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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

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Who’s to say they weren’t just a day behind?

That's a total ass-pull and you know it.

That would mean all 5 Kage simultaneously decided to send an entire army after 1 Jinchurikik, Henshina, which is the only jinchuriki they should've known about when deploying forces.

So an army could not logically be a day behind, it wouldn't even be ready to depart.

The only Countries that have any reason to have an army up and ready are Kumo, who gathered from reports, and the Mist who just fought Damos.

Since Damos just shafted the Mist's armies, clearly they're not going to win any fights.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

That's a total ass-pull and you know it.

That would mean all 5 Kage simultaneously decided to send an entire army after 1 Jinchurikik, Henshina, which is the only jinchuriki they should've known about when deploying forces.

So an army could not logically be a day behind, it wouldn't even be ready to depart.

The only Countries that have any reason to have an army up and ready are Kumo, who gathered from reports, and the Mist who just fought Damos.

Since Damos just shafted the Mist's armies, clearly they're not going to win any fights.

There’s a difference between asspull and plot progression. For example, sand siblings coming to aid against the sound four.

Absurd’s posters could have been different messages for each village, giving each an incentive to send their army. For example: telling them that there were 3 jinchurki: Yukimaru, Kin, AND heshina. And that forces of the enemy were thought to be heading their, giving them a time crunch
There’s a difference between asspull and plot progression. For example, sand siblings coming to aid against the sound four.

Absurd’s posters could have been different messages for each village, giving each an incentive to send their army. For example: telling them that there were 3 jinchurki: Yukimaru, Kin, AND heshina. And that forces of the enemy were thought to be heading their, giving them a time crunch
and Absurd did this when?

and we're all so eager to dance to Orochimaru's tune why?

In the first place, the Mist shouldn't even be deploying to get a Jinchuriki since they were so terrified by Damos coming to take theirs than they just rolled over and played dead.

No Mist Shinobi has any mind wanting to get involved with a Jinchuriki given their earlier reaction. I honestly only expect Mei and a few scattered shinobi to have the gall to even step foot from under their beds.

Besides, I'm not keen to deploy an army after that Damos attack. We've got several casualties (not deaths though) that need to be handled, and structural damage to the village etc.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
and Absurd did this when?

and we're all so eager to dance to Orochimaru's tune why?
Could say a day after each one mobilized each’s forces

In the first place, the Mist shouldn't even be deploying to get a Jinchuriki since they were so terrified by Damos coming to take theirs than they just rolled over and played dead.
Fair point, though they could get a precense, just a small one, like let’s say them trying to secure Hama, who is their chief medical ninja and knows the best way to go about this Damos rain solution. She is their best bet with it.
Could say a day after each one mobilized each’s forces
Damos managed to walk over here from the Mist in a couple hours. The Mist army would already be here. Hell, the Mist army would've left before Damos arrived, or encountered Damos and gotten wiped.

Taking a step back, even if the Armies departed a day after the teams left, none of them would arrive for now. Armies are large and slow, they can't keep pace with a small group.

Iwa and Suna have 0 justification for being able to march an army across the continent and through other nations to get here.

So we're back to square one where the only possible people that are here are Kumo, the Mist, and possibly Konoha.
Fair point, though they could get a precense, just a small one, like let’s say them trying to secure Hama, who is their chief medical ninja and knows the best way to go about this Damos rain solution. She is their best bet with it.
I'm already sending Mei herself. But I've no intention of pretending she'll try to talk down Kumo. She might try to secure some benefits, but logically she and Jin knows they can't aggress Kumo given they just got slapped by Damos.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The Kage would also all be massive cunts for letting our small teams keep going when they knew an army was gonna be required :T

Cause if they knew an army would be needed for whatever was there then this:

Kage: Well...they're too far ahead...nothing we can do now, guess they'll all die.

You misunderstand. That’s a part of the incentive. You see, since everyone has due diligence to risk in this situation with star ninja of their villages as collateral such as Kakashi, pakura, Hama, etc. then they would be forced to bring some forces or else risking losing them and the chance of those 3 jinchurki
The leaf is close by too, and hearing 3 jinchurki would be there they would send a large sum of forces.

This is not close :T

They're in the middle of the Land of Fire, the army would have to march half the country away.
You misunderstand. That’s a part of the incentive. You see, since everyone has due diligence to risk in this situation with star ninja of their villages as collateral such as Kakashi, pakura, Hama, etc. then they would be forced to bring some forces or else risking losing them and the chance of those 3 jinchurki
Or they could you know, send a message telling them to wait for the army instead of letting them march like idiots into a suicide mission.
What abou team guy during the sasori arc? They didn’t get a notice either even though they were failing Akatsuki while trying to get a Kage
Again, these are threats where the Kage thought another 4 person team would be enough.

This is a case where the Kage said Oh, wait, this is serious, we're gonna need an army!

The mere fact that they thought it so severe an entire army would be needed, but still chose not to even give a heads up to the team of genin they'd sent, is nothing short of a dick move.
Teams Kakashi, Suna and Hina can just retreat. Kumo and Kiri are the ones who will be most affected by it. The chances of Suna even getting anything are slim as it is. This is a suicide mission basically only working in the Mist’s and Kumo’s favor. Kyuu basically said all my points on this though.

As for reinforcements, no. The Leaf may be the third closest but that’s still not even close. Also I don’t know if I like the ‘who’s to say so and so did this.’ That’s an asspull that can be abused in so many ways now and down the road.

The logical choice is retreat for the Leaf and Sand. The Mist need those two to help and not the other way around since the Kaiju is closer to their borders. If those two retreat, they aren’t really affected by anything the Kaiju does. Kumo gets one tailed beast and maybe two if they decide to turn on the Mist. As for Suna, Pakura just needs some convincing to understand that it’s basically suicide with a dismal chance of getting anything. Rasa would understand according to Koop. And later they can come to an agreement on getting another jinchuriki.
I'll be detailing how the scene will go from Hina's perspective:

So Pakura tells Hina that she somehow managed to convince Kakashi into a suicide charge against the double Biju. Skeptically, Hina agrees to help, but she expects them to fail so she's actually going to reserve chakra for escape.

The three allies Jonin fight the Biju for a while with help from Hama (not an ally, so no Hina doesn't trust her.) until the Mist or the Valkyries or something arrive. Upon seeing that they're grossly outnumbered, Hina or someone else can say: If this Biju gets taken down, then we'll be the weakest group standing. Let's just go for Kin while the others are distracted.

So the Konoha/Suna alliance make a grab for Kin and get out of there. By that point Yukimaru should be weakened enough for the people remaining to take him out.

Suna gets Kin as to their deal, and whoever takes out Yukimaru afterward between the Mist and Cloud can do...whatever.


Previously 5DigitNeb
I think kumo has taken the biggest risk this arc. Imo logically the Big 5 should’ve kept half their armies at home in case this was a trap and send half of their forces to capture henshina. They could not have appeared since they were only scouts and got later than the more quickly assembled genin squads who got lucky to see Henshina already. The scouts noticed the two other jinchuriki and are notifying the other elite ninja from their village that were sent about the situation and are ready to mobilize. Team Valkryie seeing Darui join the fray could’ve decided to jump into it without scout preparation. Take my suggestion and do what you want but that’s my stance if we’re gonna use Valkryies as an excuse form Kumo to steamroll everyone
I think kumo has taken the biggest risk this arc. Imo logically the Big 5 should’ve kept half their armies at home in case this was a trap and send half of their forces to capture henshina. They could not have appeared since they were only scouts and got later than the more quickly assembled genin squads who got lucky to see Henshina already. The scouts noticed the two other jinchuriki and are notifying the other elite ninja from their village that were sent about the situation and are ready to mobilize. Team Valkryie seeing Darui join the fray could’ve decided to jump into it without scout preparation. Take my suggestion and do what you want but that’s my stance if we’re gonna use Valkryies as an excuse form Kumo to steamroll everyone
Yeah they might’ve taken the biggest risk but they are about get a pretty big reward lel