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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

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Previously 5DigitNeb
I actually am so casual that I know less and am less of a weeb than Soul is about Naruto

(Expects someone saying: you’re not that bad!)
I’m not a causal (at least I don’t think so) XD
Did you know it's been scientifically proven that 99.99% of all the insults you guys give me I don't feel insulted?
Not really an insult, it just refers to anime watchers who haven't delved that deep yet. Basically if you've only seen what'd be considered 'popular', you're still a casual. Doesn't mean much though, you're just still pretty close to 'normal'.
Well think about it, theoretically, if he already lost consciousness as well as water flooding his system, he’s probably already dying. There’s no definite fact stating ninja could survive longer with water in their lungs. Congrats, he’s unconscious, now let’s just wait ten more seconds to make sure he’s dead even though it’s already been like another 20 seconds with maybe a good amount water in his mouth plus the fact he’s had to hold his breath for 30 seconds before. Plus a cut to literally his bone. That’s basically Azumi’s thought process when if you just wanted him just unconscious, which is all that’s needed, then you would’ve done things differently just now. It’s like when I warned you guys since yesterday about Kiro suffocating to death, no one took me seriously! Now look... here’s your fricking proof...
(Erase that last line as it was just me faking emotions) Well first off Ik what I did was wrong, like really wrong and I do feel horrible about it after seeing how you felt about it. I contemplated for about a half hour before I even posted it and I even highlighted everything that showed how what Kiro did was possible, but it didn’t show for some reason. I also thought I did a pretty good job showcasing the damage he received and if I need to show more, that’s fine, according to Shen’s recommendations, that’s fine.

However, if we go back in the moment, I did say theoretically. I mean why else would I include this to plead my case if it helps you? Like I said before, I italicized a lot of the important parts of what I said and they didn’t show up. If we ignore what I said in the discussion and just look at my previous post, tell me honestly if I stated anywhere in there that Kiro was actually unconscious. This was before I even had the idea about doing the bs in the discussion. I just implied that he was losing consciousness. (I’m so upset I can’t highlight the parts in which I do show this.) Just look at the word choice I used.

My main concern was letting you know that Kiro was playing possum cuz you would’ve most definitely had Azumi go for the kill again or just let him drown, no mercy. It’s just like how you probably knew that if you had said that was a water clone, I probably wouldn’t have had Kiro attack the way he did. Also, I’m still salty you got away with that (even though I should’ve brought this up sooner). How would you feel if I just said everytime someone touched my character, all of a sudden they’re a clone? I understand the Mist, but still, it was like you purposely avoided stating that a clone was even summoned in the previous post. With the way you used that technique, that’s basically what Azumi can do to any character, unless they have the byakugan, and they can’t do anything about it unless they have help or can activate god-like speed in a quick second, which no character can atm. The only two people that are even remotely capable of breaking free, from canon material at least, are Kiro, Sagisō, and any other skilled Hyūga. Even if you say just don’t physically touch her, are we just gonna be battling clones the whole time while the Mist is up? Anyways, this comes down to ultimate karma for causing Raiku’s failure. I’m sorry Nebby. :(
(Erase that last line as it was just me faking emotions) Well first off Ik what I did was wrong, like really wrong and I do feel horrible about it after seeing how you felt about it. I contemplated for about a half hour before I even posted it and I even highlighted everything that showed how what Kiro did was possible, but it didn’t show for some reason. I also thought I did a pretty good job showcasing the damage he received and if I need to show more, that’s fine, according to Shen’s recommendations, that’s fine.

However, if we go back in the moment, I did say theoretically. I mean why else would I include this to plead my case if it helps you? Like I said before, I italicized a lot of the important parts of what I said and they didn’t show up. If we ignore what I said in the discussion and just look at my previous post, tell me honestly if I stated anywhere in there that Kiro was actually unconscious. This was before I even had the idea about doing the bs in the discussion. I just implied that he was losing consciousness. (I’m so upset I can’t highlight the parts in which I do show this.) Just look at the word choice I used.

My main concern was letting you know that Kiro was playing possum cuz you would’ve most definitely had Azumi go for the kill again or just let him drown, no mercy. It’s just like how you probably knew that if you had said that was a water clone, I probably wouldn’t have had Kiro attack the way he did. Also, I’m still salty you got away with that (even though I should’ve brought this up sooner). How would you feel if I just said everytime someone touched my character, all of a sudden they’re a clone? I understand the Mist, but still, it was like you purposely avoided stating that a clone was even summoned in the previous post. With the way you used that technique, that’s basically what Azumi can do to any character, unless they have the byakugan, and they can’t do anything about it unless they have help or can activate god-like speed in a quick second, which no character can atm. The only two people that are even remotely capable of breaking free, from canon material at least, are Kiro, Sagisō, and any other skilled Hyūga. Even if you say just don’t physically touch her, are we just gonna be battling clones the whole time while the Mist is up? Anyways, this comes down to ultimate karma for causing Raiku’s failure. I’m sorry Nebby. :(
Oh, no worries. I'm not even surprised, I called it in the first hidden message I posted. It was... kinda obvious to me. Good that you still had the sense to discuss it though.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
(Erase that last line as it was just me faking emotions) Well first off Ik what I did was wrong, like really wrong and I do feel horrible about it after seeing how you felt about it. I contemplated for about a half hour before I even posted it and I even highlighted everything that showed how what Kiro did was possible, but it didn’t show for some reason. I also thought I did a pretty good job showcasing the damage he received and if I need to show more, that’s fine, according to Shen’s recommendations, that’s fine.

However, if we go back in the moment, I did say theoretically. I mean why else would I include this to plead my case if it helps you? Like I said before, I italicized a lot of the important parts of what I said and they didn’t show up. If we ignore what I said in the discussion and just look at my previous post, tell me honestly if I stated anywhere in there that Kiro was actually unconscious. This was before I even had the idea about doing the bs in the discussion. I just implied that he was losing consciousness. (I’m so upset I can’t highlight the parts in which I do show this.) Just look at the word choice I used.

My main concern was letting you know that Kiro was playing possum cuz you would’ve most definitely had Azumi go for the kill again or just let him drown, no mercy. It’s just like how you probably knew that if you had said that was a water clone, I probably wouldn’t have had Kiro attack the way he did. Also, I’m still salty you got away with that (even though I should’ve brought this up sooner). How would you feel if I just said everytime someone touched my character, all of a sudden they’re a clone? I understand the Mist, but still, it was like you purposely avoided stating that a clone was even summoned in the previous post. With the way you used that technique, that’s basically what Azumi can do to any character, unless they have the byakugan, and they can’t do anything about it unless they have help or can activate god-like speed in a quick second, which no character can atm. The only two people that are even remotely capable of breaking free, from canon material at least, are Kiro, Sagisō, and any other skilled Hyūga. Even if you say just don’t physically touch her, are we just gonna be battling clones the whole time while the Mist is up? Anyways, this comes down to ultimate karma for causing Raiku’s failure. I’m sorry Nebby. :(

We’ve already talked about clone spamming and dodge spamming and will take action if that happens by either party. So there’s no issue there. But I already found 4 ways you could have escaped that barrier, but I didn’t tell anyone for fairness sake. Most people can breach the barrier.

For example: Kai can freeze it and manipulate the water/ice. Zaku can blow it to smitherines with his implants, or create air for himself while using his technique.

It wasn’t an impossible scenario


Previously 5DigitNeb
The clone wasn't spammed btw, it was hinted to but not explicitly stated. I can find where it was hinted to in a bit if you really want to see it, and personally, Sagiso would've killed you. That possum move... was kinda expected. I even hinted to it in my own post.
Meh, fake forfeits aren't that uncommon, and he was being a bit too casual about Kiro's 'impending doom' in the discussion thread.

Although it really was 'shady', because it was a deliberate use of deception, it was just that, deception and not an ass pull. The extent to which he did it should've been reduced- rather, he should've gone about it an entirely different way.

It's something I've done to a lesser extent, ambiguous wording and fake leads. It's just better to allow your opponent to come to their own conclusions without actually confirming anything.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Alright, time to get things back on track.

@Godjacob @Retro Master

As we’ve come to agree on, what retro did was in bad sportsmanship, but we all make mistakes, and since this once isn’t as bad as it could have been, and doesn’t put Kiro in any OBVIOUS advantage over the unscathed Azumi, it’s legal. Just never to do something like that with using the discussion page as a tactic. Alright, shake hands and make nice nice, because the last thing we need is bad blood amongst friends here.

Now that that’s addressed...ready to get the fight back on the road? :\=|:
I think placing a Genjutsu shouldn’t count as autoing, just saying.
depends on the circumstances, it's actually harder than you'd think to make eye contact during a fight (for the Sharingan) and normal genjutsu are the same as regular jutsu, forcing a hit is still autoing.


I mean like, setting up a genjutsu before hand and letting your opponent walk into it is cool, but forcing your opponent into a genjutsu can get pretty OP pretty fast since you can do almost anything if you're the controller of the genjutsu.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
It’s wasnt autoing a hit because Azumi wasn’t said to have been hit by it. Weather it was obstructed, she was closing her eyes, or a multitude of different things are still at play


Previously 5DigitNeb
Ok let’s say you just say you cast a Genjutsu. Would that be considered autoing? Like normal Genjutsu. At least don’t have people be like “oh I know what he’s doing” ya know? I’m pretty sure that’s a reason some of us don’t tell others when they do something.
depends on the circumstances, it's actually harder than you'd think to make eye contact during a fight (for the Sharingan) and normal genjutsu are the same as regular jutsu, forcing a hit is still autoing.


I mean like, setting up a genjutsu before hand and letting your opponent walk into it is cool, but forcing your opponent into a genjutsu can get pretty OP pretty fast since you can do almost anything if you're the controller of the genjutsu.
Kiro did a Genjutsu on me that I didn’t know about until after he said it but nobody complained. Not trying to diss on Retro, I would’ve said this no matter who the person. I get it’s an eye thing and everything, but even then I didn’t specifically say he was staring at him in the eye, I could’ve said I was just focusing on his body and head in general, not direct eye contact. Then again maybe I shouldn’t even post this considering I find it very likely someone’s gonna take it as an insult and gonna say “oh but blablabla so it made sense”
Ok let’s say you just say you cast a Genjutsu. Would that be considered autoing? Like normal Genjutsu. At least don’t have people be like “oh I know what he’s doing” ya know? I’m pretty sure that’s a reason some of us don’t tell others when they do something.

Kiro did a Genjutsu on me that I didn’t know about until after he said it but nobody complained. Not trying to diss on Retro, I would’ve said this no matter who the person. I get it’s an eye thing and everything, but even then I didn’t specifically say he was staring at him in the eye, I could’ve said I was just focusing on his body and head in general, not direct eye contact. Then again maybe I shouldn’t even post this considering I find it very likely someone’s gonna take it as an insult and gonna say “oh but blablabla so it made sense”
Oh, yea. Unless you left some clue, or the person has some alternative method of figuring out, then they shouldn't be allowed to evade it.

Yea, I see the problem here, because when you explain your plans the opponent usually makes their post with evading it in mind. Which is why we have people using 'OC used some hand signs' as an ambiguous was to cast some jutsu.

The point is mainly that if you actually tell your opponent what you're doing they're simply going to find some way of avoiding it. Unless you're just really sneaky with your words it's pretty hard to evade that. It's again something we should take on a case to case basis.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Or maybe it was “he hinted at it” or “but he had his sharingan out” I’m not mad but I think I’ve been in this RP enough that people do that sometimes. At this point I’m just used to that kind of stuff

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Ok let’s say you just say you cast a Genjutsu. Would that be considered autoing? Like normal Genjutsu. At least don’t have people be like “oh I know what he’s doing” ya know? I’m pretty sure that’s a reason some of us don’t tell others when they do something.

Kiro did a Genjutsu on me that I didn’t know about until after he said it but nobody complained. Not trying to diss on Retro, I would’ve said this no matter who the person. I get it’s an eye thing and everything, but even then I didn’t specifically say he was staring at him in the eye, I could’ve said I was just focusing on his body and head in general, not direct eye contact. Then again maybe I shouldn’t even post this considering I find it very likely someone’s gonna take it as an insult and gonna say “oh but blablabla so it made sense”

Okay i’ll Make this pretty easy. There are two types of genjustu triggers:

•Field triggers
•tool triggers.

Let’s go with tool triggers for now. Tool triggers are genjustus that need an outlet to unleash the genjustu. For example: Tayuya’s tool was her flute, Itachi’s was his eyes. Tool genjustu are powerful, but require it to hit the target. Weather it be auditory like tayuya’s, visually like itachi’s, or any other means. Autoing this would be considered actually autoing, illegal.

The field triggers, which can be used on a field before hand or placed on an area. Example: Oboro with his haze clones, Kurneai with her tree genjustu. And others. These are okay to auto as they can be done regardless of what the enemy does, as affecting the field doesn’t auto against the target


Previously 5DigitNeb
Okay i’ll Make this pretty easy. There are two types of genjustu triggers:

•Field triggers
•tool triggers.

Let’s go with tool triggers for now. Tool triggers are genjustus that need an outlet to unleash the genjustu. For example: Tayuya’s tool was her flute, Itachi’s was his eyes. Tool genjustu are powerful, but require it to hit the target. Weather it be auditory like tayuya’s, visually like itachi’s, or any other means. Autoing this would be considered actually autoing, illegal.

The field triggers, which can be used on a field before hand or placed on an area. Example: Oboro with his haze clones, Kurneai with her tree genjustu. And others. These are okay to auto as they can be done regardless of what the enemy does, as affecting the field doesn’t auto against the target
I’d say that makes sense, but also imagine if against Raiku or Kiro and they had their sharingan out and people are not looking at their eyes on purpose and still have no issues as if they were looking at them directly. Now the Guy strategy could be used but... ehh what’s the point in even saying a reason for why not to do that I shouldn’t have even let people remember that xD

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
I’d say that makes sense, but also imagine if against Raiku or Kiro and they had their sharingan out and people are not looking at their eyes on purpose and still have no issues as if they were looking at them directly. Now the Guy strategy could be used but... ehh what’s the point in even saying a reason for why not to do that I shouldn’t have even let people remember that xD

That’s exactly what zabuza did, closed his eyes as to avoid it. Shikamaru plugged his ears from tayuya’s Flute. But however those are senses down for the count, they counter the genjustu but handicap themselves in the process. Even then, that’s not to say their eyes aren’t wide open or their in a position where they cannot afford to block those senses
Well if you're going up against an Uchiha, and you forget to take precautions against looking into their eyes, then that was totally your fault. Most humans don't randomly stare at feet or chests while they're talking so it's almost a given that you would've made eye contact at some point in time.

If you're prepared before hand, then it'd be much harder for them to try to get eye contact in, or if-for example- your character happens to be a shy type who'd be looking at the floor rather than staring into the face of whoever he/she's talking to.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Exactly. That’s why Raiku isn’t a Genjutsu guy xD. I’m surprised Kiro’s Genjutsu already hasn’t been nerfed by not looking like every time he used it.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Well if you're going up against an Uchiha, and you forget to take precautions against looking into their eyes, then that was totally your fault. Most humans don't randomly stare at feet or chests while they're talking so it's almost a given that you would've made eye contact at some point in time.

If you're prepared before hand, then it'd be much harder for them to try to get eye contact in, or if-for example- you're character happens to be a shy type who'd be looking at the floor rather than staring into the face of whoever he/she's talking to.
I feel like about half of our ocs are prepared before hand.