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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

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I’d do that if we were going move by move. Like CQC where a character reacts to an attack and responds with a counter. Then the cycle continues. It’s possible for a regular fight too but I suck at explaining stuff which is why I go into extra detail lel
We could do that but you absolutely refuse to get into CQC range with Sagisō lmfao. Even with LCM you didn't stay within range of her for longer than like...1 post.
We could do that but you absolutely refuse to get into CQC range with Sagisō lmfao. Even with LCM you didn't stay within range of her for longer than like...1 post.
Because that’s Sagisō, who already has an upper hand in taijutsu. One touch with the gentle fist lmao

I honestly miss writing short posts though. I could write like ten posts in a day if I didn’t feel extra detail was required. Half of them would be only a paragraph but also straight to the point. For character conversation at least.
So...much...details... @-@
I guess I know what to do if I ever fight one of Shen’s characters XD

Nah, this is my first serious fight since like last May so I’m still getting back into things. I don’t think I wrote this many details for fights during the chunin exams.
I've outlined a do this and you win for Retro, he just needs to figure out how to do it.
Knowing my track record, I’ll probably find some way to choke.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
I guess I know what to do if I ever fight one of Shen’s characters XD

Nah, this is my first serious fight since like last May so I’m still getting back into things. I don’t think I wrote this many details for fights during the chunin exams.
Just between you and Kyuu both, even the discussion thread is overwhelming with details XD
I guess I know what to do if I ever fight one of Shen’s characters XD

Nah, this is my first serious fight since like last May so I’m still getting back into things. I don’t think I wrote this many details for fights during the chunin exams.

Knowing my track record, I’ll probably find some way to choke.
Just tank this explosion and you'll win. Pretty fair if you ask me. xD

If I had to suggest a method then intercept the Fuma, I can only see the LCM clone being able to do this, and have Kiro fight fire with fire. Direct a strong fire release at the explosion.

With the oxygen already consumed by Kiro's flames, the only thing he'd have to deal with is the force of the explosion itself. With the durability buff from Curse Mark, I can see him tanking the shock wave, though it'd probably send him flying.

If you're able to take a bit of distance from the explosion with the body flicker then that'd be even better for reducing the damage.
Me: I'd be lying if I said most of this debate wasn't hilarious. *eats popcorn*

Katsuo: Its ridiculous, And Kiro's a moron. Imagine how quickly this fight would've been over if I were using his techniques.

Me: Wow, blunt. Aren't you suppose to be the good guy?

Katsuo: Good doesn't mean nice.
Okay Zander, I’m not as good at this as you, no need to brag lel

I’d like to hear afterwards what you were thinking if that’s alright.
Okay Zander, I’m not as good at this as you, no need to brag lel

I’d like to hear afterwards what you were thinking if that’s alright.

I'm not bragging, I'm being a friend. And as a friend, I expected more from you, Kiro my boi.
Many people could've ended this match quickly with your level of abilities.

We'll take this conversation to pm after you've won. Ive got a couple things I could cover with you.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Kiro has a friend? ;_;

Alright that’s cool with me. Thanks Zander.
Kai (after not being recognized as a friend):
I think most of that has to do with me not wanting Kiro to seem op.
Nah, Kiro outclasses Sagisō in just about every except for sheer skill in combat, and perhaps innate viciousness.

However, you're being so cautious that your advantages in speed, versatility, sheer power, chakra potency, and just about anything else can't be used in dish out direct damage to her.

For example, you vastly outclass her base speed with LCM, yet you've never used said speed in an actual attack. What you did, was use said speed to take distance and then throw Kunai at her. Kunai aren't affected by LCM. All your attacks with the clone so far don't involve taking advantage of LCM's speed, so honestly you might as well not have been in LCM.
Nah, Kiro outclasses Sagisō in just about every except for sheer skill in combat, and perhaps innate viciousness.

However, you're being so cautious that your advantages in speed, versatility, sheer power, chakra potency, and just about anything else can't be used in dish out direct damage to her.

For example, you vastly outclass her base speed with LCM, yet you've never used said speed in an actual attack. What you did, was use said speed to take distance and then throw Kunai at her. Kunai aren't affected by LCM. All your attacks with the clone so far don't involve taking advantage of LCM's speed, so honestly you might as well not have been in LCM.
That’s cuz I think you will counter everything I do. If I blitzed her, I honestly think you would just take him out in one hit.
So yes, I am being extremely cautious in this battle.
That’s cuz I think you will counter everything I do. If I blitzed her, I honestly think you would just take him out in one hit.
So yes, I am being extremely cautious in this battle.

I'm starting to think I do so well against Kyuuketsu because I don't try and prevent her plans. I dive right into them and figure out a way to counter last second. Lol
I'm starting to think I do so well against Kyuuketsu because I don't try and prevent her plans. I dive right into them and figure out a way to counter last second. Lol
Eh, I also only made like...one plan in the fight with you though lmfao. The rest of the time I was just reacting on the fly.

You're probably straight up a better reactor than me for fights. I've got this weird quirk where I don't feel comfortable writing anything I can't visualize step by step and then put said visualization into words. I've been aiming for more on the fly fights, but Sagisō is a CQC type and no one wants to get close to her ~w~
This is what we call being overly cautious.

What you're doing is burning chakra with nothing to show for it. You might be overall stronger than Sagisō, but Kiro is being on-par with her solely because he's to cautious to flex his advantages.
Okay, knowing that doesn’t stop me from believing I could get one shotted. It sucks but that’s the perception I have of you in my mind. Kiro and I are different people but sometimes my thoughts do sink into him.

Like if it was Raiku for example, then no disrespect to Nebby, but I would be so much more aggressive.
Yea, the only people who haven't outright lost to me do so because they're not afraid of diving in :T

Everyone else can...kinda get bluffed into making the fight easier for me lmao.
Bluff or not, you’ve proven you can back up your words at any time. Once someone actually beats you then I think the morale will rise lel

I thought kyuu makes traps, not is one
I thought Kyuu told us awhile ago to stop referencing him with traps.
Such a shame to see talent wasted on a limited perspective of yourself.

Hey just because I think you are better doesn't mean I don't try. Heck I pulled out all the stops in the (short lived) Azumi vs. Baiyan fight despite my perception of having no chance against kyuu's characters.

I worked to try and spin each of kyuu's counters to my advantage and get creative in the battle. It amounted to nothing before Reaver stepped in but it's not like I threw in the towel either.
Okay, knowing that doesn’t stop me from believing I could get one shotted. It sucks but that’s the perception I have of you in my mind. Kiro and I are different people but sometimes my thoughts do sink into him.

Like if it was Raiku for example, then no disrespect to Nebby, but I would be so much more aggressive.

Bluff or not, you’ve proven you can back up your words at any time. Once someone actually beats you then I think the morale will rise lel

I thought Kyuu told us awhile ago to stop referencing him with traps.
Yea, I can feel that. Which is why Kiro's going through the same training as Azumi. Which means you get to fight me again whenever I feel like randomly attacking you until you lose that habit or develop at least a willingness to take certain risks.
Hey just because I think you are better doesn't mean I don't try. Heck I pulled out all the stops in the (short lived) Azumi vs. Baiyan fight despite my perception of having no chance against kyuu's characters.

I worked to try and spin each of kyuu's counters to my advantage and get creative in the battle. It amounted to nothing before Reaver stepped in but it's not like I threw in the towel either.
Not gonna lie, Retro's a harder battle because his character is simply more versatile and overall capable of suppressing mine, but your battle with Azumi was by far better in a play-by-play analysis. No one's been able to spin my counters to their benefit since Zander and Shen.

You're an effective battler when you want to be, which is why we need to beat some confidence into you~
Basically I have a character who should outclass nearly every other character but my caution holds me back from using the advantages.

Does that work? If it does, I’m going to need some help getting over this flaw lel

You've got this big ass greatsword, and your dancing around with it like a Ballerina, so light on your feet that you can't get the necessary stance to swing that bad-boy to devastating effect.
Not gonna lie, Retro's a harder battle because his character is simply more versatile and overall capable of suppressing mine, but your battle with Azumi was by far better in a play-by-play analysis. No one's been able to spin my counters to their benefit since Zander and Shen.

You're an effective battler when you want to be, which is why we need to beat some confidence into you~

Eh, if I believed you (Or Baiyan) was trying and not holding back I'd be more prideful of it. But it was too short for me to take away much more than just that sample.

But I am touched you think that, I really am.
Eh, if I believed you (Or Baiyan) was trying and not holding back I'd be more prideful of it. But it was too short for me to take away much more than just that sample.

But I am touched you think that, I really am.
Let me put this into context for you.

Baiyan is stronger than Sagisō...hmmm, in terms of sheer offensive/potential power, she's the strongest OC I have even surpassing the likes of Hinagiku.

Azumi managed to match her blow for blow using some basic water style jutsu.

Without her hidden helper, Baiyan would've actually had a very hard time dealing with Azumi because you played off things in the environment and my own counters so well.

You're a cut above even Retro in terms of adaptability; no offense to Retro, he's been doing amazing as well. I think his issue is the lack of fights he's been in, so he's not accustomed enough to act without the utmost caution.