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Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

Brian flinched as he heard Asteria's screaming. "Asteria?!" He called as he began to run toward the sound of her screaming, of course he knew it would expose him to the Metangs, but he was more concerned for the safety of his friend. Gothita quickly changed from running to levitating as the latter would help her keep up with her worried trainer. As they ran to look for Asteria, they didn't realise that something followed them from behind, the figure looked like a Metang, but something was different about it... it didn't appear to have the same color a normal Metang would.
"Attack now!" one of the grunts screamed. "Go mankey knock out the trainer with the ice pokemon." The other grunt commanded.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Micheal was punched in the face so hard he lost a tooth. "Damm it, sneasel use icicle spear" Micheal commanded. Sneazel shot out 3 spears of Ice that hit mankey knocking it out. "Ok go haunter" The grunt that commanded to attack commanded. "Hey christopher can you help pleas" Micheal wailed.
"Ok let`s go honedge!" Christopher said throwing a pokeball into the air, honedge appeared floating over the ground after a red flash of light, "Now use shadow sneak!" he commanded, the honedge was absorbed into the ground and moved around as a shadow, it moved under the haunter and a dark light came from the ground, "We need to get out of here!" he said looking for the best way to leave.
"Yeah good Idea I know someone who can help us" Micheal explained. Micheal took out his cellphonne "hello Mickey if your there were in a bit of a pinch we need help come as soon as possible" Micheal told Mikey on the phone and sent mikey his coordinantes. "Hopefully Mikey shows up soon, go sanshrew use Ice punch" Micheal commanded. Sadshrews hand glew into a whit shade sandshrew hit huanter. 3 more grunts showed up all armed with pokemon (Machoke,Ghastly,Heatmor)


Previously m1h4jl0
Mickey was on way to Fuchsia City when he got another message.
"It is from Michael. He need help. Okay here I am" said Mickey and huried to help Michael
"Ok come on out bronzor!" Christopher said throwing another pokeball up, he couldn`t bring out togedemaru as it had fainted from the battle earlier, "Luc!" lucario said to the other pokemon. Bronzor flew onto his left arm acting as a shield and honedge flew into his right hand to be a sword. one of the grunt`s ghastly flew at the three of them, lucario quickly slashed at the ghastly with honedge and slammed beldum into it`s face making it faint.


Previously m1h4jl0
When Mickey finnaly made it. There ge saw 2 trainers batteling. One of 'em was Michael. They was fighting against 3 grunts.
"Ok Go Gyarados" said Mickey
"Attack Heatmor with Hydro Pump now"
(OOC @DarkHydraT this is important to you so pay attention)
"Thanks Mikey, ok go Bergmite now all my pokemon use ice beam on lucario." Michieal commanded Bergmite, Sneasel and Sandshrew all shot beams of ice towards Lucario coating it with a Ice like amour now your knight has some amour. Micheal commented.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Hello are you all right doctor" One of the grunts in the battle asked the doctor who was comiting a operation in a tower. "No the tower been stormed as orders suggest I have initiated the explosive procedure the tower is going to blo in 30 seconds tell my daughter I love her" The scientist asked.
"Darn it all! Where is the exit?" Gary said to himself as the building is littered with rubble, making it very hard to get anywhere. He heard an intercom say "30 seconds to detonation" and became even more desperate to escape the building. "20 seconds to detonation. 15 seconds to detonation. 10 seconds to detonation. 5 seconds to detonation." Gary refused to die in this tower so he did something that most people would call stupid, he jumped through a window from the tenth floor and got launched due to the explosion.

"Hitmonlee, use your legs to launch us to safety!" Gary said as he released his Hitmonlee and held him tight whilst Hitmonlee used his spring-like legs to bounce from the exploding building towards safety, in this case a patch of grass outside of Saffron. "Ouch!" Gary exclaimed as he let go too soon and fell on the ground, scorched from the escaping explosion but not in a life-threatening condition.
Validus had flown from the building just in time, and off towards Pallet Town. He had stopped at Viridian on the way, but the gym leader had a note that he was off training, so all he had done there was get his Whiscash so he could surf to Cinnabar.
When he arrived at Cinnabar island, he was finally glad he had worn shorts, as it was tropical weather there. He healed at the pokécenter, because he had fought a lot of Tentacruels along the way. “Next up is the gym! Ready or not, Blaine, here I come!”
"I don't wanna be hear anymore!" Asteria screamed as she started into random tunnels while a couple of Pokemon chased her until she finally stood her ground, the female then sent out Satin who popped out and used Moonblast to knock the Zubats and Golbats down but once he saw the Ariados's and Spinarak, the Sylveons jumped into Asterias arms which started the whole chase over again, but this time both a blonde girl and a Playboy Sylveon were screaming and running around in different areas
“We don’t get many challengers, most prefer to spend their time being tourists.” Blaine said casually. “I’ve learned to enjoy the battles I do get. Go, Magmortar!”
“Go, Vibrava!” Shouted Validus.
Due to the type advantage, the battle was easy, all the way up until Blaine sent out a Charizard. “Use Dragon Claw on Vibrava!” However, Vibrava glowed and Evolves into a Flygon, then using Dragon Pulse on the Charizard and one-shotting it. “Fine, here is your badge.” Said Blaine, sounding like he didn’t really care. “Back to the beach for me.”
Validus flew out of the gym and back towards Viridian City, to wait for the leader to return.
Brian continued his desperate search for Asteria, whenever there was a fork in the road he always went where he assumed the sound was. "Asteria! Where are you?!" He called, as Gothita followed Brian through the tunnels, so too did the oddly colored figure behind them unbeknownst to the duo. With every little light there was within the cave, the figure faintly shone a silver gleam as it tailed them... but why it didn't attack so soon was anyone's guess.

Brian barely looked where he was going other than straight ahead. Whenever a Pokémon within the caves attempted to attack the duo, they held back at the sight of the floating figure. After running for what seemed like forever, Brian tripped over and in doing so, his hat fell from his head. He grunted in pain as he struggled to get up. As Gothita attempted to help Brian up, she finally caught a glimpse of the figure that followed them and flinched because of it. Brian looked at his now shocked Gothita. "What's wrong... what the?!" He cried as he turned his head to what she was looking at mid sentence. The figure that followed them was a shiny Metang. The latter slowly floated past them and picked up Brian's white fedora. "A Metang…? But... you're not the same color as any Metang I've seen..." He stated as he finally got up. Gothita was about to assume a battle stance only to be stopped by Brian.
Asterias grew tired if running around so she set Satin on the ground knowing that the bug type Pokemon were close Asterias finally made her command, "Satin use Echoes Voice" the blonde yelled as she covered her ears and to those commands Satin took in a deep breath before screaming into the air, being in the cave made the males Sylveons voice louder and more well heard which meant that a sleeping Pokemon that was was deep in the cave slowly opened it's eyes in anger. The bug type Pokemon scurried away thanks to the Echoed voice and to which the Pokemon and trainer embraced each other in pure relief but what they didn't know was that the large Pokemon was slowly are surely making its way to Asterias location
As Brian slowly walked toward the shiny Metang, it floated toward him and gave him back his hat. "Thank you." Brian said with an almost comforting smile. The Metang nodded as Brian adjusted the angle of his hat only to hear an Echoed Voice and a group of bug types scuttling past them as if they had seen a ghost. Brian looked to the direction of where the sound had come from and started to run in said direction. Gothita followed him once more as did the Metang with a look of curiosity in his eyes. Brian looked back at the latter with a smile. "You wanna come too? Suit yourself." He said as the group searched for Asteria yet again. "Asteria, can you hear me?" Brian called once more in the hope that she would respond.
"Brian were here!" Asteria yelled while Satin let out another Echoed voice to let Brian know where they were but Satins echoed voice voice suddenly stopped when he started to whimper which caused Asteria to turn around only to be met face to face with a giant Metagross. With out having a second thought Asteria picked her Sylveons up and ran to where she heard Brian's voice but like the drama queens they were Asterias and Satin did not just run, they ran while screaming their heads off while the Metagross followed behind them in anger
Brian continued to run through the tunnels until he finally saw Asteria with a smile, but it was brief when he noticed the agitated Metagross that followed behind them. "Holy crap!" He cried as he ground to a halt and attempted to run the other way, his Gothita hid behind his shoulder in shock. However, the shiny Metang upon noticing the Metagross charged toward the latter aggressively in an attempt to stop it in it's tracks as if the shiny Pokémon bared a grudge against it's towering brethren.
When she saw Brian the female was about to grab him and run but she then remembered what she had said before "Just leave everything to me like I said before I'm a Metgross expert" The fmelae recalled which stopped her right in her tracks. She set Satin down before approaching the large Pokemon, knowing that it could end badly the girl stood in front of the Pokemon before saying "Brian tell your Metang to back off"
"He's not exactly my Metang, he just followed me." Brian replied, despite that, he still attempted to approach the clashing pair, even with the fear that he may have taken the Metang's kindness for granted. "Metang, you'll just make Metagross angrier if you carry on like this, whatever grudge you have against him, save it for another time!" Brian called out to the shiny Metang who briefly looked back at him. Metang then stopped what it was doing and slowly floated backward to Brian, yet still cautious of Metagross' next move.
Asteria walked closer to the Metagross before looking at it dead in the eye which made the Pokemon angrier, the psychic type growled in anger and was ready to use an attack but stopped when he saw Asteria bow down, "Asteria sweety bow down to Kronos so he knows that you respect him and your not tying take his command" a woman with blonde hair said to a young Asteria who herself did a courtesy and to which Kronos nodded his head with a smile, "Metagross I'm sorry for waking you up, were not by any means trying to hurt you" Asteria apologized before standing back up and looking into the psychic types eyes with a gentle gaze. The Metagross have a nod and a small smile before leaving and going back to his part of the cave, with that reaction nostalgia hit Asteria hard
Brian widened his eyes lightly at the display before him. Then he remembered Asteria's mother's Metagross. "Huh, expertise checks out, nice work Asteria, really." He said with a smile as Gothita fell off Brian in a faint of relief, only for Metang to catch her. Brain looked back and chuckled lightly at the display of the Pokémon pair. "Sorry for putting you through all that trouble Gothita, rest up while you can." Brian said softly as he returned Gothita to her Poké ball. Metang eyed both Brian and Asteria curiously and floated slightly higher and gestured them to follow it. "I think Metang's gonna help us find the way out." Brian said as Metang nodded.
Asteria smiled before her complaining started once again, "ugh, my back's killing me and I had to bow so now it hurts even more" the blonde complained as Satin jumped into her arms and complained with her. "Hey Brian sense your like my best friend can I have a piggy back ride?" The female asked sweetly "oh and if you don't I'll make sure Duke hunts you down" the blonde beauty threatened as Duke popped out of his pokeball and cracked his knuckles with a growl
Brian chuckled lightly as he turned around and crouched down lightly. "Fine, I could use the extra work out." He said almost jokingly, when Duke attempted to threaten him, the shiny Metang shot Duke a terrifying glare as if it would attack at any moment. When Brian felt Asteria's weight, he picked her up and carried her with almost perfect ease. "Also for the record, I'm doing this for you as a friend, not your lackey." He stated while he briefly shot her a creepy smirk, the shade of his hat covered his eyes only showing a faint glisten of pink where his eyes were before he returned to his friendly smile. Metang floated on ahead as a means to guide them out of the cave. Yet a question lingered within the back of Brian's mind. "Why is that Metang being so nice to me, we only just met and it's already helped me twice. Even though it's tempting to have it on the team, I shouldn't take his kindness for granted... hopefully it wouldn't hurt to ask." He thought as he followed Metang out of the cave.
"Brian that Metang seems to like you alot" Asteria whispered while Duke was giving Satin a piggyback ride, "Satin your literally my son" the female joked while Satin used his ribbons to pat Duke on the head while Asteria used her hand to gently pat Brian on the head, the trainer and pokemon then looked at each other and laughed
Brian laughed with them. "I think so too, but I'm wondering if I should catch it or not; I don't want to end up taking it's kindness for granted, I want to repay it somehow." Brian stated as the shiny Metang pointed ahead of them. It was pointing at a light that appeared to be the entrance they came in from. Brian walked faster which soon turned to running, carrying Asteria didn't seem to cause him any means of slowing down whatsoever, it wasn't long before Metang, Brian and Asteria were outside under the blue sky once more.
While still on Brian's back, Asteria returned her Pokemon into their respective pokeballs sense she was too tired to deal with their over the top games. "Brian that's a very rare Pokemon and it's odd coloring makes it even more rare, you don't get a chance like this everyday and plus if we ever see it again it may already be a Metagross and Metangs attitude change when they evolve" the blonde stated as she looked at the psychic and steel type
Brian shrugged. "Maybe..." He replied. "What say you Metang, you wanna travel with us?" Metang looked back at Brian as if it was thinking about something. It looked into his pink eyes before it pointed at his Poké balls, afterward it floated back to a relatively far distance and assumed a battle stance... but not because it wanted to defend itself. Brian looked at Metang with a smile. "I understand... you want me to prove I'm a good trainer for you, you want me to earn your power, is that right?" Brian asked the shiny Metang who responded with a nod. "Very well then." He nodded back and went to put Asteria down, after he did so, he grabbed one of his Poké balls and threw it to bring Gothita out.
After getting put down Asteria stood off to the side before letting Lunar out and carrying her little Clefairy, "Lunar I found a moon stone for you but I won't evolve you until the times right" the blonde whispered into her fairy types ear who noded her head in understanding
After a few hours, Validus started to get impatient. He had looked around for people who knew where Blue was, and one had told him he usually trains far away, which didn’t really help that much. ‘I may as well fly to Saffron and see how it is doing after that huge fight.’ He thought.
Validus had flown to Saffron quite quickly, and saw what had happened. The streets were filled with police and fire fighters still, even after the fight, and the tower was practically decimated. Well, that might be a little bit of an exaggeration, but you could tell it had been on fire and several of the windows and walls were broken.
Brian put one hand to hold the edge of is hat. "Alright, let's do this! Gothita, Feint Attack!" Brian commanded, Gothita put her hands behind her back and whistled as she walked carelessly toward Metang who was clueless to the situation until it was too late. Gothita hit Metang dead in the face before she retreated back to long range and lightly shook her hand as if it was in pain. Metang responded with a Bullet Punch. "Dodge it, quickly!" Brian shouted, but it was too late, Gothita was already a victim to Metang's flurry of punches. Gothita was sent back from the attack but still stood strong. "Are you okay? Get up and use Psybeam!" Brian said as Gothita did as she was told.

Metang quickly responded with Confusion and stopped the Psybeam in it's tracks which created a cloud of smoke. Gothita became confused as to where it would come from. Before Brian could issue another command, Metang already charged out and unleashed a hard Metal Claw which knocked her backwards and caused her to faint. "Gothita!" Brian cried as he went to return Gothita to her Poké ball. "You did your best Gothita, rest a bit." He said before he got out another Poké ball. "Go, Eevee!" He shouted as Eevee came out of her Poké ball.

"Use Swift!" Brian commanded, Eevee backflipped and threw a range of star like projectiles toward Metang who attempted to evade them, but failed and was knocked back. After it pulled itself together almost instantly, it charged toward Eevee with Take Down. "Counter it with Quick Attack." Brian responded, Eevee darted toward Metang and Vice Versa until they both collided only for Metang to win the 'joust.' "Use Swift before it can attack again." Eevee let out another range of stars toward Metang who instead of evading, blocked the attack with Bullet Punch. Much to Brian's surprise, Metang attempted to use Metal Claw on Eevee. "Dodge it and use Swift one more time!" Brian shouted. Before Metal Claw made contact, Eevee sprang into the air above Metang and frontflipped to throw yet another range of stars at Metang which hit it directly.

Once Eevee landed, her body began to glow in a bright blue light, the light of a Pokémon evolving. The once cute and brown Eevee took the shape of an elegant pink Espeon. Both Brian and Metang were surprised at the newly evolved Espeon "Wow Eevee… you evolved into Espeon, that's incredible!" Brian commended to Espeon who responded with a determined nod. Espeon the began to shoot an abnormal wave toward Metang, it was Confusion which caught the latter by surprise and took it head on before it had the chance to defend. Metang was knocked back and struggled to stay up.

"Now's my chance!" Brian shouted as he got out and threw and Ultra ball at Metang who briefly looked at Brian as if it was proud before it disappeared into the Ultra ball in a flash of red. The Ultra ball shook once... twice... three times... and let out a ding for a successful catch! Brian ran up to the Ultra ball and picked it un before he pointed it to the sky. "Alright, I just caught a Metang!" He cheered as Espeon ran toward Brian who responded by kneeling down to hug is newly evolved Pokémon.
There was now ice armoring lucario, there was one pokemon left, a machoke, "Honedge use aerial ace!" Christopher commanded, lucario threw honedge at the machoke and it slashed twice as it tried to block and then flew back to lucario, the two ran at eachover, lucario slammed bronzor into Machoke`s face and threw honedge into the ground, turning into a shadow. Machoke attempted to punch lucario but he quickly countered catching the fist in its palm, "But how?" both the grunt and Christopher said looking at the lucario somehow countering the strong Machoke, honedge then flew from the ground behind machoke and finished them off with slash, "You got anymore?" Christopher asked as lucario and his other pokemon stepped next to him.
"wow Brian you got an Espeon, she's so beautiful" Asteria said while Lunar noded her head in agreement, "oh and sense were best friends can I ride on your Metang like I always did with my mom's Metagross?" Asteria asked as she placed Lunar in front of Brian's face as the adorable fairy type used baby doll eyes
Brian smiled just as Espeon did "Thanks, I agree." He said as he returned Espeon to her Poké ball. "And I doubt it, Metang might be tired after that battle and I don't think an extra burden would help." Brian added with a smile. "Still, how about I give you another piggyback to Celadon city, hm?" He asked with a smile.
Asteria sighed before nodding her head "I guess a piggyback ride is much better than walking on heels but nothing will ever beat riding on top of a Metang or Metagross" the blonde stated as she returned Lunar inside her pokeball and jumping on to Brian's back.

"Brian we need to hurry up sense I want to beat the grass type gym leader already" Asteria complained as she patted Brian on the head.
"Alright alright." Brian said as he tries to hold back a chuckle. He started to run to Celadon city wit Asteria on her back. "That stuff back in the cave was crazy to say the least." He said. "I suppose now might be a good time for me to tell you about my family, huh? This trip may take a while." He added.
"I wouldn't mind learning about your parents sense I've told you alot about my mom" Asteria stated as she rested hee chin on the males head, "also if you don't feel comfortable telling me about your personal life, you don't have to" the blond assured as a warm breeze blew through her hair
Validus went to a hotel in Saffron and let all his pokemon out. “Have fun guys!” After a while, he fell asleep playing with his pokemon, and Rhyperior lifted him into bed. He was sound asleep and having dreams about beating the Viridian City Gym, and getting Blue’s badge tomorrow.
"Retreat retreat!" one of the grunts yelled as they scurried away into the bushes. "Jeez who where those guys Ive never seen grunts who wear masks?" Micheal thought to himself. Well I need to get my 4th gym badge right now, hey Mikey I heard one grunt talking about a explosion Im worried if there attacking all us future gym leaders if you know someone with a similar occupation. we need to group up." Micheal claimed "Im going to battle Erika we need to stay together incase were attacked again." Thomas explained.
"Good job you three!" Christopher said to his pokemon, lucario shattered the ice off himself and Christopher returned them to their pokeballs, "Take a good rest," he added looking down at the pokeballs and looked back over to the others, "This must of been a planned attack, I couldn`t tell you who sent them, all I know is that we need to figure that out ASAP," he added.
"Nah, you told me about your family, it's only fair, and nothing tragic about my family." Brian stated as he carried Asteria. "My father was actually a fortune teller back in Opelucid city. Despite coming from a long line of fortune tellers, I didn't possess the same gift, although my father cared for me nonetheless like any father should. My mother was a Veteran trainer as well... I still remember the times when I used to ride on her Arcanine's back..." He said as he chuckled lightly.

"...Anyway, about a year ago, my father decided to read my future, and he told me. "You may not have the same destiny as our ancestors because you have a greater purpose, you will be a strong and inspiring soul for people and Pokémon alike. You will find companions on your journey, but how close you will be with them entirely depends on the path you take. When you become a trainer, you will go to Kanto to find your hidden glory."" Brian quoted.