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Open Outcasts Discussion

Thanks @koopa000, and I did say that....Did anyone pay attention? Also, just because I literally have no idea what's going on, could someone tell me what happened since the Ashley x Dasken moment?
Well... Dasken asked Ashley out with out a response, single-handedly killed two mutated lions, a mutated gorilla, and got help killing a mutated hippo. The battle destroyed the base, and Dasken went apeshit when going after Zane. Darcel healed them both, Dasken discovered a new level of power, and Zane says he may know how to help Dasken control his power. Dasken is really rattled, since he doesn't know what happened to Ashley or heard an answer from her.
I've actually been thinking about how Zane could help Dask control his powers. I have the basic part down, but I'm still trying to figure out how to get through "nuclear mode" as that's the biggest problem. The constant recharge would have to be stopped for a while otherwise his power level would always be going up. And if it's always going up, it's going to be harder to control. I just need to figure that out and then the plan I have could work.
Shouldn't there be a way to stop that constant recharge? So that the only time he has to recharge is when his power is actually low instead... And once he actually controls his rage mode, he would be able to tap into that nuclear power and take from it's unlimited supply of energy. I just got that idea from Naruto! Have you ever watched it? If not, I can explain.
Please do explain. There is, however, something that you do not understand.
When his conscious supply runs out, his subconscius supply takes it's place while simultaneously refilling itself, hence his aura starting up. That is a release of energy that is from his body as a result of recharging.
Think of it as, say... the static electricity that sparks from your fingers when you walk on a thick carpet. He absorbs that energy from all around him, and between that and the energy already inside him, some mixes and is released. That is pretty much what his aura is, which is why it also burns. The more it expands, the more power he is using.
In Nuclear Mode, he's still releasing and reabsorbing his subconscious supply, except there is so much more energy being swapped that his body reabsorbs it, resulting in a constant flux of reabsorbed power. It must all be released before he goes back to normal, and it only really happens when his power is surpressed completely, but is not drained.
Please do explain. There is, however, something that you do not understand.
When his conscious supply runs out, his subconscius supply takes it's place while simultaneously refilling itself, hence his aura starting up. That is a release of energy that is from his body as a result of recharging.
Think of it as, say... the static electricity that sparks from your fingers when you walk on a thick carpet. He absorbs that energy from all around him, and between that and the energy already inside him, some mixes and is released. That is pretty much what his aura is, which is why it also burns. The more it expands, the more power he is using.
In Nuclear Mode, he's still releasing and reabsorbing his subconscious supply, except there is so much more energy being swapped that his body reabsorbs it, resulting in a constant flux of reabsorbed power. It must all be released before he goes back to normal, and it only really happens when his power is surpressed completely, but is not drained.
So I'm trying to process this information which is actually really interesting. So if he's being drained, would he still be recharging properly?
Well, when he recharges, he turns his subconscious supply into his conscious supply, in theory being stored in two different places.
If he would be drained of power, then left alone, he would most likely charge as normal.
However, if he were being drained while charging, his body would automatically augment the charging power to the speed of his energy being drained. In other words, the faster he's drained, the faster he recharges. However, the faster he recharges, the more energy he absorbs at once and, if the draining stops before he fully recharges, I suppose that the constant inpour of energy COULD make him go nuclear.
If his subconscious supply were to be drained before he could recharge, then it would merely take him a lot longer to recharge.
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Sorry for taking so long. I'm hanging out with my family while going over all this information and transferring it to give Dask control. I think I found something, but just posting to let you know I'm still on and why it's taking so long.
Beware, one of my longest posts ever!

His rage mode is his subconscious power atm, right? So in order for him to gain control, he would have to train in Rage mode without losing control. He probably already tried that but would eventually lose control because he had nothing to stop him from losing control and had to stop training. In order for him to attain control, he would have to practice while tapping into his rage power for set amount of times without losing control. Eventually after training for longer and longer set amounts of time while not losing control, he will gradually gain control of that power. The only problem is, he needs someone or something to keep him from losing control just in case he loses it in one of his training sessions. Is that the basics of at needs to happen?

The reason I say it's like Naruto, is that when he was younger, he had the same problem. When his friends were in danger or he was in grave danger and was powerless to do anything, he would tap into the massive reserves of power he had. He basically had the strongest evil tailed beast sealed inside him which had almost unlimited amounts of energy. When Naruto wasn't able to do anything with his own power and his friends were hurt he would become enraged and lose control of himself as he was forced to use the evil beast's energy. There were multiple incidents where he just lost it as he used the beast's evil power, even attacking his own teammates. One great example of him being consumed by rage is the Naruto vs Pain fight when his (Spoiler: future wife) was almost killed in front of him. Epic and probably one of the best fights in the series.

Throughout the series, one of his masters was there to help him gain control of the beast's power and tap into it without losing control because whenever he would use the beast's power, he would go out of control. His master would undo the seal while Naruto tried to use the evil power without losing control. And if he did lose control, his master would close the seal and stop him from using that power. Eventually he befriends the beast and is able to control the power through training and stuff like that. There's a lot more to it, but I don't want to explain the whole Naruto series right here.

How this relates to Dask you might ask. Well it's almost the same thing except Dask doesn't have a beast inside of him. He does have an unlimited supply of energy. And when he rages, he subconsciously uses his stored energy, and like Naruto, he loses control.
That could very well work. Now, however, thanks to Syler, Dasken has some level of control. His mind still tends to a homicidal path, though, and therein lies the problem. If he can somehow get his willpower strong enough to push those thoughts aside permanently, he could control the rage.