter he just had with an inexperienced trainer, Slash caught sight of a kecleon where the Emolga had been. He knew only 3 Pokemon who could do this, and only one lived in this forest, so he charged at the kecleon and used Night Slash.
After being engulfed in the flamethrower, Slash used doule team to make 15 clones of himself, and then ussed night slash once more on the truly formed pokemon.
She let out a angry hiss and blasted the rest of the clones with flames, trying to scramble away from them. When that didn't work, she used Night Daze and slammed her claws into the ground.
Pokemon: Palosand
Name: Patrick
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Level: 55
Ability: Water Compaction
Moveset: Earth Power, Destiny Bond, Shore Up, Shadow Ball
Nature: Relaxed
Personality: I don't care

When Ember stabbed her claws into the ground, Patrick emerged from the ground, looking pretty angry.
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Ember froze, momentarily stunned that any Pokemon knew her by name. She opened her mouth to ask who the Absol was, but was cut off when the ground beneath her feet shifted. She gave a shriek and sprang backwards.
"Why did you do that? How would you like if I did that with my-uh, my tower thingies? Oh well, I don't think that I will kill you. I have better things to do. Like trying not to get stepped on. Oh wait I did." *uses shadow ball and purposely misses* "Oh well, you win."
The zoroark narrowed her eyes at the sandcastle-shaped Pokemon after ensuring the shadow ball wouldn't catch her. She'd never seen this species before, but even so she didn't dare step closer.
"Oh, it's... Palosand, I think. Hello." Dawn was intrigued by the Zoroark, Slash, and this new pokemon. The Palosand didn't seem inclined to hurt anyone.