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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

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One question though.

Kiro's current actions are trying to prove his use. He's displaying all his good points.

He's following thoughts of They won't kill me so long as I appear useful so I'm making myself seem useful. Which is opposed to thoughts of They're most likely going to kill me so I need to escape.
This is true. Which is why I’m going back to my original idea. I just changed my mind a few hours ago so sorry if that last idea seemed kinda wack. I need to stop second guessing myself lel
This is true. Which is why I’m going back to my original idea. I just changed my mind a few hours ago so sorry if that last idea seemed kinda wack. I need to stop second guessing myself lel
lmfao, indecisiveness might just be a Kiro trait. Seems like I might get to use Crying for Rain after all. That song would require a situation where Sagisō is frustrated over her partner's ambiguousness.
lmfao, indecisiveness might just be a Kiro trait. Seems like I might get to use Crying for Rain after all. That song would require a situation where Sagisō is frustrated over her partner's ambiguousness.
I mean my idea was already set in stone for the past few weeks once I knew the potential of Kiro meeting up with the Sound. He already knows Hina is testing them. But Kiro wasn’t certain Tayuya knew. That’s why I was questioning you a few weeks ago whether or not Tayuya could be killed off. I was thinking of Kiro letting Tayuya go to the Sound without mentioning anything. Then either Hina could kill her or Kiro would have permission too since she would be a traitor. Plus I already stated since the beginning of the arc that Hina would have to be confirmed dead for him to betray the team. There was even that other plan we talked about.

So honestly, I don’t even know what I was thinking flipping the script all of a sudden. I blame it on the fact it’s late af and I wasn’t thinking straight. Literally forgot about all the development I had this arc for a moment there lmao
I mean my idea was already set in stone for the past few weeks once I knew the potential of Kiro meeting up with the Sound. He already knows Hina is testing them. But Kiro wasn’t certain Tayuya knew. That’s why I was questioning you a few weeks ago whether or not Tayuya could be killed off. I was thinking of Kiro letting Tayuya go to the Sound without mentioning anything. Then either Hina could kill her or Kiro would have permission too since she would be a traitor. Plus I already stated since the beginning of the arc that Hina would have to be confirmed dead for him to betray the team. There was even that other plan we talked about.

So honestly, I don’t even know what I was thinking flipping the script all of a sudden. I blame it on the fact it’s late af and I wasn’t thinking straight. Literally forgot about all the development I had this arc for a moment there lmao
Based on character motivations I would definitely kill Tayuya, but I won't because I'd like to see her convert to Nadeshiko. What I'm doing now is simply aiming to orchestrate a scenario in which the Sound betrays Tayuya, which I think I can pull swiftly.

I'll probably have Hina rush over to Kakashi's battlefield right now and then engage team Sound. I'd like to see whether they'll risk life and limb to protect a weakened Tayuya (curse-mark sealed) and themselves from the assault of both Kakashi and Hina.

Ideally, they'll abandon her so I'm hoping for that.
Lel jk but I’m not sure if you would’ve had her have the same reaction with someone else.
It was what I hbd planned since the start of the arc
In the RP? Where one bad judgement one mistake can ruin your character or entire team in the arc? Not so easy, I have to think of every detail, every possible angle to look at something to avoid making a costly error that will be exploited by better Rpers here.
Doesn’t bother me
I never considered myself a good writer anyways. Compared to you guys, I have to put in a lot of effort to keep up with the quality. Combined with my flaw of being lazy and easily distracted, I can take hours writing a simple post. That’s not including the fact I have to think of nearly every possible reaction I can get and how it could affect my OCs future. So yeah, it’s quite troublesome for me and if it wasn’t cuz how much I enjoy having fun here with you guys and how invested I am, I don’t know if I would’ve lasted.
This only bothers me a bit

The curse marks offer like...the lowest tier of power boosting that exists in the series. Capping off at around the boost of a version 1 Chakra Cloak at 1 maybe 2 tails if we stretch it.

Chakra Modes
Sage Mode
Tailed Beat Cloaks

At the very least most of these offer a power-boost comparable to 4 tails Version 2 Cloak, in some way, shape, or form.

Well, to be fair the Curse mark does outclass one-off power-up items, but I think it'd need a version three to actually stay relevant. Just staying as an inferior Sage mode will leave it little room for flexing in Shippuden when it goes up against the real deal.


Previously 5DigitNeb
"to the point where with the second level, Sasuke was equal in power to Naruto's one-tailed form"
"Prolonged use of the cursed seal corrodes the mind, making them more susceptible to Orochimaru's influence."
"Orochimaru developed Mind Awakening Pills to advance cursed seals to their next stage. Under normal circumstances, the pills kill those who take them, requiring that they be placed in a near-death state after taking the pill while their body acclimates for the heightened transformation.[14]"
Basically if Kiro went to the Sound he betrays Kai truly in exchange for stage 2 and training. He has not gone through prolonged use so Orochimaru can't even use it to control Kiro. Also, even if he did his curse mark stag 2 would only be equal to one tailed Version 1. To finish it off, even if he feels pain from Orochimaru through the curse mark, he can easily get it another seal to make that disappear. Honestly the only way for Orochimaru to exploit this curse mark is if Shen uses AU excuse to make a way to get past the reasons why curse mark doesn't mean Kiro has to care at all about the sound.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Yeah I know. That’s honestly the part that I’ve been worried about the most and why, like Kyuu said, he’s been playing both sides. Who knows what Orochimaru could do to him? It’s a very dangerous game Kiro is playing.
Very... To think you’d try and turn your back on someone you’ve signed a contract with. Trying to weasel out of a deal with the devil never goes well.
I feel like Shen might have something else up his sleeve. We’ll see though.

We indeed will
Betraying is one thing, but betraying after one day on the job is another XD
I mean I’m surprised they weren’t suspicious from the start. I remember when Dosu kept urging Kiro to use the cursed seal. That was angering him and if the hole didn’t open up, he probably would’ve turned on them there. Like I said, Kiro never had any intentions of joining the Sound early on. He only went because he was in an emotional state after Sagisō shattered his pride by rescuing him three times in the span of a few minutes. That’s not counting the fact he was just humiliated by Azumi before being saved by Sagisō.

If it weren’t for those circumstances, Kiro would not have tried to betray anyone except the Sound.
Hyuga coming up
You’re really confident... but that’s cool XD

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
I mean I’m surprised they weren’t suspicious from the start. I remember when Dosu kept urging Kiro to use the cursed seal. That was angering him and if the hole didn’t open up, he probably would’ve turned on them there. Like I said, Kiro never had any intentions of joining the Sound early on. He only went because he was in an emotional state after Sagisō shattered his pride by rescuing him three times in the span of a few minutes. That’s not counting the fact he was just humiliated by Azumi before being saved by Sagisō.

If it weren’t for those circumstances, Kiro would not have tried to betray anyone except the Sound.

You’re really confident... but that’s cool XD

Except he swore his loyalty when he got the curse mark, a month before the Azumi situation.
Honestly through Shen's bitch slap kinda really ruined Kiro's perception.

Tayuya had just cast a Genjutsu (With the added echo effect for good measure) to chat with him where he could explain his plan to her and they could play a betrayal on his end so Tayuya wouldn't consider him a traitor to the Sound. But yeah then it happened and well ^^'

Honestly shocked Retro didn't fight against this.
Jutsu Submission Format:

Training Method:


Name: Something-Something Air Walk -undecided-
Rank: D

Type: Movement

Effects: Similar to the Walk-on-Water charka technique, this jutsu allows one to make temporary 'foot-holds' in the air itself. Much like its predecessor, the Shinobi utilizing the technique must be able to account for all the changes in the air-currents as they try to stabilize themselves in mid-air. Adding in too much or too little results in failure of the technique as the shinobi will end up 'sinking' from too little chakra or 'pushing' themselves away with too much chakra.

Training Method: Gaining a feel for air-currents is very difficult due to their subtle nature. Actually gaining the ability to accurately sense changes in the air is the first hurdle to learning this jutsu.

The recommended way of learning is to practice in a wind tunnel or another such natural formation through which strong winds pass. By meditation and getting a feel for the stronger, easily discernable air-flows, the user can then apply that knowledge on increasingly smaller scales until they can perform the jutsu with regular air flows.

Requirements: Extremely Minute Chakra Control & Perception of Air Currents
Name: Something-Something 8 Meridians -undecided-
Rank: 2 Meridians - B Rank : 4 Meridians - A Rank : 8 Meridians - S Rank
Type: Supplementary

Effects: Allows the storage of chakra inside the Eight Extraordinary Meridians.

Training Method: In-depth study of the Chakra Network & Meridian System, Know-how of methods to improve internal energy flow, concentration & chakra control needed to store chakra in each meridian and prevent it from back-flowing into the user's chakra network.

Requirements: Extremely Minute Chakra Control, In-depth Knowledge of the Meridian System, Adept at Chakra Flow,
Name: Something-Something Overflow
Rank: Varies
Type: Supplementary

Effects: Pumps the stored chakra through the user's body, allowing the to achieve a hightened state for as long as their reserves hold out.

Training Method: Chakra control training on a micro-level. Specifically training to control the excess flow of chakra within their chakra network and meridians.

Requirements: Something-Something 8 Meridians

Name: Water Chakra Mode
Rank: ?
Type: Supplementary
Training Method:
Requirements: Water Chakra Nature.
Name: Eight Trigrams: Water Casting Net
Rank: ?
Type: Offensive-Defensive Ninjutsu
Effects: Creates a net of sticky water chakra using the precision of the gentle-fist.
Training Method:
Requirements: Gentle Fist - Intermediate Mastery, Water Chakra Nature
Name: Something-Something Scorch Something
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Effects: Allows the user to super-heat their chakra.
Training Method:
Requirements: Fire Chakra Nature

@5DigitNeb this one's for Raiku
I wanted to make one for Kiro...but the only thing coming to mind right now is photo-electricity which isn't going to work in the way I was envisioning...blame my physics exam. Will, get back to you on this one.
Last edited:

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Honestly through Shen's bitch slap kinda really ruined Kiro's perception.

Tayuya had just cast a Genjutsu (With the added echo effect for good measure) to chat with him where he could explain his plan to her and they could play a betrayal on his end so Tayuya wouldn't consider him a traitor to the Sound. But yeah then it happened and well ^^'

Honestly shocked Retro didn't fight against this.

Hold up there. I asked your permission if I could do the slap, and I also asked if Kai could navigate through the genjustu. You said yes to both. Don’t go and revising history XD
Hold up there. I asked your permission if I could do the slap, and I also asked if Kai could navigate through the genjustu. You said yes to both. Don’t go and revising history XD

The bitch slap was your surprise for the situation. I did expect you to break the hold though am foggy on whether I expected it to last longer than it did or not. Either way this is about our situation that Retro didn't speak up on screwing Kiro over.
Hold up there. I asked your permission if I could do the slap, and I also asked if Kai could navigate through the genjustu. You said yes to both. Don’t go and revising history XD
Did you do that in convo cuz I went back to the discussion and most of us were surprised by it? I even have a quote from you talking about the surprise.
So my misdirection worked! 8) I feel accomplished now

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The bitch slap was your surprise for the situation. I did expect you to break the hold though am foggy on whether I expected it to last longer than it did or not. Either way this is about our situation that Retro didn't speak up on screwing Kiro over.
I remember specifically asking your permission in the convo, going something like this:

“Is it okay if I have permission to auto a bitchslap on one of your characters”

You: “....what the hell XD. Uh...sure? Why?”

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
I mean, this is vague and doesn't specify it happening right after she cast the Genjutsu. Or even on Tayuya.

I....sent you over my draft and you approved it yourself....can’t get any more run by you than that XD
View attachment 704517
I....sent you over my draft and you approved it yourself....can’t get any more run by you than that XD

Probably caught up in the hype of the moment more than anything. Honestly though this was a major error on our ends, not the slap (That was worth it) but the timing. Should have delayed it a post or two to give Kiro a chance to clear the air with Tayuya and fought for it like I fought for every other nitpick XD