Kai would gladly do the honors himself. 'This ice will take all your problems away.' *stabs Sasuke through his heart*Or you know...tripped on a brick and died? *shrugs*
*32 times with a icicle*Kai would gladly do the honors himself. 'This ice will take all your problems away.' *stabs Sasuke through his heart*
Ehhhhh but worth joining an immortal pedophile, betraying everyone else from your hometown, and other things were hardly warranted from ‘I am sad’Honestly, I don't blame how Sasuke acted. Anyone would be messed up in the head after seeing their parents dead before them as a child with your own brother being the one who killed them.
Sasuke, maybe not give your body to a creep that you met in a forest next time. Okay?*32 times with a icicle*
Ehhhhh but worth joining an immortal pedophile, betraying everyone else from your hometown, and other things were hardly warranted from ‘I am sad’
Ehhhhh but worth joining an immortal pedophile, betraying everyone else from your hometown, and other things were hardly warranted from ‘I am sad’
^ thisSasuke, maybe not give your body to a creep that you met in a forest next time. Okay?
You’d just get a flashback and a ‘SAUSKEEEE!’Well, unless you ask Naruto & Sakura.
Sagiso: *cooly* B.I.T.C.H.Taji: The first one to take this opportunity to call me a bitch will get bitten, don't test me!
Absurd is that kind, Hama just doesn’t care lolGeez, you could at least let the girl introduce herself before trying to electrocute her. *sigh*
Taji: Come here! *lunges at Sagiso*Geez, you could at least let the girl introduce herself before trying to electrocute her. *sigh*
Sagiso: *cooly* B.I.T.C.H.
Absurd has manners, or something among those lines. Not too sure about thatAbsurd is that kind, Hama just doesn’t care lol
More so an stage conductor’s respect toward side actorsAbsurd has manners, or something among those lines. Not too sure about that
Lmao, clearly Hyo can't actually trust her team.Absurd is that kind, Hama just doesn’t care lol
Sagiso: Gladly! *Takes 8 triagrams stance*Taji: Come here! *lunges at Sagiso*
Hama: oh I’m sorry, didn’t know intros were on the plan for an attack strategy. I should have added the beauty parlor and tanning salon as wellLmao, clearly Hyo can't actually trust her team.
Hyo: Oh no, don't worry, it was my mistake. By the way, could you brief me on which part of the strategy involved FREEZING ME?!Hama: oh I’m sorry, didn’t know intros were on the plan for an attack strategy. I should have added the beauty parlor and tanning salon as well
To be honest, I completely forgot that XDHyo: Oh no, don't worry, it was my mistake. By the way, could you brief me on which part of the strategy involved FREEZING ME?!
It's a pain to deal with, but Hyo will be harder to freeze. She's formed from salt water, so her body has a lower freezing point.To be honest, I completely forgot that XD
Would that even hurt her in any capacity though?
Well now she’s ice...or icy. So she should conduct lessConversely she conducts electricity like a bitch. Even better that regular water.
I'll probably let Hama deal with the electricity so Hyo takes the Ice. I'd rather not freeze her body even if it helps her resist her weakness.Well now she’s ice...or icy. So she should conduct less
Geez, you could at least let the girl introduce herself before trying to electrocute her. *sigh*
What exactly is your team doing? I think they are the only team not in, or about to be in combatyou guys need anything from my characters?
You could have her respond to the several Zaku booms that exploded nearby her. That’s somethingWhat about Henshina? She's just sitting behind a waterfall right now
I'm assuming the quote below is an answer to the quote above, cause otherwiseif you're trying to send me a message on something specific, it sadly falls on deaf ears. I'd like to make this anology, you and Kyuu are playing Chess, almost everyone else is playing checkers, and I'm stacking the checkers pieces into a tower in the corner."Ice Empress, do I have you permission to fight the one who ambushed you on your behalf?"
“Seiun, if you would be so kind~.” Hama instructed
Yeahhh that was meant to be a response to seiun’s words. Meaning light em’ upI'm assuming the quote below is an answer to the quote above, cause otherwiseif you're trying to send me a message on something specific, it sadly falls on deaf ears. I'd like to make this anology, you and Kyuu are playing Chess, almost everyone else is playing checkers, and I'm stacking the checkers pieces into a tower in the corner.
you guys need anything from my characters?
If she does that Gyuki will scold her for possibly showing herselfYou could have her respond to the several Zaku booms that exploded nearby her. That’s something
If she's half a ninja she'll easily deflect that...
Yeah...even if she s trash, she should be able to deflect a small knife.Tsuki is trash
Katsuo: a n g e r y water noises
Still underestimating her I see.Yeah...even if she s trash, she should be able to deflect a small knife.
Hahahaha I always imagined Katsuo as having a resting bitchface for whatever reason XDKatsuo: a n g e r y water noises
Uh the justu still hadn’t endedWell I edited
He was blocking them with his sword and retreated to the trees.Uh the justu still hadn’t ended
Well, we'll see how good well she comes out of this fight.Still underestimating her I see