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Private/Closed Kyogre Lake Academy

Emma had heard a rumble and looked out her dorm window when she heard it, seeing a girl casually jump out the window, only to land on a Golurk, and James's Steelix.

"You guys good, I heard a noise from the hall!" Emma called out.

"Boot boot, Rab boot?" Raboot called out to the Golurk.

James had decided to head towards the courtyard, where he released his Steelix when he got outside. He then looked to see a Golurk outside as well. Steelix looked at the Golurk as James kept him on path. Again, the ground slightly rumbled when Steelix was let out.

"S-s-Sorry!" James called out to the rest of the dorm building.

Jason looked out the door when the rumble occurred, noticing James's Steelix, prepared for the day. He walked outside and released his Metagross and hopped on for leaving towards the courtyard.
Ivan woke up with his head pounding, it felt like he got hit by a train. His eyes were still closed but he felt Ari cuddled next to his head, he grabbed her and placed Ari on the floor before grabbing his phone and checking the time. Ivan slowly got up, sat on his bed and yawned while holding the back of his as it still hurt like hell. He noticed Laura was in front of him and greeted her with a small smile.

"Good Morning, sleep well?"
"I did, not so sure about some of my family though, you okay?" Laura responded, "Greninja, Cacnea and Fomantis are doing some stuff, you want to head to the ceremony together?"

Laura was finishing the tie and belt as she said this and Greninja, Fomantis, and Cacnea returned, after someone else handled the Toxel situation. The three returned to their pokeballs for the time being. She then waited for Ivan to finish up what he was doing.
“Huh?” He sat up, and hit his head on the top of his closet. He leaned out of the window and responded, “Uh, yeah! We’re all good here!” He called out, and saw that it was Emma who asked. He grabbed his bag and walked out the door, briefly stopping at her door to consider asking her to walk with him. After a few seconds, he decided not to and continued walking across the hall.
“Well… see you later then.” Dom said quietly as Charlie ran off to Room 99.

Dom was still a bit nervous about wearing the Z-Power ring, and it made him a bit anxious, so to combat the anxiety he took the Draconid headband out of his pocket and quickly put it around his wrist.

“Sorry Lycanroc, I’m not fully ready yet, but I promise I won’t take it off. We’re only allowed to use it once a week anyways, as per Hanzos order.” He whispered to Lycanrocs pokeball.

Dom walked down the hall and hopped on the elevator, looking at the map on his way down. He had a good hour to burn, maybe time to train? Dom decided to explore the island, hoping to find a good training spot
Emma had heard he was fine and decided to leave out the door, when she opened the door, Jack had been walking down the hall, and she caught up to him.

"Hi, Jack, sorry about that, I had heard a noise outside, my brother got on his Steelix again." Emma responded, "I don't know where Dom went, I left before he did, due to personal stuff."

Emma had been a little worried as she was pretty sure she saw something on his head.

"You okay, you looked like you bumped your head."


Previously QueOne
It was early morning when June was begrudgingly awoken by the sound tolling bells and an announcement on the intercom. Her body still felt exhausted, so she dozed a little more through the sounds of her roommate getting up and leaving. Once she heard the door click shut, she began the unceremonious task of rolling out of bed and getting dressed, stumbling around a bit as she wriggle into her uniform.

By the time that she let the door to room 107 close behind her, June was feeling only a little less lethargic. Perhaps, she thought as she went down the hall, she would find something sweet to eat before going out. It was then that she noticed that down the hall, entering the elevator, was the boy that she’d seen last night. ”I should talk to him,” she thought to herself as the elevator doors slid shut. He was already going down, but it wasn’t necessarily too late to catch him before he got too far. June turned around and went for the stairs.
Thomas merely took the stairs as he went down as a means to take his time, he didn't have too many other plans other than get a little something to eat for him and his Pokemon unless breakfast would happen after the big speech. As he made it to the bottom, he heard someone else walk down them and looked back to see who it was, his dull semi-woken up expression turned to a tired smile when he saw that it was his roommate.

"Hey, I'd apologize if I woke you, but I'm guessing the bell did and you wouldn't wanna have slept through whatever speech the headmaster has for us." Thomas asked as he walked slow enough to let June catch up with him.
“Oh, so that’s what happened.” He chuckled. That means their acquaintances had something in common, at least. Then he heard her ask her question. “My head?” He felt the area he hit. “Oh, yeah. I hit my head on the top of my closet.” He answered. “Why do you ask?”


Previously Night's Shadow
Rocket’s joints clanked as he slightly raised a hand in greeting to the tiny Raboot. Reese cocked her head in that direction and offered a bright smile to the Raboot and its trainer, but was quickly distracted yet again. “Is that a Steelix?” she squealed, crawling up to balance on Rocket’s head for a better view. The huge rock snake seemed to have been let out through the window, same as her Golurk. “So coooooool!!” Then, past the Steelix, Reese’s attention was grabbed by another cool Pokémon and a familiar face.

“Hey hey, look, Rocket! It’s the Scrafty guy! From the boat! I didn’t know he had a Metagross!!” Reese sat back, crossing her legs around Rocket’s head and tapping her chin with a finger. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, this is a school for the best trainers… but I can’t help it, I’ve never seen a lot of these Pokémon before!!” She patted Rocket’s head. “Let’s go say hi!”

Reese waved at the Steelix as they passed, heading towards Jason, who she called out too as they approached. “Heyyyy!!! Jason, right? Remember me?? Your Metagross is super cool!!!”


Previously QueOne
“Oh, hey Thomas!” June replied, surprised to see her roommate at the bottom of the stairs. She told him what she was up to. “I’m actually trying to catch up to this guy I saw getting into the elevator just now. I have some things to ask him.” She decided to hold back the part about the hardcore training in the middle of the night, not sure if it was meant to be a private matter or not.
"I see." Thomas said as he proceeded onward, as he walked, his pocket suddenly let out a strange light, from that light, a large serpentine figure began to form, the light suddenly dissipated and in it's place was his large red Gyarados. "Oh, morning Gyarados." Thomas said to his shiny partner who immediately leaned down to nuzzle her beloved trainer, Thomas couldn't help but pet his aquatic partner who slithered alongside him.

"Oh? Was it anything important?" Thomas asked, part of him assumed it was important, but he wasn't too sure how important it may be to June, one of his hands remained rested on his Gyarados.
“Hmmm. I should probably heal up my Pokémon and get some healing items from the lobby.” Dom said to himself.

Dom walked over to the receptionist and handed over his Pokémon and went to the vending machines to buy some healing items, as well as a few small cartons of apple juice for the morning excursion.
"I saw a mark on your head." Emma answered, "I've got no one right now, Jason probably left, James definitely left, and a bit too obviously for how he'd like, and Laura's probably still in her room, doing whatever it is she does, probably braiding her rather long hair, if we have battle classes, I just Hope no one faces Aerodactyl or Metagross."

Emma had been calm, trying not to accidentally tumble over, she usually closed herself off a little due to the events of Wooloo's death.

James had seen a girl flying on a Golurk, and catching up to Jason, she waved as she passed him.

"That was the girl with the Golurk from dinner, I'm pretty sure she spooked Laura."

James went on at his pace.

Jason had been flying on his Metagross, when the girl with the Golurk flew up to him.

"You're the girl with the Golurk, Reese, correct?" Jason responded, "Thank you, I have several other Pokémon as well, that you could meet at some point, like who I usually bring out to observe battles, like this one!"

Jason tossed a pokeball into the air, revealing a grey bodied, pterodactyl like creature with a pointed tail and purple inner wing skin. The creature's green gaze looked to Reese and her Golurk, while flying around.

"They aren't lunch, they're friends!" Jason called out to his Pokémon.

Aerodactyl nodded as he perched on a nearby tree.


Previously QueOne
“Important? Mm, probably not. I’m just curious,” June said, as she squeezed her way past Thomas’s Gyarados, making her way into the lobby. Luckily, she saw the boy over at the vending machine, and went over to him. She gave him a light tap on the shoulder, and paused for a moment to figure out how best to put it. “Hey, I uh, I saw you last night,” she finally probed.
"Oh, yeah..." She did say he looked like he bumped his head, so she probably saw the mark. He felt a little embarrassed after that. "Well, we probably will be having battle classes...otherwise, we wouldn't have been invited here." He started heading down the stairs. "But I'm sure it won't be too bad. As long as any of us put up a good fight, we won't get graded or judged harshly. We were invited here for a reason, right?" He tried putting on a smile.
Del whipped his head around to look at his doorframe and his usual stone cold look transformed into a more molten rock look as his eyes were now blazing with anger. "You, blue-haired dude! Who're you!? What do you want?!" He noticed a small toxel and ribombee behind the mysterious boy and assumed the worst. "Come back to the scene of the crime as if nothing happened?! How do you know my room number, I can see Arith didn't lead you here! Seriously, WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT'S WITH THE GIRLY OUTFIT?!" His head was racing with a million worst case scenarios and waited for the, "thief" to give his side of the story.
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Hokori, groggy and yawning, slowly woke up and shook off her sleep, dizzilly getting dressed behind a closed door while her pokemon awoke, stretching in her uniform.

"Arceus, I forgot this kinda place has wake up calls..." She groaned out, getting simple groans from her pokemon as she peeled her eyes open and slapped her cheeks to wake herself up. "Right! We have an hour...Well, maybe a lil less, we need to find people and things to do!" She decided, feeling Cor climb onto her shoulder as Taupe gave a nod with its tallest head. The small group then confidently began to leave the room, and head to the lobby...

To which, in her own surprise, was filled. So many people, so many ridiculously large pokemon...It felt a little out of hand - Especially compared to her pokemon who were both relatively small, even compared to the shortest people here. Trying not to panic, she wandered around, meekly looking around and unsure what to do or say to anyone.
Charlie stepped back with a nervous smile on her face, sweat dripping down one side. "W--wait a minute hold on now-" Charlie got cut off by the boy's accusations " You got it wrong, why are you so freaked out?!' Charlie stepped into the room. "I didn't steal nothing from ya! These guys came searching for you and I was helping them look for you!" Charlie was yelling back at the delinquent so he would listen before he began to accuse her of something else "oh! And I'm a girl by the way!" Charlie said with her own momentary rage, pointing at her chest. Charlie was flat chested for the most part, but it was still enough for an attentive person to notice she wasn't a boy. Charlie wasn't really angry, she was just in the moment because of the rage filled atmosphere. Charlie reached for the drawing Vars was still holding and held it out to Del "they thought you went missing" Charlie lowered her voice finally, partially not wanted to escalate the situation more, but also because it's for the most part they were yelling out into a hallway of the dormatory.
Ivan stood up straight and yawned before answering Laura's question.

"Not really, my head hurts like hell. Yeah I don't see why not."

Ivan picks up his uniform and walks into the bathroom, he takes a quick shower and washs his hair. After he got out the shower he brushed his teeth and put his uniform on and blow-dried his hair before walking out and sitting on his bed.

"How grand do you think this ceremony will be?" Ivan asked curiously.
Thomas watched as June walked on ahead and began to talk to someone else, most likely the boy she mentioned, he turned his head to his Gyarados and smiled as he got out her Poke ball. "I'll let you back out again later." Thomas said as he returned the Pokemon to make more room for other people who came in and out.

He decided to look around and notice one girl who seemed to nervously walk around, Thomas shrugged and left June to talk with the boy while he went to the girl. "Hey there, you alright? You're looking a lil' nervous." He asked with a concerned look.



Previously Night's Shadow
Reese’s jaw dropped as the fossil Pokémon burst from Jason’s Pokeball. “Holy SHIIIIT!!ake mushrooms,” she added quickly. Not a swear, just a mushroom. “That… that is an Aerodactyl, right…?! I’ve never seen one before, only in pictures! They’re super rare!” She pulled out a dirt-stained, worn notebook from her hip, her field notes in messily scrawled handwriting. She buried her nose in it to verify what she was pretty sure she knew already. “Resurrected from fossils in old amber, right? Yeah, mhm, and in mega form they’re crazy aggressive. It’s not every day you meet a trainer with an archaeological treasure like that on their team! So baaaad!” Her eyes sparkled with excitement as her eyes roved her notes and paper-clipped pictures and sketches.

Reese looked up and gestured to her own team of ancient Pokémon with a broad grin. “These guys were all guarding different ancient ruins from all over the world when my dad and his buddies went on digs! Fossils and history and stuff are so cool~!”
Del calmed down a bit at the sight of Arith's drawing. And he could tell the coloring was done by Vars since it's pretty professional for someone with such small hands, so there'sno way it was a fake. A Vars and Arith original. "You still didn't answer my question. Who are you?" Del started thinking to himself. "I'm not really one for manners but I'll apologize about the clothing comment and getting mad. The names Quentin Del, Q. Del for short, Del for even shorter-" He slapped himself across the face. "I'm such a moron! That's no way for a representative of Kyogre Lake Academy to introduce himself! Arith! Vars! Formation A!"
The toxel and ribombee at once ran to Del's side. The toxel was on Del's right and the ribombee flew into his left jacket sleeve, he then turned his back to Charlie and put his hands out, what appeared to be pixie dust fell from his left sleeve as he raised his hands and then put his left hand under his collar and his right hand grabbing the edge of his closed jacket. Del dropped to one knee and said, "Introducing Kyogre Lake Academy's 2nd member of the future cheer team, Arith!" And the small toxel waddled over to Del's calf outstretched on the ground and stretched his small hands up into the air with his back against Del's leg. The toxel jumped off the ground as hard as he could and managed to do a decent back handspring over Del's calf. Del stood back up with the toxel standing upright, arms crossed to his left and said, "Introducing Kyogre Lake Academy's 1st member of the future cheer team, Vars!" And as he said her name, Vars flew out of Del's sleeve as he outstretched his hand, popping his collar up and unbuttoning his jacket in the process, and circled around them leaving a small ring of pixie dust on the ground. "And finally, Introducing the captain of Kyogre Lake Academy's future cheer team, Quentin Del!" He raised his hands as did Vars and Arith and waited for Charlie's criticism. "So, huff what'syour name?"
Charlie put a hand to her hip and gave a small sigh "sorry I guess, well I'm Charlie Rumble. It was just a misunderstandingso its no big deal" So far she wasn't the biggest fan of Del, to her he just seems like some emotional thug. Then suddenly after introducing himself and started to panic? Which was followed by a clearly practiced and choreographed performance given by Del and his tiny teamates. Charlie watched the three of them with a blank face, it took her a moment to really take in what it was she just saw. "That was......really smooth.....WAIT you mean you, YOU are a cheerleader!" And instantly Charlie's opinion on Del changed "thats awesome!" She said, starry eyed with her fists held up in front of her.
"Well, future cheer CAPTAIN is what I hope for anyways. 'Spose to help me, warm up to people a little I think." Del looks at his broken watch. "Say, were those bells meant to indicate anything of importance, or are all the people here just aroused by the sound of loud noises?"
Hokori was surprised as a boy walked over her, asking if she was okay.
"Oh, yeah! Um..just a little cornered on the whole making new friends thing..." She explained with a quick sigh, before pausing. "Right, I should introduce myself. I'm Hokori Perforar." She said, hoping to make a new friend in the form of this stranger.

It was nice to have someone check on her...
Of course, before she could dwell on that further, Cor hopped off her shoulder to inspect this person, seemingly sniffing before jumping excitedly. The smell of a rare sea dweller on this boy excited the crab pokemon, unsurprisingly.
"Cor! Dont- Ah, sorry..." She sputtered out a sudden apology at what Cor was doing, forcefully pulling him back to her shoulder.
Thomas smiled and nodded as he folded his arms. "Yeah, I hear that, I was like that once upon a time." He said and smiled a little wider when she introduced herself. "Cute name, Hokori. The name's Thomas Wilson, but you can call me Tom for short." Before he could unfold his arms and offer his hand to shake with her, he looked down and jolted in surprise to see her crab Pokemon seemingly inspect him before it joyfully jumped.

"S'okay, wonder what it is that suddenly got your cute lil' Corphish so excited around me." He asked as he put one of his hands in his pockets while his other hand reached out in an attempt to pet the crab Pokemon. Given how Thomas' first Pokemon was a Water type, it seemed to help him gain a soft spot for them.
Charlie looked bewildered, catching a glimpse of Del's watch as he raised it up so check the time is that watch broken or something? she stared at the watch before flicking her attention back to Del "um yeah, those bells were telling everyone about the opening ceramony.... its at the courtyard in front of the school." She answered "speaking of, I probably should get going, I wanted to check out more the island before the ceramony starts. Del if you want you can come with" Charlie offered, being much more friendly to Del than their first interaction.
Dom froze up for a bit.

“What… did you say?” Dom asked.

The Z ring was one thing, but the training was something that wasn’t supposed to be found out by anyone. Dom quickly pulled the girl to the side of the vending machine.

“Listen you cannot tell ANYONE.” Dom said feverishly.

He calmed himself down and stepped back.

“Sorry, let’s try that again. My name is Dominic Celonis, but my friends call me Dom. And you are?”


Previously QueOne
“U-uh, June. June Forrest,” June stammered, not expecting Dom to have such a strong reaction. “I haven’t told anyone, I swear!” She still had no clue as to what exactly she had witnessed, but she decided that it was best not to prod. Instead, she simply gave a comment. “You do a pretty sweet Continental Crush—I’m Alolan, so I’d know.” She then gestured to the bracelet hanging on the side of her belt. “I‘ve got a Z-ring myself. But I never did the Island Challenge, so I have no crystals. You must be pretty good if you managed to at least clear Olivia’s trial for that Rockium Z.”
"Yes, I hope anyone does, most of his team has some off the wall strategies." Emma responded, "I've seen the Fight that he swept that team, it was the semifinals of the Hoenn League."

Emma then continued walking with Jack, "I had to close myself off due to personal stuff, this is the first time in six months I've been able to talk to someone outside of my family members."

Raboot had been on her shoulder, when he wasn't mentioned, he would be playing with his Safety Goggles. The Pokémon would hop off to walk to Emma's as the got closer to the bottom of the stairs.

Laura looked at him worriedly, "Pretty grand, from what the academy's site was like."

Laura had been sitting as Fomantis popped out, and sat in Laura's lap.

"You ready, do you need a ride, I've got a Pokémon that can take us both?"

Jason had seen the girl freak out when he released Aerodactyl, he already told his Pokémon, that these two were not lunch but friends.

"Yes, it is an Aerodactyl, I got his Old Amber during a trip to Route one eleven in Hoenn, Revived in Cinnabar Island lab in Kanto, Trained him, and he proceeded to sweep an opponent in the Semifinals of the Hoenn League, cool Golurk, my Dad has one, one of his Unova Journey Catches."

Jason had been quite surprised with her reaction.
"...Oh, really?" Jack suddenly felt a touch of guilt. All this time, he had been treating her as just any other girl. "Well, I'm...I'm sorry about that. Was your family there for you, at least?" Jack looked down. He understood what it was like to be a shut-in. What it was like to start depending on things that aren't real. What it's like to not want to socialize. It's how he started writing in his journal.
"Charlie, huh? That's definitely a boy's name... and you're 100% sure you're a girl?" Del said immediately forgetting his manners. "I'll tag along, but mostly for you to repay my performance with a little chat. Firstly, you already know about Arith and Vars, my toxel and ribombee respectively, so what're you rockin' with exactly?" Ribombee flew into Del's jacket and sat on his shoulder, but it was small enough to not leave a major lump in the jacket. "Oh, and for your safety, don't tell anybody about Vars, performer's secret, can't have information of Kyogre Lake's cheer formations leak to other schools."
Charlie was slightly annoyed with Del's suspicion of her gender. She shrugged it off and decide to tease a little bit "if thats how you flirt with girls you should probably stick to dance routine" she said with a smug grin across her face. At the question of her own pokemon, Charlie got a bit excited "my team? Well...." Charlie backed out of Del's room and to the sidebof the hallway where Del couldn't see she quickly released her 3 pokemon. And huddled up to them, whispering something before moving back to Del "I'll keep your little secret. No to introduce my team we have our own show for ya!" With a confident voice Charlie pointed to the hallway. King hopped into Del's view, shooting out a tiny stream of fire from his mouth, trying really hard no to set the building on fire. Next Shoe appeared, standing next to King and shuffling back spinning around before standing on one foot. Finally Dune came sliding in behind them, spread out her wings and raised her arm, she began to sprinkle sand onto the rest of Charlie's team before charlie gave a little Jazz hands "Ta Da!!" She held a wide smile for a bit before breaking out into laughter "whad'ya think" Charlie asked, expecting Del to go along with her on the spot joke performance.
"Tch! You're one weird chick I'll give you that." Was the only thing Del managed to say to the flirting comment while turning his head away and crossing his arms.

After watching the absolute... spectacle that was Charlie's routine, Del looked down, unimpressed at a few grains of sand on his shoe. He buttoned up his jacket and fixed his collar and gathered what he called his essentials. A matchbox with an odd mixture of matches and toothpicks, he made sure his comb was still in his pocket and his watch still on his wrist, a long strip of cloth that could be used to bandage something, and 2 empty pokeballs along with Arith's and Vars's. ".... Come on, let's get going. We have plenty of time to discuss your performanceon the way." He said sticking a toothpick into his mouth.
"They were, and my parents understood what I went through, it was similar to their Seviper and Sudowoodo. it wasn't easy after the death of my Wooloo, I got closure after the information I had obtained led to the arrests of the Poachers, but it was still hard, but this boat trip here allowed me to reflect and try to talk to someone again, and it worked out, Thank you, Jack." Emma responded, "and Raboot helped, his trainer had died around the same time as my Wooloo and actually came across him in the graveyard that Wooloo is buried, I know that a Togetic that belonged to the trainer and a Kabutops as well have trainers now, I get updates on those Pokémon as Raboot's trainer, I believe there is still a Pupitar, a Watchog, and a Rapidash still out there with that Trainer's ID."

Raboot patted Emma's Leg with a paw, as he remembered how he came to meet Emma in the graveyard. He was quite the sad bunny before them, his previous trainer having died in an attack protecting a Togepi that had been on the team with Raboot. Dusclops had popped out in case Emma was to have a flashback. He knew someone had to restrain Volcarona's Pokéball so he wouldn't torch the place out of sheer worry. He waited if something went wrong.
"Oh...jeez, that sounds rough." Jack replied, though he did slightly smile at her thanks. "There's just...something so disheartening about watching one of your Pokémon get beaten beyond simply fainting, isn't there?" He grasped Justin's Poké Ball on his belt, frowning a little. "Disheartening for the Pokémon, and humiliating for the trainer..."
Charlie's jaw dropped as Del silently gathered his things and walked right past her. All 3 of her pokemon were in shock "......." Charlie turned and stared at Del. She unfroze and ran up behind him. Dune, Shoe, and King followed suit "W-was it really that bad?! I thought it was atleast ok!?" Charlie whined, running up next to Del "I-I wasn't planning on Joining the cheer team anyway!" She crossed her arms and puffed up her face, making her way to the Dormatory's front door.
"I wasn't planning on joining the cheer team anyways!" Del stopped dead in front of Charlie and slowly and silently turned around. All he did was stare with his eyes wide and asked, "What's your last name, Charlie?" And then he turned around, closed his eyes, sighed, and continued to walk out the door with his hands in his pockets towards where he thought the courtyard was.
"I understand that, but I was held against my will while I was forced to..." Emma responded, but tears started to roll on her face, she then took a few deep breaths, "Watch.There was one good thing as well, Volcarona's Ability showed itself for the first time. I was told later after I was calmed down that Volcarona's Swarm activated due to Emotional Duress, Volcarona is Highly protective of me, Raboot, and Dusclops because of this."

Dusclops immediately grabbed the only closed Pokéball so the Pokémon inside did not decide to hurt him. She kept as calm as possible when she spoke, and her Raboot went into comfort mode.

"Thanks, Raboot." Emma whispered, then into Jack's ear "It was coming sooner or later, now was a good time before anything serious happened, I'll let you know if it gets worse, you do not need to apologize."