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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
I read back over the posts. It seems fine so far, you may be over reacting. As long as dodge spamming doesn’t happen TOO much. There are other ways to stop an attack, like using tools or jutsus. Too much dodging compared to countering is more lazy than anything else. But since that hasn’t happened yet, this is just a reminder
I would advise that you say something like "Within 20 seconds, the flames of the explosion would inevitably consume Azumi and all within the arena. As Taiyo aimed to finish this with a literal bang."
One of the clones noticed the action and stopped what it was doing, as fast as possible getting to the top and tackling Kiro. It hit the lightning clone, which shocked the mud clone and caused it to disappear. However, it was too late as the dome began crashing down because of the Fire Jutsu.

One clone got caught in the explosion and turned into normal mud, however as soon as the first dead clone's memories was received by Hashima, she came up with a plan. She had about seven eighths of her chakra now, and she turned the hardened mud back into it's soft state to prevent and damage to her. Then she manipulated the mud into knives and hardened it once more, before sending it in the remaining Kiro's direction. She got an idea of where he was due to the dead clone's memories, and she hoped to use the smoke from the explosion as a diversion. Meanwhile the last remaining clone did hand seals.

Mud Style: Extending Muddy Arms Jutsu!

The clone turned her arms into mud and jumped. Then she extended her arms to Kiro the smoke starting to fade, however before it was completely gone, there was two large muddy fists heading for Kiro's face. And to top it all off with the time between the real Hashima finished her mud kunai attack, and the clone's attack, she had been doing hand seals and placed her hand on the ground near where Kiro was falling.

"Mud Style: Bottomless Mud Hole!"

Okay, hold up. Hate to break it to you Nebby, but if I interpreted Kiro's explosion jutsū correctly, then he'd turned the done into a giant bomb. The dome is done for unless you reinforce it will multiple more layers. If it was still hard then the dome would've collapsed and Hashima would've been done for, so turning it soft was a good move on your part. Nevertheless, the sheer heat from that explosion would've hardened the mud again. In either case, the done is done for. The best course of action would've been escaping.

Even Gaara while he still had the Shukaku probably would have only been barely able to withstand that. Negating all the damage from that attack is too much considering the course of action you'd taken.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
No, there isn’t enough time for her to regen that much chakra. Now say Kiro performed lightning armor and he lost his chakra. If I kept Kiro safe for a few seconds and said he regained some chakra, would that be fair.? The answer is no.

Chakra usually can only be gained back outisde sources or rarley forbidden techniques. Only after hours does it start to replinish normally
No, there isn’t enough time for her to regen that much chakra. Now say Kiro performed lightning armor and he lost his chakra. If I kept Kiro safe for a few seconds and said he regained some chakra, would that be fair.? The answer is no.
5/8th should be good enough considering that she had around 1/2 of her chakra remaining.
The dome would've formed in under 10 seconds, otherwise it's a pretty useless defense jutsū since it's way too slow to stop any real attacks, and I don't know how far the clones got in their traps so I can't really say how much time they spent doing it. Can knock it up to a minute, but doubt Kiro would've just sat in a tree for that long.