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Ask to Join Outcasts

Midnight looked at Rufus, surprised.
"You survived here alone for four years?" he asked, before stepping off of the rock he was standing on "I come from a camp, made pretty recently, of people like you and me, exiled from society... outcasts."

"I'll take you there" Midnight said, turning around to return to camp. "It's one of the safest places for people like us, provided Dasken is in a good mood and we aren't being attack by- OH COME ON!"
He had looked into the clearing, and had seen Fae's tent with all of the cages behind it, and all of the soldiers

"I leave them alone for half an hour" he sighed, before turning back to Rufus "sorry, we're normally not like this" he sighed "but our leader recently... left us... can you fight?"
Fae just glared at her and let out a soft growl. She flinched at her vocal cords and glared at the rest of them.
Thomas just grinned down at her, keeping his tongue still.
Lyric smiled and when the boy gained a little bit of consciousness. She helped him slowly drink some water and eat a little bit of soup. He fell back asleep and Lyric ran her hand through his hair.
Rufus seemed to smile before returning back to his dull look. "... You need Rufus's fists?" He swung his fists onto his chest repeatedly in a gorilla-like fashion, letting out grunts of pride. "Rufus will lend you his fists!" Rufus said, dropping back down on all fours. "... Question is, what is the reason why you need my fists?" He asked, looking up at Midnight expectantly.
Kia drooped then she started to walk to wear she maybe thought lyric could be , the forest" Lyric?" she asked then she drooped "where are you" she whispered then she drooped deeply
After making it back to the bunker. Joshua gently laid Grace in one of the bunks. He looked over and saw Lyric attending to a small kid. He wanted to walk over to her but he knew she wouldn't want to speak to him also he couldn't look at her without feeling guilty. He proceeded to walk back to his campsite. He entered the tent and fell asleep.
Ken appeared beside the guy carrying Fae. "Your Steven right? Set her down over there where the bath is, it used to be a cell." He then walked to the wall beside it. "Lets get to work." He then started digging the dirt at hight speed and finished in no time. He looked at his hands that were slightly bruised. "Maybe I should have wore gloves."
Lyric looked up when Joshua entered. She didn't say anything and just looked back down at the child in her arms. He made a noise in his sleep and slowly his eyes blinker open, "who are you miss? Where are mommy and dad"?
"I don't know bud, I don't know. Just go back to sleep for a little bit".
"Okey, my name is Zackery," the boy mumbled and curled back up again. She put him in the bunk room and dusted herself off. Looking at
Everyone else she folded her arms, "seems all of you were successful".
"Well, some of us were," Ashley said as she entered the tent. "Apparently someone's going around drugging Outcasts. I saw and tried to have Wings here get Josh. Apparently that didn't work. If this is where it starts and ends, then we're definitely in luck."
"Atleast no one is dead," Lyric folded her arms and stretched. She looked over to the knocked out Grace and glaring Fae, "who are they and why are we keeping them alive. Yeah sure".
She formed crystals for the bars once Steven was out and sighed, trying to not look at the passed out grace. She looked at them both and ran a hand through her hair, "I'm just telling you this because I trust you and don't know what to do. I was angry and somehow go to the road, a car came speeding over a hill, I panicked and now there's a kid in the bunk room with out parents".
Joshua woke and walked out of the tent. He figured it would be best if he stayed here and as far away from the others as possible. He wondered if they would even care if he just disappeared from them. Hell his own blood doesn't care.
He picked up his knife and messed with it a little bit. He was tired of putting up the brave persona he's been showing. Behind all of that he's just a depressed teen who doesn't have anyone to lean on. He took the knife and started to cut his arm.
' You live alone. You die alone.' he thought. He laid down on the ground and gazed at the sky.
Lyric looked at the two before grabbing her jacket and slipping it on. She checked on the boy to see he was awake and looking bored. The talked quietly and Zackery got onto Lyric's back. She gave the boy a piggy back ride and waved to the others, "I'm going to show them around".
She walked out of the bunker and started to run, holding onto Zackery. The boy laughed loudly and the two ran past Joshua's camp.
Steven was getting situated in his bunk. He stopped as he clenched his heart. He knew something was wrong.

Joshua looked at the sky. he was barley able to keep his eyes open. " Guess this is it." He thought. He heard the hounds howl. The howls where of sorrow. Joshua's eyes closed as the embrace of death loomed near.
Akron picked up the sound of a mournful howling somewhere off in the distance. "Josh?" He ran to where the sound came to see Josh looking at the sky sadly. "Josh? What are you doing?"
Ashley looked outside to where Joshua was. She saw him there and saw the red on his arms. You've GOT to be kidding me, She thought. Ashley walked out briskly yet calmly. "Don't do it, Josh. Don't. We need you." The calm in her voice was slightly alarming, as if she was getting used to people attempting suicide.
" Doing something useful for once." Joshua said to Akron. He did his best to keep his eyes open. " Tell Steven that I'm sorry." He said. He then heard Ashley. " No you don't Ash." He said. " I've done everything I can." His eyes closed and his breathing became more shallow.
"Dammit Josh, think about what you're doing to Lyric! You're gonna leave her behind!" Akron was exasperated. "What about Steven? Hmm? He'll have to grow up without the support of his big brother! How are you so willing to let that happen? Come on, Josh. You're like a brother to me."
" I betrayed her." Joshua said. " I doubt she cares any more. Steven can take care of himself. Besides he never really cared anyway." He took another breath. " And I barley know you." He said.
Lyric and Zackery got to her tree. He was amazed at her tiny tree house. She helped the boy climb into the tree before getting in herself.
She showed him tricks that she could do with her crystals and Zackery watched with wide eyes.
She sliced the crystals that had formed off and answered his questions.
Grace walked out behind Ashely she tilted her head and hummed in thought. She crossed her arms and showed him the crystal fox from Lyric, "well she did make you this if she's the crystal girl from earlier. Besides I like you and so do your friends so why die when you have people that care about you".
"I'm just tired of this shit." He said still conscious He looked into Grace's eyes then at the fox. Maybe he wasn't done here just yet. " But fine." He said. " Get that thread and hurry." He said pointing at the thread all over the place. "and a needle or something."
Grace gave and crooked smile, collecting what was needed. She plopped down into his lap and handed it to him before going over to Akron and wrapping her arms around his torso and placing her head on his shoulder, "can you patch him up? I don't know how".
Joshua tried to thread the needle but he was to weak. He had to do this. He was finally able to thread it. He put stuck the needle into his arm. He screamed. He closed his mouth as he continued to sew up his arm until it was done. He bit of the end of the needle breaking the thread. He looked at his arm it wasn't pretty but it'll work. Within seconds he fainted due to blood loss.
Lyric heard the scream and picked up Zackery. She zoomed off toward where it came from and froze when she saw what was happening. She put Zackery down and Grace picked the boy up to distract him. Looking at the job Lyric glared at Joshua, "you are a fucking idiot".
She then got to work cleaning off the wound and doing a proper patch job. She pulled him into the tent and pulled blankets over him. She then rushed back to the bunker and got some supplies. She mashed berries up into a juice and left it out before warming up a bowl of the soup she made earlier. She cleaned the wound and sat outside the tent. Zackery stopped playing with Grace and snuck into the tent, sitting beside and looking at Joshua.
Joshua woke up. he noticed he was in his tent. He looked to his side and saw a boy looking at him. "Hello?" He said to the boy. wondering where he came from. "Who are you?"
"I'm Zackery! Who are you," Zack looked at him, smiling widely and showing off two missing teeth. He looked at his arm and frowned, "Miss Lyric fixed you up! It was really really gross, lots of blood".
Lyric heard there talking and got into the tent. She was holding the two bowls and placed them beside Joshua and shooing Zackery out. The boy whined but did as he was told. She then started to look the wound over before going to leave the shelter.
He wanted to say something but knew it wouldn't help. So this was how the relationship was going to be. He breathed out as he watched Lyric leave. He looked at his arm. She did a lot better job than his half conscious self did. " Thank you." He said. Nothing more nothing less. He knew that when she left the tent their attempt at a relationship was over. But it was his fault so he wasn't going to stop her.
"Eat the food," Lyric called over her shoulder. She smiled and spoke with Zackery. The boy looked in awe as she animated a crystal rabbit for him. He hugged it with a smile, "thank you, miss Lyric".
Grace stood by and Lyric met her gaze. The flirt's was proud while the glyph user's was spiteful.
Joshua sat up and started to eat. He was such a fucking idiot.

Steven walked towards the campsite. He stopped as he saw to women glaring at each other. "Hey." He said. " Have either of you seen Josh by any chance?" He asked them. For some reason he knew he should probably stay out of this.
He knew something was wrong with Josh. He always looked up to his older brother though he admitted he acted like a jerk near him. He only sold his brother out because he thought they would help him.
"In the tent," Lyric broke the stare off by turning away and looking at Zackery. He was chasing the rabbit around which she was still animating like it was real. Grace smiled at Steven and walked over, smiling at him. She pressed a finger to his chest, "still nicer tell me your name".
" Ah well..." Steven said. His face turned red. " I'm Steven." He said. "But you can call me Steve." He quickly walked past her and entered the tent. He saw Josh eating soup. one of his arms where bandaged up. " You bastard!" He yelled
Joshua looked at Steven. " Hey Steve."
" Why would you do that." Steven said. Tears where starting to come out of his eyes. " For Pete Sakes Josh you're better than that!"
Grace giggled and caught site of Ashley. She walked over and smiled, offering her hand, "hello, my name is Grace. You are"?
Fae sat in her cell and smirked. She reached up to her collar and pressed a hidden button that opened a com, "turn off collar 475".
There was a hissing nose noise then the collar unlocked and she took it off.
Lyric was now chasing Zackery around. The boy let out a happy scream and they ran around.
Ashley looked at Grace. "Ashley," She said, and shook the hand. I swear to God, if she pulls a dart gun on me I'm gonna go ballistic. Wings greeted her with a tweet.
"Your birdy is so cute," she leaned in close to look at Wings and smiled, putting her face close to Ashly's. She kissed the other girls nose and pulled back giggling. She put her hands on her hips and poured at the collar, "can I have this off. It's really starting to make my skin itchy".
Ashley lifted a brow. This complete STRANGER had just KISSED her on the nose. What the actual crap?! "Um, I don't think I'm the one in charge here. You'd probably have to ask Lyric. She's over there." She pointed to Lyric and the boy.
Grace flinched when she was told this. She regained her personality, "yeah I don't think that's going to be the best for me. She doesn't exactly like me".
Lyric tackled Zackery but turned so that she didn't crush the kid. The two laughed and Zackery giggled happily.