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Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

"I was in Rock Tunnel getting a Machop after kicking Mickey in the face. And I didn't give myself time to change, so gimme a sec and I'll be with you." Gary said as he went to get changed.
"yeah, your right we should keep going so we can reach route 6 and get to Vermilion City" Asteria stated while Angel sat down on Dukes head not that the male pokemon minded, Asteria actually found it really cute that her pokemon bonded so easily but the girl then had a sudden realization, the trainer then took out Lunar so that her pink pokemon wouldn't be lonely inside her pokeball, "alright you guys can talk and play while we walk" the female trainer said which caused her three Pokemon to look at her with smiling faces
Brian smiled as he continued his walk to Vermillion city. Along the way, he decided to get his Pokémon out so they could enjoy the fresh air. Kirlia and Gothita continued their talk whilst Eevee shyly greeted the pair who greeted her back with open arms. As Brian watched his Pokémon bond with each other, he also began to feel his stomach rumble. He didn't let it bother him as he was more focused on reaching their next destination... he was more likely to find something to eat there anyway.


Previously m1h4jl0
"Soo Validus where was you all this time" asked Mickey after Gary went to change.
"I mean you know what was I doing,I pranked Gary and then got punched in face and then evolved my fish"
“I couldn’t sleep, so I figured I would go travelling to Celedon so I could get my next badge. Battling usually takes my mind off things.” Said Validus. “By the way, both my Sandygast and my Rhyhorn evolved. I was just going to keep moving towards my next badge, but I wanted to travel with you instead.”
"Already? Sheesh, my Mankey only evolved just now! You are miles ahead of us but I refuse to let that keep me down! I am in the springtime of my youth and I will beat you one day!" Gary said, dressed in his clothes and ready to keep moving.
"You're on! Get ready to be beaten to a pulp!" Gary said as he grabbed a Poké Ball and threw it in the air. "Show them that your horn is not compensating for anything, Heracross!" A Heracross came out of the ball, causing a dust cloud to appear as he came down onto the ground.
“We can do a horn on horn battle with my newly evolved Oblivione!” Shouted Validus as he sent out Rhydon. “What are the chances that 3 trainers trying to be gym leaders would meet in Kanto and travel together? I wonder if there is anyone else in Kanto trying to be gym leaders.”
Abbey left Saffron City to go down Route 8 to Celadon City. Trainers challenged him but he completely ignored them. One trainer ran up to him and he merely uppercut his jaw sending the trainer backwards and onto the ground. "Don't think of challenging me, ever." He made it to Celadon as the sun started to set. He found a motel to stay at for the night and went to a diner for Dinner.
"You can take that, Heracross!" Heracross took the Flamethrower and laughed it off. "Brick Break!" Heracross ran forward to the Rhydon and attempted a powerful body strike, hoping for some decent damage.
“If it’s a fist fight you want, it’s a fist fight you’ll get! Rock Smash, Oblivione!” Validus yelled, as Rock Smash and Brick Break Collided, causing a shockwave and damaging both Pokémon greatly.
"Not bad, but not good enough! Bring the pain Heracross!" As Heracross started to walk, he flinched a little as his leg had a burn mark from the Flamethrower and Gary started to laugh. "Alright! Let's go! Brick Break!" As Heracross began to attack, the attack of Heracross did not seem to be hindered by being burned, if anything it seemed that it increased thanks to the burn.
“Your heracross must have the guts ability, but that won’t stop me. You shouldn’t bring a knife to a gun fight! Stone Edge Triple Rock Blast Combo!” Shouted Validus. Heracross has no problem breaking through the stone edge or dodging the rock blasts, but that wasn’t the goal. “Now, Oblivione, Earthquake!”
"What on earth is that for a stupidly long name?" Heracross used Brick Break to punch through the Rock Blast rocks before getting a hit on Rhydon, leaving it barely alive before getting hit by Stone Edge. "Heracross, return!" Gary recalled his Heracross and grabbing his second Pokémon.
"Go wild, Prim- Hey! Wait a minute!" Primeape jumps out of the ball by itself and uses a Karate Chop on Rhydon, knocking it out as Primeape lands on the ground, stepping in a spike which ,apart from damaging it slightly, enrages the Pig Monkey Pokémon to extreme levels.
"do you want to get something to eat in Vermillion city first before we battle?" Asteria asked as she saw that her pokemon were getting a bit hungry and she was as well but her main concern was her beloved pokemon but out of the corner of her eye, Asteria glanced at the Eevee and smiled "Brian I expect that your gonna evolve your Eevee into an Espeon, but did you know Eevee can evolve into a fairy type named Sylveon?" The girl questioned
"Multiple moves at once seem to be a nice way to train, but it won't save you from getting a beatdown!" Primeape started to attack on his own, blinded by rage and using Assurance to make sure that the Palossand would not forget him, especially after that cheap Shadow Sneak in his eyes. "Now I get why Poké Balls exist, Primeape is an absolute monster!"
"Return Primeape."Gary returned his Primeape and released his Hitmonchan. "Let's go Hitmonchan! Mach Punch!" Hitmonchan launched forward, attempting to hit the Piloswine for a decent amount of damage.
“Piloswine, freeze his hand off with an Ice Fang!” Validus Ordered. The two powerful moves collided, but ice is weak to fighting, and Piloswine was one-shot.
“Go, Palossand instead!” Continued Validus. “Use shadow sneak!”
“Palossand, don’t let it corner you, use Phantom Force!” Said Validus as Palossand disappeared into the ground. ‘I hope Palossand know the right time to attack, it can’t hear me when in phantom force because I haven’t done enough training yet,’ thought Validus to himself.
"We trained this Hitmonchan! Remember your training and beat that sandcastle!" Gary shouted to his Hitmonchan. Hitmonchan moved incredibly silent and waited for the slightest movement that could give the location of the Palossand.
After Dinner, Abbey headed down to the Celadon City Gym. He walked in and was greeted by Erika. "Welcome to the Celadon City Gym, my name is Erika, and I will be your opponent. How many badges do you possess?"
"Three madam."
"Ok then, I'll use three Pokemon."
Erika sent out Tangela and Abbey sent out Gourgiest. The Shiny Gourgiest's eyes were red and the color tone was dimmed. Gourgiest used Shadow Wave.
"What in the world is that!" Erika exclaimed as her Tangela was taking critical damage and got severely injured. "Ok, um, go Victreebel!"
Victreebel used Sunny Day and then used Solar Beam but right before Victreebel fired Solar Beam, Gourgiest used Shadow Sky. The aura was giving chills down Erika's spine and was hurting Victreebel and when Solar Beam fired it fizzled halfway through. Gourgiest then used Phantom Force knocking out the Victreebel. Erika then sent out Vileplume and as soon as it was sent out, Shadow Sky started to do damage to it. "Gourgiest, Shadow Fire!" Shadow fire consumed Vileplume as it had no change to evade or anything. Once Shadow Sky cleared and the fire died, Vileplume was defeated.
"What was that....who are you?" Erika asked in fear and shock.
"Abbey, Abbey Daron." Abbey replied as Erika handed him the Rainbow Badge and Abbey left with Gourgiest back in the Shadowball.
Palossand, being made out of sand, was able to split itself in two, and use a new combo it thought of on its own, by attacking from two portals with 2 separate pieces of its body.
“Yes, great move Palossand, I believed in you!” Validus cheered.
"Now!" Hitmonchan used Mach Punch to quickly dodge the attack and quickly followed up with Pursuit to damage the Palossand. "There ya go! Who ever thought that martial artists needed to be dumb?"