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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
I mean the speed advantage has not played any factor in this battle when by all rights it should have so it's what it is :p

Seriously I feel LCM gets such a short stick here. Being objective about it. Curse Mark alone should make him way faster.

Curse marks do different jobs. They usually maximize one stat, not particularly speed. Like durability with Sakon, taijustu with Jirobo, and genjustu with tayuya

But I agree with the LCM comment, he should be much faster and not being countered so easily do to that. Sure the byakugan could see him moving fast, but your reactions to it is a different story
You are still far inferior speed wise, it’s a possibility for him to do just that
Mhmm, it's possible for the LCM clone to just fly about 50 ft into the sky in a single jump and Sagisō will just float there without reaction.

She used the force of several explosions -while she was transformed into a Kunai- to blast herself into the sky, she's not like a mere couple feet in the sky. She's very high up.
I mean the speed advantage has not played any factor in this battle when by all rights it should have so it's what it is :p

Seriously I feel LCM gets such a short stick here. Being objective about it. Curse Mark alone should make him way faster.
You do realize that the only attack Retro has performed with LCM was to throw Kunai...right? As in...he's literally never tried to use that speed on Sagisō in a way that requires her to actually react to LCM itself.

I've quite literally allowed this 'LCM' speed to have the clone move from on top of a building observing the fight, to right beside Sagisō in like 0.1 seconds flat, because it covered that distance faster than Sagisō could knock out a stationary Kiro who was both literally and figurately right on top of her.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
When the hell was this decided for the Curse Mark? It's a power up that improves all stats, have you seen the way Sasuke manhandled Naruto with the mark in speed & power before he went nine tales?

Not true. If it improves all stats then tayuya should have easily manhandled her way out of the shadow strangle justu, rather just barley clinging on.

Each curse mark is different, and has different effect. Such as Zaku’s being pure ninjutsu power, but drains his chakra extremely quick, like flame to gasoline.
If moving from on top of a building to right next to Sagisō faster than she could use her palm to close a distance of what, a foot at best, isn't a good display of LCM's speed then I don't know what is.

Maybe Kiro should just start teleporting, cause it wouldn't make a difference at that point.
Not true. If it improves all stats then tayuya should have easily manhandled her way out of the shadow strangle justu, rather just barley clinging on.

Maybe if Tayuya wasn't you know exhausted from having using the straining technique moments prior to fighting that Jonin pair she would have powered out of it. Heck the mark second state is the reason she was able to resist it with brute force alone.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Maybe if Tayuya wasn't you know exhausted from having using the straining technique moments prior to fighting that Jonin pair she would have powered out of it. Heck the mark second state is the reason she was able to resist it with brute force alone.

You say that excuse with the jounin while Sakon literally regenerated half of his body, and Ukon did too :/ if it boosts all stats tayuya should be able to regenerate half of her body too, or any amount.

It very evidentially boosts one stat far above the rest. You can’t say it boosts jirobo’s strengths in an equal magnifier to tayuya’s.
You say that excuse with the jounin while Sakon literally regenerated half of his body, and Ukon did too :/ if it boosts all stats tayuya should be able to regenerate half of her body too, or any amount.

It very evidentially boosts one stat far above the rest. You can’t say it boosts jirobo’s strengths in an equal magnifier to tayuya’s.

That regeneration is a Sakon/Ukon exclusive ability. Not a Curse Mark trait. It's part of their Kekkei Genkai when Kiba split them in half they just began two wholes rather than share a body.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
That regeneration is a Sakon/Ukon exclusive ability. Not a Curse Mark trait. It's part of their Kekkei Genkai when Kiba split them in half they just began two wholes rather than share a body.

That doesn’t apply when they literally are ripped in half though. Sakon without that curse mark stage wouldn’t be able to do that. And that tells us that when he achieved that stage it somehow boosted his stamina abilities.

Same goes for Jirobo Not being able to do the dumpling technique without the curse mark stage. It boosts their primary strength stat primarily. Maybe minor boosts to others, but primarily their speciality
I've quite literally allowed this 'LCM' speed to have the clone move from on top of a building observing the fight, to right beside Sagisō in like 0.1 seconds flat, because it covered that distance faster than Sagisō could knock out a stationary Kiro who was both literally and figurately right on top of her.
0.1 seconds?! I’m pretty sure the clone went into lightning armor when Sagisō deactivated his sharingan while simultaneously activating the cursed seal. He moved immediately afterwards. Atleast say 0.5 to 1 second because she also took her time bringing her hand to the abdomen and even said something beforehand. That whole movement was 2 seconds at most.

It should make sense too considering the wind shadow covered an even greater length in the same amount of time. Maybe shorter.
That doesn’t apply when they literally are ripped in half though. Sakon without that curse mark stage wouldn’t be able to do that. And that tells us that when he achieved that stage it somehow boosted his stamina abilities.

Same goes for Jirobo Not being able to do the dumpling technique without the curse mark stage. It boosts their primary strength stat primarily. Maybe minor boosts to others, but primarily their speciality

What proof do you have of this? Where does it say that the Curse Mark allowed one to regrow their limbs even in a specialized circumstance? Given that Sakon's Kekkei Genkai is all about manipulation of body cells (To the point they can live in one body or invade other bodies) would it not be a stretch to say when Kiba cut them in half their ability over the mark saved them?

This feels like a reach, to say we can specialize them in the AU fine but in canon there is no actual evidence to support that.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
What proof do you have of this? Where does it say that the Curse Mark allowed one to regrow their limbs even in a specialized circumstance? Given that Sakon's Kekkei Genkai is all about manipulation of body cells (To the point they can live in one body or invade other bodies) would it not be a stretch to say when Kiba cut them in half their ability over the mark saved them?

This feels like a reach, to say we can specialize them in the AU fine but in canon there is no actual evidence to support that.
That source you showeed literally has someone challenge that saying the Curse Mark does not give you new powers. Which it doesn't.

But again we'll take this debate in a convo when I get back home. Fan speculation is not a cited source to consider canon.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
That source you showeed literally has someone challenge that saying the Curse Mark does not give you new powers. Which it doesn't.
But amplifies them. Both confirm that fact. Jirobo can lift things even without his curse mark, but he can throw giant boulders with his curse mark.

Sure Sakon could regenerate lightly most likely without his curse mark, but with it he regenerated two halves of a human body Jacob.
0.1 seconds?! I’m pretty sure the clone went into lightning armor when Sagisō deactivated his sharingan while simultaneously activating the cursed seal. He moved immediately afterwards. Atleast say 0.5 to 1 second because she also took her time bringing her hand to the abdomen and even said something beforehand. That whole movement was 2 seconds at most.

It should make sense too considering the wind shadow covered an even greater length in the same amount of time. Maybe shorter.
0.1 seconds was a hyperbole, but I can say that I didn't see the distance Sagisō covered to be that far.

“Like that would ever happen. Anyways, multi-shadow clone jutsu.” Planning his next actions simultaneously with his earlier thoughts, the Uchiha figured this was his best chance to set something into motion. But first, he had to survive this. Two of the ninja transformed themselves into kunai by the time the final one grabbed them. Since he had chosen how to distribute his chakra, this clone was basically capable of only one thing. With it’s final moments upon him, ‘Kiro’ threw the two kunai to a nearby building before being sucked up and brutally murdered by the tornado.
I assumed this as a building next door.
Once the two kunai made it over to the other building, Kiro popped out of one and immediately began to run across the roof. Of course he grabbed the other kunai before he did so. As he ran, Kiro could feel the wind trying to push him backwards. “That’s an actual tornado... is she trying to kill me?! What the f-“ A stray piece of debris would’ve smacked Kiro right in the face had he not prematurely jumped across to the next building.

Due to the early jump, Kiro didn’t have a pretty landing. In fact, he didn’t land at all. It was only his two hands that had kept him from breaking his neck on the pavement beneath. He held on to the side of the building and turned his head to see behind him. The building Kiro was just on became engulfed in flames. There was no way else to describe it. In a moment, he too would probably be torn to shreds by the monstrosity Sagisō and him had given birth too.
I also assumed this one as next door.
With the Firenado being nearby, he had neither going for him. Upon coming to an understanding, Kiro began to sprint away from the Firenado. If Sagisō made it out alive and wanted to finish their match, Kiro would gladly continue as soon as he was safe.
So Kiro starts running away while being about two buildings over. So not next door, but the building next to that one.

Sagisō starts the Wind Shadow at that point.

You also had Kiro stop running in the reaction post and spend some time staring into the sky.

With regards to the clone now, I have no clue where it was tbh cause
Once the two kunai made it over to the other building, Kiro popped out of one and immediately began to run across the roof. Of course he grabbed the other kunai before he did so.
so I was never really sure where the third Kunai came from, and which building it was on top of so although you said it was the closest building, I had no idea where that was considering that every building Kiro was on top of got destroyed by the Firenado.

I just went with it cause I figured I missed out some detail while I was reading your post.
0.1 seconds was a hyperbole, but I can say that I didn't see the distance Sagisō covered to be that far.

I assumed this as a building next door.

I also assumed this one as next door.

So Kiro starts running away while being about two buildings over. So not next door, but the building next to that one.

Sagisō starts the Wind Shadow at that point.

You also had Kiro stop running in the reaction post and spend some time staring into the sky.

With regards to the clone now, I have no clue where it was tbh cause

so I was never really sure where the third Kunai came from, and which building it was on top of so although you said it was the closest building, I had no idea where that was considering that every building Kiro was on top of got destroyed by the Firenado.

I just went with it cause I figured I missed out some detail while I was reading your post.
Slowing from a sprint into a jog and then finally to a walk now on street level, the Uchiha had found himself free of the tornado’s pull. Here the winds were slower than back at the previous location. Obviously he didn’t go too far as the last few training halls were nearby. But still, the winds were much slower than where he previously was. Perhaps that was also due to the tornado slowing down. Unfortunately for any potential storm clouds passing by, they would be late to the party. Kiro meanwhile took a glance into the sky as he ran his right hand through his hair. “Oh well, at least the weather seems to be getting better.”
Well you did miss a detail. The point of that reaction post was to detail a few things. For this point, he was already on the ground when the post started. I also specifically made mention of what each hand was doing to clarify that he didn’t have that kunai on him anymore. He reached for another kunai with one and ran his hand through his hair with the other.

I also mentioned that he had made it to a point where he was now safe from the Firenado. That should mean any buildings near him would be safe. Either way though, I don’t think there’s any point in arguing about that moment.
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Mhmm, it's possible for the LCM clone to just fly about 50 ft into the sky in a single jump and Sagisō will just float there without reaction.

She used the force of several explosions -while she was transformed into a Kunai- to blast herself into the sky, she's not like a mere couple feet in the sky. She's very high up.
And if she’s gone 50 feet in the air, why can’t I just have the LCM clone and Kiro move as soon as she throws the kunai? Once they leave her hand, it’s quite obvious she threw something even with the sun. In fact, having the clone get blinded makes even less sense with this. Why would the clone, who’s already prepared to move, watch the kunai travel like 20-30 feet before the flashbangs activate, without reacting? Why would Kiro do that either? His sharingan would simply let him know of the trajectory beforehand. The flashbangs would be irrelevant if they are already moving out the way.

Smh I almost wrote a post thinking she wasn’t that far away. With this time, I could have the clone grab Kiro and move them both away if necessary.

Edit: I looked up 50 feet and it actually isn’t even that high lmao
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Well you did miss a detail. The point of that reaction post was to detail a few things. For this point, he was already on the ground when the post started. I also specifically made mention of what each hand was doing to clarify that he didn’t have that kunai on him anymore. He reached for another kunai with one and ran his hand through his hair with the other.

I also mentioned that he had made it to a point where he was now safe from the Firenado. That should mean any buildings near him would be safe. Either way though, I don’t think there’s any point in arguing about that moment.
I know he didn't have the kunai on him, but what I was saying was that because I didn't know where it was I couldn't accurately envision a distance between the clone and Sagisō.

Well, it wasn't supposed to be an argument. I was just saying given the information I had it was hard to estimate distance for the clone.

Lemme take the next part bit by bit to explain my thought process.
And if she’s gone 50 feet in the air, why can’t I just have the LCM clone and Kiro move as soon as she throws the kunai?
It's not that you can't have them move as soon as she throws the kunai, it's that the kunai are set to fall away from his current position, so moving puts them in more danger rather than less danger.

As in they were never meant to hit Kiro's current position.

It's not aimed at Kiro per se, it's aimed so that when Kiro dodges, because he can't see the new directions of the kunai, he can't tell that they won't be able to hit him if he stands still, thus he'll dodge into one of the explosions.
Once they leave her hand, it’s quite obvious she threw something even with the sun.
Well, what I want isn't for Kiro to not be able to tell that she threw something. What I want is for him to be uncertain of what exactly she threw.

This comes back later on in the explanation, but Kiro will move because he doesn't know exactly what she threw and because of his cautiousness.
In fact, having the clone get blinded makes even less sense with this.
I'd mentioned it once before, but the point of the flashbangs isn't to blind Kiro or the clone, it's to cover new trajectories of the kunai once they collide with each other.

Why would the clone, who’s already prepared to move, watch the kunai travel like 20-30 feet before the flashbangs activate, without reacting? Why would Kiro do that either?
As for why the clone would watch the kunai for 20-30 ft? If the clone plans to intercept the kunai then whatever it does would need to reach the kunai before they collide and switch directions.

Now, if both Kiro and the clone actually stand there without reaction, then Sagisō attack becomes completely useless. So she wants them to react because moving puts them in more danger. Stay still is perfectly safe, the explosions can't hit them from where they stand.

His sharingan would simply let him know of the trajectory beforehand.
The Sharingan would've let him know of the initial trajectories indeed. So Kiro could easily avoid those.

However, the whole crux of the trap and the flashbangs, is that the Kunai will collide in mid-air, and this collision will completely change their trajectories. The flashbangs cover this change in trajectories. So whatever trajectory Kiro saw with his Sharingan, said trajectory no longer exists because it changed post-collision.

Like I'd said before, I want him to dodge because in moving, he pushes himself closer to the real attack. The attack is such that it is based on the fact that Kiro will dodge based on what he knows, and in dodge actually hurt himself.

Because what Kiro knows is this;
  • Sagisō threw something.
  • They're heading towards him initially.
What he doesn't know is;
  • What exactly she threw.
  • The post-collision trajectories (which aren't heading towards him.)
Based on this, Kiro's thought process should be like yours and he'd dodge out of the way simply out of caution or something. Now, this is exactly what I want you to do, because in dodging you move closer to the explosions.

The flashbangs would be irrelevant if they are already moving out the way.
Well...I want you to move out of the way. Because that puts you closer to the actual attack.

The Kunai post-collision aren't aimed at Kiro so I actually need him to walk into them.
Smh I almost wrote a post thinking she wasn’t that far away. With this time, I could have the clone grab Kiro and move them both away if necessary.
Well, again, moving is exactly what I want you to do.

Let me put it this way with the aid of another poorly drawn paint diagram;

This is what Kiro thinks is the danger zone based on what he can see (Pre-collision);


This is the actual danger zone (post-collision);


The Red area is the danger zone, where the attack will actually affect you.

The white areas are safe zones.

So in having the clone move Kiro, the only issue is that it wouldn't know about the real danger zone either.

The danger zone isn't Kiro's immediate surroundings because they'll be completely untouched. The danger zone is the wide area around that, which I want Kiro to reflexively dodge into.
Due to her position, within the sun at her back, the Kiros below her -even with their Sharingan, would face the blinding interference of the solar star, and hence would be unable to distinguish exactly what was in her hands.

As the Kunai collided, the flash-bangs were set off, providing even more interference and masking the shifting trajectories caused by the collision rendering anything Kiro had managed to glimpse before the flash-bangs completely useless.
So here; change in trajectory means that whatever he saw before the collision isn't useful.

The four kunai had been redirected to veer at a wider angle, which also increased the total area they were spread across, as Sagisō figured Kiro's, the real one, first instinct would be to dodge in a direction and hope for the best.
She wants him to dodge;
However, with her maneuvers, the truth of the matter was that standing still would've done him better. She hadn't bothered aimed for the LCM Clone as with its speed, it would cover a distance that rendered her explosive trap too dispersed to be of any effect.
Standing still is safer.

Didn't aim for the clone since it could've totally moved out of there in time.

Not sure if it'd be able to rush in, grab Kiro, and then rush out while holding Kiro.
The kunai knives had been set to explode a few meters, around 2 or 3, before reaching the ground, close enough to the ground to affect the Uchiha with their blasts, but also close enough to the origin of the flash, that the would still be covered by the lingering effects of the flashbang.

I suppose this might've been the line that tripped you up, but when I said close enough to affect the Uchiha, I meant vertical distance rather than horizontal distance.

They'll explode while still in the sky, and the explosions will be close enough to the ground to affect Kiro.

But where they'll actually explode is too far away to hit Kiro if he stands still.
Yes, 50 ft isn't high was an analogy there to bring across a point. It's not an exact value.

A meter is approximately 3 ft being as it's a bit larger than a Yard, so 50 ft would've been around a bit under 17m.

She was a Kunai when the explosion knocked her upward. A throw from a baseball player can make a ball soar at around 40 m/s. That would've been approximately 120 ft.

An explosion would've sent her flying faster than a baseball player can throw. If we say she moved for only a second at best, her height would still be more than double the 50 ft that I'd said.

I'm not quoting any exact values, I was just trying to get the point across that the clone wouldn't be able to simply jump up to her height or anything.
Seven Stars Accompanying the Moon is as much a mind-game as it is an actual attack because it's a bait and switch.

You first need to be baited into dodging before the kunai can actually affect you.

After baiting you into dodging, the area of effect is switched so that you end up dodging into the attack.

Hence why earlier, when you said Kiro would aim his fire style upward to destroy the paper bombs, I said that Kiro would need to widen the area of the fire style to catch all of them, because they'd explode so far from his current position that their explosions wouldn't even affect him.
It was only after they exploded that things became deadly. Their explosions would redirect the Kunai that formed the triangle within their range, and with explosive speed, send them hurling towards the Uchiha.
Other than the Fuma, this was actually the next most concerning thing. So if Kiro stood still, he’d also die.

Hence why earlier, when you said Kiro would aim his fire style upward to destroy the paper bombs, I said that Kiro would need to widen the area of the fire style to catch all of them, because they'd explode so far from his current position that their explosions wouldn't even affect him.
Well the fire style was already pretty wide. Anyways, I guess it’s back to my original plan then. Sucks that you gave me most of the answers though. If you just reminded me of the kunai, I would’ve been like, ‘oh yeah, that’s why I didn’t want Kiro to move’ since I forgot about that part.
Other than the Fuma, this was actually the next most concerning thing. So if Kiro stood still, he’d also die.

Well the fire style was already pretty wide. Anyways, I guess it’s back to my original plan then. Sucks that you gave me most of the answers though. If you just reminded me of the kunai, I would’ve been like, ‘oh yeah, that’s why I didn’t want Kiro to move’ since I forgot about that part.
I figured it was a communicational error so I went to explain as clearly as possibly lmao.

And that's gonna be a very wide funnel because he'd need to use it to catch attacks that were too far away to hit him in the first place.


It's payback for making me waste chakra on the Great Task of the Dragon lmfao. I had to waste chakra to deal with an attack that wasn't gonna hit, so now you get to do the same xD
So if he's not aiming for the kunai, will he still make the super wide funnel?

Cause if he doesn't the three 3 kunai will hit him, or do you intend to have the clone deal with that?
It seems you really want that large funnel lel

In that case, I should probably just have the clone spam kunai and shuriken at her so she can’t do anything but focus on protecting herself. That probably won’t work either tho.
It seems you really want that large funnel lel

In that case, I should probably just have the clone spam kunai and shuriken at her so she can’t do anything but focus on protecting herself. That probably won’t work either tho.
I mean...it wouldn't change the fact that she already attacked...

You don't have to make the large funnel. There's a certain sequence of events in my head, that if the battle went down that route, would give sufficient reason so Sagisō to lose. But if played poorly, Kiro could just as easily lose.

Kiro would need to defend himself against the kunai, which he can't do without a reallllly wide funnel.

Assuming he doesn't do the wide funnel, the clone can protect him, but then my next post would be the Moon blindsiding them through the smoke which he and the clone definitely wouldn't be able to see through, Kiro and the clone would then get blown to Kingdom come. Of course, Sagisō will also take the fire stream head on.

Following this sequence of events...if Kiro does manage to come out of that explosion relatively fine -which I kinda doubt since he wouldn't be in any position to protect himself, and the clone would be dealing with the kunai so it also dealing with the Fuma Shuriken by getting it away from Kiro fast enough for it to not hit both of them would be a bit of a stretch- but if you do figure out a satisfying way to deal with that attack -maybe sacrifice the clone for some play- then I'd, in all likelihood, be pretty content in having Sagisō get taken out in her clash with the fire-stream.

I've already pondered several ways she could deal with it, but a big finale clash between ultimate moves is pretty cool too, so that'd be a nice way to end.
want to put the present Kiro's part up for now just to get it done with?
Well he’s asking a question to Henshina while also requesting to talk to Shura privately afterwards. I can post that now but then I’ll have to add in another response and possibly keep Kyuu waiting longer. There’s also the chance that I could finish early and have to wait for someone else to post.
I'm sorry if I miss out on the fight if it's like really good but it's just too much details that it makes it so hard to read. Imo having decently sized posts more quickly is better than long detailed posts that take days because there's a large chance that the latter won't be read.
I’d do that if we were going move by move. Like CQC where a character reacts to an attack and responds with a counter. Then the cycle continues. It’s possible for a regular fight too but I suck at explaining stuff which is why I go into extra detail lel