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Private/Closed Pokehuman encounters


Previously Keet
Felix, after listening to this whole speech, was confused a lot. Hybrid balls? Brainwashing? Using pokemon's moves? What does this even mean? he thought. Felix took the syringe from his pocket, placed it on the table near the Hybrid ball, and sat back down. He was also a small bit afraid of Team Rocket. The thought of turning into a weapon made to cause destruction sickened him. Felix wanted to join the cause of stopping Team Rocket "Well, if it means getting rid of those vile beings, im in." he said. "By the way, my name is Felix."
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Feray looked over and raised an eyebrow. Sure, he was right that the cosplay may not work too well, especially with how rampant the rumors were. She decided to make herself clearer.

"I never said that this Hybrid Ball I have is the only one. I said this is the only type that we have seen. I know you already have two and I have this one. With how clumsy Team Rocket is and their constant recruiting of random people, there may be a few dropped Hybrid Balls lurking about in the Routes, but that is extremely rare. And cosplay may not work to fool Team Rocket, but it will fool the general populace. Unless Team Rocket makes an announcement that we exist, which is highly unlikely considering that it's Team Rocket and showing our existence would also cause the police forces to find them, as they would expose themselves in the process. As for the cure, the International Police has many tricks up their sleeves. I know they will create the cure, as the best scientists work for them, but it may take a while, which is why we need material to give to them. The more material we give, the better the cure will get and the faster the cure can be made. We may have some incredibly intelligent minds, but they won't be able to do much without evidence and materials for research."

She looked over to see Felix had set down his syringe he had obtained. It looked like it didn't have a cap to it either. She fished in her pocket for a syringe cap before plugging the syringe and labeling it with her blue pen. The label said "Sentret DNA" and she set it in her pocket. She pulled out three other syringes and labeled them with "Ditto DNA" before setting them in her pocket. She also grabbed the Hybrid Ball she had and put it away, with Zwirra pulling the desk back where it originally was.
Paris continued to browse through the questionable forum on his laptop, while Emily listened to the purple woman's great, lengthy speech. The girl turned towards the Pichu, as she asked, "Uhh... so what are ya looking at there, uhh... little yellow thing?"

The Pichu gasped, as he immediately closed his laptop and squealed, "Eek! Uhh... uhh... no... no, thing!"

"You're freaking out quite a bit, which tells me that something odd's going on with you. Let me see what's on that computer thing," Emily sternly responded after she picked up on the incomprehensible, distressed speech.

"N- no! I... not... n- not... can!" Paris cried, before he quickly hid behind the woman in the trench coat! The electric mouse quaked, while he clutched onto his laptop with his tiny hands.

"Huh... there's something going on with my bag," Emily thought, before she opened the soft container. She noticed a red and white ball shaking, as Oliver came out of the sphere soon after.

"Ugh, that circle thing is kinda weird... I almost had my stomach hurting there for a second," Oliver blurted, while he turned towards the purple woman.

"That kinda reminds me... I kinda heard a bit about what you said, even though it was a bit hard to hear while in that weird thing. I think I know someone that could maybe help for that cure thing if he's willing to talk. Problem is, I have no idea where he could be at the moment, since well... he could of been attacked by those black and pink things already. He's not really the type of person to talk with other people, but he gets stuff done a bit quickly... sometimes too quickly if you ask me. I last saw him in Lumiose near Autumnal when someone offered me a job with that bad stuff earlier," The Oshawott stated, before he attempted to resist the urge to scratch on the bandaged areas of his body.

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Fluff saw the dusknoir walking away, which confused him a bit, "is that means you can?" Fluff said to dusknoir, although the ghost already went away.
He figured it out that the meeting going to start and looked at Voodoo, the Fox's eyes were half closed as he was dozing off, it was a bit funny to see him like that.

Fluff waved his tail at the Zorua and slapped him gently, the fluffy tail snapped him from the little trance he was entering.
"Ah?" Voodoo said in surprise and looked left and right, "is something happened?" He asked.
"Its going to start, you should listen too" Fluff told Voodoo and stared at the dusknoir, the Zorua nodded and did the same.

Fluff heard carefully what the ditto have been saying, he still tried to get things stright.
"Let me get this straight, those team rocket are after you guys to make an army of half pokemon half humans?, I can understand why team rocket is in his kalos now, but what the point of that?" He questioned, it wasn't actually a lie.


Taillow turned his attention to the ditto, he tried to keep track on the pokehuman's words, but failed.
All the talking made taillow get dizzy ,he tried to put things stright in his mind, he didn't notice that in the meanwhile Jolty is moving a bit on her slumber.
Reuben spaced off a bit during the speech, having heard a lot of what Feray was saying already, yet his attention was gained again when hearing the implication that Oliver wasn't always a Pokemon. "Wait, he was human?" he said, pointing to the Oshawott that had just come out of his ball. He felt like he had missed something, or just knew less than the part-Ditto had. After all, going that long without being able to speak Pokemon can lead to missing a few things.


Previously TheFartingFish1
Charlie walked out of hes house, with hes Oshawott's Pokéball in hes hand.
Just when Charlie was gone let hes Oshawott out of its Pokéball, he heard his mom asking ''Charlie, can you go buy me some coffee before you go on your adventure?'' Charlie giggled, they didnt have anymore coffee because of him. Charlie turned around, and answered ''Yes mom, i will''.
Charlie closed the door behind him and began walking to the store.


Previously TheFartingFish1
While Charlie walked to the store, he noticed two strange figures in the bushes, Charlie looked at them for a second confused, but then look ahead of him.
When Charlie came close to the bushes the two strange figures jumped him, Charlie didnt see it coming and fell on the floor, and got knocked out seconds later by one of them.

Charlie would wake up after a one hour.
Charlie looked around, he wasnt on the street anymore, but he was in a black basement he thought.
He tried to renember what happend, when he sees two people, a woman and a male he could make out, wearing black suits with a red R on them.
''What do you want from me?'' Charlie asked scared.
The grunts didnt react, but Charlie saw how the male grunt grabt a needle.
Charlie tried to attack the man in self defense, but he couldnt, he was tied up.
The man walked closer and closer and Charlie couldnt do anything.
The man injected Charlie with the needle, Charlie started feeling weird and sick.
Charlie's head started hurting. Hes blond hair started to become White, and he grew two 'Horns' on hes head.
Charlie could feel three dots on hes cheeks.
Charlie could also feel a tail coming out of him, and a shell on hes chest.
Charlie tried not to scream, but it didnt work, and he fainted
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Sunny tried to look happy at the prospect of becoming fully human again, but her ears betrayed her. Sure, she didn't like to be hunted down like she was some sort of Legendary pokemon that was rumored to be sighted, but she loved the benefits of becoming half-pokemon. "What about those who want to stay a poke-human?" she mumbled. She didn't want to seem like the weird one in this group, but she did like being able to understand Eve and her other pokemon, and being able to sense danger seemed to be very handy.
Eve looked at her trainer. "You really asked that? In front of everyone?"


Previously TheFartingFish1
Charlie woke up in the middle of the streets.
He stood up and looked at himself, he didnt renember much from what happend.
He tried to renember what he was doing here on the streets, then he renembered that he had to get coffee.
Charlie walked to the store, grabbed a coffee bag and noticed that he got some strange looks from people, he didnt think much of it and walked to the cash deck, he bought the coffee bag and walked home.
When he entered hes house he put the coffee bag on the kitchen table, he saw that hes mom was looking T.V. he saw a Pikachu with a hat on it.
He walked to his room and sat down on hes bed, and felt something weird
He could see that it was something long, confused he stared at it, ''What's this?'' He asked to himself.
He touched the long thing, it felt weird, ''Since when do i have a tail thingy?'' He asked to himself again.
Then he walked to the bathroom, looking if he saw something else strange.
He saw that he had white hair, weird spikes on hes head and some dots on hes cheecks.
Then Charlie renembered that he got infected by some people who weard black suits.
He looked at hes chest, he could renember feeling something sharp there, and he saw a shell.
He got confused, and then felt Hes Oshawott's pokeball shaking, He let Oshawott out, and realised that he turned into some sort of Pokemon human. As he and Oshawott looked the same
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Previously EeviumZ
Allie and Talia exchanged looks.
“Sure, I like being a part-Gardevoir. But.. I would love to become human again.. to be accepted by society again..”
“To not be a target of Team Rocket.” Talia finished for Allie.
Small tears formed in Allie's eyes. She tried to hide her sadness, but it was rather obvious. "I... like being this way. But I can barely live like this... waking up every day, knowing that Team Rocket wants me as a slave to their regime... walking into any town, and wondering if the people are going to judge me for who I am, or worse... I just don't know what to do anymore-" She couldn't continue, before breaking down into tears.
Talia was in shock. Her sister was normally the most happy and bubbly person she knew. She stepped closer and put her arms around her anxious and crying sister, in true big-sister fashion.
Hearing everyone beginning to talk on their stance on being a Pokehuman, he decided to add in what he thought about the situation. "Personally, I just want to have legs again. Or enjoy stairs." Looking down again, his Maractus walked over to now-crying Allie to try and comfort her, yet his Roselia looked back at him, staring. While she never said anything, it still made Reuben uneasy, knowing some of what he would lose if the people Feray knew were somehow able to succeed in reversing what had happened to hinlm. He also began thinking of what would happen to the Pokeball if that had happened. Would it break and just release him and his two Polemon? Would it remain, keeping him a human captured by a Pokeball with his Pokemon? Would some other strange situation happen? The thoughts distracted him for a moment.
"Okay, so being a pokemon is weird...I haven't been in public that much, but, I feel isolated...I always am, but now....i-it's like I can't interact with humans that much. Being with each other all the time may get boring. Don't get me wrong, I love you all...but until we find a solution, we need to stick together." He eyed Eli, saying, "Eli, if we need to pack and leave, I'm all for it. Based off of my past information, Geosenge Town is the next town, which isn't the farthest thing away, and I remember my mom telling me that there's a rumor being ancient runes there. She even said there's a rumor of a 'magical' past there. Maybe that could explain it!"

He looked around at everyone in the room, and then smiled. "So, is everyone ready to make a move?!"
"I suggest we do. They are getting closer the longer we talk here." Sunny said, the presence almost overwhelming. "I don't care where we go, but it has to be away from here. Although I don't like the sound of this Geosenge Town, it sounds like the breeding spot of Team Rocket with the 'magical' past thing." Sunny continued. Would Team Rocket be interested in that sort of stuff? She didn't really know.
For once Eve was silent. She didn't have much to say on this topic.


Previously Keet
Felix wanted to say something about being a Poke-human, but he decided to save it for later. "Yep! Im ready to make a move. The further away from the grunts, the better. We can get out from the window, because then we can attract less attention, I think." He was eager to try out this idea, but he was still knowing of what could happen if he did it, so he decided to wait.
"B-But..." He blushed as he smiled, "Th-That would cause more a-attention. You don't usually see people climb out of windows!" He chuckled a bit, as he put on his sweatshirt. "Do you all have things that can protect abnormal body parts, like shells and wings? If you don't, I could use some of my leftover money to buy a cheap sweatshirt or something..."


Previously Keet
"Yeah, but you also don't see people watching people going through windows. I think we should be good," he replied, a bit sarcastically. "And shouldn't we go to Lumiose City? I heard something about a place there in the speech. Also, there's a lot of people there, so we can blend in." Chespin was napping, so Felix returned him to his Pokeball. "We just need confirmation from the others," he said.
"I'm not one to disagree, and that sounds like a good idea at first, until you find out..." He stared at the boy

"We are probably the only pokehumans. People with large wings, like me, make it difficult to blend in if you look at me long enough. Also, you'd be surprised when you My parents would freak out if they saw me. Like I said, Geosenge town would be much better. Not many people visit the cave a few ways past the town, so that would be perfect."

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Taillow finally put things stright on his head, and everything made it clear in his mind.
So i guess those those bad guys who attacked me and Jolt, and the pokehumans in the cave, i guess they are called team rocket Taillow thought to himself.

He then start hearing the espeon saying about she want to stay as a pokehuman. something just rang in his head like he have heard this before, it took him a few moments to relize.
"I remember that Jolt told me that she want to stay as a pokehuman, i am not sure why but she just want to stay like that for some reason" he said as he flapping his wings a bit, "it was when we kinda spied after you" he added and rubbed his head in a little embracement.

Fluff waited for someone to answer his question, however, no one seem to be listening, he wanted to question again but the conversation interested him a bit.

"If you need something to distract those team group then you count on me and Voodoo
" fluff said and took off his top hat with his paw, "we may not humans like you guys but it doesn't mean we cant help you" he added with a small lie. He have forgetten that probably everyone except sylveon and dusknoir dont know him.


Previously Keet
"Yeah, you have a point. But didn't it have stuff, like a "magical past" AND it was the base of Team Flare. I'd think Team Rocket would flock there like Pidoves to seeds." he replied. "But, it's less populated than Lumiose City, which is a plus. You're right on the cave part. It would be a good place to hide out for a while, but Team Rocket would find out in a few weeks." He started to get his disguise on, which he put on a hat to hide his ears, a sweatshirt with a hat on top of the hood, and a backpack with a hole on the bottom to hide his tail. "I think im ready," he said.
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"We would look indifferent if we don't stay long enough, or overnight. It's fine." He walked to Eli's bag and found some shades. He put them on and smiled. "Trust me. Being a pathetic, shy, young teenager, I'm an expert at staying hidden."

"There! Now my eyes look a bit more normal. If people dont see me long enough, my wings would look like wrinkles in my sweatshirt. "Everyone, cover your hair. You don't see a group of people with the hair of a rainbow go by. It could draw trouble."
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Reuben soon began turning his attention more towards the debate going on as to where to go next, deciding to weigh in on his stance. "To, me, Camphrier town seems like the best way to go when heading to Lumiose. No matter what, we're going through a city. While there are a lot of people who haven't seen stuff like that before, I'd prefer a few weird glances compared to being attacked by Rocket again with nobody around to witness it. I guess I can't really control where you guys go, though, so for now just have fun trying to top my disguise." He still only had a black shirt on and no attempt was made to hide any of his other features, instead just slithering up to his Pokeball and pressing the button, disappearing with his Pokemon into it.


Previously Keet
"Wh-whoa! He can do that?" he said. Felix was confused, but also interested in how he got into the pokeball. Felix was worried that after he got out, he could only talk like a pokemon. "Is he ok?" he said, panicked. Felix didn't want the person in the pokeball to be hurt. He was super anxious about what would happen next, but he didn't want to interfere.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli waved his hand "It's fine, he wanted to do it" pulling on his hat and shades, he checked his tail and walked to the door "Last to be done with their costumes brings me my bag back" He looked outside "Also it might be suspicious if we run out of town, you think we should eat before heading out?"


Previously EeviumZ
Allie nodded. "Yeah, we should definitely eat. I'm starving anyway." She smiled.

Unbeknownst to the group, Absol sensed impending disaster. She raised her head, shaking slightly, and bolted out of the building and into the streets.
(Outskirts of Town)
She leaned up against a building, trying not to look suspicious. She wore dark sunglasses, and her black and red hair covered portions of her face. Her black leather jacket hid the bright R on her normal uniform, so not to reveal her true identity. This was Raven Ignis, admin of Team Rocket.
Where are they?
She had received intel that the test subjects were meeting up within the city limits.
So why hadn't she spotted them?
Just then, she saw a terrified Absol run past her. She couldn't put her finger on it, but this particular Absol seemed familiar to her.
The Pokemon looked at her momentarily, and immediately ran back the way she came.
Strange, Raven thought.
Allie and Talia were conversing, as Absol ran back into the Center.
"Absol! Where were you?" Allie asked, worried.
"I - uh-"
Absol knew Allie had a lot on her mind. She contemplated telling Allie about the strange woman, that had radiated a disastrous aura.
"Spit it out, Absol. What's up?" Eevee asked, trying not to sound rude.
"I - just needed some fresh air."
Allie nodded, buying the lie. "I get it. Everyone needs some fresh air sometimes."
She returned Absol to her Pokeball, smiling.

Inside the Pokeball, Absol sighed with relief. Still, she wondered if she had done the right thing.


Previously TheFartingFish1
Charlie and hes Oshawott looked at eachother confused.
''Hey! Master! are you ok?'' Charlie could hear Oshawott say, he looked confused at hes Oshawott.
''Can you talk!?'' He asked, Oshawott's face changed from confused to happy ''You can hear me!?'' Oshawott asked.
''Yes! How is this possible?!'' He replied With. ''Well... It could have something to do with the fact that... You look a bit like me'' Oshawott Say'd. ''How did that even happen?'' Oshawott Asked ''Well, some people infected me with something, Now i have weird spikes, white hair, these weird dots on my cheeks, a whiter skin and this shell'' Charlie replied with, while he grabbed a shell, that looked the same as the one Oshawott had. ''Maybe its like something i heard, its called Pokéhuman, it are humans that are half Pokémon i think?...'' Charlie looked at Oshawott, ''I geuss thats the case then... But i should hide the fact that i am a PokéSomething...'' Charlie Say'd.
Charlie walked to hes wardrobe, he kept hes blue sleeveless vest and hes hes blue pants. But he grabbed a Jacket and he put it on, hiding White hair with spikes and hes tail, And he'd put the Shell on hes chest.
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Previously Keet
"That would be good, im kind of hungry." he replied. Felix swiftly went outside the door and outside the center. He sat on a bench near the outside of the pokecenter, waiting patiently for the others. It felt nice to get some more fresh air. He still knew that Team Rocket was out there, just waiting to nab them. We'll be fine, they're incompetent anyways, he thought. But he also saw that Absol who bolted out of the door, into the streets, and came back, looking worried. That made Felix worry a bit, but he wasn't counting on it.


Previously TheFartingFish1
Charlie put hes hand in a bowl and say'd ''Here, jump in'' To Oshawott. Oshawott jumped into hes hands, and Charlie put Oshawott on its head. Then they walked out of the house and looked around. He walked treu the Ambrette Aquarium and walked to route 8.
Charlie sat down and he putted hes legs in the water. Oshawott jumped off hes head into the water and started swimming. Charlie grabbed hes other pokeballs with Hes Mudkip and Froakie in it and he'd let them out. ''Here, You can go swim, And if you want to know what happend to me you can ask Oshawott'' Charlie Say'd.
Charlie stared at the water, ''Am i the only one who is like this?'' Charlie say'd to himself in hes mind, ''Will i get hunted?... What should i do?...'' He'd also ask himself in hes mind. Suddendly he'd feel sleepy, And He'd fall asleep

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
li nodded to fluff "You can come along, the more the merrier"

Eli grabbed his bag and walked out "I heard of this pancake place a couple blocks down!" leading the group to a pancake joint he sat down at a table and picked up a menu "We should probably eat quickly"


Previously TheFartingFish1
Charlie would wake up again, At the sound of something talkin, He'd open hes eyes and saw Oshawott, Mudkip and Froakie. ''Do you think he is ok?''. ''Yes Froakie! For the last time he was just sleeping!''. ''Arent dead people always sleeping?''. Charlie stood up and say'd ''Guys, i was just sleeping, No big deal''. Charlie looked at Froakie and Mudkip, He knew that Oshawott already told them about what happend to him. ''What Happend that you guys tried to wake me up?'' Charlie asked. ''Well, Whe got attacked by a tentacool, Now Mudkip is hurt.'' Froakie answered.
''Ok! Lets go to the Poké center then, the one in Cyllage City is the closes''. Charlie said, And he put Everybody in their Pokéball, And then he started running to Cyllage town.
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A man walked over to the woman leaning on the wall, aware of who she was. He had silently observed the Absol, questioning what it was doing but eventually pushing it out of his mind. He continued walking up to Raven, acting formal despite his lack of Rocket uniform and the awkward walking caused by his Bisharp leg. "Anything?" the part-Bisharp asked to Raven, waiting for her response on the rumors of a peculiar yet large group passing through.


Previously EeviumZ
The young woman raised her eyebrows in questioning, before realizing who this man was. "No, nothing yet. The Absol seemed familiar somehow, it looked at me strangely. I presume you saw it too." She suddenly had an idea, and took out a Pokeball. "Murkrow, look for the test subjects. Let me know if you find anything." Murkrow nodded and flew off.
"How about you? Any signs of them?" she asked, hoping that the answer would be yes.
(With Allie, Talia, and the Pokehumans)
Absol remained in her Pokeball, pacing back and forth. She didn't want to alarm everyone, but at the same time, she wanted them to know of the danger. Finally deciding on what to do, she popped out of her Pokeball.
"Is everything OK, Absol?" Allie asked, looking at her Pokemon.
Absol shook her head, much to Allie's alarm. Absol walked up in front of the crowd, and shouted "I need all of your attention, now."
"As you may or may not know, my species is prone to sensing impending disaster. I am also capable of this, and I have sensed doom here."
"I ran out of the Pokecenter not long ago, and observed a suspicious individual. She looked normal, but radiated disaster. I believe that Team Rocket is here, and that they are waiting for us."

Allie and Talia's eyes widened in shock. They had figured that Team Rocket was in the area, but had never believed that they would find them so soon.
Absol continued. "Do not be alarmed. They only know that we are within the city limits, and appear to not know exactly where we are. As long as we stay stealthy, we should be fine."
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Previously TheFartingFish1
Charlie walked out of the poké center, happy that hes Mudkip had been healed. Charlie got pretty hungry so walked to the Pancake joint. While walking he noticed a Murkrow flying around, ''What is a murkrow doing here? Those only appear in the north in a horde... Weird...'' Charlie say'd To himself, When he came to the Pancake joint i noticed a group of people, He didnt think much of it and went to a empty table.
He grabbed Hes Oshawotts, Mudkips and froakies pokéballs and he'd let them out. He'd grab some pokepuffs and gave them to them ''Here, you guys must be hungry''. Charlie ordered a pancake with sugar on it and started eating
He continued looking at the woman, listening to her experience with the Absol. "Yes, I glanced at it, but assumed it to be unimportant." As Raven asked him a question, he shook his head. "Nothing exact, but some are talking about it. It appears to be a kind of group travelling together, yet it may be just rumors." He looked around again, yet saw nothing out of the ordinary. "A large group of them will be very visible, so your Murkrow may have luck, yet containing them will prove difficult."


Previously TheFartingFish1
Charlie ordered a cup of coffee. When he got to cup of coffee he'd see how hes Oshawott looked confused at the cup of coffee.
''What is that?'' Oshawott would ask. ''Well, its coffee'' Charlie said ''Want to try it?'' And he grabbed oshawott and let him drink a bit.
''It tastes funny'' Oshawott would say. Suddendly Charlie saw how Mudkip had climbed on the tabble, And how it looked like he was gone jump. ''Mudkip dont!'' Charlie say'd, but hes mudkip already jumped into the coffee. Coffee would fall on hes clothes and body. He bit on hes lips not to scream. ''Sorry!'' Mudkip Say'd ''I thought it was a little swamp''.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli looked up at a murkrow in the sky with a frown, it looked out of place... He was distracted by a mudkip jumping into a cup of coffee at the next table. He chuckled and adjusted his sunglasses "You having trouble over there?"