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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

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Your good Kyuu, but dont get to cocky. Ive worked for my feats. Your fight didnt do much for me, nor did it push Katsuo to his limits in any way. Your very defeatable, whether youd like to believe youve got countermeasures or not isnt a concern.
This was legendary. Zander started with ‘You’re good Kyuu’ and then... I couldn’t even find words to describe this. Just god damn lmao I’m taking a screenshot of this.

No disrespect to Kyuu though. You’re still a beast too. :up:
Your good Kyuu, but dont get to cocky. Ive worked for my feats. Your fight didnt do much for me, nor did it push Katsuo to his limits in any way. Your very defeatable, whether youd like to believe youve got countermeasures or not isnt a concern.
Take it with a grain of salt I suppose? Well, that's not quite right. Those words are an intentional boosting of Sagisō because I don't want to see someone lose to Sagisō and then get sidelined by their Rpers because they felt they played a bad hand in that battle and never had the chance to recover. Namely, what happened to Kenji.

My intention with those words isn't to be cocky. However, it's a less than accurate fact of perception that you, I, and Shen occupy the trio for 'best battlers', because of the particular way in which we approach a battle. Our characters are almost iconic in a way, a standard for 'how good an RP battler you are'.

I consider our battle my loss because I was on the back foot, but you and I are both aware that neither was fully satisfied, and that dissatisfaction was mostly my fault because of the way I'd handled the battle. I digress though since I'm going off topic.

Defeatable as I might be to you, or anyone else for that matter, and vice-versa, there's a certain glory ascribed to performing the task and performing it well.
Take it with a grain of salt I suppose? Well, that's not quite right. Those words are an intentional boosting of Sagisō because I don't want to see someone lose to Sagisō and then get sidelined by their Rpers because they felt they played a bad hand in that battle and never had the chance to recover. Namely, what happened to Kenji.

Eh, the humiliating beating was the catalyst for Kenji's downward slope not sole cause. Just the fact is he never got any chance to try and salvage anything from that given the tunnel switch up, the mess of the Reaver battle and the blue balling in the cave battle.

Though I will not lie and say certain fights (Kiro vs. Tomiko, Azumi vs. Baiyan) do shake my confidence in battles here from time to time.
To be outright honest, my pfp is a perfect example of my status? Should I call it status? Well, it conveys the message right?

The character in my profile is HMS Hood, the Mighty Hood, Pride of the British Royal Navy. She was once the largest, and most certainly one of the most powerful battlecruisers to sail the seven seas. She was seen as a symbol of British power and invincibility and when she sunk, it was a massive blow to morale, despite the fact that she was likely the most ineffective ship in the battle.

Likewise, characters, Sagisō on my end, are nigh unbeatable existences -for some reason. I would throw the fight in someone's favor if I thought it would help, but entering into this Sagisō vs Kiro battle, I'd did it 100% for fun. I had no real intentions of winning the fight unless Retro managed to bumble it into my hands. However, the fight having gone on this long, and myself having seen the effort Retro's putting out in each and every post, taking like a day or two each time...Throwing the fight would leave a pretty bitter taste in my mouth.

It's a battle he's worked hard to get to this point, and I won't deny him the right of a satisfying victory should it come to that, by doing half-hearted shit like giving up half way. (If there were another RP, after about the 3rd day I would definitely have lost interested in the fight lmfao. Way too exhausting if you ask me.)

Likewise, though, he's gonna need to put in that effort to push all the way to end~

HMS Hood was sunk by a single barrage from the Bismark, and likewise, to defeat me you simply need to take the right shot. That goes double for you too @Godjacob
To be outright honest, my pfp is a perfect example of my status? Should I call it status? Well, it conveys the message right?

The character in my profile is HMS Hood, the Mighty Hood, Pride of the British Royal Navy. She was once the largest, and most certainly one of the most powerful battlecruisers to sail the seven seas. She was seen as a symbol of British power and invincibility and when she sunk, it was a massive blow to morale, despite the fact that she was likely the most ineffective ship in the battle.

Likewise, characters, Sagisō on my end, are nigh unbeatable existences -for some reason. I would throw the fight in someone's favor if I thought it would help, but entering into this Sagisō vs Kiro battle, I'd did it 100% for fun. I had no real intentions of winning the fight unless Retro managed to bumble it into my hands. However, the fight having gone on this long, and myself having seen the effort Retro's putting out in each and every post, taking like a day or two each time...Throwing the fight would leave a pretty bitter taste in my mouth.

It's a battle he's worked hard to get to this point, and I won't deny him the right of a satisfying victory should it come to that, by doing half-hearted shit like giving up half way. (If there were another RP, after about the 3rd day I would definitely have lost interested in the fight lmfao. Way too exhausting if you ask me.)

Likewise, though, he's gonna need to put in that effort to push all the way to end~

HMS Hood was sunk by a single barrage from the Bismark, and likewise, to defeat me you simply need to take the right shot. That goes double for you too @Godjacob
I haven’t played Xbox for like a week and my friends would bully me if they out what I was doing lmao

I enjoy this so much tho that idgaf! Makes it even more worth it knowing that you’re still invested after my slow place.
I haven’t played Xbox for like a week and my friends would bully me if they out what I was doing lmao

I enjoy this so much tho that idgaf! Makes it even more worth it knowing that you’re still invested after my slow place.

"Give your all, It's been hundreds of years, hero!!!! Exhaust all your strength!!! Muster all your resourcefulness!!! Show me your reckless courage— become a glorious sword that will pierce my heart!!!" - Azi Dahaka, Mondaiji Tachi ga Isekai kara kuro sou desu yo?
What needs to be done now? Kiro, Shura and the Jinchuriki talking, Team Mist and Team Leaf camping and what else?
It's kinda just some casual downtime as all the team set up Camp.

Suna, Kiri, Iwa, and Konoha, have set up camp, Hina is stalking her team, and Oto is...doing something. I recall reading about them but I forgot exactly what they were doing.

So just casual downtime. Once Suna and Kumo fully set up camp, then we can time-skip smoothly.
It's kinda just some casual downtime as all the team set up Camp.

Suna, Kiri, Iwa, and Konoha, have set up camp, Hina is stalking her team, and Oto is...doing something. I recall reading about them but I forgot exactly what they were doing.

So just casual downtime. Once Suna and Kumo fully set up camp, then we can time-skip smoothly.
Okay, that helps a lot. Thank you