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Draco summon wing's as he turn into a orange red color "Flame Wing's yeah" he called out in a cold voice "so who's first" Draco ask while he look into the sky to tell what time it was "Day or Night" he thought to himself.
Jon looked at the girl. " Hey." He said with a smile on his face. " Aint much now but someday this will be a prospering village." He said as he smiled a her.
Draco then jump just in time for the wind to pick him up and allow him to use his Flame Wing's better. "So who want's to see my real power first" Draco called out before he started to spin.
Alex reacted quickly, his eyes went from blue to red and was able to accurately predict Draco's movements before he made them, which made it easy for him to dodge. Alex then jumped into a nearby tree, "Man, this guy's not messin' around, but now's my chance." Alex said, "Rin! You got him!" Alex yelled over to Rin as he jumped from tree to tree with great speed. Alex then got behind Hyrain and swung his blade at his back, this all happened in a matter of a few seconds.
Jon looked at the girl. " Hey." He said with a smile on his face. " Aint much now but someday this will be a prospering village." He said as he smiled a her.
"I look..." Cybele yawned "...Forward to that..." Cybele rubbed her eyes "I should really be going home now... You can visit me anytime, it's the Giant Oak Tree in the Forest " Cybele ran off back to her home to doze off onto the land of dreams
Rosa finished her mural and sat back. She smiled up at it before she sat down to keep track of her fire. She ate a little more do her berries then laid down and caccooned herself in shadows. She whispered a goodnight to her friends before falling asleep.
Draco quickly shot a fireball at Alex before he turn to face Rin "how about i just take you both on then" he ask while Draco started to blast around the tree's settinh each one on fire. "I hope you like a forest fire" Draco called out in a cold voice while setting another tree on fire but soon it would turn into a forest fire.
The fireball kept Alex from hitting Hyrain, with that, the Alex behind Hyrain disappeared; it was only an illusion after all. Alex jumped out from some bushes and stood next to Rin, "This is gonna be bad, we should finish him quickly. Let's attack together." Alex said to Rin as fire began engulfing some trees.
Tim heard crackling fire and ran outside, he saw the forest fire. "What the hell happened here!?" He cried out. Tim ran to the trees that were on fire. "Better stop this before it spreads too much." He thought. Tim flailed his arms to the side. "Time Zone!" Tim shouted as a blueish zone appeared. He then fast forwarded the fires and made them burn out. He then backed up a little. "Still haven't recovered all my energy."
After his failed attempt at finding Dirk Strider, Jack could no longer ignore the overwhelming, tempting power surges. He'd gained enough power to make all this other power look like an appetizing snack. Didn't help that he could literally eat energy now. So, with this in mind, Jack took flight heading for the forests, sending out a powerful blast of energy at them, an emp. If they were smart, they'd know something was coming. He wanted them to be ready when he got there. This time would be different from last time. He could smell them already, and they were making his snout salivate. Damn, he hated these Dog instincts and stuff, but that's what you get by killing the 'Man-Wolf'. His impressive 20 foot wingspan took him far, and fast. He was nearing. He was ready. And he was hungry.
Taylor eagerly took the bologna, as she'd not eaten anything decent in nearly a year now. It was evident she was in the dark for a long time. Her pearly white skin made her really stand out. "Thank you." She mumbled through a mouthful, trusting this guy more and more. The shades did seem familiar. She'd seen pictures of the guy somewhere before. She was unsure where, but she was recognizable.
Cybele's eyes Widened feeling something was disturbed she went at the wooden balcony of her tree and saw a forest fire accumulating on the horizon "..." Cybele jumped off the Balcony and landed on a Slime

Alyssa had also caught the attention of the Forest Fire as she suddenly appeared beside Tim still a little Tipsy but could retain her balance for a while at least "OK you sons of bitches your gonna stop right now before I make you!" Alyssa shouted to get their attention but immediately getting her work done for her by Cybele as seen by the Slimes Consuming Hyrain, Draco and Rin "OK normally I don't like killing but you need to stop burning the Forest..." Cybele entered riding a Slime "Holy God that's a Massive Slime..." Alyssa said pointing to it with her Glaive
Draco felt someone coming but that didnt help him, as Jack attack hit him causing him to fall into the ground but still had enough energy to get back up and flew into the sky. "Someone's coming i can feel it" Draco told himself while he look around for Jack to come.
"Now's my chance." Alex said, while Draco wasn't paying attention he jumped into the air and rushed him at an incredible speed and thrusted his blade at his back, hoping to finish him in a single blow. Alex prepared to dodge any incoming attacks, the circles arounds his pupils spun faster and faster, trying to predict his next movements.
Jack's attack had also hit the Slime that was holding Draco subsequently, it exploded "Bleh....Ew... GROSS!" Slime had gotten into Alyssa's mouth "ALRIGHT WHO DID THAT?!?" Alyssa's Glaive started to glow Purple
Jon heard the commotion and walked up to them. He picked everyone up and bounded their arms to their sides. "Alright what the fuck is going on." He asked. a little bit of blood dripped from his nose.
"They started a freaking Forest fire" Alyssa pointed towards the trio "and why the heck is your nose bleeding?" Alyssa tilted her head her Glaive's Glow started to fade they didn't even noticed it in the first place "They tried to hurt my forest!" Cybele shouted
Draco looked up at the sun while the sword was Thrusted into his back "NOW IM MAD" he yelled out as blood ran from his mouth and into his hands. "Time for you to DIE" Draco called out just as he fire fire increase and instead of causing a forest fire everything that was 5 feet from Draco instantly set on fire just like his emotion.
" Unlike some people." He said as he started to lower Alyssa and Cybele down. " My powers have draw backs." He said as he pushed the fire towards the bastard that caused it. incasing it causing the oxygen around it to deplete. He felt his knees weaken but he held on.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH TOO MUCH FIRE" Cybele got off the Slime and started panicking and running around in circles, Alyssa then started to walk towards Draco "You caused this..." Her eyes started to glow Purple "You fix it..." Alyssa held Draco by the neck and let him go
Syler looked at the clone and put his hand on the clone electrocuting it. " If you want to talk. Talk to me yourself not one of these clones." He said before leaving.
After a while Syler saw the creation of a forest fire. he watched the man and studied him. He licked his lips as he watched what was going on.
Dillon finally caught up to Rin and Alex after he allowed his jaw to fully recover. "Hey, what did I miss?" Dillon asked before noticing there were more people. Then he looked above to see that Alex had launched himself and Draco. There was also some guy pushing back the fires with mind powers apparently. "Damn, I missed so much."
Alex used Draco's back as a springboard and jumped back to Dillon and Rin, but was still severely burned. "I think I hurt em'" Alex said with a smirk as he sat on his knees while his, his arms were badly burned and his clothing was charred.
Draco fell to the ground just as the oxygen started to disappear "your lucky cause if it was dark i would have been Unstoppable" Draco mutter before be fell unconscious from lack of oxygen.
Hyrain raised his hands, the tornado descending onto him. At the same time, the clouds above him began to darken and the windspeed began to pick up. He growled, thrusting his hands forwards, and towards Alex
" You." Jon yelled as he walked over to the burned guy. He placed his hand on the guy healing his wounds before falling unconscious. Blood came out of his nose and eyes.
Gale's nose caught the danger before her ears did. The shifter's eyes shooting open when she realized that their was a forest fire outside. The blaze almost completely surrounding her den. She started to panic and she scrambled for the entrance. A large on fire log falling in the way. She tried to teleport out of her den but was to panicked to do the action. I steady she curled into a ball and shifted once more. The dirt and root that made up the roof of her den bursting open as she took off. A roar ripping from her throat as she flew higher and higher into the sky. Her feathers and plume of fur singed and still slightly burning as she made her way toward the clouds above.
Dillon watched as Hyrain's tornado came charging at Alex with his air powers. "Yeah, that's not going to happen." Dillon stated before firing a bolt of black lightning at the tornado since it was charging directly at them.
Alex looked over at Jon as he healed him, "Thank you very much." Alex said. The teen felt good as new, he stood up and was ready to support Dillon, "Let's show these guys not to mess with us." Alex said, his eyes tracked every movement the new guy made.
The lightning stopped mid air and reversed straight back at Dilon. " I sugest you back away from them." Syler said as he walked towards the man. " Unless you want to be my first victim."
"Too much is happening..." Alyssa sipped a Juice Box whilst her elbow was standing on her Glaive's Hilt "Yo Jon stop exhausting your powers!" Alyssa Still didn't move from her stop just gave a bit of advice since Blood was literally coming down from his eyes
Dillon just allowed the reflected lightning bolt to strike as his body absorbed his own electricity. "What do you mean stay away? He through fucking tornado at us!" Dillon exclaimed before realizing Slyer was also an enemy.
"Aw hell," Lucas muttered. What was supposed to be a quiet mission was catching the attention of the very people Lucas wanted away from the base. Lucas picked up the mic and broadcasted through the base, "Levi, if you're in here then they're gonna need you outside. Be ready." Lucas would've gone out himself if not for the sunlight. Lucas was already in a weaker state after using his powers at the prison in full daylight. ( @Trainer_Zander )
Gale let out a roar again. She was flying around be forest, searching for somewhere safet to land before realizing it seemed to not be helping. She found the edge of the flames and started to decend. Squashing out flames to the best of her ability. Taking to the sky again she tried a new idea, her primal and normal brain agreeing for once. She started to circle. Moving faster slowly and trying to tap the heat so that there was no oxygen.
To stop that crazy mother fucker." He said as he looked at them. He was lucky he changed forms. " The name's Kyle." He said "It's nice to meet yall."
Draco slowly open his eyes to see everyone "now it's time" he told himself as he slowly got up and made a dash to the base "Hahahaha see ya later" Draco called out just as he disappear from view
Alex pulled out his sword again, "He is probably their defense or support, we should probably take him out first." Alex said, "Let's do this." Alex said, getting ready to attack Syler. They would have to take him out fast so he couldn't deflect anymore hits.
Alyssa spit out her Juice and immediately followed after Draco "Oh no Bitch..." Alyssa climbed onto the trees making a faster way towards the base but still being outrun "LUCAS SOMEONES COMING GET READY" She screamed at the top of her lungs hoping he would hear her
"No you don't!" Dillon yelled as he saw Draco fly towards the base. Dillon generated more electricity before dashing after him. He went so fast he looked like a bolt of lightning charging through the forest.