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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

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    Votes: 5 41.7%
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Kai: Kanshi is right, your still a Xeno, through and through! Nothing can change that!
If you think about it. Considering two ninja villages next to each other, especially one like Nadeshiko village, it's almost a given that the Kunoichi that choose not to settle in Nadeshiko end up settling in the mist. That means in all likelihood over the years the lineage of Nadeshiko and Kiri nin have been mixing, and around 50% of Kiri-nin would've had an ancestor from Nadeshiko village.
Or like saying Canadians and Americans are the same thing since they are on North America
Nah Nah, those are established Nations, the ninja villages aren't nations, they're more like states or towns. That's why they all still report to the same Daimyos.

Edit: and yes, they're all North Americans, just like how Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Malaysians, etc. are all considered Asians because they belong to the continent of Asia, and if you want to take it even farther you can include all the countries in Europe and they'd all be considered Eurasians because they're on the continent Eurasia. :D

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Nah Nah, those are established Nations, the ninja villages aren't nations, they're more like states or towns. That's why they all still report to the same Daimyos.

Then I think I better comparisons would be germany and France. And the great 5 are usually much stronger than any other nation (usually). So Kai is basically saying he doesn’t even want to be compared to such a village.

If you think about it. Considering two ninja villages next to each other, especially one like Nadeshiko village, it's almost a given that the Kunoichi that choose not to settle in Nadeshiko end up settling in the mist. That means in all likelihood over the years the lineage of Nadeshiko and Kiri nin have been mixing, and around 50% of Kiri-nin would've had an ancestor from Nadeshiko village.

Wouldn’t say that. Ninjas are much harder to capture, as the kunoichi of the nadeshiko village are more than likely going to abduct people from the land they are connected to. The village hidden in the mist is well...hidden lol. Regardless also have a very powerful core of ninja. Any powerful or loyal ninja would rather die or kill the enemy ninja than do so. I can guarantee no Yuki clan member is there, as they are too strong generally to bring in
Then I think I better comparisons would be germany and France. And the great 5 are usually much stronger than any other nation (usually). So Kai is basically saying he doesn’t even want to be compared to such a village.
Whether Germany or France, outsiders would still consider them European. While they don't fall under the say nationality it's possible to classify them under one name. But because the Nation is 'the land of water' and both villages are just parts of the land of water, they of the same 'nationality'. Kai's just the weird one refusing to acknowledge anyone except the people in his 'town'. That's why I'd say its much more like States of the USA. Where even within the whole country, each state has their own system of government and the like. They're all still American though. Like how Kai and Sagiso are both still citizens of the land of water.

Wouldn’t say that. Ninjas are much harder to capture, as the kunoichi of the nadeshiko village are more than likely going to abduct people from the land they are connected to. The village hidden in the mist is well...hidden lol. Regardless also have a very powerful core of ninja. Any powerful or loyal ninja would rather die or kill the enemy ninja than do so. I can guarantee no Yuki clan member is there, as they are too strong generally to bring in
Ninja are hard to capture, but since Nadeshiko still exists they've captured more than enough. Since the village is closest to the land of water, the closest village is Kiri... and in all honesty, Nadeshiko is much more hidden than any of the main ninja villages anyway.

As for the Yuki clan... hmmm, I wouldn't say that. Although they're a cut above average ninja, Nadeshiko nin aren't any pushovers. We don't have much to work with but they've definitely got people at least as strong as the legendary sannin, since one of them was able to track and battle Jiraiya for almost 24 hours. Since we can assume not every ninja of the Yuki clan or Nadeshiko are legendary sannin level, it's fairly likely that one of them could've got captured.

Besides, that wasn't really what I was getting at. What I was saying is that even if only 1 Nadeshiko ninja migrated to kiri, her children would probably marry in kiri, and their children and grandchildren would do the same. Eventually, her bloodline would slowly spread across the members of the mist. All you'd really need is for one of those children to have married into the Yuki clan. It's not highly probable, but it's not highly improbable either, so I gave it about 50% chance.


Tl;Dr: Kai isn't nationalist...just villagist.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Unless the nadeshiko village bows to the whim of the Mizukage, they share no relation. As states are ruled by the government, and if no state were bound by those rules, they would hardly be a part of the United States at all.

And most ninjas would rather die than be captured in the first place, especially one as cutthroat as the mist. Even the civili/‘s like in the land of waves arc would rather commit suicide rather than be taken captured. So mist ninja would be the hardest to capture out of most villages. Not to mention that they work in bigger units like the hunter nin do. Sure you’d get a few ninja maybe, but to actually fall in love with them over their village? Highly unlikely, let alone all of that with a Yuki clan member
Unless the nadeshiko village bows to the whim of the Mizukage, they share no relation. As states are ruled by the government, and if no state were bound by those rules, they would hardly be a part of the United States at all.

And most ninjas would rather die than be captured in the first place, especially one as cutthroat as the mist. Even the civili/‘s like in the land of waves arc would rather commit suicide rather than be taken captured. So mist ninja would be the hardest to capture out of most villages. Not to mention that they work in bigger units like the hunter nin do. Sure you’d get a few ninja maybe, but to actually fall in love with them over their village? Highly unlikely, let alone all of that with a Yuki clan member
>~> Okay, maybe I didn't explain it well enough.

They don't need to capture anyone. If a Nadeshiko Kunoichi went to the mist, her bloodline would eventually spread and it's possible it would've gotten mixed with the Yuki clan's.

and in terms of status, the final leader is the Daimyo and not the Kage.
It's alright. I'm just sorry I forced you to go in that direction for this battle and making a scene about things. I don't want to complain about anyone here and you are a better writer than you give yourself credit for. We both just did what we thought could help us win; I am still getting used to this style of RP battle compared to other forms of battle on other RPs.

Kiro's refusal to surrender does give me something to work with though.


Previously 5DigitNeb
If I may make a point, technically godjacob autoed because in order for the jutsu to work at least one hand touching the opponent and a source of water is needed to perform the jutsu and officially under the Pokecharms rules godjacob would’ve needed Retro’s permission to auto the hit to get him in the jutsu


Previously 5DigitNeb
In my eyes... Kiro is a worse loser than Raiku for being defeated SO EASILY. At least against Azumi Raiku would’ve done something. But don’t feel too bad Retro, he’s still my favorite oc

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
In my eyes... Kiro is a worse loser than Raiku for being defeated SO EASILY. At least against Azumi Raiku would’ve done something. But don’t feel too bad Retro, he’s still my favorite oc

I’ve actually already made my judging votes. But I’m waiting in case there is any last minute developments
I just set the trap. I talked about what would happen if Retro had Kiro step on it. I never actually had it latch onto Kiro in real time. Just set the tentacle and waited for him to run over it. Just given his forward momentum and speed I described what would happen to Kiro when he did cross over it so he'd know what to write.


Previously 5DigitNeb
It sucks that I didn’t get to show off lightning armor correctly or even come close to using its full potential. That’s the only thing that really bothers me. Yeah, I would’ve like a better battle but it was over once Kiro got trapped in the water prison.
Oh that reminds me, it didn’t matter if he used the kunai, the lightning chakra just being there would’ve allowed him to escape cuz he would’ve shocked Azumi due to the physical contact with the water prison.
It sucks that I didn’t get to show off lightning armor correctly or even come close to using its full potential. That’s the only thing that really bothers me. Yeah, I would’ve like a better battle but it was over once Kiro got trapped in the water prison.

I feel the same way about Tomiko. I can understand how you feel. But this is how the dice roll in this RPs.

Usually in other RPs I would just talk with someone and decide who'd win and what we'd want to do in a battle, but these exams are high stages and strategy is key for them. So that isn't possible.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
It sucks that I didn’t get to show off lightning armor correctly or even come close to using its full potential. That’s the only thing that really bothers me. Yeah, I would’ve like a better battle but it was over once Kiro got trapped in the water prison.

You showed it off some during the Hashima fight I believe, didn’t you?
Oh that reminds me, it didn’t matter if he used the kunai, the lightning chakra just being there would’ve allowed him to escape cuz he would’ve shocked Azumi due to the physical contact with the water prison.

If the water prison was that easy to break out of, Kakashi would have done it using lightning style himself. It's possible to escape but not so simple.


Previously 5DigitNeb
I’m sure you’ll do much muh better Retro later on. Tbh the main reason I’m so disappointed is cuz I had my expectations too high
I think the main reason this happened is cuz of how many times I had to do ASS PULLS to escape from your tricks and tactics in Hashima’s fight really made me think you would do better
I'm sorry if you were disappointed Nebulix. I wanted to win, though I wanted a good fight to. But to fight to win and fight to make an entertaining match sometimes do not go hand in hand.

Kiro will make up for this. I know it, he'll have plenty of growth and time to shine. This RP is not just the Chunin Exams. Something I had to come to terms with for Tomiko.


Previously 5DigitNeb
I'm sorry if you were disappointed Nebulix. I wanted to win, though I wanted a good fight to. But to fight to win and fight to make an entertaining match sometimes do not go hand in hand.

Kiro will make up for this. I know it, he'll have plenty of growth and time to shine. This RP is not just the Chunin Exams. Something I had to come to terms with for Tomiko.
Oh I know I’m disappointed because of how compared to his fight against me it seems like Hashima’s as powerful as a potato in comparison to Azumi despite doing a lot more to beat him
Tomiko did a lot more than Hashima did in her match. Or attempted to. She just had the misfortune of shock-friendly gauntlets and really not much strategy on her end of the battle.

Azumi was just prepared for Kiro. Had the benefit of being more fresh and watching his battles as well. Something Retro pointed out in his post, plus a solid strategy and combo in general.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Tomiko did a lot more than Hashima did in her match. Or attempted to. She just had the misfortune of shock-friendly gauntlets and really not much strategy on her end of the battle.

Azumi was just prepared for Kiro. Had the benefit of being more fresh and watching his battles as well. Something Retro pointed out in his post, plus a solid strategy and combo in general.
Tomiko had the disadvantages from the start. Azumi and Hashima has advantages from the start.