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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

First Exam:

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    Votes: 5 41.7%
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    Votes: 7 58.3%

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It was a flashback...and his opponents looked like full on adults. So I’m doubting that he was facing genin
Iruka's a full on adult...and he's arguably even weaker than Genin. *shrugs*

Like I said, it's dubious. I would've called it a chunin at max.
I’m tired af and thought I could hurry things up in the present if I just posted a response for Koopa. Sorry to keep you waiting even longer though Kyuu. Later today for sure. Hopefully.
well, I was already asleep by then so I wouldn't have minded.
Day 5 of Retro is lost...


Now I’m trying to figure out how Sagisō is getting that Fuma off. If she does throw and tries to control it, she’ll be hit with the fire wave which will you stated should be larger.


I visualized the original as this except obviously much, much more smaller. So even if you’re fine with her getting hit, how will she be able to throw it all the way around the fire? If she actually gets hit, she’ll be severely burned at the very least unless she exerts her chakra once more. I suppose it would make sense that way.

Actually yeah, then it would be up to the clone to do something. If that’s the case though, should the clone do nothing in my next response? Even if he sees the Fuma and predicts she’ll throw it at Kiro, he won’t know the trajectory yet. It gets even more difficult when she throws on the other side of the fire, preventing him from seeing it. I guess I could probably have the clone move to the other side at the end of my post. But if he does, the clone could just throw lightning enhanced shuriken at it in my next and explode it before it reaches either of them.

What are your thoughts or am I wrong again?
Day 5 of Retro is lost...


Now I’m trying to figure out how Sagisō is getting that Fuma off. If she does throw and tries to control it, she’ll be hit with the fire wave which will you stated should be larger.


I visualized the original as this except obviously much, much more smaller. So even if you’re fine with her getting hit, how will she be able to throw it all the way around the fire? If she actually gets hit, she’ll be severely burned at the very least unless she exerts her chakra once more. I suppose it would make sense that way.

Actually yeah, then it would be up to the clone to do something. If that’s the case though, should the clone do nothing in my next response. Even if he sees the Fuma and predicts she’ll throw it at Kiro, he won’t know the trajectory yet. It gets even more difficult when she throws on the other side of the fire, preventing him from seeing it. I guess I could probably have the clone move to the other side at the end of my post. But if he does, the clone could just throw lightning enhanced shuriken at it in my next and explode it before it reaches either of them.

What are your thoughts or am I wrong again?

Since Kiro won't be moving she doesn't need to control the Fuma. She'll just throw it in an arc.

The distance that needs to be covered by the Fire style before it can hit Sagiso, means that given Sagiso and Kiro attack at the same time, by the time the flames get very wide, the Fuma would've already been past that point. This is because the flames only widen towards the end.

Worry not about Sagiso. I have a method. I'll be borrowing the power of your fire style though~

Remember that the explosions from the Kunai aren't set to explode around Kiro, which means the kunai aren't around Kiro either. TIf you want to catch all the kunai in the fire style, you'd need take the end of the funnel (the wide part), and start out with something at a similar width. Which means a shit ton of chakra right from the get go. The fire style would need to start out covering an area larger than Kiro's immediately surroundings.

If you don't aim for the kunai, then the clone needs to be there to protect Kiro from the 3 kunai that'll get blasted towards him.

And if the three Kunai get blasted towards Kiro, then the fuma shuriken approaches through the clouds of smoke, meaning by the time either Kiro can see it, it'll be right in front of them, and its explosion would be able to catch both of them.
Since Kiro won't be moving she doesn't need to control the Fuma. She'll just throw it in an arc.

The distance that needs to be covered by the Fire style before it can hit Sagiso, means that given Sagiso and Kiro attack at the same time, by the time the flames get very wide, the Fuma would've already been past that point. This is because the flames only widen towards the end.

Worry not about Sagiso. I have a method. I'll be borrowing the power of your fire style though~

Remember that the explosions from the Kunai aren't set to explode around Kiro, which means the kunai aren't around Kiro either. TIf you want to catch all the kunai in the fire style, you'd need take the end of the funnel (the wide part), and start out with something at a similar width. Which means a shit ton of chakra right from the get go. The fire style would need to start out covering an area larger than Kiro's immediately surroundings.

If you don't aim for the kunai, then the clone needs to be there to protect Kiro from the 3 kunai that'll get blasted towards him.

And if the three Kunai get blasted towards Kiro, then the fuma shuriken approaches through the clouds of smoke, meaning by the time either Kiro can see it, it'll be right in front of them, and its explosion would be able to catch both of them.
But that’s if he starts the jutsu all over, right? When Sagisō goes up into the air, Kiro will just bring the attack upwards. So the large funnel is already created and he’s just dragging upwards. Meaning when she throws the kunai, they’ll probably be hit soon after they deflect off the first the three. Even when their trajectories redirect, they still have distance to cover.

And sure they will be spread out wide but it’s not like it’s that far away or else the three kunai, which will be enclosed around Kiro, would barely be affected by the explosion.
Hmmm...maybe Kyuu and you have a point when you put it that way. I mean, this is pre-chunnin exam training Zaku XD

Skill levels for faceless ninja have always been wonky though

I said older not stronger. He still got clocked by Genin Shino casually.

And faceless ninja are bottom tier in canon period. Goggles Naruto could probably take an ANBU that's how much they suck.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
I said older not stronger. He still got clocked by Genin Shino casually.
Wellll that part is different. I’d say being weaknes beforehand by curse mark Sasuke and plugging up the main weapon hax play the big factor here.

Even then Zaku still scored a direct hit.

And faceless ninja are bottom tier in canon period. Goggles Naruto could probably take an ANBU that's how much they suck.
Hahaha probably XD. Just ask any minor villain ever
Wellll that part is different. I’d say being weaknes beforehand by curse mark Sasuke and plugging up the main weapon hax play the big factor here.

Even then Zaku still scored a direct hit.

"You couldn't beat me if you had both your arms"

That hit on him did nothing and Zaku was feigning an injury not actually hurt. Shino never broke a sweat during the entire encounter and had every detail planned out from start to finish.

And he ties with Genin Kankuro and would have died if not for his dad's antidote so it isn't like he is Neji tier as in the cream of the crop. Even if he was a badass and still is.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
That hit on him did nothing and Zaku was feigning an injury not actually hurt. Shino never broke a sweat during the entire encounter and had every detail planned out from start to finish.
Extreme Decapatating airwaves would have one-shotted shino if Zaku had the energy and chakra.

And Zaku really was injured, he just managed to get through it. You could see his hand struggling to be open. And Zaku In obvious pain as he was trying.

Because let’s be honest, he was personally picked off by curse mark Sasuke XD most injured of team sound
Extreme Decapatating airwaves would have one-shotted shino if Zaku had the energy and chakra.

And Zaku really was injured, he just managed to get through it. You could see his hand struggling to be open. And Zaku In obvious pain as he was trying.

Because let’s be honest, he was personally picked off by curse mark Sasuke XD most injured of team sound

Again it's a fallacy to say that given the only thing that attack ever did was blow up background trees (Sasuke dodged it). Even then he was never gonna hit Shino with it anyway so it is a moot point.

It's clearly portrayed as Zaku feinting the injury with everyone shocked he could use both arms. Especially in the manga where there is not anime-esque delay in him opening it (Which he did with a smirk in both versions showing no pain).

While this is true he did manage to recover from it as his arms were good to fight despite Sasuke breaking them earlier. My main point :p

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Again it's a fallacy to say that given the only thing that attack ever did was blow up background trees (Sasuke dodged it). Even then he was never gonna hit Shino with it anyway so it is a moot point.
You mean the main tree they were fightinga round and naruto was unconscious inside?

Plus destroying trees is a massive amount of force. It also has a detailed description in the justu manual as well

It's clearly portrayed as Zaku feinting the injury with everyone shocked he could use both arms. Especially in the manga where there is not anime-esque delay in him opening it (Which he did with a smirk in both versions showing no pain).
Fairly good point in the manga, except in the manga he screams in agony as well and falls unconscious due to the sheer shock of the pain. So...

While this is true he did manage to recover from it as his arms were good to fight despite Sasuke breaking them earlier. My main point :p
I would beleive this a lot more of Kabuto was seen healing them or something, because otherwise it just doesn’t add up
You mean the main tree they were fightinga round and naruto was unconscious inside?

Plus destroying trees is a massive amount of force. It also has a detailed description in the justu manual as well

I'm just saying it is unspecified how effective this move would be against people since it never hit anyone. Also....substitution jutsu, it's not hard to avoid an attack that only targets one direction :p

Fairly good point in the manga, except in the manga he screams in agony as well and falls unconscious due to the sheer shock of the pain. So...

You do realize he's had time to heal between that and the Shino fight right? The fact is he shows no fatigue or actual injury minus the fake one he pretended to have to try and have an ace in the whole versus Shino.

I would beleive this a lot more of Kabuto was seen healing them or something, because otherwise it just doesn’t add up

I mean if we can use headcannon to justify stuff why not here? We don't see what happens between their fight and the Prelim Exam.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
I'm just saying it is unspecified how effective this move would be against people since it never hit anyone. Also....substitution jutsu, it's not hard to avoid an attack that only targets one direction :p
Deidara was beaten through almost pure substitution justu. That thing should really not be in the discussion here...

You do realize he's had time to heal between that and the Shino fight right? The fact is he shows no fatigue or actual injury minus the fake one he pretended to have to try and have an ace in the whole versus Shino.
He showed a ton of fatigue. Bloodsoaked bandages and his hands being shaky
But that’s if he starts the jutsu all over, right? When Sagisō goes up into the air, Kiro will just bring the attack upwards. So the large funnel is already created and he’s just dragging upwards. Meaning when she throws the kunai, they’ll probably be hit soon after they deflect off the first the three. Even when their trajectories redirect, they still have distance to cover.

And sure they will be spread out wide but it’s not like it’s that far away or else the three kunai, which will be enclosed around Kiro, would barely be affected by the explosion.
If he drags the jutsu upward the funnel still gets scattered as he isn't changing the direction of the flames that have already left his mouth. He's just redirecting the direction that he's expelling the flames towards.

The explosion of four paper bombs at once will also scatter the stream of flames, so the Fuma is still pretty safe. With the funnel scattered by the explosions it's also easier for Sagisō to simply dodge.
@kyuukestu What was the scenario for Kiro tanking the attack again? He gets severely damaged and what happens to Sagisō?
Ah, yes, if you tank the explosion, she'll use the Mountain Crusher/Vacuum Palm to forcefully slam a wall of compressed air and chakra into the fire stream. The sudden influx of pressurized oxygen and the compressive force will cause an explosion to erupt. The explosion will knock her out of the path of the Fire Release, but she's not the durable type, so she's tanked just about one too many explosions today.

She'll plummet to the ground, though she'll be a bit out of it and nearing unconsciousness. Kiro can catch her...I guess, but I can also resolve the plummet myself if needs be.

If ya don't wanna do that, then we can keep fighting.
Ah, yes, if you tank the explosion, she'll use the Mountain Crusher/Vacuum Palm to forcefully slam a wall of compressed air and chakra into the fire stream. The sudden influx of pressurized oxygen and the compressive force will cause an explosion to erupt. The explosion will knock her out of the path of the Fire Release, but she's not the durable type, so she's tanked just about one too many explosions today.

She'll plummet to the ground, though she'll be a bit out of it and nearing unconsciousness. Kiro can catch her...I guess, but I can also resolve the plummet myself if needs be.

If ya don't wanna do that, then we can keep fighting.
You know how when Naruto was fighting Pain, he had two backup clones in sage mode? When one dispersed, Naruto immediately got into Sage Mode again. So technically, if Kiro’s clone disperses, he should go into LCM. With that, he’ll be able to move away from taking the explosion at point blank range.

I would also try to find a reason for Kiro to catch her but the attacks would happen simultaneously I believe.
At that point, the Xuanwu division will reveal themselves, and Hinagiku can arrive, and he can be suicidal and attack Hina if you want.
Cursed seal and lightning armor should be able to atleast prevent any serious injuries if he can move out the way in time. Kiro should have enough left to lash out at her with one final full power attack. He’ll still be pretty bruised and bloodied though. Will also need to figure out a reason why his coat or whatever he wears wasn’t ruined too.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Cursed seal and lightning armor should be able to atleast prevent any serious injuries if he can move out the way in time. Kiro should have enough left to lash out at her with one final full power attack.
That does sound plausible.

Sagisō: *ruffles Kai's hair* Guess we'll let Kiro decide, eh? *Cough* My mistake. With your Konoha imported sugar.
Kai: *twitches* do you want frozen blood? This is how you get frozen blood...

Hama: I made these? Honestly you act like we can’t make sugar. You act as if the Nadeshiko has any resource to their name~
Who else ships Kai x kiro and Sagiso x Azumi?
I do ship Kai x Kiro.

Azumi though? She seems more lone wolf to me