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Private/Closed Pokehuman encounters


Previously Keet
(see discussion thread tealeaf)
"Hey, I never got your name. What's your name?" he asked the Serperior Pokehuman. "Anyways, we just fought team rocket, she blasted every rocket person off into the sky, and her sister was taken by someone called Raven. You should've been there!" Chespin was still comforting Allie. "They could be coming back in a bit, I think we should start getting on track again." he said.

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Voodoo shock his head as he snapped oit from the shock, he looked at the the gardevoir human and the other pokehumans that surrounded her, it made him feel sad.
He turned back into a zorua and walked to allie, he stopped near her.

"If you want i can make an illusion of your friend, i wont be able to act like her, but a least it could motivate you. Crying wont help you bring her up" he told the crying Gardevoir as his ears goes down with sadness, a few tears starting to drop from his eyes.

Fluff looked at Voodoo from afar, the zorua reaction was a surprise for him.
Voodoo is usually cheerfully and impish, making pranks at every moment he can. Theres only a very rare situations when he is sad.
Seeing how Voodoo and the others trying to help the gardevoir after her lose brought a tear to the flareon.


Taillow and jolty continued, they start seeing the group from afar.
"Here they are! you see, no one even bothered you on the way" taillow said cheerfully, "i-i g-guess you are right" jolty replied.

After a few more steps taillow stopped the emolga, "wait, i think something happened there, i will check it out, you stay here okay?" taillow said and flew toward the heroes before Jolty could say anything.

"But... Why do you want me to stay?" Jolty question, but it was too late, taillow have left there already. She didn't want to come after taillow, maybe it has an important reason.
Her mind kept telling her to ran away, however she didn't want to betray her only friend.

Jolty's ears suddenly twitched, she looked left and right but she saw nothing, it didn't sound like one of those team rocket but something way more smaller, even smaller than her. She felt like the thing is still there.

Taillow landed near the group, "is something happened while i and Jolt were missing?" He said in confusion, he didn't have much information except the fact that the gardevoir human is crying.
Reuben instantly dropped the tone he had unknowingly had when hearing of what had happened to Talia while he was in the Pokeball, staring off for a moment as he processed what it meant for her and everyone else, and the lack of what he had done to prevent it. He answered Felix's question with a quick "Reuben." and slithered closer to Allie, his Pokemon ahead of him. He could hear her beating herself up, and decided to interject in a much more solemn yet caring tone than before. "Blaming yourself won't bring her back. Putting this much stress on yourself, letting that weigh you down, is not helping anything." He got up again, silently thinking about what he needed to do in the future instead of staying cooped up in a safe ball. He began wandering around close to the group, not only working on not falling everytime he went somewhere but also looking for a place to go next.


Previously EeviumZ
Allie shook her head. "In the heat of the moment, I just teleported them. I don't know where, but I know it's somewhat far." Wiping her tears away, she smiled at the encouragement of the group. "Thanks, guys. It's just... both finding out that my former friend is not dead, but a member of our sworn enemies, and then losing the person who I've looked up to my whole life... was a double punch to the gut. That demon... is not my friend. She's a sadistic -" she picked up a rock -
"cruel -" She threw the rock into the air.
"prick." She fired a Confusion and slammed the rock into the ground, shattering it.
"We'll get my sister back, even if I have to die ten times over for it. They will pay.. they'll all pay..." She shook her head, realizing how irrational she sounded. "What am I saying? We'll never save her at this rate... I'm going, anyone who wants to can follow me-" She began walking as she said this, but immediately collapsed in exhaustion. "Never mind," she babbled incoherently.


Previously TheFartingFish1
Charlie started cleaning the table. He already cleaned hes Pokémons. After doing this he asked for another cup of coffee, After he got this he asked ''Can i take this cup of coffee with me?''. After paying for everything he walked out of the pancake joint with a cup of coffee, He quickly looked in the air if he saw the murkrow again, But he didnt. He walked to the beach again and looked around. He grabbed Oshawott's Pokeball and he released him. ''Hey Osha'' He say'd. ''What's wrong?'' ''What do you want to do?'' He say'd while drinking a bit of hes coffee.
''I dont know... You can challenge the gym here'' Oshawott say'd.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli sighed and picked up Allie, wrapping his ribbons around her "Let's go back to the center...." starting to walk back, he noticed all the people on the sidewalk, watching with wide eyes, having seen what had gone on. Eli gritted his teeth and walked to the center as fast as possible
Stephen was comforted, attacked, and hurt. He could only think. He stood up and took out Teddiursa's pokeball. "Teddiursa, return." His cowardliness got in the way. When Eli and Sunny left, Stephen got up and followed them, a bit shocked. He was embarrassed that he couldn't do anything.


Previously TheFartingFish1
Charlie walked to the gym, 'This is gone be easy' He thought 'This is a rock type gym, and all my pokemon are water type'.
When he walked in he grabbed Oshawott pokéball, This was the first pokemon he got, so he believed in him.
The first battles were easy, Just some Geodudes and other rock type pokemon who got 1KO'D, Do one battle made him think they were gone lose, A geodude with sturdy who got Oshawott to a 4 Hp, but he still won with Mudkip. Finally on the top of the little mountain Grant was standing, Charlie used all hes potions to heal Oshawott and Mudkip back to full health. ''I challenge you to a pokemon battle!'' He say'd against Grant. Hes amaura was easy, Oshawott got it to 10 health, But then it used thunder wave. Oshawott still was able to defeat it with razor shell, But then hes tyrunt was send out.
Tyrunt was way to strong, Oshawott got him to 7 HP before he got healed with a super potion, After that it used crunch, Fainting Oshawott. Charlie quickly grabbed Oshawott and put it back in its Pokéball, Mudkip also got fainted. When he used froakie he nearly won, but still got fainted. Charlie stared at hes pokeballs, he wasnt angry at hes pokemon, Or disappointed, He felt nothing. Then he realised that he had to go to the Pokécenter. He climbed off the mountain and ran to the poké center as fast as he could

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Taillow nodded, "i know how it feel to lose someone who close to you" taillow said, he felt sad for the gardevoir. "i will be back in a moment with Jolt" he told felix and flew back to jolty.

Jolty saw the bird pokemon heading back, however, she still looked around her.
The squeaking noices just bothered her.
Taillow landed on the emolga's head before talking.
"Are you okay?, You seem to be a bit confused" taillow asked and tilted his head, "you hear that too, right?" Jolty questioned.

"I told you before, your ears are more sensitive, its normal for you to hear small voices" taillow explained with a sigh, "you dont need to worry about it, lets lets go ahead to the others" he added.
"I-i guess you are right" jolty said, "but i just cant bring myself to face them" she start shivering a bit.

Taillow sighed again, "nothing bad will happen, just relax and let it go, it would be alright" taillow said and put one of his wings on the girl's grey hair.
"Y-you sure?" Jolty said, "a lot of others joined since last time i saw them".

Taillow nodded, "dont hold back this time, now lets go quickly!" He said with a smile before flying off to the group again, he landed near the zorua.
Jolty however, couldn't move at all, she felt like her legs are stuck and refusing to move.

She looked around again, the squeaking stopped but instead people start glaring at her, not only her but on the pokehumans as well.
She got very nervous and start sweating, she wasn't disguised or anything, she looked like an fusion of a small kid and an emolga.
Her legs start walking slowly toward the group as she shivers, not knowing what gonna happen.

Voodoo nodded, "i guess you are alright then" he said and his ear perked up slowly.
"You should rest a bit miss, you must have been using a lot of power with the teleport" the zorua told the Allie.

Fluff went to the group that gathered near the gardevoir, after hearing Eli he nodded in agreement. "We need to come up with a plan to save the pikachu, a human catching another human is terrible, even if she the human is half pokemons. Pokemons supposed to be catched with trust and not by force" fluff said in anger, "and i agree with the sylveon to go toward the center, we can plan and relax there, so we wont do things that we would regret" he said before following Eli, Sunny and Stephen.

Voodoo would have followed his trainer but he wanted to stick with allie and follow with her, he felt really bad that the gardevoir lost her sister, and so he wanted to help her.
"We should go to the center too, we are not really safe here" the zorua told Allie and the others, he gave an hand toward the in attempt to help her standing up after that fall.

Fluff noticed something as he followed Eli, Sunny and Stephen. he saw the emolga human walking slowly toward Allie and the others as she is shivering, probably scared or nervous.
It took a while after some of the others went into the Pokemon Center for Reuben to actually realize where they were going, continuing to stare off for a moment. Once he had snapped out of it, he had noticed a small crowd of normal humans staring at him. There was also another strange feeling -- He had not eaten in over a day, yet he didn't feel hungry whenever he was out here. He felt satisfied, almost energized in a way. The hungry feeling slowly became less and less prominent, which became another reason for him to stay out longer. It was tempting to just lay on his back and bathe in the sunlight, but he knew that he would have a hard time getting up again, especially in front of an audience, so he refrained for the time being.

After a while, his Maractus poked him, reminding him again of where he was. "Shouldn't we go inside with the others?" she asked. He looked down at her, then back up at some bystanders still trying to figure out what he was. He waved at them, heading into the Pokecenter again. Inside, the invigorated feeling slowly began to go away, to Reuben's disappointment. He rummaged through some of the clothing Eli still had, pulling out a black sweatshirt. Finally, pockets again. After putting it on, he went over to Eli. "By the way, could I have that back?" he asked, pointing to his Pokeball.


Previously Ampharos' Dragon Blood
Echo had seen it all now. More Pokehumans (how many of them are there?), Allie and Talia's... friend-rival-Rocket member? It's surprising how much Echo and Keiko bonded from staying silent. Oh and they'd been training, too. Keiko had improved his Fire moves a bit more, and Echo had helped him create an unstoppable Attract strategy the could infatuate all genders if they use it together. Now, the girl was up, quickly followed by the boy. Echo tried to hide herself by levitating in a way that looked like walking (her ability is Levitate) and Keiko ran behind her.

At the Pokemon Center with everybody else, Echo had a question. She had been considering it for several days, and being in a Pokeball seemed useful. Eagerly waving to her friends, (I guess that's what they are now; we've been through so much together.) She saw a boutique and a cafe. "So.... I had a question, it might be important, but it can wait. In the meantime, who wants to come with me to the Cafe? We've been through so much stress, let's just relax for a moment. There's also a boutique close by, so we can by disguises. I have some money, so who's in?"


Previously Keet
Felix responded to the question. "I don't think the costumes will help, we already had that last event happen, and we had costumes on. Although, we could try again." Felix began to walk to the room. As he was walking to the room, he noticed another pokehuman which seemed to be a Mismagius, and heard something about getting costumes at a boutique. Felix walked over to the poke-human. "Hi!" he said to the Mismagius Poke-human. Chespin decided to go wait in the room for Felix.
Reuben glanced at Echo, caught off guard by her speaking up for the first time in what felt like quite a while. "I'll pass, I'm not gonna try and hide this. Plus, if we're going to relax, let's do it anywhere but this town. We tried relaxing here just a bit ago, and... yeah."

Looking back at Eli, Reuben shrugged at his question. "I'd just feel more comfortable holding my own ball," he said. Yet the more he thought about it, the more it sounded unappealing. "Wait, what would that accomplish other than not having to worry about pranks? I still couldn't go anywhere if I went back into the ball alone. Plus...wasn't it Eli's Pokeball? And when I was caught, my Pokemon were caught in the same ball too, that should still apply here with Eli. I thought I was invincible recently, but if he gets caught instead..."

He silently swore, realizing just how easily his immunity could be circumvented. "No, no, nevermind, keep it, keep it," he waved a hand dismissively at the part-Sylveon. He continued thinking about his situation. "Releasing doesn't sound like an option, Feray said there were some bad side effects and I'm not risking that. The only solution is Emily catching Eli, but that just complicates things even more. Plus, Eli may not want to be caught like that, and that's three for the price of one if Emily gets injected. Home doesn't sound like an answer anymore, either. Something could happen to Eli and I wouldn't even notice it, and I'm caught just when I thought I was completely safe."

He began to realize something -- He needed to stay with the group, even after Lumiose was all done and over with. He needed to protect Eli, even with what little protection he could offer at the moment. It became much more appealing to actually take some time and figure out what he could do being part-Serperior, and he continued thinking of all of the possibilities as he closely followed Eli.


Previously TheFartingFish1
Charlie ran into the Poké center. He didnt notice that hes shell fell on the ground, he ran to nurse joy and asked ''Can you please heal my pokémon?'' Ofcourse she accepted it and took the pokéballs of hes pokemon so he could heal him. ''By the way, is that yours?'' She asked pointing at the shell on the ground. Charlie looked at it, Quickly grabbed it and walked to a seat. He waited for his pokémon to be healed, Slowly the effect of the caffeine coffee went away, And he became tired. Minutes later he fell in sleep, Not hearing nurse joy asking ''Sir! Sir! Your pokémon are healed!''.

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Fluff wandering in the room at the center, looking around at everyone, they all were bigger, but he got used to it pretty quickly.
I quite enjoying being a flareon, all of them dont know i am a human, except that dusknoir, but at least he is keeping his secret and wont spill it out Fluff thought to himself.

He suddenly felt something moving inside the fur on his chest, he start searching with his arm there.
A few moments later he relized what moved inside, it was Mystic's pokeball that shakes, it mean she is tryin to get out.

Quickly, he went to Eli, "excuse me sylveon lady, i am going outside for a moment, i just need to breathe some fresh air, so if someone wondering where i am could you tell them?" The flareon told Eli before leaving the room and the center into the outside.

The flareon went to the same place where he first met Eli and Felix, he took the pokeball and could barely throw it, a green misdreavus came from the ball.
"Sorry for putting you inside the ball, how you slept?" The flareon immediately asked, Mystic sighed before answering, "pretty good, what did i miss..." She said.

"Well, remember we saw only one pokehuman? Theres a lot more than what i have expected. I joined them while they are not knowing i am a human too" Fluff told and start laughing a bit, but his look quickly turned into a sad face.
"But... Things gotten a lot more seriously, team rocket is after them, and they made some kind of pokeball that is able to catch them. They already got a pikachu human" Fluff sighed before continuing.
"To what i have heard, they are those who turned them into an half pokemon, probably me too. They are trying to control all of us into their army, we cant let it happen, and so i will reveal myself soon. Now this is not a time for jokes" the flareon explained and start huffing.

"Got it, i will support you in any way you need Brian" Mystic said with a smile and nodded. "As long as i am a flareon my name is Fluff, that wouldn't change" Fluff replied. "I still cant understand why you are keeping it, but sure" the green misdreavus replied after a sigh.

Meanwhile, Voodoo was near Allie, although the gardevoir already have her pokemons to keep her company Voodoo wanted to help her too after what happened.

Jolty was sitting quietly on the bed she slept in with Taillow on her head, remind silence without letting out a single word.
She stared at the room, dozing off in her thoughts. She was purely confused about almost everything, but she was too afraid to ask anyone.
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Previously TheFartingFish1
Charlie woke up when he heard somebody say'd "Sir! For the last time! You're pokémon are healed" in hes ears. He looked up and saw that nurse joy say'd that. He say'd "Sorry" grabbed hes poke balls and he putted them in hes pockets. He grabbed the cold cup of coffee and took a sip of it. He standed up and just when he wanted to walk out of the pokecenter, he fell again. Spilling hes coffee on the floor "My god what is wrong with me?" He grabbed a towel and started cleaning. This is gone take a while
Reuben chuckled, snapping out of his thought. "I'm more surprised this is only the first time that happened. Well, now you have something unique to complain about!" he said, then switching back to being serious. "Yet how are we supposed to know where they are? That girl got teleported to some random place, so unless you guys just feel like aimlessly wandering around for a bit we're not going to find her that easily. Maybe we should just keep going to Lumiose, let them come to us. It worked last time," he shrugged. "Yet, which direction should we go to Lumiose? We never decided on that. Through Camphrier? Geosenge?"

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Fluff returned back to the room with Mystic behind him, he first walked to Eli.
"Thank you" he told the sylveon, in case that he explained where he was, Mystic in the meanwhile looked around at the different pokehumans.
He then walked to Allie "um... Gardevoir human.. i think i have an idea how you can find your sister" Fluff said and took a small breathe before telling his idea.

"Your a Gardevoir, it means you can use telepathy, maybe you can reach her with that abillity, maybe they haven't brainwashed her yet. If your bond is that strong it wont be easy to connect her, it worth a try" Fluff said and start huffing a bit, "so what are you saying, would you try it? There is not a better idea at that moment" he added.

Voodoo stared at his trainer is it really a good idea, if its to late it only break her down the zorua thought, he saw the misdreavus behind the flareon, looking a bit impressed from what Fluff said.
Voodoo looked at the gardevoir to see her respond, he knew that Mystic dont really know about the situation, and Fluff dont know the implications that could be done from that, for him it was a bad idea.
1 day earlier
"Um sir... Are you sure about that?" A grunt said, "we didn't make a cure for that, you will get Stuck in this form" the grunt added.
"Dont worry i know what i am doing, which DNA do you have" Roger said with a serious look on his face.

the place was none other than team rocket's lab, it was late in the night.
"We have a luxio, gengar, ban-" the grunt couldn't finish his sentence before Roger stopped him. "Thats enough, i will take the gengar" roger immediately said.

"But boss- i mean, sir, you didn't even listened to the others" the grunt tried to explain, "theres too many, being a gengar is good enough for me" Roger said.
"I still dont understand why you want to be a pokehuman, it will put you in risk with the other admins" the grunt start complaining.

"Dont worry, a spy like me know what he does, gengars can use hypnosis, which make things easier besides the fact he can go invisible" Roger said with a smirk, "now give me the syringe with the gengar's DNA" he ordered.
"R-right away sir" the Grunt said and took the syringe, "here" he said and gave the sharp needle to his boss.
"Great..." Roger laughed, "i will be heading back, tell everyone not to disturb me" he ordered before walking away.

He went to his room when he does his business, "time to start my plan, hehehe" Roger said before using the item on himself.
He went into a hidding spot he made so he could go unconscious without any worries of someone catching him in mistake by thinking he is one the other pokehumans.

Lately he woke up in the morning, he was a gengar. Spikes were on his back, followed up with a tail under them. His hair turned spiky hair with two ears on the hair, he looked like a different person.

Roger first changed his team rocket clothes to normal purple clothes which also covered the spikes and the tail, he put a hat to cover his ears and black glasses to cover his eyes, like he is trying to disguise into a normal person.

"Hehehe, thats perfect, now i just need to train my powers and i am ready" he told himself with a laugher.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli opened and closed his mouth for a second before leaning back on the wall and muttered "Girly....." He sighed "Anyway, when we are heading to lumiose we should head through Campirier, its the most direct route" he looked at Allie "As for your sister we need to find her as soon as possible, the three options is to go on an instant manhunt, keep on to lumiose to Fenays base, or.... to get the police help" He said this last part hesitantly


Previously TheFartingFish1
After cleaning the the floor he sighed if i drop my coffee one more time on the floor, then i can better switch to coffee He thought. Charlie put the towel on the table, and then started to walk to the door. This jacket is getting really annoying, i'd rather throw it away and hope that nobody would care for my... wierd look. He walked outside. Looked at the air and then at hes pocket, he grabbed the pokeball of oshawott again and released him. "Hey man, sorry that whe lost the gym, it was all my fault" he say'd. "It wasnt your fault, it was nobody's fault". The Oshawott say'd. "Thanks" Charlie say'd "But what should whe do now?... got nobody to do something with, i mean whe could go back home, do nothing all day. Do you know anything?". Oshawott say'd "No, sorry". Charlie stared in the air.


Previously EeviumZ
Allie shook her head vigorously at the mention of the police. "After the rest of the town's reaction to us? No way."
She heard Fluff's idea, and thought for a moment. "That could work... if they haven't controlled her yet. Be warned, it will use a lot of my energy." She closed her eyes, and reached out with her psychic power. She sensed her friends presences, but nothing else yet.
Reaching further across Kalos, she eventually felt a set of dark presences. Among them was none other than her sister.
Talia? Is that you?
In response, she heard a loud ringing noise, and she got a massive headache. She stumbled back, the connection breaking.
"There's... no doubt about it. She's under Hypnosis. I couldn't quite make out where they were, but it wasn't Lumiose. When I tried to reach her, she completely shut me out. I can't get through to her."

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Fluff nodded, "at least that give us some details, she is may under control but you could still reach her, thats a good thing" Fluff said proudly and waggled his tail.
"Are you okay? You said that it will take a lot of energy" the shiny misdreavus then said, although she know that the gardevoir probably dont know her.

Voodoo had a little relief, he leaved his spot and went to Fluff and mystic.
"Look like you are finally awake..." The zorua said to Mystic and gave a playful giggle, "Br-Fluff told me what happened, how can you laugh while everyone is in danger" the misdreavus replied with anger.
"Ah, you are still a fun ruiner like always, haha!" Voodoo said cheerfully and laughed a bit more, only to taunt the misdreavus.

Fluff looked at both of them, coming to think of it, Voodoo does act different when Mystic isn't around he thought. He shocked his head swiftly to snap out of the thoughts, he turned back to the gardevoir.
"Anyway, look like the others want to leave, and i agree with them. As long as we are here everyone is a victim" Fluff told Allie, "but before that i might reveal a secret ive been hiding, its not that important like what the ditto lady said, but it could still be a bit surprising" he added.

Voodoo immediately stopped the quarrel he had upon hearing Fluff, "w-wait, you dont mean that secret, right?" The zorua said in worry. "Indeed, its that secret, Fluff told me that as well" Mystic quietly said, "disappointing is it?" She added in a taunting way.


Taillow looked around the room on Jolty's head, he could see almost everyone planning to leave, he pecked Jolty's forehead in attempt to snap her out from being dozed off.

"H-huh?" Jolty immediately said after snapping out of her deep thoughts, she swiftly looked left and right before calming down. Usually sparks coming out when she get surprised, but this time nothing happened.
"W-what h-happened?" She asked taillow quietly and slowly, "well, i see that we are going to leave, so we should be ready for that" taillow explained.
"O-oh... O-okay" she said quietly, for some reason she felt a bit tired.
Reuben mulled over the options, hearing Allie's response to one of them. "Honestly, going to the police wouldn't be that bad. I can't speak for the rest of you, but I haven't done anything illegal, plus they can help protect us from anyone trying to find us, so that we don't have to risk protect ourselves much longer. Yet, our best bet is still to go with Feray to Lumiose, as that's basically is the best 'police' we can get."

Seeing Allie stumble back again trying to contact her sister, he immediately assumed the worst, sighing. "Already. They already..." he trailed off, shivering and putting it out of his mind, instead getting ready to listen to whatever the Flareon had to say. "Yeah?" he looked at Fluff.


Previously TheFartingFish1
Charlie looked at hes Oshawott "I know something, whe could go back to route nine, train a bit and then fight the gym again" he say'd. The Oshawott nodded and they walked to route nine. They looked around for trainers, but they couldnt see somebody. "Then we have to fight wild pokemon". The Oshawott say'd and Charlie nodded, they looked around for a wild pokemon and found a tentacool after some seconds.

Gachem climbed the stone pillars, and jumped from the one to the other. He kept looking if he saw something sparkling, he tried to find gems on some pillars, But he only found one little gem. "How am i supposed to get money with one little gem?..." He say'd while sitting on one of the pillars. He fell off the pillar when he saw something weird, five seconds after he fell off the pillar he got pinned down by some people, "Let me go! Let me go!" He kept screaming but nobody came. he saw a needle in one of the hands of one of the people. When the guy injected him felt pain for a second. And then he fainted on the floor of route 10
Sunny spaced out during the rest of the conversation. She couldn't help but think that she could be the next one captured, the next one to become a tool for Team Rocket. She didn't like the thought. She knew being a poke-human was dangerous, but it had just dawned on her how dangerous. Eve and Jack could tell just how stressed their trainer was. Sure she lost nothing, physically. But she just lost her confidence. How? Well, she was there when the fight broke out, and she could of saved Tallia, but she did nothing. She did nothing. To her, that was the worst offense against this group that she could do.

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Jolty backed away a bit, fear could have been seen in her face. Even after all that happened, she was still afraid from the others, she just couldn't control it.
Taillow looked at the emolga human with a disappointed look on his face, it also made him wonder what happened in her past that made her act like that.
He then looked at fluff, waiting to see what the flareon have to say.

Fluff bit his lips, "well... The truth is... I-i am a-act-tually a hu-" Fluff tried to say, he shook his head, "the truth is that i am a human too!" He yelled out loudly and panted a bit.
Mystic and Voodoo wasn't in shock, Mystic nodded in agreement while Voodoo laid down his head in disappointment.

"Yes, indeed i am a human that turned into a pokemon, just like you ladies and gentlemen, Voodoo can actually make an illusion of me as a human to proof it. However, while you turned into an half pokemon, i have turned into a completely pokemon" he said and took a small breathe and start shaking himself, a few moments later two pokeballs and a staff fell from the fur on his chest, the flame pokemon pokemon grabbed the staff with his paw and leaved the two empty pokeballs on the floor.

"I cant truly remember how i ended up like that, but to what i have seen and heard from you all, it might be team rocket who did it to me as well" he continued and panted more

"But i can still be useful, beside the fact i am a flareon and can use his moves, those hybrid balls cant affect me, and so i can help you by blocking the balls in need" he said, "not only that, i am a magician, i can do a useful magic tricks to support you all, such as smoke screen" he took a small break before continuing

"i decided to hide that information when i saw what i was searching for, a pokehuman, it was the sylveon lady who also invited me to join you. I wanted to do a fun knowing that no one know about it, I even asked dusknoir to keep it as a secret when he found out.
I planned that you all will find it out later by yourselves, but... It seems like things gotten a lot more seriously after that fight with team rocket and the pikachu lady that got captured and brainwashed
" the flareon huffed and his face turned into sadness.

"I dont want to cover it with lies in an important situation like that, im not a one that supposed to be a lier either.
Sorry for hiding it, and im sorry if i wasted your time with that useless information
" Fluff finished, his head and ears dropped down.

It was a big surprise for Taillow, the black top hat and the red bow on his chest really made him look a bit suspicious, but i never imagine he is actually a human, is he saying the truth taillow thought to himself.

Jolty was shocked as well at the start, her eyes widen open when she heard the flareon saying about the pikachu getting brainwashed.
"B-b-brain w-washed?!" Those words bursted from Jolty's mouth with fear, it was actually the first words she said to someone in the group since she met taillow.
Reuben continued listening to the Flareon, still a bit skeptical. He couldn't remember getting an explanation for Oliver, so this continued to confuse him. "And you're... completely fine with this?" he asked quietly.

Hearing Jolty, it had just came to his attention that this was the first time that she actually saw him, looking over at her. "Yeah, that's a problem. The reason for why you're like... this... decided to take it a step further and is now hunting you guys down and trying to capture people like you, so I'd recommend staying if being controlled isn't an enjoyable experience for you." He never did use 'we' or 'us' when talking to her, acting like he was excluded from all of this for a moment.


Previously TheFartingFish1
Charlie fell tired on the ground ''My God, That sure was something'' Say'd ''Yeah, it got real hard when that tentacool confused me'' Oshawott say'd. ''Lets go to the pokemon center, Heal quickly and then... Do something i geuss'' Charlie say'd, Oshawott nodded and Charlie putted Oshawott back in hes pokeball. He walked to the pokemon center again. When he got in the noticed the group of people again, Strange, why are they still here?... Maybe it has something to do with the weird R guys... the thought. He walked to nurse joy again and asked ''Can you heal my pokemon?'' She accepted again and took hes pokemon.
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