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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

First Exam:

  • Written exam

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • ??? New exam

    Votes: 7 58.3%

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  • Poll closed .
And I do appreciate that, especially given all I've ever been in this is the negative nancy of the RP who takes the fun away from everyone else and yet you still think this way.
Well, someone needs to be the voice of Reason, right? It certainly wouldn't have been me nor Shen lol.

I like to think I can create more fun for myself than anyone could possibly extinguish, so you're certainly not draining my enjoyment.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
I do want to see exactly how a Kiro-Kai meeting would play out, and I do plan on letting it happen.

Yeah, I’ve thought of some possible interactions and how they could play out. Same with the Sound as well. This is basically my second go at the Kai-Sound conflict inside Kiro. Hopefully this time I don’t come out with any regrets.

Huh. That would be something alright
Eh, not sure if the Uchiha were the most numerous Clan, but I think all Clans that had been around since before the Era of Shinobi Villages should have upwards of a hundred members.

Uchiha, Hyūga, Senju; as descendants of the Otsusuki they should be among the oldest Clans in existence tbh.

The Uchiha were numerous to be an entire mini-village unto themselves after they got ostracized from the village, so they should have a decent number of people.


Slight correction to Phrasing. Oldest Shinobi Clan.

It's uncertain which Clans would've existed before the introduction of Chakra to the world, so it's hard to say.
Well, someone needs to be the voice of Reason, right? It certainly wouldn't have been me nor Shen lol.

I like to think I can create more fun for myself than anyone could possibly extinguish, so you're certainly not draining my enjoyment.

Well, this is incredibly encouraging. Constantly worry my concerns of "my cast is ruined" and what not kill the joy for everyone involved...
Well, this is incredibly encouraging. Constantly worry my concerns of "my cast is ruined" and what not kill the joy for everyone involved...
Hey, hey, hey, push for what you want, this ain't a one-party show. Everyone needs to enjoy this to get the best results.

Besides what you think might kill the joy could just be an opportunity for one of us, so speak up and speak out!

Regarding Azumi vs. Sagisō, your plans with their current mission was an amazing opportunity for me to chart a way to get that fight. I have mentioned that Sagisō would be a sorta maid for a while, and the Clan she ends up staying in could very well be the corrupt type.

I'd write the Patriarch to be corrupt enough to grab Azumi's attention, while in contrast his family, and kindly wife, would be kept in the dark. Said kindly wife is who Sagisō would be indebted to.

If Azumi decides to attack that family, that'd give them both a reason to fight each other with conviction.
It would likely paint Azumi as more of a villain from an outside perspective.

Sagisō's stance on the matter would probably more like;

There is no good or evil in this battle, only who is left.

I don't think she'd consider Azumi's actions evil, because they can be rationalized, but she wouldn't give an inch because of that. It would simply be up to which of them triumphs.

I mean if the clan or what not is corrupt and does have those connections to the Big 5 she probably wouldn't care what public perception things of her actions. Though she'd try to avoid making it obvious what they did to the general public as their party of three probably wants to avoid as much retaliation in the early stages from those nations as they can.
I mean if the clan or what not is corrupt and does have those connections to the Big 5 she probably wouldn't care what public perception things of her actions. Though she'd try to avoid making it obvious what they did to the general public as their party of three probably wants to avoid as much retaliation in the early stages from those nations as they can.
Secretly plotting to send a Konoha team after them anyway.

The Sagisō-Azumi fight wouldn't be anywhere near now though. Easily a year or two in the future by Rp time.
You relax as well.

Think about how you imagine playing it out. Think about if you even want Kiro to face this right now. Fleeing from an encounter is a method of dealing with it as well, and if you don't want to outright turn away then I'm happy enough to have Sagisō help you out.

Take your time ya know. This is very important for Kiro's emotional development after all. So take it at your own pace.
Thanks for this. I do wish I thought more about what I wanted during the previous arcs.

Currently, Kiro isn’t that great with emotions. Being mentally defeated is what caused him to make the rash decision to go with the Sound in the first place. His stance when Dosu and Zaku first approached him shows how he thought about the Sound when he was thinking straight.
‘Contract?’ That’s when Kiro realized what Dosu was talking about. He had nearly forgotten from whom he had received the curse mark from. It had been a good minute since he had made any contact with Orochimaru. ‘Power in exchange for allegiance?’ Kiro fully remembered the part where he had willingly surrendered himself for power. However, aligning himself with Orochimaru wasn’t really part of his plan. He already had the curse mark so he wasn’t sure what else he would need from the cunning snake. Not fully understanding what was given to him, Kiro believed that all he had to do was awaken the curse mark to achieve a greater level power. If that was the case, Kiro figured he no longer needed Orochimaru. Besides, he had barely even used the curse mark, which meant he had no guarantee that the power it had was efficient enough. With no guarantee of power, why should align himself with such a creature?

However, Kiro wondered why they had come now. All he knew was that there was a fight going on with all the ruckus happening outside his room. He could hear the screams of the many staff members and patients alike. It seemed whatever was going on, these Sound ninja seemed to be on the right side of things. Being aware of the probable situation, Kiro decided it would be better if he just played along. Maybe these Sound shinobi would be able to give him some insight on his curse mark as well as what was going on.
This rational thought was nullified once Sagisō made him feel weak and useless after saving him three times in the span of five minutes. Four if we count her saving him from Azumi about an hour or two prior.

Kiro quickly looked away, not even wanting to see the level of disgrace he had fallen to. All of that and she was still standing. It sickened him all the way to his core. All it took was a hit to the head and Kiro could barely even think straight and this girl... Was he really that far behind? Clearly the path he had been going on for the past few years wasn’t the right one. The level he was at right now, it was inexcusable. He breathed heavily as these thoughts flowed into his mind. The experience he had right now, these events that had happened during the exams, it showed him that if he kept going on the same path, he would never reach the destination he wanted. Subconsciously, his hand moved up to cover the cursed seal on his neck. ‘I can’t- I can’t let this happen to me ever again.’
This is not Sagisō’s fault though. I place this on Kiro’s flaw of allowing his emotions to obstruct his thoughts.

Another example of his emotions getting the better of him is with Fugaku. He had finally decided to go with Kai back to the Mist before Fugaku got into his head. Technically Kiro’s imprisonment could be linked to Raiku since he was the one who gave Fugaku the necessary information to taunt Kiro with. He even told Kai to ignore Fugaku before the Uchiha was brought up. After that, Kiro stopped thinking straight. This time his emotions caused him to lash out and he’s currently a prisoner because of it.

‘Clearly making everyone my enemy is not going to work...’
That was literally the first thing he thought of when he woke up from his ‘coma’. From there, he’s been trying to change his attitude. His first try was not a success.

“Listen, I didn’t come here too deal with this nonsense. However, I know none of us started off on good terms so it’s understandable if you share some resentment towards me.” The Uchiha let out a sigh, still contemplating how he should continue. “Earlier when I woke up, some little girl, a Hyūga I presume, assaulted me and ran off. Now I’m basically trying to get these items back to her.” He lifted up the towel and bucket, revealing why he held the two items. “I was also hoping she would be able to tell me what’s going on... but maybe one of you know?”
Sagisō’s reaction showed that his shift attitude was noticeable.

'...what!?' Pupils dilating in shock, and lips parting in befuddlement, Sagisō's astonishment was on full display as she listened to Kiro...sympathize and then...'try' to a nice person- emphasis on the try. She could still see the faint outline of a bruise on his face, one which just so happened to fit the curvature of the bucket in his hand. Her eyes narrowed into crescents, and soon to follow were her lips as they curved into a soft smile. To think the ever prideful Kiro would've been reduced to such a state after being assaulted by a little girl- how adorable~ ♥


Practically cooing, Sagisō spoke, stifling giggles, "You're probably looking for Raku, and in that case you're lost." Gesturing toward the building Kiro had just tried to enter, she explained "That's the training hall, you won't find any answers there, instead you should head to the main hall, over there." As she finished up she gestured to the Main Hall, the building Tayuya would've just exited from.

"However...if you have questions, then I'm sure I can answer them, you don't need to scare any more children with that steely mug of yours."
But once again, Kiro’s emotions get the better of him as he then goes on a rant against Tayuya while inadvertently managing to insult Sagisō. That response to Sagisō was actually a joke that actually ended up showing how Kiro still has a condescending attitude with him. He tries to correct this with another joke but fails miserably...
The Uchiha hadn’t meant to insult her with his comments. He did make a mental note to work on a more friendly tone when speaking to neutral threats. “Raiku, sorry about bothering you again but are all the Uchiha petty or is it just me? I mean I don’t care either way.” Strangely, Kiro started off his question by apologizing first, hoping that it didn’t sound as if he was trying to be insulting. “I would prefer if it was just me though. It would be horrible if all the Uchiha were petty... you know, because they’re a clan and I, uh...” Before he could finish, Kiro covered his head with the towel in embarrassment. “Nevermind.” He really needed too work on his self deprecating jokes because that one just failed entirely.
I also love how Raiku and Sagisō’s stance towards Kiro’s change differs. They both see what he’s trying to do but their views on it are different. Where Sagisō is seemingly shocked and more accepting at first, Raiku doesn’t seem convinced and is certain that Kiro can’t change.
What the? I guess he is trying to act nice. Whatever, this is still the same power hungry moron that I’ve hated since the day I saw him, and according to him he’s not gonna change.


Why tf did I just spend an hour writing this? Well there’s much more to Kiro’s emotional development throughout the story but I’m too lazy to go any further XD

Oh and I’m all for Sagisō helping him out but Kai’s reaction might be... interesting lel
Currently, Kiro isn’t that great with emotions. Being mentally defeated is what caused him to make the rash decision to go with the Sound in the first place. His stance when Dosu and Zaku first approached him shows how he thought about the Sound when he was thinking straight.

Didn't Kiro get the Curse Mark when he had just finished pancaking Tomiko? He didn't join after the Azumi fight he already had gotten the mark and given loyalty by then?
Thanks for this. I do wish I thought more about what I wanted during the previous arcs.

Currently, Kiro isn’t that great with emotions. Being mentally defeated is what caused him to make the rash decision to go with the Sound in the first place. His stance when Dosu and Zaku first approached him shows how he thought about the Sound when he was thinking straight.

This rational thought was nullified once Sagisō made him feel weak and useless after saving him three times in the span of five minutes. Four if we count her saving him from Azumi about an hour or two prior.

This is not Sagisō’s fault though. I place this on Kiro’s flaw of allowing his emotions to obstruct his thoughts.

Another example of his emotions getting the better of him is with Fugaku. He had finally decided to go with Kai back to the Mist before Fugaku got into his head. Technically Kiro’s imprisonment could be linked to Raiku since he was the one who gave Fugaku the necessary information to taunt Kiro with. He even told Kai to ignore Fugaku before the Uchiha was brought up. After that, Kiro stopped thinking straight. This time his emotions caused him to lash out and he’s currently a prisoner because of it.

That was literally the first thing he thought of when he woke up from his ‘coma’. From there, he’s been trying to change his attitude. His first try was not a success.

Sagisō’s reaction showed that his shift attitude was noticeable.

But once again, Kiro’s emotions get the better of him as he then goes on a rant against Tayuya while inadvertently managing to insult Sagisō. That response to Sagisō was actually a joke that actually ended up showing how Kiro still has a condescending attitude with him. He tries to correct this with another joke but fails miserably...

I also love how Raiku and Sagisō’s stance towards Kiro’s change differs. They both see what he’s trying to do but their views on it are different. Where Sagisō is seemingly shocked and more accepting at first, Raiku doesn’t seem convinced and is certain that Kiro can’t change.


Why tf did I just spend an hour writing this? Well there’s much more to Kiro’s emotional development throughout the story but I’m too lazy to go any further XD

Oh and I’m all for Sagisō helping him out but Kai’s reaction might be... interesting lel
Believe it or not, Sagisō is probably the single most forgiving character in the RP.

Just look at all the stuff Kai's done to her from her perspective;

Hospitalized x 1
Blackmailed x 1
Betrayed x 1
Put her sister in Danger x 3
Tried to kill her sister x 1

She's got a serious bone to pick with him if they do meet this arc lol, so she'd definitely run interference.
Didn't Kiro get the Curse Mark when he had just finished pancaking Tomiko? He didn't join after the Azumi fight he already had gotten the mark and given loyalty by then?
Kiro hasn’t given no loyalty towards the Sound... he just took the cursed seal without thinking much of it. Kiro didn’t even know he had to join the Sound until Dosu told him. I even mentioned he was against that idea.
Kiro hasn’t given no loyalty towards the Sound... he just took the cursed seal without thinking much of it. Kiro didn’t even know he had to join the Sound until Dosu told him. I even mentioned he was against that idea.

I mean the entire point of the Curse Mark was to give your loyalty to the Sound that is kinda how it works XD

This is like signing a contract, then reading the conditions after said contract and then complaining about it lol
Kiro wanted to just hit and run lmfao.

mentally, he was saying

Now that I have the curse mark, why would I need Orochimaru?

A criminal through and through was planning to steal from Orochimaru.

Which is fine but IRL he should have known what Kiro was doing getting a curse mark and how that perception would carry over with him both in the discussion and among out cast in the universe lol
Which is fine but IRL he should have known what Kiro was doing getting a curse mark and how that perception would carry over with him both in the discussion and among out cast in the universe lol
I thought you guys knew Kiro didn’t want to join the Sound. He would’ve gone right back to the Mist if Dosu didn’t come and pressure him to follow the Sound. Remember how I stated back then I didn’t want Kiro to betray the Mist so early... the view you guys have of Kiro now is the exact reason why.
I thought you guys knew Kiro didn’t want to join the Sound. He would’ve gone right back to the Mist if Dosu didn’t come and pressure him to follow the Sound. Remember how I stated back then I didn’t want Kiro to betray the Mist so early... the view you guys have of Kiro now is the exact reason why.

Well this might have helped if you didn't have Kiro accept the offer/deal made by the Sound in literally the first interaction between the two lol. You can't get the benefits but none of the backlash.


Previously 5DigitNeb
I thought you guys knew Kiro didn’t want to join the Sound. He would’ve gone right back to the Mist if Dosu didn’t come and pressure him to follow the Sound. Remember how I stated back then I didn’t want Kiro to betray the Mist so early... the view you guys have of Kiro now is the exact reason why.
hey I didn't say he should go to the sound, I was just liking everything. Blame Shen if anything.
Retro's right though, it was never mentioned to Kiro that he would need to join the sound.

Kiro curiously watched as Orochimaru whispered something into Zaku’s ear. He could’ve sworn he heard the word ‘Uchiha’ mentioned, but he didn’t say anything. They did seem like they were taking about him and Kiro did want to know what it was about. From the corner of his eye, he saw Madoka leave the arena. He also took notice of the girl, Azumi, who was watching them from the balcony. Kiro wondered how long had she been there. However, his thoughts were cut off when Orochimaru started to walk up to him with a smile that gave him an eerie vibe.

Kiro was not expecting that response he received from Orochimaru. Was he being serious about giving his vote? Kiro couldn’t tell through the snake’s impression. However, Kiro was also unsure how to take his compliment. “Thank you I guess.” Kiro thanked Orochimaru. He watched as Zaku tailed Orochimaru and stood next to him doing some type of pose. It was clear that he truly respected Orochimaru. Kiro just didn’t understand why, other than the fact that he was Zaku’s sensei. ‘What game are you playing?’ Kiro wondered as he continued to watch Orochimaru carefully.

A bit suspicious, Kiro watched as Orochimaru and Zaku walked into a secluded area in the tower. Kiro knew he shouldn’t be following the two but something beckoned him to go with them. Kiro would never know why he did, but little did he know, it would change his life forever.

Kiro slowly took one step forward to test his mobility and it seemed he was mobile enough to walk. With that, Kiro started to go down the dark corridor Orochimaru and Zaku had went through.

As Kiro followed, Orochimaru chuckled, echoing throughout the deserted hall. There were four pillars standing up in this hall with a space between them that seemed made of stone. Orochimaru and Zaku turned around when they met the sight.

“So you’ve decided to come, good....” Orochimaru licked his lips. “You have quite the odd past done you? An Uchiha of the leaf, finding himself in the bussom of the mist, not feeling too loyal to either of them...is that right?”

Suddenly, two figures came from the shadows. One a girl and the other a boy, both bearing sound headbands. The were on the other side of the middle section between the pillars, looking onwards as Orochimaru continued.

“What if I could show you a new way? Show you a path where you could find purpose. Along the path will also be littered with prizes, not only that, but I will guarantee you...” Orochimaru learned in close to the genin, whispering his finishing words. “Power beyond comprehension.”
Orochimaru just tempts him with 'Power Beyond Comprehension'
Kiro wondered what was so funny that it even got the snake laughing. He was about to speak up when they finally stopped. Kiro took a moment to silently observe his surroundings. There were four pillars standing up in the hall with a space with a space between them made out of stone. Kiro wondered what that was for, but he didn’t question it.

When Orochimaru started to talk about the Uchiha bloodline, as well as his loyalties, Kiro became interested in how he seemed to know so much. He did take notice notice of the two figures in the shadows on the other side of the pillars.

‘Purpose?’ What purpose did he have in this world? ‘Path?’ What path would he take to serve his purpose? ‘Prize?’ What would be his reward for the path he took? No dreams could ever be achieved in this world. That was unless one had the power to make their dreams a reality. Kiro had slowly started to understand. All his life, he had witnessed the weak perish while the strong lived on. The shinobi right next to him held power greater than he had ever faced. Kiro wasn’t even sure if the Mizukage could beat this ninja.

Kiro looked down at the palm of his hand. If he wanted power, then this could be a great opportunity, and one that he wasn’t about to waste. A small grin started to form on Kiro’s face as he formed a fist with his hand. He raised it a little as he started to speak. “Power beyond comprehension...” Kiro paused as he looked up at Orochimaru with a determined look in his eyes. “...sounds like a power worth wielding.”

Orochimaru’s grin widened immensely, the predator’s eyes eerily leering at the young Uchiha. Two fangs seem to protrude from his mouth, as he leaned in toward him. Eyeing him up and down as he withreated his head

“The powers of Earth and Heaven, within two separate seals. I would never dare put them in one person. The sheer power would kill you.” Orochimaru said, backing up toward the altar. “Seperate but equal...that’s when they can by used to their true potential.”

Zaku immediately knew what he was referring to. Curse seals?! He is thinking about giving the newcomer a curse seal?! He couldn’t wrap his mind around Orochimaru’s reasoning. He had to object.

“O-Orochimaru Sensei, do you really think that-“

“Hush Zaku, you want your gift don’t you?”

“Gift...?” Could he really mean...?

“Happy birthday Zaku.”

Orochimaru had NEVER celebrated his birthday before, it was a shock that he even remembered his birthday. Amongst that, such a big gift, the greatest honor in the sound, and from someone who saved him from being beaten to death on the streets as a kid. It filled Zaku up with gratitude. Tears welled In his eyes, but he won’t dare shed one.

“Thank you...Orochimaru Sensei...!” Zaku said, trying to keep his voice calm.

Orochimaru walked right into middle of the altar, beckoning to the both of them with a Single finger. Zaku withou heistation walked into the altar and brown before his Kage, as the two figures behind them stepped forward, a foot behind Orochimaru.
Then he gives Zaku and Kiro the curse seals. and Kiro passes out a few posts later.
Kiro eyed Orochimaru with keen interest as the snake leaned in closer to him. He noticed the two fangs but didn’t suspect them of anything.

‘Earth and heaven...’ Kiro thought as he listened closely to what was said. Two boundaries that should never be broken, let alone put together. ‘The power that I could possess...’

Kiro’s eyes immediately turned to Zaku’s direction when he heard the name ‘Orochimaru.’ ‘So that’s his name.’ Kiro had heard the rumors of a certain ninja known for his experiments as well as his malicious ways. Kiro slightly grinned when he put the pieces together. He was standing right next one of the most infamous ninja in the world. Yes he was a criminal, but if one of the legendary sanin was willing to give him power, then Kiro would take it. “That power, give it to me.” Kiro spoke up as he walked forwards. Kiro unconsciously let his desire for power control him rather than the more calmer, smarter part of his mind.

“Good boy, I expect to get a return on this investment soon enough as payment for this act of generosity.”

Orochimaru cupped Zaku’s face, as well as Kiro’s. His wide grin got inhumanly wider as his neck cracked and snapped, stretching toward the two boys. His fangs protruded like a snake as he bit into Zaku’s neck first. Zaku winced as his master did so, the fangs then leaving the now open wound, a thin tattoo like marking was left over, three curved markings around it. Orochimaru then turned to Kiro, chuckling to himself as he then bit into his neck. The snake ejected the curse seal onto the boy, taking his fangs out. This seal was thicker than Zaku’s, the theee curves were black with a circular end curving towards the middle.

Zaku panted, trying to endure the pain he just had to face as drops of his own blood hit the altar floor. Kin grinned begin Orochimaru at the sight of the two before her. The other figure behind Orochimaru seemed to be unreadable. Orochimaru withdrew his neck as his head snapped grossly into place once more.

“Kehehe...it is done.” The snake sannin said. “Zaku, you will control power of the earth seal, to master this would be to master yourself and your inner workings. Take care to not lose yourself or you may end up losing your life.”

Zaku couldn’t quite put together his master’s riddle or metaphor, he couldn’t tell. He only winced at the burning pain at his neck, gasping a it. Orochimaru turned to Kiro.

“You Kiro, have been given the heaven seal. Your power will shatter the sky and pierce the heavens.” Orochimaru explained, his eyelids blinks from the sides. “That is...if you have the strength to get that far. If your body proves weak, your seal may reject you, killing you painfully. But if you survive...well...it will be interesting to find out what happens, don’t you think?”

“Wait what?!” Kiro exclaimed when he saw Orochimaru bite Zaku’s neck. Kiro didn’t know whether to stand still or get out of the way. ‘No, I won’t back out now!’ Kiro mentally prepared himself for what was about to happen. However, he wasn’t prepared for the stinging pain that came afterwards. Kiro gasped in pain as he fell on one knee. He hadn’t experienced anything like this before. He could feel the blood dripping down from the inflamed part of his neck. But he would have to endure it for the power he hoped to gain.

He would not allow this power to overwhelm him. Death would not be something that would come so easily. No, Kiro would control this power. Kiro took a deep breath as he closed his eyes. Memories of his past flickered through his mind, showing him the pain and suffering he had gone through. He would return that suffering to those that had caused his pain tenfold. Kiro would not allow himself to die here or anytime soon when he still had so much left to do.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
I thought you guys knew Kiro didn’t want to join the Sound. He would’ve gone right back to the Mist if Dosu didn’t come and pressure him to follow the Sound. Remember how I stated back then I didn’t want Kiro to betray the Mist so early... the view you guys have of Kiro now is the exact reason why.
Actually, Sasuke was attacked against his will and given the curse mark XD.
Well this might have helped if you didn't have Kiro accept the offer/deal made by the Sound in literally the first interaction between the two lol. You can't get the benefits but none of the backlash.
Yeah. There’s no turning back at this point. Orochimaru has patience, but don’t think it lasts forever. After all, he sent Absurd after Katsuo, what do you think he would do to Kiro?