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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

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Azumi: Apparently my opponent cast a time manipulation jutsu as we have been stuck in place for ages!

I'll get a post up ASAP, I got some stuff to take care of and it will take time. I ask nobody help Zaku/the kid cause I have a rescue scene planned in my head with Sakura, Ino & Tomiko.

Also who controls what Akatsuki member Shen? Just want a refresher.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Azumi: Apparently my opponent cast a time manipulation jutsu as we have been stuck in place for ages!

I'll get a post up ASAP, I got some stuff to take care of and it will take time. I ask nobody help Zaku/the kid cause I have a rescue scene planned in my head with Sakura, Ino & Tomiko.

Also who controls what Akatsuki member Shen? Just want a refresher.

Hidan- someone claimed him I believe, forget who it was though.
Kakuzu- open
Sasori- Shen
Deidara- open
Konan- @kyuukestu
Nagito- @Godjacob
Damos- Shen
Kaede- @Top_Smug_
Yahiko- @Nebulix
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Okay I'm just gonna say screw Damos here and now. I'm sure if given the chance he'll be a fine character, but he's really gonna have to shine given his backstory is killing off a canon Akatsuki member and one of my favorites.

Hahaha I never knew Kisame HAD any fans XD. This is a surprise. He’ll shine alright, ironically. (Only I get this joke for now.). Zabuza is still alive though, as he was not a part of them at the point where Damos leveled them all. I’ve been putting a lot of thought into Damos. You won’t be dissapointed
Hahaha I never knew Kisame HAD any fans XD. This is a surprise. He’ll shine alright, ironically. (Only I get this joke for now.). Zabuza is still alive though, as he was not a part of them at the point where Damos leveled them all. I’ve been putting a lot of thought into Damos. You won’t be dissapointed

I better be. Cause right Damos comes off as quite the villain sue. It's like if I made an OC that killed Nagato in his backstory to take his place as leader of the organization. It's such trash, so there better be something to make it worth it.

What would Zabuza and Haku be doing right now?
I better be. Cause right Damos comes off as quite the villain sue. It's like if I made an OC that killed Nagato in his backstory to take his place as leader of the organization. It's such trash, so there better be something to make it worth it.

What would Zabuza and Haku be doing right now?
You make it sound like Killing Kisame and Killing Nagato are equal feats...

Well, I get that the situation would be roughly the same though.
You make it sound like Killing Kisame and Killing Nagato are equal feats...

Well, I get that the situation would be roughly the same though.

I get that they don't have the same importance, but I don't like the idea of killing a canon character just to have one's OC fill their spot on a team personally. Not about feats, just feels self-inserty. Though I'll give Shen a chance to see what he does with him.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
I better be. Cause right Damos comes off as quite the villain sue. It's like if I made an OC that killed Nagato in his backstory to take his place as leader of the organization. It's such trash, so there better be something to make it worth it.

What would Zabuza and Haku be doing right now?

This is also younger Kisame by the way, before he became an Akatsuki member. Also, guy’s dad kill four of them without justu so...it’s entirley possible. No villain sue, just powerful. Just how kakuzu tried to kill the first hokage, and Sasori killing the kazekage.

I don’t know. I don’t really control them

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
I get that they don't have the same importance, but I don't like the idea of killing a canon character just to have one's OC fill their spot on a team personally. Not about feats, just feels self-inserty. Though I'll give Shen a chance to see what he does with him.

If your that offended by it, Kisame could just not have been a part of the 7, or faked his death.