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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

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Ended up creating one of my favorite characters in the Rp as a result if that means anything. Also eventually making one of my top 5 RP moments

Tomiko might be my favorite character I've RP'd on this site if I am gonna be honest. Got invested in a character who at first only existed just to fill a quota I was obsessed with due to OCD.

Which makes her path to this point one harder to swallow, casue it feels like whenever I do get invested she only exists to get the rug pulled from under her to hype up another character. Her defining moment that wasn't her getting her butt kicked was fighting some cards. Just gets disheartening after a while and I fear the future even if I am doing my damn best to improve her and make her more capable along with her character growth.

Sometimes I just worry it's gonna amount to nothing :(
Tomiko might be my favorite character I've RP'd on this site if I am gonna be honest. Got invested in a character who at first only existed just to fill a quota I was obsessed with due to OCD.

Which makes her path to this point one harder to swallow, casue it feels like whenever I do get invested she only exists to get the rug pulled from under her to hype up another character. Her defining moment that wasn't her getting her butt kicked was fighting some cards. Just gets disheartening after a while and I fear the future even if I am doing my damn best to improve her and make her more capable along with her character growth.

Sometimes I just worry it's gonna amount to nothing :(

That's why it's gonna feel that much better when she does get her moment to shine in a fight. Just imagine the satisfaction!
6 pages or so! Never change please.
When you think that could be Sagisō’s ultimate but realize the chakra usage is basically ZERO. :angel:

See you in the afterlife @DarkHydraT @ScorchPlayz
See ya

Hey, even godjacob thinks he’s weak!
View attachment 693419
What's with the surprisingly specific memes Shen?
Kiro: We were together? Wait, that’s not what I meant about Raiku! You got it wrong!
Kiro is gay confirmed! Kai, get your hubby!
Hehehe you can do your worst whenever....we talk about it XD

Absurd: Ah-ha! I’m not even here to respond to that. You may ask why I’m here then? Because I can! Ha-ah!
Honestly the only reason you need to be there.
Tomiko: I mean has anyone else lost to Kiro with no Sharingan? I don't think so.

Tomiko: The sista what?
Mori has when he 1v1'd Kiro and got molly whopped, so there's that. And if someone wants to fight against someone who isn't a tactical genius *cough*ShenandKyuu*cough*, I am open for it. Just make the reason for the fight make sense and I probably will accept
I don't recall this.

And again he won that counts for a hell of a lot more than Tomiko's showing XD
Dude, just fight me with Tomiko or Kenji. Get him out of the ground and he's pretty damn useless. Tomiko is much more durable than Mori and Kenji has the elemental advantage and is probably a lot faster than him
Dude, just fight me with Tomiko or Kenji. Get him out of the ground and he's pretty damn useless. Tomiko is much more durable than Mori and Kenji has the elemental advantage and is probably a lot faster than him

Tomiko: I-I thought we were teammates 0-0

Also discounting Mori's win cause he "went underground" feels wrong given it is a big part of his offense & style.
A friendly spar, how about that?

I am not discounting the win, I am practically holding a big flashing arrow that points to his weaknessess

Tomiko: Maybe in another arc...

And I never said he lacked weakness just comparing performances with a common opponent (Kiro). One ended in victory and the other ended in a hospital visit and nightmares. World of difference XD

Not that surprising, humiliating things are remembered the easiest. Just look at Taiyo

Kenji & Tomiko: He's right you know.
She placed the letter from the Daimyō to the side; she would pen him a response while also dispatching shinobi to set up a defensive line on the borders of the Nation's main islands. Moving on to the second document, it was a report of an upstart group of rogue shinobi calling themselves (Shitchi no Muhōmono: 湿地の無法者), the Outlaws of the Marsh. A loose alliance of rogue ninja was hardly worth her time -in fact, she knew exactly who she would delegate these missives to. After all, didn't she have few people with itchy hands and far too much free time on their plates?

Yes indeed, the Yuki would be responsible for these endeavors. Defending the nation was inline with their twisted isolationist views in any case.

With a sagacious glint sparkling in her eye, and ambrosia of scholars on her lips, Mei looked down to the streets of Kirigakure, her eyes following the retreating back of a messenger. A messenger she'd sent to deliver the Yuki their missives.

Just in case my latest post was a bit too subtle. This means you @Shen: Ghost Gym Leader , can't let you have too much free-time on your hands~
I have no idea what this means aside the Yuki got mail, but okay XD


1. The Water Daimyo is not happy with a Jinchuriki and several foreign shinobi rampaging about his country. He doesn't want the fighting to spread to the main islands of the mist and end up disturbing/destroying the country.

He sent a letter to Mei, and Mei sent that to the Yuki...so do something about that. You can decline, but declining is also consent to allow me to move Mist forces as I see fit.

2. We've received reports of rogue shinobi banding together into loose groups, they call themselves the Outlaws of the Marsh. Mei is too lazy busy to deal with such trivial things, so she send that task to the Yuki as well. How you deal with the situation is entirely up to you.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

1. The Water Daimyo is not happy with a Jinchuriki and several foreign shinobi rampaging about his country. He doesn't want the fighting to spread to the main islands of the mist and end up disturbing/destroying the country.

He sent a letter to Mei, and Mei sent that to the Yuki...so do something about that. You can decline, but declining is also consent to allow me to move Mist forces as I see fit.

2. We've received reports of rogue shinobi banding together into loose groups, they call themselves the Outlaws of the Marsh. Mei is too lazy busy to deal with such trivial things, so she send that task to the Yuki as well. How you deal with the situation is entirely up to you.

Hmmmm! Very interesting! This is going to be an...entertaining distraction ;)