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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

First Exam:

  • Written exam

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • ??? New exam

    Votes: 7 58.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Description: Short black spiky hair. Wears a black t-shirt underneath the jacket that Sasuke wears in Road to Ninja. (I couldn’t figure out what type it was...) Also wears khaki colored cargo shorts and has the black eyes of an Uchiha. He wears his forehead protecter on his forehead.

Was thinking of drawing Kiro in my next drawing, mind if there is more elaboration in his description? Like if the jacket is the same color, or any other details?
Was thinking of drawing Kiro in my next drawing, mind if there is more elaboration in his description? Like if the jacket is the same color, or any other details?
I haven’t really thought about this in a while. The jacket can be black instead of the purple. His hairstyle is what I’m really conflicted on. Lel I looked up anime male hairstyles on google and now it’s even more difficult to choose. However, I’m also curious as to how you or anyone else pictures him.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
I haven’t really thought about this in a while. The jacket can be black instead of the purple. His hairstyle is what I’m really conflicted on. Lel I looked up anime male hairstyles on google and now it’s even more difficult to choose. However, I’m also curious as to how you or anyone else pictures him.

Hmmm interesting. I think after a hairstyle choice/picture I’d be good to go drawing him. I think I’m piecing it together now :)


Previously Swirled
Wow Raiku did something cool for once. I mean I revealed an early stage of FBS that should help Taiyo hold his own until the Shippuden era. Bit I have yet to win an official fight... I mean I guess you can count the Taiyo and Raiku v Jirobo as a win, but he was the weakest member of the 4 and the latter of the good guys pulled of the final blow.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Wow Raiku did something cool for once. I mean I revealed an early stage of FBS that should help Taiyo hold his own until the Shippuden era. Bit I have yet to win an official fight... I mean I guess you can count the Taiyo and Raiku v Jirobo as a win, but he was the weakest member of the 4 and the latter of the good guys pulled of the final blow.
Don't worry about it, Taiyo's still my favorite character and I think he's the coolest.
I've been talking with both Nebulix and Shen about joining this and they are willing to give me a try. I promise not to disappoint.

Name: Aeryun Huene
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Village: Hidden in the Sand
Jutsu type: Air release. Lightning to be later discovered as secondary element. Wishing to learn Gentle Fist from a Hyuuga.
Bio: Aeryun was born in the village hidden in the Sand. She wanted to be a Kunochi from a young age and fight for her village. Lacking physical strength, she instead sought to use more ranged weapons and took up a bow and arrow. Combined with her Wind release she could launch them faster than normal speeds and take out her enemies silently in the night. But her skills were taken from her when their Chunin unit went on its first mission. Sadly, the mission was a failure and the events that followed led to both her teammates' deaths. She was captured by enemy forces who sought to use her as bait. She was imprisoned and tortured and suffered severe nerve damage in her hands. She was later rescued by Jonin ninja once they figured out what had gone wrong, but the damage was already done. After several years of watching her peers get stronger and grow up without her, Aeryun wishes to get back out into the world and try to do some good again
Likes: Reptiles and all things scaly.
Dislikes: Liars
Missions completed: Generic missions as a Genin. Can be added in length if requested
Well the discussion page is this many pages but the RP itself is only currently almost than 50 pages
Even still. That's a lot. The only thing I know for sure is from the first page where Naruto/Sasuke do not exist. You guys are chasing the sound Four. and the Sand is not aligned with the Sound. So I need to figure out where my character would come in and how she can help.

1. Chunin Exams happened.
2. Sound village launched an invasion of Konoha. Lots of fighting happened, Minato ended up being put in a coma and Orochimaru crippled forcing a Sound retreat.
3. Konoha gathered up what forces it had to peruse the Sound to get information. Some OCs from other villages tagged along to help their Konoha friends or get involved for other reasons.
4. The Sound 4 & Kin (A Jinchuriki) are currently battling a few OCs. Nebulix's Raiku, Soul's Taiyo, my Nara OC Takato, kyuu's Sagiso, Rohan's Shura & Shiho and Shen's Kai. Kai & Taiyo are battling Tayuya and her summon. Takato is locked with Kin in battle, Kidomaru and Sagiso are grappling, Sakon is in pursue of Shura & Shiho.
5. Retro's Kiro (An Uchiha from the Mist who defected to the Sound) & Zaku are battling my OCs Aisha, Madoka, Kenji, Tomiko and AU Sakura. Along with DarkHydra's Mori and Top Smug's Yasu. Azumi & Reaver (Mine & Shen's Ame OCs) are watching.

Brief, BRIEF, outline.
“Multiple kicks! whirlwind!”

This had all gone according to plan, albeit with a slight detour. He kicked up a whirlwind directly on his and shiho’s position. It torn open the bubbles before they could touch his skin like it did earlier in the fight. The ripping of the whirlwind surrounded shiho and closed in, Sakon still dropping down from the top , leaving her extremely boxed in. Game over!
This post is the situation where my characters are right now

1. Chunin Exams happened.
2. Sound village launched an invasion of Konoha. Lots of fighting happened, Minato ended up being put in a coma and Orochimaru crippled forcing a Sound retreat.
3. Konoha gathered up what forces it had to peruse the Sound to get information. Some OCs from other villages tagged along to help their Konoha friends or get involved for other reasons.
4. The Sound 4 & Kin (A Jinchuriki) are currently battling a few OCs. Nebulix's Raiku, Soul's Taiyo, my Nara OC Takato, kyuu's Sagiso, Rohan's Shura & Shiho and Shen's Kai. Kai & Taiyo are battling Tayuya and her summon. Takato is locked with Kin in battle, Kidomaru and Sagiso are grappling, Sakon is in pursue of Shura & Shiho.
5. Retro's Kiro (An Uchiha from the Mist who defected to the Sound) & Zaku are battling my OCs Aisha, Madoka, Kenji, Tomiko and AU Sakura. Along with DarkHydra's Mori and Top Smug's Yasu. Azumi & Reaver (Mine & Shen's Ame OCs) are watching.

Brief, BRIEF, outline.
This ^^ lol. That's what I needed. You're the best.
Well that might be literally what's going on, but I was meaning more towards storyline. Who's in the war if the Sand and Sound are not aligned? Or is it just the Sound attacking the Leaf? Anything crucial I need to know about what's been going on in the Leaf and what are the Sand currently doing.

Currently it is Sound vs. the World. Rasa (Kazekage) ordered his nin to pull back but my Suna OC Madoka decided to help her friend Sakura and join in the search team. Same with Yasu to help Tomiko.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

1. Chunin Exams happened.
2. Sound village launched an invasion of Konoha. Lots of fighting happened, Minato ended up being put in a coma and Orochimaru crippled forcing a Sound retreat.
3. Konoha gathered up what forces it had to peruse the Sound to get information. Some OCs from other villages tagged along to help their Konoha friends or get involved for other reasons.
4. The Sound 4 & Kin (A Jinchuriki) are currently battling a few OCs. Nebulix's Raiku, Soul's Taiyo, my Nara OC Takato, kyuu's Sagiso, Rohan's Shura & Shiho and Shen's Kai. Kai & Taiyo are battling Tayuya and her summon. Takato is locked with Kin in battle, Kidomaru and Sagiso are grappling, Sakon is in pursue of Shura & Shiho.
5. Retro's Kiro (An Uchiha from the Mist who defected to the Sound) & Zaku are battling my OCs Aisha, Madoka, Kenji, Tomiko and AU Sakura. Along with DarkHydra's Mori and Top Smug's Yasu. Azumi & Reaver (Mine & Shen's Ame OCs) are watching.

Brief, BRIEF, outline.

Well that might be literally what's going on, but I was meaning more towards storyline. Who's in the war if the Sand and Sound are not aligned? Or is it just the Sound attacking the Leaf? Anything crucial I need to know about what's been going on in the Leaf and what are the Sand currently doing.


Orochimaru is wounded to the point where he needs a new body this instant. It was supposed to be Kiro but Kabito disobeyed and is doing the ritual with Kimimaro.

The box the sound four were protecting and are currently tried to get back were containing the two injured jinchurki’s Kin and Yukimaru, whom hold the six tails and three tails respectively. Yukimaru is still unconscious but kin is battling takato.
Currently it is Sound vs. the World. Rasa (Kazekage) ordered his nin to pull back but my Suna OC Madoka decided to help her friend Sakura and join in the search team. Same with Yasu to help Tomiko.

Ok. So If I really want to, I could say I mayeb tagged along. But I likely wont until I get more information as quoted below.
@TheEveOfDarkness Just wait for Shen to get on. Don’t force your character into disadvantageous situation that you aren’t sure of yet.

I agree. Not going to rush anything. But if Suna (above) is from Sand I'd want to get to know him/her some so that will give me an "in" when I'm ready

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The Leaf: trying to repair their village and sending the reserves to attack the retreating sound, the goal to Retrieve or kill Orochimaru, the tailed beasts, and higher ranked sound ninja to cripple the sound

The mist: very split. Remaining primarily neutral. A xenophobic and xenophile faction are butting heads. Lacking any ninja to send, only Kai was, who belongs to the Xenophobe faction to reclaim Kiro, a mist ninja taken by the sound. Unknowingly he actually turned to join the sound.

Stones: neutral.

Clouds: sending all available ninja after the sound, albeit not all that much other than genin.

Sand: godjacob explained this
Alright. This gives me some place to start. Thank you everyone. My plan, to say my character has been around for support and hanging back since she can't really fight. If something happens to Madoka she can come to the rescue and heal/aid her.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Alright. This gives me some place to start. Thank you everyone. My plan, to say my character has been around for support and hanging back since she can't really fight. If something happens to Madoka she can come to the rescue and heal/aid her.

Madoka is a part of a team of ninja, so she’s not exactly alone. She is in a fight alongside other leaf, stone, and sand ninja. She is fighting Kiro and Zaku, who are protecting Orochiamru’s ritual
The gentle fist is still a fighting style. pushing chakra into the opponents body. Just not specifically pin pointing the chakra points. I figured a basic version could be taught.

And helping them out is fine. She could dispel the whirlwind. And save them. I'll read a little bit more into it to see why my character would randomly show up there