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Private/Closed Pokehuman encounters

Looking over at Sunny's skepticism, he let Allie explain the situation. "I volunteered to do this, yeah. Plus, there's the whole... this that would be basically impossible to hide, so this way our cover isn't blown by me. Maybe by someone else, but it's not gonna be me!" he added to what the part-Gardevoir had said, gesturing to his now-unrecognizable lower body.

He looked over to the part-Espeon again, on the threat that Team Rocket was nearby. "How are they always..." he trailed off, sighing. "Yeah, sure, that's fine," he replied to Eli, listening to everything he said about his Pokeball. "Well, seeya! Thanks for the nickname!" He looked at Eve one more time with a smug expression before retreating with his Pokemon back to the ball.
(OOC: sorry for the short post, want to put something together quick after waking up before j forget.)
Feray had woken up on the wooden floor, and groaned slightly. She had been taken notes late into the night with a little desk lamp on the desk after she realized she could still write in her fancy cursive, which was easier to do than regular print. She looked over her notes again before Zwirra had phased through the wall. He recounted what he had seen, which startled him, but Feray was already aware that had a potential of happening.

"Feray, the guy who recently became part Serperior, he got sucked into a regular PokeBall!"

All Zwirra got was a simple chuckle before she responded. "Get everyone in the room if they aren't already."

Zwirra nodded before gathering everyone. Everyone could see a Dusknoir beckoning back into the PokeCenter before phasing back into the wall and into the bedroom.
"Shoot! He didn't buy it!" Eve grumbled. She would have to take the blame, not Sunny. Eve hated taking the blame. "I'm still going to call him Bozo though," she said with a smirk.
"No your not! In fact, if you continue to act like this I'll have no other choice but to put you back in your pokeball!" Sunny scolded.
Eve went silent at the threat. She didn't even remember what it was like in the pokeball. It couldn't be better than out here, right? "Um, I think I'm just going to not talk for a while." Eve finally replied
Sunny just nodded to her pokemon, then looked at Feray, ready to listen. However, the negative pressure was growing.
Feray had actually forgotten all about the arguments between Sunny and Eve and her body slowly contorted around in an inhuman fashion, glaring at the two as she remembered all the bickering she had to listen to.

"If you two don't figure out how to respect and trust each other in a situation as vital as this, I swear to Arceus I will have Zwirra piledrive you BOTH into the ground. Arguing is going to get us nowhere, and it just brings a bad atmosphere to everything. Change your attitude or else I will," if she could replicate Glare and Scary Face at this moment, she would. Her normal gurgling voice that would be heard was nonexistent as she projected her voice at them, her sight already creepy enough as half of her body was fully facing Sunny and Eve, who were directly behind her.
Sunny went pale and Eve got worked up for another argument. "I would stop if it wasn't for the fact that SUNNY IS TAKING AWAY AL MY FREEDOM. Besides she never got mad about what I said behind her back before. Like she couldn't battle other pokemon to save her life." Eve said. She was baiting Sunny, wanting her to make a scene. However, Jack was there. A little setback that she forgot about.
"Miss Eve, thy comments are disgraceful to our great trainer mistress Sunny. If thou wishth to insult our trainer, do it elsewhere." Jack said to the fox-like pokemon in his usual bow.
Sunny facepalmed at Jack's reply.
Feray raised an eyebrow and got up, half of her body still contorted to face Eve and she got out of the desk, walking backwards until her body twisted it back around to its normal orientation. She did so without stumbling, which told everyone she was getting better at controlling herself. Copying the menacing glow of her Pokemon's eye, her eyes began glowing in that menacing red and yellow aura as she peered down upon the feisty Evolution Pokemon.

"I don't know what bad egg you bred from, but you should be ashamed of yourself. You are acting like a spoiled brat of a teenager. The only reason why she didn't get mad was because she couldn't understand you. You can't blame the inability of a trainer for your own horrid behavior and your own thoughts. I suggest you get used to the idea that she is half Pokemon until we get back to normal. Maybe your fucking attitude towards her will change then, but maybe not because you are completely disgraceful and are ungrateful towards the things your trainer has done for you to keep you healthy and happy."

She looked over at Sunny with an apologetic look, her eyes ceasing the glow. "I'm sorry you have to deal with this. And thank you for not causing a scene. It was likely what Eve wanted in the first place, as she wants to rile you up for some reason. I suggest you try to stay calm and defend yourself if you absolutely need to or just stay silent if Eve starts making comments towards you or about you. That behavior anyway is absolutely vile anyway and a trainer doesn't need to defend themselves against their own Pokemon," at the last sentence, she glared at Eve, her menacing glowing eyes returning before she calmly walked back to her seat, her silent anger slowly ebbing away.

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Taillow looked at the weird conversation between the eevee, the espeon human and the ditto human. he have already snapped out of the shock after the Gardevoir explained the situation.
However, he then remembered what the espeon said before, that made him wonder about that rocket team.

"Sorry to cut off your... Odd conversation, but who is that 'team rocket'" he asked in curiousness, he didn't know a thing about them.
Feray looked over at the questioning Taillow from over her shoulder and responded, her gurgling voice returning back to normal. "I will speak of them when everyone has gathered. I'm assuming since it's been a few years since their last uprising that hardly anyone remembers them as they are, especially with everyone's ages here."

She picked up her notepad and began to add a few notes to it, namely about the PokeBall fiasco that happened earlier among other things.


Previously EeviumZ
Allie whispered to Sunny, "Did I mention how similar Eve is to my Eevee?"
Eevee looked slightly nervous. "About that.. Allie, do you mind if we talk? In private?"
Allie nodded, a bit confused. She turned to the group, and said "One second, please."
She followed Eevee into the corner of the room. Unbeknownst to them, the group was within earshot.
"What's up, Eevee?" Allie asked, concerned.
"I - I just wanted to apologize. I haven't been the nicest lately. You've done plenty for me... I just like to be rebellious. It makes me feel... cool, I guess. I hope you forgive me..."
Allie couldn't believe it. "I - didn't know. I forgive you, Eevee. You don't need to be rebellious to be cool... just be yourself!"
The trainer and Pokemon hugged, and walked back to the group.
"What happened?" Talia asked, curious.
"I'd rather not say, for Eevee's sake." Eevee smiled at Allie when she said this.
Eve gave Sunny a nasty look. "Not fair I got your attitude from you! Always so sarcastic and remember what you said before you became part Espeon." Eve said, trying to bait Sunny once again. She wanted to have her trainer look at her and say something. She wanted her trainer to tell her how much she loves her and to tell her to stop. But she wouldn't get that from Sunny.
Sunny just ignored Eve. She had it with her fox-like pokemon! She was ready to recall Eve and keep her in the pokeball until she grew up.
Jack looked at Eve "Tis your own fault, Eve. Misstress Sunny wouldn't approve of such horrendous acts thou insist upon doing."
If Feray could snap her head back towards Eve, she would, but she kept her head where it was at and read through her notes again, as trying to scare Eve wouldn't do much, and it seemed like the silence of her trainer was already getting to Eve. All Feray could do was reinforce her statement. "I suggest you don't blame your trainer for your own bad behavior. It is your fault that you took her personality, not hers. My Dusknoir doesn't act the same way I do. In fact, he treats me like his child at times. Of course, I can't blame you for looking up to your trainer, but I can blame you for being rude to your trainer. She never tries to be rude to you it seems like, and yet you give her such a bad mouth."

Feray sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of her nose. She felt her nose squish in between her fingers and move about. Chuckling, her body became a little more fluid before retaining its original shape. Now that she had finally gathered everything together for her notes, she got up from her chair, spinned it around so it was facing everyone, and sat down again, waiting for everyone to come back to the room.
Eve waited for her trainer to say anything. Yell at her, scold her, even tell her how much she hated her. She didn't care what Sunny said at this moment, she just wanted to hear her voice. Ever since Sunny could understand her she felt like she could say everything that was on her mind to her trainer. But she was unable to. She didn't know how to, so she just started to argue with her. She had always been snarky but never took it out on Sunny, never was snarky all the time. Now that Sunny was ignoring her she felt alone. Eve looked at Sunny. Sunny just kept on looking ahead. Eve started to think that maybe that was the wrong course of action. She looked down. Her ears drooping and her usual smirk was gone. She looked at the floor and started dragging her paw across the ground.
"H-hey, I feel for Reuben." Stephen said, taking off his sweatshirt. He was wearing a white tank top under his sweatshirt, but right above the back of the tank top were 2 wings that went down to his hips. "These things are light, but annoying. I bet he'll be able to control his tail in no time."

"I-If Reuben wants help...I-I'd be glad to...without capturing him..." Stephen said, with a wide smile. "C-Can you release Reuben, like what some people do with pokemon?"

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli looked outside "I understand your concern Stephen, but it's not about control, Its about stealth" looking back at him he said "Me and Reuben talked for a while and even if he mastered his tail, there is no way to hide it" Looking back outside he said "Collect your stuff, because if team rockets out there, we need to go" He adjusted his hat and collar, getting ready to go

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Taillow nodded slowly in understanding, he still was not sure about that team, the only thing that came to the bird's mind was those people in black that attacked him and Jolty.
That reminds him, taillow looked back at the emolga human, she was still asleep and a few sores were still on her.
That made the bird pokemon worry, she is sleeping for a very long time, she is still recovering so thats a relief, but its very slow Taillow thought to himself as a worry look appeared on his face.
Fluff and Voodoo was still talking with each other near the center.
"Its still weird to hear you and Mystic like that, but i think im starting to get use to it, to my new body too" the flareon said and waved his tail in excitement.
"Thats good to-" Voodoo wanted to say but his ears suddenly twitched, same as the flareon's ears.

"Did you hear it?" Voodoo said, "i sure do, it sound like people talking" Fluff said, "and its getting closer" he added.
The two pokemons didn't notice the two grunts that coming toward the center.
"are you sure they are supposed to be in this town?" One grunt said, "dont worry pal, i saw them heading there" the second one said.

The two grunts ended up encountering Fluff and Voodoo, they glared at them as one of them offered to catch them.
"Lets attack them, it look like they wanna catch us, or at least you" the fox said and gave a grin, however, Fluff shock his head.
"Its just a Misunderstanding situation" Fluff told back, he didn't want to fight.

"I will get that fancy flareon, you get the zorua" one grunt said and was ready to throw at the flareon, but the other grunt quickly stopped him.
"Wait, if that flareon has a top hat and a bow, doesn't it means that he have a trainer, the zorua probably have too" the other grunt said, "so where they're trainer?" The first grunt replied in anger, "maybe he will be back soon, we shouldn't waste our time on a captured pokemons, unless we will injure the trainer" the other said.

While the two grunts complained to each other Fluff whispered something to Voodoo and the two walked away to the back of the center.

"What if they are abandon? We should try, they can be really helpful for the team" The grunt said and huffed a bit, "you got a point, lets-" the second grunt said but it turned out that the two pokemons were already gone.
"Of course they will ran away..." The second grunt said in anger, "what a waste..." The first grunt said in disappointment.
"Well, we got a job to do, lets keep searching before they will find out" the second grunt said and kept searching in the town with the other grunt.
Zwirra had been going around the PokeCenter. He found Eli and waved at him. "Feray is going to start speaking soon. Please stay in the room until everyone else has arrived. That goes for you, too," he looked over at Stephen before phasing through another wall to find other people.

After some time of roaming around Cyllage City, he found a man who seemed almost like he was half Sentret. He yelled for him. "Hey! You over there with the Chespin! Follow me back to the PokeCenter. We have a meeting for your kind." He floated back to the center, but not before stumbling upon a Flareon and a Zorua, but something about the Flareon seemed off. "Are you a Pokehuman? You don't seem to be completely Pokemon to me."

Zwirra thought for a moment before deciding that they probably were, given the chances. "If you were a human and just freshly turned into a Pokemon-human hybrid, follow me into the Pokemon Center. There is a meeting for your kind." With that, he floated back in the Pokemon Center and made his way to the room, making sure to be slow so they could catch up. He looked over to see Emily. He made a noise similar to a whooshing wind, but to Pokemon and Pokehumans, it sounded like "Hey, you." He then beckoned for her to follow him.
"Wh-Already?!" He jaw dropped. "I-It's not like they're onto us or anything! If someone suspicious is in the city, then we move!" He shook his head and tied his sweatshirt around his waist.

"A-And...are you sure Reuben is okay being caught?! I am on the side of releasing him..." He blushed a bit, possibly starting an argument. "I-It's cruel capturing humans! Sure, they have a pokemon half, b-but that means nothing!"

He turned to the dusknoir, "I-I'll be there in a bit...I want to settle this thing first..."

(Is that fine @Merciless Medic?)
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"Oh boy, there's a lot going on in the room, maybe I should go check that out," Emily thought, before she got up from her seat and took her duffel bag with her. Paris silently followed the girl into the room with the open laptop in his hands. He leisurely browsed through a shady forum, as a couple of posts read:

(Previously Rocalo0183)

Hey, does anyone know any other good places to hit in Lumiose? I've tried the PR last night, but I had to bail after one of the cops saw me. I don't know if they're still out for me, but I'm glad I can always have a flying Pokémon to get me out.


Yeah, there's plenty to go around for everyone! If you're having a hard time with secure areas, you could always just hang out at a cafe. Then, just wait for someone to leave for the bathroom or something else, and take anything real costly they left. It works every time if you're quick, and no one will think twice if you dress as a business person.


If you work in a hotel, you could always just have the lost and found to yourself if the person doesn't come back in a couple days or so. I mean, some of the old people there tend to well, misplace their things and you could perhaps control that.
"T-Trust me...it's like caging up your best friend for something that would happen in the near future...i-if I ever caged up someone I'd..."

"I would..." His eyes started watering. He's been treated awfully by his siblings. They once even locked him in a closet for 12 hours without his parents noticing. He thought nobody cared about him...how nobody would give a hoot if he was anywhere where he could die. Stephen always thinks the worse would happen...and now...

He started to sob. He wanted to hold back the tears, but he couldn't. "...I...don't know..." the boy sniffed.
Sunny looked at Feray. "They better get here soon. I can feel the danger getting closer." She said in a worried tone.
Eve's ears perked up. Maybe Sunny will talk to her again! "I'll bite that danger in the face! Then I'll bite it some more!" Eve looked at her trainer. Will she now talk to her? Sunny didn't even look at her. Eve's eyes widened. Did her trainer forget about her? Eve was so confused. How could her trainer just ignored her when she was being so positive in their relationship. Unless... Eve shook the thought out of her head. She couldn't possibly want that, could she? Eve went back to her position.
Jack looked at Sunny. He would protect her with his life. That was what he vowed to do when she caught him. He was a knight with honor, he would never break a vow.
Feray chuckled at Eve's antiques. It really seemed like she was trying so hard to win back her trainer. Sighing, she shook her head and stretched. "A 'sorry' might suffice for your trainer, Eve. I'm sorry for pitting you against your own trainer and vice-versa, but I thought you would never change your attitude, and I needed you to see your actions and what they were doing to your relationship with your trainer, especially the torrent of emotions that you caused on Sunny. But since you are trying to win back the trust and respect she had for you, I suggest you apologize," she looked over to Sunny before continuing. "Sunny, I suggest not giving your Pokemon the silent treatment for too long. I'm sorry for causing strife in your Pokemon's relationship with you. I know you won't leave your Eevee behind or abandon her, but I suggest you say something too before Eve thinks you hate her forever."

She looked around at everyone who was gathering. Zwirra had returned to her side and she noticed the new guy was crying. She wasn't exactly paying attention to the conversation they were having, but it seemed that him and Eli were arguing about containing Reuben in a standard PokeBall. She just shook her head before looking out of the window. The Fletchlings and Pidgeys flew past the glass pane as she just stared off into the blue, morning sky. Maybe that vile team is coming back harder than ever. It seems like the team is trying to turn us all into monsters of some sort. It seems like the likely course of action for them to take would be to catch us and use us as an army of Pokehumans after training and brainwashing us. That seems like something Team Rocket would do.
Eve looked at Sunny. "sorry" She squeaked.
Sunny looked at Eve and smiled. "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you." Sunny said playfully.
"You could very well hear me! You know I said sorry!" Eve started shouting as Sunny started to laugh. Eve stood quiet. "Um, you said that because you knew I was going to react like that, didn't you" Sunny nodded. Eve got an embarrassed look on her face. "All of you! Say nothing!"
Jack didn't laugh. No, he had to protect Sunny from the upcoming threat. That was his job.
Zwirra decided to cheer the poor Togekiss Pokehuman up, as he was the one that heard more of the conversation than Feray did. He floated over to him, feeling sorry for him, as he was like him when he was a Duskull. Seeing Allie was trying to help him, he decided to help even more. "It's alright, Stephen. I used to be like you when I was but a Duskull. My trainer and I will help everyone here as much as we can, and that includes helping you. Don't worry, child. We can get through this. If you need to express anything to us, you can always talk to Feray and I, along with the others here," he then moved on to the argument, knowing the subject was going to be quite touchy. "I know the argument you had with Eli about the use of a PokeBall to hide Reuben brought about some fears and experiences you had to go through, but I reassure you: Being in a PokeBall is not as bad as it seems. It's quite cozy inside, and you still have some bearings on what's going on in the outside world in terms of sound, and I'm pretty sure since he's half human, he can leave the PokeBall as he wishes, just like how Pokemon can leave their confines as they wish. It may seem strange and a little unorthodox, but we have no way of helping Reuben hide his Serperior body. This is the only way that we can help hide him for now. Alright?"
Once Allie placed her hand on his shoulder, Stephen blushed placed his hand on top of hers. He stopped crying, but was still vulnerable. He wants to act like the leader, despite how timid he is. His eyes are now watery. Comforting him did...something...he's never had the feeling of someone feeling concerned for him from a person his age. It made him feel well now that not one, but to people feel concerned.

"I...I don't know..." Stephen sniffed. "I don't know how t-to feel. I'm upset at myself, for being weak, concerned for Reuben, and somewhat angry at Eli." He turned to Zwirra, "When you say that..I feel deeply concerned for him, but if the pokeball is comforting, and our only choice...I...I guess I'm up to it...for now..."

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Fluff was in shock from what the dusknoir said, "b-but, i am not a human at all, im just a normal flareon" he lied as he sweats a bit. "Thats right!" Voodoo quickly agreed with Fluff.

The two waited for the ghost pokemon to walk away so they could talk.
"I know what you trying to do, you are trying to pull a prank dont you" the zorua laughed, "haha, there is not a single prank you cant find out about" Fluff answered and joined Voodoo in his laugh.

"No one's know that i am a human too, think what would happen when everyone will find that a simple flareon would be actually a human. Plus, they are probably trying to find a cure as well to their situation, the same thing i need to find" the flareon explained cheerfully as he wags his tail.
"But if you follow dusknoir to the place he would suspect you, wouldn't he?" Zorua asked, "he is already do, but we can just make a cover if anyone would ask a question" fluff answered with a grin.

Voodoo jumped in happiness, "i always knew you are mischief, but i never thought you will do a prank like that" he said in excitement.
"Well, its not really a prank, but not metter that now, we need to chase the dusknoir before he get away" Fluff said with a small blush and start dashing away with Voodoo after the direction dusknoir went, until they made it to the room the other pokehumans were in.

They entered the room slowly and came to the dusknoir, "i may not a human but this i still want to know about that" the flareon said and moved his top hat with his paws to the right place on his head. "I want to know about it too" the zorua said and gave a small giggle, "i am Voodoo and that fancy flareon is B-Fluff" he added.
"Hey! Theres nothing wrong with a top hat and a bow" Fluff replied with anger, then calming down, "okay, maybe i look a bit fancy" he said and lay down his head in embarrassment.
Taillow kept looking at Jolty, he didn't have any idea what to do with her, he didnt know when she would wake up either.
Zwirra looked down to see Eevee trying to join the hug. He was about to extend his hand out for the Eevee to jump up but stopped when the Flareon walked in to talk to him. Zwirra peered through the Flareon and saw a couple PokeBalls, as well as the other items the Flareon seemed to have. That must mean he owned that Zorua that was with him. He did not buy their cover story. He patted Stephen's back before separating from the hug to sit down on the ground and talk to the Flareon.

"I know you were once a human. We were all in this situation, as you see. We are trying to run away from Team Rocket. I see you have PokeBalls in your neck fluff, meaning that you were a Trainer before the transformation and that Zorua is your Pokemon. I do not take kindly to lies and deceit, especially when this group of Pokehumans you see before you are trying their best to help each other out and go to my trainer's work, where they can work on a cure for the injections," he gestured over to his trainer, the Ditto Pokehuman, sitting on a chair. She had a small notepad in her hand and her skin was still purple and moved about like liquid every once in awhile. "If you want to stay and listen, then that's fine. But I wouldn't recommend acting like you aren't a Pokehuman to us, when we are obviously ones ourselves and you 'happen' to appear in this meeting for how to get rid of this disease. That seems suspicious anyway, and we wouldn't know if we can trust you. You could be one of Team Rocket if your Zorua was exercising any of his Illusion powers, and we wouldn't know until its too late."

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
"another fun ruiner, great" Voodoo said quietly to himself, "and i thought Mystic was annoying" he added annoyingly.
"I hope you know how to keep a secret" Fluff said and lowered his voice, "i guess i am a human, but at least dont tell everyone else, they will found out sooner or later" he said, his face looked a bit seriously.

"Also, you said something about team rocket right?, Something just doesnt seem right. team rocket are living in kanto aren't they? So why would they be in kalos?" Fluff questioned, he didn't remember seeing them around.
Fluff knew that he couldn't trick the dusknoir without paying on it later, so he attempted to make him keep the secret.

The zorua looked around, there were more humans than he thought, an emolga, a Gardevoir, a serperior, a lucario, theres even a pikachu and an Espeon.
How many people turned to be half pokemon, and when i think of it, why Flu-brian has completely turned into a pokemon, he look like a totally normal flareon to me the fox thought to himself, he start dozing off a bit.
Despite the argument he could hear surrounding him, Reuben did not leave the Pokeball, though it was rather tempting. It didn't matter, anyway, seeing as by the time he was ready to add his two cents the conflict had already been resolved. He continued to explore and look into certain aspects of being inside the ball with the help of the two Pokemon more accustomed to being in the space. Continuing to hear the conversations around him and realizing they were going to stay here a bit longer, he returned to the room with a flash of light. "Ooh, that's weird," he said, referring to the sensation from coming back out of the Pokeball yet never elaborating on what specifically was 'weird'. He glanced over at Stephen, then turned his attention to Feray, waiting for her to say something.

After a moment of waiting and attempting to get the hang of the ways to move his tail, he could hear a knock at the door. He slowly slithered over to the door, successfully making it to the door without falling again. He felt like he was finally becoming able to handle his new form to the point he could actually function regularly, which brightened him up a tad. He opened the door, looking at the part-Sentret on the other side. "I hope you brought pizza," he joked, only to realize just how long it had been since he'd actually had food, and soon began getting geniunely hungry.
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Previously Keet
"Oh, hi! And I didn't." he replied. Felix saw a part-Serperior in the doorway. It reminded him of some sort of Lamia creature. "Is it OK if I come in? A dusknoir told me to go to this room for some reason. I think a meeting?" Felix said. "By the way, cool tail," he said, looking at his tail. Chespin also eyed the Serperior-human, but Felix was interested in the actual room. Over his shoulder, he saw two figures: A ditto-pokehuman and the Sylveon-pokehuman that Chespin told him about.
"Absolutely inconsiderate. Do you not think of other people? Unbelievable," he said sarcastically, sliding off to the side so that the room became clearer to see from the door. Hearing the compliment on his tail, he looked down at it again, still finding it surreal that this was his lower body for the foreseeable future. "Glad somebody likes it, because it's a pain to deal with," he replied.
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Previously Keet
Felix could hear the sarcasm in his voice, but he took it a bit harder in his head. "I can see why, being part-grass snake must feel weird. How would you feel your feet? Can you even feel them?" he said to the poke-human. He also saw a few other pokehumans in the room. A Gardevoir pokehuman and an Emolga pokehuman. Felix also noticed some regular Pokemon, such as a Dusknoir, which he presumed to be the one that told him about the meeting, and an eevee. He found an open spot on the floor and sat down with Chespin.
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Zwirra floated over after hearing Reuben talk to someone and noticed it was the half Sentret from earlier. If he could smile, he would. He shook his head at the half Serperior before talking to the Sentret Pokehuman. "Don't take what he says at face value. Take at least 90% of what he says as sarcasm or jokes. But yes, this is the room. Make yourself at home for now."

He floated back towards his trainer, who began her headcount with the help of Zwirra's Frisk to determine what Pokemon were in which PokeBalls. There was herself and Zwirra, her Dusknoir; Jolty the Emolga Pokehuman and her friend Taillow; Allie the Gardevoir Pokehuman and her Eevee and Absol; Eli the Sylveon Pokehuman and his Eevee; Talo the Flygon Pokehuman and his Treecko in a Hybrid Ball; Emily and her Pokemon Cylan the Cyndaquil, and then Oliver the mostly Oshawott Pokehuman; Reuben the Serperior Pokehuman with his Maractus and Roselia; Talia the Pikachu Pokehuman and her Togekiss and Altaria; Aisha the Lucario Pokehuman and her Houndour and Yanma; Keiko the Delphox Pokehuman; the interesting Pichu named Paris; Stephen the Togekiss Pokehuman and his Floette and Teddiursa; Sunny the Espeon Pokehuman and her Eevee, Riolu, and Shinx; what looks to be a Flareon with a Zorua and a Misdreavus, but with the way Zwirra had talked to him, it seemed like the Flareon was a Pokehuman; and a Sentret Pokehuman with a Chespin...

Including herself and Zwirra, there was now only one human, fourteen Pokehumans (including Oliver), and 22 Pokemon... At least some of them are in their PokeBalls, but this was a big group to have mucking about. She sighed and then stood up, her composure never ceasing this time during her action on getting up. It seemed like everyone was here, since Zwirra hadn't gone looking for everyone else.

It was now time for her speech. She cleared her throat preparing for the explanation of a lifetime. She set her notepad in her trench coat's inner pocket, now not needing it anymore. Zwirra floated over to the door and closed it, making sure no one else can hear them. Feray, for some reason, took off her trench coat and draped it across the back of the chair she was sitting on, showing off her black shirt and cargo pants that were hiding underneath her trench coat. Now that she felt a little cooler, she focused on her body, allowing the purple to seep into a more pale skin tone before speaking. She apparently had been practicing when she didn't sleep very well on some nights. Her voice projected out to all those in the room, her voice lowering a couple of octaves as she assumed her authoritative and deliberate speech, the gurgles in her voice all but ceased.

"Now, I know everyone here is as confused as the person next to them. Why must it happen to you all and why now of all times and places? Well, we were just here at the wrong place and the wrong time. There is no other explanation than that, and some of you may feel like it is your fault. No it is not. You don't have the ability to tell the future, so don't blame yourself on an unforeseeable event. It may have happened to you anyway, even if you were careful. Now, I may not even grasp this entire idea completely, but I'm doing what I can to make it easier for you to understand. We have to do what we can to make sure we don't become weapons for Team Rocket, which is what I'm theorizing that they'll do. Why Team Rocket, some of you may ask. Well, good question and I have a good explanation.

"You see, Team Rocket was disbanded years ago in the Kanto and Johto regions after their uprising failed because they didn't have the guidance of their former leader, Giovanni, as he was preoccupied by a few events and wasn't able to rejoin with his team. They have begun to be silent, and most of the world, even the heads of the International Police, couldn't find any trace of their existence after those events. I was but a rookie in training during that time, so I remembered the story well. Then, we started getting more and more strange activity in Kalos. It seemed odd to me at first, but now it makes sense. Kalos is far away from Kanto and Johto, and the neighboring regions of Hoenn and Sinnoh would have likely heard of Team Rocket. Any resurgence of the team in those places will be quickly put down. But Kalos has no idea that Team Rocket exists, except for a few travelers that came from Kanto and Johto to spread stories. They avoided retaliation by simply moving to another region to conduct their heinous crimes and experiments. Now, it almost seemed like trouble was brewing and I was tasked to come here and see what was wrong. It was when I heard my first report of Pokemon and human hybrid sightings and a small movement of Team Rocket members about a few weeks ago. I have been trying to track them while also avoiding them. That didn't work too well, as you see here. I'm a Ditto Pokehuman," she demonstrated this by completely collapsing into a puddle, her clothes fusing with her body and she was now a large, semi-solid, purple blob on the ground. She then regained her body's appearance and her clothes reappeared before her skin tone and other details were fleshed out. She looked a bit dizzy before she cleared her mind and kept going.

"But, they don't realize that an infiltrating spy is among the population of newly-turned Pokehumans that they had made. Let me go over to what you probably already know about your new bodies. First off, you have characteristics of a Pokemon. This is determined by the DNA that is found within the syringes they injected you with. Some of you may be completely turned into Pokemon, while others are only hybrids. If anybody has any syringes on them, I want you to keep them or give them to me, as it will help further investigation on the matter. I'll get to that in a second. Secondly, some of you may notice you have obtained an Ability of the Pokemon who you are as. As for me, I figured out I can't strain my muscles, as I'm a semi-solid form of a gelatinous, amorphous mass. Which means my Ability is Limber. I figured that out some time ago when something tried to paralyze me when I was walking to Cyllage City with this enormous group of people you newbies see before you," she gestured out to everyone before continuing, her arms out to display everyone there before crossing her arms. "Thirdly, a few of you may notice that you can use the moves of the Pokemon you are of. I can use Transform. The Pikachu Pokehuman here can use Thunderbolt. The Gardevoir Pokehuman here can use Fairy Wind." She gestured to Talia and Allie respectively before focusing her attention on everybody else. "The fourth point, that most of, if not all of you, have noticed is you can hear all Pokemon talk. Pokehumans can speak in PokeSpeak and human. Pokehumans that are mostly Pokemon, like Oliver the Oshawott, can only speak in PokeSpeak. Humans can't understand this PokeSpeak, and therefore, they can't understand us Pokehumans when we talk in PokeSpeak, as we sound like a completely different language. And lastly, you can be caught by other trainers, BUT-!"

She paused, making sure no one freaked out before continuing, her index fingers raised in the air as if to quiet the room. "BUT, only by one of these," she pulled out a Hybrid Ball. Zwirra pulled out the desk and Feray set the infernal device down on the desk for everyone to see. "This is only the prototype, since they must have started this injecting spree a week ago, meaning that there will be more made, and probably of different types, like how there are different types of PokeBalls, like Great Balls and Heal Balls. Before you get scared, the mechanics of these devices is very similar to how a PokeBall works. A normal PokeBall, when thrown at a Pokemon, has a chance to catch it, with the success rate changing depending on how weak or strong the Pokemon is. When a normal PokeBall is thrown at a human, it dazes them slightly. Now, for Pokehumans. It can catch them with regular PokeBalls, but it is extremely ineffective and we can practically break them when we escape, which is easily and effortlessly. These Hybrid Balls are a bit different," she paused a bit to breathe silently and to allow everyone a moment to have this all sink in before continuing. "These Hybrid Balls are most likely ineffective at capturing humans and Pokemon alike, however they can catch us Pokehumans, like how regular PokeBalls catch Pokemon. But don't be afraid. We can fight this. If we are injured, they have a better time capturing us. We must not get to the point of exhaustion. Once a Hybrid Ball captures a Pokehuman, it makes that trainer the owner of the Pokehuman. Of course, there is no other effects that happen except for exclusively talking in PokeSpeak. We had one such person get caught. He is under our ownership now, but he can't talk in human speak at all, and I'm assuming a Psychic-Type hypnotized him to act savagely against us when he was fighting us.

"Now, for what I think Team Rocket is doing with us. They are trying to inject enough people with Pokemon DNA to turn them into Pokehumans or Pokemon, and then capture them and brainwash them. If any of you don't know what brainwashing means, it means they will wipe your memories clean and have you serve under them as their weapon. Of course, we won't let them get to that point. Which is why we are all heading to Lumiose City. There, my workplace is stationed in one of the alleys in Lumiose City. It's south of Cafe Cyclone and Vert Plaza, but far enough away from the busy streets that circle around the city to not stir up some suspicion of the International Police's location. We are heading there to give them the syringes and the Hybrid Balls for them to investigate and test. Some of us may want to be guinea pigs in their tests. If that is the case, then you may think on that and join the scientific effort in finding a cure to revert us back to normal once we get there. It may take some time for the scientists to complete their findings, but I assure you that they will spend sleepless days and nights finding the solution.

"Now, if any of you want to join us, we have costumes to hide your appearance. If you have body parts, like wings or tails, that may be difficult to conceal, you can try wrapping them around your bodies or hugging them close to your body to conceal them against clothes. For you Reuben, a PokeBall would be suitable for you. As for everyone else whose tails are not also their legs, you can poke a hole in your pants and make a sort of 'belt' out of your tails and hook it to the back or wrap it around your leg or waist. Your wings are self-explanatory. Now, we have used the excuse of us being cosplayers numerous times, but since we have such a big group, this excuse could all work if it has a backstory. Something I came up with is that there was a convention in Kiloude City that you have to go to in person, since it's very private. Once they leave to visit Kiloude City, that should give us enough days to leave the area we were at when questioned.

"Now, any questions, comments, concerns? And please, one at a time. I don't want to make it too loud in here. If you are injured, I can make salves, pastes, and soups with berries and herbs that we have collected to make something while we are on the road, and if we run out of Potions or healing items."

Finally done with that ordeal, she relaxed a bit and looked about for everyone to have questions and comments. Zwirra was honestly proud of her for stepping up and not lying to all the new people and having changed a bit.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli crossed his arms and frowned "The hybrid ball is not exactly new, I have two on me, and I'm not even team rocket" Grimacing he added "and for the last time" He glared at everyone "COSPLAY WON'T WORK, we have a team of people after us who caused our existence, they will not be fooled and a large cosplay party would not be slow news" Leaning against the wall and looked down "And what if..." He looked at the ceiling, then the door, then back at her and whispered "there is no cure?"