Well you did miss a detail. The point of that reaction post was to detail a few things. For this point, he was already on the ground when the post started. I also specifically made mention of what each hand was doing to clarify that he didn’t have that kunai on him anymore. He reached for another kunai with one and ran his hand through his hair with the other.
I also mentioned that he had made it to a point where he was now safe from the Firenado. That should mean any buildings near him would be safe. Either way though, I don’t think there’s any point in arguing about that moment.
I know he didn't have the kunai on him, but what I was saying was that because I didn't know where it was I couldn't accurately envision a distance between the clone and Sagisō.
Well, it wasn't supposed to be an argument. I was just saying given the information I had it was hard to estimate distance for the clone.
Lemme take the next part bit by bit to explain my thought process.
And if she’s gone 50 feet in the air, why can’t I just have the LCM clone and Kiro move as soon as she throws the kunai?
It's not that you can't have them move as soon as she throws the kunai, it's that the kunai are set to fall away from his current position, so moving puts them in more danger rather than less danger.
As in they were never meant to hit Kiro's
current position.
It's not aimed
at Kiro per se, it's aimed so that when Kiro dodges, because he can't see the
new directions of the kunai, he can't tell that they
won't be able to hit him if he stands still, thus he'll dodge
into one of the explosions.
Once they leave her hand, it’s quite obvious she threw something even with the sun.
Well, what I want isn't for Kiro to
not be able to tell that she threw something. What I want is for him to be uncertain of
what exactly she threw.
This comes back later on in the explanation, but Kiro will move because he doesn't know exactly what she threw and because of his cautiousness.
In fact, having the clone get blinded makes even less sense with this.
I'd mentioned it once before, but the point of the flashbangs isn't to blind Kiro or the clone, it's to cover new trajectories of the kunai once they collide with each other.
Why would the clone, who’s already prepared to move, watch the kunai travel like 20-30 feet before the flashbangs activate, without reacting? Why would Kiro do that either?
As for why the clone would watch the kunai for 20-30 ft? If the clone plans to intercept the kunai then whatever it does would need to reach the kunai before they collide and switch directions.
Now, if both Kiro and the clone
actually stand there without reaction, then Sagisō attack becomes completely useless. So she wants them to react because moving puts them in more danger. Stay still is perfectly safe, the explosions can't hit them from where they stand.
His sharingan would simply let him know of the trajectory beforehand.
The Sharingan would've let him know of the
initial trajectories indeed. So Kiro could easily avoid those.
However, the whole crux of the trap and the flashbangs, is that the Kunai will collide in mid-air, and this collision will completely change their trajectories. The flashbangs cover this change in trajectories. So whatever trajectory Kiro saw with his Sharingan, said trajectory no longer exists because it changed post-collision.
Like I'd said before, I
want him to dodge because in moving, he pushes himself closer to the real attack. The attack is such that it is based on the fact that Kiro will dodge based on what he knows, and in dodge actually hurt himself.
Because what Kiro knows is this;
- Sagisō threw something.
- They're heading towards him initially.
What he doesn't know is;
- What exactly she threw.
- The post-collision trajectories (which aren't heading towards him.)
Based on this, Kiro's thought process should be like yours and he'd dodge out of the way simply out of caution or something. Now, this is exactly what I want you to do, because in dodging you move closer to the explosions.
The flashbangs would be irrelevant if they are already moving out the way.
Well...I want you to move out of the way. Because that puts you closer to the actual attack.
The Kunai post-collision aren't aimed at Kiro so I actually need him to walk into them.
Smh I almost wrote a post thinking she wasn’t that far away. With this time, I could have the clone grab Kiro and move them both away if necessary.
Well, again, moving is exactly what I want you to do.
Let me put it this way with the aid of another poorly drawn paint diagram;
This is what Kiro
thinks is the danger zone based on what he can see (Pre-collision);
This is the actual danger zone (post-collision);
The Red area is the danger zone, where the attack will actually affect you.
The white areas are safe zones.
So in having the clone move Kiro, the only issue is that it wouldn't know about the
real danger zone either.
The danger zone isn't Kiro's immediate surroundings because they'll be completely untouched. The danger zone is the wide area around that, which I want Kiro to reflexively dodge into.