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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

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Iron Maiden and Lightning Armor are both overkill, that’s why I’m saving mine until it’s absolutely necessary cuz I don’t want to have Kiro just storm through the rest of the exams. Plus it’s extremely risky and the only genin who can handle it is probably Sagisō.
There's no kill quite like overkill! Katsuo could take you, maybe not Azumi cause her sword screams lightning rod but the rest should be fairly fine with it.
Stop saying that like you already won and kiro already won. No offense xD but it hurts my feelings

I'm just saying if the technique comes up Azumi might not be as helpless as some of you imply. I'm not saying she'll win or lose. She hasn't even beaten Taiyo yet. Long way from that.
THATS WHY I FING REMOVED THE SPIKES PART IN THE GOD DAMN FIRST PLACE. Also the point of it hardening is to immobilize the opponent, if it could be broken out of with a jutsu so easily then wtf is the point of it hardening?
But if you can harden an instant win then what's the point of a battle? Besides, you don't actually need hand signs to cast some jutsu. The third Raikage doesn't use hand signs for his lightning armor, and Kiro could activate the lightning armor just to break out of the coffin.

Is kyu actually the only person you listen to? XD sorry if that came out offensive

It was simply the most reasonable idea we have at the moment that doesn't send someone into checkmate, and also doesn't nerf anyone's attack.


Previously 5DigitNeb
I’ve been saying all this time for lightning armor oml!!! It doesn’t even matter if he has the Iron Maiden and all those traps, he can escape the Iron Maiden before he dies and the traps will hurt him but not kill him! At least I hope they’ll hurt him, it’s a bit scary that lightning armor is so defensive bombs or wind style doesn’t matter.
Okay, explain now plz
its a surprise ;)


Previously 5DigitNeb
I’m just scared cuz I don’t know it’s capabilties. Is it like Lightning Chakra Mode, or Lightning Strike Armor?
I’ve been saying all this time for lightning armor oml!!! It doesn’t even matter if he has the Iron Maiden and all those traps, he can escape the Iron Maiden before he dies and the traps will hurt him but not kill him! At least I hope they’ll hurt him, it’s a bit scary that lightning armor is so defensive bombs or wind style doesn’t matter.
And once Kiro’s out, he will be unbelievablely fast.
Mud walls. Hide yourself in the mud. Make a mud-tentacle monster to shield yourself and try to grab the speedy Kiro.

There are options here. It might be hard for Hashima but it's not completely impossible for her to do anything.

Just come to some compromise and we can move forward. kyuu's suggestion seems like the balanced idea.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Like fourth raikage fast? Faster than every other OC here? I really wanna think what I have planned is fast enough to keep up with him but you make it sound like not even any chunin could be as fast as him... which is also what I’m scared of


Previously 5DigitNeb
I have a counter but you’re over hyping it so much it sounds like he’s god when he uses it. If it instantly makes him better than all of us I will literally make one of my OC’s jutsu powerful enough to destroy it
At this point, it's anyone's game. Though the ending may be slightly disappointing, cause that's when he reveals his ace.

So, your plan is to kick Azumi as she pulls your towards her and then try to burn the umbrella. With what? I don't think he can make a hand sign while I have his arms tied up.
I have a counter but you’re over hyping it so much it sounds like he’s god when he uses it. If it instantly makes him better than all of us I will literally make one of my OC’s jutsu powerful enough to destroy it
It's a kill blow, it isn't on the level of a regular jutsu or a form you just jump in and out of (From what I gather), if Kiro's going to use it then it's an all-out attack with nothing held back. Do or Die time. Much like Sagisō's deadly flower dance. Once that technique is used then Kiro's done, all his chakra should've been used for a single devastating finisher.

or something like that.
But if we're really gonna have issues over deciding winners than I suggest you just do what they did in the anime and jump to the next arc, have the exams get cut short and those that managed to grab the attention of a Kage get promoted later.

This way no one needs to be salty over a loss, and the only issue will probably be how anti-climactic it is. Though easily solved by putting all us injured genin against an invading foe and making it a survival battle.
But if we're really gonna have issues over deciding winners than I suggest you just do what they did in the anime and jump to the next arc, have the exams get cut short and those that managed to grab the attention of a Kage get promoted later.

This way no one needs to be salty over a loss, and the only issue will probably be how anti-climactic it is. Though easily solved by putting all us injured genin against an invading foe and making it a survival battle.
Okay, problem solved xD Gg Nebby
B-but, Azumi hasn't even had a chance for her bit character rant. Which I was gonna have her do when she was being pressured and on the ropes during these finals.

In all seriousness, whatever you guys want. I don't care if Azumi wins or loses. I just want the RP to progress smoothly.