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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

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Katsuo's not really a bad guy @Nebulix , at most he's neutral leaning towards asshole. Idk where you got the evil idea from.

As for the five tails, tbh I havent put much thought into it yet. I was gonna wait till a little bit down the road before deciding on a solid plan for him/her.


Previously 5DigitNeb
You never said whether he would defect or stay loyal to danzo so I assume he would stay loyal to konoha this making him with orochimaru, unless I’m wrong


Previously Swirled
Um Nebby, might wanna move Taiyo down a bit, never exactly shown any villainous qualities, and besides, when has he been for Orochimaru?


Previously 5DigitNeb
You’ve never stated you would defect from konoha so that means given no statements you would stay where you are and fight for danzo/ with orochimaru even if you haven’t shown any evilness or whatever. Also I asked you this question like twice before and you never answered me


Previously Swirled
Well I never saw that question in the endless stream of posts on all 108 pages of this discussion. But Taiyo would never betray his family for a guy he doesn't even know, no matter how much power is offered. Even if Taiyo intervened when Azumi was talking to Orochimaru and joined, the minute he knew Kohana was going to be attacked, he would immediately defect and defend his village.


Previously 5DigitNeb
What do you mean? Defect and defend his village mean the complete opposite. Danzo is the hokage or leader of the village. And he allies himself with orochimaru after the current hokage dies. Do you stay or defect?
Chakra infusion/control. All of his water shuriken jutsu can be controlled remotely. Dont worry, its has its negatives, wouldnt make a target seeking attack without side-effects.
It's a water shuriken? :(


I thought it was this type of Windmill Shuriken...that's the only reason I grabbed it...
Katsuo's two signature jutsu.

Name: Water Style- Water Shuriken Jutsu
Description: The user can create multiple small shuriken comprised of water and launch them towards the target. After hitting and/or cutting a solid surface with enough force, they revert to water. It is important to note that these shuriken can be physically launched (by hand) or launched as they are created.

Name: Water Style- Windmill Water Shuriken
Description: Instead of creating multiple smaller shurikens made of water, the user creates one or two large Fuuma Shurikens made of water and launches it towards the enemy. The shuriken causes massive damage when hitting an enemy and is much more solid than the normal water shurikens, easily able to parry other kunais and shurikens that come in its path.

It was a windmill shurkien...made of water. (Sorry for the confusion)
Ignoring that one (A prodigy at that) lost to Naruto who could only use melee combat XD

But the main idea is solid all around. kyuu can work with this easily.
No, that's not true. Let's think about this. How many times did Neji get hit? Like once right? There was just enough Kyubi/MC Aura around Naruto to give him the win. Throughout the whole fight, Neji was just murdering Naruto clones by the dozens.
No, that's not true. Let's think about this. How many times did Neji get hit? Like once right? There was just enough Kyubi/MC Aura around Naruto to give him the win. Throughout the whole fight, Neji was just murdering Naruto clones by the dozens.

Actually the one hit Naruto got was without the boost as Naruto used it up against Neji's rotation. Neji was just...kinda a glass canon I guess XD

But I get your overall point.
Actually the one hit Naruto got was without the boost as Naruto used it up against Neji's rotation. Neji was just...kinda a glass canon I guess XD

But I get your overall point.
Neji should've seen that attack coming anyway, I mean hello x-ray vision? I call plot armor! This is why MC's are so... :(
If there is one thing that Naruto has shown, it's that characters no matter their skill experience or abilities will always fall for Naruto's clones somehow. Just ask the "immortal" Kakuzu.

How ironic that I didnt see this post till after I made my latest reply. XD
Sagisō wears a Yutaka + Sarashi, so basically this


not too sure where the shirt collar is on that but oh well.

On a side note, this had rapidly turned into a pure melee. Which is kinda surprising since everyone's been mostly throwing around jutsu thus far.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Sagisō wears a Yutaka + Sarashi, so basically this


not too sure where the shirt collar is on that but oh well.

On a side note, this had rapidly turned into a pure melee. Which is kinda surprising since everyone's been mostly throwing around jutsu thus far.

Interesting...! I’ll have to remember that if I would draw her
Once Kiro starts to become filled with regret, I think he would become more of an a neutral, anti-hero type character. He’ll just wander around as he tries to rid the blood off his hands as well as finding a new, better purpose for his life. He also won’t kill unless it’s absolutely necessary as he won’t he even trust his own judgment. After all the senseless murder he will have committed, what right does he have to decide someone’s life? That’s basically his mentality. Maybe he’ll return during the war arc to help the good side if they’re able to convince him that his power can be used for good. Other than, he’ll probably just wander around the great nations by himself as a rogue ninja trying to avoid being noticed. Even though he isn’t evil anymore, no one will trust him anyways. He will just watch from the outside as the conflicts between the nations grow worse and he will be able to avoid all of the conflict. Atleast he will be able to say that he was right about how peace can never be accomplished without blood.
Once Kiro starts to become filled with regret, I think he would become more of an a neutral, anti-hero type character. He’ll just wander around as he tries to rid the blood off his hands as well as finding a new, better purpose for his life. He also won’t kill unless it’s absolutely necessary as he won’t he even trust his own judgment. After all the senseless murder he will have committed, what right does he have to decide someone’s life? That’s basically his mentality. Maybe he’ll return during the war arc to help the good side if they’re able to convince him that his power can be used for good. Other than, he’ll probably just wander around the great nations by himself as a rogue ninja trying to avoid being noticed. Even though he isn’t evil anymore, no one will trust him anyways. He will just watch from the outside as the conflicts between the nations grow worse and he will be able to avoid all of the conflict. Atleast he will be able to say that he was right about how peace can never be accomplished without blood.

This kind of morality is rather common among our OCs. We really need someone prominent with a more idealistic mind set to balance things out.
Ultimately, Kiro will come to the conclusion that with the way the ninja villages and nations are set up, there will always be violence and corruption. The corruption inside the Mist and the Leaf turned Kiro into the monster he will become. What the Leaf did to the Uchiha gave them hate against the village which ultimately led to Kiro’s father being killed because he was against the Cuop. The Mist used this as an advantage to take Kiro and make him believe that it was all the Uchiha’s fault. If the systems weren’t as corrupted, Kiro wouldn’t have been driven to hate. The fact that the Union and Confederation form will prove Kiro’s point even further. All of the hate will lead to violence, which will end up drawing more blood from both sides. However, even though Kiro was right, he won’t allow himself to be corrupted by the system anymore. He won’t spill blood for someone else’s gains. He won’t fight for either side. Instead he’ll just watch as they tear each other apart.
Probably gonna be Tomiko as well among my cast with that kind of thinking. After her character arc of course where she gets over this depression. Yasu's condition actually is gonna help with that.