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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

First Exam:

  • Written exam

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • ??? New exam

    Votes: 7 58.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Previously 5DigitNeb
When you have time I recommend thinking of things to do after the Exams, cuz we don't really have an arc ready for afterwards. Anyone else wanna contribute to brainstorming?
I have to go get lunch, so I can't brainstorm for long.

We could introduce an AU Akatsuki to deal with and stuff.
You'd need to formulate a goal for them though. We have no jinchuriki and having wanted criminals attack a village at the point in time when the village's security and defenses are the highest would just make them all look like retards... Unless- of course- you have a hidden motivation and the attack turns out to be a strategically planned display of power, which reveals the villains to be much more threatening than first assumed. You could kick off a ninja war with those type of motivations. Though, really depends on how you want to play it.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Taiyo saw all of the genin rush to figure out the first solution to the exams.
"Well, here I go," The Kohana-nin mumbled to himself as he began the first exam.
Remebering what Ibiki told the exam takers, he walked up to his hostage, he decided to put his style of interrogation onto this assignment.
"You have information that I want, now this can go one of two ways, either you tell me and no one gets hurt, or I'll just have to beat the info out of you," Taiyo threatened, the hostage didn't seem too impressed with Taiyo's threat, he heard those things said to him a million times.
"You're gonna be difficult huh, well then," Taiyo stated with a menacing edge to his voice before getting to point blank range at his hostage, "TELL ME NOW OR YOUR GOUNG TO HAVE A HALF BURNT FACE!" The hostage shuddered and whispered the indie to Taiyo, feeling accomplished, he put away his fire ball and waited for his results.

That’s not what your supposed to be doing. Your supposed to bring them from point A to point B without touching them


Previously Swirled
I had a better idea, just leave what I have, but then someone reminds him that he wasn't supposed to interrogate him, it'd be funnier that way.


Previously 5DigitNeb
But again, what are we gonna do after the Exams? If we don't know about arcs, (not including orochimaru arc) then let's talk about what's gonna happen to our ocs
FYI I still need Ibuki to check with my characters for their Part 2 run. No rush but I just want to make sure I am not forgotten about. Focus on others first and get to them when you have the time.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Well of course he knows about the best Sannin! Being a Sannin itself is already incredibly legendary. Sadly... he's never met him.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Basically he exam just started, and his happened:

Once everyone was in from of their respected door, they flung open, each Ibiki shadow clone assigned to each room and pushed each genin in. Once inside, they were met with an alarming sight. There was a bagged man, covered in the black bag. He seemed to be struggling, deep grunts coming from inside of the bag. He was on a chair, struggling to break free of the bonds that were inside of the chair. Suddenly, the main Ibiki yelled from the outside.

“Remember, each hostage in each room is a wanted criminal, these criminals have invaluable information that the leaf village needs!”

With that, each door forcefully closed, the shadow clone Ibiki’s quickly moving in to block the doors, crossing their arms.

“This test is to prove your ingenuity about confronting a problem a plan, and overcoming it. In order to capture and subdue a hostage is essential for any chunin to know, and to do it without needing any hands-on skills are needed in many situations...”

He gestured toward the hostage that was bagged, struggling. The chair buckled a with every move of the hostage as Ibiki only snickered In response.

“Take this one for example. this one was has done some particularly horrifying things. Now for what you need to do. Bring him from Point A, to Point B. And then I’ll tell you what to do from there. The trick is though, you cannot touch him with your body parts.”

He pointed to a circle that didn’t seem like it was there before, at the end of the room on the floor. It said ‘B’ on it, just as the circle that you somehow didn’t notice you standing on said ‘A’.

“Now, adapt, find a way to bring him over there without touching him with your body parts. I’ll update you from there.”

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

We’ve talked about this, we don’t know, aside from a possible akatsuki plot, and unknown variables that might result inside the exams. We have yet to fully brainstorm
Well we could always just start off with a filler for our characters to celebrate being Chunin by forming official teams (or not, if your character doesn't want to) and then being sent on missions and stuff. We don't necessarily have to jump straight from one arc to another.